▲ cbom Tn. tkbsskold or r» Pauline was about to join her, when she soon,” thought Pauline one night, as she YBA*. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Butler cn the Chinese. wreathed her beautiful face with smiles, heard the sick man utter : and pretended not to see Mrs. Work’s The following is from the report of “I am not sure, after all, but a will C hicago , June 10 —Following it th > full text of th« stand upon ths threshold of the year. platform adopted by the Republican Couvent on, part« Tired with life’s passes, wi*h it« ahiftirg send, unusual cold manner to her. would make everything safer. ” an interview of a ‘ Call ” man with Gen ­ of which have been heretofore dispatched: Likssnms besighien way-worn traveler Republican rule» has restored upon a «olid basis, Ossing afar across ths coast land strand. Then he ordered the attendant, who Presently, when Lewis Vanwirt eral Butler: payment in coin for all the uational obligations, and What sentries halt aS thy unbolted rate, bad just come in, to go and bring Mr. called, she was watching him, and drew has giren us a currency ab»<»hr>e)y aroo 1 and legal and “No thinking man could have failed I equal Within thy creeping shadows, wan new year ? in every pirt of our exten led country. It has him at once into the garden. “ I want Scribe. * What mystie password from the realms of Ute lifted the credit of the na'ion lro:n the point whe e 6 to have seen in the overwhelming ma ­ Falls untranslated on my listening ear ’ “Can he be going to make a will after to tell you something,” she said, in her jority by which your new Constitution i-er cent bonds »old at SO, t>, that where I per cent bonds eagorly sought at a premium. Under it« adminis­ I wait imploring with h osetehing hand«— all!’ wondered Pauline. “I’ll wait and soft voice; “and, besides«, Laura and was adopted, and the way your people are tration, railways have inure sei fr> m 31,090 miles in “Toll mo your mandate, heralds of the year. her lover are so happy in there by declared against Chinese immigration, 1800, to more than 1-2,00 j miles in B7 '. Our foreign see. Brs yet I cross yon threshold stone to-night, trade has increased fr >m <70 »,tw , X nj to -t Die govern­ Hope« changed to specters, in their grave shreuda quite white. tains. ment, besides the a- cruin,« interest on the public debt, drest. Blame and Judge Thurman, however, is and uitbursed annually us>re thin $89,())0,iKM for sol­ “ Has she consented to marry him at To her amazement she heard the sick cannot see who standeth at the gate— rather accent. As along a*xo as the 4th dier«’ pensions. It has pa J 888.1,000 009 of tha pub ic 1 cannot hear the password that tbev speak; man dictating a will to his lawyer, in last 1” he asked, bitterly. aril by refunding tti* balan e at lower rates, t.as of July, 1870, I put mvself on record on debt, I only fold my hands and watch and wait reduce i the annu d in erest ctiarge, from n.arly 81-1, “ Oh, of course ; I told you she would. which he left everything he possessed to Upon ths threshold stone—ms soul n weak. this question, and if I we*e to repeat 000,000 to leu l lun ioJ.Q'X',000. Ail the indu-tr.«« of He is such a very moral young man, the speech to-day, 1 would not change it the country hive rv.vel, laborer» in d maid, wages Laura Work, absolutely. Mv heart is faint and numb—what guards of thine. nave incr.as-d and th oughout lhe entire eountr O, Lord ! are at the portal ? What unknown hand Mr. Scribe ventured to remonstrate, and dear Laura is so very strict in her iii any respect. It was at Woodstock, there is evidence of a coming proto rity greater than Psawota the bait aside ? What solemn tread 1 *e ever enjoyed. Up<>u tin» record t.iu Republican ideas. I believe she thinks he has not I may not know, I may not understand. but it was of no use. Connecticut. Gi-neial Grant, General party asks for t ie cootuuwd cunli knee and support of peop e, unJ th s convention submits to their ap But through the sweo me mysterv of the years. “I know what l’ui about,” the im­ a vice in the world, and I know if she Hawley and Henry Ward B echer wen the preval tilo following .tits ue it of t e prin iplt-s and So fraught with omens of defeat and ills, thought he ever touched a card she perious o d man Laid, and would hear there. You may remember it. I re­ pu («ose which will continue to gu (! > and in piro its Whisper * hou down amid the eiiences, efforts: woulJ not have him now. As mid the toe- inc billow» —“Peace, be still nothing. cently read that speech over, and it is Fir»t—We affirm that the w.->rk -f the la*t it years Lewis winked. has been such as to commend its.-ll to the favor or the The will duly signed, witnessed and quite frc>h in my mind. In substanee, nation, and that the fruits of ths coetlv victories which “Mr. Vanwirt,” Paulira. said sudden­ sealed, he told his lawyer where to put The Stolen WilL 1 sai l, that the true theory of our Gov- we Pave achieved through immense difficulties shoull preserved; that the puaou regained should be cher­ it in his desk, which stood within his ly, “do you know to whom your grand­ ern;n» nt contemplate-s that anv man, bo ished; that the dheeiereJ union now happily restored father left his money, in a will that was When they tfld Ethan Vanwirt that view. from any part, of the j, globe, Las a perfect should bo perpetuated and that tee lioertie» Secured to . his general on ohoub be trausmitteil uaditninisheJ to “Is it safe here I ’ naked Mr. Scribe. never found 1” his days were numbered, tho first thing right to come lo this country, enjoy its .uture generation*; that th» order e-t*biishel and ti e I “ I do not know. ” t a.-quired should never le imperiled; that tai “I seei no key.” privileges and grow iq under its laws ind he said was: pensions promised should be pad; that lhe debt so “ I can tell you. ” “Who would touch itl" the sick man “8end for Miss Work; I must see and protection, the same as anv e ni much rudueml »hou.d tie ratinguiahed by the payment “You !” He stared at her. even dollar thereo ; that the i»v,viog industries asked irratably. “It would benefit no Miss Work before I die.” grant intending to live h?re and become of should be ever promoted, and that lhe commerce al “ It gave everything to Laura Work. ’ Singular as the demand seemed, no one but Lewis, and the Vanwirt® are a citizen; I ut it is against the interests ready so great should be encouraged. Second— The lonititution ot thd Unite 1 State« i< the “ Impossible! How do you know.? ’ not thieves, whatever else they may be. one thought of questioning it. Miss of the people, and of the Government, supreme law, and n A a mere contract of confederated “Never mind; I do know,” Pauline for men to be brought here un­ States It made a sovereign nation. Seine powers are Besides, how do you know that I may Work was sent for. denied to the nation, while otbjrs are retained by the said, lifting her beautiful black eyes to a contract system by for- States, but the boundary between the powers delegat­ Laura turned quite white when the not change mv mind at the last moment his in the moonlight. “Moreover, that der ed and tuose rose ved is to be dutoi turned by national eign companies to intpifere with free and strange, imperative summons came to and destroy it yeti Go now, please, will is in existence.” nut by stale tribunals. labor, and degrade and impoverish our Third—The work of popular «ducation is ons left lo her; and then^he was told that he who and tell some one to send my grandson He stared at her (harder than before. laboring citizens who have their homes the care of the several .-states, but ii is th« duty of lhe to me.” national government t aid that Work to the extent ot sent it «was dying. . “I know where it is.” const.tutional abihty. lhe intelligence it the na­ Pauline would havo ’iked to stay and families here and intend to remain. its • y and ‘•Dying I” she whispered, her blue tion >s but tliu aggr gate of the lot lli^euce in the sev­ “You do 1” hear this interview also, but she did not Hi.-tory repeats itself. When African eral States, and tue destiny of Die uatiou must be guid­ •yes fi|lled with tears. “Would you like to see it 1” slipping slavery was introduced into this country ed u I by th i genius of any one State, bul by the aver dare. Laura must be wondering where “What can he want 1 Shall you go, age genius of «11, her hand into her pocket. by an American divine, as an act of hu Laura'f’ asked Pauline Ruble, who was she now was. Fourth—Tfao ixmstllu ion wisely forbids Congr< as to “I certainly should.” any law respecting an establish men i of religion, m.mitv, i o ono saw any danger in the make She found that Laura had como out visiting her. but it is idle to hope that the nation can be protected “How would you like to see Laura political horizon, but that small cloud against the influence of sectarianism while each Stat* “Oh, yes : poor old man 1 I am sorry of the sick room so agitated that Mrs. and Robert Lester lording it at Vanwirt >s exposed to its p irlicuhr domination. Wu therefore spread itself cut and enveh ped us in for him. Certainly I will go. B-.t I am Becket, tho housekeeper, had made her House 1” recomnccnd that ths Constitution be so amended as to lay some prohibition U|>c>n lhe legi-lation of each State a storm and a tempest of such awful and frightened, Pauline; I never saw any­ lie down, and was now setting beside io forbid the appropriation of the public funds to Lewis ground his teeth with involun­ magnitude that our institutions almost Die supfioi't of sectarian schoo s. her. one die.” ‘ tary rage. That decided the false, bold went down under it. Nothing but the Filth —We reaffirm the beliot avowed in 1S70 tl.at ihe The night was Ly this time so far ad­ The pretty, childish creature was duties levied for the purpo«« of revenue should so dis­ girl beside him. faith of tLe people saved us. The light criminate as to iaior Ameiiein labor; that no furthei vanced, and I .aura seemed so ill, that trembling from head to foot. “Lewis Vanwirt,” she eaid, “if that of experience teaches us that when an giant of the public domain shou'd be tua-le >o any rail toad or oln«r Oorporatiou; fh«t slavery haying jierished Pauline put her arm around the slight it was decided that the two girls should will could be put in your possession to in the States, its tw in barbarity, polygamy, must du unhomogenecu-, an unnatural and un ­ remain till morning. figure, and drew the golden head down do what you like with it, would you productive —because unexpending—sys­ in the territories; that every»here the protection ac­ Pauline took the housekeeper’s place corded to a citizen of American birth iuu»t lie so tired «per her shoulder. She was several marry a woman who loves you better tem of labor has been introduced among to citizens by American adoption; that it is the duty of inches taller than Laura, and far hand­ beside her friend, and in a short time than Laura Work ever did 1” Congress to develop anil improve our water cour-e» ano us by a forced importation, it tonds to harbors, but we insist that further subsidies to private Laura fell asleep. As Paulino sat somer in her own opinion. p.-rsons ur corporations must cease; that the <>bligi- She felt him start as sho leaned on to tfio men who nreseryed itg ifitygniy In the day “Little fool,” she thought, as she ca­ there watching the white, childish face his arm, and her hand tightened on iaise up two classes of society, the very i.ioii« of bátalo urn undiiniirlhrtl by 'he la)M>e of lá year rich and the very poor. What will be of the girl she pretended to love, her •Ince their final viatoty; their perpetual h nor is and ressed the fair face with her white hand. what was in her pocket. His face was shall foi ever be the grateful privilege au 1 the 3a. rod Of course it is something about Lewis ( braiti was full of wicked, envious slightly averted, so that she could not sec the result of the importation of vast duty of the American people, numbers of nu n to pci form servile thoughts. Si-th—bfiius the authority tn regulate immigration Vanwirt,” its expression. His answer cauio niter Ijaura was already sick, and sho was labor! No one ever complained ot the and intorcourso between ihe United Stales and foreign Aloud she saiJ, insultingly : “I had nations rests with the Cougre:» owera, the Republican party, better go with vou dear; don’t vou think poor ; and yot to her who bad already and chang-d that sho would scarcely negro who came here of Lis own free and regarding the unrestricted immigration of Chine-c as so much the great Vanwirt property lud will. 'Ihe Government has sought to an evil ut grunt magnitude, invoku the exorcises of that •or have known it. overcome this evil of Mongolian immi ­ just been given. She envied her the power to restrain and limit that immigration by the “Oh, if you only willcried Laura, “I would" enactment of such just, humany and r*^senablu pro­ handsome lover with whom she herself gration by appelating a commission to vision« as w ll pruduuu lli^l result. •^erly. Trembling with jov she drew out ti e Sev.nth-ThUt the purity and pitriotinu which char go to (Jiina and work for an abolition of Mrs. Work was quite an invalid, and was more than half in love, and whom, folded paper and put into bis hand. acterixed the earlier career ot K. B. Hayes in peace ana hitherto, she had not been w ithout hope the Bur ’ i..gaine treaty. Tho commis ­ War, and which guided th? thought ot his luimediate •ould not accompany her daughter; so He held it up in the moonlight a sioners pr< dseesaor tq h|m fur a presidential candidat •, have of winning from Laur i. she was very glad to have Pauline go continued to inspire him in lra cmger as chief execu­ moment, and then thrusting it inside tive, and tbit history will accord to Ids admiuiMrati >n “But he will Lave to marry her now,” his breast, turned suddenly and Legau OUGHT TO BE SENT TO ST. JAMES with her. tho t onors ufikli are due to an efficient, ju«t and tour «geons fuldllinetil of the public business, »nd will hone, As the carriage drove off with the two she thought bitterly. to go swiftly toward the house. Pauline hi- interposition botw«*u the pvoj is and p.ojsisoJ pag. Suddenly as she sat there the deep si ­ girls, Pauline sank back upon the couch tisan laws. could scarcely keep up with him. An lence was broken by the sound of some awful misgiving seized her. E giith—Wo charga uimn tho Den ocratlc party th, with a thoughtful look. h bitual sacrifices o: patriotism and justice to a su- “It must be something about his commotion in the house—she hoard p.'eaieand u.iwttiable lust tor office and patronage; that “What are you going to do 1 ’ to obtain possess n of the national atil State govern grandson. I hope Laura won’t be steps and excited voices. “You shill see,” he answered sternly, menta, Wll uf the control of place and pi sitian, they “ What can it lei ’ she wondered. hive obstructed a‘l the efforts to preserve tne purity •illy.” i and she read bis determination, in his and co serve the freedom ef suffrage, have deviaeu The ladies were shown at once into “Mr. Vanwirt must be worse.” iraudulent returns an 1 cerrifi -at •», i ave labored t eyes. unseat lawfu ly tie ted ux-inbers of Coir.-ress to recuii Mr. Vanwirt’s apartment. She sat listening some moments, then “What a fool I was the muttered, at a l hazards the Vote of tne majority of the States n ' Words of Defiance tlie Hous« * f Representatives, nave endeavored to Oc­ The sick man frowned at the sight of she rose softly. Laura was still sleep­ but made one more effoit. cupy by force and traud places of trust given to other» ing. l ’ aulino succeeded in opening the “Laura and Lester won’t thank you Pauline. by the peupio of Maine, and rescued by the courage an. “Don't Live tip the ship’’ shouted the action of Maine's patriotic sons, have by methods vic­ “I wish to see you alone, Laura, my door without disturbing her, and stole any for interrupting them.” ious in principle and tyranuical in practice, attached out into the hall. From below she could No auswer, as he strode on and en­ dying Lat>-r -i.ee, outside of Boston har­ partisan legislation to appropriation bits; bate .rust.eo •bild,” ho said. the rights of individua » and vindicated the principle “I’ll wait for you in the next room, see the servants hurrying about with tered the drawing room through one of bor, as t!.o (‘It- at» ake poured a broad­ i and sought the livor of rebellion against tile uatiou tho open French windows. Laura sat side into tii-’ riddied Shannon. “We and have euduivorcd tu oblitera'*« V c sacred memories darling,” Pauline volunteered promptly, awe struck looks. ot tho war to overcome it» Ines imable good result», and departed. An impulse of ungovernablo curiosity there with her mother. She had been have met the enemy and they are ours" freedom ai d ludividu»' euudity. wrote tbe g i'i int B rrv in liis report of We affirm it «o be the duty and pur¡H>se of th« Re “Mr. Vanwirt, Lewis has conir, sir,” seized her. She watched her chance, crying. No one else was in th«'* room. pubhean party to use all legitimate means ut this Union the glorious vic*, ry at [.ake Erie. “ Mr. io secure Die perfect harm any which may be pr» tica th« servant said, as he was leaving the and gliding down the stairs slipped He laid the will upon her lap. ble, and wo submit tv the practical sensible people oi “I find,” he sr-.id huniodly, and in a Mortis/’ t lit d tii. lebt l renegade Bu­ the room, in obedience to an impatient ges­ through the open door without being United States, to s*y whether it would nut bs dsn chanan, from ihe turretof the Merrimac, gerous lo the best iutercsts of our cuumry, at thi ture from his master. seen, and jiassed swiftly along the ver­ shaking voice, “that inv grandfather left ti ns to surren lei the adm nistra-ion ot Die national •'Let him wait,” said the old man, anda till she came to the window, where Lis money to you. There is the will to the i rave :i r.tenant commanding the government to a party which seeks to ovs. throw the p dicv under which we are so ro.parom, au grimly. she had already spent so much time. that Las been missing so long. I hope, C’tnnbeilaud: “24r. Morii‘->, do you snr- existing thus bring Jeslruttion ail caaasiou wU»r« there render your : hip “ Co to hell, sir! ” now urdei evilii knee and ha e. The night was warm, and the win­ One glance at the bed told her what Lad Laura, that you will be a gnat deal thundered his old subordinate, through happier with Mr. Lester than you would dows were all open. The sick room happened, Ethan Vanwirt was dead. A and the one next to it both looked upon sudden awe and horror seized her. Sho hate been with me, But he will never lii.s speaking ti limpet, amid the din of An actor is also a member of the N« w bat le. And tho Cumberland tired her a wide veranda, which ran across was about to llee the spot when her eyes love you any better than I do.’’ York Legislature, and he is said to be Lauia was white and speechless with l ist gun and sank in the waves with her the best behaved membei of tho House. the entire front of the grand old man­ fell upon the besk in which she had seen crew, the Stars and Stripes floating out will placed. “I wonder if it is there bewilderment. sion. He knows when his lines are finished. “Laura detests Robert Lester,” cried a deathless defiance upon tho winds of It was an easy thing for Pauline to yeti” she thought. heaven, as tha shot went into the sea. step out upon this veranda without at­ A Kansas weekly publishes “fourteen No or.e was in the room at tLat Mrs. Work, taking in the situation at once. “ She never cared for any one tracting attention, and pass along to the moment, though the door in the next This story of a windy day is, of course rules to be observed during a tornado.” but you, Lew ’ s Vanwirt, and you ought window of the sick room. one stood open, and sho could bear from a Nevd.i paper, the Truckee Re­ Only ono is neecssary—keep out of th< to know it ” “I Want to know what he wants of voices. publican: “A hand car, with four men, way. “ Oh, my darling ! ” ejaculated Lewis, her,” she said to herself, “and Laura is “lam sure I could reach it from here. started for tho snow-sheds to repair an such an obstinate little child sometimes, I should know it at a glance," she mused. wildly extending liis arms, “is this ol«l snow p'ow winch was damaged by that as likely as not she wouldn’t tell She put her hand in and raised tho lid. true 1” the storm. On returning, the wind was In another instant Laura was sobbing me." There it waa. so strong that they had to get off the “I have sent for you, Laura,” the dy­ A wicked thought passed her. V hat upon his shoulder. hand car and push it down bilk” Paulino went quietly to her own ing man was say«ng, “to ask you if you if she took itl No one would ever OF ALL lor« my grandson 1 * know. Tho lawyer would think Mr. room and spent the night in packing. Gained Glght Pounds In Ten Days. Laura’s sweet face clouded with crim­ Vanwirt Lad destroyed it, as he said he When she announced her approaching de­ A lexandria B ay ,N. Y. Aug., 1879. son, and then grew white again. She might, and Laura could not get tho parture the next morning no one ob­ II. II. W arner i Co.: A short time was trembling so, poor child, she could Vanwirt fortune without it. Besides, jected. Lewis Vanwirt looked somewhat era- ago I was almost a skeleton from a I hardly stand, that will in her possession might some­ I barrassed when Laura told him of the chronic kidney disease of long standing, FOH HAH AND BEAST. “My dear,” he said, “I am dying or I how help her to win Lewis Vanwirt af­ and was anticipating speedy death, three promise she had made his grandfather For inure titan a third of a century the would not ask you such a question. ter all. of the best physicians in Northern New on the night he died. Mexican ,Vf imlntig IJnlment htlSDCen A t that thought she snatched the will, Lew is my only Ron’s only child. If 1 known to tii’l joi-.s nil over thu wot hl t-g “I don’t think I am in any danger of York and Canada having treated me the only'm!- reihince for tho relief of die without a will the whole Vanwirt and hiding it in the folds of her dress 1 then commenced without benefit. n.-ciilci.t-t :.nc»t of if« taking your Safe Kidney and Liver willing to pledge myself never to play I. f nd. 1 'ur i wry fo. nt of txtemul pain heir; but the boy has taken to bad habits She was too flurried now to bo as Cure, and .11 two weeks it has complete­ again. ” lately, I am afraid. He gambles, 1 have cautious aj she was when she came out, ly i estored iuv health and I am as Which he did, and kept his word. heard. His father did before him. The but as it happened sho regained her heartv as I ever was. My disease had taste of it is in the Vanwirt blood. It room without anyone seeing her. Laura reduced my weight from 180 to 190 ti-nent it v. ithcut an crinal. What Becomes of Fijian Widows pounds, and it was still lessening when r~i It p« luti-.iii. •ame near being my ruin at his very still slept. ll'-ilt and muscle to • ••-»•• age. But I promised the woman I mar­ I commenced taking you»- medicine. I [it’tc very bone—nitiklntg tho continu- iA I p iin uni infiitmitUnn trnpovsiblo. ried I would never touch a card ¡«gain, Ethan Vanwirt had been deijd about There is no uniformity of custom in then gained eight pounds in ten day r f“’ts i ffii- iH upon Hii’ni-.n Fh-slt ami the r.i-itte < r« u'.i.;n uro equally woiitk-rful. if she would have me, and I never did. a month. llis grandson had entered Fiji, so that no description of what is time. I um astonished at my rapid Tile Mexican My grandson loves you as only a Van- into th«* possession of bis estate without by any one tribe can be taken as appli­ cure, an.I so are others. wrrt can. It is my only hope for him. any hindrance. There were rumors cable to all the others. The strangling C harles D avis . Am I wrong, my child, in believing that about a will, but when it could not be of widows, however, that they might be you care for him 1” found Mr. ¡Settle concluded that tho old buried with their dead husbands, seems H ot Fricctls Astonished nt tho Wonderful Linlnt r.t tj rocilc.l by somebody in Chan^o la Her. Laura’s pale lips opened, but she did | man had destroyed it, and refused, to have been everywhere practiced. ? i vi-iy 1 ini«.-, livery .’ hv bi Inga news ot t lie ngoiiy of nil uvvful aculd or burn when questioned, to tell who was The widow’s brother performs the oper­ 20 G riffith street , 1 not utter a word. subdued, of rheninntle martyrs re- I 3 sioied, ot* n valuable horse or oz named in it. “Little fool I” thought Pauline. ation, and is thenceforward treated with R ochester , N. Y., Aug. 15, 1879. / saved by ta-j healing power of this Pauline Ruble was still visiting marked resjieet by the brother-in-law’s “Listen to me I” old Ethan Vanwirt 11. IL W arner £ Co.:—This is to said, lifting himself upon bis elbow in Laura Work, although, to tell the kinsfolk, who present him with a piece certify tbit 1 was attacked with a kid his excitement “If you lovo Lewis, truth, her welcome bad Itccome some­ of land, over which the strangling cord ney disease abcut four years ago, which promise me that before you consent to what old, Loth on Laura’s part and is hung up. Should he, however, fail to brought me very low for about six which speedily enrea inch ailments of marry him yov will exact from him the Mrs. Work’s. Hu- HUMAN FI.L-ll ns strangle bis sistei, he is despised. When months. I then* grew' better, but in K hou Hint I am. Nxvelltng.«, Stiff Laura wa3 very unhappy. Lewis a woman is about to be strangled, she is February last the old disease returned same pledge my wife did from me, and Joints. < ontrnctrcl Muscle«, Borm nn.i Srnld«, Cut«, Itrakei and he shall be my heir. It not, my money Van wilt scarcely ever spoke lo her, ex­ made to kneel down, and the cord (a in a more serious form than before. I Sprains, Poisonous Mite« and {oes away from him. Speak child ' cept in a formal manner, although he strip of native cloth) is put round her employed four different physicians at Stint*». MlfDi'-si, I.axneiie.s, Old Sores, Ulcers, Frostbite«, « hllldaius. fy lawyer is waiting now to make my came to the house as often as formerly. neck. She is then told to expel breath different tiqu f , none of whom seemed Sore Nlppits, < abed Hreast, and Apparently it wai to see Pauline now ; as long as possible, and when she can to do me rpuch good. I hey ail said my Indeed every form of external dis­ wilL” ease. It lieals without icon, and though the gentle girl strove to feel endure no longer to stretch out her disease would terminate in Bright’s dis­ Laura burst into tears. for the URt-TF. CRRATIO* it' urcrj Sprain«, bis-lnny, Stiff Joints, “I do love him !” she stammered. “I the same towards her false friend, she hand as a signal, whereupon the cord is ease, and none of them gave me any en­ Founder, nnrness Sores, Hoof llis> could not quite do so. I will promise anything rather than have tightened, and soon all is over. It is couragement that I cool 1 recover. My ea*«4, Foot llot, hereW IVorm. Real», llollow Horn, Sciatche«, Mind- you do such a dreadful thing. But— Mrs. Work, beholding the defection believed that if this direction be fol­ une’e then told me about your Sate Kall«, Spavin, Thrush, R!ncl»oae, what— if he don’t care for me as vou of young Vanwirt from her daughter, lowed insensibility ensues immediately Kilney and Liver Cure, and at his ur­ & Old Rove«, Poll »11, Film upon tho Right and every other ailment think 1” wished most heartily ¿bat none of them o'n the tightening of the cord, whereas gent request f procured a bottle and to will« h ttie occupant« of tl*c stable mid Stock Yard arc liable. “I will risk that; I know he docs. All had ever seen Miss Ruble. if inhalation has taken place there is an commenced taking it about tLe 8th of Th.J Mexican .'fuitxng Liniment I ask of you is to promise not to marry ftlways cures nn«l nover djsap»»utnts; There was a certain rejected suitor of interval of suffering. the present month; I am now’taking an I it is, positively, him until he has solemnly sworn he will Laura's, named Kobeit Lester, who my second bottle, and feel that I am never touch a card again. Give me your about this time took advantage of tue Two parties registered at a Rochester almost well. My improvement com­ hand, child, and say the words over af situation to renew his devotion to her. hotel as O. C. Palmer and wife, About menced as soon as I commenced using OF ALL ter me.” Laura had never liked him, and liked 1 o’clock in the uight a brother of the your remedy, ami has been constant Laura obeyed him more cahnly’than Lim less than ever now, but in spite of female portion of the party appeared at ever since, and I expect to be as well as might have been expected under the cir- her coldness he was always beside her, the hotel with a minister and witnesses I ever was in a few days more. My sum stances. and more than once she had fancied The brother, being a stranger to the friends, as wall as myself, are wondering “God bless you!” he said, as he let her that Pauline had deliberately contrived other gentleman, did not wish to trouble at the change which Las been wrought Î03 KAN 03 BEAST. hand go. “You havo made my dying \to fasten him on her during the even­ him with particulars about his toilet in me, and some of them wonder that I ing. am still alive. Gratefully vours, The bride wore a handsomely embroi­ moments happy.” M rs . E mma B rown . As Laura quitted the room sobbing, “I must bring matters to a crisis dered nightgown. • ! I •f - «. W» THE BEST ■ ■ DODD E ueecHROi’H Io Ilnwlcy, T>os, the fotlo.vin’ fir t-< la-s machinery, for which we »re Solo Agent, X cATxrroiv fitts TTTTIT1M TTTIH. BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER* So large n portion of the grass and trrain crops of the Pacific Coast have been cut by tjl® Buck­ eye that no farmer here can bo ignorant of its merits or require argument to convince him of its The ue plus ultra of all Threshing Machines, qnequaled for light draft, power, durability, fast threshing; and clean separation; as improved for 1S8O, it stands unrivalled. superiority, as it is too well and favorablv known lo need comment the perfection of all Reaping and Mowing Machines. BUCKEYE SELF-BINDER. The Standard of Excellence and leads all labor saving machines. It took the World's Binder Prizes in It is the simplest, strong­ est and lightest running Binder lu the World. »nrauotouur b nr urn t. The Canton Monitor Tpright En­ gine is far superior to any Oorizon- tai Engine; lighter on the horses and of greater pow(r. ft Is the mod economical Engine in the world, consumes the lca«t «ater and fuel, has the patent Safety Plug and is the safest Engine :uadc. AVc nre also Solc.tgcpt* for SCHETTLER FARM, FREIGHT A.VD SPRING MACONS, fiend for Special < 1 rest I nr. and new Price List. , CIIA-ts*. II. DODD ä Co . T’ortlftn«!, Oregon. XIOOX) Agricultural Implement House. NEWBURY, HAWTHORNE & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN AGRH’ULTl AL IMPLEMENTS GENEBAL AGENTS I OK HE IMPROVED’WHITEWATER WAGONS; THE CF.I.FBRATED MORitKoN BI OL PLOW; TUB FRTW T LY B oa t See-J-.T anj i’ulilvat<.r: the Fanners’ l ri> i d >‘ h 1; l 3.1.1 shovkla; Pick»n»I Borrows, ReaiMr», Mower», Self-hindlng HarVMtera, Thrc. hers, . ¡era, f.nj'n and a full'pr* of hu-el Mud Wood Agricultural Hardware. Ad.■ ■ ■«, Liver, an I Urinary <->■. Blight’s Disease—un i it lives by the thousand. , Sold by all Druggists. Trial size ; 75 c mis. It ts tbs best Blood Pari flor, and stimulate:* evtry function to more hcalUuulacUou, aad L* thus a benefit in nil diseases. In eli minati ns the impurities of theMond. th* i natural and necessary result is the cureofsemf- ulcun and other bk n Kruptlons and In-.eases. 1 Including Cancers, Ulcers and other Sores. Dyspepsia. Weakness of the stomach.< wpstK pat.on, I) zziness. General Deb.bty, we., aro cured by the Akjfc Hitters. Jt is as an appetizer end recuiar tonic. It Is a medicine which e lion Id Vein every fan», iiy. and which, wherever used, will feavo Uis payment of many duçtors* bills. Bottles ef two siws; prices So cents and $1.00. The great discrepancy between Mr. and Mrs. Christiane?'» age is given bv the Atlanta Constitution in a few words: He is sixty-throe and she is red headed. CSrWarner*i* Kafc Ke me­ dí ça are sold by DrugKiMt.H and Dealer!» in Medicine} everywhere. U-H.WAR’iER&Ca.- Kate Field proposes to organize a co-operative millinery establishment in New York, with a capital of §250,000. Ten of the forthcoming new Spring bon­ nets will represent the capital. —— .... LINIMENTS X1CAN MUSTANG I LINIMENT -I I’mprletors, la «rrittnir mat la d U. cc « LINFORTH, RICE &. CO, C j I o 1» r*:2U Ccait, CliiA-tct CL, 2a Fra±oci D. J.’MALARKEY & CO Produce Commission Merchant. Grain, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Eggs. Hops, Hides. Wool. Hay and Mill Feed. STAPLE GROCERIES ...... AND — Frovisionn. WHEN ALL OTHFR MEDICINES FAIL, Ul'.nci' diri < 3!H»t. Aak your d.-uggiat tor llUNT*i HEM- 1.11» Take no otliar. v They Purify the Blood er ® ? CELEBRATED e* ® I X L BITTERS. L’Hilddsf{| oaiif) A’aqx ® g ■S Is* Wonderful virtue of the OREGON WILD GRAPH ROOT, the pilncip.l component of the IXL BITT KBS. A taoleopo-.-nfuI of IkllL LITTERS taken immedi­ ate) v after every meal a certain cure for Byepi peia. LINIMENTS • ItoeMeater. X. Y. malting r.ny |inri-ni\»r or in la response to nuy advertl»®- tl»n» paper you wilt pkwe roti- name of the noper. THE BEST •r ,« —IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN------ ELGIN WATCHES; rpiTTCI T> A DpT? tiioy be found on file nt Geo. AO- a O a A a JLIA p. Rowell A. Co’» Newspaper Ad vertlatag Bureau (10 Spruce St.), where advertising ooatracu ioar be m*d« tor 11 lu NEW VOBK. All style«, Gold, Silver and Nickel, $ù to |l!û Chain« etc »ent C. O. D. w h* suminnd Write for Cxtdoÿua to STANDARD AMER. 1C tN WATCH CO. PITTSBURG, Po. uxïQt