f THE ASHLAND TIDINGS GROCERY How Bears Fish IN HOUSES I ASHLAND. MERCANTILE [Lewiston (Me. ) Journal. | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26. 1886 SWINDLED COLONISTS. History of the Infamous Frauds at Surasota Bay, Florida. The New York Tribune prints a sad and exas(»erating at«>ry of deceit, loss and suffering in the form of a letter from John Laurie of Paisley, Scotland, counsel of the Scotch colony at Sarasota baY, Florida. He tells how J. S. Tait ofEdinburgh drew enticing pictures of Florida in Scottish papula and pamphlets, and how his glowing representations led the colonists to buy 6,000 acre« at Sara­ sota bay. Tait gave a positive assurance that he had n<> connection with any land company, and that his only motive was •»m- of the purest philanthropy and de­ site to help those who had a moderate property from loosing all on the depres­ I sion of the tiade in Scotland. The Colonists had implicit confidence in Tait and paid 812.50 an acre for their land, and the company agreed, in consideration of other payments, to carefully care for them on the voyage and have horses r-'iuly furnished forthem on their arrival, a id to furnish for six months everything nv e«led at prime cost. The c «loiiists were told they could grow sufficient vegetables and small fruits to support themselves and families in from three to four months, that they would be able to pay their ex­ penses at the end of the first year, and that they would have orange groves in full bearing from budded trees in five years from their arrival. There were 150 men, women and children who came over, and 300 expected to follow. Their journey was not made comfortable, ami the unexpected cost to them was $500. The settlers reached their new possessions in Florida only to find that they had been brought to a desolate waste of sands, a perfect mockery of the fertile paradise which they had been taught to look for. Every assurance held out to them seemed to have been falsified and every promise broken. In­ stead of confortable houses, abundant final, churches, schools, and a settled neighborhood and closely connected plots of land, they found a few miserable hov­ els, indecently appointed, and a wilder­ ness of sand, with scarcely enough food to keep them from starving. They were assigned to widely separated points and sought in vain for any proof or indication that the soil for which they had paid a high price could be made to yield the least return. Many of the colonists have already abandoned the scene of such miserable disappointment ami others are anxious to leave. They have discovered that Tait and his family are large shareholders in several land companies and that he sold the 6,000 acres to the colonists at a profit of eleven dollars and a half per acre; also, that he had never visited the place before giving his glowing descriptions. The colonists were warned by the Tri­ bune while in the city, but their confi­ dence in Tait was too great to be shaken. The letter closes as follows: “Tait's course in this matter has been an outrage and a crime against humanity and de­ serves seven* punishment. He has not only by his misrepresentations defrauded a large number of families of their hard- earned money, hut he has imperiled their health, and, if his schemes had not been soon discovered, would in all probability have caused their death.” Women. Mme. Nilsson has refused a $30,000 offer in Russia on account of the cold­ ness of the climate. Jenny Lind (Mme. Goldschmidt) whose voice is said to have lost none of its sweetness and to retain much of its power, has finally yielded to the solicita­ tions which have been forced upon her and has consented to reappear in concert in London. This event will take place during the coming summer. It is reported that Mrs. Bloomfield Moore, a wealthy Philadelphia widow, aged 50, who sails for England shortly, is engaged to be tuarried to Robert Brown ing. the English poet. M is. Frances Hodgson Burnett, who was obliged to leave Washington to se­ cure the absolute quiet her physician commands, is still living at Lynn, Mass., but is rapidly recovering her health. Young ladies in New York who have any knowledge of painting are now busily engaged on harlequin chairs, with­ out one of which no boudoir or sitting- room is considered just complete artis­ tically. Queen Victoria's birthday present to the Crown Princess of Germany was a “full dress” carriage, the interior of which is lined with blue silk damask, trimmed with gold fringe and tassels. The outside is of claret color, with lines of crimson, and all the mountings are of brass. On the doors and panels the English and Prussian arms are embla­ zoned in relief. Lady Granville Gordon, whose new departure as a hat ami bonnet maker in London has excited attention, is the daughter of Mr. R<>e, the Dublin dis­ tiller, who has falle» on evil days, Hence the bonnet shop, as Lord Gordon has not, nor ever had any money. His grandfather, the Marquis of Huntley, was 3old out by the sheritr, and his brother, the present marquis, had writs out against him for obtaining money un­ der false pretenses, but his brother-in- law came to his aid at the eleventh hour and the proceedings were withdrawn. During the old slavery days we used to hear a great deal about the “higher law, " and there was one Massachusetts judge of the I’uited States court who, in the case of one poor chattel whose owner claimed his return to servitude un­ der the fugitive slave law, formally de­ cided that “until the alleged master can show his title to this person direct from the Almighty God I declare him to lie a free man,” and thereupon he discharged him. There is a virtue in this kind of law that exists to the present day, as we are iufonned by the Philadelphia Enquirer. It was s|a*ciaily illustrate«I by a sheriff of Western Pennsylvania w ho Nvas sent to the coke regions to evict the tenants of the coke companies, The temperature was at zero, the ground was deeply covered with snow. It was weather unfit t<# turn a dog out into. The sheriff reviewed the situation, with the result of striking for the supremacy of the “higher law.” He positively re fused to make homeless and houseless the men, women and chidren that he was sent to evict. He put his writs into his pocket again, having a bigger soul and a latte heart th in the coke works owners, wh ■ would h ive him obey I he law of the statute. What a Wife Said. Very few people know rhat bears take to water naturally. They roam over the mountains and through the forests, dig open rotten kgs for ants and worms, and secure all the hornets’ nests they can, and tear them to pieces and eat the young grubs, pick berries of all descrip­ tions and eat them, and would seem to belong to the dry-land animals. The fact is different. They love the water, not perkq«s, as well as the moose and deer, but better than most dry-land animals. They are very fond of fish, and are ex­ pert fishermen, and show more cunning ami instinct, if not reason, than many city chaps I have seen almut the lakes. I came suddenly ii|x>n a very large bear in a thick swamp, lyin:« iq>on a hol­ | low log across a brook, fishing, and he was so much interested in his sport tint he did not notice me until I had ap­ proached very near to him, so I could see exactly how he baite«! his hook and played his fish. He fished in this wise: Their was a large hole through the log on which he lay, and he thrust his fore­ arm through the hole and held his open paw in the water and waited for the fish to gather around and into it, and when full he clenched his fist and brought up a handful of fish and sat and ate them with great gusto; then down with his paw again, and so on. The Finest Assortment in the City. The brook was fairly alive with little trout red side suckersaiidsomebl.ick suck­ ers, so the ohl fellow let himself out on the fishes He did not eat their heads. There was quite a pile of them on the log. In fact, everything in the Choice Family Grocery line, not forgetting I suppose the oil on his paw r attracted the fish and baited them even better than a fly-hook, and his toe-nails were ------ Also, a Fine Stock of ------- his hooks and sharp ones too, and once grabbed, the fish are sure to stay. They also catch frogs in the forest We stand by our trade mark, the 'Long and Short of it," which means LONG GOODS AT brooks, and drink of the pure water in SHORT PRICES. Give us a call. Goods delivered to any part of the city. “Wl hot summer days, and lc ave to lie ami wallow in the muddy swamps, as well as AV. T. CODU11N, & CO., Ashland. our pigs in the mire. They often cross narrow places in lakes by swimming, and also rivers, and seem to love to take a turn in the water. 1 once saw one swimming from the main­ land to the big island in Mooselucniazantic Lake, with just a streak of his back out of the water, loking like a log moving along. Sometimes you see «inly their heads out of the water; at other times half of their botlies are to be seen. We account for this difference by their con­ ditions. If fat-, the grease helps to buoy them up; if lean, they sink lower in the water. LONG AND SHORT OF ITI FAMILY - Bargains! GR0CERIES1! Canned Goods, Flour, Provisions, Confectionery, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, Bargains! o o o Bargains! — AT — THE FARMERS STORE. Which with its large and complete stock of General Merchandise is now con­ ducted under the management «if Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fine Cloaks, etc. Over .TO.Oiio cure* rvuordud in C> rear«. ■ Piles, Rectal Ulcer, Fissures, Pruritus-Ani, Fistulas in Ano, Polypus Recti, Etc., Groceries, Canned Goods, Crockery. Glassware Cured without euttinRoperations l*r. I’ilkiug- ton. st a,.t on -«« < t i . im an.i ai him , ate! propri­ etor «if the sani . a III l x for BY e . ear uni 8».K\ - of* Dlt-EAKSS. 1‘orllaiKl. ««regoti. lias Ix-.-n ap­ pointed agent hh <1 physician for thi» sj .t,-m for OreRon. an«i ha» in t»o month* ina. I’ortluiid. Oregon. bright Glass. Mannfaetured ONI.T by IMttsbnrgli bead bllass Work» FOR SALE BY DEALERS. HUNSAKER & DODGE, Arc prepared to furnish FINOS and ORGX'-* it O PRICES that DEFY COMPETITION. All Instruments guaranteed as represented or Money refnnl ben* or at home, with or without seeing tlie patient. Gome and see us, or send ten cents tn Hamps for our “Invalids’ Guide Book,’’ wbi. h all particulara Manufacturer & Wooi-Worker. Place to buy Groceries and Provisions ill make estimates ami bids oti all buildings public or private. an«l ftiruisli all material for tlie eonstrm tlon of the same. tnercus ailments i iHjarise from its deranged or rbre^action, such as Ilyspcpsrh J^ydice, Biliousness CciyvuncsAMaiana, Sick-headachy ASHLAND. OltLXlOIV Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding i A:> ^ryrirnoe of Forty years, and Tku'i- 's1«V .LIVE UTTINGS. Ripe Wood, $10 perl, 000 0 IVE T..EES. 3 to 6 feet, $30 per 100. 419and421 SansomeSt.,San Francisco,Cal. the Liver must be kept in order.” Invi^or .tea the Liver. Rerulatcsthe Bow els, Strengthcntt the Sysien«. Purifies tbc B'ooil. Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is » Household Need. An Invaluable F .ni.ly Medicine for common complain!s. DX SANFORD'S LIVER INVIG0BAT0R. Follow lug ar«* cash prices for work : Planing. 13 per M.; Planing nn«l matching. $5 per M.: moulding ‘2 cent per inch, per ft. flO-H an invoice of Pure Uncolored and Breakfast Teas, which lMaA'ri: Are u«>w taken by the Leading Photographers in all the Ci'.iea. and for Groups pic- I ures of children, etc., are far superior to the old h «»-«-:,llml “wet-plate“ process Call at Logan’s (iallerv, on the hill. And examine work made exclusively by the new process. Phot.^raphs made by the leading artist« of the coast on exhibition for comparison. I# 44 Photographs. 150 tons alfalfa hay for sale at Houck's ranch. I . r-otis who may w ish photograph, froi t’2 miles south of Ashland, at |8 per ton in negative» mad«- by tlie undersigned while in Goo«l Board, II per week. Meals 25 cents. quantities of 20 torn and upward, or »'.* per t-nlaud i nti pr«H.'iir<- them by sending order* Oyster stew» 25 cent». Give me a call. single ton. or the hay will be delivered iu ■ o «.rant » 1‘ass. as the negatives have all be, n pn-.- rv. d K J.-. E vekitt . for two dollars per ton additional. Wm. MILLS. t A»hlun«l Grunt s Fa«.«. Or. May 29. M85. No. 23-3mj M bs . J. Horcx. CAKES. PIES, AKO BUNS. Lea» of appetite, Bowel» coative, Pai» 1» the head, with * doll aenaatiea la the back part, Paia under th» »hoalder* blade, Fnllneaa after eatinc, with »dis­ inclination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low »pirito, with a feeling of having neglected oom» dsty, Weariae»», DizzineM, Fluttering at the Heart, Date before th» »ye». Headache •ver the right eye, Keatleaane»», with fitful dream». Highly colared Urine, and ___ CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to auch case», one doae effects such a cbang«« of feeling as to astoniah the sufferer. The, Increase the Appetite .and cause th. body to Take on > leshatbu. the .y.tem to nourished.and by tbeir Tonic Action on tbc Digestive Organs.negular Stools are groduced^MceSgejJfOfarraySt—NLY. WOMEKT nt the Tnvnli.ls' Hotel and tiurgieal Institute, has af­ forded largo experience in adipt.ng ri-tuedk« for their cure, and I DR. PIERCE’S Favorite Prescription Is the restilt of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervine, imparts v igor and strength to the system, and cures, as if by magic, l.cu- eorrhea, or “whites,’’ excessive flowing, painful meuatrnalion, mi- natural suppression«, prolapsus or falling of the ntcrii«, wenlt back, anteversion, retroversion, bemiiiz- down sensations, chronic conge«- tiou, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, puin and tenderness in ovaries, iiit'inal heat, and “female weaknoso.** It promptly relfaives and tuns Nausea and weakness of Ktoinai-h, ludig« «- tlon. Bloating, Nervous Proslratiou, and SieeplessiiCM, Iu cither sex. PRICE $1.00, Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierer's larg-- Treatis«! on Diseases of Women, illus­ trated. World's Dispensiry Medical Association, «83 Main 8treet, BUFFALO, N.Y. IICK-HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Const I pa- lion, Indigestion, and Hilious Attacks, prntnptly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 2f «■lita a vial, by Drugguits TUTTS HAIR DYE. ■ G ray H air or Waisuaa changed to a G lossy B lack by a single application of this D ye . It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of gl. Office, 44 Murray 8t., New York. OCH & SON’S Hay for Sale. Adn Nervous tener, Nocturnal Loase«», an«l ah Nlorbid < <>nd lllona caused by tomliful tol- 80,1 p« ri»HI«»us Noll- tary Practices arc ststsliiv ■■“■^^■^and permanent ! y cured by our Specialista. Book, jxwt-paid, id cts. in stamps. Rupture, or Itreueh, ra«li- I n........ I cally cured Without the knife, I | iiwi KUPT ivnu l RE I | an( Without Without ('urea p .in. j Wifh truss, oilt dumrer, Guaranteed. Book eent lor ten confit in stamps. the many diseases ividtgyta that im< portant organ, and p^ewnting the nu> office audiactury on Granite street. HUNSAKER & DODGE’S. flri i»iw utUuATE n ______ UlXFiSFS u|viJ«vuo. Tardy Vegetable Compound, tLit acts directly upon the Nrcr; curing IS AT Notice is hereby given that in purstiauce of an order of the county court of Jackson coun­ ty. .'•late of Oregon, made on the 6th day of October. 1885, in the matter of the estate ami guardianship of Geo. V. Gillette ami Hugh H. Gillette, minors, th«* umlersigm-d. guardian of sai twuxty — ix e ..«.- Simply ttiis and nothing more: E a cough Syrup. sittings, f.i No fowls for sale till fall. M y P lymovtii R o « ks have Stood at the iron T K Bolton A co would call the atten­ several years, always w inning the hylic, tion of their friends and the public to this for honors w hv-rev« r exhibited. exc«ellent preparation, made in Australia EGGS—One sitting. »2 50; two sittings, it and San Francisco, California, from the three sittings, p. A few choice trio« al »1 leaves of a peculiar variety of the Euca­ each Single birds from threetofive dollar' lyptus or blue gum tree of Australia. It My stock of B row n T. e « ihokxs cannot be » has no sickening property to disturb th« celled iu this or any other country. Mv strut is a direct cross fatwceti fowls 1 imported fr- stomach, and is most reliable for curin Bonney of Massachusetts, ami Keefer of 1>. coughs, colds, sore throat, whooping c>«ugb nois bronchitis, croup and any tendency to con­ EGGS-One sitting, »2 50; two sittings ft sumption. Sold by T K B olton . thre*-sittings, P*. A lew extra choice cta ker. ■ City Drugstore, agent for Ashland. for sale at »4 and »5. All my bints have had splendid range, ur healthy ami finely marked. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of B>ur bon, Ind., says: “Both myself and wife I Guarantee a good hatch, and perfect satis­ owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption faction. Cure.” For sale at J H Chitwood A Send stamr« for handsomely illustra'1 «1 < .-it., logue. CASH Must Accompany All Orders. Son's. Address J. . GARRISON, What will cure throat and lung troubles? Forest Grove. Oregon. Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. For sale at B.—’A ,11s. Fargo Co.'s Express give: the City drug store. special low rates to all tny cuetoasn. 11 Kearney Sit.. San Piancioco. < al. SIMMON LIVER REGULATOR —Manufacturers of— Tobacco and Ciiars, Carlriiies, Ammunition, etc. THE THREE LEADING VARIETIES. LIVER DISEASE ““"ir covered with a brown fur ; pain in the back, side , or j'-ints—often mistaken f« r Rheumatism; Hour fitomat li; loss of appetite; metimes nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid «.ruct.it;'>n< • h< wels alturnately costive and lax, heridachi*; I of , with a painful sensation of I avu g failed t • do something which ought to have btcii ¡one; debility; !<>w spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; a dry cough ; fever , r tle^sness; the urine is scanty and high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. FAKLOW & AXIIaKaESlX. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, CLASS Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leghorns. abuse, of youthful follieH excesaes in mnturer rears. Htich as loss of Memory. Lassitude. Nocturnal Emission. Aversion to Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in the Head: the vital fluid passing unobserved in th«- urine, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity and death. Dr. Mintie. who is a regular physi­ cian, f gratluate of tbc University of Penn­ sylvania!, will agree to forfeit five hundred dollars for a cas<> of this kind the VI TAL RESTORT1VE >und« r his special advice ami treatment i will not cure, or for any­ thing impure or injurious found in it. Doct«>r Mintie treats all private discus«*» successfully, u thout mercury. Consultation free. Thorough examination and advice, including analysis of urine. $5. Price of Vital restorative. $1.5 Becker, plaintiff, vs Anthony W Beck­ er. «1« femlant. Suit in equity for div«»r< •*. To Anthony w Becker, the above niiine«l -iliest nnd Beat groceries in town, at the lowest figures. As we buy the compluint filed against you in the above In addition to our full nnd complete entitled suit in w hich Elsie 1» Keeker is plain­ for cash , we cun afford to sell cheap for cash. tiff and Anthony W Becker is defendant, on or assortment of groceries and provisions, we carry before the first day of the next term of said circuit court, to wit: The 3d day of Mav. A ii 1886. Ami if you fail to appear and answ er, de­ fault w ill be taken against you. ami for want of answer the plaintit!'w ill apply to sai«l court for tlie relief prayed for in said complaint, which is fora «livoree dissolving, and declar­ Goods delivered to all parts of town free of charge. ing for naught, the marriage contract hereto­ lu-13 fore ami now existing. between the plaintiff FARLOW A- MILLER. ami defendant, and for jmlgnient against the defendant for her costs and disbursements of this suit. II. K elley . Solicitor for 1’iff. By order of L. K. Webster, circuit judge. ---- FROM ---- E nglish R emedy MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Respectfully, E. M. MILLER. ( T he S pecialist . ) I No. 11 Kcnrnry St. >an Francisco, Cal. I T reats all C hronic , S pe « ial ym > Put- Thc BUYERS’ GUIDE to issued March and Sept., vatl D iseases with Wo.xpEitrt l St « - each year. ‘456 pages, 81-, xliy.j inches,with over THE GREAT 3,500 illustration» — a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Price» dirret to eon*u»i<-rt on all goods for Isa »ever failing cure personal or family use. Tells how to for Nervous Debility order, and Rives exact cost of every­ Vitality, thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or S< initial Weakness, have f«in with, ‘i'hese IWAUABLR Sp e r in a t «> r rh <« a. BOOKS contain information gleaned LOKi MANHOOD, from the market« of the world. We will mull a copy FREE to any ad- Impoti-T.cv. I'l»< >S- dreas upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray T A T O 11 It H E 1, expense of mailing. Let us hear from l’nrnlysis and all the you. Respectfully, terrible effects of self ASHLAND,.......................... OREGON. Dissolution of Copartnership. EGGS FOR HATCHING! Dr. MINT IE GEO. A. MACBETH A CO. Always on hand. In fact, anything in the Music line can be furnished on Short Notice. Give us a call anil be convinced. All order» by mail promptly attended to. Guardian's Sale Liver and Kidneys. RECTAL DISEASES. Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oilcloths Notice to Taxpayers. In tile comity court of tliu State of Oregon, for the county of Jackson. In the matter of the estute of Geo. W. Fordyce, deceused. Citation. To Anna Fordyce, < lara Fordyce. Asa For­ dyce Edgar F Fordyce, and all*others inter­ ested in said estate, greeting: In tlie name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby called and required to appear in the county court of the Stat«* of Oregon, for the county of Jackson, at the court room thereof, at Jacksonville in the county of Jackson, on Tuesday, the _it day of March. 1 km >. at ten I o'clock ill the forenoon of that «lay, then and there to show cause if any. why the final a«'- count of the executrix of the above named estate shonld not be accepted and approved, and the said executrix «liscliarged from her said trust, as prayed . .... for ._ in _______ the final _______ account duly filed herein. Witness, the Hon. E. D e I’ eatt , Judge of the county court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Jackson, with the seal of said court affixed, this 7th day of Januarv, A. D. 1886. Attest. W. 11. P arker , clerk. Will speedily relieve and per­ manently cure all the various ditli- cnities nrisinff fr«»m a «üsorilered coiiditi'in of the ---- For the cure of all----- ——~—--------- nBiirn-rTT ' - Summons ----- Nature's own remedy----- THE BRINKERHOFF SYSTEM Fine Custom and Ready-made Clothing. We alhO keep a full supply of SUPERIOR strings for the Violin, Banjo, and Guitar. E. J. FARLOW, Oregon Kidney Tea! PORTLAND, ORECON. Who offers at Bottom Prices a large and varied assortment of Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Flutes, Flageolets, Music Books, Sheet Music, Music Rolls and Folios, Notice is hereby given that the copartner ship existing between the undersign««!, doing a butchering business in Ashland under the firm name of Hosley A Miller, is this day dis­ solved by mutual consent. The books ami aecouuts of the firm are ill the hands of K 11. Miller, who hereby gives notice to all persons kuow ing themselves in- «lebted to said firm that such accounts must be settled immediately w ith him. Mr. Miller may be found at his residence on Spring street. C has . H osley . K. B. M iller . Ashland, Or.. Feb, 1, 1886. ETC TTTT T Tt is perfectly harmless nnd cm T be given to the mowt di lient«« wo­ T man or child. For sale by all drug- rgv pists. Kuril. I1eit*hii A Woodard. *A holesale Agents. J. 13. FOUNTAIN, Decker Bros, Behr Bros, J. . K KK K K K K BOOTS and SHOES. Nature's owti remedy, Oregon Kidney Tea. OO O o K K T () 1! A C C O anti CIGARS! D k . K elloggs W orm T ea is entirely free from all Mercurial properties, can be given to the weakest constitution with- out danger, is palatable and easily ad- ministered to children , is mild in opera- tion. and never fails to effect a cure. Price 25 cents. Sold by Chitwood & Son. OO K 8-30] xMEDICINES, PATENT IMMUNITY from ANNOYANCE MAXVIACTITUXG-M1SCELI.ASE' ,1 s Celebrated Fa.hlon Calalcgae SENT FREEfc.Wea^fe :-Tb. aov luhlreM lllu.vtate^ and li»ta >•> ry thin« for Ladle»'. Gent«', Children»’ »I Infants’ wear »nd Houw-kerping i Mis -Is - pnces urli'es iftirrv loirrr than tn<«> tn