INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DENOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. ASHLAND OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 10. ISSO. J M. McCalL ASHLAND TIDINGS W. IL Atkinson McCall, Atkinson A Co., Iamietl every Friday, ----- BÏ----- Ashland Oregon. MERRITT. LEEDS OFFICl—On Main Street, (in «econd »tory of McCall A Uaum’* new building ) Job Prin tins* Of all descriptions done on iliort notice. Levai Blank», Qiroolar* Business Cards, Billhead», Letterhead», Pos­ ter«, st«., gotten up in good style at living prices. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! Terms of Subscription: Oae copy, one year.................. „....................................S'J 50 “ ,r aix month* ........... „............. 1 50 •• •• th three re« month« ............................................... -100 Club rates, nix copied for.................. ................. ......12 50 Ferms id advance. * Terms ot Advertising: LSGAL. this »quire (ten line* of lees) 1st insertion. Each additional insertion........ „................... S ? 50 . 1 00 LOCAL. Local notices per line ......... „.................... ...............10c Regular advertisement« inserted upon liberal terms. PROFESSIONAL ~ A DR. J. H. CHITWOOD, :' : ASHLAND, : : OREGON. At the Ashland Dru? Store. OFFICE W. A. Wikhire JAMES R. NEIL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jacksonville, Oregon. J. W. HAMAKAR, PUBLIC, NOTARY Linkviile, Lake Co., Oregon. OFFICE—In Post Office building. Special attention iven to conveyancing. M. L. M’CALL, SURVEYOR kt CIVIL ENGINEER, Ashland, Oregon. Is prepared to do any work in his line on short notice. DR. i W. B. ROYAL, Has permanently located in Ashland. Will give hi« undivided attention to the practice nt medicine. II»» had fifteen year«' experience in Oregon. Offlce at hi. residence, on Main street, opnosite the M. E. Church. We are now receiving our New Spring Stock, and everyday will witness additions to the largest stock of General Merchandise! Ever brought to this market. We de­ sire to say to every reader of this paper, that if Standard Goods! Sold at the Lowest Market Prices, will do it, we propose to do the larg­ est business this season, ever do le in Ashland; and we can positively make it to the advantage of every one to call upon us and test the truth of our assertions. We will spare no pains to fully maintain the reputation of the House, As the acknowledged HEADQUARTERS ! For Staple and Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glass and Tin Ware, Shawls, W rappers, Cloaks, And, in fact, everything required for the trade of Southern and South­ eastern Oregon. DR. E. J. BOYD, A full assortment of DENTIST. IRON AND STEEL Linkviile, : ; : : : Oregon. For Blacksmiths’ and General usa Office »nd residence, south side of Main street. A Full Line of DR. J. M. TAYLOR. DENTIST, r J SURGEON, Main street, Ashland, Oregon, OFFICE—Tn recond »tory of Misiuic Hall. Office hours, from 8 to 12 A M.. »nd from L:>0 to 6 P. M. Ashland Woolen Goods! Flannels, Blankets, Cassimeres, Doeskins, Clothing, always on hand and for sale at lowest prices. The highest market-price» paid for Wagon Manufactory. Wheat, Oats, Barley, Bacon, lard. W. W. Hentnor, Prop’r, MeCALL, AT Hl VS ON A CO. A shland , April 10, 1880. ASHLAND; MAIN STREET, Wagons. Buggies, Carriages, Wheel Bariows, Plow-Stocks, etc., made and repaired at Rh'.rt notice. BEST EASTERN STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. Ali orders left at my new shop, north of the bridge, will receive prompt and satisfactory at ten lion. W. W. KENTNOR. JAMES THORNTON, JACOB WAGNER, W. n. ATKINSON, E. K. ANDERSON. THE ASHLAND WO O II EN MÁÑÜFAC’G CO.„ ARE NOW MAKING FROM Jacob Wajner E. K. AnJerson. "" IT. Atkinson. THE ASHLAND MILLS I Wo will continúe to purchase wheat The Very Best N lATIIiVIEI IWOiOL! —A T— The Highest Market Price, And wdl deliver Flour, Feed, Etc., Anywhere in town, AT MILL ICES. BLANKETS* FLANNELS,. CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, AND HOSIERY. Wagner, Anderson A €•. ASHLAND Livery, Sale & Fend STABLES, Main Street, | : ■: Ashland. I have constantly on hand tho very best SABDLE HOMES. BC€ittI£S AXD CkKKIAUES, OLD AND NEW, Are invited to send in their orders and are assured that they SHall Receive Prompt Attention ! At Prices that Defy Competition. And can furnish my customers with a tip-top turnout at any time. HORSES BOARDED On reasonable terms, and given the best attention. Horses bought and sold and satisfaction guaranteed in all my transactions. H. F. PHILLIPS. ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. W. H. Atkinson, SECRETARY One of the “Jiners.” | made Grand Guide of the Knights of Horror, I tol’d him I’d git, and I will.’ Here the Major interrupted, saying, “Well, your husband is pretty well initiated that’s a - fait, but the Court . will hardly take that good cause for a divorce. The most of the societies you mention aro composed of honorable I mtn, and have excellent reputations. Most of them, though called Lodges, are relief associations and mutual insur­ ance companies, which, if your husband should die, would tako care cf you, and which would not see you or him suffer if you were sick.” “See me suffer when I’m sick ? Take care of me when he’s dead? Well, I guess not; I can take care of myself when lie’s dead, aud if I can’t, I can .get another. There’s plenty of ’em. And they needn’t bother themselves when I’m sick, either. If I want to be sick and suffer, it’s none of their bus­ iness, es|>ecia)ly after all the sufferin’ I’ve had when I ain’t sick, becauso of their carryings on. And you needn’t try and make me believe it’s all right, either. I know what it is to live with a man who jines so many lodges that he don’t never lodge at home, and sign his name, ‘Yours truly, Sam Smith. M. M., I. O. O. F. K. O. B., K. of P., P. of H., R. A. IL, I. P. K. of P., N. *>., L. E. T., II. E. R., R 1. P, P. Y. Z., etc.” “Oh, that’s a harmless amusement,” remarked Mr. Ruse. She looked at him square in the eye, and said, “I believe veu are a jiner yourself.” He admitted that lie was to a certain extent. And she rose and said: “ 1 wouldn’t have thought it. A m&n like you— chairman of a Sabbath School, and su­ perintendent of the Republicans ' It’s epough to n ake a woman take pizen. But 1 don’t want anything of you. I want a lawyer that don’t belong to no­ body nor nothin’.” And she bolted out of the office and inquired where Captain Prtten k< pt. —Manchester, N. H, M irror. 82 50 PER ANNUM An Epidemic of St Vitus’ Dance. and always attack children. It is caused by various things, such as indigestion or derangement of some member of the vital functions. It never becomes epi­ demic, though it often spreads, because it is e a disease of irritation and ima°inar o tion. It is never considered dangerous, and passes away in limitation.—Cincin nati Enquirer. J 'A Huntsman's Lie. For several days reports have been She was forty-five years old, well James Pine, a veteran fox hunter rife respecting the existence of a very dressed, had black hair, rather thin and sixty-six years old residing in Marble­ peculiar malady among the students of town, has killed this Winter fourteen tinged with gray, and eyes in which St. Martin ’ s convent seminary in Brown red foxes, one cross-bar and one gray gleamed the fires of a determination not county. As the seminary is the favorite fox. He is probably the best fox to be easily balked. She walked into one 'among the Catholics of this city hunter in the country. He has two Major Huso’s office in Patten’s block and the west generally, an Enquirer re dogs and hunts over long stretches of and requested a private interview, and porter was sent yesterday to it to ascer­ having obtained it, and satisfied herself country, ranging all over the hills of tain the facts in the case. Some four Cases Where Wives Have Sued Marbletcwn, across the country to High that the law students were not listening weeks ago a pupil in attendance at the for Damages. Falls and up Shawangunk mountain as at the key-hole, said slowly, solemnly, school, a daughter of Mrs. Mangold, of far as Lake Minnewaski—in fact he and impressively, “I want a divorce.” Cincinnati, was attacked with what ap­ shot the cross-bar fox near Paltz Point “What for I I supposed you had one It has been erroneously stated that peared to be the disease commonly on that^ mountain. Mr. Pine has hunted of the best of husbands,” said tho Ma­ the action for damages brought in known as St. Vitus’ dance.” The for forty years, a portion of the time in jor. symptoms were, first, an involuntary Brooklyn by a wife against another Greene county, and for twenty-three “I ’spose that’s what everybody motion of the shoulders, then a grow­ woman for the alienation or appropria­ seasons he has hunted in this county. thinks; but if they knew what I’ve suf- ing cf the symptoms into other portions tion of her husband is believed to be The first year he came to Ulster county ferred in ten year.s, they’d wonder I had of the body, a contraction of the muscles the first case of the kind that has ever he killed forty-three foxes, though at not scalded him long ago. I ought to, of the arms and face, a slight nausea been tried. Two years ago a similar that time, of course, this kind of an­ but for the sake of the young ones I’ve and headache. The physician of the one arose in Ohio, the only difference imal was more numerous than at pres­ borne it and said nothing. I’ve told institution, Dr. Hall, was called in, and between it and the Brooklyn trial being ent. Last New Year's day he killed him, though, what he might depend on, the ordinary prescription for such cases that a man was the defendant in the three foxes. Mr. Pine hunts for pleas and now the time’s come, I won’t stand administered. The patient, a miss of former anl a woman in the latter. The ure and recreation, as he owns a nice it, young ones or no young ones, I w ill suit was brought in Jackson county, by perhaps twelve, said thkt she had never have a divorce; and )f the neighbors Mrs. Casandra Westlake against Joseph little farm in Marbletown, but he sells been subject to any attacks of this na ­ his fox skins and in that way pays for want to blab themselves hoarse about it ture, but that an older sister had been Westlake, who wa3 the father of her his powder and shot. «they can, for I won’t stand it another husband, Wellington B. Westlake. The so troubled. Next day, to the surprise Apropos to fox hunting, there is a day.” complaint set forth that the elder. West­ of the mother superior and the phy ­ fox hunter to this county who tells a “But what’s the mat ter 1 Don’t your lake had spoken scandalously and falsely sician, two more of the pupils wero good story in regard to the tenacity with husband provide for you? Don’t he treat similarly attacked. On ‘he following of her to her husband, as well as to which foxes will cling to their lives, you kindly ?’’ pursued the lawyer. day there were more, and, as the days other persons, fof the purpose of alienat­ they in fact having more live* than a “We get vituais enough, and I don’t went by, more and more of the inmates ing and sepalating her husband from cat. This gentleman says, and he af­ know but he’s as kind and true as men of the convent became subject to this her, and that in consequence of these re­ firms with both hands Akl \U?s in general; and lie’s never knocked IS, strange illness, until probably t wenty or ports and the influence exerted by the that one day while he was out bunting none of us down. I wish he had, then more of the pupils and a dozen or more lather, she was actually put away and he shot a tine fox, and, as he supposed, I’d get him into jail and know* where he of the sisters in attendance had lieen abandoned by her husband. She there­ the animal dropped dead. He went to was at night,” retoited the woman. attacks! with this strange and unac­ fore sued for the lo§s of her husband, him, and taking out his jack knife, com­ “Then, what’s your complaint against For countable epidemic. Day before yes­ and claimed $5,000 damages. menced to peel off the j>«*lt so he him?’’ technical reasons, her husband was terday morning the doctor was sent for “Well if you must know, lie’ one of made codefendant. A verdict of $1,700 wouldn’t have to carry the carcass home in great haste, and on arriving, found with>bim. He skinned it down and them plaguev jiners.” ten new patients jerking and hopping was rendered in favor of Mrs. West­ then pulled it over and gave it a yank “A what?’’ and gaping and twisting their faces into lake. The case went into the Supreme in order to free it from the body when “A jiner. one of them pesky fools inconceivable shapes ; and even while Court of the State, which held that a the skin came off, w hen to the great and that’s always jining something. There he was present two or .three ov more wife may’ maintain an action for the loss inexpressible astonishment of the hunt­ an t nothing come along that’s dark and were taken with the strange symptoms. of the society ami companionship of her er, the fox jumped up and ran off at full sly and hidden but he’ll jine it. If any­ Then the good doctor and the gentle husband against one who wrongfully in­ sjieed, the hunter in his surprise being body should get up a society to burn his sisters who had been gradually growing duces her husband to abandon her or unable to raise his gun in time house down, he’d jine it just as soon as But on some technical alarmed, took thorough fright and the send her away. he could get in; and if they had to pay questions relating to the admission of to shoot him. The dogs, however portion of the school able to answer the were after him in a jiffy, and the re­ to get in, he’d g8 all the sooner. Wo summons was called up and hurriedly the husband’s evidence, the verdict was markable sight of a fox without its pelt hadn’t been married niore’n two months set aside and a new trial ordered. Tv o uismisse I, and as many pupils as could before he jined the Kuow Nothings. of the judges, however, dissented, and scooting along over the crust with be gut off on so short a notice Lurried We lived on a farm then, and every Sat­ were of the opinion that the wife’s pe­ three hounds yelping on his track, Got Mad About It. to the depot and sent to their homes by urday night he’d come tearin’ in before tition did not show a cause of action. was then seen. The fox being in the first train. In case of those living dis supper and grab a fistful of nutcakes and A few -weeks ago, while several citi­ at a distance the telegraph was brought Another case of this kind was brought light marching order soon tanced the dogs, and in ten minutes go off gnawing ’em, and that’s the last zens of Detroit were surrounding a hot in 1871 by Mrs. Mary Ann Harlan I’d see of him till morning. And every stove in a Griswold street tobacco store, into requisition, their parents notified, against Elliott Clark. The wife’s peti­ was out of sight. A few days after other night in the week he’d roll and in came a stranger who had been on a and yesterday another detachment went tion set forth that the defendant had the man was out hunting again for tumble in his sleep and holler, ‘Put none “big drunk.” His eyes were red, his away. To-day there only remains a wrongfully and maliciously enticed away foxes. The hounds run one pretty but Americans on guard—George Wash­ back all mud, his clothes ragged, and Iris dozen of the pupils at the convent, and her husband from her home, and had sharply and lie passed through a ravine, ington,’ and rainy days he’d go out in general appearance wai that of a hard these will probably go at a very early detained and harbored him in defend? and it being a peculiarity of the fox the corn barn and jab at a picture of the up and played out old soaker. One of date. I)r. Hall, at first believing that ant’s residence, to which the wife was that when he goes through a ravine he Pope with an old bayonet that was the group was telling a yarn about a the action of the mind would have a denied admittance. The Superior Court will come back to it again, no matter there; I cught to have put my foot down hog, and he was going on with4iis story very considerable effect in the treat­ of Cincinnati overruled the demurrer how wide O’e circuit may be, the hunter ment ot the disease, tried to induce the but he fooled me with so many lies about when the old fellow interrupted : raised by the defendant, and held that posted himself at this place and waited patients to overcome by will force the the Pope’s coming to make all the Yan­ “Scuse me, but I’m an old soaker who strange motions of tho various portions an action w'ould lie in favor of a married until he heard the bay of the hounds kee girls marry Irishmen, and to eat up wants to reform.” woman against a third person for en­ ‘oilowing the track up to near where he of the body. To this end he persuaded »11 the babies that wasn't born with a ticing away and harboring her husband. stood. He was on the qui vivo, ami “Well, as I was saying,” continued cross on their foreheads, that I let him the story teller, after a glance at the those whose arms weie affected to try About twenty years ago a case of this got a glimpse of an animal running with and carry steadily across the room a go on and encouraged him in it. kind was carried to the House of Lords great speed, that had all the resemblance man, “i the hog was about forty rods ■ shallow tin containing half a dozen “Then be jined the masons. P'raps away wheib I first saw him. I got my marbles without spilling the marbles on appeal from the Irish Queen's Bench. to a fox, only his coat seemed a glossy’ The action had been brought by Mrs. white. The hunter never thought of you know' w’liat them be, but I don’t, gun—” upon the floor. These tests resulted in Knight, wife of William Knight, the skinned fux that ran away the dav ’cept they think* they’re the same kind “Say,” interrupted the drunkard, aome cases satisfactorily, in others in the of critters that built Solomon’s temple “isn’t there somebody here who wants marbles being thrown almost to the ceil against James Lynch. She alleged that before, but *supj>osed the white fur she had lost the consortium of her hus­ would be a great rarity in the market, and took care of his concubines; and all to help reform me?” ing and scattered in showers about the of that darned n'nsense and gab ’bout “You go out 1” replied one of the room. In other cases where the trouble band by’ reason of slanderous words so lfe fired, killing the animal, and with spoken of her by the defendant The great expectations hurried up to where worshipful masters and square and com­ men. was in the arms an effort to hold them pass and sich like, that we had in the “1 won’t do it ! I’m an old drunkard, would throw the affectation into the jury gave the wife a verdict of £150, he lay, and there, lo 1 and behold, found house for the next six months, you never and I want somebody to take me by the lower limbs. Then sometimes the con­ which was aifirmed on appeal by the instead of a white furred foxthe one that Exchequer Chamber, although the he had skinned the day before, tho white see the beat. And he’s never outgrown hand and hope I ll reform.” traction would remove to the facial it nuther. What do youthink of a man, “Go on with your hog story,” put in muscles, and the faces would be distort­ judges were divided. TLis judgment flesh looking like white fur in the sun­ Seemingly the fox had not was reversed by ¿be House of Lords, light. ’Squire that dresses hisself .in a white one of the group. ed with the most hideous grins. The minded the lack of his skin very much, apron, 'bout big enough for a monkey’s “You shan’t do it!” exclaimed the mouths would fly open like trap doors, which held that tho facts in this case bib, and go marchin’ up and down, mak drunkard. “I wan’t some one to feel the eyes would look round the most dif­ did not afford a ground for action, al­ and the flesh had become, by exposurs ing motions and talkin’ the foolishest sqd because I drink up all my earnings ficult corners in every direction, the though Lord Campbell and other judges in the air, almost of the consistency of Kingston (N. Y.) Freeman. expressed an opinion that a wife might leather — lingo at a picture of George Washington and misuse my family.” pretty aqualine noses would become the in a green jacket and a truss on his “No one here cares how much you most formidable pug, and the whole sue a third person for words occasioning stomach? Ain’t he a loony-tick? Well, drink or how soon you go under the party join in a course of curious con­ to her the loss of the consortium of her * How Diamonds are Bought. husband. that’s my Sam; an’ I stood it as long as ground I” said one of the men. tortions impossible of description. There Buying diamonds for retail is said to “You don’t, eh? Don’t any of you are in the convent about seventy pupils I’m goin to. be a delicate and difficult task. The Drinking Ice Water. “The next lounge the fool made wras want to give me advice 1” and a like number of sisters who have buyer sits down to a table with a large “No, sir!” into the Odd Fellows. I made it warm charge of the various departments. Of sheet of white paper spread before him. for him when he came home and told “You don’t feel sorry because I am these, I learn from the physician who There is no more doubt that drinking On the paper are poured the contents of me he had jined them ; but he kinder degrading my brilliant intellect?” has been in attendance, about twentv- ice water arrests digestion than there is certain packages received by the whole­ “Brilliant bosh !” You never knew pacified me by telling me they had a five pupils and fifteen sisters have been that a refrigerator would arrest perspir sale dealer. The keen eyes of the buyer, sort of branch show that took in women anything, anyhow I” afflicted with this strange disease. In ation. It drives from the stomach its an expert, of course, picks out at once “Won't any man here pity my and he’d get me in as soon as he found some it was much less violent than in natural h°at, suspends the flow of gas- the shallow, flawed, and all defective out how to do it. Well, he came home family ?’’ others. Iu some it continues no more triiyuice, and shocks and weakens the stones, which are definitely rejected and “No, sir !” one night and said I’d been proposed than an hour; with others it has a dura­ delicate organs with which it comes in swept into a big. The accepted stones “Nor shed one tear over my degraded and some one had blackballed me. Did An able writer on human must next be paired, and to this end a tion of two or three weeks. It does not contact. it hisself, of course. Didn’t want me condition ?” diseases says: Habitual ice water drink­ “Not a shed I Y'ou’d better be going seem to render them seriously ill—in ers are usually very flabby about the re­ tin plate, mounted on four feet, and round, knowing his goings-on. Of fact, it rather improves their apjietites. pierced with holes of different sizes, is —we wan’t to hear a hog story.” course he didn’t, an’ I told him so It weakens them considerably, and, of gion of the stomach. They complain employed. On this the diamonds are “Had you rather hi ar a hog story “Then he jined the Sons of Malta. course, unfits them for study. In no that the food lies heavy on that patient laid, and shifted to and fro until each Didn’t say nothing to me about it, but than to try and save me ?” case has it proven fatal or even danger­ organ. They taste their dinner for diamond has been fitted into a propor­ sneaked off one night, pretendin’ lie,tk ‘You bet we had ?” ous; this disease never extended to that hours after it is bolted. They cultivate tionate hole. Then the gems undergo got to sit up with a sick Odd Feller, “Well, 7 now, "o' vou hard hearted and the use of stimulants to aid digestion. and I’d never tound it out only he come selfish minded old liar, I know I'm very violent form which sometime char­ If they are intelligent they read upon a second and final examination,the buyer home looking like a man that had been worth more than any hog, and I’ll prove acterizes St. Vitus’ dance. Outside the food and what the physiologist had to examining them most rigorously, and through a thrashing machine, and I it, too 1 If you won’t save me I’ll save convent there have been a few cases, one say about it—how long it takes cabbage rejecting some which may at first • es­ wouldn’t do a thing for him till he mjself—hanged if I don’t! Yes sir, in particular which is very bad, but and pork, be^f and potatoes, and other caped his attention. Any irregularity owned up. And so it’s gone from bad I’ll show you whether I am of more ac­ whether this can be supposed to be meats and esculents to go through the of form, lack of bri’liancy, dullness of to wus, and from wus to wusser, jinin’ count than any of your hog stories or traceable to the same causes as those in process of assimilation. They roar at water or yellowness of tint, is suffered this, that and t’other, till he’s Worshipful not! You needn’t pity me nor advise the convent is doubtful. One curious new bread, hot cakes, fried meat, im­ to condemn them. The matched stones case is reported from Chillicothe. One are then put up in pairs in papers or Minister of Masons, and Goddess of me nor talk with me—I can run my of the pupils at the convent, a young agining these to have been the cause of small cases, and the others are sold to in­ Hope of the Odd Fellers, and Sword own grocery !” lady, had gone home possessed by this th°ir maladies. But the ice water goes ferior jewelers. In Paris the latter are Swallower of the Finnigans, and Virgin No man in Detroit has led a more strange malady, and having recovered as down all the same, and finally friends readily purchased and set in the flowers, Cereus of the Grange, and Grand Mogul sober ar.d industrious life since that she supposed, went to church. During are called in to take a farewell look at stais, crosses and other ornaments which of the Sons of Indolence, and Two- day, and there is every, reason to be­ the service she felt the disease returning, one of whom a mysterious Providence make such a display in the Palais Royal. edged Tomahawk of tho United Order lieve that he will stick.—Detroit Free and, chancing to look around, saw that has called to a clime where ice water is Tue French, as a rule, like showy things, of Black Men, and Tablebearer of the Press. little girls standing just behind her in not used. The number of immortal be­ and are less fastidious in diamonds than Merciful Manikins, and Skipper of the the church, had suddenly become simi­ ings who go hence, to return no more, we Americans are. They care more for Guild of Catherine Columbus, and Big The editor of a newspaper that has larly affected. In manf cases the dis­ on account of an injudicious use of ice general effect than purity or perfection, Wizard of the Arabian Knights, adopted phonetic spelling, in a measure, ease has disappeared after a duration of water, can hardly be estimated.—Balti­ and often sell to our people inferior Pledge passer of the Reform Club, and received a postal card from an old sub­ two or three weeks. Either going by more Sun. gems which will not bear resetting. Chief Bugler of the Irish Machinists, scriber in the country which read as fol- the like mysterious means by which it A party of Cleveland youths marched Paris is not a good place to buy dia­ and Pursekeeper of the Canadian Con­ lows: “I have tuk your paper for leven came, or succumbing to the treatment of around town the other day wearing ele­ monds.—N. Y. Times. science, and Double-barrelled Dictator years, and if you kant spel enny better gantly trimmed bonnets. When the po­ of the Knights of the Brass Circles, than you have been doin for the las to a physician. Cornell has started a class in journal­ Dr. Carson stated to a reporter last lice asked them to explain, the young and Standard-Bearer of the Royal Arch­ munths you may just stoppit.” ism, and it is very sad to think that, in night that several of the pupils were men pointed to ladies promenading the angels, and Sublime. Port of the Onion a few years, the pampered children of League, and Chambermaid of the Ce­ A boy can imagine almost everything, taken a coli pie of weeks ago with some­ streets with men’s hats on, and simply fortune who are now supporting their lestial Cherubs, and Puissant Potentate be can lug an old shotgun about all day thing like cholera-morbus, which after­ aid, “Turn about is fair nlay.” families in affluence on their wages as of the Petrified Pigstickers, and Lord i without tiring at a living thing, and be wards merged into a nervous complaint A benevolent Detroit dentist an­ newspaper men will be sawing wood for only knews what else. I’ve borno it, under the impression that he’s having t like St Vitus’ dance. He had been a living, while their places are filled by and torne it, hoping to get ’em all jined howling good time. But all attempts to treating one of the little girls for the nounced that on a certain day he would Corneil graduates. ________ after a while, but ’tain’t no use, and induce a boy to imagine that he’s kill­ latter complaint, and she is now almost pull teeth free for poor persons and pro­ recovered. Dr. Dawson says such dis ­ vide laughing gas. He used 700 gal- There are calumnies against which when be came home last night and told ing Indians when he’s sawing woodiiave eases are sometimes developed in schools Ions of gas and extracted 271 teeth. even innocence loses courage. me he’d got into a new one, and been proved futile.