- ji M e fini > INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. ASHLAND, OREGON: FRIDAY. MAY 30,1879 VOL III.—NO. 51 K $ h I a a d tiding?. PROFESSIONAL OLD AND NEW TIME successful, but this is considered poisonous. M-rcurial ointment, with olive oil and turpentine, i» popular in England, and, it is said, improves tbe wool Carbolic acid combined with one hundred time« its bulk in water is verv potent, thm can be used witn fifty time» its bulk in water and will kill the acari in forty seconds. We conld name a half dozen or more remedies, hut give the following,aa theconr.se we would pursue if we had sheep, William L. Landrum, a gentleman of great experience says: “A dip in even weak tobacco decoo tioo will kill all tbe vermin, and I would recommend that course repeated every fall, tbe sheep may be plunged and Dot hurt. I have run through 1200 with three bands in one da*. Tlie winter rain« will wash off all the stains from the fleece, and your sheep will keep in much better order. It not only kills off the vermin and prevents tbe sheep from feitiDg their fleece and rubbing off more or lesa of it, but cleans off the skin, makes it Boft, and prevents it from surfeiting in the winter, which causes the fleece to lo»e its tustre aud have a dull, dry appears anee, I shall never fail to mu my sheep through tobacco dip every fall, . 150 pounds of good tobacco will mu through a band of 1000 head in good j shape and will cost tisiily five to seven cents per pound, or cigar trimming, in San Francisco about eight cents per pound. $12 say, and four men SG,being leas than two ceuts per head- No shepherd will fail to get ten for one on that investment. Make a boiler with sheet irou bottom and wood sides oi thick boards or plank, that will boil 400 gallons at a tune it yon wish to expend not to exceed £15, or for 82.50 I I have made boilers to boil 30 or 40 I gallous. Set tbe boiler in a furnace so a« not to expoHe the «idea to the tire, £50 will make a drain, scuffobl.aud vat, to run b«<*k in draining. Some toen «pend $1500 ou dipping apparattiA. it ia sheer extravagance, $100 will outfit a man for dipping to good advan­ tage, and for temporary campa, $25 will make a pretty good boiler, vat, and scaffold, where lumber is easy of access. $2.50 PER ANNUM. A St«ry for the Nationals. OLD TIMES. The following story of Moses Hawks explains the workings of the irredeem How well w» kww the ftgii-e limosi uble greenback theory better than any Ashland - • - - Oregon -8 ▼— Oil e»«ry almanac'r drat p ge; [C. C. Cuffin In M:»y AtLntic.] thing we have yet seen, aud we recom OFFICE—At the Ashland Drug Store. The betr I u-is i »m, ths h dr uoirime-1, LEEDS d- MERRITT. meDd its perusal to our National read A half century ago a large part of the Th* g ual limb» bowed au I beu wi h age; er«: of OFFICE—On Main Street, (in 2d * ory people of the United States lived in JAMES R. NEIL. The w«h-ko »wo glies with »ml» run out; Mose Hawks was editor of the Alle­ Th it scy he, that he w »8 want to wirld houses unpainted, nnplasiered and ut­ If:Ci'll «.utin’s new building.) gan, Michigan, Journal during the war ^TTORNEY AMAW, Wiih shrive'e 1 arm <, th 4 m»de ue d »ubt terly devoid of adornment. A well fed of the rebellion. M »se was a queer Hie prow »•» In Life's h irreal -field I fire in the yawning chasm of a huge old chip, and loved bis bitters in the Terra* «»f Sul>*ct ip’ion : chimney gave partial warmth to a Ah, him »eknew! But who comes here, Jacksonville. Oregon. > im copy woe . ........................................................... | 2.50 morning and all other times in the day. single room, and it was » common re­ Pr m*e 1 with -be f »eh>o i of 'he town — •» •• tnouite............ . .................. ............. i-50 and by the same token, it got him into mark that the inmates were roasting Tula spring >ld, who, iu je*t or Jeer, J. W. HAMAKAR. •• •- threo *’ ......................... .. 1«» no end of ridiculous scrapes, both edi one side while freezing the other; iri Tries on u d Time ■ well foved crown t tonally aud personally. In conjunction ?l«a rate« -lx copte« ............................................... Vatu is hia.paint I Yualh ’ s f.eshest down contrast, a majority of the people of NOTARY PUBLIC. Tnriu-. a-» Through p«.. ci lei wrinkle« rbowstoo soon the older states now live in bouses that with the newspaper bnsinesi Mose kept Term» or Advrrti»ing: a shingle shanty Tlie new«paper was LINEVILLE LAKE CO., OREGON. The brigm mi*c » ievoua f »ce uf C.o *n are clap-boarded, painted blinded and toca Office In Pu«t Office Building. Spechi attentoin L oca I No Ice» per Ta*.......... -“ k-....................... Beneath the mask of Paualojn I comfortably warmed. Then the house­ run during 'flush* times, and old Mose Prole*»!-»1 C-rd., per ....................................... io oo given to cooveyancibg. y2ol9‘.f. s 00 hold furnitnre consisted of a few plain sinivetl shingles the rest of the year. Two tach»», l*r «OArier..................................... A doub ful Jest, h»we’er well pLyed, Hawks was • great man iu his burg, I 00 >te •• ” ....................................... chair«, » plain table, a bedstead made To ui ike ibe show o fleeting breath 0» and as currency was scarce iu that com C. B. WATSON. «<« ” “ ....................................... 10 8 00 by the village carpenter. Carpets Wi h you.h s hg it uugh, and m .«querade O.O-W If O»rl«»B “ ....................................... mnnity, becan»e no one had anything 14 00 there were none. To-day few are tbo This g >uut atep-brotiier of grim De »tn I Thr«o-fu«rth» ** “ ....................................... ATTORNEY A?»D COUNSELOR AT-LAW to purchase it with,a bright idea «truck O m ~ “ ....................................... 17 50 homes, iu city or country, that do not la this* m »railes to teicb and, LlOkl ADVMTI.kMBBT« him. He went into the office one The equal f» e of small and large ? contain a carpet of some sort, while the O m »q................................... promises to pay — quart- r«, halves and Before we give the sc >mp tu chaige I gy 8pect»l st'en'Vwi tfven to all matter« requtr earn enou to enable him to repo9e at Job Printing, dollars — and ncoupied several days in ng an Attorney at the V. 8. L*rd Office. night upon a spring bed. •‘1 cr.ive no gr »ce fr am those who dream Of i-l dwrriptVM, <1 oim m »hort notice, affixing the autograph of Moses Hawk« L ax » c V iew , L ake C o ., O regon . Fifty years ago tire kitchen “dres­ Time only w a, and fr >m the Past ■teak«, CircuLr«, Bu»*.ue»» C.rd», B l-bead», Miy SI, 1878. [no-50-Y sers ” were set forth with a shining row to every one of them. Hawks, that i«, Still draw the wisdom th it they deem tont», P ml r«, •«., FA»«a o? in Z**>i «tl1« liTiog ot pewter plates. The farmer ate with M ohps , was now a wealthy man and Will only live and only Let. pri cm . He M. L. McCALL, a buck handle knife and an iron or i possessed unlimited resources. Time is no old, as all who vi tried Agents for the Tidings- bought everything offereil for sale, and To ail! or cheat him mast attest; pewter spoon, but the advancing civil­ a. M. Pz-l’eugi I a Co . - - - New ~ York Surveyor and Civil Engineer And out w.rd symbols c .nnut hide ization has sent the platea and spoons paid his new currency, and also loaned : oui» g .<«•; A C ie«.u»*a, - - * it to his neighbors, the thing worked ch C • » «111». M »• \4 >■€• lltBUX, ing were a dinner-pot, tea-kettle, skil­ sumption. He redeemed by issuing a Junciio. City. My truths than yon ul i-f»«bluued ecythe. O- N L Lw J. A. APPLEGATE. - R • > urf. *•«. J. 8. N Bell, let, Dutch ovt-n and frying-pan; to day new batch of script and more of it The raciiq; '.imer s elender v .ue, - Yol» »P*. Prior to this the scrip had passed cur Peril H. Burl there >s no end of kitehen furniture. Th»t marks the qu .rttr-.-ecunde pars, Jacks mill.. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW J. R. Nev. - V» Ido. The people of 1830 satin the evening rent among the people, but the new Puluts out ns m >ra- much more pldu J W-fcer A Son, Ap leíate, ■ B. W W. Fddkr, SALEM OREGON. Than e'er was drawn iu s ii 1 through glass. *4 in the glowing light ot a pitch knot fire issue bad so inflated the currency that A-"t W it», or read their weekly newspapers by the people refused to recieve it longer, it K-». b<^]l«. J M S ••!«»», “ So if I bring, in comelier drers Ceu r■ loin’. K-L R. O «»a, : fl.ekeriug light of a "tallow dip;” now, having becom» so plentiful as to be DR. WILL JACKSON. And newer me h «Is, tn-rigs leas new, - B y I otte. W R P ru«r, iu city or village their apartments are worthless Merchants aud dealers had Gru-. P*«s. I claim th»t h >u >red n ime e 11 k«« E Diaiu'k, DENTIST. - G 'ite » r»»k bright with the flame of gas jet or ttie sold their go->ds for the stuff.but oould R c »>r th he should redeem some that lie (the Ur J 8 D* -n xai, U aud cigars could light them only by A*hlans xa. Jo» R. S a >k, TOE ACARLS OR SHEEP SCAB. stranger) had received at Saugatuck, I > ry. some bearthst me. to-day we light fires C. H. Dy r. —DEXITS!RY AND ASSAYING — . A- land where he had been to look alter some Mi- •« ry McC be and pipes by the dormaut fireworks in . , . . • P ul lx. ». Sb-roi u. [From the Nonb P.ciflc Rural Press.] business matters- Hawks declined the the match safe at the cost of one-hun-^ DR. F. G. HEARN, C»pf. D. J F-rr-» G*ue-«l Ag-n« f-r L k »nd accommodation. The stranger asked; Mo ’ «• r-»'i- »Ie* The scab of sheep, like scabie, the dredtli of a cent. ----------------- « . » — — PRACTICA I. DENTIST.— itch of mau. is caused by an inaect. Slater’« Chínete Kill-A Legislative •This is good, is it not, Mr. Hawks?* In those days we guessed the hour of Stage» »eave as fallow»! 'Good thunder!* replied Hawks* ‘it ALSO ASRATEn OF OHLS AND BULLION. Curioaity. The mange affVchng the horse, ox. dog noon, or ascertained it by the creeping ought to be for every man and woman The O A C. >«*«»• C -.’*'»-lire le >ve \-hlmd O ffice on Mmer »treet, nor h side, Yreka, ad and cat, also depei ds upon the pres­ of tlie sunlight up to the “noon mark” fer J»--«* *a»il e. H-ck Pom ami R< «-- »lining City Drug slots aud opposite Hm»eman's ence of insects. There are different within fifty miles of this place has from A dispatch from Washington of May drawn upon the floor; onlv the well to h.ng «-ve v •» »y 4 am . M til <• o es at Hardware 8 ore. a peck to a halt bushel of it.* [if. insecta known an acari, infesting differ­ 18th is as follows.- do could afford a clock To day, who 8 r M 'But, Mr. Hawks, you redeem, don't ent animals, having destructive charac­ Senator Slater has prepared and in­ does not carry a watch? and as for Fe»»- H-*f»!v, Y»«-k » n»»«l Re limit at 4 r. M. MRS. DR. ELLA FORD RQBI -p in * 0 I o II *. »I o. n- ve ---------------- « «.— .. ^-O fficb and resid-uce at Jadgs Duncan’s, L >k-- View for \sh'.»rvl »-v-rv rt -y. been infected with mange by means of says, drawn within the strict letter of were adorned with pictnres? How mauy Do the Dyiny Suffer Paint A. I» HEi.MAN, P M J acksonville , O regon . the skin of a mangy cat. that treaty, whose guarantees, both di­ are there now that do Dot display a Nov. lJih. 1878, (If. The sheep acarus doet> not bore gal ­ rect aud indirect, relate solely Io the print, engraving, chromo, or litho­ M» [New York Expres«.] leries in the skin, but remains on the rights of travel and residence, lie graph? How many pianos or parlor T. G. WATTERS. O. R. MYER. People do not like to think of death. surface, clinging to the wool, and find contends that the right of residence organa were there then? Reed organs CARRIAGE M NUFACTJRY - Tt is an unpleasant subject; but it con ing shelter among the masses of scab hatch a lot in a Lottie His new measure ia not likely to be time four indies square and an inch all one of these days, but it will come carried iu the trowsers pocket, while regarded with much favor in Congress, and a half in thickness. In Bome of too late to benefit those who remain Dr. V7. B. Royal two months time was required with bnt if his view should prove to be cor the country villages a few ptiblio- It seems to be a kind provision of C^“Ha« permanently located in AsbUnd^g ubanks some kept under glass in a room, The p-ct. there would be no constitutional spirited men bad gathered librarie* Datnre that, as we approach the dread yonng have only six legs, the fully obstacle tn State legislation of precisely containing from three to five hundred event, our terrors diminish, and the WHI give hi.t undivided attention to the AS LAMP. O regon . grown, after several cbauges of skin, the same character. The lull at ull volume«, in contrast the public libra­ coward and hero die a like —fearless. Practice of Medicine. have eight. The microscope reveals events is a legi'lative curiosity. It ries of the present, containing more indifferent or resigned, A« to phvsi e : l ' agons c \ r Has bad Fifteen Year*’ Practice in Oregon. sucking-caps or disks iu the kgs, provides that after July 1, 1880, it shall than ten thousand volumes, have an cal pain, Dr. Edward H Clarke in ki »1 of vehicle« in The rale ia that enabling the parasites to cling to the not be lawful tor any sul>ject of tlir aggregate of 10,650,000 volumes, not “Visions.” say«.- OFFICE At residence on Main St., opposi’e M. ••tic. R -|» dring prompt looliiding the Sunday school and pri nnconRciou'GiPSR, not pain attendR th»* wool and skin of the sheep — and rend Chinese Empire, then or thereafter E. Church. LMU final set. vate libraries of the country. It is es era beautifully apparent the aotiou of T<> ths subject of it death is Fine wika *p-ci»l'y. becoming a resilient of the United tima ted that altogether the Dumber of these structure», showing as the feet not more painfnl than birth Pain SOCIETIES. States, to engage in carry on or woik v:< x'2.3 if. advance, how the disks are expanded at any mannfacturiug or mechanical volumes accessible to the pnblic is not !»- rr I v we come.- whence we know not. Ashland Lodge No. 189,1. 0. G. T. to grasp the surface of the substance business,- or to own, lease or work any less than 20 000 000. Of Webster's and PainleHRlv we go;whith*r w-» know not over which the ucarns is moving, ap­ mine.- or to own or lease any real eti Worcester's dictionaries, it may be Nature kindly provides so anavthetic Meets at the new H ill of McCall A B .um every parently retaining their hold in obedi­ tate for any purpose other than that of said that enough have been published for the body when th* spirit l»*aves it. Friday evening at 8 o'clock r. m . B i other« and — dealbr IX- ence to the volution of the animal lawful comnjerce and for places of res­ to supply one to every one hundred in­ Previously to that moment, and in tleur* In good »landing -.re cor Hally invited to at­ Thun its structure adapta it for orawl idence; or to conduct any farm.garden, habitants of the United States. ' preparation for it. respiration becomes T >e Temple meets every firet and third Wed­ - ---------- —o ♦ ----------------- TIN,— tend ing over and adhering to the skin, vinetard or orchard; or to own, have feeltle, generally slow and short often nesday in • .ch niouta. instead of burrowing beneath it Bur­ or keep any ber'i of cattle, horses, To Die Survivor« of the War with Mex­ I accomplished by long inspirations, and Miss F kabcks M tkb , W. C. T., ico, iu Oregon. Attention I rowing acari, like the itch iusect in sh'-ep. goats or «wine, for the purpose short, sudden expirations, s' that the CHAS. Xxvg«nera« man. are always armed with cutting of making profit by the increase, pro Je«f. At the same time the heart acts F ellow C omrades : — A full genera ­ teeth, set iu strong jaws, and their legs r Ashland JLodye No. M3, duct or n«e thereof; or to keep Hny ho-' 1£PA RINQ ""JOB W.RK are very short. The body of the female tel or restaurant, excepting tor the ns- tion lias expired sioc« we participated With cnrre-tpnmlmg debility, producing Pramptlyr Kxec.ted. AA A. F. A A. M.. of the sheep acarus is larger than that and accommodation of Chinese; or to in bearing to victory, the • anner of a slow.feeble and often irregular poise LibKv i.ik. L aki < ovini, < £>.<• '. of the male.ronuder in form,the fourth work or engage to work as mechanics, our couutry, on the battle fields of I i As this process goes on, the blood is Hold« tbeir stated communication« Thursday even » LL HER 'NS KNOWING Til > log« on or before the full moon. Brethren in good pair of legs are developed nearly as artisana, labo'era, waiters, servants, Mexico. Although we are now old aod not on’y driven to the head wiih well as the third.and are aupplied with cooks, clerka or in anr other capacity, must soon “cease to feel the vicissi­ diminished force end in ¡ess quantity, jA. « o-»-« iu • b e i o at«- -r- qu» »ie«i •tanding are cordially invited U» attend. terminal suckiug disk*. or at any other kind of labor, skilled tude» of time, and pass beyond the but what flows there is loaded mere «o a • I rw»r»l »»id *-i*s*. 36 3 n. W. H. ATKINSON, W. M. Various experiments have been made or unskilled, except for and in the etn- sphere of human affairs,” where we and more with carbonic aonl gas, a J. 8. S vbank «, Sec’y. to ascertain the rapidity of the growth plov of subjects of China lawfully rn sha'.l be prevented meeting here and powerful aniesthetic. the same as that Ashland Lodge No.45, and reproduction of these parasites. gaged in commerce in the United exchanging social greetings; yet, it i* derived from charcoal. Subject to it« the nervp-*ceriters lose The young acari have been detected in States or in traveling therein, or ex­ belived there ar« perhaps some fifty of influence consciousness and sensibility, apparent fourteen days from the direct transfer­ cept as interpreters or teachers of the you living iu Oregon, who would I. o. o. F.. ASHLAND GLOVE FACTORY sleep crepps over the «rstern: then Hold tbeir «egular meeting every Saturday e»eo- ence of the acarus to the skin of the Chinese language. Every violation of enjoy the privilege of a reunion, and comes stupor, «nd then the end. thes ‘ provisions by a Cuinamau is to commemorating our soldier life in ng at their ball in Ashland. Brother« in £OOi sheep. In a month the disease has Tn» »‘b-cnE-r J»'»-* notice that be ie now pr»;-»r- •Unding are cordially invited to at'end. spread over a space of five inch*»; iu be i»nniab«hle by a flue of not less than Mexieo. and recounting some of the General Grant on the Chin«». Qneatlon. E DE PEAT, N. G., e4 to Mil or.'er, t * x yourself. projecting body within reach—as it pany to employ any Mongolian snbj<-ct I know that if yon were as anxious to Chinese merchants at Penang, in which extends sheep bite themselves. ki»*k of China for any of the above named come together here.*" yon were to hear they n®k him to exert his powerful in -18 THE- J.io B II. Htiit Itings. fheir bind feet at their aides sod purposes, except as a teacher or in­ tbe bugle blast, to battle, thirty one fluence in their behalf to advocate the (Dolflfl shoulders. If one is oaught and the terpreter of the Chinese laDgnag®, and years ago. the task of calling yon out removal of those restrictions, and thus band plaoed on the mootb, while impose« a fine of Sl(K) for each offen»»e. wonld be comparatively easy. But iD restore the intercom*»» between the two OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. iufected parts are scratched gratification The United Stabs District Courts are the absence of a better plan.as a begin nations to its former footing, was a v»»rv Sam<- size as the Sacramento R kcorp U n is evinced by nibbling at the band,and given jurisdiction of all cases arising nmg. I will assume tbe respoosibiliity decided remonstanca sguinst th* con­ after reqnes ing, not command, that tract system, which h* declared tn be ion , 24 by 36, .»nd J9“price reduced to when the infectiou is severe or general under thi* proposed law, and the Pres jn-t as s<»ou as yon read this address, slaverv. this Dibbling movement is regarded as ident ia directed to notify the govern ­ “On that point.” ha said -Apple Trees fur Sale -t flit— FOUR DOLLARS PER AUM an infallible sign. Examination will ment of China of its provisions as soon yon ait down and drop the nnderaigned. ••American« would naturally feel IN ADVANCE. disclose spots on the skin, white and as enacted. The bill concludes with at Eugene, Oregon, a note giving yonr strongly. It wa« in order to free on* ROBERT NIXON, bard, the center marked with yellow the following proviso, which is intend name, place of address, together with ran« from slavery that we fon»rht along Fd‘»»w -tiki P-iMlsb««. points of exndatiou, which adheres to ed to cover all treaty requirement-.- any suggestion yon think proper as to war. Af'er the terrible sacrifices mod- A LSO A GENERAI. ASSORTMENT OF OTHER the wool, matting the fibres together. “Provided that th * citizens of China, the most convenient time aod place of during th »t war to free th* negro, it Pu t re-s .a>i s u- .b». Pe icoes, Pe.»'S, Pluiu», Pnt r*. <7U»rne», Curreuts, Grape, Guoee-t»er>>«», The wool may be firm on these spots, as respects the right to travel or reside meeting etc, etc. And also, see that could not be expeet«d that Americans El-., E C. and no scabs may be seen at thia stage. in the United State», »hall enjoy the every soldier in yonr neighborhood ¡« wnnld consent to • revival of another ----- 0-0------ Tbeu the yellow moisture evaporating same privileges, immunities »nd ex made aware of the movement by send­ form of slavery in which th* Chinaman —I also h vve a variety of — gives place to a yellow scab, wbioli emptions while so traveling or residing ing the paper to him containing this was the victim.” H* said ihis was the adheres firmly to the skin and wool. in the United States, and shall be pro­ Theo, so soon as I am satisfied yon nbjeciion on the part of th» Ameri SHADE TREES. Raw places appear at points which the tected in person and property in the favor th* proposition, notice will bi­ cam* to Chinese emigration. Tn o'h»r animal can reach with its teeth and same manner as the citizen» of other given calling th* meeting at th»- tim- respect* they ha 1 none but kindly feel GAR WAP:.E, »OFT MAPI E. OREGON MA- A I E. I 1 ai K VAIMI. IVtilM’l bind feet. The disease is complicated foreign nations are entitled to by treaty snd place, which a msjoritv seem to inga toward the Chines* people, and jCUE-lNVi. ALL K NO-» OF HICKORY, in summer by the pretence of larvae ot stipnlations with such foreign nations, indicate. I am well ns-»tired that we they wonld extend to them, if they ELMS ALANiUUs. IRON *ouD, BOX ELDER, CALIF» -R n I a shall he well cared for in whatever chose to make their home with ns th»- the blow fly, the maggots growing and not otherwise MiAl.NL l-. LINN. WAP.HOO, locality we may meet, and tlraf w>- welcome they extend to th* r»-st of lhe under the scab. The animal becomes BLA K ASU.OSA»«E OK- The Capitol building at Washington A'ijE, El' .. EiL>. wonld be favored by railroad com world. In his eddrese he does not onee nervous, excited to wildness and can­ not obtaiu properly either rest or food, will shortly 1x3 lighted by electricity. pauies and other companies having allude to the prejudice against cheap thus losing fksb and becoming re­ It is proposed, also, to Ourry the elec­ means of conveyance. Now, soldier*, labor nor to the peculiar «enfim*nt* of duced to a skeleton from constant irri­ tric cnrreDt to the dome of the build­ the matter is in your bands. »Shall California. Ho doubted, and no on»- ■ntxAMF.TB al S h vb 'TÄttamcyat^aw. tation and’lack of nutrition, only the ing, and by means of several large we meet? If to, let me hear form you could doubt, that in the end. no matter P ortland , O regon . strongest animals recovering if left jets, light up the entire city of Wash promptly. what agitation might for the time being Ba «oti'-ul ev-*r-bio mmg Ru>es, ar.d ington, dispensing with gaa altogether Will also newspapers friendly to tbe without treatment. Yterticular altentnwi paid to Land Titles, Collecfinf effect matters »t bome, the American * «»tn mi* »>1 H.thii «s. R emidies . — Destruction of the par­ in the streets and pnblic grounds. The “Mexican Soldier” please give this people would treat the Cuineee with JNtta and.all land« of f»o tien.im i Claimau ----- Sometliiuif New----- asites and tbeir eggs is the only object plan is pronounced entirely practica- one insertion, and greatly oblige. If kindness and justice, and not deny to of remedial treatment. A great num­ tde, and the great height of the dome you will, you shall have an honorary the free and deserving peopl* of that ALEX sNoEit PEA 'H, ee.rii—tin market sui Principal Office, Jacksonville, Oregon. oía faTwt •» ui um J-»i’A>EoE PERSIMMON. introduced, i is iB a circumstance uiiuuujomuvn peculiarly p favorable seat in the camp of our reunion. Ile- country the asylum they offer to the G ibbs & S tkaox will attend to my busin«-« ber of remedies have been introduced. u. COOLIDGE. Portland. [v3no7t areenio and meroary have proved very' to the undertaking »pectfolly, J. F. A mis . reet of the world.—Fr. DR. J. H. CHITWOOD, ---- ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY— J. S. E BY Il BIT HABT. How People Lived Fifty Yeare A