A KN DEFENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. VOL IV—NO 13. ASHLAND OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 18. 1880. i J. M. McCall. ASHLAND TIDINGS. W. II. Atkinaon W. A. Wilshire A Bold Crime. Reading the highly special and illus­ trated stories that adorn a certain class of weekly papers, one involuntarily smiles ----- BY----- Ashland Oregon. at the idea of the people of this wide­ LEEDS MKR«ITT. awake and practical age swallowing the stuffs gives them under the head of mysterious murders, strange elopement« OFFICE—On Main Street, (in sucond story of McCall NEW FIRM ! and monstrous abductions. Yet, one A Baum’s new building ) could barely he found that reads more Job Printing. Of all descriptions done on tliort notice Le'ral Blanks, romantically than an incident that oc­ NEW GOODS!! Ou't’ulars Business Card., IlillhMda, letterhead», Bo«- curred within this State last month, in Wra, etc., gotten up-in gotxl atyle at living prices. NEW PRICES!!! daylight, and a thickly populated part Terms of Snbaeriptlou: of the city, and which has been kept Oae copy, one year.................... 8- M out of the papers, excepting the Herald, •* “ six months....... ....................................... 1 50 which had a mistaken account of a sup­ " ** three months...................... —............. I 0° Club rates, six copies for........... ........................... ....12 50 posed elopement, retracted the follow­ Terms in advance. We are now receiving our New Spring ing day, when the young lady was found Stock, and everyday will witness Ternis of Advertising: to be at home. ■ The followftig are the . LKUAL. additions to the largest One a ¡mre (ten ii.tcs or less) 1st insertion............82 50 facts given the New York correspondent stock of Ea*h aiihtioaal insertion „.................. 1 00 of the Cincinnati Enquirer by an ac­ LOCAL. quaintance of the family: L oca ) notices pur line ............... 10c Rûgiilar advertisements inserted upon littéral tenus. There is living in the upper part of this city a gentleman whose name as a Ever brought to this market. We de­ druggist is known throughout this coun­ PROFESSIONAl sire to say to every reader of try, and most favorably, who has this paper, that if DR, J, H. CHITWOOD, amassed a fortune in his business, and, with his wife, occupies a high social pos­ ASHLAND, OREGON. ition. Near them resides, with her pa­ OFFICE At the A.hUnJ Unix Store. rents, a favorite neice, who not long Sold at the Lowest Market Prices, will since made her debut in society, and whom her relatives referred to delighted do it,, we propose to do the larg­ JAMES R. NEIL, to bring out at their frequent receptions est business this season, ever and introduce to their friends. The ATT O R N E Y - A T - L A W , doie in Ashland; and young lady, Miss W., is very charming, wo can’ ¡»ositively Jacksonville, Oregon. not at all a beauty, but possessed of a make it to the sweet, intelligent face, relined manners advantage and a musical voice. Without being at of every ono to J. W. HAMAKAR, all conspicuous, she is one of those girls call upon us and test NOTARY PUBLIC, that people involuntarily turn to look the truth of our assertions. Linkville, Lake Co., Oregon. at. Yet in her demeanor she seeks to W e will spare no pains to fully OFFICE In Pint Office building. S|>eeijl attention maintain the reputation of the House, avoid attention, and of flirtness or iven to uonvevaneing. loudness there is not a suspicion about As the acknowledged her. M. L. M’CALL, Early last Fall, Miss W. began to re­ ceive letters in a gentleman’s handwrit­ SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, ing, and signed with an evidently as­ Ashland, Oregon. sumed name. The author of them ex­ For Staple and Fancy Goods, Groceries, pressed passionate love and admiration Is prepared to do any work in hi. line on .hurt notice. Hardware, Clothing, Boots, for the young lady, begging she would Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dress permit him to make himself known to Goods, Crockeiy, Glass her by her wearing some flower on a DR. W. B. ROYAL, and Tin Ware, Shawls, certain day, or showing in some way W rappers,Cloaks, lias permanently located in Ashland. that she was willing to hear him plead And, in fact, everything required for the Will give his undivided attention to the practice of his cause. These letters were almost medicine. Ila* had fifteen years’ experience in trade of Southern and South­ Oregon Office at liis resilience, on Maiukjreet, violent in their expressions of love, and eastern Oregon. opnoaite the *M. E. Church. were evidently penned by a foreigner, unappreciative of the force of the A full assortment of English language. Miss W. had not DR. E. J. BOYD, the slightest idea of their source, but DENTIST. was alarmed by their frequency and tone. Telling her family, she was not Link\ille, : ; : : : Oregon. For Blacksmiths’ and General use. allowed to go out alone after dusk, and Office and rcsúleiice. south »ide of Main »treet. a sharp watch was kept for the myste­ A Full Line of rious lover. For some months this lasted, and then the epistles came with DR. J, M. TAYLOR, less regularity, and finally ceased alto- DENTIST SURGEON, gether; vigilance was relaxed and the Flannels, Blankets, Cassimeres, Doeskins, episode nearly forgotten. On a certain Main street, Ashland, Oregon, Clothing, always on hand and evening, Mr.------ , the uncle, was togivo for sale at lowest prices. an elegant reception in honor of his OFFICE In lecond story of M abohw Hall. Office hours, from 8 to 12 A. M., anti from l:.-,0 to 5 I*. M. niece’s birthday, and it was duly ar­ The highest market price? paid for ranged, that she should come early and dine with them, staying the remainder of'the night On the afternoon of the lame day MeCALI«. ATklXNON A CO, Miss W. sought her room to lay out her A shland , April 10, 1880. W. W. Kentnor, Prop’r, toilet for the occasion, and then tivso. An exquisite cream-colored satin di:t,*id ASHLAND. MAIN STREET, JACOB WAGNER, with lace was brought out, and its \ ri- JAMES THORNTON, E. K. ANDERSON. ous accessories ’in the way of jewelry, W. H. ATKINSON, Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Wheel slippers, gloves, etc. The young lady Barrows, Plow-Stocks, etc., made began to disrobe herself prior to dress­ and repaired at shcrt notice. ing, and had taken off collar, cuffs and ornaments, when she suddenly remem­ bered she had no floweis suitable for the dress. Knowing that, by crossing over to All orders left at my new shop, north Sixth avenue, close to the Reservoir of the bridge, will receive prompt and Park, and only a short distance, slie satisfactory attention. could get them at a florist’s, she hur­ W. W. KENTNOR. riedly slipped on her fur-lined cloak and hat, and left tho house. ARE NOW MAKING FROM It was then five o’clock, and perfectly Jacob Wanner. E. K. Andenon. W. H. Atkinson. light. Hurrying along she was soon at the store, where she purchased a gener­ ous handful of Marshal Neil roses, and started to cross Fortieth street, where she must wait for a few moments while the other dramatis personal are brought Wo will continue to purchase wheat forward. No one in the house of Mr. W. had heard the young lady go out, —A T- and it was not until the carriage came BLANKETS, for her, at close to six o’clock, that her The Highest Market Price, mother visited her sleeping apartment to FLANNELS, And will deliver see if she was ready. To her astonish­ ment there lay the reception dress ready CASSI MERES, to put on, and the articles of toilet on DOESKINS, the bureau evidently recently taken off, Anywhere in town, but no daughter, and searching the AND HOSIERY. house for her proved in vain. .vr MILL PRICES, Wniftier, Andemon A <'•• Thinking she might have gone out on an errand and been detained, the mother waited until nearly seven, when feeling something was wrong, she sent for her husband, and he at once went to the uncle’s, hoping to find she had been there, but without result Eight o’clock came, and by that time telegrams were sent to fifty different families where OLD AND NEW, Miss W. visited, and the police stations were notified. At nine o’clock nearly Are invited to send in their orders and a hundred people were looking for her, Main Street, : : Ashland. are assured that they and both houses plunged into the great­ est consternation. At ten o’clock Miss I havo constantly on hand the very best W. entered-her father’s house, pale as SADDLE HORNES. death, trembling in every limb, and es­ BLOUIES AND CK RBI AGES, corted by a gentleman acquaintance. At Prices that Defy Competition. Some stimulant was given her, when, as And can furnish my customers with a soon as she gained tolerable composure, tip-top turnout at any time. she told the following remarkable story: .Coming along Fortieth street rapidly, HORSES BOARDED fearing she would not have time to dress, ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. she noticed a close coupe with a single On reasonable terms, and given the best horse drawn up against the sidewalk, attention. Horses bought and sold and by it standing two men. As she and satisfaction guaranteed in was about to pass them, one stopped all my transactions. her to ask if she could tell him where a SECRET AB Y certain party lived. As he spoke the II. F. PB1LL1 T mkikm I every ITriilay, McCall, Atkinson A Co., General Merchandise ! Standard Goods! HEADQUARTERS ! IRON AND STEEL Ashland Woolen Goods ! Wagon Manufactory, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Bacon, Lard. THE ASHLAND WO OLEN MANUFAC’G CO., THE ASHLAND MILLS ! The Very Best NIAITIIIVIE IWiOlOILI! Flour, Feed. Etc., ASHLAND Livery, Sale & Feed louR patrons ! STABLES, SHall Receive Prompt Attention ! W. H. Atkinson, other advanced close to her, and be­ fore she 'could reply Bhe was lifted into the coupe, and something held over her mouth. What it was she could not tell, but it is supposed to have been a sponge dipped in chloroform. At any rate, she says that while unable to call out she was consciqus that they were driving rapidly and turning many corners. When they stopped one of the men drew her cloak up over her head and tightly across her face, and the two lifted her out and carried her into a house, when they allowed the cloak to fall off, and she was in f. richly furnished room, where a table was spread with wine and delicacies, as if for some en­ tertainment. One of the men then left, and the other, advancing to her, said : “Have you received a number of letters this Winter from a stranger?’’ “Yes,” she had. “Well, I am the man who sent them, and I am the man who will be made your husband in an hour. I do not like farced marriages, therefore you must consent, and jvlien the minister comes do not betray that it is unexpected. I give you your chance. Agree to marry me, and you shall not repent it; refuse, and you will never leave this house alive. You shall have one hour to think it over, and here is wine if you wish refreshment. Do not waste your time thinking about escape, for you are bolted and barred in.” So saying, and despite her piteous remonstrances, the modern brigand left the room, locking the door after him. For some time the girl sat numb with terror, and then summing up her ener­ gies, she rose and examined the room, which was evidently the back ¡tailor of a large house. The doors were securely locked, and advancing to the windows Miss W. tried one; it was nailed up. The other was approached, and to her ioy, she saw the lock on it was broken, and gently opening it, found herself on an iron balconv, some ten feet from the ground, and with spikes across the top. Hope and excitement gave her courage. She drew out hei long, heavy cloak, pushed a spike through one end of it, and, though at the expense of sore hands, climbed over the railing and let herself down within a few feet of the ground, which she lit on safely, and away she ran, down a narrow alleyway into the street, losing her wits in her fright, and turning first one corner and then another, until she saw a street car ; this she haileil, and found, after getting on, it was an Eighth avenue car, and the lower part of the city. She rode up this to Forty-second street, where she got off and started on a run for home. In passing the Rossmore Hotel, she met one of the friends telegraphed to, and, alarmed at her condition, he hailed a carriage and took her home, and so ended one of the most mysterious ab­ ductions ever made in New York. The detectives have been looking for the parties ever since, and several arrests have been made; but Miss W., who says she could identify her «abductors, has failed to so far, and unluckily can­ not describe the house, as she had nc view of it from the outside. Wolves in Russia. Their number in Eiropean Russia is estimated at about 200,000 head; and it scarcely need be said the havoc they make every year is immense. Inform­ ation collected by the Imperial Statis­ tical Bureau shows that in the year 1873 the damage so caused in forty-five governments of the Empire amounted in value to 7,500,000 roubles, or about £1,250,000 sterling. The losses are be­ lieved, too, to be vastly under estimated. The value of live stock varies immensely in different parts of Russia, and the of­ ficial estimate is said to have been based on much too low an average per heal. In one district of the government of Perm it was reported that no damages had been caused by wolves, although it was a well known fact that over 3,000 head of reindeer belonging to the no­ mads had been destroyed by wolves in a single night there. In this and in some other instances there was an obvious de­ sire on the part of the peasants to con- ctal the facts. The destruction is not confined to cattle. In Kazan it is esti­ mated 11,000 head of geese are thus carried off every year, and in Kaluga, 2,000 head. Besides large numbers of camels, horses, and ponies; 100,000 dogs are thus destroyed every year by wolves. In taking these figures into account, it certainly does not appear an exaggerated estimate that the value of the live stock and domestic animals destroyed by wolves in Russia exceeds 15,000,000 roubles every year; and if to this be added the frightful destruction of rein­ deer belonging to the nomad tribes from the same cause, the total becomes enor­ mously increased. The annual loss of human life by wolves is about 150 of aF ages- _____ _____________ Mrs. Lillie Devereux Blake wants policewomen to be employed at the ¡K)- lice station in New York, as they are in Saxony. She bases her suggestion on the fact that among the hundreds of wo­ men who are arrested many are crazy or ill, and need other attention then the policemen can render them. She would have the policewomen strong, healthy women, of good physique, and paid the same as policemen. There are 800 potteries in the United States. Chinese Tales. 82 50 PER ANNUM. A Ghastly Gallows Scene. Words Upon Dying Lips Some of the stories have now and W ashington , April 9.—J. M. Stone, Queen Elizabeth, at the odd C# a most then a European touch about them, but the wife murderer, was executed here prosperous reign, begun Wm*rs they are so mixed up with a peculiar today. The attending circumstances and difficulties that waim £^YWB vc bv kind of witchcraft and with competitive were sensational in the highest degree. bold measures and prudca^wrife, died examinations, that the differences are Stone was awakened about G A. M. and exclaiming, “ A’l my poMlflons for a far greater than the resemblances. ate a hearty breakfast. The morning moment of time.” These two things, at first sight so incon­ was spent with two colored and one George IV. met death with almost a sistent, are frequently combined in a white ministers in his cell singing jest upon liis lips. Turning to Sir Wal­ curious way. We find ghosts and spir­ hymns and praying. The condemned ter Waller, on whose arm he leaned, he its aiding a dull fellow to take his de man expressed himself willing to die said: “ Whatty, what is this? It is gree. In the first story in the book the and believed lie was going to heaven. death, my boy, and they have deceived post of guardian angel or tutelary deitv Shortly after 12 o’clock Sheriff Crocker us.” to a ceitain town is given after a com- entered his cell and read the death war­ The Danish sovereign, Frederick V., petive examination. In many of the rant and at 12:55 P. M. tho procession greatly l»eloved by his subjects, cried, tales, however, it is love and withcraft to the scaffold was formed. Stone “ There is not a drop of blood on my that are combined. Thus in the story walked between two turnkeys followed hands,” as he passed away. of “ The Laughing Giri,” we have the by the officers and attending clergymen. Henry VIII., who altered the whole hero Wang picking up a sprig of plum His bearing was rather dignified as he course of monastic life in Europe, ex­ blossom which the heroine had dropped emerged from the jail corridor into the claimed, “ Monks ! monks 1 monks !” at the feast of lanterns. He treasures enclosure, where a scaffold was erected. Edward VI., the wan boy king, with it up and wastes away for love of her He glanced curiously at the instrument liis fast fading eyes, commended his soul just as if he were a modern hero. The of death but never quailed, ascending to God: “Lord, take my spirit;” and priests are called in by his mother just the gallows with a firm step. There he Cromwell, as he listened to the discourse to see whether the youth is bewitched. spoke a few words in a low tone to Dr. of those about him, said, “Then 1 am He sets off for the hill country in hope Rankin, who said to the hundred of safe,” and was silent forever. of meeting with the girl again, and spectator’, “ he wishes me to say he The last word of Charles I. on the takes with him the dried up sprig of dies at peace with the world in full scaffold to Archbishop J uxson was, “ Re­ plum blossom. He discovers, almost hope of meeting his Savior.” Stone was member 1” referring tc his desire that his buried under the luxuriant growth of observed to be neatly dressed in a black son Charles should forgive his fatlier’s trees and flowers, a small hamlet in a broadcloth suit with a spotless linen murderers. valley. At the doors of one* of the turn 'over collar and black necktie. Anne Boleyn, in the same situation, houses were seme graceful willow trees, Prayer was offered and a portion of the clasped her fair neck, saying, “It is and inside the wall were peach and apri­ scriptures read, during which he listened small, vey small;” and Sir Thomas cot trees, with tufts of bamboo between with close attention, bowing his head More said, as he yielded himself to the them and birds chirping on the branches. reverently during prayer. He then executioner, “ By my coming down, let He heard a sweet toned voice and by bade good-bve to those about him ; the me shift for myself.” him passed a girl with a bunch of apri­ noose and black cap was adjusted and Joan of Arc, at the stake, ended her cot flowers in her hands and occupied the spring touched. He shot like a eventful, stormy life with our Savior’s in putting hair pins into her downcast flash through the trap, falling to the name upon her lips, as brave as Gen. head. It was the beauteous Ying-ning, ground heavily. There was a general Wolfe, who, dying in the midst of vic­ of whom he was in search, and who cry of horror and intense excitement tory on the battlefield, and bearing of turned out to be a relation of his. prevailed. Those nearest to the scaffold the enemy’s retreat, cried : “ What! do Wang shows her the dead flower which then began to realize what had happened. they run already ? Then 1 die happy ;” he had treasured up. “ Its dead,” said His head had been cut from his body, or Sir Philip Sidney, after he had relin­ she; “why do you keep it?” “You as cleanly as if done with an ax, and quished the draught of water to an hum dropped it at the feast of lanterns,” re­ rolled two or three feet from the body. bier comrade, though parched with plied Wang, “and so I kept it.” He Blood spirted high on the uprights of thirst, turned him over to die, saying, explained to her that it was a proof of the scaffold. Of course death was in­ “ Let me behold the end of this world his love. stantaneous. The rope was amply stout with all its vanities.” “ You needn’t make such a fuss about to bear him, who weighed 180 ¡annuls, Mirabeau desired to die while de­ a trifle,” she replied. “ I’ll give orders and the drop was not too long ; but he licious strains of music floated on the to supply you with a whole basketful of had a small neck for so large a body, tlir, but his last utterance was a demand flowers when vou leave.” Wang told and it was supposed this was the cause for laudanum, to drown pain and con­ her that she did not understand. He of the decapitation. sciousness. said : “ I didn’t care for the flower it­ Physicians were alone immediately Mozart’s last words were: “Let mo self ; it was the person who picked the allowed to approach the remains, Dr. hear once more those notes so long my flower.” “ Of course,” answered she, McWilliams being first to feel for pulsa­ solace and delight" But Haydn, for “ everybody cares for their relations. tion in the corpse. Dr. Crook removed getful of his art, cried, “God ¡»reserve You needn’t have told me that.” “I the head from its black envelopment. my Emperor.” wasn’t talking about ordinary relations,” The heart beat for five minutes and the Altieri's sympathetic nature displayed said Wang, “ but about husbands and lips moved slightly. After being picked itself in ‘Clasp my hand, daar friend, 1 wives.” “ What’s the difference,” asked up it was found that a remarkable clean die.” Ying-ning. “ Why,” replied Wang, cut just below the chin, and passing Goethe cried: “Light, more light," “husband and wife are always to­ close under the ears, had severed the Tasso, “Intuos man os, Dominie,” Byron, gether.” “ Just.what I shouldn’t like,” head just under the last vertebra'. An “Come, come, no weakness; let’s be a* cried she, “ to be always with anybody.” iron cot was piocured and the body man to the last; I must sleep now.” And Wang marries her but is troubled by placed on it, while Drs. Carroll, Morgan those who saw Lis embalmed body in his wife’s immoderate laughter. He and Crook, under the direction of Dr. 1824, when brought to England from learns that her mother has been a kind McWilliams, sewed the head on. In Missolonghi, in the Florida, «and removed of witch. In many ot these stories we the course of this operation it was per­ to Sir Edward Knatchbull’s house in read of foxes who had the power of ceived that the skin was peculiarly thin Great George street, where the coffin changing themselves into the shape of and tender, being no more difficult to was opened, desaribe the face of marble human beings. From such a fox Ying- pierce with a needle than an infant’s. whiteness, tho expression that of stern ning was said to be sprung. She owns Under the skin there was a larger offat quietude, lying wrapped in liis blue to him that she was the daughter of a or adipose tissue about an inch in thick­ cloth cloak, the throat and head uncov­ fox, and that for the ten years before ness, while the spine was remarkably ered, crisp, curling locks, slightly her marriage she had been brought up slender. Bleeding was singularly slight streaked with gray, clustering over the under the charge of the disembodied for with the exception of the streams temples, the profile of exceeding beauty. spirit of an old woman. Her foster- which spirted from the neck and be­ Boileau congratulated himself, as ho mother’s body was lying unburied and spattered the scaffold in all directions, closed his eves upon this world, upon the she begs her husband to appease the not more than a quart was shed. Drs. purity of his works, saying, “It is a discontented shade. They find her Noble, Young, Eliot, Newlan and other great consolation to a poet about to die bones amidst a thicket of brambles and experienced physicians made a carefxl that he has never written anything in­ bury them in the family vault That examination of the body while still dis­ jurious to virtue; ’’and Sir Walter Scott night the old woman’s spirit came to membered and pronounced it a truly little thinking his end so near, said. “I thank her foster daughter. extraordinary instance of weakness of feel as if I were myself again.” “The Magic Path'’ is as curious a tissue in a vigorous looking middle-aged Dr. Johnson, the rough, kind heart story as it is true. A scholar named adult. The body was turned over to his who loved a good hater, died as he said Kuo one night loses his way amt ng the friends for burial.—Rochester Herald. to Miss Morris, “God bless you, my hills. He hears the sound ot laughter, dear.” and going in the direction of the sound A Fifty-One Million Millionaire. Washington at Mt. Vernon, cried “It he finds some ten or a dozen persons is well.” sitting on the ground drinking. He It was announced in the Bee a few Franklin’s last words were: “A dying asks them to show him his way, but days since, by telegraph from New man can do nothing easily." they press him to join them, He tosses York, that W. H. Vanaerbuilt had in­ Mme de Stael, whose trial was her off the bumpers so fast that he was at vested $51,000,000 of the sum he had enforced absence from her native land, once voted to be a jolly good fellow received for his railroad interests in U. died saving: “I have loved my God, my He was very clever in imitating the S. four per cent, bonds, and that he had God, my father, and my liberty.” notes of the birds and did it so well several millions more coming from the Hannah Moore’s last words were that for a time he deceived his compan syndicate, which, when received, he “ Patty —joy;” Grotius, “Be serious;” ions. After a while he imitated a would also thus invest. The annual in­ Haller, “The artery ceases to beat.” parrrot and cried, “Mr. Kuo is very terest on $51,000,000 is $2,040,000, or drunk you had better see him home." say, $5,866 per day all the year round. Adams, “Independence forever;” Jeffer­ They said that they would first show It is probable that this Vanderbilt is son, “I resign my soul to God, my daughter to my country;” Iz>cke to Lady him a few acrobatic feats. the richest man in the United States, They all arose, and one of them plant ready cash considered. And then what? Masbam, who was reading the Psalms, ing his feet firmly, a second jumped up Is he happier than the man who has a “Cease now;' and ¡»oor Lamb, after the on his shoulders, a third on to the competence earned by daily toil ? Can most sacrificing existence, wrote his last second’s shoulders, and a fourth on to he 1 ive better or with greater ease ? words to a friend, “Mv bed-fellows arc his, until it was too high for the rest to And is such vast wealth in individual cramp and cough —we three sleep in a jump up, and accordingly they began to hands dangerous to the Republic ? To bed.” Bishop Broughton’,- last words were : climb as though it had been a ladder. all these questions “no” seems to be the “ Let the earth 1». tilled with His When they were all up, and the top­ proper answer. Men who accumulate so most head seemed to touch the clouds, much money, or men who can take care glory ;” Archh><«hn|i Sharpe, “I shall tho \*hole column bent gradually down of so much money, are merely money be happy ;' Bishop Ken, “God’s will until it lay along the ground, trans­ worms. They have no ambition beyond be done;” Farr, Cramner, Hooper and formed into a path. Kuo remained for grabbing the cash. They are not am­ George Herbert, “Lord, receive my spirit 1” and these arc but few of many some time in a state of alarm, and then bitious to rule or ruin a land. Their such. setting out along the path ultimately soul has gone out into the coin which is The Prince Consort confirmed the im­ reached his home. their god, and there it has been forever pression that prevails that the dying have The next day he revisited the spot, lost And on coin men cannot found a but though he saw the remains of a family. The Rothschilds may have done sometimes a foretaste of coming Happi­ feast lying about there was no sign of a so, and Vanderbilt is probably making ness. “I have such sweet thoughts,” were his last words. path. the attempt, but history contains few, if • any, instances where the effort so to do It is getting easier and easier to get has succeeded. On land, in countries When a man tells you he doesn’t be­ up a row in a church. Samuel J. Horton, where, as in England, the laws of primo­ lieve the Bible, quote something from steward, has sued Rev. William W. geniture and entail are established, Aristotle or Shakspeare, and ask in Maguire, pastor of the Methodist Church families can be and have been founded, which portion of the Scriptures the same of Lawrence, L. I., for $1,000 damages but on personal proj>erty never—or passage occurs, and ten to one he will for slander, the minister having asserted hardly ever. So long, then, as the assure you that he has often read it in there was a deficiency of $4 in Hoi ton’s people who cultivate the land own the the sacred book, but he cannot recall the accounts. The woman in this case has land they cultivate there can be no chapter and verse. not presented herself yet. danger to the Republic, no matter how many Vanderbilts there may be among Some chickens at Folsom obtained ao- The first Presidential candidate was us or how much money they may con­ cess to a bowl of egg nog and became mentioned by Tennyson, who in one of trol.—«Sacramento Bee. drunk. Had they been human, they of his earliest poems sang : “ At eve the would probably have done the same beetle boometh.” Prest for time—mummies. »thing.