■ T h E AbHLAND T1D1NG.S The Neuralgic Belt. HOTELS. ! I I IH I I 1 .... - 1 1 - H M. IHATcHER. ■ ggMTB BIKER WORDMC THATCHER & WORDEN At a recent n-eeting of tbe National Academy at Washington a somewhat Haan oreas. interesting paper was red upon tbe dealers in relation of climate and magnetism, a* HE UNDER8IGNI D WISHES TO RE- There’s do special style of engraving shown iu the case of Cnpt. Robert tniud bis friends, and ihe traveling pub­ engagement rings. NL. spider's web Catlin, well known in tbi* city, and ic generally, that be is still io be teuud ut with a fly in it is a very pretty divice. broth»r of our townsman, John Catlin. this An old bachelor seeing the words, E q Capt. Catlin, wbo lost a leg in LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, tbe late war. has been tortured every “Families su| p ied,” in tbe window of — aid ­ since the amputation by fierce pain* in tbe oyster saloon, wmt in and said he’d where be Is re idy at any time, and on all lost limb- He came under Dr. occasions to se' before lliem ibe l>est the take a wife and two children— a boy the Mitchell’« care, who recognized iu bis r'*ty Furnishing Goods, undertake to lick the Postmaster Gen­ audience, and resembled those made xactly suited iu >b<- trad* of he eral. by a self registering thermometer UNION HOTEL AND BAKERY. Hardware, Crockery, They show that while the magnetic or Never insult an acquaintance by electrical condition of the earth bad harsh words when applied to for a almost nothing to do with the pain, yet ASHLAND, OREGON. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps favor. It is just as easy and even so that the rain belt shown on tbe weather much pleasanter to lie to him and tell map is always surrounded by a neural- And In ebort, Ererytblng required ; g him yon haven’t got it. He may know : i gic belt of from one hundred and I NOW FINISHED, and the Pr«»pri- yon are a liar, but he can’t deny that thirty to one hundred aud s x»y mile* etor is re»dy at all times to receive Which *b«v -•re prepared '• *ni. Be gue ts ami furmsh them with accomuioda- you are a gentleman.— Hawkeye. in width whose influence may be felt ti .ns second t«> none in the country. FOR THE GENERAL TRADE •ur« to call and see tt* and see fur »ourselves. A man on Arbor Hill last evening where tbe rain may not fall, but which Suppers furLisbed per order. aimed a gun at his little son, a beauti* is always prophetic of pain. So tbe old Single Meal* ...............................................> 37J peasant superstition ha* a solid scien ­ ful ereature with golden hair to bi* waist, and playfully threatened to shoot tific basis. Tuere seems no possibility Board par Week...................................... 4 00. AND— him.Tbe gun turned oat tobeunloaded. of doubting Hie conclusions, for Capt. REV. J. H. MAYFIELD, All kinds of approved country It will be placed iu tbe State Library Catlin has not only b> en observing and Proprietor, as the only weapon of tbe kind known recording for mauy years but iu two produce taken in exchange for to American gunnery.— Albany Journal. widely differing localities.and no allow­ ance need be made for possible local A pedometer is a machine to ace ir­ influences. goods. Do not forget the Old Pioneer Stoie of the Lake Country. ately measure the distance a person <------------------ a . .4------------------------ — AT — walks in a given time. When abiisiness Mr. Billings hai the Floor. Linkvilie, Lake County, Oregon man after supper Saturday evening t >ld THATCHER A WORDEN. J^°Do not fail to give us a Lis wife be was “only going down to Inspirashnn alwnss waits upon the The Subscriber is ag in in charge of th* trial before purcbasing elsewhere, tbe office to square up the books,” she bizzv. I hav e>eau men set down all day WHOLESALE PRICES, v2».19tf. as we are determined to give sat­ slyly attached a pedometer to bis kg. under a shade tree, with a hoe iu their PIONEER HOTEL. and when he returned she discovered hand, cl us* to the edge of a ¡cornfield, Of th«* Luke c«iuntry, i«n*psbiiu out of tbe world.- And Will Deliver Last Saturday a party of capitalists tbe majority ov tuaukind would be mel- An immense stock of the best DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, aud railroad men arrived in this city aukolly for a job. brands of Tobacco and Cigars at from Portland. Tbe party included DOOR AND WINDOW Henry Villard, tho President of th« the PIONEER STORE. R aising H orses to O rder .—The Every instrument W arranted i \» b ten Oregon & California Steamship Com­ science of stock breeding i* coining to FRAMES, pany, and manager of the Oregon rail­ be so well understood that tho*e who ANYWHERE IN TOWN, AT Y ears »*> F irst -C lass -H»» beat OF ALL dimensions . roads, C. E. Brotherton, the at’orney make it a study at.d brsiness may be reouuiUïeuUatluu is tbe GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY PAINTS AND OILS. of the land department of the Oregon said to be successfully breeding stock number sold. railroads, H. Thielsou, the chief engi to order. For instance, the Shorthorn, ^V*PlCTUICK PUAMES Dually Hl ICO to Deer, W. H. Starbuck, a New York tbe Jersey, tbo Hereford aud Devon “Cheaper than the Cheapest” is Our motto. order. capitalist, and Finley Anderson, pri­ breeds of cattle, when of pore blood vate secretary for Mr. Villard. During and fixed pedigree, transmit their char­ Wagner & Anderson- 83,000 S mith ’ s O rgans . ¿-^P laning of all kinds, sawing, their 6tay here they engaged in exam acteristics so surely and exactly to their Bring on your Produce and Exchange for Coods. [17 usi-'». B- tv . ining the country and making inquiries progeny, that tbe quality of such turning, boring, etc., etc., about its geography, products, etc. progeny can be determiued upon be­ Mr Theilson has gons to Fort Hall forehand with almost tbe same preci­ L. A. N kil , R. P. N kil —ANO­ DO NE WITH DISPATCH MRS. M. W. HARO ADIRE aud will examine the general route for sion that an eclipse of the moon or sun W m . H abf . i *, It 44.-if a railroad from that point to the Colum­ can be foretold. So also with the ASHLAND MARKET. bia river. On his return he will exam thoroughbred merino sheep and the ^g^.Wn.1. contract for tbe erection or 38,000 P ianos . ine the Bine mountains for a pass Berkshire swine. Biit above all other ><11 kiuJs ol B lildinus . which will bring the road as near this stock the thoroughbred horse transmits Ld?°An Agent Wanted in this Locality, to supply the Rapid Demand. city as possible. The rest of the party his qualities with certainty to his ^•.Undertaking. a Specialty. NOW IN USE. have returned to Portland. Mr Villard i 1 young. Horse breeding has come to • 135.00 FEB wrv.« MAUK >A*T Hi»B»K AMl> W*OO« rnKMlABB VBBB assured us that h9 and his Assocfate* < be ao much a fixed science with some SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Harris Neil &, Co«, Nothing Succeeds Like Success!! were going to build a railroad to the I men who understand its requirements Columbia river from the Utuli North­ or the laws that govern it, that they are Hie F«»rtuer Higti Priced M*«*bioeh R educed r«» -DEALERS IN ern road. willing to stake their money upon their Others Advertise judement. It has long been a practice THE NORTHERN PACIFIC. DALEY & CO. All kinds of fresh and dried Last Sunday some thirty men.includ­ iu England for men to put up stakes JVol. Ill No. Ilf.} Meats, ing tha civil engineer*, left here by upon c<»lts before they are foaled to be H ale M illion C apital , train to commence tbe surveys for the run for at two and three years of age. Hides and pelts bo >gbt, and ull kinds of fat stock taken it» exchange for meat. N. P. R. Co. They were outfitted in This practice is also coming into vogue Thorough!« warr«ct»-d and »ent t » i»m f.»r Y n<>37.v3-tf this city with mules, wagons, harness, in this country, and is, in fact getting to be the mod fashionable aud interest provisioes and camp equipage, at an or the » enei - tt of those desir Which they have made by estorti i Examination Bifore y ou Pay For it. WM D. CORPE expense ef about §3 000. The whole mg mode of getting up trials of speed GEORGE NURSE, H igh P rices toi Piano» ing go d w-igou work, the unite-signe 1 aud bottom betweeu the different fam ­ partv boarded the steamer Northwest hereby makes ku *wn th u be cu<< be »o •« hi- sbop in tbe «S. W. comer practice may well be termed breediug tLe public. point the work is tn be begun, and of the public sq «*re Ashland Ogn.. and i* vigorously prosecuted each way. As horses to order, —Record Union. —EVERY FAMILY t a S N ).V OW * \ FI I T-0 .ASS 'fi il 4 » «e««ly mid w lliug o e o* rh-ti Miiv th-r, .»ml « tnbi'ii'ig *lt tl.e impío* - e..cu p<.r<,<>r s>x «u puger e.ch we«k. It preteui* intention now to connect it with the ni» n s wi.ii the <«ld o«d well it ie I qu «litie* to wbicb the prove to lie no better breed than the Tourists and Others Outfitted Columbia river. There is no reason to ^112 Qeluiang-^3 sta ^ dakd i > ¡ so popular . doubt that it can be casilv done. The dogs I have noticed along your streets, On the shorteet n »Use party working east from Priest Ripids the exhibition will not prove very CáTDo not full to give the Llmmile Stable* alii «I A F i hrul F p»l’y 8* Inv M c I - In e*ery »-*•- *f b» w«>M—»1»«.» .un- *n.«*»*b »>«1 «tu.« g— NONE TO EXTORT will make connection with the miin creditable. At least ninety in every OF MATTER EACH WEEK. »er i io » f p ail« or Li r> rut ww»tin.* u «I car my »• *'»otw id e»l m ,<,« 1^.0» |T3n ye >■ id lb u* •*». ..| Fai> i te,. 11«-« e c M < t.me ih » 1 . our F «• . ,. line from tbe month of Snake river, on r. utetfofi*« * r*. Mr' k -.« I O e- fr — «.f < *»i rg>-. Mo-« » R-^uud-» * o ce i «o |«-itec )y 8. «.fc- the shortest practicable route. The idea city curl their tail to the left, an *vi It to puilièbed ou WEDNESDAY uud SATURDAY i ..« t . RrnccrD is Pm«-*. F as I8. w »< B.iow all O ih > k M a « i > ik ,*. N E« •««, i- p > f r E •* seems to bo to build the branch road dence of low breed and danger. Dog* ASHLAND HARNESS M e t. e * «-oi.un. nie«'by n> eG »«« te *■ O« fi »t ui>i..»r « i.ren.l «.»<> ci«ni»iii» lor - li Mi-d- •/ SHOP HIGH PRICES, that curl their tail to th “ right are never w«»rk (fr»e of ry»x r>,<- re-| »fi« u I gt»*n * b >«>» <>ti—r M « h»*«e t - n ri«» Di- bi od rn Ba­ over tbe mountains by the most direct <3£>tF UB sks U u cii eh » m re «<>«i qu ti i—tt«»i< n.-e f«I uh«- li- P c . Li«*f*v ami » E »v Bruna, .-« »h l on route. It would seem, however, to one afflicted with hydrophobia; tbe fatal ti-* i S t - uso aku D ubabi » «e* r«u o o • er R amdmx I in F x . l U'H m «. 5 d »* »*• C <• It t* in »11 re-pect«, 8vrKBioB to any Weekly pub­ «e c m* o er u> ■•» i>«ak« » N «I—. *i « * f «r ye ra. I e dy I» nionmu , -nd «,n »r-tu.i p. .B Dot an engineer, that it would be deseas« prev »ils only among «logs that curl their tail to the left. No gentle­ lished ou tbe Pacific Co >*t. bwor. M»Ke-l'e Dui.bte Hit* bc»8 ’h, tifi- •* **•• td-'«I •<- Ki»«'««-. fr««m •• ». b p- « cheaper to Lave only one bridge over ti»e- » rUertt, 8 r ’K- ' ;«» d 8 r«i g Ne-die. E»'r Iz« g !»•<- e -H* tnre d d s «ot I». Wv« N w Avro- man in L m«!on or any city of tbe con SMIIH — <> — o — MATic BseiuK. L rg ■ Bb n i- p bte < f h d -g«« • brr-dre* y rd» ut ir ad. A L rg» S u .B l M j - the Columbia river. Col. Doane, the tinent will own a dog or all.iw a d«ig to cuitie •ii|> *r»wi widii« -S ».ru. .grii«« P ui-iy de I a>1 qu .vie,« ni gr«. t c«p^ii» I i , w 4- r tigt ut ohief of the engineering pirtics on F««r oi e year, per mr il................................. .44 00 worb. I» I t»e Be- M chi »e t » P t »ci t* d P i » f>>«-ru «a. U«a •«•»«*> und y«.a *111 a < follow him that curls its tail to tbe left. F<»r rlx a-outne.............................................. ... 2 4«» this oo«»*t, ha* gone to person div in­ ornar. Acne» Ax- n «• w ri ed la hi» »• uny’«»nc»l»e «ole * ut d-t1»»«r M etri«e«. B«*m lidu>en.*»** For three m<>uth-........................................... — Phila. Times ...130 Sells bis own goods at wholesale prices »•À ed Cl- g n *•,'le CI er«, Bu-’lte-» M«-i Ac I ».►o. t«d B«<»k.- m> te- ut w» k. * «h i««|>«. «, . spect the Snake river and Palon«e MANUFACTURER OF,AND DEALER IN LIBKBAL TKBM0 TO « LUUS ,rM. **■• «le-'V-* ««1 good-g inr».»« •*»> t«« » t » r ».f’i»e . o'.-d. Ad«ire»r, bl'ANDARD BEU ING MA­ c«)untries. Upon bi* report will de­ CHINE CO., BROADWAY A CLIN ION PLACE, New York. i.M-«$-ly F ivb copies for 1 year, aid I c «py extr ........... |17 50 M iscegenation .—We hear that two pend the location of the maia line. families are now living on a farm near T ick co.iie» fur 1 year, aud 1 c<»py extra............... 3u M T wkktt - fivk oupiesfur 1 yeur.and 1 co,y ex..62 oh Every indication leads to the concln* Shoal’* ferrv, Washington county, AND SAVES— ion that tbe N. P. R. R C >. are in real which thev have rent«»! for three years, ASHLAND LIVERY UNION LIVERY earnest about buildiug this end of their the husband* being Chinese and the railroad. wives Americans. The women are A shland , O regon . SAle AND sisters, their maiden name being El i SALE AND FELD STABLES l The Next International Fair. Money for the Public. ott. The one was married about three eeps a general assort - rears ago io Cilifornia and has a child MAIN STREET, ASHLAND mcnt of goods io Lie line of trade. New York ha* concluded to bold an ah.»nt two years old; the other entered M. COLWELL ’ S TRI-WEEKLY International Fair in 1883 It* proj-c- the connubial state abont three week« S ages run between the above named Joruer of 4 gi a id Uà*¡torma S s., tor* have selaoted a site for the same, since. The latter on being asked why L«dies’. Weil»’ and Boya’ Sad­ poll.le every alternate day leaving and the next thing that remains to be she consent“«! to such au odious union, dles, a Speciulity. Asb'.anu at three a m . on Mon- THE UNDIR-IGNeD HAVING J ack *«« nvii . i . k , O bxgom . done, is ta proceed with the erec»ion of replied, ”Mv «¡«ter married a C line­ All the H igh P ricid D ealers ulk day*.Wedne>«day0 ami Fri­ T Pu« chuted tbe ebeve »ubi«« tr«an the necessary buildings. C >1. J E. man. am! I‘m no better than she is!” Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, r|'HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR-j^ _ day*; leave Linkvilie I liHpiiixii A Ned b- g* leave to iufoimibe down I ci.««* i i hr b «e h n.«d r bl Pavton. who had a good dad to do Th«ir mnxim evidently is, “What** tbe Tuesday, 'I'imrs- publie I I im h< 1« de'eitnin* d t<< merit « cm - le ve *o infiHui I run Kliblt * WilM«, beg WHIPS, with the Philadelphia Centennial, odds as long as you‘re happy.”— Bee. day and Sat­ me l ublic Uu«» "^y re de »ro.iia-d ■■ Ui-ll .^1 Ji.. tiniian e • I H e pairoflHg- that bi»» 'or munr ROBES, t c «u luin ce of t'«r patrou ge 'bat hi* luc iu a.) itars pa-t been ci.nfet.ed on tb«ar jti«il> thinks the Fair should not be held un­ urday. ye»/» 1*01 b«*u c- nterrrd ou >be«w ju-oy DUSTERS til two years later, io order that time Senator Bivard is understood tQ hol«l SMITH’S LEAVES ASHLAND may be given to awaken a world wide the following views on the proposition POPULAR STABLES! POPULAR HABLES interest in its success. He also sug­ tn nsa diplomatie means to induce MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND FBI aaaaoR — gests that it would be a stroke of econ­ European nation* to j«»in a conference DAYS at 4 o clock a . m : arrives at LiLk XV* bav* o n»twly <*> bind tbe very beet ville same day*. Keiurning, omy for the projector* of the Fair to to regulate the silver difficulty; Con­ PIANOSAND CI.C Al S HORSE BLANKETS. SADDLE HORSES, purchase the m in building of tbe Cen­ gre*« i* to be pressed to appropriate LEAVE LINKVILLE tennial Exhibition, take it to piece* $20,000. believing thit the Northern -- also ;— BUGGIES AND SADDLE HORDES BUGGIES AND TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS AND SA7UR- aud have it transported to New York. and even L*tin nations of Europe will D »YS irriviHg at A bland same day c««n Thishe believes could be done for §100,- stiggent something wnd the President W inchester R epeating R ifles CARRIAGES Because bis policy is CARRIAGES. nect* w ih our daily *taire line between 000. Tbe structure, which cn«t§l 75Q . is to have the discretion of entérine (commonly called Henry Rifles) of Linkv lie and F- rt Klamath Also wi h AU.1 C>B furni*; our «m Linkvilie to And cau furid-h my cu*b«nieiy wbb « tipt<>fw contains over 9 000 000 pounds of iron, call-tl or suggested during the absence Lake View und al» intermedia'e points. and with fresh paint and new decora of Congress. It is stated that do ob­ luru-out nt any time. DEATH TO THEM!! Horses Boa ded Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. Cions, the edifice could be made to look jection exists to this appropriation M. COLWELL. On rvsKwble term», 1 artca- well. As the time for the holding of Jones of Nevada is understood to be its v3 no 4-tf. tiuti De»u>v«eJ ujajo them a bite uwter iti.ir charge. HORSES BOARDED tbe Fair has been fixed, with reference promoter. WHEAT Taken at the Highest A)**», _________________________ to tbe observance of an American cen "W FTybusireM you H»D er gace in. P ianos and O rgans sent on 15 O « r».-a* n »bl« I« rm*, and given th« best Market Rates in Exchange |_Z I |5 io 12'Ier d«y m de by tennial occasion, it is not likely to be A minister once told Wendell Phil­ Horses Bought and Sold. |1 i» I an» worker *»f el>b»r e»-x days trial. for Goods at » ention. altered; but there certainly would be a lips that if hi* business in life was to -M. right ta> ibetr owu ioe>li'le* noitr. Arbbtnd, Jure 27th, 1876. great saving of money by making the save the negroes, he ought to jro South Paniculate «id «ample- aorrb (5 fr»e. Improv Fur circulan*, teim*. etc., address We will gn rafee *«ti»f «cri»»w io «*•) »w trune- yonr rp««e time at ” I- bu-i-e*e. Addre** F tinron ■aioue. C abdwxu . A M c M amok . purchase as proposed. It is the inten­ where tiny are, and do it. “That is HORSES BOUGHT..AND FOLD [2-50-ly can make money faster at work for us A Co . PortUnd Maine. JAMES S. SMITH. tion to make tbe exposition of 1883 a worth thinking of,” replied Phillip*; th b at* yibi g ebe. C lìi »1 u «» bt>-r «I |»«ui.gr be* ««ued u;««o And satisfaction gn retraed in II a.y ztK n * wwb,n T°°r own town—15 oo’fit I rs a da», »1 hume, made b. tue indus ­ of 1876, and those who take a national ‘‘To save men from bell.” replied the u* daring «mr avine tkm with ue U«.lou IJverj free No n»k. R«*d»r. if. jou want 8au Francisco, tri us. Men, »own, bo>s und gt»l* Stif £¿ actions. 1 11 I * ba-ioe»» »1 wbfcD ,erMO*«*f ebber Stabte««,»i*iH bevpeak * coutliwu-o «>F 'be *-m* pride iu such events, will be expected minister “Then go there and attend wanted eve y«hete to *»<«rk tur u*. •IH —OB— Sr VF VF. MZ c.n make vreat óay all ibe rim* Iu uw *ucc*Mur*. C abd will B Mo MaSOV. Now is lhe t me. Co« ly outfit sud to aid the enterprise to the extent of to your business,” replied Mr. Phil­ H. F.PBILLIF0. No. I»; tf. terms Free. Addrera T bvb * Co., Au- bey w««k. for particular* write to H. H auxtt B C o ▲ the ofioe of Ibe A« bdand T wimgo . their ability. r*hbsJ. Tf*tna vaw*- lips. fwote. Mains. FRIDAY KAY 30 187» ASHLAND HOUSE. T READ THIS C. S. Sergent & Co., SAVE MONEY LAKE COUNTRY r PIANOS Beef Cattle, Hides and Wool taken in ex change for goods. ORGANS P ioneer H otel PIONEER STORE. CASH G Aaàland EHE ASHLAND MILLS. DALEY & CO., SMITH’S FURNITURE, FLOUR, FEED &c, MILL P SICES» Give Us a Trials TWENTY DOLLARS, Wagon Factory. F &IWK.VII,EiE No Drummers ! “WEEKLY UNION” SEWING MACHINES) No Agents No Middlemen ! I % C. K. KLUM, Saddlery & Harness, Ashland and K inkville E xchaiige STAGE LINE. STABLES, I u