6’0 VERNOR TH A YER. I H OC 1 E I 1 i: ■>. Ashland College a n <1 Normal School, Georg e T Baldwin. O re gou ’ s goA- er: for oc c u pies, w i t h A sb iand Lodge No. 189,1. 0. 0. T. -DEAIF.R tn - Livcated at Ashland, On gon. Mûrtg nt ibe new 1T.II uf McGill A-B um every I’espiu-t to his relations with pro- Friday evci.iug ;.l 8 o'clock p. m . B* other- and STOVES, TIN AND HABD- >*/' J. A V/> Ml. /•»/. '. h jsional politicians, a position sim- 'jeierjin >»uorl bHiding re curilaily U>v|t»-d to it- T Butler & Rockfellow WABE, lar to that of 1‘risident Haves be­ teed T e Temple mee t ever}- flrrt u.nl third Wed- F o R THE PURPOSE OF POI NDING THE ASHLAND COLLEGE AND NORMAL SCl’OOt LINKVILLE, LAKE CO., OREGON. netnlay in e ch mutten. tl»e A Llutid AeadeifV property ba»» L«*eu place«!, ir»-»- fr'-ui Ctb M ter , W. C. T., coutn*l of »i Board of Tras’efs, who have lUaugiirated tilo enterprise hv till- Baa Just received a new stock o side. :.!fur I hey were coni ilived that pr-ikti d *»v the last Legis! wtiire C has . N vtliy . b-c'y. iug the lulluwit g pObitions in the NAII.s, DOOR, TILL, chai3P-d that the $27,S75 pnid mit ; fhegJt’iilly la.muted “backbone ' WARDROBE AND IUD- Aslil.tnd L.o;lJKe Alo. 23. bv the Graver administration in was really in its proper position, 1.OCKS, SCREWS, BOLTS, HAND­ Mtt-iu Ktredt, Attillane!, REV. DOWELL L. ROGERS, A. M , imideut.----- W. L Nit HOIJ«, A M . Via» Pre id-ut SAWS, BENCH-SCREWS, PI ANES, BUTTS, the swamp land transact ion-: was :itiei' all, a'ml not at all lacking ih ! Prefer»ot of Moral ana Men al ec«iax»-uiatic«, A, F. A A. M.. STRAP-HINGES,AUGER-BITS,BRACES, FI LES, Thayer violated that I d.sbmsed without tire authority of firmness. SHOEINO-KN1VES, PINCERS, HAMMERS Hold* their stated communication» Thursday even MRS. A A. ROGERS, Piec*pi es», JIR-. JENNIE B. NICER LS, AVING SUCCEEDED MRS. M. W. HAR- ’Ifeechei uf ELgiuu Gruinm. r, lvceter uf M inc »nd Fteucti, UADiNK in tue buaiuese, w ouid a tu«, mice to RASPS, GRlNUSroNES, FRY-PANS, law, nominally tor expenses m se- partv maxim, ‘ i o the victors be­ ug-«u or hef>re >he full moon. Brethren hi good H BAKE-OVENS, FIXTURES, e<1 i • «areui. th. public that they otter fur eale a full line uf OTHER competent ivstrnctorg will be secured us fart as the Dteds of tbe IB- h etr g I he lands, but re.dly ibr no long the sp.«i. *," and, of course, it -Utudiug are curdiaby invi HOIS. RAKES, W. H. ATKINSON, W. M. could Hol be uxpectutl that he btitutiou rrqiiiie, so that the pupils may be provided will» tbe bent actual or honest servo e. In his SHEEP-SHEARS, HORSE BRUSHES, CARDS, J. 8. ErDASK% S| c’l. tucHmes lor Cummt-Ui-ibg aud Cumplrtmg tbe tulfoMiug worrld be reg tided favorably bv CURRY COMBS, AXES, «HOVELS, PR K SiU^ceak’JtiitiuQa I defense of himself in thu sa-nate. AND AXE HANDLES, HA'Y FORKS, Ashland Lutite No. 45, I M'OI'KNE OF STI 1)1— last winter, Grover declared th it ring politician*. These are now oil a œ cs9 WEI-.L WHtELS, RoPE, 1- — CLASSICAL, requiring ru years, iududiug preparatcry eiudier. Graduales rectire the deg»», ■ ». nd. Brother» in the good old l ing rule in the state C LUI HING, BUOIS and SHUES, heticsely and fully accounted for,” BUCK-SAWS, GLUE, El'C., ruud.ng are Cordially iuviied to attend. 8.—NORMAL, COMMERCIAL uud M V61CAJ-, o«uj y iug tl.ne year» e; ch. Dfikn»» g.ven HATS, CAPS, HARDWARE, GUN AND PIslOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER, and that fb. Mnric $5 a month, TRY SQUARES, adopted l~v the United tSiah* commendable; but one thing (use of' ltibliumtiii i?l additional). Vocal music in c'u»-**, $-3 a quarter. BEVELS, CROCKERY and GLA88 WARE, Board iu lkmiuiug Hall or in private lau.tlHe 13 50 t«> $4 50 a as part- of the public survevs, should Im known in counvetion razors and RAZOR-oiROPS, TABLE AND week. Rtjuuis «»r cottages fúr eelf-buardiLg, #2 I«» t5 per inoLtb. with the tn rogatory reports and and thousands of acres of the PUCK B i CU1TLERY (of al) kiudf), i And every thi»«£ usually found in the bitter strictures upon Gover ­ FISH HOOKS LINES, El’C’., PRGMINLNT FEATURES AKD ITEMS OF INTEREST swamp lands had been segregated 'IMI. IJN’KE SIGN D A ISHE< T<> R - AJ-.L KINDS Ol SHEET-IKON AND COPPER 1 uiind'i'is Irieuds, lud Ile iiavylin ■ pilb* nor Thayer — they all apparently to the state by means of this work.” 1 1. The College will be chartered; and the Normal or Training school for teach­ FIRST-CLASS HGUiE W a KE oil baud anil ui de .o eider. ne gtneraliy, tliat ho urs iH to'be .©und at ers will lie made, it is hoped by special enactment, an adjunct ot the Public School These assert ions were ilativ denied emanate from a clique who expect­ ihis v4-u2tl And we also propose to «teil all Guodn system, and diplomas made equivalent to first grade cei tificates. at the time by the Ort*guiiian and ed favors from the administration LONG E TABl.ISltffli HoUSE, 2. Ashland has rió salóons. The sale of intoxicatirg liquors is prohibited bv JUST RSJCiilVliiD ! I other journals ot Oregon, and now because • em ibe • es* he 3. The school will be under tbe supervision of an Evangelical Christian Church ,n yl», al «hort no­ specially piej aratory f< r business life, vill lective ui un al rtfei ti» ri. tice. jaspe » iiouck , DRUGS. 5IEDU IAES, ETC’., 5. The precejrtress will give her chief attention to the care ai.d cvenipht of t) e has reci’iveil notification trom the political iutrigm and diplomacy of AGENTS FOR THE NEW WIL­ yoring ladies. — Ej' l received iu A hcud — (.¡eneral Land Office at. Washing­ the parly whi< h chanced to he UNION HOTEL AN# BAKE; Y. SON OSClLLATfNG SHUTTLE An endowment of i”2O,(X'O will be, there is reason to hope, promptly sub­ StiitioHut-y, Pcrfu . h cry ton that the s.vamp land selections successful .in tl e last election en­ AN D - scribed, enabling the Trustees to reduce the present lates of tuition, specially to' ASHLAND, OREGON. made in this State by Governor I titled them to I e fed at the publ c Toilet Articles teachers, after the present year. ¡crib. Tlds they, of course, re ­ SEWING MACHINE, S NOW FINISHED, and tire Tr pri- Grover are not iu accordance with Address cornmnnicution- f«> -TOYS- etoi’ is ttmiv at >«11 times m receive sented, and it is not difficult to I law, and would not he allowed, I ASHIA D CGL-LEGf Ah0 kORK'A1. SCKOD . I gne-is an I furnish them with acconituoda- In great variety and of new and variour design». A shland , O regon Jun* 10th lb79. I thvhnnP thereby reverting to the pre*-’»?!-’»- the animus of their at- iutis src'iul t" non«* in th«* country. COUNTRY PRODUCÉ —Pl RE WINES a'.D LIQUO^’— Sit; p«rs furt iel.ed ; er order. United States, and the Registi r ■ tack* upon the Governor. Again, -Fur medical purputet- i Taken in Meal»............................................... S 371 exchange for goods. H.M. I HATCHER. and Receiver al GYegon City i* in­ I rhe administration has the enmity Single SIKES WDRDSV Board per Week ...................................... 4 00 Pipes, Tobacco [ of t h<-powerful faction which is structed to notify the Governor ol I I -A N L>- REV. J. H. MAYFiELD, THATCHER & MOLI I N WE 8PAI.L HE PLEASED TO WATT UP- i awaiting p-.’osi cntiou for the mal­ Oik’goD to that effect. v V on all cue-uni. re and will do our be.-t to Proprietor, — Cigars.— From the Oii’gonian's leader ol feasances committed during their i REALI RS 11* KrS,>eci would rerpec.fully euUcit i couliuu.tuce ol Ule pa role uu Atturtiey al the L'. S. laid 0ti.ee. Aré now I« Ceiv tig 111111 San Francisco an ex ensile « o< k of goudu ol go-ai v; .lei age w- icu Uur been »o ibr-ruli> exieuded'tu the pro the state, and Gilfry went to with the Gove; nor. .And this Gro- prico'ti Iu tue putt. exactly r-uiled to 'll' Had* of lie L aks V i . w , L ake C o ., O regon . 13-2411. DR. J. H-. CHITWOOD. C, K. K L U M, (uo-50--.f Washington at the public expense, ! vei-Uhadwick ring is yet far M y 31, 1878. I ■ moicpowe;fm th in many suppose. and J. N. 'J'. Miller got $7,67 1 fm MANUF a CIURER OF,AND DEAI ER IN W m . H aukik , R. P. N ail I.. A. N f . il , pretended services iu making se­ ; Its liiii r.d U'.'td ihe puldiemoney ASIILAM) XARKET. lections, and ,J. N. Bark r £.»: ! threw in!'» the hands of many I : Which'hey u p pr. pnred 'o *ell a' primm th it ciuiu •! fail to satihfy customers. !' CLOT HIER AND TAILOR, powe; i.d argiimeiits for its sup- sure tn call and hi e it«- and »• e for i ourselves. So,610 tor like piclc:; led service-. A shland , O regon . H. um Just opened V. e see how a tew holiest prop'c pm t. a: d its numerous beneficia- eips a GtNERAt Assonf who have paid the twenty per ■ alii *. m;;uv of whom are promi- i Harris Neil Co., NEW 31 O11F. in ASHLAND, m Jiirof goods in bis hue of trade. ' ' ; lieiii' ami '*\il!fui in the tricks of cent, on the hinds have been - DF. a T.ER s iN— Waere noy befuuud -n »»eorinitni of of Ladies’« ilYeii-’ and Beys’ Sad*» I & F’.vindledv ami how the swamp lam! I l ade Walt h form the caiiital All kiDGs of lres>n and dried CA88IMERES, FLANNELS YARNS, SOCKS, dies, a Special.ly. ring in general went tmt tor wool ’ the wii'.-umkitig politician, are Meats, Do not forget the Old Pioneer Store of the Lake Country. BLAxKE -, EIC., doiiii;. their utmost to get another Hides an I pe':s I o 'gii , and ali kinds of lai and irew have come back- shorn; - nl»»'- le tin, Buggy’and Plow Harness, T hatcher & worden . how the stale has been made a true dual of the spoilsof office, In stock take 1 i-i • x • '-mg for int*»l. Fiue black cl • h.«, I) ee»i->>*, uni Engiirb'Woreted nvz./AN, antagonism to thi* the schemes and Coalings fur Milti>,Ml«>f which wi.l be e Id Iio37-v:»-tl party to disreputable transactions ROBES, L.8. P.MARSH, A. F. QUIRES. J.R.LVRKE purposes ot these political leeches and how atla.sk it mis nothin" in 75 09 has I hon* — Ainpl»- r* uni •• Blur« freicht mid D0U1: AND MOULD­ rupting the civil service of the H fVvry kind* of ,.10-nice. > etcliaiil» uf Simihern make up the uiau. JOHN FRALEY, Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. thus been paid out witliou t an- 1 ING wi I timi it to their .ntciert to Hiup ail freight 2-vI f. M..iuS.i>ei. A hi nd. thoritv by law; and new in ithcr state? It l>e Las the determination I Ore-/«m llirongti Un» H>>u«e. WHEAT l ’ akeu at tbe Highest to do his duty in this, he will ac ­ STOVES. I INWARD, HARDWARE,- purchaser nor state has any land. , Wool, l> c n. Iloti'-, hi’fH, » tc., c >m-igne1 to my W. C. DALEY, Mm ket Rates in Exchange FACTORY, complish a triumph for reform otre lor ra*e or rhi, n.eui will rece.v. prompt allen­ J. R. TOZi’.R, H. S. EMERY. 'The only persons who have made i lor Goods ti..n. LROCKLRY and GLASSWARE. which will lili his name hitli above Arhliind, Jui.e 27lh, 1876. Dultf. Freight jM-r toll................. <1 »O money are those wlm were paid Salt per cur load........................................... SO KLxRSH & CO. paints usan g ass extravagant sums for imaginary) the ih lamatii n of the class now I _i£SJM<.ik go al- c.re..| II. L. M. t48-3- f. DALEY & CO., services m selecting (he lands, and hounding him, and give him a far R. T. BALDWIN SR GRANITE STREET, ASHLlNI Cheaper than any other Ho rÉè i the officials about flu state Imus,* ! more imm»rable position than that, OREGON. in Ashland. Proprietors of the C hampion MANUFACTURER OF, AND I EAI.ER IN, —----- cu>-------- win» tor years received sahii ies un­ •»I tin* tool or pct of any political Ou Man, rt'revt der the pretense ot doing neces­ ring or partv. It Thayer has not Ashland* ----- OieguH. WOOO WORKERS’ FACTORY, SADDLERY AND HARNESS, All kinds of Planing, Moulding. L ard C ans ...........15. D ollars per. » sary work in the laud department. 1 the r< solution and manhood to1 I have cow us baud « isuiu iful «Mcr nieLt uf Turning, Circular and W ater B uckets ........................ 50 v A shland , O regon -, MERGANSER, LAKE JOLNI Y, OREGON. s«a'nl l»v the peopl e, he will retire H .1-, R.ii.ue'-, S Fr-neh Fl-iwers, Wreatb- Bu-t the stutcisnot dime with the bcroll Sawing. Tie», I'aie-i buile, Ju-, I.adle»’ Winchester Repeating Rifles front’ Manufacturers of all’ kinds of business yep. The leg’isial lire u ill from oflice alienated from party Piu i.e«. Fi 111 Neck ALWAYS ON HAND, -lung (i. udr, «-tc.,«-ic. ere Al» » Furniture and Ornarrental ami popular favor a Pariah in be beseiged bv a lobby ot swamp a large assortment of $25 TO $30. Buttriclc Patierno Carving, Etc. Done polities. His course is watched land speculators demanding that baudl A; hkknkss ■md the Warner IIwuUi Curre». Exira Bot-toii '»yuip. to Order. Che money they have paid, or pre- ; with more than common interest, fc-jr A 1 «»r l»rs from a dieiauce propkptly fil>d. bbidlx », sriiu», ^©*FiiHiit-jr<*. Sash. Doors. Blinds DOORS, SA8H, BLINDS, bT IBM VPS, it»* i E-iT Ewry ih-hg euld'chsap R,r’C t»1i. tended to have paid, be refunded. by the people of Oregon. B’TS, WHIPS. Muulllirtg c- n-tiinii on bund LABUKH, ClBCHO Ule chine,-E*re»>rtDX niid Coloring, In ».he very DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, ; It is extremely probable that large and tn >d-- to order. Leaieel iu. uuer. * v2u IGtt /MSrl’icTUKK i-KAMEs neatly made to UÎÎ tlepuii ma promp’ly and cheaply dui« . Give n* We will contract to design and e. e’ i al The Pacific Coast Board of En­ .. c li an . V A.Tiuo yuureelves 'nut juu cun e -us u.on sums reported as cash paid iu • r ;er. J/z’.v. JI. J). Jonex. ey by tr.di. g «idi u*e. [3 10 fl R. 1. B. ea. kinds ot buildings, • Whin .«--i aule io gineers, on their tour of inspection never Were really o paid, bin that ¿^“P laning of all kinds, sawing, those employing iih , we w !• ir ' »o all lile B. F. REESER. K. J. FARLOW, the parties were credited Lliere- of locations mentioned as suitable J. D. FOUNTAIN, ma erial r* quire«! for lie :»«;u*iruetian nl turning, boring, etc., etc., Aabland, Oreg Nov. 15 1878 tf. J. N. T erwilliger . any building ready •< -ipH»iy. [.wlSht. Wirn il'.ld the amounts charged for the harbor of refuge, stopped DONE WITH DISPATCH. hKSH&GO. against the snrlfc-Jor expenses of «it l rinidad, Crescent City, Mark’s W ill contract for tbe erection of Is prepared to do all kiuda of Arch, Port Orfonl, Coos Bay ami all kiuJs ol Bt zl. dings . selection. But in'btirii’ eases f-O, 7’4 IN 7 7A G, GRA IN J NG money was actuallv paid; ami Cape l-’oiilweather. 1 hey arrived ^.UiKleitnking^ a Specialty. GEO. — AND— ASKLAND, OREGON. though it was e.xpcmled in an il­ at Portland mi tiie 31st of .July, <»F T'lK — legal manner,and,as it now proves, ami have been given a formal re­ HEADQUARTERS FOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GIVE US A TRIAL I W agon and B uggy P ainting without securing to the state the ception by the Boarxl of Trade of THE BEST GOODS AT THE A s h. H a ä that city. Of course,- PorHand ’ s DALEY & CO. a specialty. lauds claimed, the legislature will LOWEST PRICES. JVol. HI N... I if L DEALERS IN* 6^5“ Work «’one at living rate». undoublcdlv be asked lo refund it. iniluri.c • will be exerted ill favor A empiete a«sorttneiit of I iflR PUBLIC FOR PAST FA- T he claimants should be referred of the most northern location pos­ J no. B. R. Hutchings, SHANKING vure I suai a »naie ol me > u.e Iu i..e future. General Meichand.se, sible. Imt Portland may not con ­ U-Grover ami hisoffic a's fortheii General ASHLAND GLOVE FACTORY 800 T & SHOE STORE Furnishing Goods, tmuiev. These are the gentlemen trol the decision of the board. C*»n*i»’ing in P rtof P ioneer H otel . who handled and dispost d ol it. Hardware, crockcry, The »ub-cnbrr glvr.» rot ite that he 1» do *» prepar T .ANKS TO TBE PU ELIO flu' ednoi ot thu “’rimes*’ takes DRY GOODS, CLOTHING ROOTS AND SHOES, CRfr ed tu till ordert fur gloves of the* Much of it was covered in a \erv CERItS PROVISIONS, SHELF • HARDWARE, Linkv.lle, Lake County, Oregon For llieir Liben«| fa lomig»* wliìcb be boots and Shoes Hats aru taps clumsy way. We quote from the occasion to sav we have convinced accept- «*8 «esuibony • I t«e* »Lor , Evtrytuiig inquired Tle Subecriber 1» ngalii In.chi ;ge of tue commitlee's report: ‘Sometimes our leaders I hat we are familiar eiatiuii 111« ptirpo-e I« u, BEST BECK j E1N, 7A' GitEA'J UJ- BOOKS AND SiATIONERY, NOTIONS, ' l’IÒNEEd HOTEL K1ETY, items were given, Imt frequent I \ with ‘ the donkey subject’” In FURNITURE, ETC., ETC, ETC. “Grow W.th the Place/’ 9f tire Luke country, and ir deteiiniiie to FOR IKE GLNGAL HADE only gross amounts. The extrav- the same gì nial spirit which " Hoii-M dculin;/, and a livimj profil” Aho lace leather etc., etc. Call st mV eiWbihberr-.A tnak»* bis g e*t» conilurlabi«* and happy. un Granite Street and ree fur yourself. A. Cue p M U.e agant wav iu wiiich this fund was pl'omprvd hi s notice of us, we i HE IS IN F a WB OF THOSE WHO our motto. % 1IVF. HIM A C*LL—And rert ae-ured inai he farors, we solicit a aipuuidered, it done in good iaith, would like to return the compli­ Th rki"4«'iir friends fur Jno B. 11. lint« hings. wear good boots and e. JkL. <£» ULX LF* LHJ oEf ‘Li4» con i, ii'iice uf 11« ii p -run fe-e, a--urbg lien* that C t ■ 2-29 w ili L make yuu ieei al tivù GEORGE (Dollif! would show gloss incompetence. ment; hut, eidortunatelv, are un­ tt-i-y -*h.ill receive ki d tre atm ut aud liuuestmea lire NURSE. U-'oJ.JF LP- Æ>Lt- •Lfr'lk. All kinds of approved country Imt the fact that these transaction- able to do *o trom the tact that up at ou iiai.dr. FOUNTAIN & FARI.OW. Matériau* of all ki';► stages <1 ily b«'tw»*eii ity on the part ot the board, and The Red Blutf (Cal.) Sentinel, Is now manufacturing at bis mill on U. S. Sergent & Co. Ashland and Linkville f r tbe Ins» VERY * EST S I I LE. is as much a ci ime as though tln-y coinmentii g upon the little “uu- C-aytou creek the best variety of PBOENJX. OREGON’. GE» NUTLET. laiion of pus-i-tigrrs and expre«s matter. had appiopriuted the money to p'ea'iiiitiies*” existing between J. S. E ubanks , —On Mondays. Wednesdays, and tri­ Suga; and Yellow-pine Shingles their, own use.' " Gorham and Pixley,, says: “It we days, nt 5 o'clock a . m , n fine WM. D. COLPE GEORGE rftJRSE, - -— ■■ ► ♦ ♦ •< A shland , O regon . are to helit-ve what florham and Which will be delivered at 8Dy pluce ARVEN WHEEL WAGONS; C BRI- Au exchange says: ‘•In Iowa Pixley sav of each other, it would in this valley at. FOUR HORSE COACH Linkville Livery Stables.. age-* and all kind* of vehicles ma to S the prohibitionists have bi come s< > be an act ot injustice, iu case of S3 50 and $4 per Thousand, Cash, W ill -tart fiom A-«bluud, arriving at Link­ or*'er a* short nolic. Repairing promptly NURSE A. CORPE ville in tb»* evning.-« f the same day. stioug that both political par'ii s th, ir urreM and conviction, to sen- Or in tuark'table produce. All war and nea ly done. Fine work a specialty. f have discovered that inivmprr- b uce tin iii to San Quentin. The ranted to be satisfactory in quality re pleased 10 at»ounce that Ibeii StaS’e» a* LEAVES LINKVILLE v3-N23-tf. A mice ? is adreadtul scourge. J in v tilieen hundred teloos contained and in the r« ’ ue-dny», Thur-day» and Saturdays in the 5-3 Iqr. have learned tliv vii vi rue ot b* r .-•> ?■ >*r- in arc n atie vile enough al- morning,, arriving in AMrtand in the political principle, during ihe n adv by Iiir contaminating mtlu- Wagon Manufactory, OfíGON evening. On lite al’ernate days a LAKE COVNTY H 1 hot weather, am d they propose to ence of each other. twi.-horae hack or buck-board rpH E UN 0ER> IG X El) WILL BB FOCW) Are in eicellen' iei><«r, amply pr< vb’ed wph fee» W. W. Kentaor, Prop’r, And that cu-reuiere wii. he **t ed on put it down i—in their platforms. will make th»* trip. 1 hi hi« «hop on Main »'reet, two doo s prouiVtiv nud in (lie beet »!> !e y * prohibition ....... . It is said that at the Demo­ LAIN STREET, A»HL4Nl>. f-omthe livery »table-, whecb way).................................................... SB 00 The folks distrust the i < i do all kinds of work iu bis line t tbe at , Tbe stage» ennect with hacks lor Lake­ Guod HACKs F.xc»l'ent BUGGIES and No 1 bait, however, and when the rc- cratic court ntioti of Peniwylvai iu Wag’ us. Bnjgi&s Carriug»?. Wheel- RIDING HCFRsES alwaje i u h nd. o ' e«' price. P orti . and , O buhov .’- view a"d Fort Klamath. publicans took possesssm i of their la hl several weeks ago, it was Barrows. I’ ov-St<>cks, e 0.. milli­ i fga-Herve MirOtuullv cnied fur, «•D-.l Tkrtieular aifcntionywu«! k» kind Titles, WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS Exprea« cbarjea rew»n«b1e. ard repaL’t'd at abort notice. convention the oilier miy at i eda <1 nmnstrahd that Tilden would Debts and. all Kind» « j T GovvnuDcnlCla'uMu OFFICE iA AMhand a» the’|iv-ry stable. Tourists and Others Outfitted Rapi s they S ippi-d m . <*f tin hr .fiilo in »•. ( Ilire the- Pennsylva­ BEST EASTERN STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. ‘ Of Vehicles Made to Order. i buck dr>'«i a d -i.ei ««i ¿1 iio!« > nia <»«•’.*•_ in.a lo the ii.»* .«mil cou- All <>r ¡ers l«ti nt my new shop, n «rth of Rep iri g of »11 kinds lone with dispatch In Linkvi'.ls-at Thatcher A Worden’s tore. Principal Office, .Jacksonville, Oregon. On the aborte« u-t’.w I wIlCTv* lift V liuHi*tiutV