"2 O 9- / TIDINGS. ASHLAND ASHLAND 1 ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. ASHLAND I W. II. LEEDS. I Editor and Publisher, TIDINGS Terms of Advertising: UEOAL. One sqtaaro, firs: insertion..... Each Addition»! insertion........ * 2 50 1 50 75 12 50 VOL. X ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1886 1 I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Geo. B. Currey, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ASHLAND, OREGON. r For the next 60 Days. Will Attend to cases in the courts of Oregon, render advtee and prepare papers in the set­ tlement of estates, make applications for patents nnper the V. 8. mining laws, and ir.ay be consulted on all matters pertaining to Government lands. School and S-amp lands, aud claims against the V. S. fur ser­ vices or losses. OFFICE—Main street. [10-39 J. T. BowcLitch, Attorney and Counsellor at Law ASHLAND, OREGON. will practie< ■e it all courts of the Slate, Collections j promptly made and remitted. 9-4 f T. B. Bent, Attorney and Counsellor at JACKSONVILLE. OR. THE LAST TRUMP! MISCELLANEOUS. I will sell trees »heaper than any man, or any set of men, ever dreamed oi selling in Jackson County. If you want to buy trees, come and see me. N’ow is the time. This is the last call, and fair warning. 0. COOLIDGE Law. I i ®^“WHT pr4cu«e tn all the court« of Orocon. Office In the court house. [10-3 Alboxt S&xxi&o&cL, OI VIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR, ASHLAND, OREGON. Will attend promptly to any business in the line of land survey iug. locating ditches, etc., and everrtbing pertaining to civil engineer­ ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. iflicc at ijbe postofllco. 10-12 Prop’r. Ashland Nurseries. Eastern Frail Trees, Staiery, &c Tne Old Reliable Bloomington,Phoenix, Nursery Co OF BLOOMINGTON, ILL., Will be represented in this part of the country the coming season by J. S. Howard, Notary Public and Conveyancer MEDFORD, OREGON. All kinds of rial estate business given careful attention, and infurinntion furnished con­ cerning property in the new town. C. S. ENGER, Who will call on you for your orders for fall delivery. Russian and Iron-clad Apples. I The latest and most approved varieties of Dr. John S. Parson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON A shland , O regon . T-tV Office for the present at Chitwood’s di ug store. [6-4. Peaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Grapes and Small Fruits, Nut-bearing Trees, Etc.. Etc., Etc. ASHLAND COLLEGE C. J. Sechrist, M. D., office lor the present, ut Dr. Kühler s drug store. i 110-40 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A shland , O regon . residence near Special attention given to diseases of wo­ men. [9-1 Miss Alena Weber, Teacher of music at Ashland College, will give instructions in PIANO, QBGAN and GUITAR To a limited number of pupils outside her college class. Residence at Mr. A. G. Rockfellow's on Church street. E T. Bartlett, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, A shland , O regon . " ill furnish estimates and take contract* for Buildings of all kinds. A share of patronage solicitad. • [S-33 Shop located just Mow the lirery stable. M. G. ROYAL, A. M., Pmss tn bnt . LIVERY AND FEED ------THREE COURSES OF STUDY.------ ST A BLES OBKCON. Will practice ih al! courts of this stale in Odd Fellows' building up stairs. Office Agent for the following named Insurance Companies: The Liverpool nnd London and Globe. The state Investmeut and Insurance Company The Western Fire and Marine Insurance Com­ pany.* The London l orn mereiai ssuianee Company, of London. England. A 1st. The State Normal Course. 2d. The Commercial course sd. The College Preparatory TUITION. Tuition varie«, according to studies pursued, from pi to 112 per term. BOARD. Board can be obtained nt the College Boarding Hall, or in private families, at 44 per week. For catalogue or further particulars, ap­ ply to the President. THOMPSON & STEPHENSON Who are prepared to oiler the public better accommodations than ever before afforded in Southern Oregon in the livery business. HOTEL ASHLAND, Horses Boarded and Fed. OREGON. At reasonable rates. J. E. HOUSTON, Propr, New ami handsome turnouts, reliable and safe buggy teams, nnd good saddle horses always to be had at these stables. [9-42 The largest and best regulated hotel In South­ ern Oregon. The tables are always supplied with the very best in the market. Will Buy and Sell horses HOT and COLD BATHS From the White Sulphur Springs free for guests. Free Coach in waiting at every trait;. [10-21 Lumber ! Lumber ! THOMPSON A STEPHENSON. V. CAr.TEP Cashier W. It. ATKINSON. President. The Bank of Ashland. — AT TIIE — MESSENGER SAW MILL -NEAR ASHLAND- DENNIS PORTER. PROPRIETOR. All kinds of Lumber and Bill Muff furnlsl:»-d to order and delivered in town «lien desired. F. HAMMOND. Hammond. & McCall, REAL - ESTATE - AGENTS —AND— CONVEYANCERS, Akhluntl, Oregon lz»an« negotiated. Property bought and sold; collections attended to; Abstract, of title fur­ nished. Prices t«> «»tilt the Times. Call on me before purchasing else­ where. / will not be undersold by any­ one. SLAB WOOD FOR SALE AT LOW- — EST RATES. — Orders by mail will receive prompt at­ tention. 9-44 GEO. NUTLEY, attend. E. J. F ak L ow , c . r. Kobt. Taylor. Scribe. J. W. ALNfTT. M. W. ' All Kinas of Castings furnished at lowest rates. Wooden Water Pipe ! Meets in lodge room in Odd Fellow's Hall every first and T hikp Wednesday in each month. Present hour of meeting 7:W r. M. All Brethren ui good standing are cordially inv tied to attend. MACHINE SHOP (9-2S \SHI.AND LODGE Nt». 23, A. F. A A. M. i'i I ' iir.iiiiiinicalion on the Thursday of or before the full mom. H. C. H ill . W. M. A. E. llanimoinl, Secretary. ___________ ALPHA < HAITER NO. I, O. E. S. Stated meetings on 1st nnd 3d Tuesday in eaeli month. M m *. A mna Cairrxr.. w. M. Mi*« Anus Anderson. Secretary. PITOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT NO it’.. IOO F Gold dust bought at standard ¡trices. Machinery of All Kinds Made New and Repaired. All Work Promptly Done. H. V I. O. O. F.. Interest allowed > n Time Deposits. Collection« made at all accessible points ..u fa­ vorable terms. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer* sold ira Portland, San Francisco and New York. that hone’t work is appreciate»!, he will en­ deavor again to merit public favor. Regular ■ oiivocations on the Thursday next after the lull moon. W. H. A tkinson . IL P. A. E. Hammond. Sec y. [9-.TG Hold regular meeting« every Saturday even­ ing at their hall in A«hlaDd. Brethren in good »landing are cor.liailv tuvited to attend. H. T. blow. X. G J I». Fountain. Secretary, Transacts a General Banking Busin es ASHLAND, OREGON GaC "Cull and s» e me. Ashland. Lodgo No. 45, ASHLAND, OGN. Wear Good BootslPay for Them. -I'KIYol 1 IIAPTER. No. 21. K. A M. MANUFACTURER, ASHLAND .... OREGON. Keep» euii*tuuily on hand a tull Mi|.|.ly of everjtliiug ill above line. « hieh will he «old al price* ns ]..u as can Is* offered anywhere. ALL ORDERED WORK The Ashland Woman’s Christian Tem­ Will be made -o as to give entire satisfaction perance Lutou meets every Tueadny after- uoolt at 3 o'clock tn the Heading liouui. Ali Repairing Neatly Done interested tn the work of the order are in­ at low rate*, and all work done promptly. vited to attend the meeting». Ma*. S cott , l’ie t. [V 18 H. JUDGE. Mrs. G. F. Billings. Sec. a The old stable» on Main stteet near the bridge, and the new stables on Oak street, are now under the ptoprietorship and man­ agement of WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS 41.00, 41.25 and 41-30 per day. ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELLOR at LAW THE ASHLAND OREGON. RATES REASONABLE. DePEATT, ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, Ashland, Or., Feb. 5, 18S6. .... ASHLAND. Dr. D. B. Bice. E. CARO BROS. Normal School, PHŒNIX, OREGON. I Yours respectfully, AM) — Office at the City Drug »tore; the woolen factory. Rain or Sunshine, people will come to buy cheap goods. The entire stock of General Mer­ chandise of Sam­ uel Arendt, in Reeser’s Block, is now thrown on the market to be sold without reserve before April 1st. The lady readers of this paper will, no doubt, make special note of this. Don’t mistake the store. Reeser’s Block. A \ *■ E hare lua'K arrangements with th< W slat. Hoard of Emigration nt Portland to have our list of properties ’’Fl>R 'AI.E or RENT." with» full d'-scriptioit <>( our Fine climati an I ‘.real Fruit Valley, pluecd in th» hand* of new coiners. We liave a larg» ac- quidntauee in the East, marry of n h<>m desire to conic m this locality. Call at onrorticc and give us full particulars and we will Bl'Y. SELL, or RENT for you on reasonable terms. w Samples of Quartz. Solicited, and As­ says made Correct and Cheap. We have correspondence with a nmftl«.-r of Mining Capitalists who desire iuve«tments. Sales made w here ledges are ol value. Correspotidenc® solicited. C. T. HARRIS ft CO. THE WA60.X ROAD FRAUDS. Lucretia McTwontbley—1. Celluloid is made mostly of ingredients. Take about equal parts of ingredients and for eigi> substances and unite them at a given teni|>cratufu and they will harden under a certain pressure so that they will be- come celluloid. The process l dare say, is less complex than you had at first sup­ posed. Celluloid is used in the construction of various articles of trade, such as combs, knife-handles, billiard balls, poker chips, etc., etc., butjt has distinguished itself more in late years in the collar-and-cutf line than elsewhere. The celluloid col­ lar of commerce has a tired and time stained hue even in youth, and in age it is sickbed o'er with the pale cast of thought. 1 ant r.ow engaged in perfecting a cellu­ loid garment, to consist of a pair of cuffs to be fastened inside the sleeve of the coat in such a manner as to be indej»en- dent of the indorsement of the shirt. A standing collar with a Rhine-stone but­ ton and buckskin scarf, so made as to spring around tile neck, as set forth in designs accompanying application for [»atent, and held down by weights in such a manner as to prevent the collar from climbing over head, will be used at the same time. Both collars and cuffs will be made with button-holes, so that a shirt may be buttoned on while in use— if it can be borrowed. These garments will be worn by American authors in case an international copyright law should be deemed inadvisable. European authors will have to economize also, but whether they will squander their royalty on such gaudy trappings as collars and bread re­ mains to bu seen. A literary friend of mine, writing from England, says that unless speedy justice is done to authors on his side of the Atlantic, his costume hereafter will consist of a small haver­ sack <>f snuff to throw in the eyes of the police. But I forgot, Lucretia, that you were not inquisitive about celluloid only. 2. You can bleach your hair by ex­ posing it to the night air. You may also produce the same effect by getting your­ self scared to death. These things may be carried to excess, however. Julis Aquarium—I can not write week­ ly for your Good Templars’ lodge paper, the Tin Dipper. 1 would be Tickled to death to do so if my family could be filled up three times a day with prohibition. But in the home circle over which I have the honor to preside, the gastric juice turns ui> its noseat prohibitory measures in place of ground feed. I do not feel above writing for the Tin Dipper, but, on behalf of the Nye oesop- Itegus, cardiac orifice, duodenum, ileum, jejunum, I must decline. Please state to Hydraulic Pressure Lodge, No. 338, that it is not pride that prevents my becoming a regular contrib­ utor to the Tin Dipper, but a common appetite for victuals in a heated state. Financier—You ask how money is made most rapidly, and how most sud­ denly to acquire the same. In coming to the writer of this paragraph for infer mation you have (lone well. Hail you gone to the devil, you would have dune better, however. Money is most rapidly made in the United States mints, at Philadelphia, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Denver, l'he quickest way to acquire this wealth would be to take a long, stiff crowbar, a two bushel bag of dynamite, anti a stern resolve. Go to the mint at Philadelphia while the watchman is in Europe, pry open the door with the crowbar and dy­ namite, using care to close the door after you, so that you will not take cold while counting the money—take what you ab­ solutely need, and go away. In going away, do not leave your brains or other portions <»f y<»ur system on the floor. In the United States mint great attention is paid tw cleanliness, and even if your brains are of no use to yourself, you should not leave them in the way for other people to step over and fall down upon. Physical Wreck—You can liatdly take the ruby color out of your nose in the way you suggest. The man who charged you twenty-five dollars for bleaching your nose and then went away, leaving your inflamed proboscis inserted in a large plaster cast, was no gentleman, and I would be willing to have you tell him s»» on your own responsibility. I can not hold out any glittering promises to you, P. Wreck, as regards the ultimate fading of your nose. It may fade, but you will no doubt, fade with it. It will not grow ¡»ale in time for you to marry again. Mv advice, for which I charge nothing, simply appropriating thu threo virgin stamps you inclosed, is to so live that when you come to die you will not be tshamed to let St. Peter smell of your breath. Farewell, Physical Wreck. Let your nose be a lighthouse to the growing youth "f our land. Do not put it under a bush­ el, but let it be trimmed and burning. Do not hide it behind the thick glass bottom of a beer mug, but keep it out in the open air, where the school children can look with a shudder on the hand- painted holocaust which God gave you to smell with.—[Chicago News. The Lakeview Examiner of last week had the following: Pursuant to call, a good sized meeting collected at the court house Thursday afternoon for the purpose of agitating the question of how to get rid of this great cor[>oration of fraud, that holds our best land under the name of Oregon Military Road Company. 8. 1*. Moss was elected chairman and F. W. Reach, secretary. A committee of five were ap pointed to draft resolutions, consisting of M. T. Walters, A. McCallan, A. Fitts, C. U. Snider and J. E. Bernard. Also a committee of five appointed to secure affidavits of the old settlers, who can swear positively as to the fraud practiced to secure this land. This committee con­ sists of S. V Rehart, E. B. Miller, A. F. Snelling, Amos Cogswell and A. Z. Hatn- erslcy. A letter was read from Senator Del ph to the effect that he was anxious to hear from the people of Oregon in this matter, and would do all that was possi­ ble to right the wrong. He also men­ tioned that nothing short of sworn testi­ mony would be of much value. Mr. Dolph is ably seconded in this matter by Senator Mitchell and Congressman Her­ mann, who ail seem anxious to serve their constituents in a manner that there is no room for complaint, unless it be from the land corporations. The people must agitate this question, and not be too slow to asserts their rights. Our beautiful country has been slow to settle up, and this is one of the causes - the cream of the land held by corpora­ tions who obtained it by fraudulent means. Another meeting will be held to-day, and another will be set at some future date, so as to allow all those that are in­ terested to give in their testimony, and push this matter until the settlers secure their rights. The committee on resolutions report the following: L akeview , March 12, 1886. At a meeting of the citizens of Lake County Oregon, assembled, the under signed, committee on resolutions, beg leave to report as follows; W hereas , By Act of Congress approved July 2d, 1864, large tracts of land were granted to the state of Oregon, to aid in the construction of a Military Wagon Road from Eugene City, Oregon, to the Eastern boundary of the state: That, thereafter said road was fraudu­ lently certified to the Secretary of the In­ terior by the- then Governor of the state of Oregon, no such road as the Act pro­ vided for having ever been constructed. That the alleged title of the Oregon Central Military Wagon Road Company, to said grants has been transferred tn the California & Oregon Land Company, who now maintain, control and claim possession as assignees, thus preventing settlement and development of the country, and detrimental to the best intersts of the people. That large tracts in the Goose Lake and other valleys, outside the limits of said grant, have been selected as indemni­ ty lands, preventing settlement, where there is no evidence that said company ever lost by sale, reservation or otherwise any portion of the tract granted. That this wealthy corporation contin­ ues to hold and control a great portion of the best agricultural lands along the route of the alleged road and prevents settlers from making homes and improve­ ments thereon. That the conditions of the original grant have never been complied with ami it is impossible to even locate the route of said road by survey or land marks. Be it therforo R esolved , That we, the citizens of Lake county, Oregon, will use every means in our power to assist in develop­ ing the fraud that has been perpetrated upon the government, and will use every honest effort to open up these lands for settlement with a view to the cancellation of the patents obtained through fraud. R esolved , That a copy of these resolu­ tions be mailed to each of the Senators and the Representative from this state and to the Commissioner of the General Land Office. The Registration Law. The registration board of the State, under the new law, will meet on Monday, April 5th, and hold for three days as a board, sitting in the several precincts in the county from 9 a. in. till 5 p. m. Registration have to be made personally, in cases of sickness or absence, though, the time to register is extended three or four weeks. Below we give the principal features of the law. as classified by an exchange: To be a legal voter a person must be a male over 21 years of age, either native born or have declared his intentions of becoming a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State for 6 months and of the county 90 day proceeding the day of election and of the precinct upon the date of registration. Tickets must all be printed on paper furnished by the Secretary of State. No distinguishing mark is allowed to be placet! on the out­ side of a ticket, but any design adopted to distinguish regular partisan tickets is allowable on tile imide. The county Judge and Commissioners constitute a board of registration to v hich all contested cases must be appealed, and will meet on the first Monday following the close of registration. The}’ must sit three days but not more than ten days. In ease of special elections registration must be made 30 days before the election. Challenges may be made either against registration or voting for any legal cause whereupon the person desiring to register or vote may be sworn as touching their competence. Any ¡»erson registering fraudulently may be fined in any sum not exceeding $1009, or imprisoned in the penitentiary one year or both in the dis­ cretion of the court. Fraud by a Clerk or Judge may be punished by a fine of not less than $200 or more than 81000, or imprison meet one year or both. Legal blanks fur sale at T idings office. 1 50 Local Notices, per line............................ lbv Regular advertisements inserted upon liberal terms. Job Printing Of all descriptions done on short notice Legal Blanks, Ciroulur.s, Business Cards Billheads, Letterheads, Posters, etc., got ten up in good style at living prioes. NO. 41. I 1 HILL XYE*S BUDGET. $2 OU LOCAL. Terms ot Subscription: Ine copy, one year.................... •• " six months................. •• •• three months............ Hub Kate«, six copies for.......... Terms, in advance. TIDINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST. GENERAL NEWS. STATE AXD COAST. Linn county teachers will hold an in­ Germany sent out 103,657 emigrants Steinitz h is defeated Z ikertort and is last year. stitute at Albany March 31, April 1 and 2. now the wmht's chess champion. Portland, Me., houses 200 men pos­ The O. R. 25,000 rather than appear in Idly and Blanche are favorite names A pi 11 1st. among the colored children in s tithem ■ court. All the salmon canneries on the Col­ schools. A society "f Dalian wine growers pro­ It takes but six minutes now to semi a pose t<> eatahlisii branches ill New York. umbia river are preparing to tun the coming season, and the tun promises to cable message to Lottdun and get the London and Buenos Ayres. be good. answer. Counterfeit coin to the amount of £500,- The word “pulpit,” like “ferryboat’ The Dallas Itemizer lias a Salt creek and “outlandish women,” occurs once i 000 has been put in circulation m Egypt. correspondent. Immediately after elec in the Bible. It was Ezra who was tn I The Government offers a reward for the tion the follow will have his hands full culprits. the pulpit. giving the last arrivals — [Democrat, At the City theatre at Cologne all the ■ The Semite has passed the bill to grant I The citizens of Corvallis a»e nut back­ scenery and implements have lately been the Astoria & Winnemucca Railroad ward in asking for State offices. They impregnated with chemicals as a preven­ Company the il^dit to construct bridges have two aspirants for governor, one for tive against fire. "Ver navigable water courses. secretary of State, and one for state Slates which have roofed Carrick castle It is stid that of the 7,000 bills intro­ printer. for 300 years are found to be perfectly I duced in the present session of Congress, sound. Yet tiie Irish quarries whence Mr. Jas. Luper, of Lane county, has three have become laws. How not to do they were taken are all but ¡»lie. sued Samuel Nlenker for $10.000 fur de­ Massachusetts no'longer coiiTroU the it Appears » • l»o the desire of'that body. famation of character, the complaint lie shoe trade. Last year the state pro­ Tile II dt.se C"intnittee on Commerce ing that Meeker charged Luper with tlu< duced only $80,000,000 worth of shoes, has reported a bill establishing a light­ burning of thi Irving warehouse. against §100,000,000 made in the west. house at Destruction Island, Washing Judge Bellinger took possession last The life of the British army in Ecypt too Territory, which was referred to the Wednesday of the material of the dead is described as “all beer and sk¡tiles.” Committee on Appropriati ms. Standard and it has been stored away. “Two years ago,” say« the Boston Trans­ The Times Union, of Florida, spoke of What he proposes to <1<> in regard to the cript, “it was all scare ami battles.” At Birmingham, Conn., the body of a Senator .Jones. <>f that State, as being paid up subscript! ms, we are nut in- young woman was disinterred and all the engaged in “spaiking a vidow.” The formed. —[World. ¡»ins in her hair and shroud removed, to intelligent and never to be too sufficient­ George Blackall, a Victoria saloon- quiet her ghost that had been disturbing ly praised printer brought it out with an keeper, dreamed the other night that he tt in ¡»lace of the r. the neighborhood. was cutting hts own throat, and during A bull terrier and a 125-pound St. A1! the cloak makers in New York, Ills s'eep arose front bed, got hi« razor Bernard dog got into a fight at Water miutliermg 1.509, are on a strike. They and cut his throat in accordance with bury, Conn., kept up the fight as well a* do not ask for increase wages, but mere­ his dream. they could in eight feet of water at the ly deniaml that the contract system l»e Chinese printed cards are being issued bottom of a fifty f.»"t well into which abolished, s ■ that they can deal direct at Sail Francisco giving information of they fell, ami desperately renewed >»■ s with the films themselves. low passenger rates to the east, and stat­ tilities the moment they were fished out Doorkeeper Date, of the Connecticut I Thu New York H- raid savs: “A ing that although boycotted there Chi­ house of representatives, has ten cart­ story comes from Albany that Cleveland nese could get plenty of woik tn New ridges that were carried by Jude B. is ecu aged to MissV.m Vrclltoll, a }'olllig Yoik, Boston, or Washington. Gage in the retreat from New L ndmi in lady, who can justly lay claim as the so­ Thu Chinese of Portland offer $100 for the war of 1812. They are hand imide, cial leader of the capital. She is a New the arrest ami conviction of any one for York lady, and tall, with a most beauti ­ the wrapping being pieces of newspapers, i conspiracy or riot committed m trying to and the round balls are kept in place by ful face ami figure. She has many drive any Chinese person away from hts chai ins and graces. tow strings. Me Gage when 93 years home <>r stopping place, or to compel any old gave the relics to Mr. Date. Chinese person to leave this Slate or the Travel on both the Northern and A few days ago, in the course of some United States. excavations at the Acr"|».'lis, Athens, S'Utl.era California routes has increased so that rhe accointn »datums <»f the roads near the Erectheutn, three sfatuos of The Oregon Land and Live Stock com­ women, in an excellent state of preser are taxed to their utmost. The passen­ pany has ¡iicorp'rated at San Franeiac», ration, half as large again as life, w th gers are "f a different class from those wnh a capital at<>ck fixed at $1,000.000, large heads, and coni|»lete1y colored were usual y found occupying first class cars. divided into 10,’MJO aliares. The whole discovered. They belong to the period I'lii’}’ a-e principally mveh uiics and far­ nine.tint of the stock has been subscribed before Phidias, are delicately finished, liters, mid travel east and west ts about by six drectors, who are Rollin A. West, and are of an archaic art, admirably ¡»re­ equal in numbers. H H. West, F. G. Newland», A. W served. The Kennebec J .nrnal s.ys: We re- Sharon, and James A. Allen. The position of woman in the Korean cent.}’ received many inquiries from dis­ Saturday ntort ing, says an Albany ex­ social economy is a strange one. From tant pa’ts «f the country, whether the her birth to her seventh year she enjoys two unmarried daughters of Mr. Blame change, the freight train on the Oregon her freedom; at seven years of age she are memhets of the Catholic church. A Caliornia railr ad was an extraordinary is shut Up—t seclusion to last her life We I- tion for a pitent fol’ Ills invention of a steady increase in the future. ern, in tho world. New York ami all its telegraphing from moving trains. List A Salem paper says: N rarly the foil adjacent cities combined are imt equal to October, Luoius J. Phelps of New York, amount required t » make survey, s .. uii <1- two-thirds of it. Scothmd, Switzerland obtained quietly from thu pitcut <-ffi e a inga ami "tiler work by the engineers hav­ and the Austrian colonies each contain patent for telegraphing from a tram l»v ing the matter in hand, has been raised fewur souls, while Norway, Servi», induction. His method is m>t quite the for the proposed new bridge across thu Greece and Denmark have scarcely s ■ same as Mr. Edison's, f .r the latter tele­ W llainette at S'lein, and wishing to many. Yet at the beginning of the ¡»res­ graphs from the roof of the car to tho push the work forward a« rapidly as pos ent century the population of ail L iid.'ii wire upon the p de, while Phelps pro­ sible, it was thought best that the en­ poses to lav a wire along the track be­ diil not reach 1,090,000. gineer proceed with the work at once. A girl in Burinah is affianced early to tween the two rails. They will bring a boat and everything one of her cousins, but the match may necessary to du tlio work with them from Fifty nu-n rode into the town of Car- be broken off. In such a case the de­ Po tlnnd. roltm», M ississippi, on the 16th, and pro- faulter, if the man, lias to give the girl five pots of khoiing (a fermented drink), ceeded to the court house, where thir­ Strangely enough, the friends of a bullock worth 30 rupees, a pig three teen negroes were waiting for their trial Gc age Hearst have joined his enemies feet in girth, a spear, a fork, a bag and a to commence. T.ie white men walked in their effort to prevent his appoint­ piece of ornamental cloth. If the girl into the court room and shot ten nf the ment to succeed Senator Miller, II 18 breaks off the match she has to give the negroes and mortally wounded the other friends want him to be Governor, His mail a brass dish wt*rth 15 rupees, a silk three. The shooting grew out of the at­ enemies claim that he had trouble with cloth and belt, each worth about 5 tempted assassination of James Liddell, the Miners' Unions in Colorado and rupees, and a silk turban worth abmit 8 a prominent citizen, who was shot and Montana, where he owns mines, His seriously wounded by three negroes sev­ annas. friends say he s[H-nt a quarter of a mil­ St. Janies Protestant Episcopal church, eral weeks ago. This was a large vigi­ lion in the Examiner, and ought to bo Cambridge, Mass., has devised a new lance committee. recognized. There is a good ileal of way of making a debt apparent. A Tim shortage of $10,090 in the Sub- i st life over the matter. chart hangs upon the wa}ls of the parish Preaiity in 8 in Francisco still continues The Albany Bulletin is not satisfied house, on which the lot recently pur­ t<> excite much interest. The Treasury chased, about 13,000 squ ire feet, is rep­ Department. refuses to give any informa­ with the disposition made by the grand resented, divided into 7003 blocks, c h - tion <>n the subject. Barclay Henley jury of the Mattie Allison case, ami front responding to the cost of the property, told the News correspondent that, the wliat we can leant the Bulletin only $7000. Of these blocks 4030 have been man win stole the money was discovered, voices the sentiment of a large part of crossed off because ¡»aid for, and just lb* sai l the Department is satisfied it is the residents of that city. That paper now 103 more have been crossed <>fl by the right man, but I efused to say at pres­ closes a long editorial on the subject means of a ladies’ entertainment. Thus ent «ho it is. It is reported that with these words: “Through the man­ The Oregon Wagon Roails. everybody a glance can see the ¡»re­ changes will occur in the Sub-Treasury ipulations of able counsel fol the defense, A Washington dispatch of March 18th gress that is at making. Miss Allison goes unpunished, and W. hi Sm Francisco, and that Secretary says: Secretary Lamar sent to the house When Catherine de Medici was mar M uining awaits the report of the agent W. Saunders’s trial ta p«t eff till the to-day, in response to a resolution offered ried to Henry 11. she introduced into detailed, lie is now investigating the June term. Bnt the people are not g.>- some time ago by Hermann, al) the in­ ing to sleep on this case til) the ends of formation that the interior department, France, with her corrupt and effeminate management. justice have been subserved and the followers, a system of epicureanism that has in regard to land grant wagon roads The threats of the Northern Pacific guilty are brought to puuishinent." in Oregon. The report of special agent had been confined to Italy. Paris then became the center of artistic cooks and Railroad to build parallel lines to Red Prosser, who was detailed by the interior The Yamhill Reporter gives thu fol­ department in 1880 to make a thorough cooking, and has continued such ever M u .t nn ami Sumi Coulee, where the lowing particiilnrs of a little gill ten examination of the work done by the since— a period of mure than three cen­ M .nt.ma Central has extensive coal min­ years old being burned to death near Willamette Valley and Cascade Wagon turies. It lias taught sc much of the ing interests, has stirred up the latter McMinnville. An orphan girl by the Road company, states that the whole modern world to cook, has sent so many corporation, and it proposes to ,m*h name of Nellie Rorrick, was burned so grant of land embraced 860,753 acres, of of its cooks abroad on high culm iry «<■ ik and make connection with the Can- badly one day last week that she died lit which 548,749 acres were patented to the missions, that other cities cm no«- com­ inllan Pacific this year, as such c»ntiec- about twelve hours. She was playing company, and 312,004 acres still remain pete with it tn what it is prone to be­ ti.iu woiil.l be most desirable for the with Mr. Henshaw « children, when the Canadian road. Business sentiment in unpatented. Prosser says he went over lieve its exclusive specialty. W ide-awake Georgians who really «’ant Helena strongly favors the Montana tall grass was set on fire with emne the entire road and found that it was a matches, her dress caught and she ran to shameful piece of work. He states that to drink file-water almost always succeed Central, ns the company have invested the house about three hundred yards. in satisfying their wants, notwithstand ­ large sums < • f money in the development the company appropriated an old county The clothes were burned completely "fl road from Albany, where the military ing the prohibition movement hi that of M' i.tnna s resources, which other- of her. She suffered very little and state. A countryman r >de into Athens wise would nave lam dormant fur years seemed to die without pain. mad began, to a point four miles east of Sweet Home, a distance of thirty-six the other day and sown Ins horse showed to come. It is stated that the following is the miles; that from that point east of Cache every symptom of being ill. He lay Red Tapi’ nt Washington. slate for the prohibition ticket: The gu­ creek, about sixty miles of passable road down and rolled, and seemed to be in bernatorial nomination «ill go to either was built, except for want of many pain. A doctor was called, w ho gave a New York Telegram’] Prof. T. F. Campbell, i f Corvallis. H ;n. neeessary bridges, and that from Cache prescription tha* included a quirt of There's more red tape in the State De­ creek to the eastern boundary of the whisky. Having got his whisky tiie partment th in in all of the rest of the G. W Dimick, of Marion, or Hou. \V. state, 350 miles, the company only made Georgian spoke to his horse, which at Government combined. Only a fewyears F. Owens, of Douglas. The congres­ a wagon-track, building no bridges, mak­ once jumped up and made off with Ills ago the State Department officials erected sional nomination will bo ofl-red either .1. \V. Webb, of Portland, or H-m J. G. ing no grades, and tilling in no depres­ master on his back. a heavy iron door in the corridor which Mmldock, of Morrow. A. Luulling, of sions. The report states that a single leads from it to tho Navy Departnient. The Fruit Trade. C ackamas, will doubtless he nominated wagon was driven across the country and This was done to keep the Navy Depart­ for secretary of state; D. W. Stearns, of I Resources of Califoyiiu.] its marks were called a road. ment clerks from contaminating the at­ D"Uglaa, er Ashley White, of P dk, for No agent had been detailed to inspect The wonderful increase in the fruit­ taches. as the State Department clerks The Dalles military rsad. The grant to growing industry of California is almost call themselves. It took an Act of Con­ State treasurer; J. E. Houston, <>f Jack- that company consists of 576,000 acres, beyond belief. Between the first »lay of gress to open the gate. Some of the son, for superintendent of public in­ of which 123,910 are patented, the rest January and the first day of September, rooms of the Navy IX'partment are situat­ struction, and L. Flmn, of Linn, for remain ng still unpatented. 1884, only 8,000,000 pounds w«-re sent ed on the upper floor over the State De­ supreme judge. Sparks states that although he has no to the Eastern States by rail. During a partment. Not many months ago a T' io Prohibition County Convention of reliable information in regard to the correspoii ling period in 1885, 2.000 car­ clerk »elonging to the Navy De])artinent Marion county lias put tn nomination a way the work was done, he is satisfied it loads, or 40,009,000 were shipped, be came out of iiis room with a bundle of full county ticket as follows: Sr ite Sen­ was not properly performed, from the ing an increase of 32,000,000 ¡»"ii iiU in oftici.il papers in his hand He wasabcut ators, Thomas \ anScoyand G. W. Dun short time the company took to make one year. These figures show a marvel to walk down stairs, because the elevator tek, and John Brooks; for Repreaenta- the road. The survey was begun April <>us progress in a single branch of in­ in m Ins received instructions front tho tive, John Downing, Sylvanus Condit, J. 22, 1869, and a road 230 miles long was dustry, and when we take into consider- State Departnient not to allow any of the W. Thi mas, F. N. Matloch, J. W. completed May 17, just twenty-five days atimi the new orchards which will c»»me Navy Department clerk’, to ride, when Bachelor, L. C. Russell; for Sheriff, K. later, and was accepted by the governor into bearing next year, and the natural he lost his grip on the bundle and it L. Hibbard; for Clerk,.J. B. Grier; for of Oregon in June, sixty-three days from increase in productiveness of the older fell down three stories. A messenger be­ Judge, 8. R Hammer; for Commission­ the time the survey began. ones, we may reason»'ly estimate that longing to tiie State Department quickly ers, G. E El»erliaid and R. H. Ruther­ these figures wiil be nearly doubled in seized the bundle and carried it in and ford; for School Superintendent, T. C. 1886. When we can lay down our fruit laid it upon the desk of one of the chiefs J'*rv, for Treasurer, W. A. Mills; for A New Cosmogony. in Chicago, New York, New Orleans and of division. In the mean time the clerk Assessor, S. B. Crocker; for Surveyor, [Denver Tribune.] other cities at prices which all classes ! hurried down stairs and walked into the Edward B. Piper; for Coroner, Dr. J. According to Nonlenskjold, the solar can afford to pay, the fruit-growers <■! roo n of rhe august State Departnient of­ W. Cole. system was once a vast cloud of cosmic California will reap a rich liarveat. ficial and demanded Ins bundle of papers. dust. Atoms collided against atoms, gen­ Measures now being matured by those He was ( rushed «ith the retort that if hu A despeiate and cowardly attempt t erating heat by the collision, and forui-. I interested in this great industry, looking had any communication to make it mast murder Mr. Fenwich, of Hartley valley, ing centers of attraction which were again to the formation of a central as* ■ciatt":i be done through the ¡»roper channels— was made one night last week. Mr. Fen­ attracted by greater centers, until the through which lead to a material re luc- to wit, in «riling, to the chief of his wick went out doors to get some stove­ vast cloud had finally dissolved itself into tl<»n tn freights, which, if acc '»nplis’ied, division, who could in turn transmit it, wood and had placed one stick uput his innumerable bodies, into sun, planets, will make fruit-growing the leading in­ with the pr»»]»er indorsement, to tho divi­ arm when he saw a dark object a fefr moons, meteors and dust. The planets dustry of California. sion chief in the State Department. feet in front of him, and instantly ».pistol and moons were not formed from rings of This was the beginning of the correspon­ flashed in the dark and a stream of tire Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchi­ dence. Ono would hive thought that shotout. Mr. F. being in a sitting pos­ matter flung from the equator to the rapidly rotatir.g central body, but were tis immediately re.ieied by Shiloh's tiie matter would have ended there, but ture fed over backwards, helieving himself concretions of world matter simultaneous Cure. For sale at Chitwood's. it didn't. The correspondence grew and shot. After the first shock he discover­ with and indej»endent of the sun. The grew- until near the close of the fourth ed that the bullet had passed through the ill you suffer with Dyspepsia and size, distance and motion of the planets Î Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vttalizcr is week it drew in the Secretary of State stick of wood, through the coat and into and the size, shape and inclination of the guaranteed to cure you. For sale by an l the Secretary of the Navy. These some newspa|M»rs in the inside packet, orbits is explained as the result of uni­ I J H Chitwood A* Smi. two gentlemen made short work of the where it was found. The stick of wood versal gravity, which compelled all mo­ matter, and the papers were returned had saved his life, l'he unknown as­ tions to assume the position of greatest Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure with all due formality. Here were four sassin fled immediately upon firing tile equilibrium. This is in outline Nor- is sold by us i on guarantee. It cures I weeks wasted by worse than foolish red shot, evidently believing he could nut denakjold's uew cosmogony... have missed at such short range. consumption J H Chitwood & Son. Ups.