4 ' t.OCAt - ’Morgan & Woodson, School Fund Apportionment. To-Morrow in Asblar.i. , “Cieaulineis is next to G dlmc3s — j «Mtn Holum-flauj® ley last week. He says the people out dheref^e, bathe at the warm sntnbgS. FRIDAY .......................... x' • ....... .. B d J«$r rfubacriptiaji. ’•'Y * Following is the amount to ivhitli Th»* c«*lT ri'.tio,/«>f LcfeperrSenotf^iayj i títere; fs hgfe, aré 6<>eplai^Rlg about the , Several fa' lilies in different pnrtsof the =------ -- ’ I r 1 each distr.ct :s entitled of the Jime ap­ in Ashland t »-morrow will be rather ir-.i Go to the dance early to-morrow even- dry weather. valley are contumj»ler Grove .................... 71 -8 I the inorning, it is expected tli.it the 19 cents a pound. ville, t<» try the curative properties of June 1, 1880. H eaton F ox . The latest prices f »r wool in the S . --Wagner, Anderton Ashland this week. Asi.aiud.............................. 210 06 From the census returns it is learned Northern, 27 ($31c; Southern, 20 C"-‘.» j ; who will eulogize the “Pr<»ird bird of 4 Co., of the Ashland Mills, are now Mauzamta.......................... 35 10 SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVEN TO SHOC. J. Q. Welch and family have left Anil­ that the population of Portland, ex­ Oregon, 20 @ 25c. Finternal............................ 72 36 Freedom’ in off-hand Speeches, ¿fhe buying wheat, for which they are paying Jt^ Shoji opposite the Livery Stable. land for Puget Sound. clusive ot Chinese, is about 16,500. • The Myer.................................. 27 00 G. W. Wilshire an II. 0. Miller start f» r 2-tf. dinner will ¿»»ubtless be the most •.‘egnlar the highest cash maiket price. 4 45 tf Little Butte ...................... 48 06 Chinese number aliuut 3,500; Congressman Whiteaker has reached EasternOreg«»n next Sunday. Mr. Milltr ------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------- - ■ —— u ¡»art of the whole programme of exercise's, b«mth Prairie.................... 22 68 N oti » e . — F. W. Éashford is duly home from Washington. The indications are that Ashlai hl will takes with him a dozen or more head of and will unquestionably !^* disposed of •Antel»»|»e............................ 33 96 *uth«»riiied to attend to my business be well supplied with ice-cream to-mor­ horses for sale. Alfalfa hay sells in this neighborhood Chimney Rock.................. 10 80 in the old-i'a*iimn*’d way. After dinner allbirs ill Ashland, and all business tran­ at $10 ¡»er ton in the field. row. There will be at least half a dozen Willow Springs................ 29 78 Dun Cardwell and bride, of Jackson­ there will be a para»le of “plug uglies,’' Independence.................... 28 62 ! sacted for me by him will be legal. places where it will be sold. ville, spent the first days of their honey- We have been afflicted with numerous Mound................................ 21 60 ! burlesque eturnp speaking, etc. At half­ J. H. M ayfield . A fine three-year old Pereheron horse lmM»n at W. C. Greenmail's, returning agents in town this week. Dardanelles........................ fJO 78 * past four a novel ainusainent will l»*j in­ (by Gen. Fleriry) belonging to Asher Antioch.............................. 46 98 home Saturday evening. troduced, in the shape of a half-hour, go- Nqn< e , Albert Elliott, living at the Douglas Dum will begin serving milk MAIN ST., ASHLAND, OREGON/ Upper Butte .......... ............ 23 22 Marks, of Roseburg, was taken out to its-ynu-please pedestrian contest up >n a Miss Irene Wrisloy starts on this (’.»Id Springs «»n the Linkville route, has to his customers tiext Monday. Sam s Creek...................... 49 50 Goose Lake valley last week. track ¡»repare.! for the purpose on the i Is now prepared to do all kinds of work evening’s stage for Oak Bar, California, an»i will keep a supply of hay and grain Missouri Flat ................ 18 46 John Fraley intends to make a trip to pii'iiic grvumls, a prize to be given to the F. X. McAtee has started a tannery at i on the Klamath river, wheie sl.e w.ll Le f .r the accommodation of teamsters and Missouri within a few weeks. Magner Creek.................. 52 38 in bis line at his new shop, Grant's Pass .................... It» 20 contestant making the greatest distance. Adin, Modoc county, Cal. The capacity gin teaching next Monday. travelers. 2-3L Strawberries have been selling at three of his tanks is 10,000 gallons, and the North Phoenix ................ 32 40 -------------- -♦ .------------- Aftt r this there will be bicycle rm ing 0:1 MAIN STREET, GN THE SITE OF HIS OLD SHOT* Owing t<> the sickness of Prof. J. Q Rock Point ...................... 11 31 O xen .-A fine yoke of cattle, large,well quarts for half a dollar in Ashland. Special attention given to Shoeing. ami foot r uing, by runners, and pe'hups drying house is 24 feet square. Willits, the concert which was announced Evans Creek ...................... 34 02 matched in size and color, well broken, M. L. McCall started for Roseburg .other Contests of an ex» iiing of i'.mUfir.g The new dej>ot and hotel of the Ore­ for to-morrow evening has been indefi­ Uniontown........................ 36 18 4-32 tf seven years old, for sale by ^>avid Dun­ with his freight team this morning. charact«r. * Lower Applegate .............. 17 <82 gon Railroad Company at Portland will nitely. postponed, to the great regret of lap at hi3 ranch on Big liuttc. Good Prairie........ .................... 28 (;8 The dinner is to I.«» furnished on the B. F. Myer has gone out to Linkville, cost between $60,000 Und $65,000. The many'who were anticipating a rare mus­ A. 3. WBIGHt. Unity .................................. 9 18 v»»ke g»>es with them. [3-3t.] “ basket" plau, us Usual, ami the ta­ io do a little surveying in that town. foundations will be laid this year. ical treat. ---------------------- «.-------------- -r. -« - Green Mountain.............. 30 24 bles, under the care of the appropriate GENERAL BLACKSMITHING E. II. Autenreath, Esq., will deliver I oot s Creek...................... 2.» 50 Shaiinon Marshall lost a fine horse, W anted .-A sj»an of<;ood young brood J. S. Eubanks writes from Weston, committee, will be prepared for the feast. AND Ste:lingville ...................... 32 40 valued at $230, last week. It was killed Umatilla county, that he has bought an n ares, broken to harness, with or with- the oration at Jacksonville on the 5th. 'i liompsoil’s Creek .......... 8 (»4 The grove will have been put in ex ­ agon making i u colts, of good disposition and good Robert S. George captured a young by eating small pieces of broken glass in interest in a blacksmith shop at that Schielicli:i.......................... 32 4‘> cellent older, and t ho revolving swings st ck. Apply for two weeks to D. P. elk alive in Powder river valley recently. hay that had been used in packing. ¡»lace, and g< he to work there. He ;s Meadows .......................... 27 0BSG01T. I am! refreshment stands will be running B01TA3T3A, Rogue River ...................... 21 60 Brittain. Warier creek, six mile# from apparently much ¡»leased with the We arc indebted to Win. Patterson, of C. W. Logan and John Million arrived as usual. Josejihine.......... 26 46 All kimls <»f hl ack smith ing «lone in tlid Ashland. Cash down, and a fair price with freight from Roseburg this week. the Big Butte steatu mill, for generous Country. Bioxvnsuorough................ 28 (¡8 In the evening there w ill he a dance at best style at reasonable prices. will be paid. [A-2w.J We acknowledge the receipt of compli­ Br:dge|ioint.......... .... 2.5 92 W. C. Myer is expected to reach home and hospitable treatment during a recent Hoiick’s Hall until twelve «»clock, but HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. visit to the little settlement in the forest. North Sam's Valley .... 20 52 mentary tickets to the State Fair, from the regular ball supper wiil bo omit­ A F ine C olt . A fine young stallion, from Roseburg with his horses to-mor­ i Smith Butte Creek .......... 1*' » 74 The twine mill in Albany has again the Secretary of the Association, H heel-barrows, Etc» . wiie1»1, and weighs 1,272 lbs. day. the day is Hon. F. C. Caples, of Port­ | East. He was sire I by Gen. Fleury; his dam The fullowing is the weatl er report- !.. A. N eil , W m . H abius , R. P. N kiií Regular meeting of Alpha Chapter, J. D. F ountain , land. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bqturi are ^siting , furnished us by II. C. Hill, f r • the xveek was half Pereheron, gram daiu a Duroc Eastern Star, at the hall next Tuesday ASHLAND MARKET. County School Snpt. ending July 30th. Therm» mieter Te­ <1. A. Merrick lias received from Cali ' the State Fair. They went by ¡»rivate mare. evening. ------------ ----------------- M. and 12 xt i • i - i conveyance to Roseburg, Mrs. H. C. fornia two fine pictures of his horses, | W agon R oad .- 1 be Del Norte Record corded at 6 \ D esirable P roperty for S ale .—The Dr. Taylor arid J. II. Cusick started Hill going with theui^ for a visit to her Commodore Mambrim» and Bayswater, Of last week says: “Sometime ago a DAIL WE V 1 ¡1ER IE IP vit K ; li use and l<>t of .John Ralph, on Main for east of tho mountains Wednesday which were painted by Wood, the noted 'correspondent of the R'cord asserted that old home at Wilbur. (» A. At . 12 M 1 Hanis Neil & Co., street, is offered fo/sale at a bargain. afternoon. I artist of San Francisco. One of the i ' the people of Smith liver and Crescent ■ 24 64 be ­ Clear ................ ¡ 87 .1 --DEALERS IN— The Eagle Point people are vexed Tiie lot contains an acre and a quarter of Mr. Krause says through the Sentinel *• ............. 1 84 f 66 1 25 ¡»aintings is hanging in McCall, Atkinson I 1 City were like a te.im of balky horses — “............. 1 ground, with extensive frontage, plenty that the population of Ashland is now cause the annual delegation x»f salmon All kiidib tf fiFih arid dried 60 2<> sf A Co’s, store, the other in Butler A they would not pull together. From the I from the ocean has not paid them a visit Merits, of fruit, good water and excellent gar­ about 950. 1 62 88 ......... Rockfellow’s. fact that on last Saturday a puty from » c this summer. Something has kept the 28 62 88 i lliiles in 1 peris I o git', and all kinds of /a den ground. The house is hard-finished, * • I U A band of Col. J. N. T. Miller's hors­ fish out uf Rogue river. The following postoflices in Oregon | 1 Smith River, consisting of John Bailey, 1 29 59 8! stock take i i > * xcliange for meat. a id has a good cellar. For particulars 4 4 • • • • • • es will be driven northward from Lake ! The vast banks of snow upon -Ashland have been made money-order offices, to i j Ray Wallace ami L. Beam, started over I 30 79 D? 11 'Si-lu-tt apply at the premises. . 49-tf. county soon. 1 the mountains for the purpose » f view- begin business on the first of August: I ! Butte and its neighboring mountains M V ItKtl- D. ___— j A ne^t dwelling house is being built keej» the creek constantly swollen and North Yamhill, Yamhill county; East i ing a route for a wagon ro- I from that F k "M F ort J ones . — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds, of Fort Jones, arrived for Jos. Patterson by Marsh A Co.,on roily, and our drinking xvater is not as Portland, Multnomah county; Center­ i place to Waldo, Oregon, this assertion CARDWELL KENNEY. -Li J; icksoti- I NEW MEAT MARKET! ville, Umatilla county; Hillsburg. Wash­ would seen to have some foundation in 1 ville. June 23d, at the brille s rest- I in Ashland on Wednesday morning, on Mechanic street. limpid as could be desired. truth. It is said to be the intention of i «leiiee, by Rev. D. A. < ’rowel 1, C. D. their wedding trip, and are the guests of Peter Simon, at Eagle Point, ¡9 liatil- Crop prospects in Northern Oregon ington county; Independence, l\4k Cardwell and Alias Rhoda Kenney. the ¡»cople of Smith River after the party Capt. and Mrs. J. M. McCall. They ing lumber for a barn which he will build i are good, but in thy. Sacramento vallev, county; Dayton, Yamhill county. V ' were married last Sunday. The bride, on his ¡»lace soon. Frank Krause finished taking the cen­ i return and make their rejH,rt to decide and some other ¡»arts of California, the e-’i. Flesh me4 of every kind for s^le at th«* whether it will be advisable to ÌHiirxt* f this place, and has many friends find a ready market. been overlooked, they will ¡»lease leave a route tiie people of the valley intend Since the Toads Lave become passable 5-2 f. J. A. R. th-* matter. matt m Ashland, with whom we join in wish-« record of their name, age, occupation, take immediate steps in the Brin. Caidwell, of Jacksonville,b»»ught for teams, many people have come in ' nile we eummend the eniwri rise of the ing a happy and prosperous future for a handsoine set < f furniture fr<»m Baum from Lake county after supplies, know- ! ¡»lace of birth and 1»;. «h-pl.ice <»f f drier ¡¿..nli» Rivetites, y«t we would like to the newly-married Couple. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ami m »tlier ¡4 this »»'lice, a id the s i.ue A Hill last Tuesday. ing that they Can obtain bargains in i in see them join with Crescent City I will be forwarded to the enumerator. F rom W arner ,—E. H. Loftus re­ If you want to buy lumber, consult I Ashland. building a ro.*O «3 The wai m weather ha3 l»< «u hatching turned l;v t Friday from Warner valley, the advertisement of Chandler A Rich­ W. Beeson has completed the census surveyed between tins ¡»lace ami Wa'ul»». I out the gu^shoj'jieis in some porte ns of < »N- and reports his s»>«k interests in that ards before puixhasi g. —F< >R— i enumeration in Table Rock, Manzanita, It is not at ail likely «hat Smith River Eciisiem Washingum, and the pests ii.ive cat »factory condition. His section us in a c.i will ever be a shipping ¡» »int, ami as Monday, Evo., July 5lh 1280. A. S. Jacobs is building a «Iwelling Willtiw SpringB and Rock Point, and has Sixty Days after July 1st. boys w re specially favore I in the matter house on the eastern side <4 Mam street registered nearly 1,700, including 42 already iL ne some damage to Lay and Crescent City is the only accessible har- j Vegetarle -, a.al fears are felt f« ’ i* the < f ration* »luring the winter, n >t being opposite the Academy l»»t. v. e believe that it isto I Chinamen. — I will make lumber 20 per centr j saiety <4 tiie grain, although the wheat compelled to subsist on the slim fare i e wh ile county t»j work cheaper for C ash than it was ever beford J. 2». Leach and family started this \ crop of the Columbia ’ reigon will un­ W. B. GruLb cune in fr»»m his Lake th.it prevailed rip»»n many ranches, Ft* of sold here. Lumber from best Yellow the Dropose I Crescent- 4. rn :d’y. General Slrina^er Eastern On-gon Las its drawbacks, like valley, and Mr. Loftus says the bo VS t’.at stock is f of«- Clear flooring, siding and rustic for tion f«>r a ranch. » riher in an agricultural C oast S vkvex .—The valuable work most other pm tions of the habitable globe s'i. t i .ODD ducks, saving the feathers to I Seven crim ual »nd seventeen civil i 815 per Thousand, «ase-« were on the < a en lar of the Circuit ¡ or grazing sect. >n. that we spin around on. A letter re-.d which is being done by the Government make bnh with. At the mill 5 miles from Ashland. All A large invoice <»f new goods including by G. W. Wiishire from Heppner, um’.er in the way of thoroughly examining ami ' Court for Lake comity this week. orders promptly filled. I M rs P rice . — Mrs. 8. E. Price, who David Kilgore, of Langell valley,came candies and nuts, just received at the date of June 25th, says the croj»s in I ! carefully stmlying a.id acquiringacorrect ! 1 tf CHANDLER & RICHARDS. with Mrs. Meeker and daughter was A full supply of Umatilla county are “burning up’ and knowledge of the topography of the in from Lake county to see the American Ashland Drug Store held m captivity for a time by the Ute Sykes'Catarrh Cure, Hop Bitters and the grasshopi'crs have hatched out in country on this Coast, and of establishing 1 Eagle spread himself in Ashland. F. M. D rakb ? tl. C. M yek , Indians after the massacre at White Oregon Kidney Tea. such numbers that it is feared they will the true outlines»»f the peculiarities and ; Some parties in Phoenix have a large Linkville to Fort Klamath, river agency,arrived in Ashland Tuesday Campaign clubs are already being or­ eat the grain before the drotith lias time changes of the same is worthy of our I amount of ice stored away, and offer it in ruing, having cjiiij with her tw » lit* Vi T. k»* Cot : ce and K1 nruh Agency ganize«! in the State. The first Garfield t<> fiinish its work. serious contemplation. The untiring in­ I l e ve* T.-i.kv .1 ■ lìi- ì. ys, Tblired y* a- <1 tie children to live with her Father, for sale in large or small quantities. clnb was organized, in Cole’s w.'.lley,D<>ug- I dustry which animates the oilleers, an, Ageut «t l.iukv.lle-J. S. Eeacb, Our correspondent semis the following information for the benefit of our mer­ A_e il .i' F ri K1 un Ih. . f the massacre. A bill has ¡Kissed both of this month has been given up. i A beautiful frog pond now adorns the under date of June 26th: chant ships ami commerce generally, is 4-46- fi AL l EKTtEE, Froj rie'or. 1. mses of Congress ami been approved by I Ilenry Norton and Jno. True came in worthy of a high encomium. The , publie square, and the plaintive piping We are experiencing very warm weath­ the President granting her an annuity I Monday » morning with 19,000 lbs. of ASHLAND, OREGON, | ofthe frogs at eventide accords harmon­ I er ftt ¡»resent,—thermometer 90° in the schooner Earnest went into winter quar-’ ICS CBWI FASLORS from the government for the support of freight from Redding for our merchants. ters at Olynij-ia Bay last November for I iously with the wail of the Cith Fathers, slnade. the purpose of entering into the work of h. rself and her chihiren. DEALERS IX---- Joseph Helman, of Salem, , a pioneer i that “they can't help it'. BAKERY. the coast survey. The necessary* officers h Lieut. Parke, the Past Quartermaster who came to Oregon in 1839, died at his H ood W heat . Chas. High brought ---- and — Judge E. MaXon, of' Goose Lake, left f<>r the valley, to buy fotir mujes for and efficient coq»s of gentlemen familiar GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ; I home last Fii»lay, in the 63d year of his with the subject have been engaged, and in! » town Tuesday fro»n his fathers passed through town Saturday on his I age- th»* government. the vessel is now on her v»\vage. Lieu­ CONFECTIONERY. f inn on Beat creek a number of stalks of way to Roseburg. On his return he will tenant F. J, Brown will be the command­ Sheep men with their sheep are arriv ­ We acknowledge a very acceptable be accompanied by his daughter,who has wheat about three and one-half or f«»ur ing officer. Some very interesting results ing’daily, and there are many sheep may be expected from this expedition.— I G. A. NUrLtY, Proprietor. ■ treat of fine, large strawberries from been spending some time in Yamhill. feet high,.and pretty well headed, which ^Bish fc Ck.yton, the enterprising garden- across Wood river already. l\>rtluud Hec. ---- rret.il Bie.d, I’iee :md C.keS kept cou- he ¡»idled from a patch that was sown on Judge Mason rq>orts the grain crops r Q E V, ftauilv on hind. right Private Cunningham had his | ers. the loth of April. It is of the variety in Goose Lake valley io be stiflering Thc bath house near Eagle Mills hav­ E'-fOi.e door north of Ceutrd II > el. known as the Proper wheat, and was i Messrs. Wm. Turner, editor of the greatly from the dry weather. A rather hau l badly mashed while at work at the ing been refitted with new tubs and par­ ÏINWARB. 51-3ni C. A. NVTI.EY. brought by him from California last Sentinel,and Jas. E. Cardwell, of Jackson­ larger acreage was sown this year than Agency saw mill, getting lumber for the < titions, and several new springs added to AMYiniTI3?i, ve «r. He only had sued enough for a ville, ¡laid Ashland a visit Tuesday after­ last, but the yield will probably be less. Fort. the water supply, Mi. Phillips has decid­ ETC» F. W. BASHF0SD, small pat« h, but intends to sow as much noon. Some of the settlor# of Annie and ed to run aback t<-the Springs each Wed- The Elliott insurance case comes up in "jS uSCS’ T33LS, as possible next year. It is very flourish- Keven-mile creeks, have their families nesdey rnd Saturday. The fare is placed ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Good oak ami pine wood in any quan­ the I . S. court at Portland about this mg f r this season, being much better tity for sale cheap by Douglas Gum at rusticating at the Fort, while they are at the small sum of 25 cts.. bath extra. óhd - time. Jeremiah Elliott, the principal CONVEYANCER, than other kinds of wheat grown Under the old Kilgore place in the eastern edge attending to their stock. I defendant, is sanguine i that the insur- Some boys cut and spoiled the liatid of EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS the same conditions. of town. [51-tf.J i At the Fort there is no preparation ASHLAND, - - - - OREGON. ance company can make ; nothing out of Bennett Million’s reaper, which was HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT. f »r tiie olorioti? Fourth made yet, but as Several Ashlandites w ill celebrate the the case. Tur. B icycle . The Bicycle ordered standing in the fiehl near his barn, the Gi'l rious ¡ rom ,i!y tu <1-, >.i <1 *j.t*ci d aventi n soldiers are v.»ys ready at a moment’s by I’». F. Reeser arrived in Ashland oil Fourth in a hunt up on Ashland Butte. other day. The boys should know that given <> *l.e prep -.ration of I»«e !e, Mu te g; aod J. B. R. Hutchings has dressed •1 notice for any emergency, there is plenty They will need snow shoes, we should Monday morning, and furnished amuse- such wanton destruction of property is a otuer I>*g.l l’.ijer*. JOB WORK a specialty! number of Angora goat skins so as to of time. I suppose. t.T'Oit ce iu Ko m No. 3, tecoud s'ory 'f M sonie inent f r people on the streets nearly all They are white criminal offense before the law, and as make beautiful rugs, Building .4 81- f The contract for hay and straw was Boon as Mr. Million is positive that he C. A. Nutlcy has just received a stock when finishe«l by him, but if they were day. The first adventurous youth who M. A D. 5-2. b strode it was held up by two men on of fine candies, and intends to keep on dyed they would be more useful ami ju iici »iisly awarde«! to the ranchers in has the names of the offenders they may the vicinity of the Fortf Messrs. Shat­ expect to be prosecuted, unless their par­ cither side, but in spite of their assis- hand a full assortment of confectionery doubtless more saleable. H. C. HILL, M BAI M, tuck, Wilkins, ami Swal’my the hay, and ents make goo.I the damages. vi<>- hereafter. tance Rnd protection, landed rather Sava the Yreka Journal: We learn * lentlv on hinface in the dusty road be­ A large delegation of red men with from W. B. Cantrell, that the census of Mr. Magher the straw i THE OREGON KIDNEY TEA. He i fore he had ridden twenty feet, A. W. BISH. Prop’iätor, - (>»ir Commissary Sergent is all right their families, from Klamath reservation, Yreka township, for his district, foots up II hasn't tried it since. Another young were in Ashland on a trailing expedition a total of 1,406 population, an I that again ami is preparing for another deer To (lie People «.f Jarksoii mill Lake Read the following testimonials, not gentleman, of more extensive courage last week. hunt. He will start as soon as his Count!«**. t 0 Donnell has about l,5f tis, as since taking it two weeks SALE AND FEED STABLES ! the past two weeks has melted the snow : surveyed for the new wagon road will be Specimens of the ore. brought into town we have felt no synq»t >ns of the disease. Full Chambar Sets, bv Mr. B.jbcr.has attracted much atten« last Saturday, ami L-ft Monday morning. We can heaftilv r»;comim*nd it to others in the mountains at the sources of the 1 about 117» miles. J. XT. T. Hiller & Co.Er ’ s, Columbia and Snake rivers, ami it is ex- ■ Preparations are making for a grand ti< i, native silver being visible all He ha I one Bqttixm. hel I s -rvice and similarly ufliiete L as be believe- it will »l>> CHAIRS, LINK VILLE,---------------- OREGON pecte.l that the fl<.»«»d this year will be ; time at Linkville on the 5th, and the thnuuh the rock. This discovery will preache I several tiim st» a very s’i u all that is claimed for it. f w Fatho- M. L. W hite , Squire and Center Tables, greater than that of 76. The Standard j chief attraction is the 1 all in the evening have a good elicit on the “situation'’ at audience. th»*:e being very Large new barn and corral, and every I:; le ’ i 'Ci. ’ ence, Or., Dec. 13, 1879. lies at the post now. Hence his very arrangement to give satisfaction in every Copper City, ami is opportune. <>f Sunday reported the river already at Hewlrick’s Hall. I take pleasure in testifying to the brunch of the business. • short stay. M re an »n. O b WER Dock Cases, Cupboards, sewn inches alwwe the high water mark I ' Sam Morgan, our veteran blacksmith, Rev. J. IL Mayfield A Son returned meriiU of the Oregon Kidney Tea. F- r match too» A c •••.m-nUve suoi't ’ ng of 184V> at Lewiston, and at the Cascades has been in poor health for sometime last week from Walla Walla. They re- H Y, GRfiH AND FLOUT the past three years I have been Rnfl'er- What-Nots, Loungesr Constantly on lnyml and for sale. it was rising an inch an honr. The Port­ past, but is now growing better. we p >rt lively times in Eastern Washington place at th«* F >rt. at 200, 500 and 600 ing fmm Kidney troubles, and during O -J the time have tried nearly every kind of yards ten shots it each range, the two land people liave been preparing for the arc glad to say. II Territory, and »¡»¡»ear satisfied with the —AND— best sl ots t * go t'> Vancouvert»»’compete Ki Iney medicine in the -market, almost NOT FATI, to send freshet, and all the warehouses and oth­ sa ’ e of th»» bnmi of. h<*rses which they tr.VERY'HTNG IN THE LINE OF HOUSfc Just received at Reesers, a full lino f •» .»nr Price List for f *r t J jccx in the t *»;i f r Crot- biv r''. without nrix- re1 if. Having heard that 1S-J. F ioe to any er buildings along the river have been eiil HOLD Fu tirniig G«M»d , wticii they w W Mr. the O:eg »n Ki iney T»-a possessed won­ of Osborne reapers ami mowers, dry dr-'V<* thither from this va!h*y. . I ire«S U|>•>« !.p. » !l ai li e lowest prioee. The two l» '-t shots are Lieut. G. B. cleared of their contents. Several streets ................. . derin' ¡»nice tie«, I purchased a package,», goods, groceries clothing, boots and Mayfield has bough t an interest in a l.v- ilewrlrvi».js oí rverv- Backus, with 121. and Corporal Char’es an t trun the ¡i:4 d se -e < obtained re’u«-f, I . r.-n'ii:. .1 f r of the city will he flooded, and a stagna­ n: -oi'ia! <»■ faUitiy u-e. shoes, cigars ar I tobacco, candies and erv «table i i M alia 4'- all i. : ml w ill rc- REP. JRiKC AND UPiiDLSTERINC D3NE UPO* ami l>v the u-e >»f >f the ■ ne ¡>ackage pack ige fe.*l fe with <>«< t j goti IR ih ' ... .1*.. Williams with 118 points out of a pos­ Wo s»‘.| 1 tion <>f business will be experienced until 1 » oon as Ve can g»th- turn t" tlm* city ns .«» ft h *.| m ;|f ««- », '.!«•< ! »«. I p p - I i rr’nnfttien to m » SHORT NDTICE. t 1 nuts, lints and caps, notions, stoves, tin completely cured. t.H' I’HI i 'l - sible l-»0. „ Atnerir4 ri“**’ . the water subsides. _ r W In. ul I ■■ ' h • I - S am ' l G ray . •• it I.»’ :.*■>,< Aedicw, and hardware for sale at Lel-r ck prices t er his hand of horses , which he intends I 5-3. BAUM & Til LU MON !•<;<>’I f’ V W ____ .. X Itl> *.- . < <».. | Job work neatly ami promptly done. | Astoria, Or.. L'ee. 2$, 187'9. I I to take with him. 1 tf. VV Miaou Av*., Lo>te&* I.fc. for C ash . Give him a call. Rah fur ihAmcricaneagle. THE ASHLAND TIDINGS IIARRY SMITH, BLACKSMITH, W GRAND , y' BALL! At a Bargain EXPRESS LINE NEW FIRM, MYER & DRAKE, HA il D W ARE» srov CANNERY, Furniture ! ! Furniture ! Í Furniture! ! BAUM & 1I1LL» t Cb