INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO TIIE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. ASHLAND OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 9. 18S0. YOL V—NO 5.1 ASHLAND TIDINGS. J M. MeCalL W. H. Atkinson W. A. Wilshire Arkansas William. a mile away heading for Deadwood, and making the earth ache as he passed over it.—Detroit Free Press. 82 50 PER ANNUM Hydrophobic Horrors Cave Dwellers. “To Rent.” The time has long passed since cavern Yesterday morning a card of “To There are dozens of men in Michigan Another death from a dog bite oc­ could be regarded with any feelings of Rent" was nailed to a house on Brush who will 1 emember meeting Arkansas curred on last Saturday night at Frank­ Iwsued ev(*ry Friday» A Nihilist Newspaper. superstition. For a very slight ac ­ street. It was a large card, and the William, the Great Gulch terror in ford. The victim was a lady, seventy — by — Ashland Oregon. quaintance with the science of geology printing was plain. A bold line at the Julesburg, Col., Denver, Laran ie, and years of age, named Ann Schwartz, re­ LEEDS MERRITT. The Will of the People is the title of must make the most inveterate mystery bottom said that the people should in other places in ti at Territory a dozen siding at No. 4,528 Penn street. Mrs. years ago. Ho was a shooter, a the organ of the Nihilists in Russia. It Schwartz and her husband and two worshipper among us quickly cognizant quire next door, and pretty soon the slasher, an Indian killer, a Government appears in the most extraordinary way daughters, who have families of their I of the laws to which they owe their or­ calls commenced. The first man who OFFICE—On Miin Street, (In «ccoad story of McCall AKIF FIRM! scout, a cleaner out of mining camps, a in i unexpected corners, and when least own, resided at the time of the fatal igin. But many of these caverns are came began : & Baum’s new building 1 for. They say that it is con­ bite, at 4,547 Worth street. The fam­ revealing to us histories which are far “Is the house next door to rent ?’’ tornado when he struck a town, and A looked 1 Job Printing. stantly to be found on the toilet table of more wonderful than fairy tales. We “Yes.” double jointed son of dynamite gencr- ! Of all deseriptions no on th >rt notice. I. -*al Bianki, NEW GOODS!! ily had had for six years a pet dog, a Circulars. Basin-ss Card«, Billheads, Letterbeads, Pos­ the Emperor and under the pillows of cross between a black-and-tan terrier and I allude to the so called bone caves, which “ Then it is not for sale ?’’ ally. All this he told us and sought to 1 ters, etc., gotten up in good style at living prises. statesmen and generals. The manner in a spitzer, which they had raised from a in this and other countries are furnish­ “ No, sir." impress it on our minds, and it came to ! NEW PRICES!!! which this curious organ is printed is ing geologists and tho scientific world “ Isn’t, eh ? I thought it was for Terms of Subsrriptiou pass .by and by that whenever he pup. described at by the St. Peters generally with materials from which sale," he said as he went away. crowed we all cackled. We’d have bet 1 O ie copy, one year.................. ................. . On the 26(h day of last December the •* ** «ix months......... .............................. burg correspondent of the Manchester they can in somewhat form a history of The next man stood looking at the all the horses in the First Cavalry dog hurt one of his paws, and the old •• “ three mintlis.................................. • Guardian. The office is a ^'oomy, mis­ lady undertook to bandage the wound. pre-historic times. Ever since the dis­ card full five minutes, and then called Club rate«, >ix copies for ............. ................ against an Indian dog that Arkansas 1 We are now receiving our New Spring iernu in advance. room at the top oc r house iu a \\ bile doing so the boast turned upon covery of the remains of an exact spe­ next door and said : William was a match fur any four tribes erable 1 Stock, and everyday will witness Tern» of Ailvertlslux: poor locality. On (lie door is an an­ her and drove Lis teeth into the little cies of rhinoceros in a cave at Oireston, “I suppose that house is empty, isn’t of Indians on the plains, and we’d have additions to the largest LMAL. near Plymouth, have scientific men nouncement of some i : _liiious trade. it ? ” backed him agaisst all the other terrors, $> 50 finger of her left hand to the bone. The tine squire (ten ii’.ics or less) 1st insertion. stock of . 1 oo turned their attention to caverns and Each additional insertion............................... “Yes.” tarantula.«, wild cats,J Rocky Mountain The room is occupied by a poor wretch, animal was killed at once, and Mrs. their contents, as to books from which formerly a student; L is wretchedly fur ­ “Then it is to reqt ? ’ lions, and howling bears between Omaha LOCAL. Schwartz went to the nearest drug store, Local notices per line .................................................. they could learn much of the life which nished. Tae bed occupies pretty ne trlv “Yes.” and ’Frisco. True, we never saw him where a liniment was applied and in a Regular alvertisrineiiM inserted upon li'oenil terms. prevailed upon the globein distant ages. the entire room. Everything is mean “How long has it been to rent ? ’ shoot, nor cut, nor slash, nor knock few days the wound had healed without Ever brought io this market. We de ­ and squalid, This discovery was quickly followed by I he owner of the apart- leaving a noticeable scar, and the event “Only one day." PROFESSIONAL. down, nor drag out, but it must be him sire to say to every reader of others. The celebrated Kirkdale cave “How long will it be to rent ?” because he said it was. It was an im­ ment is editor, compositor, reporter, was forgotten. this paper, that if in Yorkshire—stumbled upon by acci­ “Can’t tell.” pressive sight to see liitn stalking around printer aril publisher, U nder the mat­ DR. J, H. CH’TWOOS, On Saturday, April 3, Mrs. Schwartz dent—was cleared of the debris with tress of the miserable bed the type is “Well, if I can’t find out anything with a rifle, two revolvers and a bowie experienced a prickling sensation in the which it was choked up, and yielded re­ OREGON. ASHLAND, hidden. Thence, m hen about it here, I'll go to the owner. I occasion offers, strapped to him, and, heavens ! how he Standard Goods! bitten finger, followed by an aching of sults of a high scientific value. Here suppose he’s in Europe, isn’t he?" could yell ' It was enough to make it is transferred to the multi.udinous the entire left arm. This she attributed remains of the elephant, mammoth and pockets of his great coat, “No; lie’s in New York." He goes out to the fact that on tho Friday night Sold at the Lowest Market Prices, will every mule at the post tremble to hear into tho streets with other animals were recognized. Most “Ah', that’s always the way. Well, a diminutive Arkansas utter his war-whoop—the previous she had taken twa of he) do it, we proj>ose to do the larg­ of these bore the marks of teeth, and if I conclude to take tire house 1'11 call note book, 1 ai:gs about public build same one he uttered, he told us, when he' JIMtS R. KEIL, grandchildren to an entertainment at est business this season, ever ings, the occurrence of thebonc3 of the hyena around agaim" glares at people in authority, rode down 200 Pawnees and scattered i Odd Fellows’ Hall and held them both in greater numbers than those of any A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W , do ie in Ashland; and whom he would kill if a gl ince could The third was a lady. Sho looked in them to the four winds. How many of on her arms for a considerable time. wo can positively other animal, pointed to the inference . in a to the empty house and then called next murder, writes his “ leaders ” se ­ Jacksonville, Oregon. us who bought his tin types at $2 apiece She became generally unwell, and on make it to the that this eave had formed the den of cluded corner of a park, and rolls each door and said : will never be known, but he was more Sunday morning whispered to one of her advantage successive races of these animals. This “I see that you have a house to eager to sell them than take the war­ page into a pill to be swallowed on the daughters, while lying in bed, “I can’t of every one to 1 V/. HAWIAKAk, hypothesis was strengthened by a com­ rent ?" approach of a policeman. As soon as path. When the Michiganders left Col ­ bear the sight of water;" and it was no­ parison of gnawed bones with those tak­ call upon us and test the work is finished he steals borne, locks “Yes.” orado, William was hankering to lay in NOTARY PUBLIC, ticed that the slightest draught of air, en from hyenas in confinement at the the truth of our assertions. “Will it be painted this Spring ?” and barricades the door, gets out his a Winter supply of 250 scalps, seven Linkville, Lake Co., Oregon. even from a passing object, took away We will spare no pains to fully Zoological Gardens, London, with “Yes." barrels of gore and a I arnfnl of cars type and sets up the p.per, which he her breath. OFFICE In Post <>:'! e building. Social attention maintain the reputation of the House, which they were found to correspond in “Was the last famity very res pec.a ami noses, and his wild war-whoops fol­ afterwards prints in a primitive manner, iven t> conveyancing. These things alarmed the family, and As the acknowledged a remarkable manner. Tr.e question and distributes through the slrei-ls. and hie V lowed the regiment for more than two bi ought to their mind the old lady’s en­ how the remains of the larger animals in cafes, and by all Other m< aus known “ Yes.’* rnSles. fifl. L. M’CAU, counter with the dog three months be- were dragged to these, their last resting only to conspirators. Tiiis account of “ Has it ever been a boarding house ?" The other day something was heard to foie. Without hinting their suspicions, places, was readily accounted fur by the SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, “No.” drop in the Black Hills, ami Arkansas the difficult, dangerous and painful duty on Monday night they sent for Doc'.or known habit which prevails among the which that poor patient scribe performs “It has a cellar and hot and cold William, the Great Gulch terror, Ashland, Oregon. Robert B. Burns, of Frankford. He For Staple and Fancy Goods, Groceries, lower creation of seeking some secluded water'" under the direction cf an inexorable <'om- walked in upon a mining camp, and in prescribed for inflammation of the lungs !« prepared to Jo any work in liis line on short notice. Boots, Hardware, Clothing, ‘Yes." thunder tones asked what kind of a mitiee, from whom lie receives little and neuralgia, and everybody felt a re­ spot at the approach of death. The Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dress fact, too, of the remains of man having “Well, we have had some thoughts of graveyard they had there. When they help, may or may not be in accordance lief ; but late on Tuesday night, one of Goods, Crocket y, Glass been found has given rise to no end of moving this Spring. I don't much with truth; but there remains the un ­ tremblingly answered that they had her sons in-law observed a very slight and Tin Ware, Shawls, DR. V/. B. ROYAL, controversies, into w hich we have no deniable fact that under the very nose think we shall, but if we do, and this none at all, and that all the men were spasm. W nippers, Cloaks, disposition to enter. The gradual of the terrible third section, despite all house is to rent when we get ready, 1’11 ITaa permanently located in Ashland. , in tho best of health, the terror mount­ The next day the doctor appeared And, in fact, everything required for the growth of the stalagmite upon the floor look tb’-ough it.” Wil! «rive hia unJlvidcd attention to the practice ed a barrel, flapped his anus and cried the vigilance of the police, a sheet is again, and after an examination of the trade of Southern and South­ medicina. IIn had fifteen yearn' experiene» in of the cave, founded upon calculations printed, published and circulated, and no The fourth caller was also a lady. She out: Oregon. Office at his residence, on Main street, patient, expressed his fears of hydro­ eastern Oregon. of its increase within recent years, has looked in at all the windows, entered man can put Lis hand upon those who opposite tho M. E. Church. “No graveyard here' No pl ice in phobia, and on Thursday declared she on one side been quoted as a kind of the back yard and called next door and thus contribute to the literature of which to lay my victims! Whoop ! I was affected with that dreadful disease, undeviating timekeeper by which to asked: A full assortment of am the Great Gulch terror ! I’m the gi­ revolution. and prescribed medicine to reduce the DR. E. J. BOYD, gauge the p°riod which has elapsed “Can you tell me if this darling little gantic graveyard starter of the Big f•>ne of the spasms. Her condition grew since the deposit first began. When we house is to rent?" Fifty Years Hence. DENTIST. West ' 1'11 tie both hands behind me considerably worse, however. During consider how this material is formed, “ It is.” and fight vou whole town ! ’ the nights she was wild and raving, but Linkville, : ; : : : Oregon. how the water, percolating through the “ It is the sweetest little place in all For Blacksmiths’ and General use. They tried to coax him not to. lhoj The amazing changes which have oc- in the daytime was quiet from exhaus soil above, becomes charged with car ­ Detroit, and 1 know that a family would Office and residence, spilli side of Main street. even otiered him fifteen cents to go away curved on Manhattan Is ami within the tion. She had the customary parched bonic dioxide which enables it to hold iu be happy in it. It reminded me of a A Full Line of and leave tl cm alone. Indeed, they of­ last half century, and which the late lec­ throat and month, and the same aver­ solution the lime, which it again gives romantic little house in the outskirts of fered to write him a variety play, in ture of Mr. William E. Dodge has sion to liquids, particularly water up in the form of stalagmite, on expos ­ dr . j . M. T aylor . Paris. How much is the rent ?" which he, as the hero, should kill 155 brought before the public, suggests an Being a woman of remarkable nerve, ure to the air; when we reflect how at­ “Eighteen dollars per month." men inside of an hour and a half, but inquiry as io whether the next half cen­ DENTIST SURGEON, “Eighteen dollars! That’s highway Flannels, Blankets,Cassinieres, Doeskins, he would not go. Arkansas \V illiam tury has in store changes equally great. she fought against the disease herself mospheric change, rain fall, and a hun­ and endeavored to force water down her dred Ocher influences must affect these robbery! Why, it’s a squatty little pig­ Main street, Ashland, Oregon, Clothing, always on hand and could not be bought for gold, and had It is to be noted that Mr. Dodge him­ throat to allay thirst. The effort to for sale at lowest prices. fame enough. self, now a man of seventy-five years— bring a glass cf beer to her moudi inva- chemical changes—we must acknowledge pen, no sun, no air, and as gloomy as a OFFICE In second story of \psonic II<11. Office 'that any ca'cula.ions founded upon the prison'—You must be crazy! Do you hours, from b to 12 A M.. ah I from 1:..O to b I*. M. Well, when they realized that he an age which seldom takes too rosy a riably failed, but by main strength she thickness of calcerous deposition must think war times have come again? '1 hat The highest market prices® paid for wanted blood, and must have it, a view of the future—declares his belief would steep her fingers in the liquid and necessarily be subject to error.—Cham is all I want to know. I didn’t care weazen-faced, flat-chestei, thin-waisted that the growth of this metropolis and then pass them over her lips, The ber’s Juui nal. about changing anyhow, but being out Wheat, Oats, Barley, Bacon, Lard. man from Cass county, Michigan, who of the nation will be as great during snapping system developed but once, for a walk and seeing the card up I weighed about 120 pounds, offered him fifty years to come as it has been during and then she attempted to bite the hand A Sunday in Texas. MeCALL, 4.T1LIVSON & CO, self thought I might as well inquire.” fora scarifice. He had never fou lit the time whose chances ho has wit- of one of her attendants. A shland , April 10, 1880. W. W. Kentnor, Prop’r, anything on anybody, and lie was >o nessed. The changes effected by the in­ The following narative, says the Lit - From Sunday until Friday night she The Czarina’s Conversion. troduction to general use of coal, steam, tame and humble that the mer used to tie Rock Gazette, was told us confiden­ did not sleep a wink, for which reason MAIN STREET, - - ASHLAND. wipe the grease off their knives on his gas, and a thousand mechanical con­ an injection was administered from tially by a slanderer: JACOB WAGNER, JAMES THORNTON, The conversion of the Empress of brick-colored hair after the close of a trivances may have no parallel, and the which she obtained some rest. Not­ A Texas minister arose before a large E. K. ANDERSON. W. H. ATKINSON, to the National Church of Russia Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Wheel meal. He crawled out of his tent and story he tells of having crossed an old withstanding these applications she still audience, took his text and began preach­ Russia is a well known fact of the Bariows, Plow-Stocks, etc., made said he’d as soon fight as not He had stone bridge at Canal street, that he had violent spasmodic intervals, and as ing. A brisk firing of pistols began on past, Her devotion to its pomp and and repaired at sh:rt notice. just received a letter from home to the might take a path through the meadows u last resort the physicians resolved to the outside of the church. splendid mysteries, first as a believer, effect that his wife had run off with a to carry packages to Greenwich village, inject morphia. Before this could be “Brother Deacon,” said the minister, tlien as a bigot, last as fanatic, is one of BEST EASTERN STOCK ALWAYS blonde tin peddler, and now he didn’t a point near what is now Eighth avenue done, she died (on Saturday night at 20 “I believe those fellows are casting in­ the strangest incidents in the annals of ON HAND. and Fourth street, may be more strange care to live Icnger. minutes past 9 o’clock), in a peaceful sinuations at me; in fact, 1 am very near­ modern royalty. Weak and sickly from “Him ! He ! That man ! That than anv that will be told at the end of condition, which had lasted some hours- ly convinced," he continued, as a big childhood, the Empress was not a woman AU orders left at my new thop, north toothpick ! Why, I’ll make hash of the next fifty years, but that the sub­ Mrs. Schwartz was a native of Stafford, piece of plastering fell from the wall to inspire in her husband, who has ever of the bridge, will revive prompt and him in a second!’’ roared Arkansas stantial growth of New York will be as shire, England, and came to this coun­ close to his head. notoriously been fond of pleasure, senti­ satisfactory attention. Wil'iam, as he caught sight of his vic rapid during the next half century as it try in 1866. “I think, parson, that it refers to some ments more tender thau esteem and W. W. KENTNOR. has been in the last, Mr. Dodge be­ tin). one else,” replied the deacon. friendship. So a chill settled down lieve«, and probably with wholly satis ­ Yes, he would do that very thing, The minister raised a tumbler of upon their married life, and turned at • M The Arctic Expedition. ARE NOW MAKING FROM and that would start a graveyard. He factory reasons. The consideration of waler and was in the act of applying his last into positive dislike. The Empress Jacob Wagner. E. K. Anderson. . H. Atkinson. threw down his rifle, put off his revolv­ such prospective development suggests a The project of taking the north pole lips when the glass fell, shattered by a learned to live for tws objects only, her ers and crowed for blond The little future fur our city and for the nation by seige is now fairly under way. Cap shot. eldest son and the church. Frequently man didn’t crow any, hut he lugged out which is too wonderful for comprthen tain Howgate’s plan has been approved “This is an inuendo no 'onger,” said confined foi weeks to her apartment, a wicked big knife, drew a hair across sion. If fifty years hence the changes by the government and the captain has the minister, wiping the water from his tired, of the world, grown old before her the edge of it, and said bed do the best have occurred which Mr. Dodge predicts, begun the erection of an rrctic house on vest. “This is what I term an unmis- time, the Empress sought consolation he could. The terror crowed again, and the supremacy of our Republic among a vacant lot in Washington which is to takablqjfhrust. The congregation will in the love of the Czarewitch Nicholas Wo will continue to purchase wheat told how many men he had killed, but tho nations, and of the metropolis be used in carrying out that plan After please sing while I go out and investi­ and in the contemplation of the images the weazen-faced .man cut another hair among the world’s commercial cities its completion it will be taken to piece gate this matter. Is there another placed in every niche of her —A T- with his knife. The terror finally of­ will be unquestionable, unless changes and shipped with the first installment of preacher in the house ? ’ room. The Grand Almoner of the BLANKETS, fered to let him off on account of his are effected in the old world, which explorers northward where it will be “ Yes," said a man throwing down a court, M. Bujanoff, exercised over the The Highest Market Price, consumptive look, but he wouldn’t be there is now no foundation for predict­ put up on the west coast of Smith’s stick which he had been whittling, aris­ penitent an influence which none of FLANNELS, let off. He wanted to die then and ing.— N. Y. Mail. And will deliver sound, about 80| degrees north latitude. ing and pulling at the waist of his pants his predecessors had emjoyed. The there. He wanted to go up the trail, CASSI ME RES, A permanent depot of supplies will be like a nup who had just straighted up 1 more the Emperor abandoned himself to A Female .Lawsuit. and come down to the attack on the established there and thence expeditions after setting out a row of tobacco across i his inclinations and tastes, the more DOESKINS, run. Tnis was his best hold, and the rapidly and surely grew the influence of toward the pole will be sent out by boat a broad field: Anywhere in town, way he had always fought. The little “ Got on an extra?" A nove1 Jaw-suit at New Brunswick, and sledje. M. Bajrnoff. He found a congenial ally The expedition will be AND HOSIERY. man was perfectly willing. All he N. J., has ended in a verdict of 820 for ready to sail about the middle of May, AT MII.L PKICES. “Yex” in the Countess Antonia Blondoff, who wanted was a fight to the death, and he Miss Voorhis, a dressmaker engaged by ami after landing the men and supplies “Unlimbor?” Wagn.r, Itiderion A Co. helped him m goading the Empress al­ didn’t care bow he got it. Arkansas Sirs. Beecham to make her a silk and will return and make another trip next The whittling preacher handed over a most to madness. In the Spring of 1865 William started up the trail, but halted cashmere dress last Easter. Mrs. Bee­ year, the colonists in the meantime work­ large Remington pistol, which the in­ the Czarewitch Nicholas uied, and his and returned and said : cham supplied the materia', but after ing out the pjoblem of their expedition sulted preacher took, and drawing one mother became more and more the prey from his belt started out. After going of melancholy, mental depression and “Boy, I’m the Great Gulch Terror, the dresses were basted, charged her r.s best they may. I It is anticipated that by this means out there was an immediate improve­ bigotry. Bajanoff and the Countess and I’ve put 198 wHte men and over dressmaker with stealing some of the 600 Indians under the sol. But I'm clpth. This Miss Voorhis denied, and the men will become acclimated and ment in the tiring business. It was de- never left her. They excited her to no monster. Something in your faoe left the house in a hufl". Mrs. Beecham familiar with their work, and wav bv cidiy more life like, insomuch that the fever heat agiinst all that did not be­ touches my heat. I’ll give jou just enticed her back, however, some days »low7 degrees accomplish the task which deacons sat working their fingers. After long to the orthodox church. Catholics OLD AND NEW, one more chance to draw out and live later, and forced her to sign papers has so long baffled, yet ever fascina.ed, a while the minister returned, ar.d plac­ and Protestants lócame equally abom­ throwing in h