..J DÌE FRtnAY ASHLAND ...APRIL ?::. RATS OF MIRTH. MERCANTILE—MANUFACTURING-MISCELLANEOUS. A Game of Grab. TIDINGS A Washington dispatch of recent date contains .he following: “The New York World continues it* Attacks on the I’acilic railnuds this morn­ ing. These articles are siid to Ge written by Major Redilir.gton, recently dismissed from the interior department. This morning’s dispatch says that some mem­ bers of the house committee on Pacific railroads hive been making a careful study at the interior department of the facts in the case, s«> tint they can judge of the extraordinary claims of the Pacific railroad lobby in the interest of the fund­ ing scheme. It his been font d that the roads h ive been doing ail they can to get securities now in the treasury out of their h inds, so th it they «ill be beyond the reach of government claims. The gov­ ernment h is now a better chance for as­ serting its rights than it will ever have in the future. Of the princely land grant of the Un ion Pacific 81,633,030 worth of land re­ mains, and $11,969,066 worth of the Kansas Pacific R. R. As there h is been sold 6,414,363 acres for $14, 66’3,388 si tee 1880, and as out of the proceeds of these sales and tlp>se of proceeding years land grant bonds have been anticipated at a premium of 12 per cent., leaving about $9,000,000 in cash and mortages notes in the hands of the land trustees, it would seem to be a good policy on tho part of any government desirous to secure part of a rapidly maturing and increas ing indebtedness to t ike proper steps to secure this $9.000,000, and to have the benefit of the proce ids of all sites of the $13,500.000 worth of land still left. By this process the government would secure $22,000,000 of it* claim of $48,864,- 250. If no steps are taken to secure these assets, the Union Pacific company, em­ boldened by its course in the past, pro­ pose* to use them in anticipation of some $13.892,000 sinking fund bonds is­ sued in 1874, and due in 1884, carrying 8 per cent, interest, and selling at 29 per cent, premium. No one could have criticized similar conduct if the first mortagage bonds have been anticipated, thus reducing the amount of tho claim ; on the road ahead of the government lien, hut to sell assets, covered by the government mortgage, and ttso the pro­ ceeds in anticipation of bonds behind it, is perversion of the assets to an almost, shameful degree. MEDICINES, Oregon Kidney Tea! ASHLAND DRUG STORE ture'* own r»tu»-dv- M Asonic Block. “All the world’* u stage, “l-ut the fare tl<>es »»• »t suit everybody. At the Mint is wbete you see the stiver head* among the g<>!d. Johnnie stole one pane ike. and go' MIX spaiiknches without stealing. An attached couple that is a’w ay.M separating—A pair of shears. Best tiling to d<> when you go shopping with ladies—Take notes. ! •‘Castorla , s »0 well adapted to children that 1 Castori* cores ^Colle, CoBSttjytcm The Shah of Persia never feel.-* Ittitt- Diarrt®*, Eructation. •/ I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour ” gills * Stomach. ’ Worms, ** gives sleep, and promote* ut°injurioua m*d lc*tk*> A boil in the kittle i.» worth two on the neck. Tu Ccrrsca C outaxt , 1S2 Fulton Street, M. T. What is the invisible blue? A poiice- man nhen he is wanted. What town in Massachusetts need ,»»t fear small-pox or ineasle.s? It s Haddam. ■ H<>w can you make an mere »at last? By making the undercoat first. Why was Adam the first in the 1 mar­ ket business? He had the first spare ri*». - AT Why was Eve like Sunuay? She was Mailt by the Gelatino-Bromide, or the first of the weak. When a burglar pries open a safe and OltV PLATE dues nut find a prize it is a disagreeable surprise. Are now taken by the Leading Photographers in all the Cities, and for firoups. pic- urea of children, etc., are far superior to the old so-called "wet-plate” process. “Papa, have guns got legs?” “No. Winch with its large and complete stock of General Merchandise is now con­ “How do they kick then?’ “With their ducted under the management of breevhes, my son.’ As a rule lawyers are a brave class of And examine work made exclusively by the new process. Photographs made bv the men. It’s conscience that makes cow­ leading artists of the coast on exhibition for comparison. ards of us,” you know. Friend—“Sluggard! The sun was up Who offers at Bottom Prices a large and varied assortment of houis ago.” Old rounder—“Yes; but it wasn't up all night, as I was.” The gu«hing girl who said: “Let me Fine Custom and Ready-made Clothing, kiss him for his mother,” was satisfied with his smother. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fine Cloaks, etc Teacher—“What does sea water con­ tain besides the sodiam-chlo1 ide that we Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oilcloths have mentioned?” Pupil—“Fish.” It is said there are more lies told tn Groceries, Canned Goods, Crockery. Glassware »» the sentence, “I am glad to see yo »II, than in any other six words in the Eng­ A Full Line of Books and Stationery lish language. A pretty girl turned up her nose at Cigars and Tobacco, etc., etc., etc. her poor but deserving lover and it froze in that position. If you want fair dealing and good bargains, call and see us. Nine ‘lines out of ten, the woman who —DEALERS IN is worth J. D. FOUNTAIN. 8 — 30] Natures own remedy, Oregon Kidney man who Tea. iron. “What is Smith doino now J” “He is E. M. MILLER. E. J. FARLOW, traveling with a circus. “Pretty haul M. L. M’CALL. . r. HAMMOND, work, isn’t it?’ “No, he has nothing to do except stick his head in the lion s Hammond. & McCall, mouth twice a day.” Teacher—“What i* an engineer?” REAL - ESTATE - AGENTS i I Boy No. 1—“A man who works an en­ AT THE - — AX D— gine.” Teacher—“What is a pioneer?” FOR THE BEST — Boy No. 2—“That man that works a CONVEYANCERS, I piano.” Ashland, Oregon. “Pa, who was Shylock? Great good­ i TIN, SHEET-IRON à COPPERWARE boy! You attend church and Sunday- school every week, and don’t know who fehylock was? Go and read your Bible The largest and Fiuest stock of furniture in Call at sir!” Ashland nt £ ^surveying of all kind» satisfactorily and promptly done. She—“You awkward brute! Y<»u have dropped your bread and butter ■ <»n We offer for sale the following described real the floor.” He—‘’That’s all right, in y property. Jg"We keep the Freshest and Beat groceries in town, at the lowest figures. As we buy [7—] for cash , we can afford to sell cheap for cash. In addition to our full and complete dear. Nobody will get it. I have my The Hargadme property, consulting of assortment of groceries and provisions, we carry foot on it.” very desirable town lots, improved and un­ A fashion paper says that women Hl*.? improved; and fanning lands and stock going to wear their hair the same as ranches tn sizes to suit purchasers, up to they did three eentin ies ago. That was. •WOO acres: also. Walnut Sets. In Reeser's Block. Ashland. Or.. Bull stock A G ood S t - k R anch . Ot>0 acres, six miles )f I recollect, on their heads. Bed Lounges. on hand and made to order. East of Ashland—good fur summer or win­ Goods delivered to all parts of'town free of charge. Side Boards. ter range. Bureaus, A Wonderful Case. 10-13 Center Tables, T wenty A c 3 es of good wood land near FARLOW k MILLER. TFroin the Sunday Oregonian. Particular Attention paid to Job Work. Mirrors, own. Pictures and Frames A ease <>f unusual scientific interest is Which «ill be done in a workmanlike mannei reported from St. Vincent’s In -spiral in slid at CHAIR8, 50 DIFFERENT DESIGNS 13. K MeMILLEIN, this city. About six weeks ago a woman I came to that institution suffering dread­ Manufacturer of Window Shades, I ful pains from an interna* swelling which Samples of Carnets, Baby Carnages, nearly doubled liersizeami made breath­ Boys' Wagons, etc. ing impossible in any but an upright position. Efforts hail been ‘made by in­ t \ Nil UNO, OREGON. experienced practitioners tn tho remote B. F. REESER. 10-7] district where she lived, to relieve lor by the method ordinarily used in vises of And if you can't find what yon want I will o furnish and lay either round or manufacture or order it for von. dropsy, namely, tapping. Entrance to V V square timber logs nt the lowest prices, Ako: the abdominal cavity had been made by and in a manner guaranteed (ogive permanent -a!i-i.a lion Has had long experience in the boring through the muscular wall, just hiidlUM. and laid the pipe» for tile O. A C. R GENERAL UNDERTAKER. — AT TICK — below the ribs, with such violence that betwem Roseburg and Ashland. the ovarian tumor inside, for such it was rooms nt II. 11. Bridç- i,< ar \ oule that caused the p.>< r woman s distress, Headquai’ers, Youle & Gilroy's Planing Mill 6i Gilroy's planinginill. hau been punctured and a share of its la-Resideuccn ear the town pump on Oak st. —NEAR ASHLAND contents permitted to puss out, flooding ------ also ------- the cavity and causing excruciating pains DENNIS PORTER, PROPRIETOR. We have just received, direct from Yokohama, Japan, The condition of the woman so affl cted after several days of toilsome travel was CONT ACTOR AND BUILDER. All kinds of Lumber and Bitl sluff furnished to 10 16 an invoice of Pure Uncolored and Breakfast Teas, which order and delivered in town when desired. pitiful, and it seemed scarcely possible I that she could be relieved, much less Prices to hull the Times. we are offering to the Public at the Lowest Living rates. cured. The first measure of relief was Ki to tap the floi*ded abdomen from which -ir- Call on me before purchasing else­ Ask for PURITY TEA, and take no other. in three hours 31 pints of liquid matter where. I will not b' under-told by any­ 1 was drawn. Five days later the cavity The uij (.tables on Main stieet near the one. was entered by use of the knife, and the bridge, and the now stables on Oak street, are now under the piopriotoralup apj man­ SLAB WOOD FOR SALE At LOW- operation known aim ng surgeons as agement of cvurii.tamy, performed A tumor and I — E3T RATES. — MANUFACTURER, its contents, the whole weighing C3J Orders by mail will receive uronipt at ­ pounds, was removed while the patient tention. 9-4I was under the influence <>f amc-theric». OREGON. Of course the chance of recovety after such a severe oiatrati.m and the dismem­ Who are prepared to offer the public better berment of so gieat a weight of maiter, accomtuodutionH than ever before afforded ill Southeru Oregon jn the liverv business. ♦ was slender, a mere thread, but it Has re-opened the proved sufficient, and on Friday last the patient left the h-’ftpital for her home en­ tirely cured, though, of emse, still : Horses Boarded and Fed. ALL ORDERED WORK weak and nervous. Medical record* At the old stand, cast fide of Main St. At reasonable rates. furnish few instance* where ovarian tu­ " ill be made so as to give entire satisfaction mors so enormously developed and < f New and handsome turnouts, reliably and To old frlcn Is and patrons, and the pu: lie gen­ erally, lie would announce that/he is pre­ Repairing Neatly Done such long standing (nine years) have safe buggy trams. and good saddle horses pared to do all work in his line in good style always to be had at these stables. [0-12 bpen removed without fatal results, the at low ralvF, and all work done promptly. using the bust material. lie is in favor of Arc prepared to furnish PIANOS and ORGANS at PRICES that DEFY COMPETITION. tlio*e who patients often dying on the operating [9 48 H. JUDGE. table The woman so remarkably amt All lustrum- uis guaranteed as represented or Money refunded. 2Z=ZS happily relieved is Mis. Alice Mixey, a Our terms are as liberal as any house on the Coast. Bacon, I^ard, Wheat resident of Harney valley, in the ex­ Assured by (ho lilmral pauonnge of (ho past THOMPSON A STEPHENSON. Oats or Barley taken in payment for Instruments. Cash also, not rejected treme southeastern part <>f the st ate, and i hat honest work is appreciated. lie will I deavor again to merit public favor. the surgical operator was Dr. H>-nrv E. —— ORGANS TAKEN IX PART PAY FOR PIANOS. ------ I ANI» — Jones, the chief physician of St. Vin­ All Work Promptly Done Agency for Southern Oregon and Northern California for the following cent's hospital. Instruments: ¡Jaff’tall and see LARGEST STOCK of DRUGS Patent Medicines, Druggist's Sundries, School Hooks and Stationery Artists’ Materials, Lamps and Lamp Stock. Prescriptions a Specialty. for Infants and Children Bargains ! J Bargains I Bargains ! H CHITWOOD & SON PHOTOGRAPHS THE FARMERS STORE. Call at Logan's (lallcrv. on the hill. Hardware, Stoves, & Tinware, ASHLAND, OREGON FURNITURE! Ashland Grocery Store. H.S. EMERY’S B. F. Reeser’s PIONEER FURNITURE STORE NEW Wooden Water Pipe ! ^REGULATOR, -- - DISEASE O V SLA DTH M Q • bdter or bad taste in mouth; OimrlUlYlOi t!gc coatevt 1 Malaria. I»y«pi-|>«ia. Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of *J Millions of Buttles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION OF THE SYSTEM I ASHLAND COLLEGE Normal School, rxorKisrotts, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICE, Fl.00. Photographs Person, who may wish photograph- from negatives made by the nndcraigtied « hi! ■ i Ashland can procure them bv sending ,.t. to Grunt'« Pas«, as the negative- have nil ’■ i preserved. E. F. E vejut Giynt's Pa«s. Or., May 29. 18S5. What a Wife Salti I I Himplv this nnd nothing more: It came from T. K. Bolton's store: P as proved to be a perfect cure. Pleasant tasting, safe and sure. That Gum Tree (Eucalyptus* cou h Svntp. T K Bolton A co would call the atten­ tion of their friends and the public to this excellent preparation, made in Australia and San Francisco. California, from the leaves of a peculiar v irietv of the Euca­ lyptus or blue gum tree of Australia, lt has no sickening property to disturb the stomach, and is most relialde for curing coughs, colds, sore throat, wh-»oping coagh, bronchitis, croup and any tendency to con­ sumption. Sold by T K B jlt <» x . City Drug store, agent for Ashland. The “rising sun” stove polish at Clay­ ton A Gore's. ’ x' ». ’ PIANOS. THREE COURSES OF TUDY.----- 1st. The State Normal Course. 2d. The Commercial course 3.1 Tho College Preparatory. TUITION, Mason & Hamlin. A, B, Chase. Great Western. We also keep a lull »apply of SUPERIOR strings for the Vtoliu. Banjo, and Guitar. t:<»n V ari'-- avcoriling to studies pursued. •om $<» t ♦12 per term. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Flutes, Flageolets, Music Books, Shee-' Music, Music Rolls and Folios, BOA KI). Iluard < an be obtained nt the College Boarding Hall, or in private families, nt II per week, ita- r or catalogue or further particulars, ap­ ply to tlie Presiilent. Always ou band. !>> fee’. anything in the Mu.ie line can be furnished on Notice. ffW" Give i:» a call mid *>e convinced. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Respectfully, HUNSAKER & DODGE. The BUYERS’ GODE It issued 7Jar.Ii and Sept., enei» year. ‘-56 pages, _. x 11; 2 incites,w itti over 3,000 illustrations--a whole Picture Callery. GIV15S Wholesale Prices to roH-«wm**ra ou all food* for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every­ thin,; ,]*Su use, eat, drink, vrear, or have f m with. These IN VALUABLE BOOKS contain information gleaned from tile markets of the world. We will mull a copy FKIJK to any ad­ dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of malting. Det ua hear from you. Respectfully, GEORGE E. YOULE, W m . M. GILROY. Wyandotte 8^: FROM---- 'lymouth Rocksand Brown Leghorns, I THE THREE LEADING VARIETIES. I KEEP NO OTHER?. My mx Wyandotte* lien* made a record last icn.nuuf ONF. HVNllREP ANI> rWtxrv-MX FUG- Manilla- hirers of— SASH, DOORS and BLINDS, Lumber, Mouldings, Brackets ! 220 At abash Avenue, Chicago, Ill Dealers la— Send stamp for handsomely iltu-.ui.ti- i rata logue. CASH Must A. company All Onlets. Addres« J. M. <» Al: It I sox, Fore-t Grove. Oregon. X. B —Well-. Fnrgo .t -'o '- 1 • spr-.--' give- special low nites to all my customer* Inriror'test’ic Liver. Re Glairs the D av el«. Strengthens 1 he S sictn. Purities lb'. Bk'-u I. \>'-istsD'g'’stir>n,PreventsI’ev*ri Is a Household Need. An Invr.ltjab. F :n‘! ,• .'dicin'' for common coinpl .in' ; DA:r;o?.D'3 lttzu irv:"0ZAT32. ,1 1 ■ - -.’••¿■afj 'J F "tj yean, and I •1 . «b. Tne Ol, Bowels costive, l'ulu in »lie head, with a dull sensation (i the bar!» part, P.nin uudci- the thculdt-r. bind?, Fullness after entinc, with n dix- iueiinntion to exertion of budy or mird, trrilnbiiily attemper. Low spirits, with a fcclius of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the lieort, Dots before the eyes. Headache ever the light eye. Restlessness, with fitful dremn», Uigiily colored trine, and CONSTIPATION. TVT'k”S ¿»tt.l.S arc especially adapted to such cases, cnc dose effects such a ehn - "offt elintriistoristnni'litliesuffcrer. To-j lut-rease ihe .1 pprttte.snd c. sum the I I > T«l int , i. Y. HÄIR 0ÏE, (JwAr H ah ; or Viti-Kilns changed ______ to a ul titri«. «»•-i ’ /.,, ¡o-, of Cr.o'ir B lack » hv by n n single application this DTR. »I imparts a iiKtural color, acts u-lj , b<>H by Druggists, or sen* t>v «■ xpr • • i <>■» e f -*•' Murray St., Nee? Ycrk- I liivalidsHoteliSurgicallnstitota BUFFALO, KT. 'ST- Organized svlth a rull MLatT of eighteen I.xpcrieaccd and Skillful Physictan* and burgeons for the trx-atment *t ail < lironlc Diteaaes, OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chrotilc Nasal Catarrh« Throat *n4 {‘Ung Diseases, Liver ,T*‘r and B,‘<* Kidney Kidney ise«. Diseases, Disease* c“» Bladder wxi. Disease*, Diseaae* min»» — — — 1 . of W omen, niood Diseases and ■ — Nerv- fy’01 '‘lit*, cured here or at home, ! or wltipiu» sneiug me paucuv. Come and I with eee us. or send ten cents m stamps for our I “rnvnltds’ Guide Bock,” which gives all partlcuiarg. ’ a p»- 1 m — Ne r v ou * Deb 1 ] I ty, I nip«, OEL'MTE D isuses . EpeciallBts. tcuey, Noi tiirnal Losae*. and uli Morbid Condition* caused by ko-tthfnl Fol. Ilc« und Pernicious Soli, tary Practiee* I are ntv si speedily ami perm.-iui tnty cured by by- our Book, post-paid, 10 cts. in stami«. Rupture, or Breach, n- «I. lYlv* turili u-itlirxt»« cully without tho the Lmr'z. kmte, wituont trusts, without pain, and without danger. Cure* Guarai.tct d. Book scut for ten cents in stroma. FILE TL.UOKK nnd STHICTURF.S treated under giiarantcc Io cure. Book nont forten c.-nts In ■ tamp*. Addras* W orld ' s D ispensary M edicai . A ssociation , CG3 Main (Street, Buffalo, N. V. --------------------- Tho treatment of many thousands of cases of those ÜÍSEASLS OF UlaCUAiU jn-cuimt (4> WOME¿ ■Wres*ion«, prolap*n* or falling of tbe uterus, weak back, antevernioii, rrtroversloii, bcariii*» down sensation«, »'liroiiie coiiae«» lloiiy In f ¡am mat ion a:irdi-i -Inf.- will be found a: door of -h o 1'i.h. to any ad.lrrsR. Illustrale- »r.d list* every thing for Lauh»'. G. m-', C'h mien*’ ants’ wer amt Hi»s-kwpi»» H. S. EVANS. HEATON FOX, Who will call on you for your order« for fall delivery. Blactanthinn Carriage Won. Russian and Iron-clad Apples. HORSE SHOEINC A SPECIALTY Die latest and mo«l approved varieties of n * m Is tho result of this vast experience. It is » powerful RoMtorativc Tonic nnd NcrvI»»«, impart*vigor and strength i(j .U., ay rn i jf niagie. I.cu> I OF BLOOMINGTON, ILL., Will be represented in this part «f the i-ounti; the coining season by j iii.ii me rioi i.r-j xnii. wnere no is pr<-pnrc. Price of Vital restorative. $l..r4l a bottle; four times the quantity sent to nnv address upon receipt of price or C. O. D. secure from ob­ servation and in private name if desired, h> A I. MIXTIK. M. D, DR. PIERCE’S PLAIN AX1) I’AXCY Eastern Fruit Trees, Slmilicri &c O 7 i I TurAy Vegetable Compound, t p.cts directly upon tl e I cur the many disciecs t y'to that portant organ, and fmewxi'.iag the Dierous ailmwts 1 Marise from i: 1 clerargid or rQrp^j«nction, such as Dyspep A Jdmidice, Biliousnes?, Cos%’cn:sAAKuaria, Sick-hcadachs, Rhex.k’.a^ny'etc. It is therefore ? truismmilt “To have Good Hea’t the Liver must be kept in order.” IS. 3 LTTZ2 IZVIGGllATe.’. BAKERN STAR in six mouths, from Jnntiary l'.th to July lath. Aside from their utility, tlit-j are th'.- 1«. now selling hi« Preminin Bread .-igln handsomest fouls I have ever handled for < ,-ut-. w heat or graham. Also. EGGS—One sitting. *1: two sitting» 47 'Io. sittings. ♦? No fowls for sale till fail. Boston Brown Bread, at 10 cts. per loaf. M y P lymo CTH Rot K s have Stood at till tn...t for several years, always «inning iln- high.-t All -oiitia.from .«» loaves to t<«X> att-nded honors wherever cxhiliit<-0.1 Board. JI p<-r week. Meal» 2. cent*. e*eh. Single birds from tlireetotive dollars. My suick .,f B rows - I. eghor S' euunot l.c ex I <*y-ti r ►tews 27> eelits. Give me a call. celled in thi« in au-* other country. My strain Wm- MILLS. i« a direct cross between i imported front Bonney of Massachusetts, iin-i Kee.’ef of Illi­ nois. EGGS—Ono sitting. ♦27<*: two sittings. It: thre<-»ittings. If,, a few extra choice cocke rels for 'ale at It ami ♦>. All my bird, have had splendid range, are healthy sad finely marked each , I Guarantee 4 good hatch, and perfect satis­ faction. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. V27 ORGANS. Decker Bros, Behi’ Bros, J. & C. Fisher, Emmerson, and Ivers & Pond. l’ut; itDBNT. xuu.lay, April -itti. 1SRO, tnni tl.ei . alter one or two day* iu each month. >•: r. i EGGS FOR HATCHING! M. G. ROYAL, A. M., < ;irod « it in. ;;:liigopvration». .............. Dr. Pilking ton. M i : gi : o .\ i i l-riinn-gon. iin-l Ic-r of cun -1 i»<-.. in aoiue of wliich severe operation* u li Unite flave olili «ione hrtrm. K.-fer by .-rimi to Jas. W Weath. rfurd, ilri ggi-t. ». 1 .oun at Saloni; Frank Gard- I < .-ir shops; lt. A Kampy, of tier, mil bin iliirti'le.irg, i 1 o ¡i< > ZU-u in *..’ Al •tolin l’rnh-y’" Hotel ili in A'lilau.l J. H.ZEILIN & CO., sole , juq < uru< rv<-ord«‘«l in « year*. Piles, Rectal Ulcer, Fissures, Pruritus-Ani, Fistulas in Ano. Poljpus Recti, Etc., AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Wear Good BootsIPay for Them. OREGON. RECTAL DISEASES. It acts with extraordinary eGicacy on the ASHLAND,.......................... OREGON. .... PORTLAND, ORECON. I Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. » % ASHLAND BOOTS SHOE Sto o V* HUNSAKER & DODGE, LND, , ili-italiii A V. ©«»dard, AV holesale Agents. SIMMONS LER REGULATOR THE BRINKERHOFF SYSTEM ^J^jGEO. NUTLEY, IMMUNITY fromÄNKOYAKCE A circular letter from United State* Minister Phelps, concerning the much talked of Chase-Towneley, or Lawrence Towneley estate, in England, has been received in San Francisco. He says therein: “The ‘estate’ is variously rep­ resented as consisting of $800.0 X). 000 in the Bank of England, or of 400.000 acres in England, which await distribu­ tion among “the heirs.” All these state­ ment* are gross falsehoods, intended to obtain money from the credulous, under pretense of prosecuting their claims. The ‘T< .wnelev estate’ is landed property of about 18.01X1 acres, ill the county of Lancaster, which is now. and lias been for a long time, in the possession of its lawful owner. There are no unknown or American owners of any part of the property, and no ground whatever for any such claim." There arc several hun­ dred supposed heirs in this state, and thousands in the United Stat. a. Liver and Kidneys Prices That Defy competition. PURE TEA. An Outrageous Swindle. relieve and t>er- I’teut'.v c: re all the various diffi- dies arising from a disordered condition of th»- MYER BROS NEW FIRM! NEW FIRM! ETC. bat the best lueehanie* ,‘i.ip)cy<-.t. PRICES FOR SH0EIMC. Peaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Grapes and Small Fruits, Nut-beaing Trees, ■ No.s I, 2, 3 and 4 shoes. $2.'«0: 5 nnd 6. $3. it», Etc. Etc. G/re me a call. 16-» 1 H. rox. t S1CK-HEA0ACHE, Billons Headache, Dizziness, Constipa. y tlon, Indigestion, < and Bilious Attacks, P? promptly cured by Dr. r Diercc’s Pleasant ss Purgative Pellets. :» cents a vial, by Druggist* :8lb Ave. A; 20th bt., N. Y. City! »YOM TOR Win UniMFREE wall __ last year without ordering it. It »bo i «00 HUttratim*. prie««, acculi î de»c. i, u« «nd ♦ ♦. direction» for plant.ag #!l '.arir i • of X fc/ tlT ’ H ' ' •»-I fLOW ER HliJlx.r’/ V» an. amdally to Market Grhoni. Send i,r D» M« FKRRY & OO>» Dotrolt» Michigan* ear is only a pari of beauty; lady but it is a part. Every — may have it; at least, what Magnolia looks like it. I ' Balm both freshens and beautifies. i