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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1880)
LOCAL BREVITIES. “The Ghost, or ftiipernatwral Appear The Fitsgeralds. H. M. Thatcher and Mrs. Jay Beach A New York physician, Dr. Tanner, itf And finally the author concludes that ance, ---- • came in from Linkville last Sunday, and in tire realm of the wonderful, the great possessed with the Belief that lie can live The female one—the “renowned fe > , Ul Jacksonville’s popular barber i» B. proceeded down the valley to Jackson ppjday ’............................................ l SS0* male”—appeared in Houck’s Hall again Gen. E. I.'. Applegate, who has been rule of the philosopher» Should be ap without taking itny nourishment what Rostle.. ville. Mr. Thatcher returned to Link on Monday evening in the attractive role WEATHER REPORT. jeen stoppihg in Ashland for more than plied. It is rimple, like all great princi ever for forty days. He has already John Fraley starts next Monday for ville on Wednesday. fasted for about two wfeeks, and is grow of “orator and vocalist.” The maid one , a week, has been for some y&4rs inter ples, but it is fatal to ghosts; 5 Hie foil»»wing is the weather re}x>rt- the East. The heaviest business failure in the lad announced upon the streets that she ( ested in the subject of supernatural ap- “1. No causes should be ascribed ex ing weak, but still persists in the belief, f,iniishc»l us by H. C. Hill, for the week Holman’s Liver Pfuls at Chitwood’s W illamette valley for a number of years would extinguish the T idings because of ^earance^ and has embodied the results cept those demonstrated to be true; shtd that he can hold bdt for forty day». The ending J«ly 14th. Thermometer re- drug store. is that of Brassfield <fe Co., of Harris 2. No supernatural explanation of a experiment is watched with great inter the little criticism of her effort last week < of h is researches and thought in this r. r»led at 6 A^Mbnd Raspberries are crowding strawberries burg, which occurred last week. Their that appeared in last Friday’s issue. direction , in a lecture, or discourse,which fact should be resorted to whefl a natu est by scientific men, who are anxious to date weather thermtr liabilities were over $125,000. off the table. This announcement helped very materi- ; le has delivered at several places in the ral one will answer; and if we can find learn how long a fast may be endured 6 A. M. 12 M Rich. Hutchinson, Jr., was taken very ally to make up the audience, quite a Willamette valley. At the request of hi» no other than a supernatural, tlren rest, without death. Samuel Phillips, of Sterling, paid our 59 74 Clear.. • • • • • 8 suddenly with a severe attack of conges number, the writer among them, being ] relatives here, he brought the manuscript until science shall find a natural one.” town a visit this week. ♦ 4 W heat W anted .*—Wagner, Anderson 63 79 9 tion of the lungs last Monday morning, 4 4 attracted by curiosity, as one would go to with him to Ashland, and was prevailed Item* fromBig Blatte. A. S. Jacobs has moved into his new • • • » » 49 66 & Co., of the Ashland Mills, are now 10 « but, under the care of Dr. Chitwood, ho a dog fight. Her expected and threat upon to read it before a few friends the 56 69 • • • 4 ♦ 11 house on Main street. buying wheat, for which they are paying 44 52 Our correspondent sends us the follow 4 I is now out of danger, and improving. 12 ened annihilation consisted in calling the other day. We had the pleasure of tlie highest cash market price. 2-tf. 44 Jas. Taylor, of Sprague river, made a ................... 80 56 • 13 paper a “quondam” sheet (she added the tearing it, and do not hesitate to pro ing under date of July 10th: The dwelling house of J. Faith on the , ■ 44 trip to our valley last week. 64 i «6 11 Cooler. Wesley Mitchell ¡»lace in Manzanita pre “quon” out of respect for her audience), nounce it one of file ablest essays we MARRIED. The steeple of the new Presbyterian School eloood. and the criticism referred to, a “ scurril lave ever heard upon this or kindred cinct was destroyed by fire on Monday O xen . A fine yoke of cattle, large,well church at Jacksonville is 80 feet high. DO&EY—DAVIS.—At the residence of Saw mills running. ous attack, ” etc. We do not consider it It is original, logical and ex- subjects, of List week. No one was about the matched in size and color, well broken, will A. H. Bootly, near Eagle Point, Jwly It is said that Senator Slater Bad colds are prevalent. house nt the time. The loss is about particularly dignified to make any reply laustive. We are almost afraid to give seven years old, for sale by David Dun- 11th, by W. H. Parker, J. P,, Mr. Eng- $400. to anything that may emanate from such any report of it, lest we should do injus ’ Our census enumerator found a super hpat his ranch on Big Butte. Good stump the state /or Hancock and George Boney to Mrs. Elk Davis, both llsh. of Jackson county.. v>ke g'H’s with them. [3-3t.] Senator Blaine intends to visit the Pa a source, but will notice one remark, for tice to the author in the brief and partial fluity of widows, and it is amazing how The croquet season is opening in Ash- cific coast sometime during the summer, the benefit of a few individuals in the au abstract that we have room for, but will young they all are. ALLKN — MATHE Wä - In Littl® PoerLATio.s of fioosE L akk .--From laud. Late, like all the seasons this E. H. Hughes and two sons killed a and will make several campaign speech dience who may be inclined to reiterate risk mentioning some of the most striking Butte precinct, at thti residence of the the book <>f the last census enumerator, year. very large brown bear, which has been a bride’s parents, by L. Tinkham, J. P, es in California. He will probably speak it in the belief that it was pertinent and joints in the outline of the argument: nvs the Lakeview Herald, we discover cutting. The “female” said we had “at July 4th, John M. Allen and Miss Starting with the familiar expression, terror to Big Butte stockmen for many Miss Della Cardwell, of Jacksonville, in Portland, also. Martha M. Mathews. that the population of Goose Lake val- has been »¡»ending a few days in Ash tacked” her because she was a woman. “This is a world of wonders!” the dis * years. • McCall, Atkinson A Co. have just re hy is now 1,660. This includes the en land. Well, it may be that there are sufficient course refers to the innumerable objects; Some miscreant broke into Mr. Jus WALKER- WE^TZ.-h> Manamitt ceived from San Francisco a fine assort tire valley, in both states, from the ex reasons why she could never have been scenes and phenomena in the physical tus’ cabin near the mouth of Big Butte precinct, at the residenceof the bride’k Inlow & Hill have on h&nd a full as- ment of ladies’, misses’ and childrens' treme south end to the northern limit. parents, July 4th, by Rev. D. A. Cro- y admitted to a cadetship in the United world which excite our awe and wonder. creek and appropriated everything in it well, Samuel H. Walker and Mias M/7 The population of that portion of the sortment of the finest Castile and toilet sandals and kid button shoes, etc., also States military or naval schools, but in Wonders that are real, and lasting, and save the straw in the bed tick—did not A. Wertz. soap. assortment of baby carriages of neat an valley north of the California line, is view of the fact that it is impossible for those that cease to be wonders when leave the grind stone even. Supervisor Sukcsdorf says the popu- and unique styles. about 950, and that of the section south the public to detect any true womanly they have been subjected to the destruc- Joseph Hanna, of Rogue River, is Mr. Carr, of Clear Lake says that his qualities in her character, we might with i;ive ordeal of scientific investigation. i f the line, about 630. These figures lation of Oregon will foot up to about BORM burning a large kiln of earthenware. actual loss of sheep during the past se propriety plead that we didn’t know she “It is even wonderful how wonders havi «how a vast increase, during the past few 170,000. Such enterprises of home industry should Mr. and Mrs. P. F. McManus, of vere winter was 2,900 out of a band of was a woman. To speak seriously, how »assed away. The aiicient brazen, and 'Ht.-tKE.—Near Ashland, July 6th, to vear», in the population of this and val be encouraged. the wife of L. A. Drake, a daughter. leys around us. It is safe, pephaps, to Yreka, were visiting friends in Ashland 4,700. The remaining 1,800 will be driv ever, we will say, that when a woman iron castles of the Giants Gog and Magog Crops are not as good as they might en from the vicinity of Clear Lake before calculate that the population of Goose last Monday. announces herself a public lecturer and lave utterly faded away from the confines xLUM.—In Ashland, July 10th, to the be, but they are generally better through winter again sets in. wife of C. K. Klum, a son. Lake valley has doubled during the last P. L. Fountain, who is now teaching assumes to give “the finest intellectual of the world. The wall of black rocks out the valley than many reports have four years. Mrs. Jacob Thompson,of Lakefcounty, treat ever offered to the public” she which in the minds of the ancients stood the Antioch school, spent a few days in IULL.—In Ashland July 13th, to thp made them. has been spending a few days in Ash Ashland this week. should expect to be criticized. The only wife of P. Hull, a son. upon the margin of the world has been O i k P opulation .—The Jacksonville There are nfiorc grasshoppers in many land with her son, G. S. Butler. On thing we have to regret in our treatment J. Q. Welch, who contemplates mov jassed.” In the department of super WATSON.—In' Jacksonville, July 9th, Titan of last week says: “Jacksonville’s localities than w*e have ever seen in Jack- Tuesday she returned home, Mr. Butler of the Fitzgeralds, so called, is that we to the wife of Judge E. B. Watson • ing to Eastern Oregon, is anxious to sell natural wonders, the world has revesred population is returned at 838 by J. H. son county. What is the cause of these daughter. and wife accompanying her, to rusticate did i|ot publish them before they arrived the order of logical reasoning, and im Hufler, census enumerator. Ashland is his ¡»lace up the valley. pests after such a hard winter is what for a week or two in the Lake region. as the bilks they are known to be. They posed the burden of proof upon the redited with 854 people, though much Robt. McDonough, of Willow Springs, D ied . are of a very low grade of adventurers, skeptical. But time and facts, in Spite engrosses our minds just now. The sidewalk on Main street opposite «loubt is expressed as to whether they came up the valley to Ashland with a At the June election 21 electors in this the Pioneer Store is in a dangerous con mendicants without the redeeming quali of men, move in strict accordance with are all bona tide residents, as many im load of grain last Monday. ty of beggars, humility. In fact, their the laws of logic to establish truth and precinct did not go to the polls to exer- LOGAN.—Fn Ashland, July 8th, Nellie,' migrants were enumerated there. ” Those F. B. Inlow, th« Eagle Point Post dition, and should at once be subjected infant daughter of C. W. and Hattie • •f us who know a little more about the master, was in Ashland last Wednesday, to repairs. The yawning chasms that methods approach very closely to black eradicate error. It has been noticed, ercise the right of suffrage. Hancock Logan, aged two weeks and four days. open in the pathway may prove a dead mail, if they cannot actually be so termed even by casual observers, that the think and Garfield, will probably make us en - - character of the population of Ashland visiting his brother, Dr. Inlow. thuse however. at present. They quarter themselves fall to some heavily-loaded citizen some ers of the world, the philosophers, who ’¡i.ui the editor of the Times does are not Mr. Curry, of Dry Creek, passed NEW TO-DAY upon a town and then say to the people: have built up the sciences and established Our J. P. has qualified and now an troubled with any such doubts as he through town last Monday with a band dark night. nentiona. At this time of year a largo of sheep, bound for Lake county. A. F. Squires reached Ashland last “You will have to help us, or we cau’t on earth the light of knowledge, have nounces himself ready to tie the nuptial lumber of the permanent residents of i Friday, on the return from the visit to get away,” and as they make themselves had but little to do with ghosts and knot on short notice, and his motto is, Wm. R. Jones and Mat Ish started for nr town are away from home—in Lake his old home in Prince Edward’s Island, so obnoxious that everybody is anxious hobgoblins, while the inferior and the “first come first served.” D r H. T. I nlow , G. A. H ill , Warner valley last Saturday to look after ounty, looking after their stock inter- Our natal day was duly honored by Canada. He greatly enjoyed meeting to have them leave, they are usually ignorant have always been familiar with their stock interests in that section. esta ; m California at work in harvesting with old friends and witnessing old fa helped out of town, and sent to afflict in supernatural wonders. “The last seven the citizens of this place and i^any from Cubeb cigarettes, for catarrh and bad unbthreshing, and at saw mills and oth miliar scenes, but says he is glad to be in nocent people “further on.” In Yreka ty-five years of liberty, free thought and Little Butte, in the shady grove near our the people procured thorn stage tickets free discussion have been worth more to school house. Wm. McGregor acted as er places remote and near—and there is colds, just received and for sale at the .^shland again. Ashland Drug Store of Dr. Chitwood. to Ashland, and the newspapers congrat mankind in developing a proper under marshal of the day, Dan. E. Morris no question.whatever that these of our County Assessor Goddard was in town A fire at Independence, Polk county, last Saturday. He retains his office until ulated the citizens upon having sent standing of this wonderful world than all reader, Rev. A. C. delivered the prayer, citizens will considerably outnumber the the hundreds of years from the great and Dr. J. M. Buck and W. H. Parker transient population enumerated here. last Thursday destroyed $9,000 worth of September, when he will yield up the them to Oregon. They are too well known and of too Bagdad expedition down to the time of were the orators. Had a good treat of I“ctlia|>s a slight feeling of local jealousy property, a serious blow to the town. INLOW S HILL, Prejr’s./ books. In retiring he has the satisfac small calibre to attract attention in the Salem witchcraft.” stimulated the doubt of our neighbor. vocal music by Mrs. G. A. King, Mrs. Arbuckle’s unground, browned coffee, tion of knowing that a good man suc- Belief in the ghost has been common C, P. Parker and Charles Carey, and al We must expect this, but trust he will at Butler & Rockfellow’s. Also ladies’ ceeds him, one who will make an efti- cities, where the people are familiar with Ashland, Oregon. the vaporings of much abler representa to all nations, yet there have always been so some young Misses. do us the justice to acknowledge the linen suits and ulsters to suit everybody. cient and conscientious officer. The dinner, tives of the sand lot element, and are individuals who doubted our ability to which was excellent, was spread ifndcr facts when they are presented to him. S. C. Palmer returned to Ashland Just received at Reeser’s, a full line trying hard to beat their way through perceive this condition of existence the auspices of Mrs. Stpught, who is our TO THE FRONT AGAIN!!! A n I mportant D ecision .—II m. E. from Klamath Agency last week, and of Osborne reapers and mowers, dry the country where the people are in through the instrumentality of the sen boss table overseer. It closed with a Stwle, Judge of the Superior Court in will remain at home during the summer. goods, groceries, clothing, boots and duced to hear the “woman” <mt of curi ses. 2knd at this day, after a million of ball at at the “Clipper Hotel,” where 25 •yijirn a well selbtteù stock or Kate Thornton and Nettie and Marsh shoes, cigars and tobacco, candies ant and for Siskiyou county, Cal., has ren osity. In their travels through Califor men, women and children have sworn, couple participated. Everybody seemed Wagner returned last Monday evening nuts, hats and caps, notions, stoves, tin dered a decision of considerable impor nia they have left a bad odor on their directly and indirectly, in court and out to enjoy themselves. One gentleman DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS/ tance, as being the first of t|ie kind un- from their trip to the Willamette val- and hardware for sale at bed-rock prices track, and have been favored with a goot of court, that they have seen ghosts, the refused to celebrate because he was not PAINTS dei the new constitution, in the case of ley. for C ash . Give him a call. 1-tf. deal of free advertising by the press. Sev author denies the affirmation. No doubt invited, but since the several committees sold his livery Ips J. W. Manning th* people vs. Jacob Wetzel, charged on The Independent, of Alturas, says: eral of oyr California exchanges speak of they saw something, but it was not st>- were not aware that they had to semi in an examination before a justice and an stable in Jacksonville to R. L. Ish and Never since the settlement of Modoc the “female” as a true virago,she having pernatund. Ghostly appearances maybe vitations for persons to attend a Fourth TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY/ inj'rmation filed by the District Attor E. B. Caton, who will continue the bus County has there been such an abund made personal attacks upon gentlemen classified as apparitions, specters,affrights of July celebration, I presume they were —SHOULDIR braces — ned, with an “assault with * a deadly iness. B. B. ance of grass upon the overflowed land who provoked her wrath. In Fort Jones and personifications. The first proceed pardonable. The water has subsided in the Willam wuqwn,” in shooting a . Chin ainan on and meadows upon the plateaux north of on the street she seized a certain citizen from abnormal conditions or actions i>f Item« From the Pott. Yr-ka Flats on the 28th of May last, ette river, and the Portlanders are again . here as is now* growing. It is estimated by the beard and shook him about, while the functions of body and brain; the sec preparing for business along the water W. I. Nichols, attorney for defendant, ----- AND—=• * that in many places the yield will aver the male Fitzgerald stood with a pisto ond are optical illusions, and arc pro The following was received one day int rj«o»ed a demurrer to i the “informa- front. in his hand, saying “ Don ’ t touch my duced in most cases by certain conditions N. A. Jacobs has been appointed age four or five tons per acre. too late for Last week’s issue; XJVÉRYTHING USUALLY KETT IN Jt' tioon the ground that the Court had wife! Don’t you touch my wife!” of the atmosphere; the third include FiBbT-CiAsa Duco S tubs . ( A number of substantial improvements Grand Scribe of the order of Champions Haying will commence soon. no jurisdiction in the case, since the I As to the record of the male Fitzger real, material ghosts, such as white are contemplated in Jacksonville this Constitution of California and the stat- of Honor for this jurisdiction. Good summer, says the Sentinel. Among them ald, we make the following extract freon stumps,* white horses or cows or sheep in CF TERMS, CASH ! The glorious Fourth passed off cpiietly utts founded thereon, authorizing offen selection. at the Fort. an artice which recently appeared in the a graveyard, etc.; the fourth are the C. A. Logan arriv d with a load of ' are a new brick building to be occupied as ses >f the grade of felony to l»e prosecut- H. M. Thatcher, from Linkville, vis creations of the imagination and are in a drug store by R P. Kahler and a brick Coast Review, of California: e<TT^^^rmation, were in conflict with freight from Roseburg last Monday, and “ To refresh the memory of our read numerable and varied—from Jupiter, ited the Fort to look after his interest in [ store house to be built by J. 8. Howard Orders from a distance promptly an ! against the letter and spirit of Art. M. L. McCall came in with a heavy load on the lot now occupied by Mr. Wolter’s ers, as well as to give information to the with his thunderbolts, down to the hum the post trader’s store. offended to? I. g H. V. <>f Amendments to the Constitution on Tuesday. general outside public, we epitomise the ble water witches that haunt the lonely bakery. A larger assortment of dry good« mm Good oak and Y»ine wood in any quan The demurrer of the United States. As we go to press, Gen. E. L. Apple statements formerly made by us concern banks of forest streams. The imagina other merchandise has been received at came up for argument on Monday, and tity for sale cheap by Douglas Gum at gate is speaking to a good audience in ing Fitzgerald: tion, in its pure and healthy action, is the post traders’ store. yesterday morning, on the opening of the old Kilgore place in the eastern edge Houck’s Hall upon the political issues of 1. “ His swindling operations have BLACKSMITHING. the source of much of the pleasure of [51-tf.] Callahan, the beef contractor, is a, Court, Judge Steele filed his decision in of town. been carried on under various aliases, he life, but it must not be mixed up with the Fort. He brought over liis stock Just received from San Francisco at the day. He is one of the Republican the case sustaining the demurrer. Coun himself .having testified that he has goue logic, and we have ample grounds for be* from Alkali for the summer. electors of our state, and in his trench sel for the people filed exceptions, and Baum «fe Hill’s, folding hat-racks and ant style in undoubtedly making Demo by the following names, which were at I lieving that all the appearances under Mr. Beggs has arrived with teams pr bably the question will be submitted clothcs-racks, for sale at 50 cents and 75 cratic fur fly. He is well known as one I that he could remember, viz: F. W. Em- any of the above classes of which we loaded with stores for the government, to the Supreme Court. As it an impor-* cents each. who speaks in an interesting manner up . merson, F. G. Wilson, Ira L. Evans, have any record may be accounted for also with the property of the infantry Wanted — Two or three rheumatic sub taut question, and one which interests on any subject he takes up, and there i Chas. D. Williams, O. R. Payne, H. G. and explained upon natural and scien company which is daily expected. th. whole State, it would seem that it • jects to rr-test the virtue of the water at are many in his audience who enjoy hear . Wright, J. B. Ilandolp and C. C. Seho- tific principles. “There can lie no soch ASHLAND, OREGON, The official axe fell heavily upon the ou.-ht to be adjudicated by the Court of j the Warm Springs. Liberal terms. Ap ing him, even while party ties will not . field.” thing as a supernatural ¡philosophy, for las* resort. Until this is done, and the ply at Eagle Mills. nature is all, includes all, and the soul of neck of our deputy postmaster. He hax 2. “ After swindling various lifo in All kind» rf woïk'dor.’é promptly, and^ allow them to vote as he will. decision either affirmed or reversed, it ' Read Inlow & Hill’s ad. They are surance companies in the East, he came i nature, God, cannot but be the God of to step down and ont, for expressing his Kitikrfiittion guaranteed. M ust be S oli ».—The residence and to California in July, 1868, and, jrit nature, too.” The testimony upon honest convictions that he could not vote follows as a matter of course that in n<»w settled in their handsome new store SW&AL ATTENTION CIVEN TO SHOEiUC. Ju lge Steele’s jurisdiction every ease of and solicit a share of patronage from property of M. Baum, on Granite street, some intermissionsandabsenses fro»n the which the existence of ghosts rests, is the Republican ticket. We are sorry, ./' O Shop <qq»<?site the Liverv Stable. is offered for sale at a bargain, For par- State, continued the line of business un very slight and entirely insufficient. The for he was very accommodating. felony must be prosecuted on an indict the community. ‘ 4M5 tf ment by the grand jury. — Yreka Journal. We have been informed by a reliable J. F. Presley, the barber, has been ticulars inquire of M. Baum at McCall, til the exposure made by us.” writer here gave a definition of the scope 6-4w. compelled to close his shop on account Atkinson & Co.’s store. 3. “He was indicted for bigamy in of human testimony, which is clear and party that Mr. Swalley and Fred. Loos- (' rushed to D eath . —List Tuesday of a sore hand, but expects to be at his Icy killed nine deer and one bean in a Missouri in February, 18C>8; was arrest comprehensive. We give it exact: T ake N otice .—All those knowing forenoon, says the Scott Valley News, post again soon. ed, gave bail and skipped the country, “1. A fact cannot be established by two days’ hunt on Cherry creek. They themselves indebted to the late firm of Frederick Fulse a well known resident of human testimony against a known law of came upon the bear unexpectedly, and Free—On Saturday, July 17th, the J. M. McCall Jt Co., either by note or leaving hi3 bulAlsmen in the lurch.” BLACKSMITH, II operville met his death in a sudden 4. “He was arrested in Montrea nature, no matter how many witnesses for some reason, which we failed to bath house near Eagle Milts will be book account, are requested to call im- and shocking manner. Mr. Fulse was Canada, for larceny, having stolen a lot or however honest they may be known learn, the bear was unable to run. He frek for all American citizens over mediately and settle or make arrange- engaged in hauling hay from the ranch of of jewelry; was tried, convicted and im to be. A thousand witnesses could, not soon fell a victim to the unerring club of MAIN ST., ASHLAND, 0K6ÓN/ twenty years of age. ments for the settlement of the same, as James Davidson to his place on Indian prove that a dog had turned into a horse, Fred. L. F. Willits, of Jacksonville, has the business must be closed without de prisoned.” Is now prepared to do* all kinds of work’ creek, and left Fort Jones about 10 OSHERVER. 5. “He forged applications for insur or that a man had lifted himself over a in his line at nis new diop, u clock with a load 'df 3,800 pounds. been in Ashland several days this week. lay. Open accounts if not settled imme ance, testimonials as to his character, fence by his boot straps. He is now enjoying his summer vacation Musical Notice. diately will be collected by law. About 11 o'clock Jacob Eller, of Etna, ON MAIN STREET, Wf THE SITE OF HIS OLD SHOP' and various other documents, including 2. The evidences of the senses inde- 6-2w M. BAUM. while on his way up Indian Creek, found from school teaclring. what purported to be a decree of divorce ¡jendeudently of judgment, experience E ditor T idings :— - ■ ♦--------------------- — Special attention given to Shoeing. ' G. W. Fordyce has traded his Perch- the body of Mr. Fulse lying in the road T he N ew S upreme C ourt .—The from his wife. ” and knowledge of natural lav* is iw»t con Please allow ns to say a word iir near the residence of Elton Bailey dead. eron stallion, Mountain Buck, to Mr. 4-32 tf newly-elected Judges of the Supreme * 6. “He was posted as a scoundrel clusive proof of a fact. The arts of the your colifrnnrin regard to our vacations, The body was yet entirely warm and life Cassidy, of Little Shasta, for another Court were sworn into office on Monday and fraud in various Masonic lodges, es juggler or magician illustrate this. The as we are asked almost daily if we iuteud could not have left it many minutes. stallion of the same stock. of hist week. The drawing for choice of pecially the lodges of Texas; in short, as evidence of the senses must be digested giving our music class a long vacation A. E. WEIGHT. The body was found lying on its face Wm. Riggs, of Lakeview, came to Ash- terms resulted as follows: Judge Waldo a liar, thief, forger, bigamist and swindler by the reason, or the qualities of mind this summer. We gave them one week with marks of the wagon wheels travers iand this week, after Mi*». J. W. Riggs, secured the six-years term, Judge Wat in general, his record is complete and above them. BLACKSMITHING* in which to celebrate their glorious inde GENERAL ing diagonally across the back from the who will spend the summer in Lakeview, son the four-years term and Judge Lord unique.” 3. The evidence of a witness cahnot pendence, and shall not have any other left hip to the right shoulder. There while her husband is traveling. the two-years term and the Chief Jus “ Subsequent to their publication in W agon making , be relied upon above or beyond his ex vacation during the summer.- We shall were no signs of any movement and Mrs. Howard McBride, of East Port ticeship. The present clerk, Peter the Coast Review, Fitzgerald acknowl perience. The tropical man, who never continue sight through the fall and win death must have been instantaneous. land, is visiting S. C. Palmer and family OBSGON. D’Arcy and the bailiff, E. C. McLain, edged in writing the truth of all our saw ice, might be expected to doubt that ter, and students can enter our class at BONANZA, The team was found standing about fifty of this place. Her husband will also are retained. saiements concerning him, as shown by water could become a solid. All kinds of blacksm jrfHitg done in th«! any time. M rs . W. I N ichouj . yards from where the body lay, the lines visit Ashland within a few days. best style at reasonable prices. the following: being tied to the seat, from which it 3. Hearsay evidence is no evidence at C antata .—Our town is soon to be fa Grain hay is now selling at from $8 ^to C hampions of H onor .—A number of “This is to certify that the statements would seem that Mr. Fulse had dis HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, $10 ¡»er ton in the field in this neighbor vored with a rare musical work, an oper published in the toast Review concern all. As it cannot be allovied to prove a young ladies and gentlemen, members mounted for. some purpose. He was hood. The crop is much lighter than etta, the “Coronation of the Rose,” pre ing me and my past record are in sub-g common fact, it certainly should not be of Victory Council No. 2, C. of H., went Wagons, Buggies, Whed-barrows, Etc,* driving an unruly horse > on the near usual in most parts of the valley. made and repaired. Plow work re- sented by Rev. S. S. Caldwell. In mus stance true, and that the allegation con allowed to prov»an uncommon one. down from Ashland to Wagner Creek on ves special attention. wheel and last Saturday tie animal cre 5. The evidence of interested witnesses ic matters Mr. Caldwell deals with clas tained in the complaint in the suit of R. last Tuesday evening, to visit the Coun Capt. Caton has been appointed Chief (♦-28 tf F. Fitzgerald against the publishers of ated quite an excitement while in town must be taken with great allowance, even sic material, and in a classic style. The cil at that place. They enjoyed a very Deputy Sheriff in the ¡»lace of H. B. the t oast Review are in substance false. by getting over the tongue and finally opera is the highest art of music, the ma when honest. pleasant visit, were hospitably received above statement is freely and volun down on the ground undei the feet of Seybert, who steps down and out. The jestic temple of sound. The operetta is The 6. Dishonest, interested and mistaken tarily made. ” ‘ ‘ (Signed) and agreeably entertained, and report IC-BEBBA.1Í PAELOBfr the other horses. This horse had been Captain will make an efficient officer. witnesses are the most numerous, and the decorative, filagrfeed, portico of this R. F. FITZGERALD.” the Wagner Creek Council to be flourish Mr. and Mrs. Baum and Mrs. Hill temple. The Cantata (chain of song), to dragged from where Mr. Fulse lay to the BAKERYr Here is the ackrjowlegdement of the upon all wonderful things are extremely ing. It now has a membership number reached home Sunday evening from I lace where the team had stopped; had which the cities of the East have re man himself that he i» a liar, thief, for anxious to testify. ” ----- AX»----- ing sixty, and;accessions- are still- being, the harness torn off and and was badly Roseburg. While in Portland Mr. Baum sponded with cheers, will be something ger, bigamist and swindler.” A number of the most noted cases of made. scarred and brpised. The generally ac purchased a large invoice of tine furni quite new to this region, and will cer CO*N F E C TTON E R YV On Tuesday the pair went around town supernatural appearances and phenome cepted theory is that the horse had again ture for the firm of Baum & Hill. tainly be heard by every one who would and by threatening our people with a na which have been explained and un N otice .—The undersigned will here got into trantrums, and that the team Miss Ella Scott, who is to teach musio wish to get a symmetrical idea of music. continued stay unless they were helped derstood as produced by natural causes after give special attention to the renting G. A. NUTLEY, Proprietor. had started while Mr. Fulse was endeav at the Ashland College next term, now One who had only seen single trees could out of town, succeeded in extorting were mentioned, and the progress of the of houses and collection of rents in Ash ----- Fresh Brrid, Tie« and. id« kept cor-' oring to disentangle the vicious brute and has a class at Etna, where “she is meet have little idea of the grandeur of a forest. money enough to pay their fare to Hen truth shown to have chased away t!te land, and will guarantee satisfaction to tUnlly on hand. the unfortunate man had been thrown ing with marked success and the merited Disjunctive songs are but single parts of ley on the stage. They left unpaid bills dark and the mysterious By the discow?fy those who may entrust such business to fcjUOoc door Mirth.* of Central Hotel.' approval of her pupils,” says the Journal. an image. Look out for advertisement. here, as at Jacksonville. •nder the wheels. 5L3m.* C.AL. NVDLEY,* him- z W. BASHFORD. * of the real. THE ASHLAND TIDINGS ------------------------------■ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUSSES/ f I Morgan i& Woodson, HARRY SMITH, f i —