Post Office Curiosities. Miscellaneous.—Pistols, loaded car­ Decaying Races. A Home Industry. mousrugs,with life-like figures of striking tridges, torpedoes, medicines, glassware, designs, complete the floor ornamenta­ The native difficulty in New Zealand An Excellent Description of the Oregon tion. There are a great many people in all clothing, soiled undergarments, baby Furnituro Manufacturing Company- Our State aud city justly feel a pride parts of the country who seem to be clothes, hosiery, hair brushes, combs, again calls the attention to the fast­ One ot Oregon's Great Industries. caipentc-r tools, pieces of machinery, dwindling Maori people, one of the most [ in a company of home manufacturers firmly impressed with the ’dea that post­ like this, that produces such splendid TO EJU Y masters, and others connected with the fence-wire, gold and silver watches, jew­ remarkable races of savages with which The following description of the Ore­ work, that competes so successfully in elry, novelties and notions of all kinds, Europeans have been brought in con ­ post office, should at all times, and under all circumstances; hold themselves in shrubs, loots, scions, herbs, fresh and tact. The race will vanish because I gon Furniture Manufacturing Company style, finish and prices w ith any manu-1 readiness tu act as general agents for the ¡ dried, fruits and flowers, six cases of dy­ there are not enough children Lorn to appeared in a late number of the Port­ factory in any part of the world. Mr. public. Indeed, there seems to bo a namite, which were thrown into the supply the gaps caused by death. It is land Daily Bee, and will be read with Low’enstein, the President, is a practical i a curious fact that this tendency to die j manufacturer, who is thoroughly posted , wide spread impression, particularly in East river to prevent serious disaster. great interest: out, observable in so many savage races, ‘ Rut it i3 not only in posting matter in all branches of the business, j the remoto interior districts, that a ■ The pioneers of Oregon who first he having been in the business in Port­ does not depend upon their capacity for ! which cannot be mailed that the public postmaster, in addition to all his other i duties, should act as a sort of walking is careless to a degree almost beyond be­ civilization, nor even upon their willing­ struck their axes into the trees of this land since 1861, then of tho firo^ of After the! Corner First and Yamhill Streets, PORTLAND directory anu universal giver of advice. ; lief. Hardiv a day passes that letters ness to abandon the life of hunters and | State to form their rude 1/iits and work Emil, Lowenstein dr Co. Nor is he thanked for any efforts which unseal -.1, unaddressed, and containing to cultivate the soil. Certain branches ' the maples, ash and cedars into benches, I great fire he took in other firms who were *3 un- any change in their condition of life, ' time as the year 1879 a grand Fair Company. -Mr. Kapus, the secretary, is wou ’ d be held on the Willamette in and causing them to send up fresh shoots { one of our most respected citizens aud a fo answer some of the many questions ¡ sealed registreed letters were received at which would be displayed some of the like hardy plans, under tho most disad- 1 the New York office. They contained thorough business man. The company . - w cm«,« .. - MANUFACTURE AND KEEP ON HAND put to him by unreasonable correspond- , SIZES A: LATEST LUPROI ED STYLES ENGINES AND BOILERS, ents, ho need not be surprised if he is { in cash, $G,8 19 21, and in checks, drafts, vantageous conditions. < )f such races ! moat elegant furniture that had ever has been constantlv gaining and now ALL iurmsh >aw ami Grwt Al .1 M ic ' h ,, -rv, . . .r, qt.-tz Mill«, steam «.nJ ................................. - Hydraulic, Hototing and * all other kind, of M ich n-rr ma le to nrjer Pl n t in 1 e.-timu ■. (nr Mill, and other work, and c anpeteut roundly abuse I for his lack of detail and 17 *.11111 BROs. A WATSON. rorliuMd, •<■. fact, it has grown to be a proverb in the ¡ opes. Not long ago a well known city all countries to w hich they * have been! ! north gallery of the Pavilion are three brought as slaves as to threaten in some ' I bank posted 81,500,000 worth of United dred persons, and distributing their well New York post office that all mad men ! I and women in the country have personal States bonds, which were unregistered instances to swamp entirely the white i rooms devoted to the exhibit of the Ore- earned money throughout the com­ C'om- munity. grievances against Postmaster James or and easily negotiable, in an envelope so and colored population. Tim Kaffirs, gon Furniture Manufacturing Low- pany, of which Mr. Samuel also, when brought under British rule in RATTAN F URN’ITI’RE. some of his efficient and hard worked | flimsy that it broke open before it left PORT fLAíW, OREGON. enstein is President, an»l Mr. such a colony as Natal, show a distinct the stamper ’ s table. Similar instances We must call attention to the fine assistants. For instance, it is no un- ¡ lie at c Lowest Prices Possib' common occui renco for some harmless, j of carelessness could bo repeated almost tendency to increase. Other races lack­ William Kapus is Secretary. N earest rattan furniture manufactured by the the northe ‘HSt- t stairway nUctAL W Ct > wx/ II vv V a U. room 1 we h ive ing the robust vitality pine away and ■ * without numbor. Indeed, it is hardly celebrated Heywood manufacturing com­ $ tr onder!te involving immense sums dled at a rate which cannot be accounted mirror, large marble pier, beautiful side for holding their cards, and all visitors of money and the happiness of many de­ When the ice closed up in the Vega, for by any amount of war aud massacre. i boxes Containing three drawers, each and are invited tu^“take one.” serving people. From long experience and left the stout ship enslaved in those The sentence of death which seems to lie all richly ornamented with elegant draw the unfortunate officers who have to do pulls A permanent washstand elegantly Ancient Wonders. with the class of visitors described have northern solitudes, Professor Nordens- on whole branches of the human race cased in walnut and full white marble appears to issue from the action of some jold wrote a letter to Dr. Oscar Dickson, discovered that the only way to get ri¿ having tho patent combination Ninevt-h was fourteen miles long, eight of them is to take copious notes of the tho main contributor toward the fitting unknown physical law, raid not bo aver­ top, faucets for hot i id cold water. An miles wide and forty-six miles around, tible by any improvement in their con ­ out of the expedition, describing the astonishing revelation contained in their Over 1,000 Sold in Oregon an elegant footrest vith bifid and silk with a wall 100 feet high and thick -I narratives, express consternations at the scenes along the coast. The letter, dis­ dition. We have a striking illustration T. in the last 8 uears. work of e.iutiiiil designs and enough & for three chariots abreast, Baby­ wickedness of the clerks and carriers, patched on the 20th of February, has at of this law under our actual observation. needle 1*1 a •i i^.uliar p^uliur arrangement of teto uariv.l- elegant finish wri light by Miss Hattie lon was fifty miles within the walls, ■inplenient need# only te be »cento be app- and promise close ¡investigation and then last reached its destination, and is now Leaving out of consideration our own uaU>’ Ask your neighbor wbat be th.i' for wl im tho O. F. Co. which were seventy-five feet thick and Jatrgt aborigines, it is evident that the w hole p iblishc I in the London Standard. The abentit. No complfoatioh of lever«. AU. swift punishment of those engaged in done the and 100 feet high, with 100 brazen gates. r. n manage it, and do better work than a ti>. upholstering, the conspiracy. These assurances having letter calls attention, in the first place, Polynesian race is liable to succumb un­ has with a walking plow, andi twice U m quant. of the exhibit IS shown as |»er day. The Temple ■" / of * Diana, at Ephesus, was betn given, the class of visitors referred to a group of islands which are very re- der the same mysterious blight that de mt 1 ( ; 1 other furnishing 420 feet to the support of the roof—it Deere’s 40,60 and 72 Tooih Harrows. Farm, Feed ana Grist MHIs, to usually go away satisfied that they marsable from a scientific point of view’. strok'd the Caribs. As a people they both, i he chairs are in a fair way of having justice done I These islands, the new Siberian, open arc remarkably r.-ady to accept the les­ of this ele ant room conespond in rich- was 100 years in building. The largest RAN O ALL’S PyLVk-R3ZIHG HARROWS 9 them. lu duo time, however, they the book of the history of the world at a sons of civilisation, not merely with the ness and tasteful dit;’ lay with those al­ of the pyramids was 481 feet in hight, eadv discribed. Tin; bed is made up r new place. The ground there is strewn parrot-like acquiescence of the American and 853 on the sides. The base covered nearly al -’Tayt> return with such additions and alterations to their stories as further with wonderful fossils. Whole hills are negro, but with intelligent appreciation with white Marseilles covering, and a eleven acres. The stones are about sixty covered with the bones of the mammoth of men who understand what they h arn. pair of lace work shams, the admiration feet in length and the layers are 208. choucii’ m iv have suggested. Still auoih'.r Front Street, Portland, Orcgoa. John Barrett, and is a part of Ins ex ­ many of them Lave even been in steamer to those islands for a thorough crowding of human beings on the face venient and much employed excuse— aug 2-tf J I dorsed bv the ccrtiticatcs of respecta of the globe does not give sufficient at­ cellent exhibit. that Lis valuable service could not be explanation. tiie PARLOR Lie and prominent citizens, who have At Cape Schelagskoff tha VegT passed tention to the rapid process of depopula­ A.C. GIERS. E.W. BINGHAM. secured. He seem, d io be very much derived benefit from such preparations. the point where the Siberian merchant tion which in one quarter of the world, to the middle room, GIBBS & BINGHAM, surpris' d at this, and left the office de­ as a parlor, and is fit There is no doubt that a great many of claring tuai he “would =e-- the authrities 8'jhalawroff ended his persistent and in­ equals the increase in another. T Attorneys and Counsclors-at-Law. trepid attempts to reach Behring Strait Yet wo maj’ be allowed an occasional oom of a queen. In the«»» “ Liniments,” “ Oils,” etc., so wide­ in Washington about it.” Portland, Oregon. monster mantel ly advertised and freely recommended for Still another class of post office heroes I from the river Lena, by a lonely death, short pause in the hymn of self-laudation National Bank Building. se¡>t 19-lf with gilt frame, I Rheumatism and painful complaints of a who are, perhaps, not classed among the with his whole company of men in a hut which we are eternally chanting, in MsaoNwacaMBMaaHIBiaaaaMaHi on the snow clad shore. Upon rounding similar nature, have genuine merit, and order to eonsidei for a moment th»* fate j lie casts admir- lunatics, are those who insist upon forcing this cape Nordenskjold met the first na ­ of the millions of our fellow creatures Benson’s Capcine t.y face and fine will relieve certain types of the com­ spiritual advice upon employes, and plaints name 1 ; but when Rheumatism, tives seen along that whole coast. They who are withering and »lying away be ­ eview before this making minute inquiries regarding the r since the day Neuralgia and kindred diseases have be­ religious belief of themselves and their sjoke a tongue utterly unknown. Not fore our boastful advance ; more partic­ lOlield beisolf it: come chronic and threaten serious re- families. One of these good people—a a comprehensible sentence could they ularly as the process in Queensland is uttei in any European language. They accompanied bv so very little trouble az.d mirror pools of the suits, you may rest assured that they maiden lady of uncertain ago, who drops A Wonderful Remedy. lived in tents pitched on the sand banks expense. — Brisbane, England, Courier. dauglit» i s have an will help but very little, Although not THECREAÏ In. ere i« m oimpirisor. I^tween It and the eommon down suddenly upon some overworked ----------- » -- -—- —— — Lh>w acting poruu* plaster. It to in every »ray tor looking in a recommended as “ infallible,” the pecu­ box clerk or other accessible officer—has separating the lagoons peculiar to this |*u|or:('r to ali other external remedi#a, including What a Woman Can Do. liar qualities of S t . J acobs O il especially llmimetiti a*id tho eo-cali#.! electrical appliance« II a very disagreeable habit of saying, in a coast from the sea. A hardy, jovial, Icaitains new medicinal eiemunta which lu oambiD« adapt it to those cases which may be handsome race, fur clad, keen at barter, chairs, patent verv melancholy tone, “Well, 1 called to JtHin with rnbiwr, p<>4seMsici»n m your owu locality will conflna U m make the fortune and happiness of h»i ralgia, Gout, and as a general pain relieving and healing raw iiks of an uni- viously withstood all known “specifics” liniment, no preparation on earth equal» tho German »above above state statement. For Lame Beck, Rheunmtlnn, are you pi epared to go I It is some­ ¡»referring u red flannel shirt, a few husband and children, and, if «he t colors and de­ as well as the prescriptions of the best remedv, St Jaeobs Oil. Its remarkable a tion has II r. niaie what remarkable that the lady never brass buttons and the piece of tin foil on I C-ughs ’ • L Cougk, —------- c r.'tii, r bife.'.uH- ’ l — K'dnev«, WLoojdng mystified medical men, delighted sufferers, who after « . (Teecti..ns nothing else, surely this would be mill sign-. One of the most legant things physicians. a cake of soap to golden roubles and sil ­ of thi (Ie-.T-t;..iis ..(th# heart, and all Illa for which puroui waits for an answer to this question, co wars of torturing pain and unceasing doctoring, found [plaster# are used, it 1« t>ini|>ly the best known remedy. cient destiny. By her thrift, prudence ( ver put on exhibition in Oregon in the \\ e woule. mention as an example, the it their only hope and cure; and it has dispelled the SpUitcr« ver coins; they live an active anti healthy ¡Ask _ _____ ■ Ask for Benson* Cipciue l’urous ______ Plaster ________ and text distasteful to an office-holder. Having and prejudices of the most incredulous. and tact she can secure to her partnei wav of a chair, stands in the right hand i case of Mr. A. Heilman, Editor of the doubts p i otiicr. Sold by all dru^gUt* Price 25 . '■ " 1_ ~~ cent*. ___ _ life, ute stone and bone implements, and Many persons occupying prominent stations in life, «s.-iit asked it, she departs at once, without ex­ on receipt receiut of price, Price, by bv Seabury A Johnson, fl and who ate well and favorably known throughout the f ■ Sent and to herself a competency In old age. Pittsburgh Republican, who suffered are without a trace of religion in their Platt Street. New Y ork_____________meh 2Mm corner of this room, being an Egyptian plaining whether rhe “preparation ‘ sLe land, have from their own experience and observation, a ^beginning easy chair upholstered in black satin Rheumatism fur two years. no matter how After customs. Their tents are doubl» ’ , one accorded the most enthusiastic endorsements^ to St. seems so anxious about is for another fate may be with a broad stripe running down vainly using all the best recommended Jacobs Uih or how adverse TO HOUSEKEEPERS! world or merely for some sphere of within the other. The children are Rt- Rev- Blahop Gilm^nr- Cleveland theirs. By her cheerft iln»*-s shf through the centre richly embroidered in remedies, and exhausting the skill of the Ohio« — Th« St. Jacvhi Oil has benefitUd me greatly. There is a combination of economy *-»4 oonvenlenot I d earthly usefulness other than tho ¡«ostal totally nake»l within the ■ inner tent, Ioonsider it excellent for Rheumatism and kindled dis­ restore her husbands lue n«e of and were often seen outside, running can a magnificent row of really beautiful most experienced physicians, without eases. tervice. shaken by the anxiety of business. By and natural looking flowers, by a Port­ even temporary relief, it required only The humors of a delivery window at about on the frozen ground with the Rev- F. W. Fnoholz* WnsfMi Minn — her tender care she can often restore him two bottles of S t . J acobs O il to effect a Used the St. Jacobs Oil in the case of a k y of hu Con­ degrees, temperature down below 32 land lady. o the post office are almost endless. Some gregation who had been bed ridden with rbcuuia'.n'u to health if disease has overtasked his i AN D CAST I BON STEAMEK. On an elegant center table an.* placed permanent cure. Mr. C. Hanni, a well- for 17 years. She used the St. Jacobs Oil for three ¿aye, days ago, for instance, a very pompous- Tne women wear nothing when within and was ablo to leave her bed. powers. By her counsel and love she l our Cooking l'trn«IH nr« the first class medals awarded to this known citizen of Youngstown, Ohio, looking person catne to the foreign win­ the tents except a girdle, ami the men R«»V- Dr. B- Pick- Rochester, Ti- Y — can win him from bad company if temp­ company for their superior furniture ex­ secured for bis wife, who for twelve Suffered Inronplelc wiihoal tkea. have shaven heads. A remarkable sim ­ so intensely from Rheumatic pains tl—t he was dow, and asked: tation in an evil hour has led him astray. hibit at the Oregon State Fair in Salem, years had been a constant sufferer from unable to preach, .several applications of th# St. Ja obs ilarity was noticed between the imple ­ Eiihrr or Both Fitted to any sUt Kettle. “What steamer sails for Germany to­ By her examples, her precepts, and her the Centennial Expo.-itim, PhiHdelj hia, Neuralgia in the head, the services of the Oil “ relieved him wonderfully.” ments, dresses and customs of these peo ­ morrow i H u K o Preyer, Eaq-, Natinnol Candi­ The Staamera will sir# tne pru»e of themaelvM fa sex's insight into character she can mold 1876, aud the Exposition I Tii verseile, ablest phvsicians of the land, but they date for Lient- Governor of Ohio- 1819- two weelu la my family. They can be used with mim ! “Donan. -Sir, replied the clerk in U ple and those of the Esquimaux and [ — It cured me of Rheumatism and I can recommend it. a ivintage In boding, ai It to Impoulbls loburnnMMOr her children, however adverse their dis- ’ were unable to do anything for her ; These people North American Indians, Paris, 1878. hurry. Hon- Thomaa B. Price« U. S- Treas­ vegetable* to tn* bottom of your kettle. When Ui*y positions, into noble men and women. halt a bottle of S t . J acobs O il cured ury Dept • Washineton« D- C « recommends vre use i in »teaming, whatever you ar, rewiring la in- Though armed aie the Tschukt.sobers, Leaning against tlii- tab! “You don know exclaimed the the .-t. Jacobs Oil as the most wonderful pain-relieving siJe of kettle, thereby getting the full benefit of lha her. Mr. Win. Reinhart, Elinore, Wis., and weapons, And, by’ leading ¡¡in all thfegs a true ami ing sofa cushion made by Lone stone and healing remedy in the world, llis testimonial is I heat. They are just wbat i, wanted in oanning frulL other angrily, aud walked otf muttering with endorsed by some of the head officials of the i reasury Either th* Straiusr or Steainsr oan be removed wttto a beautiful life, she can refine, elevate and reports the case of a neighbor who for itinerant, and and, though wild of the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing about the idiocy of post office officers. Mo Department who have been cured of Rheumatism anJ kid'e or fork when hot, and are easily spiritualize all who com»* within reach ; Co. It is of satin body with a center piece twenty four years had suffered so terri­ other gainful complaints. corner, or J-dnU about either that are bard to k*op history. evidently have a Not long ago, one of our German fel­ the •/ dean. Mr« R- Rchafer, No« 31 Brown St., «.Irò ve off the original in- so that, with others of her sex emulating beautifully embroidered in silk repre bly with Rheumatism that, at times, he I Allrghaney low citizens went to the sano window They City« Pa , the Rheun atum eight years, and had used ev ery known medicine with a very’ pale face, and the frightened habitants of the region 200 years ago, and assisting her, she can do more to re­ senting a bouquet of the prettiest flow­ could hardly move around ; a few bot­ for without relief. A single bottle of fit. Jacobs Oil cured generate the world than all the states- tles of S t . J acobs O il cured him. “ To the Onkilons, whose houses, places of Agents will oxli on you ihurtly. ers. roses, lillies, etc., as natural as life exclamation: him. Address men or reformers that ever legislated. cap the climax, ” however, Mr. A. Nei- of moss-grown hear Shcritice, circles ^hnd twice as pretty. A book case and Gustav A« Hellmann. Editor of the “Veil, 1 have done it 1” “ Pittsburg Daily Republican«’’— suffui 1 I James McMurray« skulls and weapons are still to be found She can do much, alas ! perhaps more, to cylinder desk combined stands in the ger, of Taylorville, Pa., writes, that his with “Done what f” asked the clerk. rheumatism for three years, aui lay manr a night to sleep on account of 'terrible pains, i'wo bot­ •ent 21m Faat Portland. Orecan “Veil, I have put me die letter for almost everywhere on the coast. Lieut, degrade man if she chooses to do it. corner and is a rich piece of furniture, mother, who had been a continual suf­ unable tles of St. Jacobs Oil cured him. Who can estimate the evils that woman ferer with Rheumatism for the past my sister, in. Hamburg, la dot post of- Norqvist devoted himself to learning w inch may not be so attractive as some Mr- F- Wilkie. Lafayette« Iud«« report« DuEOIS db KLXlNTGfr, has the jxiwer to do I As a wife she juage. These Indians are on their lan case where a man suffered so badly with Rhsumatiiin fice for ¡Spain, replied the German. of the others but to our mind as rich as thirty years, use I one bottle of S t . J a ­ a that GENERAL AGENTS, lie could not move. His legs were swollen and he the ori inti highway between the cradle can ruin herself by extravagance, folly any here. 1 It is heavily ornamented but cobs O il and was immediately relieved had the most terrible pains. 1 waive hours after the He had, indeed, put a letter for Ger- < Commission and Forwarding Merchanta» application of the bt. Jacobs Oil the pa ns wore many into a drop marked “Spain, ’ and of the human race and the home of the or want of affection. She can make a not gaudy looking. The circular of ail pain. These are results which first Rw Front street. 411 Washington b U m C, gone and th# swelling had disappeared. Port!and,Ogn. Ban Francisco, CM he would not be comforted until it was aborigines of the northern part of North demon or an outcast of a man who might part has an exceeding)v rich front, trulv deserve to be brought to public Mr« Henry Shaefer, Millersburg, Special attention given to the sale of wool. otherwise become a good member of so ­ notice ; but they are not exceptions, as America, and it is not thought that the Ohio« was cured of Rheumatism in the hips. bring inlaiJ with differ-nt kinds of wood Flour. Giatu and Produce In Portland andSn* taken out and put into the German box. ».tlft-lns ___ L*a~, Patriot. WACCNS Ohio- had Frane'srw». will be seen by the numerous other cer­ Mr« Henry STUDEBAKER The same clerk who relates this inci- resemblance between them and the ciety. She can bling bickering-«, strife fonning a most beautiful figure. such a pain in the left shoulder that he could not nwve and discord into what has been a happy tificates from all parts of the United St. Too Jacobs Oil cured him after a few applications. The third room has a € lent tells of a fastidious person who Greenlanders is accidental. The arrival well known to need comm I home. She cm change the innocent The St. Jacobs Oil is for sale by all Druggists, Dealers of the Vega on the Tschulitscher coast States. It should be the duty of every asked a pos' f office employe to “rub his LIBRARY SET, Medicines, and General .Storekeepers at F ifty HAWLE 5« Cent« babes into vile men and even into vile one to call the attention of his suffering in per bottle. tongue over the ¿urn’ on a postage was an event like the landing of Colum­ Made entirely of ash, covered with horse bus in the New World. It was an un­ women. She can lower the moral tone friends and neighbors to this wonderfully Where partle« are unable to obtain the article through stamp. hide, finished to a color to harmonize of society itself, and thus pollute legislaj th* usual sources and cannot induce their druggists to precedented occurrence and made a sen ­ efficacious preparation, especially as the astonished “Wlnit for T asked the order for them, they will, by remitting Five tion at the spring head. She can, in I with the jieculiarlv rich warm huvof our low price of 50 cents a bottle places it promptly sation throughout the region. employe. I Dollar# to us, (per money order or registered letter), r# CELEBRATED East of the Lena, Prof. Nordenskjold fine, become an instrument of evil in­ celebrated Oregon ash. These are up­ within the reach of .all persons, rich and ceiv# Ten Bottles by Express, expenses prepaid. i J miuht “Oh, because I I holstered in the most -substantial man AddreM A. VOGELER & CO« found on shore no scattered blocks of stead of an angel of good. Instead of poor. _________________ contract some di. Baltimore, Md. making Howers of truth, purity, beauty ner, and are a credit to their house. The trade suppll 1 by stone such as arc distributed over a con ­ myself, " was the cult reply. J. G. Davidson, photographer of Port ­ A Grecian lounge of peculiar pattern, MESSRS« HODGE. DAVIS & CO, tinent bv glarieis and such as are found I and spirituality spring up in her foot­ land, don ’ t mislead his customers by UNMAILABLE MATIEP. easv chairs, patent rockers and small ____________ __ Portland Ore- on. r«p£? ‘ m elsewhere in Siberia. This fact was steps, till the earth smiles with a loveli­ promising $G worth of photo work for chairs of the Pompadour pattern, and In spite of official warnings and no­ held to point to the absence of land out ness that is almost celestial, she can Wnloc to npertor to all oUwnfl tices almost without number, people to sea north of that coast, and it excites transform it into a black and arid desert, another of those elegant, combined, cyl­ >5, but simply charges $2 50 per doz. for cards and 84 tor cabinets, and turns still continue to send to the pest office ant.Yipations as to tho possible discover­ covered with the scorn of all evil passions inder desk and book cases very appropri­ Sendjnjcur ordir». oc7-2w THE DALLES, OREGON. articles which cannot be handled or de­ ies which are to be made by the Jean­ and swept by the bitter blast of everlast­ ately and harmoniously designed, make out the very best work. Ii open for the reception of guests, with every tiling M9IA0N a SOM. livered. In the New York office within nette. Not the bast of the peculiarities ing death. This is what woman can do up the substantial furniture of this room. and elegantly furnished. A liberal «litre of the If you are gomi? to paint your house, new i public patronage Is respect fully solicited. The hou-e the past month the searcher department of this strange region is the fact that for the wrong as well as for the light. Here is an ottoman of walnut, covered barn, wagon or machinery, the wonder, will be kept open all night, nud a free coach to and from i »ortland, OregocJ 23 tf j has found in the mail bags and held as the coast appears to be rising slowly out Is her mission a little one ? lias she no with wrought silk, and worsted and satin ful Imperishable Mixed Paint is surely the trains. THOMAS HMUH. oct 2J-3m Fopnerly of the Empire Hot 1. I J. A. STIIOWBHIDGE, ruffled »tanJs in front. unmailable matter the following worthy work as has become the cry of the best, for it is warranted by their of the sea. The inhabitants have to Direct Importer and Dealer fa DRAPERIES. Received Alive.—Rattlesnakes, black shift their villages at times nearer to the late ? Man may have a harder task to I agents in your own town not to chalk, The most elegant lambrequins of raw snakes, copperhead snakes, moccasin edge of the water, which is gradually re­ perform, a rougher road to travel, but LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, a C3-TTNTJ3 crack, peel pr blister; to cover better and ton’s, silks and silk plushes with Swiss lace Hhirp’s nnd ¿Dakes, cats, grasshoppers, bees, hornets, ceding from them. Prof Nordenskjold s he has none loftier or more influential work easier than any other paint. The Im per Ao. 141 Frost BL Winche&ittl curtains, are displayed in the roar of the Ishahic Taint was awarded ttie first premium wasps, alligators, canary bird, potato letter is fail of facts like these, and the than woman s.—London Journal. Rifle*._________________________ R.fle«. all other pain’s, at tlie California 8t d< And Cartridge» of all kind* al reduced ptice*, rooms, and the the walls draped in the over Fair, 1H7S, and tue gold medal at the Oregon .bugs, horned frogs, tortoise, turtles. scientific world will wait with impatience BY WKI. HIX’K «V f-«oN, Thousands of women have observed richest raw silk hangings of peculiarly State Fair, 1878 Get a circular from then Received Dead.—Mice, butterflies, the further publication of the results of Civ« Port’ iih I. Oregon Agent, which exDlaius this wonderful discov­ that marriage means fewer excursions soft colors and unique designs form a ery. Try tne am ami you certainly would humming birds, ruts, insects, squirrels, his discoveries. splendid background to the whole of the have no other. and less ice cream. quail, bugs, pheasant. Cooked Articles.—Plum pudding, A new portable family fruit drier Six of the most eminent physicians m Oregon Furniture Company’s grand ex­ One of the sad lest and most vegatious SOLE AGENTS FUR THE UNRIVALLED j “ No More No More boiled quail, ham sandwiches, bread trials that comes to a girl when she London have signed a paper to the ef­ hibit. best style, may be bought for $85, by ! Kidney Uump amL backache . ____ STANDARD and ESTY ORGANS An elegant carpet of the finest body applying at the B ee office, Portland, and butter, cake, crackers, bread pud­ marries, is that she has to discharge her fect that the music of brass bands may FOE BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS! !D. W. PRENTICE a co., brussels covers all the floors, and enor- Oregon. ping, jelly, cheese, sausages. MuMc Dwhn, Forth»l, Orugoa. mother and depend upon a servant. au 22-tf cause nervous fevers. Hodge, Da vis A Co., Proprietor«’ i THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN OREGON Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries P. SELLING, I K O ST o jgj, J3E s I a A ^iù.grxïcu.ltxxxs i Ï: & Grain Drills, MACHINISTS. i^PorousJ’laster Adjustable Strainer! Sold by Agents for 75c Each. Schuttier, Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons MOLSON & SONS' Beer,Ale andPorter Cosmopolitan Hotel, :n 11 ii Hb^d, buliu Oregon Kidnev Tea ! I