Contentment. Handsome Congressmen. Dickens and Thackeray. For the Ladies. In France it is not considered proper Trollope’s view of Thackeray is that Mary Clemmer writes from Washing­ Discontent with one’s moderate suc­ ton to the Independent: There are fine while incontestibly brilliant and com­ to display voung marriageable girls at cess in any line argues this, that you aces among the Democrats—too fine to manding a high place among creators, of weddings. are not the master of your idea, but be Democrats. Among these, scanning fiction, lie was not great. He sees him A ladv who has a farm of twenty acres that it has become the master of you. them closely, I counted Blackburn’s of forever in the shadow of Dickens, and on the Delaware River makes a profit ol The instant the pursuit of money be­ Kentucky, fire-kindler and quickener that uses the strong and steady light of $2,500 a year. comes a vexatious care, disturbing your he is. A tall, slim nimrod of a warrior, other’s genius to show where Thackeray’s The Princess Louise has worn dark days and your sleep at night, in that he served through the entire war in the less {flowing flame wavered and flick- colors since her sister’s death, but has not 00 e moment you have lost your freedom, Confederate army, as did also Randall ered. “Why,” he asks, “was Dickens put on mourning. and you are the slave of a passion. Lee Gibson cf New Orleans, who was already a great man when Thackeray’ There are said to be 150 different Contentment comes from the perfect born in the same town with Blackburn— was still a literary Bohemiam?” and then patterns of corsets, all patented, and all mastery of an idea. You must hold Versailles, Kentucky. Blackburn is but replies to himself: claiming to have superior advantages. the ideas as the glass holds the wine. It 41 years of age, looking much younger. The answer is to be found not in the The dark-colored pin striped silks are must be contained. < >ne of the ancient Gibson is but little past 40—a tall, blonde, extent or in the nature of the genius or being much used this Summer for travel­ wise men havin'? Another either man, but in the condition of mind o been informed that a refined looking gentleman storm had destroyed all his merchant notable looking Southern warrior, now —which indeed may be read plainly in ing dresses. They are inexpensive. An eight-year old girl of Lower Teire- ships and had tliU3 in one day swept famous as an orator in the House of their works by those who have eyes to away his fortune, said: “It is just as Representatives, is General Hooker ot see. The one was steadfast, industrious, bone La., has ‘ full beard of exquisite well, for now I can give up my mind Mississippi. He is pacing up and down full of purpose, never doubting of him fineness,” and “a voice coarse and firm. more fully to study.'’ Thus, ho vever the floor in a meditative mood, a mm of self, always putting his best foot fore­ The new dotted net is made into ties many ships lie had on the sea, and how­ more than six Let in height, with a mar­ most ami standing firmly on it when he I trimmed with English or Alencon point, ever rich their cargoes, In' was yet not tial ( caring, though attired in regulation got it there; with no inward trepidation, i These are even lighter than those of the slave of his traffic, but his great black. His black hair is brushed back with no moment in which he was half India muslin. mind held all these things in perfect straight from bis ferhead, showing with­ inclined to think that this race was not Linen cambric handkerchiefs, having subjection. At times he must have felt out relief a bold, but not a bad face. He for his winning, this goal not to be a cross through the centre formed of that these sailing ships were placing was graduated from the Cambridge Law reached by his struggles. The sympathy Breton lace, and Breton borders, are chains upon his liberty, for otherwise School; was a Confederate coloml of of friends was good to him, but he could handsome. we can not so easily understand his cavalry; carries with him but one arm, a have done without it, Th’’ good opinion The favorite ulster this season is the ¡»erfect willingness that the sea should ' ’rophy of rebellion he bore from the siege which he had of himself was never Newport, and is made of mohair. Linen possess their contents. But he owned i jf Vicksburg; alter the war was Attorney« shaken by adverse criticism; and the is giving plape to this latter goods for bps ships—they did not own him. He J General cf the State of Mississippi. He criticism OB the other side, by which it was a contained soul. Many fail to l»e with Randall Gibson, B ackburn and Ste­ was exalted, came from the enumeration traveling wraps. Sleeves are now made to fit the arm masters of their ideas and thus become phens are the most marked men of note of the number of copies sold. Ho wjjs a tightly, the latest styles showing the arm the conspicuous slave of them. An from the Snuth in the Houte, though firm, reliant man, very little prone to above tlje elbow fitted as tightly as the egotist may be indeed a person of great there is many another Confederate here change, who, when he had discovered ability. He may indeed be learned, minu; a Jeg or aim lost in the days of the natuie of his own talent, knew’ how waist or shoulders Large »ellow buttercups and white or logical, or eloquent, and worthy of a fierce battle. Spiritually, it is a strange to do the very best with it. chrysanthemums and very large dark red nation's praise, but being thus intrin­ sight to see these men walij. >o and fro— It may almost be said that Thackeray’ sically great, his knowledge of the fact ofter: meeting with kindly personal greet­ ya? the very opposite of this. Unstead- poppit s are the prevailing favorites among became too powerful for him ’ lie had ing—each bearing many scire received in fast, idle, changeable of purpose, aware artificial flowers. not the philosophy to say. “If great, deadly flight for that which to bo h was of Lis own intellect, but nof ¿rusting it, The English bathing costume, worn at what of it but, weak in some one most dear. no man ever failed more generally Chap all the fashionable watering place, is all There stands a splendid soldier, who point, he permitted his greatness to get he to put his best foot forward. Full as in onp G^ce, has no sleeves, and barely the better of him, and the result was a as a legislator has yet L» It* beard from, his works are of pathos, full of humor, reaches below tne kueu, puffed-up egotism which all abhor. Robert M. A. Hawk of Illinois, elected fuji ot’ love an.d chanty, tending as they Entire suits of white organdie are pretev Thus there will or may come from this for the first lime to the Fody sixth Cun always do to truthi*nd calling dresses for the country. The ipjd manly quarter or that ideas that will transform gress. A man of magnificent height and worth and womanly modesty, excelling, bonpet and fichu should be of the same into a menial him who receives them too proportions, he stands, with a crutch, on xu :r;xp"»ed with Breton as they seem to me to do, most other material, ardently. Discontent is like egotism, one leg. At twenty-two years of age be written percepts that I know’, they al­ Uce. an instance in which a small idea will lost the other on the day that Richmond ways seem to lack something that might Plaite I ekirlg ?ye very much worn by riile to death what was once a man, just fell. He looks as if he were a mm ol have been there. There is a touch of little children and by older g}f|s. The ns the elephant or the lion can be an- strong personality and mental force, ol vagueness w hich indicates that his pen style suits almost any material, and is ! fine temperament, or the Dir type,—a man noved to madness by a little insect. ' whose impulses arc generous, his con- was mot firm when he was using it. He adapled fergi; gham:, woolens, and some As a promoter of mental peace as to seems to me tu l;?rve been dreaming ever limes for checked silks. property, wonderful power must be I victions positive, his judgment dear. cf some high flight, and i».c;; to have Near him sits a good man Michigan The most attractive materials in the ascribed to tiie pursuit of things which —Edwin Willits—a man in the prune of told hitnoclf with a half broken beau , ma»ke; at the present lime are the Ameri- monev will not buy. While the mind life, marked by a head covered with black that it was beyond his pijwep to soaf up j can foulard silk--, '[be favorite patterns i be g’ng for purchasable articles it will hair and a white beard. He is an editor, into those bright regions. 1 can fapey, long for the immev that will buy them. having long published a jouinri (the as the sheets went from him every day, 1 aye the sprigged, in a dark color on a light 'h'-* polka dotted and the If ¿lie will from day to day build up a Monroe Commercial) in his own State. he told himself in regard to every sheet Pekin. passion for material things tin n from Walking up and down the aisle beside that it was a failure. Dickens was day to day will grow the love of that him is another Republican, who, as a quite sure of his sheets.—N. Y. Times’ Unbleached muslin is made up in short which will buy these homes and car­ leader, fairly divides the honors with Review’ of Anthony Trollope’s New’ round skirts, overskirts and half fitting riages and furniture, and thus a la rge General Garfield—-Omir D. Cijugcr of Work on Thackeray. basque, trimmed with bands of bright door is opened at which unrest will rush Michigan. He is the son of a clergyman, bandana plaid. These dresses are much - -------------» «0* <--- —-------- liked lor lawn tennis, croquet and morn­ in. When by parity of reasoning the and, bke other men in Congress who are C&lojr Blindness. mind turns toward such ends as cannot 1 cleigymen'j; for he i« one of ihe most ing walks. lie liought with money, then the passion trusted as well as one of the mo.t face­ Color blindness has been much talked Last season the rich grenadines were dies. The world of reading and of all tious of legislators. Born in 1818, he about of late, and its existence has been s lk open work, with r^i.^d velvet stripes .study is so large, of science and art and looks little past tony—a well built man, s > conclusively proved, that there is no or figures in dark colors. This year religion so great that we are almost with black hair, deep-set, keen blue eyes, longer anv reason why rail-road a d they are in the most delicate colors, and without excuse if these do not play in a grizzled beard; an asrect that marks the steam-boat companies should not be all the [<”re hues of the rainbow seem to our three score years a part so large as man lull of activity and great powers of compelled to exclude from their service be bl. nded. to cast into shadow the longing for endurance. empioyei in whom this, or any other, great projierty. Learning, taste, char­ defect ol vision exists. As long as colored Hoxv Tennyson Honored Sumner. Lickshingle’s Fish Story. acter, friendship, benevolence, are 1 ghts are used as signals for switches and things which ask nothing of money. steam-boats, it is obviously a criminal The late Dharlg$ Surpn^f used to tell “That reminds me,” observed Grand­ neglect to invite accidents by employing I a story of a vi-jt he paid the laureate, in Gold cannot buy these things! Who­ ever seeks these things need not come father Lickshingle, when the girl brought engineers and pilots who cannot distin­ | subs'auce as follows: The last time he near any market place. It is said that him a piece of broiled mackerel at the guish icd from green. Out of a large was abroad he visited Farringford, Tenny there are only one hundred great books breakfast table—“that reminds me of a number of railroad men employed on son’s home on the Isle of Wight, both i an tie* world I The library of the most fish that bu > .»uJ yer grandfather had. the roads converging at Philadelphia, who being acquaintance-' ot long standing, and il was the were examined by Dr. Keyser, of the both egotists. Sumner began talk ng of i ardent lover is easily found when the It was a goldfish, i most remarkable fish that anybody eyu ; Femijylvviia Medical Society, 3.I per 1 America, in which country Tennyson has heart is given io that elevation and cul­ heard tell of. We never noticed any­ cent, mistook coio.soae for fhe other, and ) not the s ightesl interest, except from a ture of self which money will not pur­ percent, were ncapaWe of distinguish­ j U.O..C1?™ point of view. The poet looked chase. Each one of you has had this thing peculiar about it till one bright, sunshiny day, when it jumped up on the ing shades pi colors. Rrcf. \V1ls0n, cf , bored,‘khej the benator gJlan’.ly changed experience I know; y^u hav« walked aige of its globe an ’ begun to sing for Edinburg, found that ope person in 20, j the subject t > ptfet|'y.The laureate about your house anti have seen whe*e all the world like a nightingale or oriole. or 5 per cen*, if those examine*, was thought that wi ld applicable alone to his you needed, at once, a thousand dollars’ We had 4 .canary hangin ’ close by, an ’ color-blind. In Switzerland, ¡71 rail­ own works, and forthwith stepped into wortu of furniture ami curtains and you never saw siceh an astonished bird road employes out of 7,953 weie dis­ the library for a complete volume of them, mirrors, and have sighed inwardly be­ as it was. When he heard the fish a charged for color Blindness, and on the returning, he handed them to the Ameri­ cause it could not be, ami then, having gone into vour library and haying read singin’ he wilted right down, an’ seenjed Paris and Lyons railtoad 10 per cent, can, commenting very enthusiastically wc;e affected in the same way. Yet with upon the perfections of “The Princess.” an hour or two in a great book you to say’; the result® of aU experiment-’, and Mr. Sumner ?aid: “I am very familiar “ Well, I ’ m blessed if that don ’ t beat have suddenly found that you did not < f many others bef re them, me ^»»yag­ , with ‘The Princess,’ Mr. Tennyson; it is «rant anything. The book has h“d your me ■” ers of our railroad and steam-boat lines one of my'ravoi^e pQCu.ij. ■ !j.r e read “ Ah ’ it did, too; for the bird was no heart to a region where gold is vain aiul manifest no dispo.-i.ioii to provide against it frequently.” “Read it now?* said the singer. After he Lad finnhed hi> tune ¿nothing is gn at but the soul. I here is accident resulting from defective vi-i-'it. poet. Mr. Sumner, naturally embar­ a single littl*- book by Lamartine, called the goldfish tanked Lis Li ad ajroun’ Tnc Marine Homitil Service has recent- under his tin an ’ scratched bisselt like a rassed a*, being asked to read a pet poem t 1 “The Stone Mason, which if learned by ly issued a circular, wub approval of bird would, an ’ then the canary, that before its author, nevertheless complied, memory would make property decline the Secretary of the Treasury; offering hadn ’ t got over his surprise, so.-med to rendering the text in his rich, deep, culti­ £0 jier cent, in our heart... It turns to ex imine ceamen at all ports where , say again : vated tJhQS. Tho poet sat uncasi y for a juio dust 'lie >pi<-u ior of '» ersiiiks inul office;? of the service are s a'icried, with ­ “ Nev' thing you know, old feller, few moipents, and thep sei^in^ the book .the >-t French king-; and n.aiv’S out expense to the seamen or the masters you ’ ll be fayin' a p/geon egg. ’ from Mr. Sumner’s hand, said: “This a quiet valh-v with a few human hearts of voxels, The examination covers all “ Well, that fish used to jump on the is the way, * t he Princess’ shoffd be read," in it t<» he a |act!ire' of' sublimity mi physical defects, jncUjing those of vision, aige of its globe an' sii.g as regdur .¿ae and lornmencii g with the prologue laid equaled bv the palaces of t he great Louis. and certificates of fitness or rcjec ’ J oh vi 1 the day ’ nd come, soim-times as often as &£ 1 ’ 2 K only when be had com­ Lamartine must have composed the be given, and a record of q !.1 examinations pleted the lines! i»ook to show us what a richness there a dozen times a day. When we wanted will be placed on file wiih th 0 buigcon- it to sjng for company, all we had to do is in the spiritual realm as compared “Lavi li,t|e JLillia, rising quietly, with tin' realm of material effort and was to set 4 pheet of music where it Genera! of the Marine Hospital Service Disrob’d the glimmering statue of Sir Ralph! ♦success. In hours of disquiet when your could see it, an1 out that fish ’ud come at Washington. It now remains to make From those rich silks, and home well pleased he went.” heart longs for costlier house or equipa- an’ tackle it, whether it was ‘ Yankee this examination compulsory, instead < f The time occurred in the recitation was gvs or fur richer j »vol t lead ’.hat book Doodle’ or an aria from an Italian opera. optional and to extend it to railroad em­ ployes. Dr B Joy Jeffiies, ot Boston, : just five hours, during which time the “ 1 could a got it a situation in the or similar ¡vdiriis of 1; uman life ami who appeared before the Rail' Com ­ S nator dared look nowhere but at the vour Lear» will bn- da-’ ; i .1; for nothing I church choir ot a good salary," continued poet At the expiration of the torture, mittee of the Massachusetts Legislature ri‘. i!» -.a».; of life in a > grandfather after a pause, “only for one world so fruitful of mi*'.-. i and - ail and 1 thing. We could never teach the blamed last Winter, and testified as to the preva­ Mr. Sumner rose quickly and bade his lence and danger of color’blindness, has host adieu, fearful lest he should propose pathos. Like the p.»or stone mason, ' thing to turn its own music.” made one convert—the Bo-.ton and H.ngs reading * The Idyls ©f the King,” or some you will lie down o n the grass and seem works. ham Steamboat Company, whose em­ other of his Banishment in Russia in the paradise of God. —From a Ser ----------- ----------- ployes he lately examined for color blind­ »on bv Rev. Davit 1 Svs of Chicago. A New Use for Cats. The Moscow correspondent of the ness. It is useless to hope that the com­ Cologne Gazette says that the practice mendable example of this company will The Second S It seems that the Belgians have ' of banishing Russian criminals to Sibe- te generally followed. No argument I formed a society for the moral improve- i ria has of late been repeatedly objected short of a mandatory statute will convince They have a wise sign painter in De­ I ment of cats. Their first effort has been 1 to, both by legal and political authori rail road managers and ship-owners in troit. Likewise a woman who knows a j ties in Russia, and that even the Gov- general that it is time to act. ! to train the cat to do the work of the good chance to improve h -r prospects | carrier pigeon. The most astute and ; eminent now recognizes the necessity of when she sees one. The other Jav a Particular About Her Coffins. j accomplished scientific person would a thorough reform of the present sys­ lady opened a small millinery store ami i have his ideas of locality totally con- tem. Deportation to Siberia was first engaged a painter to paint hei a sign. An eccentric lady of high social posi ­ I fused by being tied up in a meal bag introduced as a mode of colonization, When it came home she saw that it read: tion in Springfield, Mass., changes the and carried twenty miles from home and and banishment did not depend so much “Mrss. J. Blank,’ etc., and she railed collins of her departed friends neaily as let out in a strange neighborhood in on the degree of the convict’s guilt as on out: “You have got an extra ‘s’ in Mrs., often as the undertakers ’ fashions vary. the middle of the night This experi­ his capacity for labor; indeed, many and you must paint the sign over again.” She is able 10 gratify ’ this costly ’ whim, ment has. however, been tried upon cats persons who were innocent of any crime She painter saw the error, but he did and periodically the family tomb under ­ of only average abilities, and the invari­ used to be sent to Siberia as settlers. not want the job of correcting it, and he goes a transformation, and drv bones are able result has been that the departed It is only in comparatively’ recent times replied: “Madam, haven't yon had two taken from their resting-place and placed animal has reappeared at his native that banishment has been looked upon husbands <’ “Yes sir. ' “You were a in tlie choicest receptacles of the under ­ kitchen door the next morning, and as a means of clearing Russian society Mrs. when you lost the first f’ “I was.” of its dangerous elements. Only those takers’ art. In this way the lady is calmly ignored the whole affair. This “And do yon think a woman can co on are now banished to Siberia who are re­ said to have disturbed the remains of wonderful skill in travelling through un­ marrying forever and not lengthen her garded as dangerous to society and the one of her children at least a dozen times familiar regions without a guide-book or title I Mrss. means a woman who has State, irrespectively of any qualifications in the past thirty years. Little remains a compass has suggested the possibility been married twice and is young enough they may possess as colonists. The of this child’s body, but that little was of cats being used as special messengers. — to marry again, ami only yesterJay a number of persons “deported” to Sibe­ transferred the other day from a coffin Recently, thirty-seven cats residing in rich old gentleman was in oiir shop and of several years ago to a satin-lined cas­ ! the city of Liege were taken in bags a said if he had any idea that you were ria in 1875 was about 18,020 ; 5,000 of ket of ¡»olished rosewood. Another pe­ 1 long distance into the country. The an­ heart free he'd come up ” “()h well these were sentenced to banishment by culiar man of that city, when he an­ imals were liberated at two o’clock in you can nail up the sign,” she inter­ a court of law, 9,000 were banished “by nounced that he should soon get married, j the afternoon. At 6:48 the same after­ administrative decree,” and the rest rupted. And it is there to-day. were the women and children of the ex­ visited the cemetery lot of his intended’s noon one of them reached his home. ■..... *- ------------- family to judge from the tombstones His feline companions reached Liege The Paris Mint ins commenced the iles. It is estimated that the total num­ whether he was marrying below his sta­ . somewhat later; but it is understood coinage of 14,800.000 francs in gold, ber of banished persons now in Siberia is tion. The inspection was unsatisfactory, I that within twenty four hours everyone silver and bronze pieces for the Servian about 300,000. and a family quarrel was the result. j had reached his home. It is proposed to Government. The die adopted is that cf Blindman: „Wheu I ’ears a ny one establish, at an early day, a regular sys­ the Latin Uuion. Seivia has no national a cornin’ along I stoops down and pats An exchange advertises a cure for tem of cat communication between money yet, and business has hitherto been the dog.” His mate: “Ah, I ain’t got “apple worms.” Never knew them to Liege and the neighboring villages. transacted in the coins of the adjoining no dog, but J takes and shivers awful. be unhealthy before, and if they are what countries. isjjthe uie of cuiing them. That’as 'em.” Every honeymoon has a man in it. Carlyle and Burns. Men who were young a generation ago, and who then read Carlyle, have the great advantage of having been familiar in their plastic and susceptible years with one of the noblest pleas that one man of genius ever made for an­ other, in Carlyle’s essay upon Bums. They were countryman, one born as the other died. Both had the deep, strong, melancholy nature which is nurtured by the misty coasts and solitary mountains and moors of Scotland. Both, too, had the immense vitality, the Berserker humor, the thorough manliness of the Northern genius. As one reads the works of Carlyle, and inarks his impa tience of shams, and effeminacy, ami equivocation, and conventional molali­ ties, and hears his loud satiric laughter dying into a wail of pathos and entreaty, it is easy to feel that he saw the sound hearty man he longs and prays for gone astray in Robert Burns. Such sweetness and grace and strength and tenderness! Such soft, pathetic, penetrating melody, as if ull the sadness of shaggy Scotland had found a voice ! Such roistering jovial humor, excessive; daring, unbridled !—a charm so univer­ sal that it drew men from their beds in taverns at midnight, to listen, delighted, until dawn. Here was a fullness of simple, native, massive manhood, not I trained by the schools, not manipulated ' by the dancing master and the professor j of single-stick, overflowing bounds, j shocking the proprieties, defying the rules, guilty of offenses thqt cannot be excused, and for which he paid the pen­ alty. It fascinated and captivated the sad, grim, infinitely tender and manly and pure genius of Carlyle; and he has interpreted, as no other man has essayed to interpret, the wild, wistful, touching and tragical story qf Ijebevt Burns.— Harpers Magazine. A Quaker Printer’s Proverbs. ____ 65 CENTS Sent to our Office, we will send The San Francisco WEEKLY CHRONICLE ---------------- ------ --------- FOR ¡THREE MONTHS^ To any jart of the I’nite.l States, postage paid. THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE IS AN EISHT PAGE PAPER, 64 COLUMNS, Containing the entire news of the week. <r, the laborer, the artiwi/iq the merchant, the miner, the olubli»herA. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. If you are going to paint, your house, barn, wagon or machinery, the wonder­ ful Imperishable Mixed Paiut is surely the best, for it is warranted by their agents in your own town not to chalk, crack, peel or blister; to cover bettor and MO1SON & SONS’ work easier than any other paint. Tae ’mper- isbable Paint was awarded the ilr-t premium, over all other paints, nt the California Stale Fair, 1R7S and tho Gold Medal at the Oregon State Fair. 187X. Get a circular from their Agent, Which exp'afns this wonderflit discov­ ery. Try tue paint and certain y would have no other. Beer, Aleand Porter ONLY TTQ3E2 i'El.EBÜATia» I I Never send an utricle for publication j without giving the editor thy name, for j thy name oftpptjnu-s secures publication ! tv' lu tunUinv auy |>nrt*tias<* or in of worthless articles. ifriljng in reBponae to any mlveriisc- paper you w ill pl'utae men­ Thou shouldst not rap at the door of ; mept in tion the name of the pm»er. a printing office, for ho that answereth the rap snecreth in his sleeve and loseth I time. Npver do thou loaf about nor knock i The Most Yaluable Medical Discovery down type, 01 the boys will love thee as ‘ Known to the World—No More Use they dp the shade ’ trees--when thou for Quinine, Calomel or Mineral Pois­ leayesL. ons— Life for the Blood. Strength for Thou shoiiidst never read the i.opy on 1 the Nerves, and Ifealtn for All. the printers’ cases or the sharp and AN OPEN-LETTER TO THE PUBLIC. hooked container tl ereof, or he may | Believing that by cleansing the blond and knock thee down. building up the constitution w is the only true way of banishing disease, an I being troubled Never inquire of the editor for news, 1 with weakness of the lungs, catarrh, very m ch broken down in constitution, etc , and after for behold it is his business to give it to ■ trying the best physicians ami paying out my thee at the appointed time without ask- . money for many kinds < f mediciues adve tised without finding a permanentcure, I began doc­ iiig for it. • toring myself, using medicines made from roots h‘ .bs. f fortunately discovered a wonder­ It is not right,that thou shouldst ask I and ful Bitters or. Blood C causer, U.e Urat bc.tle o* which gave me new life and vigor, and in time him who is the author of an article, for effected a permanent cu e. I was free from ca­ t is his duty to keep such things unto tarrh, my lungs became strong and sound, be­ ing able to stand the most severe cold and ex­ fiimself. posure, aud I have gained over thirty pounds weight Foelir " confident that I hail made When thou dost enter his office, take in a wonderful db co Very in nicd.olnu, J p)^^ I heed unto thyself that thou dost not aquantlty of the Root Bitters, anil was in the habit of giving them away tn sick |frle-ds and look at what concerns thee not, for that neighbors. I found the medicine effected the wonderful cures of all diseases caused is not meet in the sight of good fo’eed- most from humors or s’fofula in the blood, Impru­ dence. Bad Hfbmaoh, Weakness, Ktoney ’i»is- iug, ease, Torpid I.fver, etc.,etc; The news of my Neither examine thqu the proiff-sbeet, discovery In this way spread from uno per.-on to another until J found myself called upon to for it is not ready to meet thine eye that supply patients Svitb mea’cines fa, an.t wide, and I was Induced to establish a laboratori’ for thou mayst understand. compounding aud bottling the Root Bitters in Thou shouldst not delude thyself with large quay'ItTcs, ar,d | now devote all my time to t his business, the thought that thou hast saved a few Thousands of persons in all parts or I he coun­ arc already usi; g ROOT BITTER*. They cents when thou hast secured a deadhead try have saved many lives of consumptives who espy of his paper, for whilst the printer had been given up by friends and physicians to die, and have permanently cure ! many old may smile aud say i ?s cjl ri-riit, lie’ll chr nlccases of Catarrh,Scrofula,Rheumatism, Dispepsia and -k'n Diseases, where all other never forget your meahneKs. Wh:. I, is -ai'L.'i 'i to a'l otlieri treatments bad iafjed. Ary you uoubltd with sick headache, costiveness, dfyzfness, weak­ ness, bad taste in tiie mouth, nervousness and broken down in constitution? You will bo cuied you take the ROOT BITl'ERS. Have yo.i burners and pilh.Mes pn your face or skin? Nothing will give you snub go d health, stiength and beauty as ROOT BITTERS. No matter what your reelings or symptoms are, what th - disease or ailment is, use R-ot Hitlers. Don’t wail UQtll you arc sick, but if yi.u only feel bad or miserable, use the Bitt'-rs at once. It may save your life. I know that Jealous phys cians will cry hntnhng beca.,so my . I-'or sale wholesale by’ Veil I ng tain-r<■]:<• v n.g. strengthening and curative prijiertiee. Any physician in jo.;r o-,\ a 1 -aliti will confirm the 48,000 are stopped altogether.’ In the ^ilxr.e statement. For Lame link, ithoumalinp, Chorloy district 1,600 looms, owned bv ■Female W«-akn< Stui>ls>ni and Neglected Cold,, ¡and Coughs, Diseas'd Kulnevs, Whooping Cougb, two firms, are working on short time. ^afieections < I the heart, and al] ills for which ]K>rott) 'plasters are used, it i- «it-ipiy the I, s’ knov.n n-medy. Nearly twenty other firms are running jAsl; for Benson’s Cajs’ine Porous Plaster and lake part of their machinery on short time; .no other. Sold by all druggists Price 25 cents Sent on receipt of price, to, Seabury A Johnson, 21 several have stopped theirs entirely. In Pl:>C Str. ; I, Xew York. mrh 25-1 m I the Bury district both the woolen and I cotton trades are very depressed. The GrTTKTiS • omwsx Remington’s. Remington s, average time of working in the woolen Sharp’s and Hharp's and manufactories is only about four days Winchester Winchester] Rifles. — - Rifles. out of the week, and 106,000 spindles Anti Cart ridges of ail kinds at reduced prices, and 3,726 looms are working on short . BY WXI, «Sr MOIV, ’-•vs _ ___ «'nri'and. Oregon time. T11 JStockport the prospect, es­ TIIE pecially in the weaving department, is said to be almost hopeless. It is com­ puted that now only 500,000 spindles and 300 looms are working, against 1,- 195,000 spindles and 7,900 looms five years ago. In Rochdale, it is said, only AGENTS WANTED .SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNRIVALLED five mills are working full time; 500 IN EVERY TOWN ON THE PACIFIC COAST 8TANDAKD AND ESTEY ORGANS, houses there are tenantless. The Man­ Special inducements. Write for term . D. W. PRENTICE A CO chester Guardian gives statistics to show Music Dealers,‘Portland, regon D. H. STEARNS, that the condition of trade in the Ros- PUBLISHER, PORTLAND. GGN. sendale district, where the machinery of TRENKMANN & WOLFF, the factories is adapted for Indian cotton, is even worse. Out of 100 mills only 6 Lard Oil, (and these are comparatively insignifi­ And Manufacturers Castor Oil, cant) are working full time; thirty-five C hina Nut OU, Tonis fi r Planing, Molding and Turning, are entirely stopped, and the remainder Dog ITlbh OU, Callie Brands, Iron House Work, and all are only running on an average of 3| Kulrnon Oil, kinds of Brewery Work done to order. I’arafilne OU, days out of the week. An agent of the , Also I ann Machinery repaired on short notice. Par­ Downer’s 5plnclle Oil, ticular attention paid to Boiler Work. Mill Canadian government at Manchester will Picks mude and repaired. start for Manitoba shortly with a party for ; sale by Iron Fencing a specialty. of Lancashire farmers, who have decided ' o. 40 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. HodgeJDavis & Co., aujr 2 -tf to realize on their property and emigrate. GUNS j Semi-Weekly Bee. | Lubricating Oils. MACHINISTS. lanSs-tf A Valuable Medicino. D r . F razier :—“My constitution was very much broken down for years. Mv digestion, bowels and nervous sjstem Portland, Oregon. were in a very bad condition. My sys The Eleventh Year of this tern was not properly nourished. After eating I was distressed, and my food BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL would not assimilate properly, so that I WILL OPEN ON received little benefit. 1 was weak and WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1«». most miserable, but on trying your Root With a corps ot Twelve Teachers. For further parti-ti- Bisliop Morris, or Bitters I seemed to I m ? wonderfully acted lars address Miss Rodney, ’’ on, and they have given me great aug 2-os Ini Portland, Oregon. comfort while using them. Enclosed .7. A.. STBOWBRIBtiH find $5 for six bottles; which pleas*. .art,es holding bills against ’? 1^ort i *an< l can have the same attend« ed^23n.f^ddreh“, d W-L. EPPINQER, Je JV-tf Box 727, PortlandJOregon.