Georgia’s Fortunes. Among the beautiful £^1 That hang on memory's wall, Is one of a dirh old forest That Beemeth best of all. Not for its gnarled oaks ollen, Dark with the mialetoe; Not for the violets golden That sprinkle the vale below; Not for the milk-white lilies That lean from the fragrant hedge Coquetting all day with the sunbeams, And stealing their golden edge; Not for the vines on the upland Where the bright red berries rest, Nor the pinks nor the pale, sweet cowslips, It seemeth to me the best. I once had a little brother With eyes that were dark and deep— In the lap of that dim old forest He lieth in peace asleep. Light as the down of a thistle, Free as the winds that blow. We roved there in beautiful Bummers, The Summers of long ago; But his feet on the hills grew weary, And one of the Autumn eves I made for my little brother A bed of the yellow leaves. How They Have the “Ager” In Kansas. Giving Advice to a Bank. Reopened. SMITH BROS. & WATSON. _____ The well known house of Clarke ¿r Henderson, of Portland, has been re­ AND KEEP ON HAND ___ opened under the stylo of M. W. Hen­ ALL SIZES & LATEST MANUFACTURE IMPROVED STI LES ENGINES AND BOILERS, Furnish Saw and Grist Mi.l Machinery, complete; Quartz Mills, Steam »nJ Hydraulic, Hoisting and all derson it Co. They open with a large other kind'« of Machinery made to order. Plan, and estimate.'« for Mills and other work, and competent stock of fresh goods, and are selling oti men funiixhei when d sired to set up machinery. Also manufacture Gold's Patent Hygeian Furnace for heating houses, public buildings. etc. Have best facilities for turning out first-class work at short no­ the old stock at greatly reduced prices. tice. Repairs promptly attended to. Sep 17 SMITH BROS. A M ATsOW, Portland, Ogn. People throughout Oregon and Wash­ ington Territory can secure splendid bargains during the continuance of this ft sale. Write for samples and prices. The undersigned has Just been appointed Sole Agent for Oregon, Washington and Idaho, for M. W. H enderson , FREEAIÆN «*> 0093**0 Portland, Oregon. TROW A seedy individual, rural in his gener­ I am disposed to doubt whether we al appearance and make-up, strolled into The two things which will be apt to shall have a millionaire in Georgia for the Third National Bank yesterday dur­ years. We do not make money rapidly, strike a fresh sojourner most vividly in ing business hours, and observing Fab. as in the large centres of speculation and Kansas will be the ague and the general capital. It is a notable fact that out of recklessness. Both seem to be integral Sawson, Receiving teller, counting a the whole list of rich men I have dis­ parts of the population, and both are package of money, nodded pleasantly, covered there is not a single merchant. invariably ignored. In no town of and said, “still a handin’ of it out?” “Yes,” replied Lawson, “still crowding Cotton or speculation or manufacture Southern or Western Kansas will the it on the people.” have made these magnates. The mer­ moat careful inquiries develop traces of “ Ain ’t you a leetle too handy here?” cantile business is being reorganized in any ague. People will declare upon their the South and the new order of things souls that, though “they do have ager” continued the stranger. Extensive Manufactory of “How so?” said Fab. is hardly established yet. It is prosper­ in W. or A. or B., within a few miles of Ferneries, Wardian Case«, Aqnarlnms, Fountain«, A new portable family fruit drier. drier, “Why, strangers, passin’ ’long on the W Indow Boxes, Flower Munds and Bracket« ous, to be sure, but it has not yet pro­ their particular locality, there was never best style, may be bought for $85, by of all kind*. Lawn Vases and Orna­ duced gigantic results. There are in a case known in the limits of their own sidewalk and seein’ your sign so con­ applying at the B ee office, Portland, ments a specialty. , ——— Atlanta half a dozen firms worth from town, and if they do not happen to have spicuous like, must be runnin’ in every Oregon. I am prepared to furnish all articles at manufacturer's plica au 22-tf $250,000 to $300,000. Fully as a “chill” before they finish speaking they few minutes to borrow money.” NO GOODS CARRIED IN STOCK. “So they do ,” returned Lawson. Perchoron Horses. many in Savannah, nearly as many will very likely believe their own words Everything shipped direct from the manufactory. “Ain’t it a good deal of bother waitin’ All parties on the North Pacific Coast in Augusta and Macon, one or two in to a certain extent, so the roughly does SAMPLES ON EXHIBITION on ’ em? Must take up a good deal of that have given this stock a fair trial, Columbus, outside of the factories, and each Kansas inhabitant trust in the At my otfl 'e. Beautifully illustrated 50-Page Catalogue and Price List sont free on receipt of 10 cents, which may after­ are pleased with them. aul9-tf one or two in Athens. These firms are superiority of his own portion of the your time.” wards tie deducted when the first order is sent in. “Yes’ it is some bother, that’s a fact, getting stronger every year, but they State. Yet there are some portions of «■ lu mnklntg any purctnun* or In The Beanttful Combined Aquarium an«l Flower will be dissolved by death or otherwise, Kansas where the ague is so constant but we like to accommodate everybody, writing Stand, shown iu this advertisement, has ■ in rwtponse to any advertise­ Cilobe capable of holding IJi gal­ before they get much heavier. It is that the people seem to look upon it as you know. Can’t turn away a stranger ment In till* paper you will pleane iueu> lons of Waler, doubtful if there are six mercantile they do upon breathing—as a natural just because we ain’t acquainted with tion the name or the paper. And room for three full sized Flower Pots, handsome!) Sweetly his pale arms folded bronzed, complete, for 13 W. A Hanging Aquarium, firms in Georgia that do over a million consequence of existence. They have him.” something Just out, is sold for ?2 00. Other articles at My neck in meek embrace. “Lose some, I suppose?” interrogated NOTICE to the traveling public: proportionately low figures. Address dollars a year of business, and the most “chills” the year around, and have them As the light of immortal beauty L. »AMVEL, the stranger. : Tiie “ Cosmopolitan Hotel. ” The finally so habitually that one can tell an of those who do have several partners. Silently covered his face. aug 28 ap-Im 113 M rrison street, Portland, Oregon. ! Dalles. Oregon, will open for the And when the arrows of sunset “ Oh, yes. ” old ague sufferer instantly by the It is a question if there is any single of guests on the first of Lodged in the tree-tops bright. “Folks drop in and get what money I reception merchant in Georgia that has an income methodical manner in which be shakes, November. 1S7D, witli cvcrvtliing He fell in his saint like beauty, of $50,000 from his business and yet as if he knew from experience exactly they want and then forget all about it. new and elegant. TH OS. SMITH. Asleep by the gates of light. Prop’r. at even $40,000 a year profit If a man what particle of flesh would shiver next Or perhaps they send it in a letter anil Formerly of the Empire House. Therefore, of all the pictures misdirect it. Awful careless, some ]>eo- lucorporateil Septcmbrr 14, 1863. and was prepared for it. The people could hold on for ten or twelve years A.C. GIBBS. E.W. BINGHAM. That hqng on memory’s wall, ple are, about borowing money, ” eaid and carefully invest his annual surplus take “chills” at any time with the most Corner of North Front and E Streets, Portland, O(jn, The one df the dim old forest GIBBS & BINGHAM, WALTER S. THOMPSON, PEI ER TAYLOR. F. THOMPSON, the man. he would reach perfect coolness. They go to parties and the summit. Geor- Seemeth the best of all. Attorneys and <’onnseIors*at«Law. President. Vice President. Secretary. “Awful careless.” gia is a State of decorous ways waltz through them, get married in the “Owin’ a good deal to keepin’ your Portland, Oregon. opportunity, An midst of them, and it is no uncommon Mrs. Whitfield’s Silver Cofiee- and [marginal sept 19-tf ________________________________ _____ Boiler Maker«, General Machinists anil Engine Builder». income of $10,000 is first class thing to see men on the streets suddenly bank ?lose to the sidewalk. Folks goin’ Pot. Manufacture and have For Sale for a lawyer, and $5,000 is not to be pull up their coat collars with the ther­ by look up and see you countin’ money, HAVE YOU THIS High and Low Pressure Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Hawmill«, Grist Milla. and then they suddenly recollect they Quartz, Mining and Agricultural Machinery, Hou««* Casting«, etc. On the occasion of Whitfield’s coming sneezed at In fact there are many law­ mometer at 90 degrees, without thinking AGENTS for the CELEBRATED MOORE A PARKER WATER WHEEL, cheaper than aDy hain’t got quite enough tosee ’em through, it necessary to|announce that they have yers who would eagerly seize at $3,000. first-class wheel. to America after his marriage his wife A Sure Cure Found al La»t—No one Need Repairing of Machinery aud Boiler» prom; tly attended to and executed with neatness an 1 dis­ and so, quite naturally, they steps iu a chill. During the months of August The biggest fees ever made in Georgia, patch. nccompanied him. In his preaching Suffer. and borrows some of you. You can’t A sure cure for the blind, and September, which are especially the that I can hear of, were made by Ben THE LARGEST ANI) BEST STCCK OF PATTERNS north of San Franclscx No charge for bleeding, itching and tour through a portion of Pennsylvania tlie use of them. very well refuse, hate to hurt their feel­ I cerated piles has lieen discovered by Dr. Wiliiatn«(an one of his stopping places was at the Hill. He got $60,000 cash in the Met­ ague-breeding months, one sees whole in’s, and so they git away with you i Indian r«me«iy) called Dr. Wiliams’ Indian Ointment; AGENTS for Knowles* Patent Steam Pump, the he^i In use. Also, for the Ammoulacal Pre­ paration forth« prevention and removal of Boiler Scale. single box has cured the worst old chronic cases o house of a prominent Pennsylvania calf case, and was entitled to more than populations the color of brown paper, Some mean folks in this world. Now, | A twenty-five and thirty years’ standing. No one need D e GROOT’S Ornamental Iron Fence—a varlely of Beautilul Patterns for Cemeteries, etc. looking as if the wholesome part of their double that much. He got a cost fee of Sept. 11-tf J AMES LOTAN, Superintendent. I suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sootii- clergyman, Rev. Dr. Samuel Blair of I wouldn’t do it.” natures had dried away, and almost I ing medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do $65,000 in 1862 when it was worth in Boggs iuanor, Chester county (see page i more harm than good. Williams’ Ointment absorbs “No, you wouldn’t do it.” tlie tumors, allays the intense itching (jiartieularly at 172 of'Phillip’s life of Whitfield). On gold about $50,000. He made $25,000 forcing one to the belief that the human “No, sir-ee, I never borrowed a cent of night after getting warm in bed 1, acta as a poultice, race had its origin in dried apples. in the Kimoah house litigation. But arriving, Mrs. Whitfield gave her gives instant anil painless relief, and is prepared only Much of tLe suffering from this re­ no bank that I didn’t pay.” for Piles itching of the private parts, and nothing else. hostess to understand that she could not these were phenomenal fees. Wright & of cured patients attest its virtue«, and “I’ll bet you didn’t,” said Lawson with Thousands spect arises from neglect. The country PORTLAND, OREGON. Alexander, in Rome, got a cash fee of physicians of all schools pronounce it the greatest con­ drink her coffee unless it was boiled in a c nphasis. population in Kansas is made up largely tribution to medicine of the age. It matters noi how $40,000 in one enclosure, and I suppose silver cotice-pot. Now it was hardly to Offer for Salo at the Lowest Prices Possible, ^“Now, if I was runnin’ a bank like long or severely you have been suffering, vou can lx be supposed that such an article of lux­ several fce3 of this size have been paid. of a very poor class of people. The you are,” continued the stranger, “I’d cured. jtiF“ Knife, knife, acid, medicine, medicine; knife The fortunes of the future of Georgia farmer’s life hero is so hard and toilsome ury was to be found among the culinary again, and on for a whole year; atxi yet the fungus keep it back in an ally where there which caused mu so touch pain, itching and utensils of a country clergyman’s men­ will be made by manufacturing enterpris­ that it cannot help grinding his nature wasn’t so many strangers passin’, T would growth misery increased until I despaired of life. For six * — __ and **tn' ; ---- niohths I lay in a Canadian hospital undtrgolng inex­ — age, and Mrs. Blair naturally supposed es—in the handling of cotton and in down to a very narrow issue. Many make no difference with me, ’causo I pressible agony, but found no hu|>e. Last Fall I came them live miles from a railroad, on land railroad stocks. There was a time, and that she carried her cofiee-pot with her ; and underwent a terrible . operation by know how banks are pestered, I never to Cleveland doctors at the Cleveland City Hospital, from the but she did not and Mrs. Blair was in a only eisdit years ago, when everybody which, if it yields any crops, brings bothers ’em. ’Taint my style. I could three effects of which 1 never expected to recover. After ly­ dilemma. What should sho do in the was crazy over iron furnaces. There them no profit because they cannot find walk right past a mile on ’em and never ing weeks on my back in lied I was still in no better SOLE AGENT FOR JOHN DEERE’S CELEBRATED markets for their produce. They come condition, for in less than two weeks after leaving the case ? There chanced to belong to her were furnaces near Rome that paid 70 hospital tho whole trouble grew as fast and as great as even look in the winder. But every ­ the heir-loom of “lang pedigree,” in the and 80 per cent in one year. But the out, led by the great promises of body ain’t that way. What, ten cents?” ever. But, thank God, some one recommended Dr. SULKY Williams’ Indian Ointment, which I tried, and to-day, form of a covered silver tankard, which bottom fell out of iron in no time. I “Kansas land,” and have found, too the growth has disappeared, the -tain and itching is “Yes,” said Fab, “that’s all I can I am happy and bopoful, and life has new charms had descended from English ancestors of am not sure but that some men will late, that the land is of very little value let you have to-day. You see there gone, for mo. It is all due to this wonderful Ointment,which without markets and good roads. They make fortunes in gold mining in the the name of Townly, who, during the never fail to recommend so long as 1 live. Noth­ have been so many strangers in ahead of I will else, it seems to me, could have stayed the grow th persecutions of the Nonconformists, in next ten years. Georgia was knocked have no money for medicino or doctor’s you this morning that our funds are run­ ing my terrible malady.’’ JOHN MORGAN, bills, and so they go on, year after year, stone blind by the war. She was ripped Cleveland, Ohio. the 16th century, had passed over to ning low. Ta-ta. Don’t trouble your letting the ague eat so deeply into their “John Morgan is my brother and I can fully boar out up, set on fire, gored and hamstrung. Holland, had intermarried with a Van recommendation of Dr. Williams’ Indian Ointment. self to send it back in a letter: "When - nis My brother woul‘1 no doubt have heen in hisgravo long Ouer 1,000 Sold in Oregon ai. Hook family there, and were of the Her recuperation is simply a miracle. systems that they cannot get it out. the bank wants it the bank will notify ago but for this Balm of Gilead.” E. P. MORGAN, Their lives are as hard and as debased as She lost millions upon millions of slave 141. T. in the last 3 uears. Hollanders who had at an early day em­ ; Teacher of Phonography, Spencerian Business College, you.” Tlie peculiar arrangement of this unrivalc it is possible for human lives to be. property alone. And yet the Union Cleveland, Ohio. igrated to the New Netherlands. Mrs. 7 implement needs only to be »een to be appo gJFWe could if necessary print pages ef letters m> The stranger thanked him, and Living in little huts or “dug outs,” in * dated. Ask your neighbor what be tinul. druggists and persons cured, praising this wonderful Blair had inherited this tankard from cannot show a State more thoroughly about it. No complication of lever«. A bu_. urging him upon the expediency of mov­ ' healing ointment. It has a larger sale and takes tee the midst of the prairie, they manage to prosperous. There are thousands of pri ­ can manage it, and do better work than a her father, Lawrence Van Hook, and of | lead of any other Pile remedy in tho world. ing the bank on to some back street or pick up a miserable existence, and bring with a walking plow, and twice tbe quantii.. vate fortunes to-day being builded up Sold by Druggists everywhere. Sold wholesale ty eourse it was highly prized. But Mrs. per day. alley, so as not to attract the attention Rcdington <4 Son. San Francis •. W. was her guest and must have her into the quarter-million and balf-million, into the world a large family of children. of passing strangers so readily, the seedy apr 5-eow-3m Deere’s 40,60 and 72 Tooth Harrows. Farm, Feed and Grist Mills, coffee ; so the tankard was taken tc make and they would pass the six-figure mark In this respect Kansas has been a god­ man took his dej»arture. it. Those were not the days of cooking if it were not for one thing. They are send to the rest of the world, because it RANDALL'S PULVERIZING HARROWS, stoves, and it had to be set on the hearth scattered at the death of their origina­ has provided a sinking hole for a large Burns’ Highland Mary. over a wood fire and long bore the tors.—H. W. Grady in Atlanta Consti­ number of shiftless men and women, who, if they are miserable here, can at marks of its office in the smoke burned tution. She was a nurse-maid to Gavin Ham­ least lie so without injury to the rest of on the coat-of-arms engraved on it; and ilton ’s eldest son Alexander, born in The attraction of this popular place of Growling Husbands. their kind, and as a retiring place for afterward in the family was jokingly dming the coming stale Fair will “eCate populations,” no section of July, 178,5, and she saw him through amusement far excel anythin? of the kind ever presented STUDEBAKER WAGONS, with Patent Roller Brake. called Mrs. Whitfield’s coffee-pot. several stages of infancy before leaving They are the very worst kind of at this house during any similar rccasion, be­ The grandfather of the writer, a growlers. A growling canine growls at country could have been more valuable. his house. Her father was a sailor in a ing no less than the appearance of Maguire’s Too well known to need comment. Send for Circulars and Price Listl. Superb Dramatic Coin puny, f om the Baldwin clergyman, marrying one of the daugh­ everybody who annoys him, and would In time there is no doubt but that revenue cutter, stationed at Campbel­ Theatre, Han Francisco. This immense com­ HAWLEY. DODD & CO. ters of Dr. Blair, the tankard came into show his teeth to the Crown Prince as Kansas life will be very different from town, near the southern end of Cantire. pany is the most perfect on the American what it is now. There are a great num ­ stage, comprising only’s or superior ex- his possession, and thus my familiarity quickly as to the kitchen domestic; but specially selecto I for their superior­ She had spent some of her early years at cellmce, c "2 o Ji 'S h ce -3 c -y in dramatic art. The plays to be produced with this history. Wishing to be thor­ the growling husband saves all his ber of men and women moving iq who Loch Ranza, in the family of the Rev. ity Ct d *• will embrace all the latest novelties, pul on are of another calibre than the worn out oughly accurate in telling it, I once ap growls and sour looks for his wife, and the stage with entirely new scenery aud me­ ■ Campbell, a relation of her David o 2 S effects, under the supervision of the a plied to my aunt to know whether I was lavishes them on her as profusely as farming community of whom mention mother. She left Burns on May 14th, chanical experienced actor and manager Mr. John Ma ­ a the lessee of the Portland Theatre. Our S J correct in my recital of it. She con­ though »he thanked him with her sweet­ has been made, and who from the priva­ no doubt for Campbeltown, where she guire, C UJ readers will do well to avail themselves of this tion and toil of their own lives will firmed it, and said : “Mrs. W. was con­ est smile for the trouble he takes to find opportunity to enjoy the great treat which will 2 Q. spent the Summer. It is believed that 3 2 2 S o be presented to them at Heed’s Opera House e >— sidered a very silly and pretentious wo­ fault with everything. He is the most mold a different future for their children. she had letters froirf him, and the two during Ö arisoii between it and tbe common clean. low acting porous plaster. It is in every way sciousness that he had made a great mis­ no matter how tired or nervous, or troubled Kennebeccais—the rescue took have been completed between her death Special inducements. Write for terms. upurior to all other extiinaJ remedies, including take in his precipitancy. Whitfield was all out of sorts she may be to place at St. John, N. B.—and, stemming and her funeral. It was almost certain­ inimenta and the so-called electrical appliance«. It iontains new medicinal element« which in combine- D. H. STEARNS, a man of ardent temperament, but we have everything promptly in its place, it with a heart of controversy, from its ly concluded before the funeral, and a .ion w-itls rubber, |K*ssesse» the moat extraordinary Agents will call on you shortly. PUBLISHER, PORTLAND, OGN ■xain-ra*!iovirxtr —.— and - J curative properties Address lain-relicving, strengthening hear of no outbursts of gratitude that,as and meet him with a smile as sweet as a waves bear the tried newsboy, dripping mere agreement to purchase is not like Any physician in your own locality will confirm tbe James McMurray, a reward for his faith, he had stumbled Summer moonbeam. If, on the con­ but delighted, back to his mothers arms. lv to have been completed by a super­ JSEJXTID above statement. For Larue Back. Rheumatism, Female Weakness, Stubborn and Neglected Colds, t pon a diamond—a prize beyond rubies trary, he finds his wife with a headache, The urchin was, as wo might say, con­ stitious Highlander while the boy or TWENTY-FIVE CENTS FO11 THE ■ept 2-lm East Portland, Oregon and Coughs, Diseased Kidneys, Whooping Cough, sffoections ecta- had reinforced him, and with a look of about semething, and at length wandered Francisco. Cattle Brand». Iron House Work, and all singular that in all Whitfield’s volumi­ tions of wedded bliss terminate in bitter great of solicitude, motioned to the out into the barn-yard, to which his Cvrus Noble Distillery! kinds of Brew ery Work done to order. ■ nous correspondence with his ardent na­ disappointment who can he blame more crowd to fall back. She was obeyed in­ wifE, in her anxiety, followed him, en­ Also Farm Machinery repaired on short notice. Pari LYNCHBURG, OHIO. ticular attention paid to Boiler Work. Mill No More i No More ture and protracted absence from home, than himself? That’s just precisely, stantly, and there was no further danger treating him in vain to observe that Also keep on hand a large assortment of the following Picks made and repaired. BACKACHE. I Kidney Com paint. favorite brands of there were never any letters addressed though, what he never does—not he ! of the boy being pushed off the wharf frost had set in, and to return to the Iron Fencing a sjiecialty. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. w la.lailx.icM: to his “dear yoke-fellow,” calling on her He is always one of the good, kind men, by the crowd.” Pretty as this incident fireside. On being again and again re­ Hodge,Davis A Co., Proprietors. No. M Front Street. Portland, Oregon, aug 2-tf United We Stand, to rejoice with him in the success of his who never did anything wrong in his is, we have our doubts as to whether the quested to do so, he promised compli­ Weller’s Old Bourbon, labors, the prospects of his dearly be­ life. Yet he manages to make home inference of the Princess was as discreet ance, but still remained where he was, Continental Bourbon, ALSO Old Hickory Bourbon, loved Bethesda, or appealing to her Old Copper Dist. Rys; one of the least desirable of all earthly as it undoubtedly was womanly and striding up and down slowly, and con­ Foreign and Domestic Wines, sympathy in his hours of prostration of human. Long before the days of Mr. templating the sky, which was singular­ places to the woman he honors by mak ­ • Brandies, Gins, Rums, sickness and yearnings for home. There And all the leadin? brands of Quilp the city urchin has in every age, ly clear and starry. At last Mrs. Burns Bitters and Case Goods. seemp to have been entire silence be­ ing her his housekeeper. What won­ in every clime, adored the string pieces found him stretched on a mass of straw, CELEBRATED tween them and we must conclude that der, then, if bis absence brings her but a of wharves as places of resort and recre­ with his eyes fixed on a beautiful planet there was no sympathy, and the lesson sense of relief; what wonder it she ation, and as coigns of vantage on public “that shone like another moon,” and sept 2-tt to be learned from it is: Let no enthu­ should sometimes remember with regret prevailed on him to come in. — Macmil ­ occasions. This being the case, and no siast take example from his imprudence; her girlhood’s halcyon days, when her GUTJS Î THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Remington’s, or imagine, because he may be engaged will was his law, and he wooed her with coroner having ever been known to hold lan’s Magazine. Bbarp ’ s and AND BEAUTIFIER OF THE COM­ Raftered Twenty Yean. in God’s work, he is not bound to exer- love’s sweetest wooing. Bat that was an inquest on a newsboy drowned by Winchester Rifles. --------------------- falling from a wharf, it may be argued - Rifle«. “ I have suffered for twenty years ciso the intellect God has given him in long ago, before this wonderful propen­ Which is superior to all others] And Cartridge» of all kinds at reduced prices. PLEXION IN USE. CURES PIM­ •R«rw«r -^-w—— — — ——------ that the sympathy of the Princess was sity for growling was developed. And with itching and ulcerated piles, having BY WM. BECK «Sr SON, choosing a wife. And, while he prays PLES, BOILS, BLOTCHES, NEU­ 5-lve ■ •0 Port’ tnd. Oregon used every remedy that came to my no­ Send in your orders. for God’s guidance, let him study the besides, she did not belong to him then. wasted.—N. Y. World. RALGIA, SCROFULA, GOUT, tice without benefit, until I used Dr fitness of the woman for the office.— Whatever other evil Providence afflicts MOLSON <£ SONS, A gentleman who has lived several Mont«omerv'» I RHEUMATIC AND MERCURIAL Mrs. M. J. Nevin, in N. Y. Observer. woman with as a punishment for that years in the Northwest says that the William’s Indian Ointment and received jy 23 tf Portland, Oregon EMPERANCE HOTEl PAINS, AND ALL DISEASES AR­ first one’s transgression she may submit immediate relief.” word “ Skedaddle” is purely Scandina­ J ames C arroll . 321, 223. 227 »nd 229 Second BL, L «7. A. 8TROWBHIDGE, Small-pox is epidemic in Muir, Mexi­ to with a tolerable grace, but deliver vian, that it was spelled by the Swedes SAN FRANCISCO: Cbaa. Montgomery, Prop. ISING FROM A DISORDERED her from a growling husband. — Ran Jose (An old miner) Tecoma, Nevada. This is the only rtrlct’y temperance note)|fn Direct Importer and Dealer la co ; fifteen deaths in one day. In Como, Mercury. and Danes of the Northwest “ Skyde- San Francisco, and offers superior accommo­ STATE OF THE BLOOD AND Texas, ten children have died. Ranches dations to tbe traveling public. Board and LIVER. Gen. McClellan is recovering from his LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, dahl,” and that it signified precisely the lodging per day. 76 cts. to 12; per week, H to 16. ORNAMENT YOUR COMES ! WILLAMET IRON WORKS! IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, F X I» Es? HAWLEY, DODD <£ CO HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL ho Im.plem.exxts, 1879. STATE FAIR. 1879. Reed's Opera House! Euckeys Broadcast Seedsrs Grain Drills, Schuttler, Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons 0 <1 H ft <—> NATIONAL Business College. Adjustable Strainer! I I ^Semi-Weekly Beejk Plaster Sold by Agents for 75c Each. ASTORIAN, ................. — - . . X - - ............. - ( - W. J. Van Schuyver & Co Wine and Spirit MERCHANTS! MACHINISTS. Oregon Kidney Tea! MOLSON & SONS’ Schlitz’ «Pilsneil Milwaukie Beer. Beer, Ale andIPorter •’WASt UUllU T in the vicinity are badly affected. A Judge’s position is a trying one. seme as the English word “ scud.” late severe illness. No. 141 Front St. Portland, Or Single meals. 20 cents. Six meai;tickels. fl ap 19-8m HOLD BTiAL.1. DRUGGLWTB. apl81m