Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 13, 1879, Image 3

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JUNE 13, 18*9
Base bsll has sobeidtd.
P. L. Fountain <las in Ashland the
btlier day.
Frank Slade has gone to Sprague
111 ver, Lake county.
Col. W. S. Stone and wife will here­
after reside in Yreka.
Mr. Coolidge furnished 100 boxes of
tetrawberfiea for the festival.
'the Eagle mill is grinding some lit­
tle wheat for ibe bbuie trade.
Copt. Thoa. Smith sMd bis tig bay
gelJing to J. H. Mayfield for Y2-0.
Among the amusements for the 4th
at Ashland, a tournament is mentioned.
The miners of Sterling will close
down soon, after a prosperous season’» I
John Fouotsin, with his mother and
brother, paid Ashland a visit last Mon
Oeo. W.Stepbenson has bought John
Orth's farm:, near Jacksonville for $3,
Mr. K-smperis hauling stone from
tbe Tolman place for the new Masonic
Trout fishing is in order. 8ome floe
large trout have been taken from Bear
creek. •*
John Chandler has a shingle mill iu
dperation up the valley near Houck’s
Tbe flume of the woolen factory,
from tbe fall to tbe bank is being re­
Tbe heavy rain last Monday night
<tfd some damage to grain down tbe
We are informed that all of Colwell’s
real estate is to be sold fur the benefit
of creditors.
We noticed Messrs. Sargent and
R'P erta, of Puoeuix, dtf our streets tbe
Other day. ,
We understand that H od .Geo. Conn,
ill come iq from Lakeview about the
4th of July.
It is estimated that the wool olip of
Jack-ion couufy this year will exceed
300/XX) pounds.
II- L. Webb has bought a half inter­
est in Manning'a livery stable at Jack­
sonville for »2.000.
J o U q Fraley is not afrsid to match
hia work L»r neatm&A of fit against that
Of auy Uilor in tbe state.
A ping hat has made its appearance
in Ashland. Dura the wearer belong
to tue H. B ’aof California?
Tbe Ashland Wiuilen Mfg. Co. have
bought wool enough to last them until
tbe ut-xt clip comes iuto market.
Mr, Mace of. Bear Creek sold 520
ponmta of goal's hair iu Jacksonville
the other day at 30c per pouud,
Read, under special notices, what
Geo. T, Baldwin* of Linkville, has to
say to those who are owing him.
Joaquin Miller passed through town
last week with bis daughter Maud
whom be was taking to a school in Cal­
There is no shoemaker at Lakev'ew
we are informed.
RiV. Geo. Nutley
has received orders fur work to go to
that place.
E. F. Rockf jllow returned from San
Franeiaeo Tuesday morning. He will
be followed sooq by a large invoice of
new goods.
A miner from Portland and F. L.
Mace are preparing to wingdam tbe
Illinois river at some dretance from
The Bee aiys W. C. Griswold is get­
ting Lack some of lhe money collected
under rx^eulioo issued by tbe U. 8.
District Court.
Mr. M *rks, oi Little Applegate, offer*
for sale 900 Angora gotta, upon good
terms. Notice bis advertisement in
another column
For bargains cal) at Butler A RbcJk
fellow's, WLere goods are being sold off
Cheap to make room for tbe new stock
-fruioh is on t be way.
Mrs. Tuzrir. Mrs Thornton, M t *.
Couli lgeand Mrs. Drake went down to
Jacksonville to attea 1 ths strawberry
festival last Tuesday.
Several Ashland gentlemen have
been io attendeuce at court as jury­
men, Job Tuz*r, H. Farlow, B. F.
Rasser and J,. B. Miliioo.
G. W. Ford,who is finishing Houck’s
Hall, is only able to pat iu a day's
work now and then, having to wait for
lumber from th* saw* mills.
Simon Caro, who has been across tbe
Atlaulic to view friends in I be Father-
land, passed ’through Ashland to
Jacksonville on yesterday morning's
Mias Ella Anthony and Miss Beam,
two young ladies of Crescent City who
have spent several months in Aablaud,
started upon their return home last
There was born to tbe wife of Rev.
J. R. N. Bell a son May 30th, and on
June 2d tbe earthly remains of tbe lit­
tle ooe were Luried in Masonic cem­
etery at Roseburg.
Tbe revenue of the Jacksonville
school district is about $600 in excess
of expenses this year, leaving that
amount in the Lands of tbe clerk to b«-
giu the next year witn.
The Circuit Court adjourned on Mon
day io respect to the memory of tbe
late James D. Fajr, formerly of thtf
Jackson rille bar. Appropriate reaoln
lioua were passed $ud spread upon the
journal, and a oopy under tbe aeal of
the court, ordered to be given to the
*»dow of the deceased.
We are informed I hat Calvin B. Mac­
Donald has gone to Washington Terri­
tory from the Willamette valley, aud
tiis visit to this section will conse­
quently be postponed.
Chas Adams has sola his house on
the corner of Main and Oak streets to
J. M. McCall, and has removed with
bis family to the dwelling house ad­
joining that of Amos Willits.
Hay harvest is upon us. We will
have to appeal to the almanac before
we can make ¿flrSelves believe it
though, the April showers and March
breezes cod fuse our reckoning.
An Indian who was working in the
mw milfat Klamath Agency, fell across
the revolving saw one day last week,
and received fatal injuries, living only
a few hours after tbv accident.
The committee appointed to procure
an orator tfud a reader of the Declara­
tion <»f Independence on the Fourth
bavo »elected Prof. L. L. Rogers fur
orator and J. D. Fountain as reader.
The body of Gain Davis, who was
drowned in the Umpqua, was fouud
floating in an eddy about a mile below
the scene of accident early last week
and the funeral took place on Wednes-
We understand that W. A. Wilshire,
who is now out at Willits* saw mill, in­
tends returning to town soon, and will
build a house on CFrauifa street. We
suppose it will be large enough fur
The Def Korte Record is the namo of
a new weekly newspaper published at
Crescent <3ity by J. E. Eldredge, It
is a diminutive sheet, tbree*columns
to the page, bot it Las a chance to
Rev. J. H. Mayfield started for Lake
county again lust Tuesday He iotends
to gather np a drove of horses from his
band and drive them to Vtrgiuia City,
Nevada. He took a few horses from
this place.
The American Agriculturist for June
ba» reached us, filled, as usual, with
interesting reading matter for every-
oue, aud information of much value
to the farmer. Every farmer in the
luod should take it.
H. M. Thatcher esme in from Link
villa on Wednesday evening.
reports affairs in a flourishing condi­
tion in Lake county. Mr. Thatcher in­
forms us that there is about $100/100
worth of beef for sale in the Klamath
basin this year.
J. Q. Willits has removed from the
Academy cottage to the bouse on
Granite street belonging to the estate
of the late I aao Miller. Professor L.
L. Rogers will occupy the Accdemy
cottage sometime in the oarly part of
August,perhaps sooner.
The picnic party which went from
Aahland to Mr.bheppard's soda springs
la«t Friday returned in tiie evening
and di'ove through tow a with flying
colors. A good time is reported. Tiie
printers who didn't go return thunks
for the excellent lunch »ent them.
The Linkville mail comes in on time
every day. Mr. McCurdy, who has the
contract between Linkville and Lake ­
view, Las been making tri-weekly trips
while perfect arrangements fur regular
service, uud is about ready now, we
learn, to carry the muil on schedule
At the last term of County Commis­
sioners Cuurt a view was ordered of the
proposed road from Armstrong’s mill
to the divide between Trail and Evans
creeks, and M. Dickenson, J. A. Sa­
ter fir-Id and M A. Huston lverò ap-
pointed viewers and C. J< Howurd,
Survey of.
A correspondent of the Douglas
Independent say».- “Tue Scab Flat
base bail club had better be on the
look out, for the “Shot guns,” of You-
calls intend challenging them for a
mutch game in a »bort time.” If it
should turn oul, after all, that there
is something in a Dame either of those
clubs would be hard to beat.
At a meeting of the Grave Creek
Ditch Company, held in Jacksonville
receutly, the following
directors were
« •
elected. Jay Beach. H. Kelley, Dau.
Crutiemiller, E. F. WalXer, and S. S.
Martin and Jas. Chenoweth of Douglas
county. E. F. Walker was chosen
President and Treasurer; H. Kelley,
i Vice President; Dun. Cronemiller,
| Secretary.
Tutt» to L akeview —List Monday
moroiug Mrs. M. \V. Hargadine, with
her two danghttis and one little boy.
started for an excursion to Lakeview.
J. S. Eubants, Jr., goes with them as
protector and chief man of the patty.
They drove two teams, and will camp
out during the trip. The party expect
to celebrate the Fourth at Likeview.
L eaves Us.—Mr. H. P. Valpey left
on Wednesday’s stage for bin old borne
at Harrisburg,- about eight miles from
San Jose, Cal., intending to reside
there permanently. Mr. Valpey Las
gained mnoy frfends during his resi­
dence in Anhlafid. all of whom send
with him their best wishes for bis
health and prosperity at his California
--- ------------------------- ♦---------------------------
S trawberries .— Mr. Coolidge lias
sirawberrie« enough to supply all who
may want to purchase). Tue ffabsf her
ries we have seeu this season were
»everal boxes which Mr. C. brought to
our office the other day. Tuere were
four varieties, t ie Jucundu, Peabody
Seedling, Wilson’s Albany and Tri-
umphe de Grande,and we arc afraid to
tell how large they were—our veracity
would be questioned.
' C ircuit C ourt .—Circuit Court met
on Monday, with all the officers pTee
ent The S’ate cases agaiust Archie
Chrisman and Jas, Wells were con­
tinued and tbo84 against James Hard*«,
Oliver Harbaugh, Andrew Elliot and
Frank Williams were dismissed on
motion of the District Attorney. The
case of the State vs. Dan'l Doty, for
assault with dangerous weapon, was
postponed, and civil cases were taken
Fourth of July Celebration.
Pioneer ‘Society.
Coart Docket.
Pursuant to'cdl, a meeting of (he
citizens of Ashland was held in McCa
& Baud's Hall last Tuesday evening,
to coubider the matter of a Fourth of
July celebration in this place.
The meeting was organized by call­
ing Cspt. J. M. McCall to the chair.
On motion W. H. Leeds was chosen
A resolution that the citizens of Ash­
land celebrate the Fourth in appropri*
ate style was carried with demonstra­
tions of enthusiasm.
Moved and seconded that a commit­
tee of genera! arrangements be appoin­
ted by the Chair; carried, and the fob
lowing named gentlemen and ladipe
were appointed.- J. D. Fountain A. V.
Gillette, Jesse Houck, G. F. Billings.
Mrs- J. H. Russell, Mrs. O. Coolidge,
Mrs. B. F. Myer.
On motion a committee on finance
was appointed,consit-tiug of Messrs. C.
K. Klum, Guin Butller aud A. D. Hel­
On motion, a committee of three,
consisting of A. G. Rockfellow,. E. J.
Farlow and Dr. Chitwood,was appoint­
ed to procure an orator and reader of
the Declaration of Independency, f
On motion,"A committee bn voeal and
instrumental muaio was appointed,
consisting of Rev. Geo. Natley, Miss
Belle Drake and Miss Rachel Apple­
On motion, the meeting adjourned
sine die.
We shall publish th9 programme of
the day in due time.
The ar.nualj meeting ofjthe Pioneer
S iciety of Southern Oregon, was held
at tbo Cuurt House iu Jackr«iiiville <m
Tiiursday the 5th day of June I87‘.l,
D«vid Linn, Vice President of the
Society presiding, in the absence of
the President. The minutes of the
lu-t meetiug and also of the renuioua of
the Society, were read by the ??tcretary
an-i approved.
is the Circuit Court
D\ck«t fur the June term, which oegan
lust Munday;
sta T e cases .
fitafe ys. Arch. Chrisman/ dssanlt.
State vs. Jas. Hurds; murder. State
vs. tVeils; murder. State vs. Daniel
Doty;assault. State vs. O Harbongh.
larceny. State vs. A. Elliot; larceny.
State vs. Frank Williams; la roe By.
ti‘ate vs. W. H. Parker; larceny.
we A tiiek
r ' kpokt .
I nstruction in M usic —Prof. E. T.
Kugler, of Jacksonville, has made ar­
rangements to come to Ashland twice
each week to give instruction to a
clarain music, begioing yesterday (the
12th). The Professor, of whose Bnc-
cess as a teacher in Jacksonville we
have beard much commendation, is a
graduate of the Conservatory Df Music
of Munich, Germany, aud has high
testimonials of ability und efficiency.
He will be iu Ashland on Monday and
Thursday of each week, and Will give
lessons upon the piano and organ and
also in vocal mu->ic. We understand
the Professor already has a class of ten
or twelve pupils. His terms are; For
a term of 21 lessons, $30: single lessons
SI 50 each.
’S .
Ou motion of Ti.
C. lluncan, the
members present; proceeded to elect
the officers of the society for tbe
'fha chairman ap-
ensuing year,
pointed Kaspar kubli aud L. J. C.
Duncan, tellers.
The following persons were elected to
tho re-pective offices named; David
L nn, President, Capt. Thomas Smith,
V.ce l’resideut, dope. Burrell B. Grlf-
ti i. Vice President, Wiliiaui Hoffman,
8 ereturv.aud Kasper Kubfi Tieasurer.
Tue secretary presented a statement
of the account of the late Treasurer,
U. S. Hayden, deceased, as the same
appeurs ou the treasurer's books, show­
ing the amount ou baud $10.65. The
report was accepted uud approved.
C. C. Beekman moved, that on the i
death of a member of the society, the. j
president be reqirested to take such j
action thereon,a» he may deem proper;
the motion adupied.
Silas J. Day moved, that the secre
tary be authorized to procure a suitable
book in whicli to record the resolutions
winch mny be passed ih reference to
d-ceased members Of th& society,which
motion was adopted.
L J. C. Duucan moved, that the1
president appoint a committee of three
members iu Jacksonville, to report
resolutions in relation to the death ut
U. S Hayden, Jate treasurer of the
society, also a committee of three
members in Ashland uud vicinity, to
report resolutions on the death ol
Isaac Miller aud Jame* M Sutton,
members of iLe so<-!»-fy, which motiuli
was adopted. Thereon, the president
afipoiuted L. J. C. Dnncau, C. U.
B-ekman and Silas J Day oil the fir^t
mentioLed committee, aud John M.
McCall, Lindsay Applegate aud E K
Anderson on the last mentioned Com­
mittee, said resolutions to be placed in
the bands of the secretary.
The following motion was presented
l»y J.A. Cardwell.- That the next annual
reunion of the society, be held ut A-h-
Inlid aud that the president appoiut
a committee of three members residing
iu Ashland and vicinity, whose duty it
shall be to appoint sub committees and
to devise ways uud means and make all
necessary iirrar.gements with reference
to said reunion; motion adopted. The
fidlowing p-nson* were sppoijded as
said committee, Jesse Houck, John M.
McCall and E. K. Anderson.
L. J. C. DunciT?offered the follow­
ing motion: That the next annual
reunion be held on Thursday the lltli
day of September next.- adopted-
On motion of C. C. Beekman, it was
ordered that the secretary draw an
order on the treasurer fur the sum of
three dollars and sixty cents for a scrap
book for the nso of the society.
L. J. C. Duncan offered the follow­
ing motion: Thut the voting members
of the society pay each the sum of
fifty cents a9 Lhe yearly dues, to defray
tiie expenses of the society, which was
And thereon, the society adj inrneJ.
W m . H off ma
Knbli <fc
Roll DSOD;
Bj bee vs.
inson and
Bolt vs. Wm. Bybee, A, tV.
E. C Robinson and Jesse
«>u recover
irvoToi money,
iMVfiiujr. Wm.
vvuj . ’
A. W. Hawkett, E. C. Rob­
Jesse Robinson; tò recover
Caynfe Mining C<.ropany
and Walter Itubell; to annul saleAud
fur conveyance and it junction. Roi-
anna and T. J. Farris vs. J. W. Hay et
al., suit ill « quily. Muitha Lii.def vs.
lluht. Linder, dtvotce. Jaa B .rues V,».
R E. By hee. t<> quiet title. Susan E
11-1 tnau vs. M. G. Hrliuan, divorce.
Louisa Earl th . Geo. E«rl, divorce.
Hon. John M Mitchell will deliver
tbo Fourth of July oration at Junc­
tion City.
Over $5000 wntth of wheat was de­
stroyed by the late hat’ ptorm within a
radiUH of twojpiles from Salem.
The Coabt Mail says that work baa
been entirely »u»pen<ied at the Black
Sand gold miues uear Randolph.
Ladies of Junction have organized
An «qibsirian club, and will appear in
the proceaeion on the Fonrth of July.
The following named persons will
graduate from the State University
ihis year: J. N. Praycy, J. C. AIcQ rinu,
H. C. Condon. Mary Haya, Car tie Cor­
nelius and Julia Adams.
R. L. Lane.falsely representing him­
self as nephew of Gen. Jos. Line,
l>:lked the B«nk of British Columbia.
Lidd & I'llton, Lit nt Farrow and ot;her
Portland men. out of about $1 000 by
forgeries. He will go to the pemten
Toe B ir of Rbsebnrg and other com­
mittees man giug ih»* proposed celebta
tion of. the 4th ot July, Lave selected
Geu. Joaipli Laue fur- president ol the
day, liev J. R. N. Bell aa marshal,
Sydney Deilas orator and Mr. Criss
«ell as reader.
A min uaruea Charley Starr was re
cetily | urdoued fioui the penitentiary
■ n his promise to leave the state aud
remain during the period for which he
was sentenced. Hu failed to do a«» aud
was arrested a few days ago at Albany
and returned to the prison.
Religion. Notices.
M. E. C hurch —Services every Snn-
pay at 11 a . m and 8:00 p. m . Sunday
School ut 2:30 with Bible classes for
obi aud young. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening at 7:30. A general
invitation and a cordtai welcome to all.
W. T. C hapman , Pastor.
THOMAS- BAILEY - n Sartie Vut'ey, Ju e «th, b)
W. A. Chi der-, J. P.. Tburstou Tb_>mae aud Mi?a
I B Iley—all of Evine creek.
The Imported Perchero^ íytfrñoDf
• .
Will -^ake the s*w»n b<*gfatilnf April.1 lt|'
a i<l continue fill July 1st at lbs aisblss of
the subscriber, nssar
The first Imported French itafiioft «••$’
•-ver came wcm I of the All«*p baniea essie
i i o Uiiio i (-ouittv.Ohio iu 1851. This horse
was called Lofts NAroLKox, and sb wed the
great v lu- o' this stock
l'p t« 1869 itere’
w.-ie U2 more imported iutu th« United
S’at-s. aud >u the l«»i 1<I ve.trs there have
be.-n 566 importvd Eotn* coutvira is Ohi<*
and Fliuois give bueiuess to 13 to J$ is
por ed staltions as well as a numesr of
8iad**- 1 b>-giades of this stock are now
g • *•’ into the Chicago u.-<l New York aar-
kets, and ie idily bring 50 to 75 | or ceo^
ino'C than the comm. .a £uck ot workhorse*;
The above shows the reputation tbie stook
hv, where they have bad over 25 years
experience with them.
See the rro- ey br> tight into this county by
th-aale <it W hits Patxcs colts and lilies,
Tli«-re have been 45 bead sold snd taken out
of lhe county, which brought $13.317. aa
average price of nearly $296 each, they
wete mostly sold when under two years old.
maty ot them at wexniug time. Thev wore
taken to California, Eastern Oregon, Waste
ington and Idaho Territories, and favorable
repotts hare came from all, and in Mveral
instinces the purchase 't 5aM ordered or
came and bought more.
W hite P binck has not made a season bo*«
COLV1G—BIRDSEYE—At the residence of the since 1873.
F rom L ank County.—On Monday
bride'» parimi*. < u 'he 8th, by E. Dimick. J. P.,
evening Capt. O. C. applegate and
Every burinrts man knows that large,
II J >r W. M. Coivi- nod Mi-e Ada BLrd.eye.
wife and Miss Jennie Anderson ur-
well-fio med horses have always b«os la
rived iu Ashland, for a visit among
demand at good prices.
their many friends and relatives here.
They left the Agency about two weeks
There 1 as barn a good fdaal,! «aid aba«/
ago, and have been spending some
time in Swan Lake valley.
I have nine hundred Angora goats ii the Percheron stock that I bare iutrodnea«
Applegate has almost entirely re­
for ssle. which are, I think, as good a i on this coast nt greaijcost, being a FAlLCia.i
as cun be found in the state, !>e- and U4RI G. and not suiting iba wants of tka
covered from her long illness, aud this
bred from the best imported farmer» anil teamsters, etc., etc.
journey will no doubt improve her
bucks. I find it nece^-sary to change
Tho.*e partie« that give curtvncy sad
health still further. It is a real pleasure
my busineHa in order to school my credit to the above are, no doubt, intervale*
to see the Captain on our streets
children. For particulars apply at my in roiiic other stuck, and never owned ar
raucli on Little Applegate. or address
again. His duties at the Agency will
F eaii V ul S torm .— E«quire Watters,
gave lire Perc'crons a trial.
be attended to during his ubseuce by who Leri a bfotber-in-luw living at
Here is what bkijabi . b men the; are wail
1:1 3tV
A shland . O gn .
G. G. Anderson.
Blue Rapids, has received an extra
known in this county any « n thia matwr:
published by the Blue Rapids Times,
S eriously I njured .— O u Wednes­
Apportionment of School Funds.
We the iitul.-rsigned. Iiaving b ad, nwM*’
containing a description of tbo terrible
or us« d c oli«> rite I by the iuipor ad Prrcb-
day of Ifist week JameS Ford, father of
er-.u hois«-» introduced O<eg<>n by W.'.
storm that swept over thut portion of
Following is the J udo apportion-
G. W. Fold of this place, was serious­
At Jrviug, a neighboring ment of the county school funds
All parties owing me prior to June C. Myr. of Ari.lund. beli.-va thia «tuck la
ly injured at bis home about seven
tie u valuable acquisition to our alate, «•
town, thirteen persons were killed and ir made out by Superi ntendont Fuuu 1st will pb-ase setHe by the 15th e.f tho e i»r< d lu-r<* wii i>h<«w their origin in a
mile» from DaKa9, on the Luckiumute.
forty nino wounded. Two distinct t .in:
July, 1870, of their accounts will be VERY MtBKKt* I’EGhl K. having a f-qu ne, solid
The Ilemizer gives the particulars as
iiiike-u|>, with g<>«ni b< ii *. fine to m kind
cyclones stru ck the town, one about Nune of Diat-
Amt. Received placed in the bands of an attorney for d>s|»o«itio:i :>u<l good ac-ion for «udtnxl» af
follows: tie was engaged in chopping
fiifeen minutes after the other, The J toksonvill?.................... .............. S2G1 50 collection.
ib-ir rize. ]|.oe<- ••I t »•< ougti io woik give
down a tree, which when it fell struck
hr nn
goo I s iiv-ficri n o.i the l ain or r«»»d as
terrible whirlwinds swept everything
another tree and a large limb breaking
(.■■•in animal», aud find a ready ma'ket at
45 On
L ineville , Ogu.. June 10th,
from their natb. The account says: L town.......................
the higlx-ft liric«-» lor which w»ok b«»rsea
off descended and hit him a terrible
P'roenix ...........................
no. l-4t.
“Where etood fine dwellings at one A-hUnd...........................
ate >u!d. T ji «- | roduci ff.'ou tit* bait b!( O<l»,
Idow in the back, breaking two of his
c Its and fiifi s. sbuv tffe PerchefuL in iorm
moment there could not be found a V «nzinihi.....................
ribs, partially ditdocatiug his spine and
•»nd hi k.-uji.
perfect piece of board or plauk six feet F'-aterual.........................
Iu vi< \v ¿t ili’-se fifCt^ tby-i can be no
injuring him internally. Dr. Smith
30 50
in length, ten seconds afterward. I Mv«‘«a............................
■out* that the tnt<o-lucii«yi of the Prieb-’
was called to nttend the injured man,
49 on
L'tt.I h Bulle................
er -ii has »nd will c..i»e a iy,.luiih'ein’pr»«ve-i’
Fences were removed as completely as South
25 25
but there is slight prospect of his res
ui’ent of eur Common. »t< ck. and add io the
if done with spade aud hammer. Posts An'elo) ?..........................
; fiu clcuil interest- uf the country. >
covery, as he is aged over seventy
set two feet iu the ground were, in Chiiniiev Rock..............
A . M «riiu,~
Granite street. For particulars inquire S •S. Vaneyke,
years aud Lis injuries are very danger- some instances, drawn out. Of some Wil'«»w Springs............
'' Tutor,
Ja». JisVag**,
39 75 I
C F nialie.
J.diisM I'ptiy.
33 75 of
houses aud their oouteuts.uot one tenth 1 n lepetHlcnce................
<». W Fo <ivee,
I* Dunn.
41 75
gn .
W. F. Nviigor.
R unaway ’. — Lust Sunday afternoon of one per cent can be gathered Up. Dar.lanelks...................
36 25
F lit be>‘,
A F. Rmdkl,
H. T. Chitwcod took his mother ont
I). IVi e<ar,
N. Gfib*».
E (I or.
for a drive behind the fast mare which many—both of those woo were lost and Upoer Bulle...................
!.. If-o«<i-_w.)t<|
8»- ij ’ h C'»« ek............... .
35 00
«. li.
«». Elinvar
(••■••«■i ' -,
i the Doctor has recently'sold. Having those who-escaped—were deprived of Missouri F‘at................
22 50 I
U j , '
nearly all the clothing on their per. \V gner Crei k.............
61 50
The Presbyterian ehnreb festival re.'hrbed home atd let Mrs. Chitwood '
ic, a G ants Pass .................
I couhl with th* si ore get like ecMorie
was very well attended and quite a
oneer Store are hereby notified that it
3S 25
N »rth P- oe iix..............
t from parti«-» (b it have l«r> <1 «.r e-»sr^
.pecuniary success,1 he receipts amount­ around to drive down to the stable
I nstructors E lected —At a lieet- •Rick P<>inr....................
15 25
g stock lioai my I or«e* In C«li'o*nL^
ing to over $56. with* very' liftlu fo
ing ol tbe Bo «rd ot Trustees of the Evans Creek................... ........ 45 OU iiesH change* Lauda, uud paj menta
ar.d Wiliauhti* valley», barer®
43 00
pay out for expenses. A number were throwing Ham one and frighteDifig the Ashlaoa College aud Normal School
gum, fdabo «nd li-«ut<a*
in attendance from Jacksonville, mare. Willi the two fortf whvels the last Friday meaning, the President L>wer Applegate........
49 3w
isL Cohinib*:«.
among them Were Mrs. Shipley. Mrs. affrighted animal dashed through nominated W. J. Nicholls, A. M‘, for
10 75
Beekman and daughter, the Misses | town, and out toward the base ball Vice PresiJeut aud professor of math­ Green Mountain..........
41 75
Lien, Miss Vining, end Messrs. Ladd. field, where she was captured. While ematics, aud Mrs. Jennie B. Nicholls, F ots Ci enfi..................
37 75
Savage aud Wm- Kinney.
teacher of music and French. Both
Prirfc of
Thompson Creek..........
Kee»er’H porch in front of the store,
At a school meeting held at Phoenix
were unanimously elected by the A h- iff-lin.........................
U'a« PtdecIrrT in rr»nc»* Inr Jim wme P 'r*/
last week the citizaui resoiude l th«« ! breaking through the boards and ! Board, and those who have knowledge Meadows..........................
scratching her legs slightly. Damage ■
l»r< tight put o.d l.oui* N apomox (l.«f
ui the g*ii11emuud lady regard tbe R«»g' e River................
! fifteen mill tax voted at a previous
to buggy only about $5.
had 23 seau« exui*jp«;n«e wi h lids
I epphine........................
I meeting, and levie I a tax of one mill
choice with great satisfaction. Mr>
si> ck) »nd was purcbaa«-d írcm «>nr of (be
P. rwnsbnroiltfd ,••••»-
to meet present liabilities. The idea of
29 00
T he S chool B ook Q uestion .—At a Nichols is a popular aud efficient ed­
Will make the ensuing season, •usi I'e i* in tr, and hi« piola e
building a school bouse is not aban­ meeting ut Cuuuty School Saperioteu- ucator, well known in Siskiyou county. Sorth Sam» V«lley. . ..
23 75
ilii« »Ute sl ow him to be a No. 1 «lock
doned by the progressive people of the deuri'in Salem twat week says the Speakiug of the faculty, the Yreka S -ut • Bu’.te Cn es .... ............. 2L0O commencing April 7th ami end­ i orse
22 00 ing July 1st, at the stables of C.
place,and an earnest effort will be made .Fcrcury, a majority of the Superin­ Journal sayB.- “The Trustees have se­ b.<>•••• ..............
20. UU E. Blake, one mile east ot Ashland,
Tciins Stl* the fcenM>n.
to raise money enough for the parpose tendents of' the State were present. cured the services of Prof. Rogers of
by voluntary subscription.
Real lutate Tran »a eli jni.
Propositions were received frbm the the M. E.' OUurch in this place, a grad­
day of each week.
different publishing companies, and
T he W ool M arket . — Quotations sraled ballots were cast and deposited to take charge of i£ who will be assist
he County Clerk's uffr.-e since our last
from San Francisco are as follows.-
Â1.W. BOY and BOIJY BVÄif*
with the Superintendent of Public ed by W. I. Nichoris.a well known ed-
Choice Northern, 22(«/2Mc.- Barry, Instruction, which will not be opened usator of ability in this city and oonu-
]9(a,22c.- Inferior, 17(5; 19c.- Southern,
Silt R oderick is a dark bay Wilf ««acb I *rv«> a limited number «.f ni tre«
ty, iu conducting tbe school. Mrs.
F. M. Smith' to Louis G. Hubert,
good to choice, 13(0} PJ; Burry aixl until the 20th of this month. There is
in Jacksonville.
Consideration, with no white; lour years old, and « my rMbl«». A kabian L ot
S4-dy, 12@14’p, lb. Th* d- niaud is no doubt that a large majority of the Rogers aud Mrs. Nicholls and other lot
will Weigh about thirteen hundred » J > t.i inaurr. L' oubx B ibxí . th« ¿hvt-’ *
•dUve, ana shipments find ready **le. persons present prefer any other series competent instructors in tbe various ¿45.
«il, ¿I j i bis ire.
Jot. Damien to Mitchel) Douden, 40 pounds. His sire was old C apt .
of Readers to the Ktocrofi series, and branches of education.including music,
P««iurage «2»/ cen'« per w«*«k. W¡|fJ
/ O fficers of P ioneer S ociety :—.
it is safe to predict that a change will will also assist, rendering an educa­ acres in Tattle Rx?k Precinct Consul- K ligart -*—darn, by L ion H eart .
ii*e «lue care, but will aot be liable for'ac***
the meeting of the Jackson County
Ky\i be made in this respect. It is thought tional force unexcelled in sny college ration, 500.
cidetiu ur ageapc*.
Pioneer Society, held at Jacksonville all the County buprriuteudeuts will lie OU this COUSt. ******
O. Ganiardto S.F. Cliadwick, 35 45
last Thursday, the following officers heard from before the 20ib.
Gare will be taken to prevent
The surroundings, as regards morality and acres in Table Rock Preciuct.' Cunt id-
were elected for the ensuing year: id eel i ng was a very pleasant and har­
accidents, but no liability will be
beautiful location, make Ashland the -lation, ? 106.35.
w. C. MYffl.-
David Lmn, President: Captains monious one, and there will be another
G. AV. Ralrie to Silas J. Day. one
Thomas Smith sud B. B Griffin, Vice meeting held at Portland Augiiat 19rb, most desirable pluce on the coast fur
Huffman. Secretary ; at the time of the convening of the
half interest in premises in Jackson­
K. Kabli, TxM*or«r.
attending school.
ville. Consideration, $200,
A shland , O rígom .
mg gya
Marek $♦, IW»;
For Sale.
Notice to Debtors.
• • • • .
• •••
• ••••••a
• ••••••a
• •
• • • • •
• • • •
• • •
• •••••«a
• • • a
Kust Settle
• • • a
• •••••••
• •••••••
• •••■••a
. . . •
• • • a
....... «
f t t V « « • •
• •••••
• •••••••
• * . •
• . •
* >«:»! r
Look to Yobr fatereste!
The following i« the local weather re­
port for the week ending June 11th,
O n a V isit .—W. C. Daley was sur­ at 6 a . m aud 12 m .
prised last Saturday morning to' see DATE.
approaching him his brother, Willard,
G A. M. , lixr.
from Illinois, whom he bad not seen
before for more than fifteen years,
5 Cloudy
the gentleman had come from the
• <
Mississippi to spend three weeks in
« 65
Oregon, visiting bis brother iu this
Clear ............
Kain ............
place, bis father on Butte creek and
11 Cloudy............
53 -.
anothea brother in the Willamette val­
ley. lie bad givon no intimation of
To T he P ublic .—F. B rulow has
bis coming, wishing to give the family sold Lis interest iu the store at Eagle
a complete surprise.
Poiut, Jackson county, O?egi/h, to
C hance for a R ace .—Joe Taylor, Eber Emery who will take churge of
of Portlaud, publishes the following the store and trails ict the buSinO'S of
io the Standard, under date of June the new firm of H. T. Inloiv & Eber
2d: ‘‘Having read a challenge in the Emery at the old stand in Lagle Point,
Standard from the owner of 3ca’mper­ where goods will be sold for •reduced
down to the effect that he wanted to price for cash or produce at cash price,
run his horse for $o 000, I wish to state unless by special contract satisfactory
that I am ready to accept the challenge to parties concerned.
D r . H. T. I nlow ,
offered on the following conditions.-
E ber E mery .
To run at the State Fair next Fall for
$2 000, or at Portland, his expenses to
be paid by me at any time agreed upon,
or I will meet him at Jacksonville after
the State Fair, be paying my expenses
to that pluce. Now put up if you
mean business.”