THh ASHLAND TIDINGS BK E VITI liS. A postal inspector from down in Vir- gllllH is looking through the Oregon of- tices, ami and made Ashland a i t isit yester- day. I1ERE AND THERE. PERSONAL. i CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. RESOLITIOAS OF CENSURE. ! Berries have been damaged by fr»'st at No late railroad news of local interest. D. W. Stone, of this precinct, is one I Follow ing are the pjocuedings <»f the MA A' 7. is«« At an adjourned meeting of the*'remon- FRIDAY Walla Walla. strators ” held Saturday evening. M ty 1, City Council of Ashland at the regular of the grand jurors at this term m' court. I Two mere brick store buildings in Ash­ Mr. B. Eggleston was chosen chairman. James Thorn, of Salem, is an appli­ meeting held May 3, 1886: Piano for Sale. land. E. K. Anderson reports the penche» cant f»»r the office of register at Lake­ Mr. Asa and Miss Clara Fordvce, of Committee appointed at last meeting Minutes of last meeting read and ap­ made the following report: A fine upright piano, nearly new. Medfoid Precinct, were visiting Ashland Sheep shearing has begun in this vai- about all killed down about Wagner view. proved. We. your committee, appointed to con­ I Enquire at office of G. F. B illings . creek, but says there will be many a i yusteiday. ley. ! Repoit of street c«unmittee was read sider the report of former committee rela­ i James. R. Garfield, a son of the late I Ashland, May 7, 1886. bushel of apples in his big orchard. > tive to the late action of city council in Messrs. C. Mingus, of Medford and and adopted. Farmers are pleased with the May President, is visiting Sail Fiaucisco. L. II. Adams, who has charge of Fl- B- Oatman of Ptioenix, made the On motion, ordered that the contract granting certain liquor licenses, 'respect­ Bank Election. showers. fully present the fo.lowing: Not bnv»ng Miller A C»»'s warehouse in this ¡»lace, is Hu is about 25 years old. T idings a short call yesterday. f»»r budding aprons to bridge town this week in graded st*»ck, to Mr. C. Cunningham, of Mis. C. J. Tolman, who, w ith her hus­ M. L. Alford, fees as Tieasuier... 51.82 parties, alter be“nng the testimony and I nual Sermon, by Rev. W. G. Simpson. band, »pent most of the w.liter in San Denins Porter, for lumber.............. 17.28 finding, that it gave a clear majority of all The question of greatest present in­ i answer t»> tile challenge for a prize fight Fort Klamath. Tuesday evening. May 18ih, Middle I Fiaucisco, returned tu Ashland last J. 8. Eubanks, Recorder's fees. . . 63 65 voting on both sides in favor of the reiuon- terest is: "How much fiuit is theta offered by Geo. Edwards. The latter Cits# Orations, and class promotions. Mrs. Mollie Fined, a daughter of S»»l. being still in jail for a similar offense strators, reiuseu to consider the testimony week. Wednesday evening, .May 19th, Senior left I Abiahnui of Rosebutg, has commenced submitted aud counting uii on bo;b peti­ Frrt from Opiate», Lamette» committed no; long Rince no at range­ Orations, Giaduatihg Exeicises and Pres­ Total..................................................... $168.60 tion and remonstrance excepting those who Rev. W. G Simjison started yester­ Another interesting letter from Mr. ment for the new mill have yet been suit in the Douglas cunty circuit court ident's Address. I Branch on the tirât page of this week a made for a divoice fioin Creed Fined. day for Keibyville, to del'Ver the ora­ The following bills were read and re­ made affidavit that they were not c.t z*ns of Ashland did grant the licenses as prayed T idings . tion at the dedication of the new I. O. ferred to timincu committee. for. Now, therefore, be it Miss Elia C. Sabin has been nominated Property Sales. I F»»r eight years Col. D. J. Williamson, O. F. hall. J. T. Bowditch, fees as c'ty At­ Resolved, 1st. That m refusing to inves­ for school KUperiiitemlent by the Demo­ ! B. F. McMillen was awarded the con ­ Billings report* the following propety tMitB'rK *xn D e ■*!»■». _ Quarter-Master, U. S. A. »ml ex U. S. torney ....................................................$40.00 tigate the case the city council forced th»- A t 1 Oiit crats in Mmtnoinah cunty. She is said li£ < II « KI.FM A. 1 H.LLLI1 CO- BALTI BOH, ■>. Mr. (1. \V. Howard, of Medford, agent tract to bund the crosswalks on the line sales in Ashlaml this week: res|K»n.sil>uity of the investigation upon a Consul at Calin«, was crippled with rheu­ to bu well qualified for th« position, aud 8. D. Taylor, Marshall's lees......... 90.20 of the State Insurance Co., went »»ut to tribunal that Lave no ¡»roper jurisdiction A. M. Ru-ldick to H. C Messenger, of new sidewalk. matism. He got iio relief until he used Linkville this week, in the inieiest of has »« good chance for election. in the matter, thereby evading itsi»»f tin house ami 9 cies laud on Granite street; The city council will begin to think it St. Jacoba Oil, which cured him. N<» Total referred................................. $130.20 pe formauce of a manifestly plain personal that company. The new cathedral to be built at San C'insideiatioii. $8ll0 is earning its ealaiy if it catches a few 1 remeily •».. ..... „ , equals it for pain. Price, remedy on earth Adjourned. G e ». E ngle , Mayor. duty. — VIA — Francisco will cst $200.000, exclu-»iv«of H. C. Messeng» r to A. M. Ruddick, more it-soiu lions. Judge DePeatt. S. B. Galey, J. T. 2a. That having referred the case to tin f fifty cent# a bottle. J. S. Eubands, Recoider. I Oregon ¿t California R. R. and ConnectioM. tliu lot ami grading. This would buibi i contestants for tlie ¡»urpose uf taking tin two were lot on Granite stleet,considera­ Bow.iitcb, C. W. L •gm, H T. Chitwood J. B. Thomas has the contract tn car , FAKE FI’.UM roitTI.ASI» Ayer's Cathartic Pills ate the best that a large number <>f country churches and evidence the city council violated every tion, $200 mid »»tlier Asltlamiiies have been at the The recorder's report shows the re­ ry the mail between Gold Hili and Table can l»e employed to collect irregularities school In uses. princip e of propriety by refusing to con­ To SAN FRANCISCO »«: to SACRAMENTO PU H. B. Miller tn G. High, b»t on Main County «eat this week. ceipts from licenses and tines for the sider the testimony when submitted to it. Rock at $400 per annum. of the stomach ami bowels Gentle, yet Close connectfonii made at A’hland with street between Cit»»n A Garrett's saloon Mv-Miiinville Riporter; Kirk Con­ qu.uti r ending May 3, 1886, t<> be $810, 3d. That in counting all the names oi. L. F. Willits, having finished his term and orders drawn on the treasury dutmg both petition aud remunstranee, sav<- th<>»< »tag«» of the California. Oregon and Idaho and Butler, Drake A Co's, building; con­ Roads were ptetty good over the Siski­ thorough, in their action, they cure con­ nor’s mule tlied f th (DAILY EXCEPT SVNDAYS.) will soon l»e entneiy dry again. to die a natural death. Limlsey Delash- turned last week to Ashland, to spend The treasurer's report shows the total town to give their action an apparent ahow East aide IHvi»i> kind y assisted at their an- I ner's large farm on Rogue liver. A citizen of Adair county, Missouri, I LEAVE. ARRIVK. 4th. mat counting on the petition th that he is prepared to attend t»» all busi­ writing to the state board of immigration brother, Lyle Rice, came up with him $1472.27; balance «»n hand, $456 17, ex­ nual meeting in songs, reading and a«l- Portland .. 7;:«/ A. M. Ashland . 4:45 A. M names of the seventeen (17 1 irre»q>onsib.» Baseball will not make any stir in ness in his line belter than ever before, under the date of April 2'2d, says that up­ from Grant a Pass yesterday. mlilitud .7:45 1*. M. I Portland.... 4:25 P. M clusive of amts in the tire, road and cem­ tramps who have no abiding home here o dresses aim» to the Brass Band for mak­ Alnany Express Train. etery funds. ing our hearts glad with beautiful music Ashland this season. Thu players of the since he lias received his handsome new ward* of seventy families in this neigh­ elsewuere, is a vioiat on of all proper meth Sanford Marsh h is gone out to Paisley, LEAVE. I ARRIVE. i truck. He makes a S|»ecialiy of moving borhood are getting ready tn cornu to ods of arriving at justice, an outrag. at the d»H»r and last, but m»t least, those •»id nine are too much scattered. •ortlund. 1:00 P M Lebanon........ 9 20 P M having started out tins week with his Wllil Cherry anil Tar. against any seventeen of the oldest, mos who sent us on .»ur way rejoicing by giv­ ' ebHnon 4:45 A. M I Purl laud .1(1:05 A M A couple of young men from Califor­ i piano# an ing us the promise of funds to build a nia aie in the vailey after a band of i Look out for the bell truck. Pullman Palace leeping Cars daily between 1 people ami practical farmers. p.ace, their votes being thus cancelled o ter a load of freight for Ins father. Cherry and Tar as a relief and cure for any ilbiinv and Ashland The O. A C. R R Fee- Public Reading Room, which we hope to wetheis to dll veto bunch grass. overcome by tlie said seventeen irreepons I A Portland paper of last week has the George Kirkham was shot and killed v make« connection with all the regular train# Ben. Haymond, of R-ck Point, is affections of the throat and lungs, com­ b.e tramps and is an insuit to the intelli­ make a credit t<> »»ur city. n the East Side Div. from fool of F Ht. following. “A gentleman of Lexington, by J. M. Gonzales, at Smith River C>»r- bined with these two ingredients are a few Read the new ads. of the Ashland gence of every true citizen of tho p ac< mentloned as likely to- be "tie of the simple healing re-nedies in the composi­ M rs J. H. R vssell , Pres. Kentucky, a well known breeder of short nets, Del Norte county. Cal., on Tues- We«t M«te IMvl«lsn. Mills, Soda Springs hotel and the trans­ Democratic nominees for County Com­ tion of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung whether male or female, and that m s. M rs . J. D C rocker , Sec. I horn cattle, is among the latest inquirers »lay of last week. Gonza'e» is in jail at c »untiug them the city council have prove: fer business ut J. H. McBude. missioner. He would l»e one of tlie Syrup, making it just the remedy for hard themselves the unworthy servants of m. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Ashland, Or., May 6, 1880. : at the state hoard rn<»ins for a L caimn Crescent City on cliargo of murder, and times. Price 50 cents and $1. Samples Mail i r.t.n. outraged constituency. It was reported last evening that for the same feature in tins state. He Mrs. Kirkham, mother of the murder«»! strongest candidates that could be named. free. Sold by J H Chitwood A Sons. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. 5th. That it is the dutv of all lovers o Two More Brick Stores. Lewis, one of tne piiiicipsls in the re­ lias smne idea of Jackson county, though man, is also in jail, charged with being Portland..... 9 00 A. 51 ¡Corvalll»....... 4 0 P. M. Pr»< f. G. M Miller, of Bent on county, law and order in every proper way to dis b:O A. M. I Portland....... 8:20 P. M cent tight was imiicted by the grand juiy. he will l«»»»k over the valley generally.” hii accessory to the crime. Tlie wife, mother and maid who suffer Countenance such high handed betrayal o. • orvallls Mr. A Johnson has let to Byars the candidate for Congress on the Prohi­ Expre»« Tialn. from female weakness, will find Gilmore's trust und as responsive to the claims of law 1 Guerin and C. W. Ayers the contract i Paiker for clerk and Plymale f»»r sher­ ARRIVE. LEAVE A Gold Hill correspondent of the The Portland Telegram is confident bition ticket, arrived in Ashland Tues­ Aromatic Wine a p »sitive cure. For sale and order and of good government w« I Portland .5:00 P. M |M«-Minnville..S:«l P. M for the building ami finishing of two iff cat rieil the primal les in Jacksonville Courier says: “Rey A O’Dmniel will re­ that the laily nominee for sell» »»>1 superin­ day iiiorniiig, to »»pen the campaign here. at the City drug store. ¡».edge ourselves that when the prop t tim< McMinnvllb'.5:45 A. M.II'ortlumi ... ..S 30 A. M more new brick stores of the same size precinct by a vote of about two to one. ceive a small test mill by the freight tendent in Multnomah will be elected. James Sullivan of Salem. Oregon, says he shall arrive for action iu any direc.ioi» IxM-al tickets for »ale and baggage checked at Judge G. W. Smith, of Linkville, re- and style as those now under construc­ train this week, with which they will It says; “The pr»»spact that Multnomah tuine.l home last week from San Fran- was cured of the asthma by Gilmore’s Mag­ whoever tramples those sacred pnncip e» »■oinpany'K up town »»ffice. cor Slant and Second The grand juiy was at work yesterday tion, and will be built on the lot adjacent -treets. Ticket» (or |»rin' ipa! points in Califor­ in the dust win be arra.gued aud tried am netic Elixir. For sale at the City drug work rock from different portions <>f their county will have the best superintemleiit • if p »ssibie convict« d of the crime and mad» nia» an only I»»- pnH'ured uud baggage check»*»! to these. The blacksmith and wagon iiii estimating llie pi ize tight charges, but ledge; if it ¡»roves as go-el as they have of Hchools hi the state is made doubtful cisc », accompanied by Ina «laughter, Mis» store. at company'» office. Martha, who ha conclusion at last report. i rea«eeii Plymale, Nichols and Ingram seem tv of large capacity, will he erected oil will withdraw tier name fr»»in the ticket.” | J. H. RvMbLL. Elivir. Try it. For sale at the City drug Fr. ight w ill not be receiv-i'i for »hipment af­ bought by Thompson A Stephenson, and be loieiwsl in the tight for the noinina Evan R. Reamer and family came in store. Signed« J. D. F ountaiv , Rogue river just below the mine.” ter 5 o'chs'k I*. M. on either the East or We«l Siys a Yreka paper: The C. & <>. from Linkville last week, and it 1» un- I C. H. GiLLurn;. will be moved by W in. Patterson to tiou for sheriff al the convention to-mor­ side Division« Gilmore's Neuralgia Cure is a positive The annual meeting <>f the Ashlaml W. I W. S. G obi :. It KOEHLER. E. P ROGER?. railroad cinpany has issued orders t»» their lot just south of the Ashland livery row. derstood that they will go to Oakland, cure for Neuralgia in the the face, side and G. F. A Pans Agent. Manager. C T. U. »»cetirreti last Meduesdsy even­ clear the right of way, as far north as Cal., to reside, after a abort stay at stoiuath. For sale at the City drug store. On motion the report was adopted and stable. Mr. Johnson is making a valtia ble addition to the business ¡»art of town About every first-grade certificate in ing. and was well attended. Besides the Fish R"ck, fifty-six miles south of Yre­ J icksotiviile. Middle-aged men who lack vigor and vi­ the proceedings of the meeting ordered tality can be curt-d bv Gilmore's Aromatic I inserted in the Ashland T idings . in liis brick blocks. Jackson county is lepresented in the list business transacted, there was an attract­ ka. C'»l. Scobie ami his fores of masons W. H. ATWINBOX, E V. CARTER Mr. Bartlett has relieved Frank Guth ­ ive programme of exeicises, consisting of have left Portuguese Flat, ami are u>»w Cashier Wine. For sale at the City drug store. President. B. E ggleston , Chn. ••f candidates tor county school superin rie as oil« of the passenger conductors recitations, speeches, music, etc. This quartered at Southern's. All the rail- Drowned in the Klamath. W. B. Colton, Sec. teiidriit. Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what yon nee»l for programme was handed in for last week's road tunnels south of Strawoerry Valley '»elween Ashland amt Rosumirg, ami Mr. |Yreka Journal, May 11 Jamison has taken Casteel s place as bag­ C<»usti|>atimi, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness The C >ssil»le. filiating minister. Rev M A Williams, in Klamath arrived in town yesterday in Montana will ship from Southern Ore People who have been in Rogue River Klamath liver last Tuesday, uear Mc­ Meiifurd precinct, April 29. IsM. l»r S. T Sleepless nights, made miserable by A rabbit hunt in the vicinity of Bo­ valley only two years may conclude that gon between the 5th an»i 20»h of May tli« ambulance, from tlie F»»rt. Mi»ut 6.500 head of cattle, leaving about Fowler is on her way E.wt for a v.sit at Dominick Lunde hi putting in a crib for is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by sulted hi the killing uf 1,117 of the lung- Ii fruits, but. it should not be forgotten $150.000 in cash in this secti» n. Other her foi liter home. GILBERT—EGGLESTON—In Ashland, April wingdani, aud starting to cross the J. H. Chitwood. & Son. 15th, by Rev G. W. Simpson. Wm. H Gilbert eared pests. i parties have expended thousands of dol ­ that for many years there was u»»t a single Mr. F. Roper returned last Saturday stream in a boat, his feet became en­ oi Jusepbiue county and Mi»# Cora Eggles­ I lars hi this county f»»r cattle this year. failure of the ¡»each cr«p here, and thu ton. Roberts A O'Neil have sold their farm evemng from a trip to Gilroy, Cal. He tangled among s»»me r»»pe in the bottom Hard Time*. of the boat, s<> that he lust his balance near Medford t<> a Pennsylvania man for average is better than in Delaware. The S<> this business is providing a splendid reports that Calif »ruians are euj lying While money is close, wages and prices IIOIIS the prospect of the biggest gram crop low, ex)»enses should be cut down in every and fell into the stream. When recov­ $10.450, leserviug this years crop for apple cr»»p, although shorter last year source <»f revenue. than ever before, has never been an en- household. Economy, tlie watch word for WISE—In Lakeview. April 10th, to Mr. and Grant's Pass C »urier: Alox. Ander­ ever raised ill the state. ered by Mr. M. Sleeper and «-thers, the themselves. mothers, head off uoctor bills by always I'rn. G. W. Wine, a daughter. tire failure here yet. son, a resident of Althouse precinct, is rope was found cnclvtl around Ins body a keeping in the house a bottle of Dr. Bo- H ARTLEY—On Williams creek. April 22d, to Messrs. Chas. S. M"ore and J. W When election comes remember that missing, and is supposed to be drowned. numlier of times. He was a native of Rev. Abraham Miller, one of the old yon will have to keep 100 feet away Hamakar, of Lu.kville, were in town sanko's Gough and Long Syrup. Stops a Mr. aud Mrs. 8. T. Hartley, a daughter. He left his cabin for the purpose «if fix cough instantly, relieves consumption, Germany, aged 47 years, ami had the over Sunday, oil ilieir return home fr >u> cures croup and pain in the chest in one WALZ—Near Jacksonville. April 22J, to Mr. from the ¡»»Ils, except when voting. settlers and a pioneer minister, died a* mg a foot log across Sucker creek, near reputation of being an honest, hard his home <>n Antelope last Friday, after I and Mrs. J. Wais, a 'laughter. attendance at the Republican statu con- night. It is just the remedy for hard times. Thai's the new law. wmkiiig ami worthy citizen, highly ea a lingering illness from the gradual I liis place and has n«»t been seen since. A ventiou in Portland. Price 50 cents and $1. Samples free. Sold “No mniket” in this country. Dried failure of liis physical powers. He was large number of the residents <>f that DIED. teemed by all his acquaintances. by J H Chitwood A Son. Volney Paltee, E«| , of Des Maines, beef, bams ami lard from Chicago ar»» * buried on Sunday in a spot near his vicinity have searched the creek, but in elope precinct. MILLER —A' his home in Antelo; The First Gun. sold in Ashland groce.y stores—also ' h<>me which had been selected by him consequence of high water are unable t<> la., arrived m Ashland Tuesday evening April 30, ixstl, Rev Abraham Miller, aged 74 Good Results in Every Case. years and 4 mouths. find his body. »»it the st'ige from California, and is l».»»k The openttiing gun of the election butter from California. I self, and a large concourse «»f friends D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of I BANKS-In Medford. May 2. 1W. Evn May. mg about »»ver S"U'liurn Oregon to find The Yreka Union, which for s«>ine and neighbors assembled t<> pay the last, campaign was fired in Ashland Tuesday Chattanooga, 'l'enn., wr.tes that he was The annual sermon of Ashland Col­ «laughter of .1. N. and Annie Banks, aged ÌÓ time [>ast has labored under the difficul­ a beat loti for himself and other Ruriously afflicted with a severe cold that evening, Hon. G. M. Miller, of Benton, I lege will lie delivered by R--v. W. G. sad tribute of respect. years and 2U days. i people. settled mi hi« lungs: had tried many rem­ ty of tiying to print a paper with much county. Prohibition candidate for Con- i Simpson at the M. E Church next Sun­ Richard Kingsley, who has bought edies without benefit. Being induced to worn-out type and »»n a poor press, is grew, being the »¡»eaker. He had a fair day morning, May 9, at 11 o’clock. D. W. Matthews and family of Med- try Dr. King's New Discoveiy for consump­ Red House ahead. x I ami is iinproving a tract of statu land on Transaots a General Banking Basiaes now »»lie of our neatest exchanges, hav ­ audience at Aljer’s Hall, considering the mot e tion, did so and was entirety cured by use f»»r«i, formerly of this ¡»lace, will Paiker will t»e re-nominated f»»r clerk Spencer creek, Klamath county, his ing come »»lit iu a new dies# last week. Fresh candies received this week at Interest allowed < n Time Deposits. few hours' notice given of the meeting to Salem this week or next. Mr. Mu­ of a few bottles. Since which tone he lias to-m»>ri»»vv, it »s said. His ability an an fouml a deposit of iron or some other Excellent taste has been ilisplayed in * Collections made at all accessible point# *»U fa and the uupleas .nt, stormy weather which di ng used it tn his family for all coughs and Bttrck halter A Hasty’s. thews formerly had a prosperous valuable mineral on the laml.and intends vorable term». tlie selection >>f the n w type pin chased, business at the Capital city, and I will colds with best results. This is the exjte- prevailed. Mr. Miller ¡»roved to be a exhibitor seems t<» be appreciated by the i Fme assortment fresh camlies at Clay­ Hight exchiince and télégraphié transfers sold t»> prospect it thoroughly. If it prove rience of tliou tands whose lives have lieeii machine that set up the primaries. i and any ¡»rimer woul'l be pruud of the sjiaker of much ability, and held the at­ on PortlaiKl, San Francisco and New York. x again open a drug »tote there. saved by this wonderful discovery. Trial ton & G 't e's. to be a genuine bank »»f iron ore it will tention of hi# audience for over two A campaign of three or four weeks is he a valuable find, and it may be some­ appearance of the pa,»er. G“!d dux! I nujht at »tutuVird /trirer. A Washington friend writes that Miss bottles free at J H Chitwood & Sou’s drug Six pound* Arbuck’es coffee for $1 at store. hours, speaking without manuscript or not veiy long, but will probably seem i Roseburg paper: Last Monday a young thing »»f greater value than iron—possi­ Hunsaker & Dodge's. X Odetteal, wno is the guest of the Dolphs, notes, ami linking his points of argument l»»ng enough for thu candidates who are A new supply of mining blank« just bly platinum, iridium nr some metal of man near Comstock, while out in tlie is tu I-« mairied tirXt month to a s<»n of Pasture to Let. SI buys 13 ft»«. of best island rice at with directness and force. 'the T1DINGS “on nettles ' during its continuance. i wood« hunting, came across a ¡»anther, I Col. Gillum, wh<> was »»nt here tn the printed at the TIDINGS «»ffice. I that kind. Good pasture to let on the Bitners Hontaker it Dialge's. x was unable to obtain the usual abstract of winch he filed at and wounded. Mean­ M >d'»c war. Gillum is ill the Treasury place at the toot uf Oak sheet, Ashland. Examine the prices <»f Hunsaker A The Ashland Band complimented Dr. Notice is given that a petition for an- the argument. On Wednesday evening Climax tobacco 12 «>z., 40c. per plug, Dodge and see who is ahead. while another one jumped at him from depai tmeiit.— [ Welcome. X Songer and bride with a pleasant sere- Apply to the undersigned. «•ther saloon will be presented to the Mr. Miller sjaike at Jacksonville, ami at Hunsaker & Dodges. x her lair, nml striking against the muzzle ua»le last Saturday evening, ami weie J ohn R eal . city council next month. It is hardly • •f his gun, got a fatal allot from his last Willie Booth, of Jacksonville, who yesterday aflein on, at Medford, whence ••Water Bag», iteachr*» ” handsomely received and eiitertainc»!. Deviled ham, tmkey, chicken and probable that anv attempt will be made «aitriilge. The animal measured be­ was so dangerously wounded in the bead Ashland, Or., July 30, 1885. he goes direct to Koseinrg, to participate "Rough on Rut«" clear» them out, alto beet­ tongue at B. & Hasty's. + bè rec.iv- The mild and pleasant voice of tlio to Heat the [»«tition by a remonstrance tween eight and nine feet. He then by liis saddle horse, seemed to in the Prohibition demonstration to take le«. anti. Pasture to Let. candidate is heai»l in the lain!, and the this time, as most "f the rein »nstrat >rs j beat two cubs t»» death with his gun. In cling until a day or two ago, wlien he Life rrcaervrr. place there to-morrow. Safe insurance of all kinds at lowest I 1 If you are luting year grip on Ufe, try Pasture to let on the Hargadine ranch rates. G. F. Billings. sovereign Voter will be swelled with his made the fight upon the principle of ! the meantime his two young dogs treed gieiv Worse and was taken with a ••Well»' Health Renewer.’" uoe# direct to (lone tu Hi* Rest. own importance for about three weeks. keeping saloons out entirely, aud will not i the woumled male, but while he went I »¡»asm. At last report lie was better at $1 per head per month. Apply to A. weak spot». F»»r wiail sacks ami twine, go to Wil ­ T. Kyle, Jr., or George Hargadine. I take much interest in the question as to ••Rough on rile#." On Friday morning List, Franklin Me . home f»»r more ammunition the dogs al­ again. lard A Eubanks's. The Oregonian is beginning to take an whether there shall be two Ashland, Or., April 16, 1886. tw»» or three, or Cure# pile» or hemorrhoid«, Itching, protrud Rattan, whose sail affliction was reported inieiest in thu wagon cad connection lowed the ¡»anther toescape. Harper’s B iztr f»»r M iy 31 says: It f»'fir. Chipped and corned beef, island and ing. bleeding, internal or other. Internal and in the List week's TlDlNos. try "Wells' Health Re tion made of Oregon matters is the state­ 1 accepte»! a pi offer of mairiage from «tie berries. Place will produce enough fruit he h.»d but a short time to live, and, | of the most agreeable and impoverished for several families. Good house and Klamath county says there was t.»> fest Rogue river last Frnhiy afiernnon. H»s Nature's own remedy, Oregon Kidney newer." ment that a large edition of the History though rallying somewhat from the ef­ out there last Friday night, but it was remains were »ent up to Medford Sun­ Rough on Itch. <>f Oregon, volume 1, wac destroyed. It of French ii<»l»leineii, the Due »le Roch- out buddings. A good home for some­ Tea. fects of the journey after his arrival at c»-ld iii the mountains between here and day morning, and w»>re buried in Jack­ "Rough on Itch" cur»»« humors, eruptions 1 ef"Ucauld. But there seems to he liltiu one. Apply t « G. F. B illings . is to l»e feared that the labors of W. Lair Order blanks for Eagle Mills at Clay- ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, trusted feet, chill sonville cemetery. Mr. Davis»»n was Salem, he afterwards sank rapidly and there. i truth hi the rum»»r, and it is well iimler- t-'li A Gore’s, Hunsaker A Dodge's, ot at Wains. about 55 years «>f age. At one time he Hill, in the matter of the Oregon c»»»le, i stood that Senator Mitchell is opposed to die«l early on Friday morning. '1 he Rough on Catarrh, Plano Tuning. A train load of cattle will be shipped was a large land »•wrier and supposed to have been burned up. A. Bush's C"in- the office *'f G. F. Billings. Ordeis left funeral was taken in hand by the Ash­ • any such ai rangumeuts. Correct# offensive h, for the purpose of tun­ tion. nieiulier. '1 he casket arrive»! on Sun­ SBc. gon S|iectat»>r ami of the Argus, loaned i says: “Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McConnell ing and repairing such pianos as may he ■ hat have been bought for shipment to and lost all his property. day morning's tram, and the funeral A new lot of tin and granite ware at ••Rough on Rat«." to H. H. Bancroft, the historian, Hre will leave for thu East on SatU'day, it entrusted to his care. Orders left at M. ■ntana. services were held at the h»>me of de Clear« out rat», mice, ro» ches, flies, ant#, Anderson Clnbh, who came out to probably safe iit the fire proof edifice, on 1 poasible, or t»r< bably wait iiiitll M 'inlay. Mrs. Hmtck's hotel will receive careful Reeser's. bed-bug«. Prof. Sweet is mentioned as the peb- this valley last fall from I»>wa. ha« taken ceased on Granite street at 2:30 o'clock of Octavii street, in which that gentleman • Bill says he will visit lliiiml«, K msas, attention. I will not canvass the town. Nice line of straw hats at your own Heart Pali M that day. Rev. M G. Royal officiating. ahle camiidate f»»r county school su{»eiiii- a fancy t»» the fine stock ranch of Robert kse|is his b»>oks ami papers of reference. ' Ohio and Dakota, to see relatives and price—must be Kild —at Caro Bi •■».. Palpitation, dropsical swelling«, dizziness, P avl S choen . A large hiiuil»er of friends and neigh­ temlent on the Dem<»ciatic ticket. He Neil, at the Cove near the Dead Indian indigestion, headache. sl<*eplessne»« cured by The firm Las already lesumed business, old friends. After doing these places, Reeser's block. San Francisco, April 20, 1886. bors followed the remains to their Lest is a normal giaouate and a wide-awake, road, and offered a fair orice f»»r it and "Wells' Health Renewer." and will rebuild at once.—[Statesman. he will go to New \ oik, and also Wash ­ “Rough on Corns.•• resting place in the nor»h cemetry, and progressive educator. Nature's own remedy, Oregon Kidney the sh’ck interests of Neil Bros. The Ask for Wells' "Rough on corn».’ IS eetiU. Notice. Qu incy A. Brooks, at present a resi­ ington, expecting to have n<> other nieml»ers of the Masonic fraternity to Tea. Dr. Pilkington, the skillful snrge«>n latter, however, concluded they had t»»o Quick, complete cure. Hard or soft eorus, dent of Salem, has leceived a letter from chance to go t»> Congress, with possibility t’le number of over thirty were tn line. Having elven sufficient time, etc., we now warts, bunions. ami specialist, will i»e in Ashland next i go,»«1 a business to people of southern and southeast­ Ashlaud, Or., April 29,-18.'<6 Di. S. T. Songer an«l Miss Belle Slad'3 On Friday night last the mercury «rent announcement oil 4th ¡»age. i tr. the Mexican line. He may return to i of the abdomen, causing the patient to gravel, cutarrh of the bladder, fl, «iruggists. ern Oregon: “ Klamath Like has not (daughter of Mis. W. F. .Songer) weie I duwn I" 25 in Ashland, and a large por­ Red-bugs, File«. I Ashland to remain. suppose he lias some affection of the kid­ To the Ladies! A rumor of a triple wed ling at the M. ; escaped my attention. 1 secured a place I quietly married at the residence > <>f the tion <>f thu glowing fruit crop m tins Files, roaches, nuts, bed-bugs, rats, mice, neys or neigblioring organs. Al times, The Democratic primary convention in ' for it in the river anil harbor bill, which l officialiog “ ' . minister. Rev. M. A. Will­ valley w.»s destroyed. It is impossible 1 E Church last Sunday evening brought Come and see our stock of ladies un­ symptoms of indigestion are present, flatu­ gophers, chipmunk«, cleared out by "Rough Ashlaml last Saturday wa« the largest • provides f»»r a thorough survey anti ex- iams, in Medford precinct, last I’uuisday on rats." 15c. to aoceriaiu yet anywhere nearly the ex­ out an audience that crowded the build­ derwear, infant's robes ami cloaks; also lency, uneasiness of the atoiuach. etc. A Tliln Teople. ever heLl here, nearly a hundred votes i amination of W • tod and Link rivers, afternoon. moisture, like perspiration, producing a ing. The iuiii<»r wa# erroneous, but The Doctor was very sly act extent <■( the »lainige, but it is esti­ velvets, emb. felt, chenilles, araseues very disagreeable itching, after getting "Wells' Health Renewer ' restores health and being cast. The large attendance was ' with a view to the connected navigation about keeping liis friends out »»f the se­ vigor, cures dy«|»ep»ia, impotvu» e. sexual de­ mated that fr<»m 60 t»> 90 ¡>«r cent »»f ail «»»me people will try it again next Sun­ and emb. silk. And don't forget our warm, is a ooiumon attendant. Blind, I calle»l out by the contest over the votes <»f L»wer and Upper Klamath, to be cret, and walked about the street the tlie ¡»eaclies. plum«, cherries, apricot# day evening. bleeding, and itching pile« yield at onoe bility. 31. large stock of hosieiy always mi hand. for the county clerk's office. Matter# made under the authmity of the U. S. next day trying t>> look as much like a ••Rough on rain." to the application of Dr. 'loaanko'« Pile and almond# in the valley have been G illette S isters . There is a aplendiil chance for some had bee»» quietly arranged tn »it down on Cutes cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhwa, Remedy, which Hets directly upon the parts ; engineer department. So far, Oregon Confirmed single mall as ever, but it aches, pains, sprain«, headache, m-uralgia, killed, aiid the apples and ¡»ears have pul>lic-Apiriteer- inde|»eiident ticket for coroner of Klam- the intense itching, and effecting a perma ­ a few »lay» before the convention and great anxiety now is to hold what we to g<> through the regulnr hand shaking Mothers. ries in bi»»»>m weie killed, but there w 11 nth coHiity. B»»th the regular nominees One thousand head of good sheep and nent cure. Pnoe 50 cents. Address, the If you are failing, broken, worn out and ner­ turni'd »»nt in force. The Jacob# party have. We shall have a bitter opposition programme. The bride has lived from be plenty of new bbaiiws. Whether the for that important office decline the use "Wells' Health Renewer.” 11. Drug­ in good condition; G90 head stock sheep Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold vous. elected their chairman, W. F. Songer, by to the river ami harb»»r bill.” gists. hv .1 H Chitw«»»d A Son. childhornl in and near Ashland and has blackberry crop is hurt is not determined hon<>r.—[Star, and 400 head mutton sheep. a majority of tw<> vote», hut when it came I many friends in the valley who wish her yet. Tins was n»»l a frost, but a freeze, J. S. HXRRIN. The city authorities say that the “cur­ to the election of delegates they lost A Drusnrist ’ s Story. much j'-y ami prosperity in married life. 45-tf. such as destroyed the entire »»range crop ! few” onbiiance is to lie strictly enforced enough to be beaten by just one v<»te. Mr. Isaac C. Chapman, druggist, New ­ of Florula tins year. Everything was Happiness and Health hereafter. Tins means that boys under dry at tl»e lime, and any ordinary frost A P»»rtlan»l ¡»aper of last w»->ek »ays: burg, N. Y., writes us: “I have for the Episcopal Methodist. Are important problems, the former would have done lio damage whatever, ; eighteen years of age will m»t be ¡»er- William Mickey, <»f Josephine county, past ten years sold several gross of Dr. I nutted to loiter about the streets after Warranted m»t to contain a particle of depending greatly <»n the latter. Eveiy- but a c<»ld wave that sent thu mercury whose father, Martin Mackey, is in the W m . H all ' s B alsam for the L ungs . I one is familiar with the healthy pro­ down seven degiee# below the freezing j 8:30 »> clock P. M. ! penitentiary under life sentence for mur­ I can say of it what 1 cannot say of any any injurious or mineral substance. This point was something that in»b»»dy eX|»«ct- Mr. L. Martin's orchard, anti that of der in the second degree, gives notice other medicine. I have never heard a is the reason Simmons Liver Regulator is perties of fiuit, and no one can afford to to be sick and miserable while the pleas­ S«l to see here uii the last day of April. ; H C. Hih, W. L. Baltimore and others I that he will apply to the state bnar»l <»f customer s[Kaak of it but'to praise its so effectual yet harmless. “This medicine is acknowledged to ant concentrated li thousand« escaped serums injury from the freeze. Th»» old man ha» served hut a few month» recommended it in a great many cases of have no equal as a liver medicine, con­ Syrup of Figs, may be had »»f <»ur enter­ For sale by J. H. of d»'llars, but theie will be m» serious Wickham rejM’tts that his fruit trees ••f liis sentence ami a pardon would cause Whooping Cough, with the happiest ef­ taining those Southern roots and herbs prising druggist. which an allwise Providence has placed Chitwood A Soil. fects. I nave used it in my own family check to thu fruit interests, as our ami garden on upper Granite street also the expense attendant up>n two trials climate has been thoroughly tested dur­ escaped well. and an appeal to come to naught, be«i»les I for many years; in fact, always have a tn the countries when* liver diseases pre­ When doctors cannot help you. then take vail.—[Baltipioie Episcopal Methodist. ing twenty five yea»« past, ami lias show n furnishing a very strong argument in the bottle in the medicine closet. Gilmore’s Maunetie E.ixir f»r vour throat Among the new ads. this week is that a liettur average production of delicate public estimation f»»r the execution of and lungs. For sale at the City drug store. of the line fiors»-, “Sir Walter, Jr.,” RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Climax tobacco 40c. per plug at the fruits of the temperate zone than th it of men who are ,'roved, to tlie satisfaction Nerve-life and vigor restored in men and owned by Mr. D. R. Whiteand in charge x i women of a juiy, guilty of having taken life. the m-ist favoied fruit regions >>f the DrxKAwn CHt-Rrn—Rev. Wm. Pullen will Red House. by using Gilmore's Arorualio Wine. Prices Way Down for the Season of of Isaac Wolf, of Medford, The h<>r*e preach nt the Dunkard church in Ashland next E »stern states. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchi­ For sale at the City drag store. is a handsome blnck, of good size and After May 10th the C. A O. stages Sunday, ut 11 ,v. m . After the first s'irpriso of the E piscopal S ervice .«.—The Rev. J. W. Rel- tis immediately relieved by Shiloh's action, and is much praised by horse­ will be ex|»ected to make the run between blow had pas-ied, ¡>e»»|>le began t«> of Portland, will hol»t Epikcopal services Cure. For sale at Chitwood A Soil's. men who have inspected him. Ashlaml and Slate Cre-k, 121 miles, in i wotxi, in Ashland on Monday. Tiie»f! t:»u high lull orchards iu The Oregon supreme court has “re­ Ashland at 5 A. M. 1 reakfast at Kings­ 12th. cuied by Shiloh s Cure. We guarantee and near town - the aiul 2 »»tiler ceive«! its reward,'' and n»» d'»ubt is hap­ — , ¡»«aches ....................... M. E t'ltrurn —Regular services every Sun­ : bury'»; take dinner at Laieil's at 11.30; day, I at 11 a . M and 7 p. m . Sunday School it. J H Chitwood A Son. fruits have received really slight injuiy. py. List week’s “Times’ had the fol­ reach Yreka at 2:45 P. M.; arrive at 9:30. Rev. W. G. Simpson will preach' at Med­ 1 Ou tile Hargv tine ranch, several humired lowing: “The Supreme Court has decid­ i For lame Back, Side or Chest use ford on the 3d Sunday in each month. Let higher than town <>n the east side of ed that circuit judges must be elect««! at Butteville for supper, and reach Slate I P resbyterian Cm rch .—Preaching morn­ Shiloh's Por"us Plaster Price 25 eta. Creek at 4:30 next morning. Coming Bear creek, scarcely any damage is per ing and evening st the usual time. Sunday For sale by J H Chitwood *t Son. the coming June election. Me are com- m rth, the stage will leave Slate Creek School at 9:30 a . m . Ceptihle, ami on the steep shq»e west »»f ¡>elle»i t<> admit that we have d»»ne the Rev. J. V. Milligan, pastor. Why will you suffer from ague and mn- town the trees on the highest altitudes above bi-dy an injustice—as we til'-llght at 9 P. M.; bieakfast at Butteville; ar­ B aptist C hvrch .—Preaching at .Ashland aria when Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will rive at Laird's, this side »if Yreka, for have eacape«! remaikably. • me or both RspnbllCati members thereof morning and evening every Sunday except the cure you? For sale at the City drug store. Thee»Id wave extended south want in­ incapable of doing justice mi a political dinner; arriving at Kingsbiirry's at 6 30 first in each month Preaching at Medford on i each month. to the -Sa »ament'» valley and uotthwatd question—an»l hereby make the amende P. M. for supper, and reach Ashland at the first Sunday in Rev. Caiarrh cured, health anti sweet A. M. Russell, pastor. FREIGHT and lumber of all kin<16 trans 8:15 ?. M. through \vestern Oregon, ami injury to honorable. We give them vhe credit of L iberal H all . T alent .-Liberal Sunday breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem­ ferred promptly in or near town. fruit is reported fiom must, places over being better men than we thought they One-eighth, or 10-th., I xjx crackers 65c. School meets for Bible study and discu»sion . edy. Price fifty cents. Nasal injector 6dTM ovlng household goods, pian«»». etc., cv> ry Sunday at 11 a m . Cordial invitation to i th is whole area. a specialty. W-47. were. ” at the Red House. x evtryoM. j free. J H Chitwood & Soo G ï R mânreme OY For Pain «»id Poison. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. The Bank of Ashland. A__ ASHLAND, OGN. ! ASHLAND FLOURING MILLS. Champion Machines take the lead. THE BAIN WAGONS are the BEST In the Market ASHLAND City Transfer and Dray Business. The Spirit of the Times is Progress and I am ini the front rank marching on to victory over all competitors. (Bell Truck and Dray.) J- H. McBRIDE, PROPRIETOR. ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR EXCELS ALL OTHER. Call and see my stock at the Ashland Mills. E. C. LANDERS.