■ INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS. AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. $2.50 PER ANNUM. ASHLAND, OREGON: FRIDAY, JUNE 13,1879 VOL IIII.—NO. 1. MOUNT SHASTA. Qhar«cty.iAtie< Form in the Trotter. O:'e old German keeps a little store, Weaverville, the county seat of Trinity where wo renewed onr diminishing coonty. This town has been u very Dll J. IL CHITWOOD, Over tiel-t» on fl-Ms of A jo v . Some oue has brought to light a pri­ Form is of more impoitance than From one old German, who rich camp, but. like too many other«, ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY---- By the canyon s re we left our waaon, «nd A way by th»- »Io, e to the we»tern tea; cteristm that we givn it iu fall, as fol* M.'C.id A Biuin'-t ne-v buildin;.) pector. The nearest poi» t to wagon from thence have a good trip to Ash- He bend« the knee but cauuot reach j^TrORXEY Ar-LAYV, The crown : nd the pri te of those sunny lands, lows.- and gather quickly, is overtopped with The beautiful aiouutaiu of bh ista stands. road» is 24 mile«, and everything is laLd, arriviug on the 30tli. weight,and therefore falls in a straggle Gi neral .- -I Lave placed yon at the Ter«* «f SwbscHp’ion s packed in over steep and narrow trails. Wj-h hues of « ffn.n, peirl «nd rose, J. A. L each . Jacksonville. Oregon. O d * copy uae . ............................................................♦ • Ml head of the Army ef the Potomac. Of which is decided by Bpe«d «nd In tints of beau y its sumndt glows; On ihe 7th we camped on a bar which " “ «fi ............................................................. 1.50 Euglun.l Fifty Yeari Ago. courage; and the cause of failure is ' course, I have d-me this npon what ap­ J. W. HAMAKAR. prospects well, uud as there ia plenty “ •- iMr-w ’• ............................................ 1 <« Anl the g s c me, --nd the > g s go, 12 50 luck of form. One of the best writer« pear to be sufficient reasons, and CI«*» ratea'-lx cwpte» f«*......................................... An 1 still on its peak shines ths ere-ted snow. of water, we wonder that it has re­ In thone days there were no envel- NOTARY PUBLIC. Tara-, la «llen store, twenty-fonr mile» from Rattlesnake metropolitan district, 10 pence to I bred. We are advi-e ’ to choose an which I am not quite satiofied with Pru»*«»i ... .1 C.id», p*r *•*»................... giv-n 'o (.onveyancihg. v2 19'.L 3 T*» iwca*», per qu»rte»........................... Ciuiub.r; nd the sliv.r ore. This was once a floarishitig mining Yotk, 1 shilling ai:d 2 pence to E lin animal with a Jeep and wide back and i you. I believe you to be a brave atd , 5 Fair - - ............... ........ a C. B. WATSON. G1 ».sy madron* and lilli-s of snow ■« hi “ " ............................ carnp. but its prosperity aDd glory have bnrg. 2 shillings to Juhn o'Groat’n loin; with u chest to “afford «efficient ■ skillful soldier, which, of conrse, I 10 <) a-a lf c- lu nn “ .......................... I Fart by 'he giant oak tr-es grow; 14 Ttu'-«-fo«rU»» “ “ ............................ departed. Eight miles down the House, aud something almost prohib­ room for the heart and lungs,” bet not like. I also believe that yon do not attorney a .< d counselor at law . 17 Oua * ” .......................... . Ctd*an clovi-r, and purple vb e, Main Trinity we come to Big Flat, an itive to the Continent of Europe, too wide,for an open bosom is regaided mix in politics with your profession.in and LIO à L ADFF.STUAMCteT« Ripe with its g ow h f »r be «u>b»r wine; O m »lettere! »u tua-o t-»»l lei 1 erti-»n .... ♦• 5« almost deserted cutup, which in its pal “Franks” were in great request; and as a sure sign of want of pace; the which you are right, •’f oahavgein- REAL ESTA TE .4 GENT. 1 00 Clustering roses, f med In song, JUca ad^luuu.l iB»»r bai.................... my days was one of the richest on the members of both houses of Parliament back ribs should be long, or. as such a fl lence ’,7, ourself, which ia a value, if CiT“8pecl»l it'en'Vin ^'»en to all matters requlr Dainatcus tores the whole year long; Job Priuttiig, ng ail Atnui «•>■ ut the U. S. Lai <1 Otl re. river. Its population now consists of tveie daily, if not hourly, besieged by furmatiou is geueru?.ly called, ‘deep.’ • not an indi»pen«ible, quality. You are Of -»1 de«crip'l'H', d<»n- ou «bori nu le». I/nfd Onsty, leaping waters that gleam, L akk Vn.w, L akk Co., O regon . one family, two or three bachelors aud letter writer«, to obtain the privilege so us not ouly to give protectio»^ (¡Ftlie I ambitious, which within reasonable BUak», Gircul-r», Ba»tea*» C r»l». B 1 he >«1», 1* t*r- Down f um 'he rocks tn a crystal st team; M»y 31, 1878. (no-50-’X a few Chinese. Three miles further of their names on the corner« of I «jontents of the belly, Aiut to afford a { I bouuds, does good rather than harm; fce-it», Poat ra.ew , gol «u iu uoud » yla al I ivh g Fr-ni the Palis def,a mlgh'y w>l>, the muscles which j 'bat I tLink that during Gen Burn« prici». down is Cox Bar, where are a number epirtlea, which would not have been strong al tach men M. L. McCALL, Aud the gren Domes gli tt-ning over all. Agent« for thè Tidin<*. of mines, worked with profit. Mr. «ent through the pest at all nnle«« connect the cList to the hips;” the ribs side's comtunud of the army you have j» M P-Uengi I 4 Co , - - - New 5 <-rk Surveyor and Civil Engineer Years ago, w hen the shouts of men Tinsley has a nice place here, also a they could have been «ent gratin. “must Vje set wide apart, ami not hud- taken counsel of your ambition and » .we.: & C **••*»*“. • - * o From old Cu omi and Alniiideu V|« ier • • • • - rrai»ci*ci« i. i* ASHLAND, OREGON, store and a ferry-boat. Here we leave When Sir Rowland Hill pro|jo«ed his dletj.-'up together, for fast road work thwarted him as ranch as yon eonld.in - - • Porti m l. Orai;«*» D H. ! S -»rJa. Burst os the d ffs i f the roy 1 st de a prepared to Joauy work In !>la lioe on «hort no . - - - • the river aud go by mountain trail to scheme for a uniform rate of post’j.gH, where the fail ure of the legs is gener which yon did a great wreng to the L. j-maa'», As she sat emhroLel by her Gulden Gate, iCf. (bu27v2 f; . . - - - 8 «eni J. I A a le« ite, Tinsley’s raueb. Are held one day by he was considered a daring revolu­ ally the limit to the amount of work, a 1 ' country and to a most meritorious an<^ M L. CM .nitx-'bu Girdling the earth with her magic bind, very heavy carcass is au objection u« it ! -o» H.i¿ H.iaus - - - - 9 M-»4 1. •«» I have by storm. Find a mirror in the cabin, tionist, d» Btmed to ruin tl-.« conntrv. increases the weigLt upon tnem.aiid an i . honorable brother officer. . . . . Juut-inai Ci'y. Clasping iheb-it with her tawny hand. D' N. - I. - I>» , J. A. APPLEGATE. N Ball, ... - R-ebir« i heard, in such » way as to believe it,of «•». i jf. J" R. “ “ and are terrified at sight of our own even when he fixed I’ue rate it mpo- overtoppni horse —that is, one with a ' H. Bari..................................... , ione l a. I ATTORNEY ANDCOUNSELOR-AT-LAW Then Ciroe the harvest of golden gain, I . ... Jack l'Fl-le. faces. Find a pair of scissors and soon rarily ut 4 pence. VJ hen, after a quite body too lug for bis l»gs is a must ¡your recently saying that both the Thick and fast as the yellow gialn. ^ter’àS.»,.................................. , w Hi- look better. On the 12 b we turn three interval, to accustom the panic stricken worthies« brute,” a pr<-j-c ing neck, I i army and tti9 government needed a < W. Fddler, - - - AppW«Al-, SALEM OREGON Fulls, with the temtesti f crimson leaves. W tt», of onr horses loo«»», pack the mule and public to the great change originally moderately long and proportionately j ■ dictator. Of couri-e it was not for this, In a nudteu clou I from it e burning shelves; . K-b»»U:e. J M b »H n. thin, wide jaws, and intelligent head, Ou r I P -tu . »L tt. «>»•.□, oue horse, and strike out for higher contemplated, the rate was reduced to broad above the ryes, thin nostrils | : but iu spite of it, that I have given DR. WILL JA2KS0N, Till every land to old Cath-iy BaR'-r-. W H P r.«r, Gr n » P<--. Wbit-ned with ships her rhl lag bay. ground. We have to make onr owu u penny, e’lderly people held up their which should open tinder « xercise and 'you the ccmmaud. Only thoee Gen- E. Dnuu-k. DENTIST. . G -«e C>— k R - ir-l H rr»-lt. trail. Descending one rocky peak the hands in. dismay and predicted the aliow the red lining memltrat.e, shoal | ' era!s who gtin success can set up die« Euc» P-<». By -t.e 1 rk reu-w; 11 of u k end plDe, G. A HI», . M ir. hi J 8 M F d-tru. St'etched on the long Paiflc i e, What I tow ask of yen is mule falls anil rolls over twice, almost collapste, nut only of the Post office, ¡tier« obliquely placed anti broad blade. i tutors. . l.-l .»'<1. Ul c.rrte « »« tu, I well clotlu d with muscles, long thighs . I.^Vi-.. militaiy success, and I will risk the demolishing onr camp equipage. A but of the entire Great Britain. When {approaching almost to the proportions A F *-•■»' Ins Citie- t-rose on U e virg n foil— • « C B W- »-.i, Cities siu-king with t tl.cand toil; - L<-l* V>- » little further, on a steep hillside the I was a youth, women worj pattens. of the gteyhouud, necks fall size aud dictatorship. The govenment will 4M • ri B i twn, P V W >. H fto—'l.. Anl the slnu >u< tr ck of tEe iron bind horde's pack slipped back and he lost Ar^ such articles evt-u seen iu our da^? vlean aud all the points proportioned .-support you to tl>o utmost of its abil­ . K ' ut > •' Dr J n D • :n »-'U, . B ». nzi Mo'iuuins uul bu-ning prairie- spanned. The authority from ity, which is neither wore nor lesg Jir» 8. 8 O .h. ilia balance and rolled for a distance of A-t that time it. was considered vulgar to one another. l» i ». C H. Dy . which we have condensed lln-se point- —DENflSlRY AND ASSAYING— . A» I lui Over the engs uud ecgle’e nest. W- M »y g<-C be 100 feet. Thia was an nulouky day.. lor a gentleman to wear a cotton shirt 1« “Stonehenge.” The fastest trotter iu than it Las done ai d will do for all P a- ir. A. BB-rni X Th e Jingthr c n! i Lente .st to west. commanders. I much fear that the We make only three miles by iull D <. F. G. HEARN, lo». D J F-rr-e Gene-il ag-nt f->r 1- k-> »ini or a silk bat. The shirt of fine linen the world to day, Edwiu Forrest,comes Mol r «1.-I- He«. Beiu iful lti.d by the tuntet tea, twelve mile»’ travel. The acene we and ihe hat of beaver were derignenr. up to the standard named by the Eng­ spirit which you have aided to infuse -PRACTICAL DENTIST.— L.udof hegre.it Yosemitt! Stage» learr kuhlasid as fol Io tv < presented in descending a sleep mono- Watches bad double case«, batween lish critic. He has none of the charac­ into the urmy, of criticising its com­ ALSO AS»AYF.ll OF URIS AND BULLION. of the cart-horse, and u!l <»f mander and withholding confidence I. nd w here the breezes sprit g el it», rhe O ÍC y hrough ihe G <11 n Gate; for .f4-s*»»t«’il e. R '»’k Po '•« and Ito« • uiotux City Drug s.ore uud opposite Huneiu-n'e for a cbrtnno. One man leads ilie mule bred. Mand S„ the great four yeir the custom to insert what were called b trg evc > <1 >y ut 4 a M. M dl •• o e- -'t n.<--»«are S or-. [if. I. nd of the men of re* lu e w 11- old, also has 'tie form of a thorough - shall assist you as far as I can to put it and another bolds on to a rope attached Ir» watch papers,on which were printed or near's th.t thy b >u ding orients fll'; bred. The prepotent blood in both is down. Neither you nor Napoleon, it ding at 4 P. m . Fo" H-uiv. V»»-k» u'»l Re MRS. DR. EUA FORD dußi »S3... to the mule’s pack tn steady her, and written texts from Scripture, moral Minis n ease wi'h heel I fu! cheer that of the running horse. Without be were alive again, could get any y.l »«I r‘o e .■»■ 3 r. M. also lead« the othor pack animal. On mHXitns. passages from the poeta, or DI EkSES OF WOMEN Diy fterd y'hruug i the bli» ful year. form neither would have «Lown so good out of an army while each a M- Co « 4’ S •£• « Ir »te VhLi’iii -Veil the 14th we go toward French creek, tender love « ffusions purporting Io be much «need as to attract public atteu- A Sl’J.ClAt irY. ni -riling -it 4 •*e,O'*k, ’ i Luke V it * W tnen with song» ’hose d i> s b ‘glu, m >ki-»< t*>»- • p i” ’0 ho !•'«. >ll O <• ve enttiug a trail much of the way, and original. Sull more recently, ana lion The trotting elem».*uts in the spirit prevails in it. And now beware O ffice aud residriic» at Judge Duocin’», Fair as pe.il« fiorn Con.o' in; Beware pf rashnese, I. :k-- Vie* for Asti’ -i>'l • pedigree of each have, with the ussts- of raNnnea». favored (?) with fnqnent showers of when in my prime, I remember that it M J ackkun ville . O kkoun . bat with energy «nd bleep's«» vig­ Be utiiul cMMie-i, ruddy and first, N» ». 15‘b. 1878, [if. cold raiu. We work Lard till sfter was considered contraLonos mores and tauce of toe weights, simply given a il mce, go forward and give ns victo- Like cl mb-iiug lores, in»very street; , new impul-e to speed. They have in­ noou and only make one mile. At this all the proprieties for a lady to ride in fluenced the motiou, the folding of the ries. 1. O. WAITERS. O. R. MYER. No- for ’hy gems, or a g--l’e" feart, This is a letter that could only have point v/e fin I au oil dilapiltted 8h 11 the he r grow woru in >he »rid east a M NUF’CTJHY. a li an (Lome cab, or for a gentleman to knee and the action of Ihe st.11?. thus been written by Lincoln, who was WATERS & MYER, winch appeared to be ut !ea«t smoke in a lady’s pretence; and worse enabled the two to startle the country 'greater than all Lis contemporaries, Tje p to meet ihte. Tt y glorious eye 20 years old. Near W a TCHMAKEK'. JEWELEiS AND the eabin, on a still, if possible, for a lady to be seeu with their deeds. If a sire of a cut broader, simpler natured, free from Fl me* like a star from iu c no; y. like form and excessive knee action is utjdrona tree, was ent the date “1858 ” iu the streets with a gentleman who so strongly prepotent as to «tamp both «mull egotisms. O. TICIkNS Eicher than gold are thy dark 1. goon*, Kern« inhering the legend of the lost had a pipe or cigar in his mouth. I bis form and his action upon his II Brighter tliuiiore are thy »river moons, Increasing Immigration. One door south of the Port- ilice, progeny, yon may keep breeding him cabin, we set to wotk to demolish the A’d deeper h nail he v ice* ■ f men ASH LAN 0, OREGON. remember—and it is scarcely a mem­ I 'l'hy ci r. c s tbu aier i.o lu > nl »gain; remains of the structure aud dig up the ory of older date than thirty years— rum now until ib omsduy without 'r-om the Re o’trc-» ufOregoa and ^Vasblngtcr.] getting n trotter, of more than average gioumi, with visions of gold dust float wb»‘D a gentleman in full dress was merit. Admit that, lift simply repr<< I We »re indebted to P. Schultz Esq., And tr b er in »e rt »nd n- b'» r in soul Dr. VV. B. Royal Sh ul liber ce-be wl.ee t hi i-e torrents roll. mg before us. We found nothing, as not compelled i>y fashion to attire duces himself and allow no margin for ail perm indent of tho land department tir Has periDunei.'ly l••Cate'l in A.’ikhd^gJ A he rge* ' ome and the ge- g », Edwin Forrest, like ¡of the Oregon and California Railroad might be snspected. Aside from the himself like a cleryman or tavern improvement. i Gi dlmg wi h 11 itae tho»* , eake of mow, Maud S.. is wonderfiilly speelvusa I Co., for the following figures, repre­ JI 17 fjict /nt tuulic/i/td allentiunto the cabin ami dute on the tree there are to waiter, when 'the fashionable evening A shland , OBEGON because he has th« speedy for I senting the number of persona—not The crown tux’ ;> Ide of ih »1 runny 1 .nl Pi act ice of Medicine. si^us of any persons having visited dress was a blue coat and gilt buttons trotter, ma'ion of the thoroughbred, without Eh <11 the h .uufui mountain•• of 8 arta stand, Has hid I’lfteeit Year»’ Pi iciice in Oregon, this region. The next day we eDconu and a coloied or embroidered vest, and which formation he would be merely iDclndijg soldiers or Chinamen— who Ata! the em; ire stir »h<|l rl*eand rire, ter heavy bnow and after a very longb when bright Colors in the waistcoat commonplace, in spite of the trotting have arrived in Portland from San ’: E At r<--ideuce on Main St., o,,tajM - M ( I» ni 'g p'otnptly OH- Tl.l it tnvVcs ful-orbed in th >te we»’ern skies. E. i. 1- c:i. [3 9 1 time reach Bell creek, where we find were not considered the exclusive elements in his ancestral tree. Toe Francisco since Jauuary, 1877. The w i k a c «l y. —Sjr.*h D. Cl »rk in N. Y. independent. good feed for our horses. On the IGtb right of the footman or the coster­ weights, with brains behind them,have figures sj>eak for themselves, and will iu recent y» ars played an important Messrs. Bryau und L ach go to the monger. part in the developtreiit of tbetro'tiog not fail to show the moat casual ob­ I remember. too, when and L >d£eNo.l89, 1. 0. G. T. anmmit of the highest penk iu the ladies were not ashamed to he ec<»n- horse. Take un unimal in which the server the healthy condition of the im­ Rough Trip in the Mountains of Sis« txt the new H.ll of McC II i B uin every Trinity raDge. to discover if po-sible umical in their attire, aud did not thorough triumphs over the “Cau- migration to our state. Ol course thia kiyou and Trinity Counties, Cal. eve iu^ l ibltd Wed- -S T ' I V E S, T I N,— sisting of A. W. Biv.in, S Beckett. H. cemi the peak, but discovered our mis­ they were called, of u length that jn«t will make a trotter of him, not able nor from any other source than — AND— ’ T. Wood and J. A Leach, left Ashland take— found a chimney -»imped monu­ reuched the ankle, ar.d allowed the merely to go the distance, but to do his by steamship frutn San Francisco. The 1878 1877 1879 LIU Al -H JL AX LT1 L£tl« for a prospecting tour in tLe Trinity ment on the highest point. The snow dam'y little feet and a portion of the miles in tho quickest time. horses which win the majority of hard January.............. 607 616f 683 > Ashland L«»:lge No. *23. mountain». I*a«Hing through Yreka to was over 100 feet deep on the north leg to be seen. This fashion pleased fought races in these day« of progr»-«?, REP\ R ing jib W «HK Februarv........... 537 704 1440 EN8 KNOWING HL M lug» wa or Befare li»- full uiuou. Bie1 bren in good 1 J tine .................. 1631 1329 • • • • one heavily loaded pack mule. On this tributary of the north fork of Trinity snm in the dressmaker's account.— | All J t L -♦ !*>•» m -I* e I io ui»- -»r» 1 qn»'«t» < • laud'i g ure cordul.y nivi e? to I. The Dignity of B 11». ¡July................... 1254 3-202 • • • • «ro a • f-r-v ir-l *mi *»i«'e. 36 3 a. trail we passed over abont a mile of we find a few Germans who have been the Year Round. XV. H. ATKINSON, W. M. j August.............. 1096 3083 • • • • J. 8. E ubank «, Sec’y. «now, in place»« quite deep. The mule here for many jeara.alsoa few Chinese- With what slrange and solemn mem- September. .. . 1547 3017 • • • • Jno. R. B. Hutchings. ¡ October........... 1112 2155 Ore^O i’i Area. broke through tue huow six time«, and side. The view was graud beyond the • • • • oriea Lave bells yet extant been asso- Ashland Lodge No.45« j November ....... 2t swift and rocky are now about exhausted aud we spend leaning lower of Pisa, said to date back 1 ASHLAND GLOVE FACTORY H(»>t their r-L-ul.r meeting every Saturday even- «treuro, we nearly lost the mnle and a day in hiiutiug, but the storm« have ton says; The State of ted cable between -San Franoisoo, RÌETY, n«xt day passed the Black Bear mines feast. For three days it has been snow­ than New York and Pennsylvania com Ugul ino,starved to death at the bottom 1 and Pokohamato Tient~«in, and thenoe Al«*' l.iew leitbvr »te ,<*tc. C ill •-•, P b ir», P kiiun , Northern Pacific Prospects. diet. On the 3 I we went np Ihe south best of the situation by the temporary cent, As already stated, the State is an old fort fied town that still sounds Tra b », Cberrte», Curr»i.t», Gnpe», Ouure-berue», Kl ., Ec. fork of the Salmon river, and after oblivion of sleep. On the 20;b we divided into |wo natural division«— at the shutting and opening of the eity [From the Ch’cigo Ti ib to», M«y 31.1 choosing camping groond Messrs. start back—mnet have meat and bread. E intern and Western Oregon, the Cas­ portals; the cr.rfew, which, from time Mr. II. E. Sargent, general mauagec —I also h .VE a vari ety of — Bryan and Leach Rtarted for the sum­ We make 15 miles and camp on the cade range; of mountains crossing the immemorial, Las rung over the fiats of of the Norther;» Pacific railroad, was in mil t<> look for the route. On the way east fork of French creek, and find State from north to south is the divid­ Cambridge and the fens of Ely, ano the city yeaterday. and the Tribune rp- SHADE TREES. porter bad a talk with him regardipfl we found iwo Lroan bears, i nd opened good gras», which onr faithfal animals ing line between the two section«, each still greets the ears of the freshman, the GAR VAPl-E. SOFT MAPI E, OHE'iON MA­ prospects of the road. He »Utwd UL. llz.K MA1M1. ir-.lMi, fire on them, wounding oue, but failed greatly need. On the 21st it began division, lying parallel with the Cas­ reminding of the time when the neigh­ that l.e had ju«t made con t rant a for 11. CHE INU«. ALL K XU'tW HICKORY, ELMS ALANrHtX IRON wouD, tu get him. The snow was too deep raining by davlight, but we are forced cade raoge.there are three large fertile borhood was one waste of perilous and 000 ton« of steel and 10 000 tens of » BOX. ELDER. CALIF o RMA on the summit, so we fonud a lower to travel, cutting brash a good part of valleys, separated friun each other and poisonous marshes; ihe old Tourney iron rail«. Sixteen tlion«aud tuna of WALNUT. I.I n N. WARHOL, i>LA K ASÜ. ObA'-E OK. gap about one mile eastward. On the the way. After a hard day’s work we from the s-a coast by low range« of bells, which from their city belfry these rail« will be laid west of the A.»GE. Ei . EiC. Missouri river, bringing the road to morning of the 4th, in crossing a deep reach the cabin on Tinsley's ranch, mountain«. Of these three valley«,the greet the silent colossal five towers of »he Yellowstone. The remaining 5000 canyon, the mule fell into- the water, where we left onr horses ten days ago Willamettee is far superior; it ia sep­ the grandest church in Belgium, and tons will h*» laid io Waaliiogton terri­ $SOaXAMKTMA1.8Hl VB T luwkbi »« B v » hk » «San», and wet our sugar, salt and tea. We We find onr stock all right aud iu good arated from the Urnpqna valley by the Strike the ear <.f the traveler as be tory, east of Walla Wulla The erop prospects, Mr. Sirgent said, were ex- P ortland , O regon . camped for the day on Grizzely creek, condition. We also find plenty to eat Calapouia mountain«. ITnrries alone the high road fiom Lille, cellept. Grim was well np and looft^ Dsautitul ev--r t>lo an tig Roses, and acy particular attention paid to Land Titles, CoIIet&rt a tributary of tbeuortb fork of Triuity, for ourselves, and ei>j'»yed the old am -un' ol D .bius. Ellww, ihe inventor, has writfea to almost before the beacon light on the ing finely. Since seeding they Ltd JNbts and. all kinds of Gov immeni Fl»»™», where there wa« plenty of good feed cabin as ranch as we ooald have en­ Mr. Milet» C. Moore, of Walla Walla, summit of the beHry salute« his eyes— frequent rains, «nd never ne'ure were ----- Something New----- for onr hors«-». During the day we joyed the finest mansion in San Fran for information in reference to the dis­ and these are the chance specimens that the preapectsHo fi.uteritin at thia season -ALEXANDER PEA H, . eef Or. gon, Idaho, rise in my memory at random—Good bad mure than double since this time U. tOOlal DUE« Porllsnl. [v3tJo7l . the creek over a very difficult trail, our march, and on the 24th reach Moatana or Britisü Oui am bis. IFórd», last year. 1 » 4 » ® r • PROFESSIONAL 1 B h I a n d Ï i d i n q 5 I Í •**y C F.RIAGE I • • George Ï.Baldwin I THE YREKA JOURNAL LEADING PAPER 20,000 i / I L^jl* * 4 k