Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, August 27, 1880, Image 3

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The following is the weather report-
furnished us by H. C. Hill, for the week
ending August 25th.
Thermometer re­
corded at 6 a . m . and 12 m : .
6 A. M .
12 M
------------------------------------------- -f—------------------------------------------------------------
W kbat W anted .—Wagner, Anderson
A Co., of the Ashland Mills, are now
buying wheat, for which they are paying
the highest cash market price.
W ill bk S old .—The residence and
property of M. Baum, on Granite street,
is offered for sale at a bargain, For par-
ticulars inquire of M. Baum at McCall,
Atkinson A Co.’s store.
H ousehold F urniture for S ale .—
Mrs M. Baum offers for sale the entire
lot of household furnishing goods in her
residence on Granite street, among which
are many pieces of nice furniture. Call
and examine it.
S etti . kmf . nt W anted .—All those who
are indebted to Wagner,Anderson k Co.,
are requested to make settlement as soon
as possible by cash, wheat or note, as
our old accounts to date must be bal­
anced on our books.
W agner , A nderson & C o .
S hocking A ccident .—A man named
Failman, driving a reaper in a harvest
field near Oregon City last Friday, met
with a fearful fate. The team he was
driving became frightened and ran away
and. making a sudden lunge, threw him
directly in front of the fast moving
sickles, Cutting off both legs as cleanly as
if amputated by a surgeon.
was promptly rendered, but the man
died in a short time after the accident.
D ied .—Joseph Sears, of this place,
who left here in the early summer to
spend several months in the Sacramento
valley, died at Woodland on the morning
of the 10th inst., of dropsy of the heart,
at the age of 56 years
He had been
very ill with billious fever, but was
thought to be recovering, when the fatal
attack came.. The funeral was in the
afternoon of the same day. His son
James, who went with him from this
place, has also been very sick, but was
improving when last heard from. Mr.
Sears leaves a wife and two children in
We are informed that a brass band
will soon plunge into the agonies of prac­
New goods this week at McCall, Atkin­ tice in Ashland, a number of our boys
son & Co.’s
having ordered instruments from the
Legislature convenes in the second east.
week of next month.
C. H. Schoff, who has been stopping
School begins at the Ashland College with Mr. Billings, at the Eagle Mills,
next Wednesday morning.
left last Tuesday for San Francisco, and
Several weddings are upon the eve of will probably go thence to the Atlantic
consummation in Ashland.
John Chandler has lost a bird dog,
John Million arrived with freight
he is willing to pay something to
from Roseburg last Tuesday.
C. A. N utley now keeps watermelons recover. It is white with the exception
and fruit for sale at his confectionery of a little yellow on the forehead and on
one ear.
store. E. Burrows and family came
New Goods of every description re­
ceived this week at Butler & Rockft-1- over from Yreka last week, and have
taken up residence in Mr Woolen’s
house. Mr. Burrows returned to Yreka
We are indebted to both Mr. R. Ball
on Monday.
and David Ralph fur a treat of excellent
At a meeting of the Directors of the
Siskiyou Agricultural Society last week,
J. A. Leach has stopped at Yakima
Col. W. S. Stone was elected President;
City, W. T., and Dr. Taylor is in Walla
J. H. Magoffey, Secretary, and M. Ren­
ner, Treasurer.
Cool weather again. A light frost was
The upper portion of the front of the
perceptible in Ashland one morning this
Pioneer store building, which was left
unfinished last winter, by the failure of
Judge Prim lias consented to deliver the supply of brick, is to be completed
the oration at the Pioneer Reunion next now by Mr. Jacobs.
Mr. Wolters would have been ready
Ribbons, dress goods, hosiery, ladies’ to begin business at his bakery by this
and gents’ underwear at Butler & Rock­ time but for an accident to the oven, the
arch of which fell in because of some de­
John McCurdy intends to put up a fect in its construction.
hotel building in Alkali valley, Lake
John II. Miller, of Lake county, was
in Ashland last week. He has an unus­
J. A. Cardwell, of Jacksonville, has ually fine crop of wheat on his farm this
driven up to Ashland nearly every day year, and was looking for a reaper with
which to cut it.
A. W. Bish now drives a handsome
John Fraley writes from Oregon, Mis­
pair of dark sorrel horses to his vegeta­ souri, that he will probably return to
ble wagon.
Ashland before the winter sets in. Since
For bargains go to McCall, Atkinson he lias lived in Southern Oregon Mis­
& Co.'s — goods selling for cash at cost souri has no charms for him.
and freight.
Lime from James Mullin's kiln will
Wm. Willits returned home yesterday hereafter be kept on hand for sale at D.
from Yreka, and will probably spend the P. Walrad's in Ashland. It will be kept
winter in Ashlan 1.
in tight barrels, protected from the air,
may be had in any quantity.
Henry Norton and John True arrived
last Monday from Redding, with goods
A party, consisting of Mrs. Kentnor
and children. Miss Katie Chitwood, and
for our merchants.
Miss Ella Scott, the music teacher of Messrs. Al Watson, Ed. Myer, and
the Ashland College, will reach here Frank Vining, left Ashland for an excur­
sion in the mountains last Saturday.
about the 30th inst.
Clothing, overalls, hats, caps and
everything in that line cheap for cash at
Butler k Rock fellow’s.
On motion of Governor Thayer, Judge
Prim was last week admitted to practice
in the Supreme Court.
Pres. Rogers and Prof LaDru Royal,
of the Ashland College, arrived on Wed­
nesday evening's stage.
A man named Nathan Griswold com­
mitted suicide at Junction City on Sun­
day morning of last week, cutting his
throat from ear to ear. He was doubt­
less laboring under temporary insanity.
At Salem mill nine pairs of burrs are
constAitly running; wheat is coming in
at the rate of 1,200 bushels per day, and
85 tents per bushel is paid for old wheat,
but no price has been fixed for the new.
Coos county has gained 195 per cent,
Forest fires are burning in the moun­
in population since 1870. Curry comes
in many portions of the state, in
next with 110 per ceut.
some places spreading so rapidly that
The young ladies of Ashland contem­
faroi property is endangered. A good
plate organizing a “Gossiping Society.”
rain would be welcomed in those re­
No old ladies need apply.
It is reported that D. A. Levens, of
W. H. Atkinson has a young apple tree
Canyonville, has sold his band of cattle
in his garden which bears the finest seed­
at Fort Harney for $40,000.
ling apples of the early variety that have
Fisher k Baum's place in San Fran­ been brought into notice hereabout. The
cisco is No. 105 Sansome street, instead new variety will no doubt be extensively
of on Kearney street, as we had it
P ioneer R eunion .—The fourth an­
nual reunion of the Pioneer Society of
Southern Oregon, will be held at the
Court House enclosure in Jacksonville,
on Thursday the 16th of September next.
A cordial invitation is extended to all,
whether members or not. Families are
requested to furnish provisions for the
occasion. Members who are delinquent
for their yearly dues, are earnestly re­
quested to pay the same to K. Kubli,
Treasurer, to meet current expenses.
The annual races at Adin, Modoc
W m . H offman , Sec’y.
county, Cal., begin on Tuesday, Septem­
ber 28th next, and continue four days.
F ine H orses .—J. A. Merrick, the
A. G. Rockfellow will build an addi­
horseman, was in town this week, hav­
tion to his dwelling house on Church
ing returned from a trip to California.
street. L. S. P. Marsh will do the
His fine horse,“Commodore Mambrino,”
is at Maj. Barron’s, and will be kept
Wm. A. Wright has been appointed
there during the fall and winter. His
other horse, Bayswater, now in the Sac­ Justice of the Peace for Linkville pre­
ramento valley, will be taken north t® cinct, vice A. P. Armstrong, who re­
the Willamette valley by water. Mr. signed.
Good oak and pine wood in any quan­
Barron is interested in having Bayswater
brought into Oregon, and is backing Mr. tity for sale cheap by Douglas Gum at
Merrick in the enterprise. Whether or the old Kilgore place in the eastern edge
not the horse will be brought to the of town.
Wm. Connolly gives notice in an ad­
vertisement that he will engage in the
upholstering business in Ashland. He
is a first-class workman, and understands
the business thoroughly, having worked
at it nearly all his life in large establish­
ments in the cities.
Mr. T. A. Hensley, of Chico, Cal.,
who has been making a tour of Oregon,
stopped a few days in Ashland this week
on his return home. He was consider­
ably interested in the country hereabout,
having been in Gen. Keatney’s com­
mand during the Rogue River Indian
A Lake county correspondent sends us
a long communication in answer to
something directed against him in the
Examiner. We should be glad to give
him a chance to defend himself, but
cannot yield up bo much space to mere
personalities. The article against him
was not worthy of a reply, anyhow.
Our correspondent sends us the follow­
ing under a receet date.
Still hot.
Times are harder.
The steam mill is closed, for what
time I am not advised.
Peter Simon, of Eagle Point, had a
fine mare stolen recently.
I am now supplied with tobacco, but
my last week’s T idings did not come is
what’s the matter.
A spirited foot shaking at tha resi­
dence of S. C. Higinbotham’s ih Tub­
town last week.
Zenith is the center of attraction this
J. P.’s, Constables, County
Judge, lawyers and physicians are view­
ing the scenery.
Husband and wife entered into an
agreement last week. The former was
to deny himself drink of any kind so
long as the latter would refrain from
talking. The agreement lasted twenty
minutes—there was no wood cut.'
W. II. P.
The Portland papers say the Chairman
of the Oregon Railway Company, the
Right Hpn. the Earl of Airlie of the
House of Lords, has loft London for
Oregon, to examine the prospects for an
extension of his narrow gauge railway to
Butler i Rockfellow have on hand the
a connection with the Central Pacific.
He will visit all portions of South-East best stoek of groceries, crockery, hard­
ware, etc., in Ashland, which they offer
and Southern Oregon.
Jacksonville is to have a new town hall at bargains for cash or marketable pro­
B. A R.
and calaboose, the contract for building duce of all kinds-
was let to David Linn for $1,995. The
contract, says the Sentinel, calls for a
one story brick building, 23 by 36, with
calaboose and truck house in rear, and
includes paint and finish, the contractor
to furnish everything, except the brick
which are on the ground.
F ire I nsurance .—As will be seeti by
reference to the card which appears else­
where, Butler <fc Rockfellow have taken
the agency for the old Connecticut Fire
Insurance Company, and are ready to
issue policies to those who may wish to
secure themselves against loss by fire.
The Connecticut is one of the oldest
comfianies in the United States, and has
larger assets in proportion to liabilities
than any other of the prominent com­
Mr. E.*P. Richardson brought into
town last Saturday from his place on
Bear creek a stalk of the amber cane,
about two-thirds grown, which was over
six feet in length and thick and heavy.
Mr. R. has about an acre of the cane,
R un O ver .—Last Saturday afternoon
which is flourishing and proves conclu­
Capt. Thos. Smith, our Representative,
sively that the soil and climate of our
was driving up the valley from Ashland
valley are well adapted to its growth.
in a two-horse wagon, Mrs. J. R. Tozer
The Dallas Jtemizer says: Persons en­ riding with him. When at the creek
gaged in digging a well on the place’of near Tolman’s tannery he concluded to
Uncle Jimmy Harris, east of town, yes­ water his horses and took the bridles off
terday, found a small piece of wood at to allow them to drink from the bucket
the depth of 26 feet, which bore un­ he had. While standing thus the team
mistakable evidence of having at some took a sudden notion to go further and
time been cut with an edged tool of some starting up suddenly knocked Mr. Smith
kind. The query now rs who cut it, and down so that the wagon ran over him.
how long has it been since it was done. Mrs. Tozer held fast to the lines, but as
Attention is called to the advertise­ they didn’t communicate with the horses’
ment of the Mechanics’ Planing Mill and heads, had little effect upon the pro­
sash and door factory, of Ashland. L. gress of the team. The wagon soon
S. P. Marsh is now the sole proprietor, struck a telegraph pole, which liberated
and will attend to the business with his the horses, and then as the wagon con­
usual energy and care.
Returning tinued of its own accord to run down to­
thanks for liberal patronage in the past, ward the creek, Mrs. Tozer succeded in
he respectfully requests a continuance of getting out without being hurt. The
like confidence and favor from the pub­ wagon, which fortunately was empty,
passed over Mr. Smith just above the
and inflicted painful but not seri­
The Secretary of the Pioneer Society
of Southern Oregon writes us that a ous internal injuries. Dr. Inlow attend­
large attendance from Ashland and vi­ ed him.
cinity is expected at the reunion in Jack­
sonville on the 16th of next month, and
that preparations are under way to in­
sure a pleasant and enjoyable day for
all who may be present. A cordial invi­
tation is extended to all friends of pio­
The late Samuel G. Vandyke intended neers and everyone who is interested in
to move to Ashland this fall to reside, the reminiscences of the early days of
and was on his way to make a contract settlement in Southern Oregon.
for the building of a dwelling house when
F or S ale .—A new, three-inch Bain
he met with the accident which resulted
wagon for sale for $115 cash. It may be
in his death.
seen at Chandler & Richards’ saw mill,
The wharf company of Crescent - City
on Clayton creek
have increased their subscription to the
wagon road fund to one thousand dollars.
P laning and M oulding .—For the
The total amount subscribed in that next four months L. S. P. Marsh will do
place, says the Courier, is about three planing, sawing and moulding at the
thousand dollars.
Mechanics’ Planing mill, Ashland at a
of twenty per cent fur cash.
H. A. Wright is now attending to the
------------- ------------------
watchmaking and jewelry business for
A t C rescent C ity . —Messrs. P. Lyt-
O. R. Myer, and those who have work
tleton and brother and J. A. Romans
southern part of the state has not been
Mr. S. B. Riggen, of San Francisco, of any kind in his line may be sure of left Ashland last week for a trip to the
adjuster and special agent of the Con­ its receiving prompt and satisfactory at­ coast, and by a letter received to-day we
necticut Fire Insurance Co., was in town tention if sent to him.
learn they have arrived at Crescent City.
A shland W oolen G oods . — The trade
Col. CX IL Larrabee, of Washington As the communication eaine just as we
of the Ashland Woolen Manufacturing
Chandler & Richards’ saw mill, which I Territory, who is stumping for the Dem­ were “making up,” we can give but a
Company is not hedged in upon narrow
ocratic nominees, will address the people single short quotation: “Fruit and veg­
limits by the competition of the large was idle for a week or more, because of
of Ashland upon the issues of the cam­ etables are looking well along Applegate
manufacturing establishments of the old­ the breaking of the water wheel, is now
paign on Friday, September 3d, and will river, although grain and hay are not full
er states, but is reaching out into terri­ cutting again.
crops. Times are lively at Waldo and
B. F. Reeser, while out hunting in i speak at Jacksonville the next day.
tory in which competition is most active
Happy Camp, and the subject of wagon
and agressive. But a few days ago the
is all the talk.” The writer
Coiiq>any received a large order for a band of eight elk, but could not get a
B. Russell started with them for home, promised to send us further communica­
blankets and socks from Kansas City, shot at them.
upon meeting the McCall & Chit­ tions concerning the roads and the coun­
where every large manufacturing firm in
Harry Smith is building an addition to
wood surveying party found they wanted try, which we shall be glad to.publish.
the eastern states has its agents offering his blacksmith shop, to be used by John
hand, and enlisted with them.
every ¡»ossible inducement to purchasers. Ralph in the wagon making and wheel­
K icked by a H orse .—Last Saturday
We are indebted to Wells, Fargo &
In our own state the reputation and pop­ wright business.
an adopted son of Win. Tay­
Co. for their comprehensive Express
ularity of the Ashland goods are con­
W. W. Kentnor has been receiving
lor. who lives a few miles above Ash­
stantly extending and increasing. An new eastern stock at his wagon shop, and Directory for 1880, giving a list of the land, was kicked by a horse and badly
order for 210 pair? of blankets has just i is ready with the best material for new principal points in the territory’ occupied
by their business, list of the company's hurt. He was in the' field helfung or at­
been received from Goldsmith A Co., of work and repairing.
offices, location and means of coinmuni- tempting to drive several horses, and
Portland, who have dealt in the goods
went directly up to the heels of one of
A little daughter of E. S. Hosford, of eating therewith, etc.
for some time.
them, when the horse kicked, probably
Salem, aged two years, was drowned in a
W. H. Byars, publisher of the Rose-
S iskiyou C ounty F aik — The*annual tub of water into which she fell while
in mischief, and struck him in the* head
burg Piaindealer, has a contract for sur­
fair of the Siskiyou County Agricultural I ! playing one day last week.
with both feet Fortunately the horse
veying public land in Lake county, in
Society will begin at Yreka on Wednes­
was barefooted, otherwise the injuries
The Adin Hawkeye says the wheat crop
day, Oct. 13th, and continue four days. in Big Valley this year is about half the the vicinity of Warner lake and Guina would no doubt have been fatal. One
For racing purposes, the district com- i average yield, while the barley and oats valley, and passed through town with his hoof struck under the ear, cutting an
party of six assistants a few days ago en
prises Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta and Mo­
ugly gash, but not fracturing the skull,
crops will be up to the average.
route to the scene of his labors.
doc counties, California, and Jackson
and the other struck the mouth a glanc­
Three Indians on Jackass creek have
and Lake counties, Oregon. No horse I
Sylvester Patterson has raised an ex- ing blow, without doing much hurt. Dr.
shall be eligible to any of the trotting died recntly from some strange disease, cellent crop of wheat at his farm east- of Royal was immediately sent for, and af­
and the Sentinel thinks they were pois­
races unless owned in the district prior
Bear creek this year. He will realize ter dressing the wounds left the little
to October 1st, 1879. Following is the
about 4,000 bushels from 160 acres, 25 fellow quite comfortable.
J. Beach, of the Cascade Stock Farm, bushels to the acre. The ground was
speed programme: First day—Trotting
N ominate ».—W. I. Nichols, Esq., has
us that his horse Altamont will summer-fallowed, and the result is a
race, free for all, mile heats, 3 in 5;
been nominated for District Attorney by
purse $150, entrance $15. Running race, not trot this fall at Yreka, but will be strong argument for more cultivation by the Republican County Convention of
free for all 3 year-olds and under owned exhibited for premium in his class.
our farmers.
Siskiyou. Since his admission to the bar
Bids for 12,000 lbs. of flour for Fort
in the district, single dash of one mile;
V reka the Professor has made rapid ad­
|>urse $50, entrance $5. Second day— Klamath are advertised for—3,000 lbs of beds near Camas valley which are con­ vances in the business of his new profes­
Trotting, free for all that never l>eat 3 which must be fine family flour. Bids ! sidered a source of much prospective sion, but his success was looked upon as
I assured beforehand by those who knew
minutes, mile heats, 2 in 3; purse $100, to be received up to Sept 16th next
wealth to the locality. The coal is of his ability and qualifications. His ed­
The family of Mr. E. E. Goer, also said to be of excellent quality, suitable
entrance $10. Running race, free for
ucational work, and the success of his
alter E. Goer and wife, made a trip to for both forging and gas-making. The public speaking in Ashland attested ghis
all, half mile and repeat; purse $75, en­
trance $5. Third day—Grand parade of the mountains this week. A. W. Bish location of the mine is still kept secret intellectual superiority,and gave evidence
of special aptitude for forensic Btrife; and
stock. Running race, free for all, mile i and family are also on a similar excur­ by the discoverer.
his classical edix'ation and legal acquire­
heats, 3 in 5; purse $125, entrance $10.
ments made his road to success plain and
Trotting, free for all 4 year olds and un­
A. F. Squires, one of Mr. Marsh's best
easy. He is nominated by the partv
der, mile heats, 2 in 3; purse $75, en­ workmen, has gone down the valley to crat says there is an invalid at the Soda which is in the minority in Siskiyou
trance $5. Fourth * day—Trotting, free finish the interior of a new house for Springs on the Santiam who hasn’t eaten county, but, while we know nothing of
for all horses that have never contended
P^pps, six miles below Phoenix. mure than three ounces of food for four­ his oppvment, we can say with safety that
if qualificaiions for the position be the
for public money, mile heats, 2 in 3; Mr. Squires announces himself as pre­ teen weeks, being a sufferer from inflam­ issue upon which the election is ’.to be
purse $75, entrance $5. Trotting, free pared to carry on the business of archi­ mation or ulceration of the stomach. It made he need have no fear of beirig at a
for all, two mile heats, 2 in 3; purse tect, contractor and builder In this place is a statement that should be accom­ disadvantage in the contest. Success to
$150, entrance $15.
and vicinity. Read his card.
panied by “the papers.”
Itema from Bljr Matte.
H eadquarters S outhern G rand i
C ouncil C. of H. for the S tate ;
of O regon , J acksonville , A ug . i
13, 1880.
To all Councils and h!embers of the
Champions of Honor, and io all whom
it may concern:
This is to certify that because of th»
conduct of Dr. L. E. V. Coon being such
as to bring odium upon hirtself and upon
the order of C. of H., and for violating
his obligation as a Champion of Honor
by drinking intoxicating liquors, and
drunkeness, I, Jas. A. Cardwell, G^ W.
C., pursuant to the vonstitutiou and laws
of said order, have removed said Dr. L.
E. V. Coon as < rganizing officer and re­
voked all his authority; and hereafter he
ias no authority, license or right what­
ever to organize councils, or confer any
degrees, or perform any ceremony or
)usiness whatever relating or pertaining
to the order of Champions of Honor.
And any and all councils organized by
liin hereafter will not be recognized as
egal, or even receive any charter.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 13th day of August, 1880.
J. A. C ardwell , G. W. C.
Attest: A. C. J ones , G. S.
---------- ------------------
Two SarjfeotiB.
From the National Surgical Institute,
Indianapolis, Indiana, will visit Portland,
Oregon, at Ht. Charles Hotel, September
7th, 8th and 9th, 1880, provided with a
complete and expensive outfit of appara­
tus designed to treat every form of Spi­
nal -Disease, Hip and Knee Disease,
Crooked Limbs, dub Feet, Paralysis,&c.
Piles and Fistula certainly cured. This
institution has an unequaled reputation
in the successful treatment of all of above
diseases. Interested parties should not
fail to see these Surgeons. Returning
home, overland, they will stop off Sep­
tember 11th and 13th at Eugene City,
15th at Roseburg, and 18th and 20th at
Jacksonville, Oregon.
----- IN
u Old Connecticut ’*
Fire Insurance Co.
C av * A* h « tb ......................................... g t,5OO, »»©
L ombi ¡xñd »ihee org-inlzuron. .,..,
DsroaiTKD with Bute Trweurer
mi s», Ofcfx..........................
Reetdeat A<MrtSk
A. F. S quires ,
A shland ,
O reou T w
buikljuK» of uuy »lze ur • yk is
Jacktoo and
cooMiar. WlUfurakk — W-
rl .1» ft« building or will build for those fhrniaLtof
nviterl l 'b»m»eWe».
Will alto attend to JubMag
«nd .-■Il kinds of duntry work.
e^lTOrrtoB and pUc«' of batloeM, Ma«©»
PU it . dr Mill, Granhe S.raet.
*-i2 f
a r. R.
Bargains! Bargains!
L inkville R oad W ork .—The Times
says a subscriber calls attention to the Propose to sell for tho next 40 day» at
fact that in speaking of the work done on
the Linkville road recently we give all
credit to Mr. Woolen and party, while
Wm. Taylor, road supervsior, with his
men “were as instrumental in placing
the thoroughfare in proper condition as
the former.” We are glad to have been
Oar stock consists of a full line of
corrected in the matter, and take pleas­
ure in giving Mr. Taylor anil his men Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Gener
credit for their work. There was no in­
al Merchandise, Staple
tention whatever of partiality on our
Goods ar.d frs*
part, the omission of the mentidti of Mr.
Taylor’s party in our notice being due to
the fact that we had heard nothing about
We Mean Bnsineu I
his part of the work. As the work done
by Mr. Woolen and his men was paid for
5 9 tf.
in a great part by subscriptions of the ^©•A ugust 13, 1880.
citizens of Ashland, it attracted, of
course, more attention here than that of
the supervisor. It is often the way that
the performance of ordinary duty is
treated with less consideration than
something a little out of the common
ruts, but Mr. T»ylor should receive
praise fur having done well the difficult
I nternational N egotiations . —The work that fell to his lot on this road.
Suits made to order in the best »tyh, and fitrithed iv
Scott Valley News tells of a pow wow of
* tSperior mtnner. Perfect fit punstaad.
C onference A ppointments . — The
Indians which took place at Fort Jones
Skmpie» of Ashland goods for Inspection.
recently for the settlement of inter-tribal Oregon M. E. Conference, which ad­
difficulties. The Indians of Siskiyou and journed on Monday last, made the fol­
Del Norte counties respectively have lowing appointments of interest to our
been in an attitude of mutual hostility for readers. Presiding Elder Southern Ore­
a long time, and have made numerous gon district, Rev. W. T. Chapman; Pas­
raids upon one anotber, one man being tor of Ashland Church, Rev. LaDru
killed upon each side. And they conclud­ Royal; Jacksonville church, Rev. D. A.
ed to settle old sores upon a commercial Crowell, returned; Klamath Agency,
basis, and declare a general [>eace. The Rev. L. M. Nickerson; Fort Klamath,
negotiations occupied several days. The Rev. J. S. McCain.
Siskiyous or Klamath tribe as they call
----- FROM------
Services of the Christian Church will
themselves received six horses, two guns
and a quantity of wood pecker heads, be held in the picnic grove, Ashland,
Linkville to Fort Klamath,
which are current coin with them, in next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.
Via Lake Cot’age and KI. ms th Agency
full payment for all losses incurred, in­
C23“Leive* LtDkvUa Tuecdny», Thursday» sad
cluding the man killed, and the “Ham­
Saturd<ya Return» Monday», Wedoecdaya sad Fri-
cirrjlng U 8. mall» and pus-engera.
burg” tribe, which includes the whole CHAV NER.—At The Dardanelles,Aug.
CjFB. L. Webb, Agent at Unkvilto -J. K Dtach,
lower Klamath section, received four
22, 1880, of consumption, Mrs. Mar­ Agaot at Fort Ml A.
garet Chavner, aged 52 years, 8 mos.
horses, one rifle, one revolver, and a
4-46- f]
AL FERREE, Proprietor.
and 16 days.
quantity of Indian bead money in full
for all claims for damages to date. Hav­
ing agreed upon those details, peace was
declared and they all stipulated that they
would hereafter conduct themselves like HILL.—In Ashland, August 25th, to
the wife of George Hill, a daughter.
a band of brothers and be good Indians.
Justice Green was applied to to put these ROBINSON.—On Wagner creek, Aug.
16th,to Robt. Robinson, a daughter.
stipulations in writing, which he did,
and they were signed in duplicate by GARWIN. —On Wagner creek, August
—Is now prepared tofurnish customer»
15th, to John Garwin, a son.
Bogus Tom in behalf of the Klamaths
with fiTst-claes brick in large or small
and Chubby for the Hamburgs.
—Good oak and f»nefirewood for sal»
N ew H arrow .—On his return from a
reasonable tern».***\
trip to Yreka last week James, Woodson
brought with him a spring-tooth harrow
Wm. Connolly,
--- ------
- a------- ..
or cultivator which is attracting much
A shland
O regon .
Kwseka Uv^iy,
attention among the farmers of Siskiyou
county, and promises to become popular "TO
wack and repairing, either at hi» i-bop or io
wherever it is introduced.
The one the country.
that Mr. Woodson brought has 24 teeth,
Made to order, or repaired. Country work aolicited
which consist of steel springs curved
anlg’.Ten prompt attention.
Shop at March’s
LINKVILLE,---------------- OREGON;
somewhat like the teeth of a hay rake.
Facto y. Granite Street.
The harrow is in two parts, like the or­
Large new barn and coml, and every
dinary double harrow, and the frames are
arrangement io give satisfaction in every
branch of Use business.
of the usual shape. On Saturday Mr.
Woodson gave it a trial on the place he
is fanning, east of Bear creek, and it
Constantly uw hand and for sale.
worked to his entire satisfaction. It was
first tried in grain stubble on ground that
was plowed last spring. The soil was
genuine “sticky” and so hard that a com­
mon spike-tooth harrow would scarcely
MADAME BOLT «till eeothraM tv
have left a mark upon it. The new har­
wait upo a ©asst» at thia ioB£-eatab-
row took hold of the ground, each tooth sp*
a» ts» co ua vr 8 I is bed bwaaa, «ad is determined to
spare no pains in the endeavor to fivw
reaching in like the point of a plow, and
to the public. Visitor»
left it pulverized to tlie depth of several
will at all times flod the tableo supplied
0BSG0N with the best fart to be had in Bouth—
inches. The design in using the harrow ASHLAND,
at that place was to cover the grain
eru Oregon.
Thankiol for pewtpatronage, asta©
which was scattered over the ground in ALL KINDS OF PLANINC, MOULDINC, TURNINC,
public favor is aoficiterf.’
reaping and by the thunder storms, for
another crop, and it accomplished the
purpose most admirably. If the harrows FURNITURE CARVING AND OR­
come into general use here, and it is al­
together likely they will, grain farming I
will doubtless be considerably changed. SASH, MOKS, KUMM AMO MOOSOHtO 00«-
Instead of allowing the grain to “volun­
teer” the second year, the farmer, by
going over the field with this cultivator Furniture of all kinds manufactured by
in the fyll can secure as good a crop as
Is now prepared to do aB kiwis of work
from the first seeding after the plow.
TI ■ring »old my good will and Interest In the re­
nxlfybihnte at hie new shop,
tai' ft>r< Kure kueiteee io B urn * Bti1, J would ra-
The largest, cheapest and best sdected »pec fu'ly reeunimend my farmer pulruna to give
stock of boots and shoes in Ashland at them a c >11 at their »tor», where may he Band a fine
Special attention give» to Shoeing.
Butler & Rockfellow’s. A fine lot of actor* meut of fhrni'we.
L. 8. P. MARSH.
nt if j
genuine French kid sandals, Call aro and
in tr
B. *R.
and examine their stock.
Merchant Tailor,
F erree ’