INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEX OTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON ASHLAND OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 11. ISSO. VOL IV—NO 12. ASHLAND TIDINGS. Iwvued every Friday, ---- BY---- J, M. McCall. W. A. Wilsh’.ro W. II. Atkinson McCall, Atkinson & Co., AslilanJ Oregon. LEEDS At MERRITT. OFFICE— e»u Malo Street, (in gee-»nd story of McCaU a Banm't new building ) Job Printing. 9t all descriptions done on (bort notice. I xs < a I Blank*, Oireular*. Businoas Cards, Billheads, Letterheads, Pos­ ton, ate., gotten up in good style at living prices. Terms of Siibsrrlptiou: Oannray. one your................. ................................. $2 W *• “ six month»............... ............................... 1 50 • ’• three months................. -............... 1 Club rxtaa, til copies fur.............................................12 50 Terms tn advance. Terms of Advertising: UM AL. One squire (ten lines or less) bit insertion............fl M Sash additional insertion «................................. 1 00 LOCAL. LoeaJ notieu. per line ........................................................ 10c Regular advertisements inserted upon liberal terms. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. H. CHITWOOD, ASHLAND, : : : OREGON. : NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES! ! ! We are now receiving our New Spring Stock, and everyday will witness additions to the largest stock of General Merchandise! Ever brought io this market. We de- sire to say to every reader of this paper, that if Standard Goods! At t’.ie Ashland Bru; Store. OFFICE JAMES R. NEiL, A TTORNEY-AT-L A W , Jacksonville, Oregon. 1 W. HAM AKAR, P U B LIC , NOTARY Linkville, Lake Co., Oregon. OFFICE—In T.wt Office building. Special attention lven to conveyancing. M. L. M’CALL, PURVEYOR ehind the gentle­ serve as a hull for a screw ’ steamer. is not onh becomingly, but very expen­ of his congregation. During his minis­ man, in the adjoining pew. Looking The Mohongo, like most sea going ves­ trations he lost his wife, and conse­ sively dressed, and when it becomes around, the latter could see that there sels that have seen their best days, has quently became an interesting widower. manifest that the mother is probably had quite an eventful history. She was Among his most devoted admirers, was a hot fire in the furnace beneath, the wife of a mechanic, it occura to one built by the Navy Department, at New though personally unknown to him, was and yet no heat came up. When a to wonder what would be the emotions Loss of the Tonquin. York, in 1804, and belonged to the class | a maiden lady of uncertain age, many handkerchief was laid over the register of an European mother of this class on known as “double enders,” which proved peculiarities and independent circum­ it scarcely stirred. Tho visitor asked seeing a child of hers arrayed in all this Those who have wandered across the very serviceable during the war in nav­ stances. The fact of her intense ad­ the sexton: ace, embroidery and the softest and “Have you anv means of ventilation?” continent and doubled the capo with igating the rivers of the Southern miration for a man to whom she had snowiest of woolen wraps. “ No, sir.” States. These vessels were of light never spoken became known to many, At once all eyes were drawn to this Washington Irving in his fascinating “Are there no windows open ?” draft, and from the peculiarity of their and a party of young people laid plans sweetest of sweet things a beautiful ta’e of “ Astoria,” will remember the “None whatever.” construction, were able to go backward for what proved to be a heartless hoax.: child. The first person to notice her is details of the tragedy (hat terminated “ How, then, can you expect the air or ahead with equal facility, being built A letter was addressed to the lady pur­ a pleasan t-looking min, who sits with to come in here if it can’t get out some the career of the Tonquin, the supply sharp at both ends and provided with a porting to come from the reverend gen­ his wife in the scat next to the baby. Ij Astor, in rudder at bow and stern—similar, in tleman, containing professions of ad­ where 1” Something about them makes one feej ship sent out by John Jacob There was no response—the man was “ling scheme in th? fact, to the steam ferry boat of to day. miration and esteem, asking for a cor­ nonplussed. “Did you ever try to that this is a childless pair. Tho baby, a his grand fur trading this moment, is half-sitting, half-lying, great northwest in 1811. From :i com Soon after the cluse of the war most of respondence, and requesting profound blow into a bottle ’ continued the i. these vessels v.ere sold, and many of secrecy. The victim fell into the trap on her mother’s lap, kicking up one lit­ pilation of facts concerning tho Ir'story them became attached to the merchant at onco, and the correspondence thus be­ qu:rer. tle redshod foot against the next s. a'. “No, sir.” of those tines in the North Pacific man c. The Georgia, lust on her voy- gun, continued until the pastor accepted She is almost the only unconscious cn a «■» ge *■ from Panama to this port in Octo­ “Do you think if you did, that you a call to a church in Savanah, when it ture in that car as she lies then* per­ C-a semi-m nthly jourm l publi-li. d could force any more air into a bottle fectly’ happy and at ease. Friendly man al New i'acoma, we clip the following ber, 1878, ami the South Carolina and culminated in a proposal of marriage. by blowing than was in it liefore ?” stretches out his hands towards her. concerning this iii fate d vessel am’, h- r Wilmington, now in the service of the This, of course, was readily accepted, He couldn’t say. Never had thought Pacific Mail Company, were double cml and the final letter, announcing his ap­ Up springs tho mother, and with a ner­ ill fated crew : of it. ers like the Mohongo, but were altered proaching departure and still enjoining vous hand, seizes the little foot, puts “Well,” continued tho gentleman, On the first of June the Tonquin to screw steamers, and the two former secrecy, from unavoidable circumstances, baby in a convenient attitude, saying, wet c lengthened by W. P. Clyde when also declared hi« piabable return at any “you would soon find, if you tried, that sailed north, Alexander McKay, one of “Why, Maud ! your foot docs not look it was impossible, and neither can you In 1870, steamship moment to claim his bride. the partners, accompanying as super­ bought by him. very* pretty up there.” cargo. By the middle of the month business was quite lively on the Pacific Never rdid a happy hearted girl set force air into this church through a reg­ “What is your name' asks the she had reached Clyoquot Sound, on ihe Coast, and steamers were in demand. about the task of preparation with more ister if you don’t open a window or man. The United States Government was oc­ delight than this trusting deceived some other orifice.” The baby, bless her heart! has now west coast of Vancouver’s «island, and “But,” the sexton demurred, “opening casionally selling vessels as they bad woman. The greater pait of her com- worked herself down again into her was anchored opposite the Indian town a window would let in the cold air, been doing since the close of the war. j etcncy was expended in the purchase pretty attitude, and again kicks up the of Newitty. 1’hey were alwut to com­ The Mohongo was tln-n lying at Mare of bridal luxuiie-i, a complete and elabo­ wouldn’t it ?” little red foot, making no answer to the mence trade with Indians’of Wieanish’s “You just try it,” was the response. Island. She was in fair condition, ami rate outfit, from the heavy satin and stranger. Aga;n the mother seizes the tribe for sea otter skins. At a precon­ “ Raise some of the windows of the lee­ in those days a United States vessel did costly lace of the wedding garment foot, glancing anxiously around at us certed signal the Indians, who had been ward side of the church and see what not have to be in very poor condition to down through every item of elegant and all and repeating, “Why, Maud ! tell unwisely permitted to crowd the deck bo condemned ami afterwards sold. dainty apparel. In the meantime, the will happen.” the gentleman what your name is; tell of ihe Tonquin, commenced the attack. It was done, and instantly the hand­ 1’hc manner in which she passed into minister, soon after entering upon his the gentleman what your name is, Capt. Thorne and Mr. McKay were al kerchief lying on the register rose half­ private hands forms the foundation for ehargc in Savanah, died in that city of Maud, ?»Iaud ! tell the gentleman what most immediately killed. All upon deck met a like fate. When Cap- a very interesting story, which runs yellow fever, ami the authois of the way to the ceiling with the force of the your name ie.” The sexton stood about as follows : William B. ( 'arr, cruel jest, satisfied with its success, ascending current. Baby is gazing happily now at a bird tain Thorne had first observed that and stared in astonishment. and ono or two others in this city, dropped tim matter. But nothing in a cage hanging mar, and visible the actions an J thought if she could be bought cheap could shake tir; confidence of the expec­ dians indicated hostility, he had endeav ­ through a rent in the paper cover; but “A Tramp Abroad.” she might be utilized. He accord­ tant bride : her friends tried to jeason the mother cannot leave her at peace, ored to make sail and lmd ordered some ingly employed an agent to go on to her out of her infatuation ; members of and begins a vigorous pushing back of of the crew up into tho rigging. F ive Beyond a doubt the new book from Washington and interview the Sec- the church visited her and endeavored of the sailors were still aloft — one in di ­ the yellow hair under the cap. We all the pen of Mark Twain is his master­ rotary of the Navy upon tbe to prove how impossible it was her can feel how i*; pulls. This done, she scending was badly wounded. The re­ subject. Mr. Catr’s agent took hopes could be fuliillod. She triumph­ piece. It is lively in tone, and instruc­ stiffens up the angel in her lap into an maining fout continued concealed. At’- the train for Washington, but before he antly showed her letters, and refused to tive from beginning to end. This ex­ attitude of a wax doll, and begins the ter the fight was over, the Indians wont had got across the Sierras, he found in credit her lover’s death or anything tract from his experiences in the Swiss exhibition ag' “Can’t you tell the ashore. Returning to rob the.ship the five survivors successfully repelled them a fellow-passenger, an agent for Ben other than the belief that lie might ar­ mountains, after being out in a soaking gentleman how old you are ? ’ with fire arms. In the night at the Holla lay, who at the time owned a rive at any moment to claifti her. As rain, is so pleasantly told that we make “Most two,” the biby answered urgent solicitation of Lewis, the wound­ coast line of steamships running on the time passed she lost her friends, and an extract: promptly. “Wc stripped and went to bed, and •coast between San Francisco and (Ire- “Oh, no ; not most two,” tho mother ed sailor, the four left the ship in one of gon, who was on his way to Washing­ her property dwindled to a mere pit­ sent our clothes down to be baked. All says solemnly ; “two years old, Maud ; her boats. Next morning, the Indians, ton on the same errand, vis: to buy the tance. She was thrown among strang­ the horde of soaked tourists did the ers, but wherever she went she carried And then—Maud, in great numbers, again boarded the say two years old. Molion*ro. With a degree of shrewd- her trosscau, taking it occa ionally from same. That chaos of clothing got mixed Tonquin. When they had mosi numer ­ say this, and Maud, say that, is repeated ness which would have done credit to the trunks to air it, and packing it np in the kitchen, and there was conse­ over and over, the little victim being ously collected, the gallant Lewis quences. I did not get the same draw­ his principal, Mr. Carr’s agent kept his again with jealous care. shown otr and put through her paces, fired the powder magazine and blew up business to himself, and set about how At last her mental and physical in­ ers 1 sent down when our things came without a moment’s peace or rest, for the ship, creating sad havoc among the to circumvent his rival. The latter had firmities became more pronounced. She up at 6:15; I got a pair on a new plan. so long that it malics one’s cars and hordes of savages who "were stripping and robbing the Tonquin. Thus was a weakness or two, which his fellow­ kept her room and admitted no one but They were merely a pair of long, white hea»l ache. traveler was not slow to discover, and her landlady. On her death bed she re­ ruflled-cuffed sleeves, hitched together at It is a relief when the friendL m..n the murder of Captain Thorne and the crew of that *ill-fated ship promptly before they had reached New York, he quested this attendant to inform her the top with a narrow l»and, and they stretches out his arms to the bal avenged. The four sailors who had en­ understood him thoroughly. Twenty- lover of her death, to robe her for did not quite come down to my knees. a gentle wav, and she raises her i- deavored to escape were overtaken and four hours spent amid the alluring in­ burial in the bridal death. When it They were pretty enough, but they eyes to his, and seeing yearning to fluences of the metropolis had so de­ was taken from the trunks it was found made me feel like two people, and dis­ there which a love of children often put put to death with atrocious torture. moralized the Holladay man that Carr’s that these trappings were too ghastly connected at that. The man must have into a man’s eyes, and which even a very One Indian interpreter was the solo sur- agent found no trouble in getting on to for the corpse of a white haired woman, been an idiot who got himself up that young baby knows how to read, straight­ vivor of that cruel massacre. He was Washington without him, and before ;Mid they gralaaily found their way, way to rough it in the Swiss mountains. way holds out her arms to him, and lie retained in close captivity for more The shirt they brought me was shorter tho latter had reached the capital, he piece by piece, into other h inds. — Let­ lifts her over the back of the scat with than two years, when he escaped through than the drawers, and hadn't any sleeves had closed a bargain with the Secretary ter to Savar.ah News. that expression, wholly pleased and half the coast tribes. This account oi the to it — at least, it hadn’t anything more of the Navy, It was understood that -------- «--*»*-<--------- surprised, becomes one who has received Tonquin is derived from this interpreter than what Mr. Darwin would cal- Carr paid in the neighborhood of $20,-. The Birth of a King. the highest of compliments—the con­ on his return to Astoria. There had 000 for the Mohongo. He immediately “rudimentary” sleeves. These had edg­ fidence and preference of a little child. been a misunderstanding between Capt. ing around them, but the bosom was ri- put her into the hands of the Risdon King Alfonso made his first appear­ How have many of us ever deserved Thorne and the Indian chief the day «diculeusly plaim The knit silk underl Iron Works for repairs and alterations. ance in public at 3:45 A. M. on the that the kingdom of heaven should be previous. Capt. Wm. Smith, an old and experienced trader on the North Pacific The engines were overhauled, new 28th of November, 1858, on a gold shirt they brought me was on a new given right into our arms ! coast, then mate of the Albatross, of boilers put in, her sides built up and an platter and without any trappings of plan, and was really a sensible thing; it For a few moments our dear baby was Boston, attributed the real 'provocation upper deck added, deck cabins put on, purple and fine linen. Such, at least, ojiened behind, and had pockets in it to allowed to rest in this quiet man’s arms, of this tragic affair to the conduct of and her interior entirely re arranged for was ths testimony furnished to the Czar put the shoulder blades in; they did not to play with his watch, te hunt through seem to fit mine. They gave my bob- Capt, Ayres, of Boston. A short time service as a passenger steamer. About by Prince Michael Galitzyn, the Russian his pockets, to be let alone to do what­ previous, he had been trading at Clyo­ #70,000 were expended in making these Ambassador at the Court of Queen tail coat to somebody else, and sent me ever she pleased. It was not long, how­ quot Sound and had induced some ten alterations. She was sold to William Isabella, llis Excellency wrote as fol­ an ulster suitable for a giraffe. I had to ever, before the mother began struggling tie my collar on, because there waa no of the tribe to accompany him to the H. Webb in January, 1872. It was lows : “On tho 28th of November, jn an ominous way with her traveling islands near the bay of San Francisco, understood that Carr and partners made 1858, 1 was awakened suddenly in the button behind on the foolish little shirt basket, and then, while baby was en­ to hunt seals. He had given the most between #35,000 and #40,000 by the morning at 3 o’clock by a rqyal halber­ When I went to dinner a long strang­ er recognized his ulster as soon as he tirely quiet and happy, watching the •positive assurance for their safe and transaction. In March of that year she dier, who brought me an invitation to reflection of the lamp on the bright early return. Ho sailed southward hav­ cleared from this port for Honolulu betake myself without delay to the saw the tail of it following me in, but nobody claimed my shirt and drawers, watch, a large piece of what looked like ing failed to fulfill his promise. In ac­ with the Australian mails. Two days royal palace, in order to be present at though I described them as well as I was pound cake was passed over to her by cordance with Indian custom, his in­ out of this port she cracked her the delivery of Her Majesty the Queen. able. I gave them to the chambermaid her mother. human perfidy was revenged- by an steam chest, and returned on the 3d Within half an hour I entered Her It was hard to see her put her little equivalent sacrifice from white men who of April in distress. After being Majesty's private cabinet, where I found that night when I went to bed, and she white teeth into it, and to judge Jrom fell into the hands of the outraged tribe. repaired she again put to sea, and numerous grandees ami ministers al­ probably found th»* owner, for my things this what the ordinary diet was likely to A few minutes later were on a chair beside wv door in the was kept in the Honolulu line until ready assembled. be; hard to glance from the beautiful the following Spring, when she was the doors of the cabinet were thrown morning.” Mother. peach-like cheek of the child to the sal­ sold to the Pacific Mail Steamship open, and the King consort, Don Tho Zuyder Zee. low one of the young mother which, to­ Company, and after making one trip to Francisque d’Assisi, entered the room, There is one being in this world that Panama under command of Captain bearing upon a golden salver the new­ gether with the fragile, broken Ameri­ The Zuyder Zee, Ixn'ng the result of can afford comfort in the heaviest sor­ Connolly, she was placed in the line be­ born infant, Don Alfonso, stark naked. can teeth, told the storv of chronic dvs- an innundation, is l^illy only about 10 pepsi a and general debility. Is this row and soften the most rigorous trials tween San Francisco and San Diego. Thus all present were enabled to assure feet deep, save where the channels h«.v^ what our blooming baby is coming to ? of our life. We call this being mother. In 1875 the Pacific Mail Company re­ themselves that an heir to the throne been deepen»-d, so that when pumping God gave her to us to sweeten with her linquished their Southern coast route had really come into the world.”—Paris She throws the cake on the floor, shall have been completed the land will kisses of love the bitter cup that is often and sold the steamers engaged in that Figaro. thank heaven, but eats the rest care- be quite Dutch and perfectly level. The pressed to our lips. He sent her to our lessly and without appetite (there is no cradle with the wings of affection to trade, including the Mohongo, to Good- most curious feature of this will be per­ Burial of the Dead. member of the S. P. C. present to pre­ hide from our view the dark future into all, Nelson