LOCAL BÎCL1 I TIES One of Our Schoo!«. J. B. R. Hutchings returned from Leiter Troni William's < reek. Item* froi:i ‘lie Port. .ycraps of Southern Oregon Lake county last Saturday, bringing a tory, L Yreka has the muui’ps. ..NOV. -i is;& Our correspcndeilt sends Js the foil.»w- One of the chief features of Ashland is E ditor T ilings :— FRIDAY load of deer hides and fu>*s with him. I have waited a lung time, and with, a/ Miss Laura Thornton has returned to lhe deer hides he «ill make up int > its educational institutionx. We have ItëXrae of Smit'»*» Comma’:i. Closing i ing under date qfJfov. 16th, 18» 9; reasonable degree of patience, for some ­ Line* of Travel. L. S. Dvar. of Tankville, is paying the Sceii.8 of lingue Hiver War. Ashland. gloves, while the furs «ill doubtless be now a district school in Avhich three thing to hap ’ ien worthy of record, and I forb a brief visit. teachers find their lime fully occupied The grouhd is ready now, how are »hipped to San Franeisct». The minstrel troupe will giré à per­ after all, in the absence of m >me it us il Avho’.e eamp wes 9oon surrounded. The O. A C. stages leave ä Ashland .'................ aS fol­ The The shrinking of the water in Tub.re «¡th the one hundred and thirty or one occurrences, am ci>mj»elled to deal in un­ tomianee on the 27th inst. lows: Going north, at 7 a . m . ; going the ¡»lows! Th” greater ¡»art of the squaws and chil hundred and forty children in attend­ south, at 6 p. m . The j»e it'le of Linkville want a good Like, Cal., has uncovered a prehistoric Since tho sausage factory opened, we ance,an I a higher school,- under excellent glittering commonalities. Not tha*. I in­ dreri were made captive,together Avith al! hare had no feline concerts. On H. F. Philip» Linkville line, settlement, »^t-me buildings,traces of ca ­ shoemaker. tend to impart information relative to tl'.e effects of the Indians. For an hour I leave every morning at • > <> ch cl . An escort left yesterday for the pay nals once burdered with ¡.¿anted trees, management, in which are taught all the the weather, the changes of the moon, of fruit to A. W. Bish took a load the killing continued whenever an Indi­ Vess, and coin will be plenty next week necting at Linkville with hat* studies of collegiate and preparatory and other evidences of former occupation Lakeview and Fort Klamath, Linkville thid Aveek. the condition of vegetation, etc. I pre­ an could be seen. Old se >res Avere nov in cam]». by an unkno«n race, are being clearly courses, as well as scientific and commer- fer to leave those topics f( a* local journ­ being fettled, as Ka*» plainly denoted by horse stage on Monday, W ednes lay to be settled Chas. H. Gillette seems Dr. Riggles expects to leave herb on ci -.1 courses. We spent half a day at the and Friday. defined as the water subsides. alism to wrestle with. I will nut even die 1st of December. Dr. Kober will be the continued rattling of musketrj as clerk in Fountain A Farlows store. C lb.ge last week, and were trratified to A new plank sidewalk is being laid his successor. venture to intimate that “ the farmer and the sliaq»er reports of the more find the school prospering and so deserv­ I. P. Chan Iler, of Bonanza, came in WEATHER KEP o KT. Fift-. -en condemned government mules upon the bank of the v oolen factory ing of prosperity and success as it seems speeds the ¡»low, for ouly in exceptional dea dly rifles of the volunteers. At last and three horses were sold at auction on last week after another load of supplies. flume on the west side of Main street, The following is the weather report to be. There were at that time upon the instances would such an assertion be all was over, and the troops gathered nt I the 15th inst , and the bidding Aras spir­ Marsh A* Co. have finished the carpen ­ This Avill be appreciated by those who r Ils 115 Haim'S,and seAeral new students correct'as applied to this locality. furnished us by H. C. Hill, fo r the week the now bloody Indian camp. A few ited. ending Nov. 18th: Thermometer re­ ter work on Mr. Olwell’s new house at have struggled ‘ through bl-.ligh th e mud along An unmu.ial ani->unt of wheat lias been Indians Avere captured and brought int.» It has been snoAving here for the past have entered since. corded at 6 a . M. and 12 m . Phoenix. there h,r several w' ite; B. But it will be I AV”ck and we have over a foot of snow on the camp, and it reiiuire 1 all the author ­ hauled, from here to Kerbyville this Sea ­ The average age of the students, ex­ The female ¡»edestrians who won fame merely an aggravat on unless some kind cepting tlio.se of the primary department, son, where it only bring- !•»> cents. TH ER MT It WEATHER DATE ity that the officers could exert to ’>re- the giouiid Sleigh i'ding is the fashion Pe I here at present. at San Francisco are now exhibiting <>f a respectable crossing be made across is about sixteen years. A number of 12 M. r, a . M. The Messrs. Biglows are the champion veiit them from being immediately Mr. Gunnisml, formerly carpenter at the m<>uth of Granite street. themselves in Portland. 36 46 Rain................... 12 them h ive been teachers and are here raisers of vegetables, for a large pnrtion I killed by the eniaged men, av I io remem­ the Agency, brought lii.s family up here 57 Oi 13 The Oregon Railway and Steam Navi- Avith the earnest purpose ? of better pre- of Avhivh they find a market at R »seburg. bered the treacherous murders of their last AveeK. lie is tilling the position of Egtrs are not to be found at the Ash­ 56 40 14 Cd'y................. friends and would not have spared a sin­ Post Wheelwright, made vacant by the gation Co. have purchased rails in E ng- paring themselves for their chosen voca­ land stores. The liens have quit laying, 4L» A vast am »lint of sickness has been 41 15 Rain................... gle one of the heartless savages. Gener­ death of Hiram Fields. land for a narrow gauge i railro: railroad to be tion in lite. There is a class of Fresh­ because they no market. 40 29 16 Cle’r................... experienced here this season. Chills, 43 46 “ ................... 17 For sale at a bargain a good Taylor built at once ft .on W allula down the Co­ men in the classical course) who purpose fever and flux have been the ¡»revailing al Lamel ick knew the temper of his men, G rand J ura R eport . —The Grand Il 30 33 • •••« • • • • 18 knew that many of them had had rela­ X Fralev organ. F’o'r particulars inquire lumbia river to Celilo, a distance of 150 graduating Avith two capital letters at­ complaints. Jury empanneled for this ♦erm of Circuit miles. When this road is completed tached to their names, and a large nuni- tives killed by the Indians, and for the be given bv the ladies of the l’res- meetings are being held in the College that will greatly improve the apjieaia.'ice outskirts of the Indian eamp. Captain jail in good order, but Would recommend cendiary last week and totally destroyed, tion in those branches which are most i byterian Church on Thanksgiving Day building, beginning at three o'clock. Smith «as a note 1 Indian protect..r, an l that disinfectants be used freely on ac­ together with 16,60») bushels of grain, useful in common business life. The of their valuable farm. will leave the same at Mrs. A. V. Gil- Tims. Bish, who recently bought the half wheat and half oats. The loss is The upper saw mill has phoeilixed and b»*ter!y complained to the general of the count of bad ventilation. fcW> further Profess trs conducting the higher depart­ find the county hospital nut very com­ lettes as early as possible. Cold Spring property on the Linkville heavy upon m in} farmers, « ho had ments, Messrs. Rogers and Nichols,both is ready to run. wayw.irdness of the volunteers, But fortable for patients and a want of clean­ N ew O fficers . — The tollowing officers road, moved out with his family this their entire harvest st ne I in the ware graduated in the degree of Master of W’e have some young ladies on’ W il­ how could the general watch all » f his liness ” week. of Ashland Lodge No, IX!», I. ( ». G. T., house awaiting sale. The loss Aits at the same college in the East, and liam s creek who are called the “Sor­ nieii! Heligiouie Not ire«. No signs yet of Mrs. Geisel and lici­ Rich. Huthinson, Jr., of Langell val- §30,000, insurant” §10,000. were installed Lust Friday evening for the They re awfully SAVeet. have both ha i long experience in teach­ ghum girls. ! liev. M. A. Williams will preach in the ensuing quarter: W. C. T . T. O. An- ley, is stopping at Mrs. M. W. H; arga- The Walla W'alla Sl ifi sai'tn says : The ing, Prof. Rogers having been for several One of the disadvantages of having children, nor of Mis. Wagner. To tile Ashland Presbyterian church to-morrow inquiries where they were,the captive In- (>a urday) afternoon at 2 o'clock and drews; W. V. T., Augusta Sisson; P. dine s, and will spend the winter in immigration to this country is very large years President of the University at young ladies as post mistresses is: 1 dians would answer by ¡Hunt ing (1» itn the Sunday morning at the usual hour. W. C. T., C. H. Gillette; W . C '., Cassius Ashland. yet Every day a large number arrive by Napa, Cal. They are both avì le awake, young men don’t ahvavs think river. At last one young squaw said Walker; W. S.,W. H. Leeds ; W. Treas., < hl Thanksgiving Day union service« The brick masons are the train, and long trains of teams, from ¡»regressive and t! ioron'h in their ¡>r >- mail, even when going cxpresslA* will be held in the Ashland Presbyteri­ that she dsl not kn >w Avhere Mrs. W ag ­ Lida Reeser; W’. I*. S., Geo. Eubanks; time <>n the new building, all points between Northern Minnesota fession, and their iqvthods are tho.se <>f thr mgh thinking vividly of the an church at the morning hour—sermon W. M., Mary Givan; W. 1. G., Mary days of go al weather, and and Southern Texas, wind through daily. the most advanced ed.icitors in the Such, at least, is oft the result this ner was, but thought she «as dead, had Ly Rev. L. L. Rogers. not seen her since they left the Big Neil; W O. G., Marsh. Wagner: R. H be finished. As a rule, the immigrants are all of the country. To those who have not kept latitude. U nion S abbath S chool ,- Every Sun­ i Mba'lows, a mouth before. Mrs. Ge’scl K., Lizzie Hargadine; L. H. S., Mollie Expeditions to EL Donaghy, Henleys popular mer- very Lest class. Their ¡»rincip il destina­ themselves posted in edu ational matters, day morning at 10 o'clock in the Presby­ been and her children were down the river terian church. A cordial invitation ex­ Russell. chant, sc Us gone 1s che tper than they can tions are the Palouse and Spoakaile coun­ it is somewhat difficult t > realize that numei »us tins season, nor have a?iy new there has been as much i-r igress m the (iis.-over:cs worth mentioning been made. with a small band < f Indians on a creek tended to all. How Yreka be bought elsewhere between Portland tries. on the same side of the river as that on A t the M. E. C hurch ,- There wil- gained and San Francisco. We have been requested to announce science and art of teaching wltl.in the last The crowd tlun went out in August got Journal sees an which the tro ps no«- were. She did not be regular services every Sunday at 11 half century as in any of the liberal s 1- caught in a severe rain storm, and haff to by the farmers A valuable poodle dog has been foun 1 that on the *_'2d of Ft-’. 1 :ary next, Wash­ know as they were yet alive, but they a . M. ; Sunday school at 2 r. m . ences or liberal <-i* meeh.-.nical aits. B-.t I return wuh “wings a lroop ¡.ke rained-on in the building of a good «agon r u»d in Ashland. The owner can recover h in ington’s Birthday, another entertainment M ere a feu* (lays before. L. L. R ogers , Pastor. let anyone who remembers the m »de oi fowl." A tri » of in lividuals returned from from Jacksonville to Crescent City which by calling at this office and paying cost « ill I e given in th« College to make up ----------------- ---------Ï Tiie Indians AVcre u > av scattered ai.d ______ , .................. . .... .... imiioit.mt the amount expended for the ;,pj>aratr.s. teaching i.i vogue thiny o.* firty years tiiC CUVC i.- la t _ week, and Avhat\s has not been mentioned prominently of this advertisment. A si»i.< i A l N otices « their tribe utterly broken up. All that Every ¡»ublic huliday before that time is ago and still p act ice I in many schools, is, one of the trio was Samuel L. Simp- heretofore. The fact of onr farmers At a spec'al meeting of the Town remained to do w.is to hunt them up and finding a much better market for their Board on Tuesday evening the bonds of already booked fin- some entertainment, where fossilized ideas reign, pay a visit son, from yvliose facile pen the reading NOTICE. gather them together on a reservation. and the faculty of the College make their to the Ashland College, and the improve- public may soon expect an intereating produce than Siskiyou county offers will the Rec »r ler, Treasurer and Marshal The combined force of volunteers and l announcement thus early ill the fear that monts whieh the years have brought will ami classical sketch descriptive of the relieve the Siskiyou farmers of the •‘ru­ L and O ffice at l’oseburg, Oregon / were receive I and accepted. regulars now encamped together. Some I Wellington's day might also be seized be rea lily seen. subterranean splendors of this great nat inous conq»etition,’’ which they now com­ Nov. 17th, 1879. f of the sijiiaAVS «ere sent out to induce John Ralph has s >ld his half of the lot tnussed recitations recitati''lis by classes claSs.T, in ural w inder. There was one niel We AVitnessed j iqion by someone else. plain of at the hands of Southern Oregon Notice is hereby given that the follow­ between H >u -k s hotel and Phillips’ liv­ several studies, stu lies, and ami were jurtic..'. pirticnlarly connected with the expedition, however, I the Indians to come in and make jieace, ing named settler has tiled notice of his farmers. ! Strange how easy it is to miss your ery stable on Main street to O. R. Myer pleased with the methods employed cmployei in which 1 am fearful he will not fully de- i and to deliver up their prisoners, and intention to make final proof in support tells of a re n- E xtensive C attle B usiness . — A cor­ for §325. The lot is about 20 x 100 feet. I man. The Co »s Bay A teaching arithmetic and English grammar scribe, as he was far too active at the account for th se whom they had mur­ of hi.-- claim, and secure final entry tl e*e- I counter between two of the most resDect- <>f at the expiration of thirty days from respondent writes to a Willamette valley . . . . . 1 - two branches of study of the greatest time participating in the exercises to take : dered, if any such there were. Nelson Rammage has sold out his inter­ I j ed citizens, in which one tried to sho »t the dat!» of this notiefe, viz: James F. exchange: Few persons in Webfoot are prae’ical imp »rtance. In arithmetic the i notes of the performance. He will n-»t 1 At 10 o’clock the next day the squaws Wells, Homestead Application No. 2,375 est in the furniture bufine is in Linkville I the top off the other's hea 1, aware of the extent of the stock business had not reBniied, but the ever vigi'ant for the S. W. J of N. W. j, See, 17, E. and has j and, instead, ¡mt a bullet in his own jmjiils are taught principles, an I the be likely t-> tell how he arose at the dead to his partner, Harry in Harney valley and vicinity. Devine spies reported a squad of Indians four 1 of N. E. | and N. K. J of S..E. L Sec- winter. thumb, Magee gr.isjied Bailey by the most direct ami practical methods of hours of midnight, Avent out to see to and Todhunter, probably the most ex­ come to Ashland to miles belo«’, having in their possession 18. T. 38 S. R. 1 East, and mpnes the plying them, and are then given a the welfare of <>ur Arabian steed an an­ tensive dealers, are men of great enter­ Mr. H. Smith Will btiil 1 his black ! beard, and Bailey drew a revolver and variety of problems, such as are i Mrs. Geisel and her children. Oneliun f ¿lowing as his witnesses, viz: J. C. imal a little larger than Myers' Shetland ' I tired three shots at Magee, failing to give Durkee of Jackson county imd T. J. prise, and haVe been i ngaged in the bus­ smith shop large enough fo" a wag< m di ed men under Captains Augtir and Ab­ Bell of Ja kson county, Oregon. eonmionly met in ordinary business life. iness since 1861. They have 12,000 or shop, also, and Mr. Ralph intends t<> be ' him even a scratch, but lodging one bul­ Two classes were revi Cwing the principles pony and how the aforesaid steed 1 bott started doAvn to attack them, but W m . F. BENJAMIN, Register. charged up->n his hardship (seemingly 15,000 here in the valley, and 15,000 or at his old place as soon as the building is let in his own hand. were met ( n the way by the returning of calculating interest, ami the rapidity from no other prem to the rm a Ute i 2,000 and 3.000 head Of beef, an I brand­ this city during the season,aud yet there | them an arrangement was made fol* the cc 1 to the late firm of M. W. Hargadine days, was truly ast mGhing. Indian Av.ir-d nice over the prostrate Kub'i A 1 Bo t vs. Wm. Bybee, Jesse, ed last year 5,000 or 6,000 calves. They is not one noAv to be had for love or In hans to surren ler and deliver up their are hereby notified that fhfe notes and In gr.unmai the end snight is to teach E. C. and T. M. Robinson and A. W. form of the Webfoot laureate, and ho«-, accounts of said firm having been plat 41 employ nearly 100 vaqueros and use money. I I H iwkett to recover money. Jury re- the stu louts t > speak and write correctly, with a celerity that Hazn-el might have prisoners. Upon this being* reported to in mv hands for collection, prompt jay- more than 200 saddle horses. To select from a choice assortment of * I turned verdict in favor of defendant, Wm an accomplishment which is very rare, envied, the laureate picked himself up Old John, he objecte 1 vehemently, but ment of the same will sav6 co4t atiks. suite 1 to the painter’s brush than the i ! A shland , Not. 4*. !879 3f mine, making the other owners responsi­ The study of grammar will be remem- once surrender. The Standard of the 14th says: “hi dis­ Baum's store. port's pencil, If he could hold out at ble for the debt? contracted. Having nearly all the squaws and ■ beiv 1 as a b lgbear, a set of in • >mpre- For Sale Cheap ! cussing the alleged fraud perpetrated by the s une rate of Jrt by those who studied 1 Lot Sugar Pine lumber, Life Insurance Company, one of the at­ of Evi Seibring in this county last winter, and disbursements. no trouble but «hat the Astley belt i 1 L >t Yellow Pine lumber. and endeavor to effect the release of the at the whittle 1 benches in the district A. S. Moon vs. Francis Ball t<> recov­ torneys for the plaintiff’ yesterday made has serx’ed out his sentence he died a «'oil! 1 co.ne to Oregon. The steed,luck­ 1 Lot Shakes. st hools of a few years back. prisoners rnd the surrender of the Indi­ But gram­ er money. Postponed to next t rm. S fair proposition, which,if taken up,« ¡11 short time ago. ily, brought up at the end of the rope, 1 Lot Shingles, ans. After a long talk with the chiefs, mar as taught by Prof. Rogers can not C. D. Reed and E.l. Langley vs. 11. De- Tons Alfalfa hay, 6 speedily settle the case. He says that if an 1 hence the poet was spared to write S'inervisor IT. F. Phillips has been ! niff’. Plaintiffs' demurrer sustained. av I io ref use I at first t» either surrender only be easily comprehende l*by children, Fol* sale at Eagle Mills. the Elliotts deny that the man called making much nc'ded'imnrovements in ami run again. Seriously speaking, I R ixana and T. J. Farris vs. .1. H. Hayes but is j ¡foresting, ail 1 miy l»c a »;»’.i 1 or deliver up the captives, Brown at Frank Williams is Moses Elliott, and the cond t.ion of Main street in the busi­ have smm - good news t > e- mmuuiea^e i et. al. — suit in equity, title for dower, Farmers. Attention ! if they will have him brought here where ness ua’ t of t >wn, digging gutters, filling Defendants demurrer sustained, and io the every day u ;; of language Ly every to the literary world. Mr. Simpson is last told them that all the prisoners in the hands of the troops Avotild be killed M oses Elliott is known, and it is not ¡»L.iiitiffs granted leave to tile amended student in the class. If at the end of a m>«* engege 1 in the preparation of a vol­ U]» mu 1 holes, etc. Messrs. Foifntai Y FarHw, tit tho' common school cou se in grammar the if they harmed Mrs. Geisel and her chil­ co.iiplaint. proventhat he and Moses Elliott, who it I ume of his admirable poetical effusions Farmers Ktore, will pay the highest mar­ As will be nntieel in the a lvartise- R. D. Hull vs. G. T. Sly to recover pupil can write an ■ r liuary letter without for publication, comprising many new dren, and did not deliver them up the i ket ¡uict-for 1,000 bushels of oats and. is claimed was drowned in the Columbia next day. At this ¡mint they agreed to 1,0.10 busl.els of wheat. They will give any errors w - should consider the course river, aTe identical, the suit will be me’it, the committee of general arrange­ ! money. Postponed. poems in addition to the fugitive pieces .1. Orth vs. Urban Labourdette suit­ successful beyond question. The true the terms offered, but said that they you goods at cash ju ices in exchange for ments have adde I the name of Dr. Chit­ dismissed. heretofore so warmly received and so 11-tf coul 1 not deliver up Mary Geisel, as she wheat and oats. wood to those of the reception committee in equity for injunction. Decree granted. test, the great desideratum, is ability to highly appreciated. This is a move in i «as, < 'WHIVNMM Thos. Smith vs. S. Caro and M. Baum use language correctly, an 1 we think the B ad C haracters . The Southeastern of tho Masonic festival. belonged to a young chief who had said to recover m mey. Plaintiff granted methods employed by Prof. Rogers in accordance with the long and earnest i that he would die before he wou'd part part of Lake county and the Northern Now To- av. The Good Temnlars have entertain­ leave to file an.-ended complaint. demands of the reading public and in border of California seem to l»e infested ments in their lodge evew two weeks now, his instruction iir this branch are emi­ Avith her. The next (lay Mrs. Geisel and the. success of which all intelligent Ore- L. D. Caldwell and M. J. Courtnay vs. with ail unusual number of outlaws and her little daughter Anna were brought nently adapts I to secure the chief end in GBAND BECEPTZ01T, the next being one Week from to-night. K. Kubh — io quiet title and f »r injunc­ gonians will rejoice with becoming state desperadoes this year, judging from the They intend to give s »me public enter­ tion. Piaintm given leave to file amend­ view. into camp. To the deimnds that Mary pride. F number of attempts made at horse thiev- 1 tainments during the Avinter. ed complaint. be given up, they steadily refused, with­ In all the teaching nt the College there N ovember Gth, 187!). ing, robberies, etc. A gentleman recent- j W. Patterson A* Co. vs. S. C. Palmer is apparent a vast superi >"ity over that out a heavy ransom. Charley Brown Hume's cannery at E'l1olTshurg has, —to foreclose lien. Dismissed at Plain- ly arrived from the vicinity of Lakeview made several ineffectual trips to too numerous class of instructors, so Thanks*;! vi ks, an I who h ive eliur h next Thursday will consist of the they would all be killed by the enraged A. T. Wright came over from Oro man gave a concert at Houck s Hall last have been obliged to leave their old troiqis unless they surrendere l her, did TO Rc CIVEN BY ASHLAND LODCE, NO. 23’ j neifi . • abilty nor tho courige to I following: haunts, and arc apparently gravitating Fino l.i«t Satin* lav to attend the Ash­ Saturday evening. The concert was not step out f >r a moment from the nirrow- he succeed in escorting her into thecamj» THE DINNER A. F. &' A. M. toward the mining regions of Nevada and land C »liege. He reports »prosperity in as entertaining as some are: but consid­ est ruts. part of the of the volunteer» anti uniting her with I Will be given in the lower his mining onerations of the jest year, a erable merriment was caused at the close Montana. If they ho]»ed to ride over Masonic Hall at one o'clock-, r. m . A her mother a.*»d sister under the protec­ I Jackson Con .ty »¡parting Club. tour-stamp mill having been built upon of the musical performance by the offer­ the country and appropriate what they cordial invitation is extended to all, and tion of her friends. ing of a prize in the shape of a guitar to wanted without resistance from the set- i the ledge. A vote of thanks was tendered to Char­ Programme for the races on the 24th a feast «ill be served such as no one has tiie young lady who should be voted the (). A. Gunnison at K'amath, has been most popular in town. The audience and 25th of December, 1879, on the any right to eat on any othe r day. Tick­ lev Brown, and a Avritten certificate f- tiers, they made a great mistake in the ets 50 cents. In the evening at 7 o'clock a that effect given him. by the ass< uibl >d At Ashland, on Christinas Ève; temper of the ¡»eople, as the five dead appointed post carpenter at the Fort. were all wed the “right of suffrage ’ at Bybee race track: horse thieves we have heretofore men­ The fwisition he vacates at the Agency the rate of ten cents a vote, and Miss F irst D ay . ' hie-lialf mi’e an 1 repeat MUSICAL AND I.JTEI! ARA' ENTERTAINMENT troojis for the heroism exhibited by him tioned furnish abundant testimony. 'The will be filled by Mr. J. A. C.art’ieh, of Mattie Russell received the highest num­ free for all horses in the District. Will be given in the Presbyterian in his effurts to secure the liberation of Everybody Invited to* ber of votes, and the guitar. A vote w;w heroic treatment apjdied to such cases as this place, who will remove with his fam­ next taken irionthe male population,and Purse, §50; entrance fee for the same, church. The ¡'Yograiiune is as follows: Mrs Geisel and her chil ben. Prayer. i Attend ! theirs will have a good effect in raising ily to the Agency next week. < >f Mi s. Wagner nothing lias ever been Prof. W. I. Nichols was decided to Be ©o. Anthem “ I will sing of the Mercies the individual moral character of the definitely known, except that she is i Foot race, 300 yards, free for all in the of the L >r.l. The Ashland Woolen Mfg. Co. are still the “handsomest man in town.' Besides the lion r, he received a prize — a ¡»air of I community to a higher average. I District. Entrance fee §5, fees to go Ilea ling — Thanksgiving p »cm, by 1 dead. i receiving orders for goods faster than striped hose of the infantile ¡»attern. Supper will be served in grand style Irene Wrisley. The Indians surrendered and «ere with the purse. Purse, 825, they can fill them. They have extende»! in the ne« Masonic Hall. , R oad I mprovement . — At the last ses­ Quartette—“Della Snow.” placed on reservations, and the Rogue R etort of S urveyor .- J. S. Howard S ei i » nd D ay . Trotting race, mile their trade territory b >th north and Ad Iress—“Main Strength an l Awk- sion of Congress, says the R(»seburg Sfar, River War Avns elided. south, and send goods in eonsulerable returned on Tuesday from his preli.ui- heats, best two in three, purse §100, en­ Wardness, ’ by Prof. . I. Nichols. an appropriation of ten thousand dollars Dall in Houck s Hal! nary survey of the new wag m road to trance tec, §10. Free for all horses that Quartette—“Oh Water,bright Water." L ocal A da ertising .— A contemporary was made for the improv*m«nt of thè quantity to Eastern Washington Territo­ Tableau—“Summer and Winter.” Crescent City, He rep >rts an easy grade never trotte l for public numey, in the COMMITTEE OF CZN-RA^ ARRANGEMENTS—' old military road between Scottsburg, in ry. Recitation “Order f-T a Picture, by puts the nutter of local advertising very a *, that the highest point on the District, composed of the counties of Hundreds of tons of freight arc lying ail the wav. this county, and Camp Stuart in Jack- Kate Thornton. correctly 1 "and pointedly in this wise: CAPL J M. M -CALL, H. C. HILL. route will be only 3,000 feet above the sea Jrtcks >n, Lake, Siskiyou, Jocephine and Duet — From “Ofir Merry Swiss “When business men of a town fail to son. Nothing more was heard of this in the Avareho’ises at R"»sel»in*g awaiting level, <>r 2,509 feet lower than the S.ski- T. O. ANDREWS, Douglas. Horae. matter, (and we Avere about to give up in shipment to Jackson county. 1 he roa is you pass, and that it e >uld be t avele.l at advertise extensively they’ diminish the Tableau—‘ Execution of Lily Jane Running race, single dash of one mile, n r. P hillips , j. s bubáwk », He estimates desj»air) until last Wednesday evening, are in a miserable condition now, but a all seas» ns of ths year. importance and tri le of of the pl ice, n d Grey. ” when Lieuts. Tho*. W. Simons and John week of good weather will make them at the cost of its const ruction at 810,0)0, fret*for all horses in the District, purse Declamation — “Confession of a Drunk­ permit more enterprising localities to and states that the firm of Johnson A §25, entrance fee 8'5. “RECEPTION OOMMITTtt- least passable, and then the teams will ard, by W. Gore. 8. Parke arrived in this city for Ac ¡un­ take the latter from them. Although seek­ Malone, of Crescent City, offer to sub­ All trotting races to be in harness. DR. J. H. CHITWOOD,’ Operatic Piece—“Cupid and Mam­ ing their individual interests, advertisers pose of examining the road, so as to as­ be put in motion again. scribe one-fourtlr of the stock. A meet­ mon. ” National Trotting Association rules tn W. II. ATKINSON and G. fi. Bt'TLEB, certain the placo most needing improve­ The large stock of merchandise ordered ing of citizens has been called for to-mor­ govern trotting races. Pacific Coast should be looked on by the citizens of Recitation — “ Flower Girl," by Hattie ment and when the expenditure of this for Thatcher A Worden by Mr. Thatcher row afternoon st the court house at rules to govern running races. Ireefor Thornton. the town where they reside as in some HON. C. C. BEEKMAN and GEN. T. G. BEAMES, Jacksonville^« inaugurate decisive action. fcppropiation should be made. Both of on his recent visit to San Francisco will I DR. D REAM and JA’. VAN CI, a1!, means just whr.t it says*in the run­ Q iT’tette—“Roger the Tinman.” sense pu »lie l»enel‘actors, and they should I Reading — “ Buck Fanshaw ’ s Funeral, ” ning races. the gentlemen are still in this city, but arrive at Linkville sh< rt\v, an 1 will be D rowned .—Frank IImke and Peter be eneonr;*.gred accordingly. One mer­ CAPI* O C. APPLEGATE and H M. THATCHER The following is the C<**.nm:ttf-e on by W. H. Leeds. as soon as the weather permits will pro­ arranged for the inspection of purchasers Thompson, of Josephine county, were chant who advertises extensively is worth OCL. ¿G. WHiPPLEand CATf. D. J‘. TÈRREE T>leau—Stat ue, 4 ‘Justice. ” c'eneral arrangements for the Jackson ceed on their mission. Lieut Simons is in the new brick store. drowned on the 11th inst. while atteiir t- to his own town more than forty that R • itari m— “St. V;dentine'» Day.” Conn» a * Sporting Club: never show themselves in print, and going to Jackson county, and Lieut. S .L> Ry Ottie Dunn. Turkeys had better roost high; avc ing t- fi’i'd the Illinois river vvith a wa.’ .n -----F100» MANAQE3S------ Jacob Ish. James McDonough, John s’v»u’d be f n this reason*alóne preferred, Ch-rale. When nearly Parke to Scottsburg. The amount ap- have heard that a committee has lieen ap- and a span of horses. J R. ECBAVK8, JB. ' assuming, tha?he is, ->1 Night Song. firopriated is insignificant, but if proper- i pointed to scour the count y and bring across the river the horses baulk»-1, were II. R >ss, C. C. Be kman, David K-tnnon, business man. ” The price of admission to the above thr >wn fro-'i their feet, swej>; d ovn by Win M. Turner, <’’> is. Nickeli^ Geo. y expended will be of great advantage to L F. nOTKEELLOAF, A’,’. A. WILSHIRE. the traveling public and more especially in all stray birds of this secies for the the swollen stream, and drowned with Coek.-.ey, Davi I Penniv'er, John Wi lson, entertammcn; will be 25 cents. Follow­ TK.KET» I Oi lr g rJ. j 9'1........... S f ’ so T.o >k in an ther column for Jas. Well’s to the farmers and businessmen of Jack- 1 Thanksgiving dinner. We suppose, of the two men. The bodies of both men J. A. Cardwell, Ge >. Stephenson, E. IL ing this will be an oyster -upper in the Masonic Hall, tickets. 25 cent" were recovered. Autenreith and J. W Manning. I homostead notice course, they will go after dark. son county. THE ASHLAND TIDING.^- I I I i ! I