THE A^HLASU FRIDAY.. a TIDINGS ..It then 21. IRTO. LOCAL B1CEV1TIES fiwa'lr'WS have come. Almn- d »ree* ure in h'oom f Dr. J »ck-oii went to J i'-k*nnvi]fa last we»k, t»nt returned Wedn-sduv. W<* return thank- f»»r a pfaa-ant visit from a number uf young la lies I sa * week. Mr £ H. A ’fanrieth pa« ® 1 throngb town on bis return from Yreka, fast M md'iy. R ad the nolfae to *fabt»rs uf Inlow A F*rlow and Dr. Iulow, lu auo h* r culimn. T ie G *o»l Templara' Ixilg« will m»e’ r j tc-uig'it hi thu Acaduiuy bu.ldiug. a> tbe ii-n J hour. L sr.—During the fire. ■ brnss ket tie, '1 Lu' k.x *» ill b« rei.d« reJ tut its re­ turn to Mr.“ H. D. Jm»e. Mr* II D. new ococp;es a porii-»u <»f darg * Inn'* slurs witu bet u,iihn-ry eetuLIl-hm»-i»t. 8.iys the L ke Vi»-w Herald'. S vt-tal lu-liuus frmn th K aniatli Il-a< rviOh-3 tflorn'rt.g'M*. J 14»- fiiuke, afasia i*.- are in tuwu Tory i-eem <|ul»t ¿id declare llit»m-e Vrs ’’all eaine white man ” They a»y they atn hunting faiektfed in ll»r*li*- taeiory.liad Ili- nim work aid veiifv that diClaratimi by vigurimsiy ni plying theinsilves tu any We are in receipt of A phnmtdet ilpdii the mt of papagiVi >tl. a valuable ing. H- «asdas'iiig thè loà-rpurt ut »Ile» mai-liine. »1 he r»»fa»-<) bis «rtu it etrm-k ’he rapidi» faviilvin kniv»-s ubidì 11 flii-ted thFé« deèf» ènfs abolii thè ellmw. D». R oal diesxrd thè .rni •■and bo k f«-r tiur-ef 1 itien. gardeners fl -rist*. and all »ho am ifitrtested in « d <1 thitik* t‘ at with pr -pst Care it wil» he all righi Ih fi fa* k-. *nch ma’tern it ia pQldi«iied by Mr J J-tikina. nmprii tor of th»» J nkin» Nnrserte*, W iimhia . blnn, anil will be -ent to any addrCs, upuu receipt of ibe pfi'-e. &0 i-t*. S chool M eeting -A «*etu»».i meetir.K o» the voter* <>f tins »chool dixiriet i* •T»ll»«i for to mot row aiteriHsm at 6he o’en ck, at thu a-h<»o| lt«>tl-e, to efact one Director t'l ti I 'he vacancy «-anxrd by th- «bath ol We.-fay Mi»*h»l«; to VO r Upon the plllOlih-«. Ir-'UI Ju Apt»’® gate S»*, ai »1 a- he has always ancceed.-d 111 t»rg iinz ng a lodgj every wlier»» el-e ■vheii lie ntebriook it, wh thought we were sa'e mi the Hiihimncem-iit. Th- re wax hardly a largw enough attettdeuee t • fi rm a I- dee The S.ltef « reek Mines. Pittici» i I trill.s. S ilver C reek . Xlr M »r. 10 1879. Th-- Ashland ls»ys atnv- d h» r* oti the 28tti «if F binary, am! we (th® boy’s) \ Froth pttr régitlnr corree potent.- Jo’iii B II. a I ho her of J.-1T, and P ainful A ccidi - nt . —O 1 YVedmtula* • ni iu a paitfnl tuaburr hy ite ih »nld- ng rifa « Inni» willi a|:l«-h he «à* work pi|r*-|ia-e the Ifrts. to Vole ftp»»u a tax ■or the piirpoxe,- to cousi-faT ttie ud*ix ability of building alloifn-r »chon tioHse. a< «1 any other l»U'ine.“- flrat may \ I'jf -peil.» e »me before the tn-» tin i. ' G love M aking . — Wu visited Mr. J wi AriiER Religious Notices. hEPórtr. ■> I are stopping iu H cabin « i-librt di«- Mncv frotu the diggings. Ou the 1-' ot M irch *e went ami ImiaU»»! <*ac!i a clti'ii, ami enn« V-ck to bur camp at night. »xpeering to go biek and pro-pe--t ’b-» n Xt tnorning. But a x»iow ntnmi b»-gati H nt night, and in th»- ¡-i*xt ten days it has nut stopped -nowing L»r mote 11t «n ril bimrs at an* time. The si.ow will av»r>ig«) six or *»-vkii fe> t iu 'L pr.h ar<>«iu.t our cabin. 1« i“ impoxsibte for ns to go n.d’e th*n thirty or fofty Va»d- iA any «lir»-ct <»n »nd no «me »-«A pro<|e<»t or ’ an* work In re nn’ti H*H‘»uf the M «* or I he Or.'t of J'lue. middle o) I coni I md u'lvi-«» any enn to come fd the diggings. From what J e«h earn, most of th® ground appears tu Ma h c itcit bb-iVe th® ft I*. aud Imi rhrCe oT the claims |0'S|rcted they p'irtialiy. TheiefotU I »-an tor .y lioW »xf n-ive at® the mines or ln*t tney will p»y. T'm gold ta ken «i.i» ig m H Cuuroe,- rLeru being no fine 'III uiy J»^*”. wlio c»me to »he ci-ust one year ugo¿ veiy poorly wdh the dyepèpsia. ingéièl along, miff rug drrdl'dliy Baptist services at .Miller’s Hall, s^ The following i the focal weather r* por for ths weéí » ruling Match 18 b. èfaven o’clnrk in the »«»ruiDg, aind at hall pa-lrix in tbe eveoiog. Sttuday. a ß A M h nd T'2 M. School ut half past twn in th® alter- D *TE , wkatuer . G A. M until «J''ó w»-ek ag<>. tie was r- leased from hi.s snlldiing* and l:fa spirit ?o<»k its flight ti Il s spirit vs r!d. Ho body was interred in ill»» P cètt x Cem *-tery in the p?»-s»-iice of a large cou- cour»® of eypatiiefic 'rtends. The mines in the vicinity of Pl ce’iix give employ meut to half a pecttu¿ on TIJEI MTR. 1*2 13 14 15 JG 17 18 Cfasr................... * • •« Ciond •.............. Clear .................... ” ................... C onJv.................. ni 34 3-X 4i 32 35 50 « 12 M 53 r»n G5 5S 57 fil 57 Real Eatata » ranMcliona. Th* f.flowing have been reciorl-’d in the Coim'y Clerk's uiUoe since our fast T iere is a prospect of a consiifaraLfii repyr»; an.out of buildlug b; ing d me in P ie- j It. T? Brnphv fn Jn’m Mnrelsnd. 100 nix’ «Turing the co ning spring nud ere* land in E len precinct. C.msid- summer. Mr. G« o. B.»ifay fa eui'lnsùig I erx'ion, «G'Kl. •ns I fa W-tti a «líhxfantiaf boa&l feue«- A. U. S. pifent to heirs of 0. D. and pl.iuti'iig Im’rt ff»-!»*. E q. B dOM)!« j H xt* w ip jdu<*»-d on record,' and also tb’rif ’*0*0 houk.*' IS ufao butldtug a plank tenue and •llieiwiae improving fita proper*. I he same tu»:y be said of Mr. Berry, Mr. C»*t<», uuJ uumetoiH otuera. B'ilS are I» ing made out daily by on* of Tliom“* Center. Ed win Smith «nu wife tn I. N. Mun- <*v. 80 acres in .T icksonvill® precinct C >nsi l» r »tion, $59. M. Ca»on an 1 wife Tbosf i»»l«y > • \ x ' * « • » V C hristians at W ork . noon. ; - f ■« — * ’ *■ U < > M. E. CnußCH —ijerviçes every Sun •lav at 11 a . m . an«) P M. Luiday S<-bool at 2:30 wi‘b Bible clacera ior • a ' t 4 ohi ami ^yuììug. Prayer meetiog every. Tbur-day eteping at 6:30, À ßenetar iovitatiuD and a cutdiai wpluot^e ic all,* XV. T. C hapman , Faotê^. I d the P-esb*teiit:D Church—Ser­ vie«** every Sunday morutu^ at élèves' o'clock, until iur-iier notice ----------------------------- *—4 1A * , --- *-»------------------ / SPECIAL NOTICE». C « . •* - - . a .\»»tice io Debfors. * r. ^« » > < ■* • i » *■ ■ Z- t All those indubted to Dr. H. T. la-, low by Dote or cccocnt, tnast posi-rf «ively celile tip al once, a* tbo mo^®/ must b® hait. H T. INLOW. Estri y Votici*. << ;T\KEN BP BY TIIE SUB- 40 acres in T. 34, 2 W, Consideration ■Mh criiH-r 5 rn-les u«»rtli of Ashland, M w"'." .,ne bg’4|iron grc'»tid in Axltlaud. and fa oVi r the uionniail s. tako g this fa|tei Mr. Olwell met with a serioit* acci- ter* 80 ;»cr*iiin ,T »* ksoAville precinct. With them to the Post « fltCe. 1 hope uuv prepar* d l»» meet (he gr»-a ly in Look' at 'l'liis [ f v •lei t un Saturday,the 8cn ru»t. Hi wax C-nxi *<»ritfnA $500. W. C La»-y arid «ifa to Chas. Win­ er®aoed demand for lite go» cfa which he they will gel ihrmigh, but it wi 1 ben oiling t ie uraehliiery uf Ina upp- r mill, Monthly strawberry plants of excel­ •u*i.uf tcTnre“. lie wnk“ abuo-t ex- rniigli trip. There is ufa»iit futnl^et»' wiivir hi.-«'right baud w^s caught ami ter*, 120 acres in J »«kaonvilfa p'ftcinet. lent quality sent by muil in good shape' Consideration. $500' ufn-tvly in buck km, and tlm wh* fa feet of rliow ou tiie mountaius. »o any address, on reoeipt of ttnrt/ drawn in betwten twoc«>g w Lei I m , and 1 met with an u<-ci«faut on tho 3*1 m lUglt-d in a alruekiug mauriCr. Dr. proc«.“®, from the tinning of the hide»» cents per d< z-n. AHrAsa. , t Slslctyon County News'. M* J. D F iui»tt»»u sueei de») In saving 11 ®t »hop and a wagon shop thi- spring mst which will ke> p m* iudoora for to tbe timsliitig ol :ii gl »Veit, fa «1 me IcEV, TH OS. MOORE, (luiefc tbiuk'j tío Lunes ure broken, but liia garden sc»-»ts fr»»u> tue tire, and T-»e f«»r».-»r «till lie «»peneri hr Mr. C. [ From the Ÿ>» k i Jonrn 1 ] at tits pltCe. Hf-n) those who hd**ef Worn t*«> or t1ir«»e weeks. Iu chopping ti e there is pustbif-ty <»f amputalluU bviug E tna M ills , C al . Chapman, no# living ar. J.urk*onville. they ate now fur rule ut his store. G L’ljfar«*.. an ol.) r-sì'fant of Si-ki glove* of his m »niiftretiiio' recbtnmeud wood, I alh'W»d the i.X-’ to ghmee uhd neeesNary. Tiie inilli are riiiiuing a» w ho will rem -ve to L» ukvilL- a >011, un i am) former former' ’^ y «faptl «fapti ’v C mnty A - Mr. I. ish WiUitts starte«! for K-an them as of v.-ry supuri ir q'i »!i’y — cut. a ii6'-p ga.\h j i-t LeloW my ankle. ifaiial. n ider the able management, ot I v-iii and 'he latter I y Mr. John Ri pli uf this xexxnr dte«L “ u-ld nlv a: S’-o-t river -.-I on -j - . ; ........... cr«-ek ia-t MuuJay. w.tti men to atari s«iu»e havu told tlx there ix no ’’wear 1 utn di-tug v«-ry w< II, however, allow- Mr. Martin. the f>!Ii. líe Ile lini lia i b» b» eu eu lu iu pour pour bealtli health p:ace. the saw mid, weather permitii- g. Two Mail rider* on tu«* route frotn. ii g tor th® lark of proper treat mt. nt on'.’’ to them. After tlm “kitrs are p.-u lor h -rue years pis». 1 here i» to b • a spe ;fal ccboo! m p et Ysblaud t«> Like View. They mu»Jt b® R ec mojí.—Mr an-1 Mrs H D Bro |n«r-*«l for cutting they are sen» into the and medi iues. i Mr. II. M- Thatcher, of L nkviüe, While the fa>m'er“ óf S‘* q ‘1 V-lfay •V' II r«*c»imm»-u<|ed , apd auber men. mg in the id I auhoo! ho is'e on the 22 i wh«» bus I h * uu spending a week *»r two pliy, who were mirrird ton d»v Ifefors. cutting ruo u. (vh-»r» wu fo in I four Tie B l’s are all well. Rnd setil I and the ni»|»er «nm »hence and ni» »ut IJ'ittevilfa, bave be»»ri fav- in tbu valley, returned Lome last Mau their leguida tu AaLluid iriends. M- C aufell . 4 »tibstautiu'l P iblu Ora fail Stb-m • •r«-d • Uli <• «nsid» rabfa ram during »he of E <1 B »cairn on M -n lay evening 0» they are brought out l»i the shape »»I A shland , O reg , F« b. 28 197'J. *tf Yours, P A. M. day. htiiine. This r* btily ue--d d here ai d la’« storm*, verv 1 til»» favor-d the • “> la-t we« k. The string ban I 01 Pi ce dx gl.ives ready for ma k-»t. T ie * xc- I We understand tlfat Miss Susi»« llill [Tim above letter r< m-lr> d in» ett- 1 a in glad otfr tui payers ure get mg c-ntriil part uf Sbasta vatl«y, or Litte will give Hiairucli«»is iu iu«-trumental was pres»-tit, and to its »xu» lient mn-ic fane® of hi* g >ii'T“ will surely increase i-nd d wi'ih the one below, uf a laid fihaxta. their eyes opened to the fact, _ • . * 4 Ä *• ot ills m'-rry g iesta ilauc»» I the honra the dem in I for them Constantly, mid niu-ie, both upon tbe piauu and ur d tu, wh cli will »Xpluin itdt-if ] A tnov»» has been n^ade Jo establish a awav. a'oppii g long enongh. of coiirxe, we predict foy Air. llaicUrtigs a lurg- O il* ii .in Yreka, wlrc’i gun. iliuTy to this enfarpris®, io e. j -y Ibe refreshments which were a<|d profiubie t'raiT® S ilver C heek . M»rcb 15, 1873. will l«k* in •*“ member, ap .tli«> • .wn«» ACRES OíTÁND^ltU^rÉlí Mr. Nut fay and liix boys aro pound served. Mi-S E'lmo'ii* Co >per is having good «ion« to Cil'fornia prior to. 1353' A Editor t’idi.fjs:— «tur mil«* uor(l)4»< )h®. ut ins «aay in lt*e little ton.ding u* xt h* P botkrty of J ack son C ounty — I wrote t» you <>n th® 10th. «ending success tr-ami'ing Hie yonug Ileai bow gen»-ral meeting will be held at tb l«tilatid, Ja' ksou .county, coDtainiug N ew S tore —Vuong the improve­ court bouau on A «rii 5 h t* oigautz , II nit-k’a, Hppareutiy busier lhau ever Coon’v A-su-sor G h | iard inula mi a th»- l»*iter By uiy fin nd, Mr Redmoml to shoot’ in this d'isfrict. • *48»ore tt «d urging land«, well snp.y ments to lie mad® ut Linkvill* thi- a* p'-r call of several pioneer.“. ( wap BU«»-® the tire. cal T-lr.v lay afteriio-*n. Ila wiH In* and Jobnie Spemi«-, Who lulled t> post plh.d with Water — well Situated for. T h «» Widow Cooper's family live ot met. «t C'rland’a *t«»ru la*t Mnndav ev season, is n tine new i»rirk -tore bnild- nealtii — I tie ludmputalde. Call wo The Times at 1 »st ha* found one topic • » g. to be i»ut up for Tlist<*h»-r & through with A-lil»t.«l thi* week. Fr-*m th» leit<-r f<»r very strong evasomi. Alt The pinne» r* wli«» came tn th'H the F »mythe pTo, eriy, ari l, like th- ening th»- R'lh-criber at A-dilmd tux b *<>k, Wiieli Le allow« I u* to La»k er being out tiro daya they returned I i rest of ii'x *“110 are ohlieed t" 1 ilior. are ai tu during and pr*viun* to 1852 ar­ np-rn «*»>it»-b itcau'agr»« with the Sen­ W-»rd»n The building will be begun 37 lo L. A pplegate . ali r— pi-ellnily r< q'uested tu alterni the tinel. 1« is upon tbe sal jicl ul Luc»- immediately, as I he hr ek lire nl ead* over. *ve called the fallowing interest­ to Camp in a s< rr» | light. They had earnina a r»8pestable living by honest m» etiug. ing statistics of last year’s as-ps-meu': l*ndsy to fay th»- “»itution i* beiter tiian the «1 I adm'f- Je-k-on «utility was »sti'iiate-i a* »tow w iil.ont uiVy* IdWnki is. Ti»»’y Lad * * • A* • • "i g • d. p u p id, ten -en reais.« Address R »nd“ dry, b it very roti »©»-ure u fionnlation. Tuis will be a snbaiantial B. L’tcjfi Lt, Liichfi If Id. Pie i-r s'ste, £2 300 ;¡82.- total amount uf t «x»L!e no provisions with th» m, and woiihl lir a i p’*d bv an minien“« ni.»j »rit«. V.-I131 paper you s iw tufa af »vat-*r tu bu used «.“ a prutec- improvement. Mr. Olwell *iiff rater lily ye», with piuperiy »1 5-<3 558. There w.-ru in i . u V h lare-f badly, iiufai-.l, ha I1 uot Mr - fee füllt« mo t çoipplaingd o» r II ow h [16 ly tion against tit*«. his cru-h' d han I. If the hand is remedy bv, I« gi Isti *ii. n’tll i* t'i*fe t* O ld R esides r G on « —Me Q II. the count»- 4.2J5 nurses a J mule* v-1 li»dmut>d*s d >g run in u de»-r fui* them Mea-rs. n. C (Idl and W. n*A kin I anything t«i «iff-r f«»r or agdnst, th* P.ekei.a au old les-J» Ut «»f tbis coui tv. ned at SI54 299, uu av- rage ot $35.93 wludi they shot. Mr. R. will etart oni «»red fr 'tn ampnt DaNPirfT fob went to J i* kxoti* ills to A'teu«l a 'ea “ t six mouths before Lê will be aLlc di»d it his home lust Fnday ihl I i I. at per head. Tue number *»f cst’le was again III a f® V dava t> see what has «i* we have no pr j « lio* in the m'it’er c M'-o. N »’’iorce* h»-avy Mu-t iclie or Beard io ti’ae it. meeting of the Masonic Charter on the age of Mjvent*-xeven y»»ars, and 10 92»nv n*w the uiijuf» , kui < otkest Lie* in irmn twei’y t«» l»e»*ou)e of the men who left ns on th»* TuesiTay evening. In alif:cipation of a large sclin» 1 m-i’ier and any »xo»»*i’ion of fa tta it» thirty dmp. It nev»-r fails. N ■ po sihlein- was buried iti tbe Jaeksoiivil e Cetu»- $8 50 * «• li-a-l. To* n«i u'*er "f *h -ep I3t i t»» V » to (lal hr cr«-»»k. They were j'i-y t i the »dim. Easily ap|ili«-d mid certain It is roi»or*e 1 that the stock of Mr. t» ry on S unlay. Mr Psekeii* was a wax 41.770 worth *.62094-$149 t> r Btnbi Ohvir, W-dt»r Puillips. R d lioti-e being foiilt the current *ei«n n> r» f< rei c- tli'-r«-t » w’ll h- pheerfull v re­ id e ff. •ci. In w l> a so remove I landruff and ceived for generai bêuéflc u‘u«i iustrac- nri-ye'it ltahh.e’«. I am th-» »0 • ,sg»*nt tor Colwell used *»n Ins mail route between native of North Carolina. • mieratinw Lead. The s^ine iiit uheie I 11.750, Fry an I an old Fienchniau arid his I»copie lire fast preptfVin'g to settle in I Itili» • «- this c.'in)i«iMud. I’er parkjige, post paid, F»r«ners are selecting ----------------------->------------------------ J.------------ y t L nkvillu and L-ke View bus been at »«> thi“ coa-t early and s»ttling on worth $29 95*2 -Si 78 per bead. Two son. We h«»|»e they have gone ihr-f the C-»li- i.i». in 1*<5'1 »»id rem ivtng tu J »ck-ton I .f.d w. re usseu<*'d. impr*>Vrd land, ere H im . • ■til er oat of nifi :u u- xt J »niiury, >D t [ill* 1 y- peute ol onr fa-stifnlly situated village. if ««loptt-d ly « iu j -rity uf th* vol*»*, 110 722 acre* at -5 89 pet- a r»-: nnini U 4-»ss a pvk triin cin dim® to n« f.*rnfa Oregon Laiid Company, p *«>e I coiiuty in 18G5. Re». Mr. V »mlicer will preach in there will b- an uloulimi for ®v«»y pn- proved 1 »ml 100 <>00 acres at SI 25 pet through the snow in xt we»-k, we will —‘•Oca N»;w ani » Ev^-uró'ti pMrevt’* through A-h’aml *m bis way to Sun A N ice L ittlh P et . —A’ ili»- ”C. O. -u re. '1 lie i.ii'i b r »»f polls was 1,011. have t»> put onrselvna up m short ru Col vera’ II all Sdtiday, morning and *it|.«ii in th* fir it«, fron Governor fa li* b si «mi ch*-“i''*#i l,e*Ti|ui»* ever olfared Francisco, lust week. ! «town to C na»i«h e. ai.«l from C h * i D.” s«:lo m muy Le a» » n al i ut tl.i o th»* puhlic ’"f p*i'fiiuiiiig w-aring «ppar*!. evening, April 2 j I. J nfi«ie down t«»^ J'lS'L.»*; «»f th* Pear*. *t'er pape« e«<-., »-tc. li i**ve lasting.anA Prof L-ok h'»« couclmled n<>t to «m-ilu bt bear » v» r oli • ìliibitioti. I’ in P risoners H anged .— B< own and tmn®. as »nopli-s sr»» running ] >w. F quibs . 0 ir present county «¿fifi *er* will’ bar* gir**'o-ili®-, fa' er p>|er, nini wbatever I <«ke 1 Mr. Il-d «forni to writ9 yon • ri ii-g Fi ll' ol. of Hie cinriaizioh si-sr ea. ►’> «»•♦ k- old. J-diusoii, tbe Pntlaiid roLb*r* ai.d open the evening tn*ir t» rni* ati<«rtem»d t-v«i in< ntlia, amt a.» v -ii mi* ai-li. « t|i"st r ti ol and pfaa|- it» being di-3ppoiht»d ill rigiri to tlie and ahont the eiz - of a small lnm-e c >t. u nrdeiets were hanged in yard t*»i account of fits trip,- Hnd L® sa»d li IX NKMOftf A.M. all n*w offl.i r* el-cit’d will »erv® ms -ni o I »r. If pl'«ci d n » 1 W of that city* la*t Fiid»y st half pH*t two year I s- than tlm u«nal bón*. us, alt • li. it L«- £he C 'ntents. it will beco n* redo- Oregon, fie <»<»ul I giVv ftiftcb ii.teie-t At a regular m»«» tinrf of A «bland nitrire <*fa.*ti»nis will ba Leid OU E.uiJ I- tii ìii u of Cofih- bel.l. iioxtn’ ■ ti c • io any uddrei-s on r«c«*b’»t ot Lod. e. N ».45. I. O. O F , In M Mtrch tfumbef®«! year*. trv. tneir irienils to Lav«- their M-nteuee c mi The J.cksrnvt Ie pi-k s! nine of Lax« *it, wi'hont d!“pH'ag-*m»-nt to J'ni 1 e prie«-. 25 r-» d- sirmle n- 1 now finn mri ed to imprisonuiei t for life,but the bill's»« *d.a>lenge anv p ek—l nine in H aunted ’.-A» faxt we have a «-énsalior.. i H- th»» w»t-*r iu th- creek f 'W»-rs siilH *on saw ibi* uoiit-e in. [ulti 1 y reeoliiiion* were iiiiauiiuoti-dy adopted; I in tiii*«-iiy. I» »s’- b irg baa a bannte J S »nth-Fn O eg-»n or 8 'kiton iMilo’T. it wi I ’. ih a year hence.—J .cksunville G ivernor was fi«ni hi d allowed the law cieiillt I wil* “ ir out Hi«f.y»e what i- I bom«»-! Yux a «LuiTictffarv afaile that fa. io iak»- its ci’iitsi. After btcj p'f.g upon going on. With r-g irds, . I remain W hereas , I’. lias pl axed the S ipreme C»l.. t«> a game in Jaeksou*i1» ou Setditirl. TRcy all tak- It.— Wbeu th4 iy«tem «o'mn'li rûoio important in tne spirt Yon's, P. A M. •he g.*'l >ws Brown minis a Icmg seusa Ruler •>( t ie Uiii*rrxft to rem'ove fro-n April 5th. T he C oming E ntkrt . unaìent —Th* world lliHtïotir other fiUUibTfaiJwulltDg*, fa ri|U; do-vn io itiat exis it-lhai you pas# lionsl dime licV»4-l fee speech. • oast oar mi fat nnr well b I «ve I brother, that )t nightly receive* viaitatiou from si e •!»• “ nigh»“, are nervous anil irritable, rmJATE C.»U n 1 ®t-»ry of M » enferíainm»»nt ».p'-ken of in fast w»»»k- mg uh mt having creat'd a great »ensa W«**ley M-tchell; Therefore, be it the clíper uatr.ral ami it la a w« 11 h tv-- g o’liii.v to eb', “nnr “'-k Cdi .t B »urn’s "«1» building fa In b« fa-rt»». fo b* giV'-n bv thè A «hi and Re? Since our last r» port the following triptfail ghost one who «loes hot net ut lieu’actic un-i c aird io lein»* xto tyn enrol! ’urn. having b »-n chief of a bin I ol Resolved. That we Low with submit* tour-elf as high p-irae. in ilia /ear ^ank. fined rrp a“ a I slg»* r»»nm. au»1 wilt Is« Bill C'ub w 11 come • fi on th* »-v»-ning robbers, • to U» h I mi sung 1 wo Minify han been tranaaite I in this court. snui to th»» wiH of the great Creator all in aCi-<»rdafii*A with ¿he rulé* «»f iimler ».$» ner, I Jh-bi i y but ciic r np.iipiL n*ed bv the M»*'nx, OJd Frllowa uh») «»< W dneaday. t* »»* Ori» of An'if. atu! an • urilil* aorfaty. j imps aroiYud, opens •r> W it»-’« Praii ie Flo **»-r, th-Greit Liter • me th»» gallows song rd J *hn R ’gers, Judge Entv pfeFidtng; Who do» th uli tilings well. «|«M»r*, ratifau ■li'-iiert and Ctl’S up almi • Xinxive pr"gr-tnne «>f ex'-rci-e* is G ••»■I Tempfar*. P n ic-a, n >w f-»r sale in every city »nd III Hr»- fnatl« I* of the milite of TsnsC and flie ofle-r of a similar kind. J din far irrakti. nil the time being invixt- tuwu i»n «1.® t'outine it No medicine vver Ilesohed. That in the death of un« in eonrs® pr pura'ion. The prò G-org« HoWgtd. formelr one cf t’oe ble to tne hitmau rye. Thia is true! < oiiip<<»in’ ..fUYBPEP I t and LIVt.R C0-.FLY1NT. xp •» ch ot Brown, that h»- had hot been go- d friend and a true brother, Ilia *eniHÍ>le ÿoimg mut', at the req ie-t ot It n i* a specifib pow er ,over the IT v «’V,' m , i L A*hln«i«l fast M ni S-bring, deerft ’ ed . sup- a dei»i>« ra h man, an I th it lie ,!i-d the t>Y cii’fin^ltic lire-,’|>y-pe;i«i4 sod >»U • tb»4 T.»d I SivagH G orge fa u*»in< to tbe all. It cmn-Hf’-res iteri nd rlraauitin i pl> ipeutul inven ory and appruieement fairtily a kii-d hn*f»»nd and father, uud i lie iinprolec»» d fa (y wliium «abmle i* dlieaxee aiising f.»»ni it, vanfah »«.if by vi«*nm o’ j-ili-*iil murfar. being inn » Ir» qiiehtrd by tlirsìe c«l*n»tial ^epiri)*, pe’CP*. eí »entionary renditions, and 1 lie cinnmUtiiiy a go >d eitiz’n. S lver cr»-rk min«# in a few da*s in »vic. S »tnnfa b ttle« »re s. Id al the “mall T’lere are died. ¡•i iit iiini'Hf of cmnli-r. lieht a watch,m*e ing at tlie borii»* mneio Resolved, that the charter of th® Satnnfav u.'g'b» ami tùe pbovu «astliCr price of 25 c«-n'*, that will convince you ot The post'.(fi e will l»e in M-*Cal- 4 E-tate of R. B Hargadine, d»ceased, imi ibri è per« >rra nmfar sent -nee <•♦ it- merits. Large size b » tk-s. 75 c«-nis; for Tue ghost-butixp wfl « »le »»y pro/faiOi) made for 1 Im maintenance of Lodge be drapA-l in, and tint th® rx‘»>rri«-n*e. PrRPRisx —t iitiniber «f the vaii '- iv • l«-a li in th* M ilt'iHio nah c-iuutv j 111 Bturn’s store as «wn as uirai gnreMs Qi tw oo*4 A xkxxson . dcmbtleHs lie »ha of attract «m ssw'iavasv-rMv „-, Center ya c»n be rompfat»«! for ’h" purpose. fri» n h» of M*. and Mr-. J. Q. Willits J ifksi.ii Grani luiff—br»-»-d Indian, for inino/ heirs during the administration brothers w»«r. the n«nal badge of iiutil i lie mystery fa solved. Wo would [ tuoiirnihg for the period of thirty days. T >e noilhern “i.fa <»f »he front end «»I C'dled mi m »he»n IntM md »y ev •ning'. th»* murder < f D -111114 Sp.dfati, senten- ol the estate.* Don’t It.— If yon ar< tx*als suggest. **ibat 1t“ tile Cat—but tueu cat l-d wi:b t'ervousne«*, sr»- disli-artens i, tired In the «iidter of ih> petat® of O. D . the »tore is being fitted up for the intending «o give th»» Professor a sur «•rd to In? hanged March 21 t ( oila»,-) Resolved, that a copy of the follow­ can't tap like that.— Star, o' life, ear vs|>»-psia or-Liv-c Co«i)p|*int. prn-ement fil d. showing real properiy the family of our deceased brother and Tim old s -hnol bon*® fa fh® ooly i-h»»d. bow- v» r a* his ►nap’ri' ús bsd for lh»» niurd»-r of rtne of their country Gruve ^ade/xiuieid’. D»*l week wu ljad Tb«* livella very »pt lo beco ne JOÇpid Ûu* that the same I m published iu tbe the heaviest wind Aturiú that thl- building now in use for th® pnh'jr h--» n sroiiai-d. >»n-l h»- proceeded to en­ iiiftn. S» ii I i - ih - pi I tn be haogt-il on Feb­ to the amount of $1 0i-b»-H a ®Mp|»ly «.f^, II ighway K obbeuy . — R liert E T»ro Sale Uf per»-.nial pn perty . Wn.-ietl'e wirin' ling“ring and tend, were tbe expeusrs paid by public W»-d lexil-ir. Hi“ ni ima»« d»-stiria’idii w here in it. It couiiujled Lb rough iresb an«1 pu- e b oo 11<» drive mit ih»» impet ¡. «»e-t, ft* E igene C tv. b it h* will perhaps phy, who i- living with Ina Brother in YVcdueeiíaj flight, blbwing mure m ties, the h I iuvi * mantionel svmpiopi* ai* money. Mr. It A. JohniUn. I \\ held tl e p de willow will droop o’er bis less uf the time with great Jurc>-, sure tu f itlow and «f n t heel®!, m»y end. »>p*-n a' singing schied in R -b< burg and law, W. B»-eso»i, on W ign»-r cr«»ek, wa* hj m »re ten ihle diseases an I »la oh. Wlihr * Sheriff Byb»e in pursuance of the lire., st Djiwn'.iiear Behoof’® ferry, S. II. *t«»l»p»»d and robbed l y high wav men In our ¡.“SUH of F. tirnary 28lh < nnr other place* rm th® r<-n*c. Prairie Ffaaer pr>»ve* iixelf the.Grau Li»'«-r<. in-4 -notions <»f a t« fagram »loin D»-ng tl'am'i breva had tired 50 large tir trues A • d il e 2 e n m >«s*»s creep over his fa»»t. With'ti' about h'llf a inil® of ih «¿n X Lmkviüe correspondent d» voted P »i;:«c--a. Its -et'çn «n the liver fa d Ssr*iit. la* »ontty sr»est»d a man who was G ka V c 'C i I elk M t ' nes -'Pbe mine* on last Frid »V liight. fl-» had been t»> paragraph to a tn a'«mt »-ure* are Italy ao>< a fi»l. Try ¡t, l,.ic*a< trave’ing on f*>«»t s»»nthwar»l n»«r B»r- upper Gave or«rk have u-t la»»n Pi oe .ix »n 1 wu* g>in» home abont »fasoribe.i aa an a Iventurer, saline Stioigf r oiir tui ing and brave in true 300 large trues ou D. R>w«fa’ ground i wen-y fi*-* emits a»n! “*v*nfy-five cett'w F*,»r strif». r»>h’s laxt w»ek. It i“ s»ipp*»*e»l tl e worked to any re-at extent during th»- that he wu* cfaaiiug up. which fa «ale by C hitwo »t> 4 A tkinson . nine ii’clo.'k. riling a mil». Jut Us that he had been "pefating* in that ( •’»» ‘,tf 8trohg in o r purpose, ’twill kep 11s from hu Hier instance of the truth of the prisoner i“ suspected of tne murder uf last ten Ol ti‘tee>l y-zra. and wliat — : - ---------------------------- he W is crossing the Ur i Ige <>ver th* I reality as a cotili»l-»nCH man. Ot Wflig, _ * * saying, that ‘ it fa a p w»r *i-d that work ba* be« n ihme fa” principally mill r icdtwo men sprang into the road. of Mrs. Hag» r. course w*e knew noHttug of Mr. Joliu — r rov s'l pvrts of th* country report», Lending us un to true Rir< r« of Li's. tifows no one any g-»u»i * Bill mime Mr. am) Mra J. W. Rigg* exprex* ooufine-1 to the fait of the rtri-a-n. 01 e in front with a dm'llc birrel shot xt -u at theìim-, peVef having heard of i «»tliera «ré not so fortena e. 'f.rr »ase “ah-soitsl iucfe*sipg. detEiOl I far til«' »le*«r.ViMgiy popular ¿ew- E. D e P eatt . Several inou ’ ba ago. «Ays th« Plain ­ Com. on Re-. | their gratitude and thanks for the grin.ami the other b- hind «ith a threat him before. Ou Moinlay morning last through thu-trmuer ure tired. witi> ing M >clii*i«‘, ’»'he Ori^and IfaLuhle “.'T an -; J. D. F ountain , tallen trues Tr--e* fell aerusg tha rail hind a“’i*tan«-a givrn th» in ainou th»- dealer. partid* prospecting the banks elilhg l»M»k'iii)f pl-t’ol.' Mr. B 8»VS lie Cilfad ap »n H“, an I referring to the oak .7 fa« pri-e *>» which »he pr »to-famni R. P. N eil , tp-veral , | I »C« a, /JauiaiRug th»- wt«e|y r* $-0 inc'nding *11 th* *t- . e and b-tiehes. a ’ ong the ere» k plitaiurd fire. Mr. Riggs will lie able to liegin there was a s«*ar»»d man and a ver» article iu q ie.xtiotj sai I* it wv u<>t true r*i-k considerably. Ou Thursday I. chmeii's, «nd «t cuce »ecured for ij>-m a¿ lnixinetui again in a short time, nn>l some ex *elli-nt prospects. Stt-Ce thai ipiiet riiule oh a bridge near Phoenix in so faru* it represented liitn as being School .Meeting nt Phoenix. iu»>r»*ing the cars' were two hour- p pul iri'y »in ‘i'fg th-- p»-ó *le far' beyond, wid pr ibablv fake a tour ut the time several companies have Ideated almht that time. The robb-ra deman­ a <•«»! fldence mun. If onr currespou- tiehind timi*, having to stop to wait fut that ever y*-t a«iai'i«*l bv any ' »her msch’na' . . P hosnix March 11, 1R79. .-I inns, built callin’ and dug ditcl.e* o a-iy price* f the tru-k lower v.lfay during the spring. ded I when Mr. B. t d l them d- nt was mistaken in his estimation of Hi.o-ni* »fa faivh-2 th* .«<1 hiirh price* ’«n*V/ At a rrr]i«niuary mm*tihg <>f the Citi- «MUR of whom are now working tlii-ir he li »d but SI 50 wilb'hi hi they search the charater of Mr. J-. Ee will dt C-mn’y tax«* t»» the amount of about chine* and **»-kiug 'e-ritory f »r tl e **dr*i»-¿ mines with fair pro» pert* of good | itv. ed Ilia p »ckets. II • di Tut p »niciil irly less.le» glad fo make it known, and we z'rua «>f P cb i ’ x to a I iwr»l prj, e tfa*V Tues® mines nr»* *U above B »nlder like their fu uiliaritv but out of respect xliull be gl*d tn publish anything with paid. Ou the first M »ml“V in April all UOCKr.T— li Pu e ix. M rea filli tu me «• ni <»u »eh aU oler Mietane*, whsia iji®', winch I«.» c eight or ten uiiles tor !h* shot gtih and pis'61 be lorbi.r»- tn reaxonab'e litui»*, that Mr John­ unpail t«X"H will Le drlioq'ieiit, ard wiie « f ¡o-eph Hocke . •• bov and • gi I. superior Qi» ili'yaisl < h«w prie»* fa «n ide’ ,T. Cariln «¿ hr elected Chairman, J. known. .*¿d-»pl-u-lid Mac»iin* Combiné« to extent. to rec.nt it. \Vheu the transfer of th* son may »1» sire to s ’ iy f«»T liima»-lf. Ue tw-» and one half per cent will I»«* “»’U- ifa.q r-tn nt*. I- f.r ale .«j o’l ullf acetin.— desires urto tell «hat we know ot hitu, B.rkhead S*cret«ry. MAIlKIEl) aided in cnll-ciioD. besides the mile­ I n th « C alaboose -- Tim town jiil dollar and flrty cents hil been —- other* in he-nfy a id durub'ljiv of Is'-v.irk,'* A cnmniitt.»-«» of three was chcosen tn i>!i»lie»l, the r »ad agents released Mr. «nd we"«»ah •!«> *o briefly. Hu iiir»«l s of m iiiige'u-io,. lizht rw*hig and cer- age charged bv the c >ll-»»tor. of A-hhnd 1“ SO seldom occtipi-d that I R H’ll Y"-->E \L — tl.i Signer ere-tí «*a*e tain y «if.-’|faru», is .^yn-^biy muda make »n'es'ima ’ e of ro-t of a bui'ding horst «if Mr Philips to ’ go' to' G ant* like ------ . lie B. slid t »ld hiiu to ri le Mr*. B F. R-eser h»“ gone wi li her a ni'screint i< al wire r-iiae.l to .fiatinc- March 9«l», by W. B es»ui. J.’ 1*. floury -o-M'l p-incip wi h-.^o iJva. working, says he role tint way aa nearly as* he Pisa, where lie sajs be has a tamil* tarnfy-ei.lit wide, fifty feet long, two IJ. Brophy and’Ufa« ‘'»’-ie J. Ned. p rts *>1 x*eai «qui c»n h** “s'elv pm down, f »mily t*» spend a vi»it of a week or tw«» tioii by lieing on th® i”*i lc wth tl e ,4 knew how. Mr. B?ophy did u -t rucog living, and retnrued with the hors® on atAtiea ‘ligll. .s th »*** peHe - jiq - i cr a SL-rv’c- »-ble Shnf at the ho-ne pf h» r father, n»»rs«*® lock f ie A committee of fivu wan chosen to R »ot, on W tuner creek Mrs R. Lax mdivid lal ® nowhere in C»lf | a* ment Some who t»a«e heard the fa-:is thick it fa-wing named n*-rano-: W Beexnn S. NORTON— BILL — In th• Tre byteH n change will b« of beuifit to her. to Le t.10 much under the 11 fl l»-«iC® o' sent t • any part, f jjçi.Ccnn r» for *x«min-' acknowl» du®d. The 1*111 has the at - Cd*er F. Btrnabury, A. Daulup, Mr. church st PI oe ix. March 16»h b» Rev. .• o i by the ctfatufn r b t.i-a pa» m-nt o« the' Mr*. H. D J >»nu* r» qn® t* ns to “nr the ar leut f«r walk iu ibe straight and not uni kely.that the ro‘.b«-ra had liFanl pearatice of beirg genuine, as several of a trip to Ash Ion I wh ch Ja-». II »min Bra ale/. M. A. W’idi itns, M*. J D Norton mid bill. W* c»n peed»., aq a||T M |,r_w a that *f the wold watch and eiiain wllfall narrow w»yr»qnir»d by th* A*hl»nd «fanmnd f r ti enii » i»n an fa o h*rs ’ she 1»»*» during the fire are letnrned to M«r*hal. at H we know of th® geoifamen.- If our j »urned to rn*et on Frulav evening at fi'tmed xhi-trtrl iw» >*i-l«M-k. Mhrrii the 21’-», at which ' '■ "" "••• —------- ■— - tl.8 chat ee »boul • «PP V tvr »OjiUstrabl* «U endeavor to set the matter right, ax .<> tie ca» rymg money. It that lie tine, —*------------------------ ■ » ■■ -y —T- ’ ■ wateh was a present. aa»i pMtien'arfa cliued t > think the marebnl wa* a Fiitle tim-* th« r*|wut of tho committee of B. LL—On Wagner co-ea JL en «»ta. Jo i ugMii«^. S«.-e mlvçi tí-ea*n< ir. an «»ib-r paru nearly av w ’ e ca*ii,'.and if snli-»qnenl they misued i» their calculations. f»»r ba» severe irputr fifm. a* he had uot •>f thfa paper Address. Sfauufard Machine valuable to btr tLruagb its assucia- Bell."brother ot J«m sand J.ff Bell,aged Í?’ been creating much duturbanee irbeu Mr. Humhu bad done bi® errand the rveofa pro*»» lu Iw as discnbed IT® five will be submitted. 1 • '****/ *•** ÓUnfao Place,* tioDS. •ball let it be known. ha was wrreelej. day beior®. 26 years, 2 month® sod 7 day®. J ames B irkhead , S® c . N”w T*Hr. F or S ilver C bukk . - a puny of fivi- •tartoi tr»»m t'li-« placa f >r the S lvei Those mdrbie.i to J D. Fountain ai*r* r<*«pi-*ated to uiak»* pay uiei.t at ut'C-. •re» k diggings. l *-t M >1 d iv morning, » *-nsiaiiiiK of M»»s r*. B.ll. S xd • M *ney must t>u furlnc >mi»>g. Mr J A Mr W »gu^r is building a »ulrxtahtial. M'»'»re. Ptbn-r an I C-H'k. L»»uch sud D *. Tailor intend to s’aii nicely grated w»lk acr tku m« adua 11 a fv :/ day a if llie weather is pfopi bcluueu bi* Louse and the mill. lions. a r. Rigd<»n info* ins ii“ that he bus quit tbe soap bu|*, and eip-CtS to G oing 70 I.I nkvillk — We are in- •‘oriuot that L» ukviile is have a c.-«b embo-k in a-'-ue other enterprise. B. R. tin c *tog’s glove factory, up Mr B'-’rry. P oft -x’s arebit-ct, for var­ Wanted ! F Saie; Cheap For Cash !