vx. H a true, Htrbert Spencer lately testified be­ fore a Parliamentary Commi-aton that he lost 86,000 in fifteen years ou bis works, though during all that time l>e lived in the most economical way. It took him twenty-four years to get even •gain. Several monster trout have lately been caught in Tahoe. One weighing twenty seven pounds, another weigh ing eighteen pounds, and numbers of them weighing from ten to twelve pounds. They were caught near Me Kinney ’a. Parties in Now York are about to start a floating theatre. It is pretty hard to keep a theatro afloat in theBe times. Even Nouh's flouting mansg- erie, the most wonderful|collection of animals the world ever knew, only lasted about forty days, when it ran •ground. No opposition out against it either. There is one thing about a farm, said the granger-looking man from Gutbrie Centre, that ien’t improved by consol­ idation. And what is that ? asked the young man from Adar. Post holes, J’oung man, said the old patty, oracu- •rly. post holes,- they ain’t good for nothin ef jo run *em together or bunch 'em. To classical student—You ask if At las supported the world, what support ed Atlas? The question, dear sir, has often been asked, but never, so far as we are aware, satisfactorily answered. "We have always been of the opinion that Atlas mUBt have married a rich wife and got his support from her father. Women are admitted this year for tbe first limo to all tho examinations and degrees of the University of Lon­ don without exception, on precisely the same terms as men. At tLe winter matriculation, two weeks ano, there were nearly 600 candidates all together, and eleven of theBe were ye»UDg ladies One lady presented herself at the ex­ amination for tbe degree of bachelor of laws. Those are the first twelve ladies who have been admitted to the reg nlar examinations of any English uni- versity. DEALERS I» HE UNDERSIGÏ tniud his friend*, lie generally, that ho is «till te be found at this T Harris Neil &, Co., LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, --DEALERS IN— All kiuQ8 of fresh acd dried Meats, Hides and pelts to ¡gh', and sll kinds of fat stock taken iu exchange K>r meat. where he Is ready at any tire«, and on all occasions to set be'ore them the best the market affords, in a »¡j le.-econd to no other hou«e in Oregon. Dinners «nd suppers for ¿pocial occasions, gotten up in appropriate style, at «hart no lice. JASPER HOUCK. Uu37-v3-tf P ioneer H otel . Jno. R. B. Hutching*. The sabrenber g*.v*r totice that he 11 aow prepar­ ed to fill ordere far glove» of the BEST BUCKSKIN. IN GREAT YA- R1ETY, Al»o laca leather etc., etc. Call at my establishmea on Granite Street and res for yoerseif. Jno B R. Hut« Mags. (BO Ulf) J. D. FOUNTAIN. C. S. Sergent & Co DEALERS IN LINEVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, OBEGOK General Merchandise, Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Crcckery, Ate now receiving from Sett Francisco an ax.ensiv® stock of exactly suitul to the trad-- of .he PIONEER HOTEL, IVE HIM A CALL-An-1 rMtaatarsd that he will ar tke you feel at hos:e. G i A» Cheap as the All kinds of approved country MISCELLANEOUS- MILLS PHŒNIX P. W. Otwell. Proprietor, Is now Dtanufictu ing a quality cif flour Ke is goods. ORGANS Do not forget the Old Pioneer Store of the Lake Country. THATCHER i-^'JDo not fail to give us & trial before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give sat­ isfaction. v2n!9tf. AT— PIONEER STORE C. S. Sergent & Co. NEW PROCESS, WHOLESALE PRICES, PIIŒNIX, OREGON. He Guarantees Satisfaction. (V2n21tf.) Al! flour wirrinttd genuine and of the b.-Bt quality. He will W. C. DAIJiY, SCHOOL-BOOKS, REFUND THE MONEY. BEST PENS andGENUINE INKS ETC., ETC. GEORGE NURSE, CANDIES, NUTS AND TOYS, J. R. TOZER, 1$ f WM. D. CORPE Linkville Livery Stables. s-ac. An immense stock of the best brands of Tobacco and Cigars at the PIONEER STORE. Are now taking the Lad. OF ALL DIMENSIONS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY PAINTS AXD 0IL8 JSB~P jctühe order. frames neatly mice to ¡0^°P laning of all kinds, sawing, Every instrument warranted for ten years as first-class—His best recommendat i i s the number 6old, “Cheaper than the Cheapest” is Our motto. Bring on your Produce and Exchange for Goods. turning, boring, etc., etc., R. T. BALDWIN Su, DONE WITH DISPATCH. MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN, FACTORY SADDLERY AND HARNESS, MERGANSER, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON. We are now manufacturing, and have on hand a good assortment ot LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP. which we oiler to the trade at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. GREASE ANA ASHES WANTED. RIGDON & CO. tv2c6 f.J ASHLAND. HARNESS SHOP C. K. KLUM, Senator Grover in his explanation •peech delivered iD the Senate of the United States on the 9th of Jun nary MANUFACTURER OF,AND DEALER IN •aid: “Not an acre of the university Unde nor of tbe indemnity common school lands, granted in lien of the sixteenth and thirty sixth sections oc copied by settlers before survey. Lad been listed to the State, though these A shland , O regon . grants were twenty years old. Tbe ag ricultnral college and salt springs eeps a general assort - grants bad been lost by neglect.” Gov ment of goods in his line of trade. Grover in hi« inaugural message to the legialatrne of 1870, in speaking of the Ladies7, .Tiens’ and Boys* Sad­ university lands, on page 11, says: dles, a Speciality. “These lands hive been located and many of them sold, and the funds aris­ ing from the sales have been invested Team, Buggy aod Plow Hamess, to U6e of the university fiind. but in WHIPS, what amounts I bare not now the ROBES, means of stating.” DUSTERS On page 12 of the same mes*ngo in apeaking of tbe agricultural college he — flQac.oQ — says: ‘ This grant has been accepted by the State ar>d provisions fur tbe loca­ nORSE BLANKETS. tion of the lands have been duly made, and the lands have been selected ----- ALSO and of excellent quality and IccalioD.” Commentjs unnecessary. W inchester R epeating R ifles Saddlery & Harness, Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. WHEAT Taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for Goods Ashland, Jane 17 th, 1878. BOltf. ASHLAND ^ çi _W ile contract Tor the all kinds ot Bin.DiNOd. erection of Millinery Store. Ou Maia Street Aslilaud - - - - - Oregon. I have now ou band a beau iful asror'nieut of Hate, Bonnets, Shades. French Flowers, Wreaths Flau.es, Neck Tier, I.iLeu Suits, Juu, Lidiea* FiuintiiDg Gouda, etc.,etc. etc. Alej [no 22 If] ZIMMEBMAN i FRAZER. can mike mon«v faeterat work for na ih tn at ai ytl i ? e]re. Cariai n >t re­ quired- we will • art jou. Twelve dok I r» » d.-n ,t k i me, tn .de br tn* indu«- trb u». Meo, «uu.cn, t>o,« «nd gi'lu Wan ed eve jwhe e io work fur □«. Now 1« -,he t m-. Coe ly ouißt und ternan free. Address T ub * A Co.. A h - KBiita, M.ine. $195.00 l'ti WKF.K SiAbE FAST. - AND— and the Warner Health Coreet. MTA'l orders from a distance promptly titled. Every thihg sold cheap for Cash. 6sS“Ble -thing, Freshing aud Colorirg, in the very teutest manner. *v2ul6U The Former High Priced Machines R educed to 38,000 P ianos . DALEY & CO. Wagon Factory. ÏWEI9TÏ DOLM.RS. Others Advertise ^OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- inggO' (I w.igon work, the undeisigne l hereby nmkas known that he can be to ind a’ all times ai hi- shop in the S. W. corner of the public sq one Ashland Ogn.. and is reatly and willing SATUR- D \Y’S arriving at A-ldand s mie day c<»n nects w'tb our daily Maee line between Linkvdle «nd F<>rt Klamath Also wi ll his tri weeklv line frotn Linkville to Lake V: e/ty and alt intermedia’e point«. J acksonville , O begon . Ss T "W~v /'■'V FTVbtwJreap you ran ergnge la. ■ _/ lj 1 ' I ’$5io82';er d-y nnfle by 8 > li ji y I ll,,v worker «>f eV her re-x “ -* right to ibeir own to” dl'les P-u'lealm • «id BHiniile- «orth V5 fr-e. Improv yoor up- e lime at»' 1- bud.eis. Address S tink «« 4 Co .Pjrtl.cd Maine. [3M-ly yr-fK i~A i~A a week In your own to «’n-$5 ou'fit fi<~ Non-k. R-.d-r. f,yon «.nt 1 sba-iiH-*« «' which ] e***'»-» • f eiihvi Vqx vz V_z n make ere ray eb the *1«'* -hey w>rk. f t partiCulaXB voice to H. H ali bit & Oo Portland, Maine. v2n5O-ly] o T1,E UNDERSIGNED having HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR- ch**ed the eb ve n<. med t-mbl-e* from Kubli A- Wilson, beg )e..ve to Inform the public that they ere determined to merit, a ciruumiRDce of th* patronage that has lur in my years past been cuiife. red on these ju*tly POPULAR STABLES! A YY' Purchased the above s'.uhlei. from Chapman A Neil b--g 4-tf. ASHLAND LIVERY UNION LIVERY Ashland and Linkville STAGE LINE. lory. U kdvcfd in P rick F ar Down B elow all O tufr M a < tiinvr . M > Ex-re* to p-y^f r H cfc Macbi e i* »cc»inj»> Died by a ni ueC-on, ]- e Ou'fii of nutnrr «1 an l u-etbl utihchint nte fur ,,U aind* of work (free of ..ny ex'ra ch rc*) than I-given w> b any other M-rhme at an« i rice Th* St nd»rd Ma- cMne ba» ni-re aood qu ili’ie. than'ho»e "f d. ulii* th* Pric*. L ioht and E« bt R vrrixg k child c*a are P. S tbono and I icbaiil f . i cv . r ou of order R apid awl O-r-aiu in Ex-cutlou. N. i ' d *»!*»« C« s or C nre 'owe r out or wak* a N >i«e. Wid .¡< frye«r*. I- fc dv iu » iin>ru*n , «ud un'eretoid 1« m hour. Make« the Double Threcl Htitob, »like on both rtd-s of lh- po .1», from e nibric to )* iber ure. a Short, S'raiirht n<lle iwl in P i-r of 0 >n« ru • ion. U«e rence and Jua will we ae •tbar. Active Ag.n » w«». Exira I iafo-«ments oOatedCl-rrg »men, Teicfiere, B omd *** M*i> A-c Iiliotrsted B ok. «■ m, !►« of wo-k. w ih jirp-e a, gc fre*. Rar* deliv«r - of cnod« g 1 .r«n-**d to a-v rar-of the world. Address, «1ANDABD HEWUTn’li a ? CHINE CO., BROADWAY A CLINTON PLACE, New York. 1-^6 «3 ly —ANDXßAVES - MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND DAYS at 4 o clock a . m : arrives at Link- ville same day*. Returning, —- ANYWHERE Has no Drammerit—no Agents—no A FuPhful Fimi’y Se«in? M >cl in* in every «.are of th* word—th»', inn« »monTh an r'roi-.’ri d «ell niadr, hp-j M, tf,or □,>,]- tet'ed while in ure fo years tn lh'-us nd* of F.iniile*, tbs'ex.-< Machine lh >t I- hf ** our F.>c'or* Is war­ extort H igh P rices . ranted fo« ti*e %e re, mi I k.p'in Or er fr—of Chnrg*. Mon-y R«fun 1-d a' o cei'io i>eifec ly St'1*f»e- <3S>íF WORKS. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, VERY BEST MANNER. f^°An Agent Wanted in this Locality, to supply the Rapid Deman' A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RADDLES, HABNEBB, BRIDLE*, SPUR*, BTIBE.VFS, B.T», WB1PB, LA8UEB, CINCHOS. MRS. M. W. HARGAEINB S mith ’ s O rgans . ^^Undertaking. a Specially, LEAVE LINKVILLE FTU1IS well known instituti- n will be in _L operation dui ir.g the winter. All partiei wanting work done, will please bring it iD. Al] work done h. the 83,000 ALWAYS OH HAND, K (commonly called Henry Rifles) of model ot 1S66, 1873, and 1876 v2nH,-tf SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BSJ“ Repairing promp’ly and cheaply done. Give me a c II and omviuCe youreelves 'hat juu >n erve mon­ ey by tr-diig with me. [3 10 fi R. T. B. Sn. PIONÉÈR STORE. PIANOS ANO ORGANS DOORS, BASU, BUNDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, £55” Horses promptly cared far, arid jpg NURSE & CORPE. t|Je A splendid stock of Booti and A Fine Assortment of Fancy ¡Shoes at the Goods and Notions at the PIONEFJl STORE. PIONEER STORE. FURNITURE, Good HACKS Excellent BUGGIES and No 1 RIDING HORSES always on hand. [vSnoTtf] An Elegant stock of CUtbiwf i S mith ’ s Manufacturers of all kinds of And lh it cu-tomers wit! b: wai ed on promptly and in the beet etjle. On the shortest nnti.-e 62TDo not full to give the Liakville Stables a tria A Large and Fresh stock of J PIONEER STORE. NU3SE & CORPE Tourists and Others Outfitted ASHLAND INSTALLMENTS. ev ß/wwlfl at ilio Dry Goods at the A shland , O regon , LAKE COUNTY - - - OEGON Are in excellent repair, amply provided with feed HATS, CAPS, ETC. EASY WOOD WORKERS’ FACTORY, &1SKLVÏLÎ.E SHOES, (°) H. S. EMERY. Proprietors of the C hampion TOBACCOS, m A re pleased to atnounca that their Stables a And Notions in Great Variety. AND -OR - DALEY & CO., To any aLd nil who may receive flour that proves hot to be as represented. CdTGive him a call end cacvi jc « yoursslf IRON ------- STATIONERY, GROCERIES, BOOTS change for goods* —AND— produce taken in exchange for First introduced by him in ttts comty. DRY-GOODS, Beef Cattle, Hides and Wool taken in ex PIANOS IE AA (¿3 JU LP L21 tää '-U1 GEORGE NURSE. [5-2».f. Heretofore mmufictured Lu this valley, □sing an entirely General Merchandise, Which'hev are prepared to'ell fit prices th it cannot fail lo satisfy CUs’.r sure to call and see us aud see for * 5 ourselves. ~~ w VIII FOR THE GENERAL TRADE Of the Lake country, and i» determiu e td make his gratta comfortable aad happy. of ; LAKE COUNTRY ABd in short, Everything required ; SUPERIOR TO ANY ¡Salem Sta.tcimxn.J of a very singular occnrrance have just •ome to light. It appears that a Mrs Owenalagle who lives about five or six miles south west of Portland was taken suddenly and violently ill s-everal days ago. and in a short time died to all ap­ pearances. The remains gave every indication that the vital spark had for- •ver flown. The friends and relatives were convinced that the lady was dead, •nd preparations w<-re accordingly made for the interment of the remaina. Saturday, tho body wt« dressed for burial and placed in a cerea'ed family. Suddenly a slight moan was heard to issue from roe coffin in which the body had but recently been placed. This very nnex ©ected noise greatly startled the a-som- u ■ ®®'pl1I)Or3 R51d the people were about to rush from the room, when the husband of the supposed deceased lady approaching the coffin, was astonished to find the body moist and warm, A closer examination revealed the fact that the woman was breathing. Res tOF*tives were applied and the supposed cao?e back to life and was soon able to sit np and converse. It is need Jttl to add that the father and other members of ttie family wire overjoyed to have the wi fo and mothfr restor'd to them. Singular as this circumstance may seem, we are assured that it is tine in every particular. — Oregoniitn. READ THIS Linkville, Lake County, Oregon Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps ASHLAND GLOVE FACTORY The Subscriber Is ng iln in charge ef the SENATOR GROVER VS. GOVERNOR GROVER. --------------B----------------------- \ D ead and A live A gain .—Particulars THATCHER & WORDEN ASHLAND HOUSE ASHLAND MARKET. GKKENLAN'D COURTSHIP When the Danish missionaries 1)3:1 secured the confidence of the Green­ landers marriage wna made a religions ceremony. Formeily the num married the woman as the Romans did the Sa­ bine women, by force. Oi.e of the missionaries, writing in Lis journal describes the style of preBent couriship •a follows: Tbe suitor oominir to the Mission­ ary, says, “ I ehould like to have a wife” ‘‘Whom ?” askB the missionary. The man names the woman “Hast thou spoken to her?” Sometimes the man will answer ’’Yes,- she is not unwilling, but thou knowest womankind.” More frequently the answer is “No.” ‘‘Why not ?” “It is diffiorlt.- girls ure prudish, Thou must speak to her.” Tbe missionary summons tbe girl, and after a little conversation says: “ I think it is tim-3 to have ihre mar tied.” “I won’t marry.” “What a pity! I had a saitor for lhee.” “Whom ?” The missionary names tho man who has sought bis aid. “He is good for nothing. I won’t have him.” *‘Bnt,” replies the missionary, “be is a good provider; he throws his harpoon with skill, and lie loves thee.” Though listening to his praiso with •vident pleasure, the girl answers: “I won’t marry him; I won’t have him.” “Well, I won’t force thee. I shall «oon find a wife for such a clever fol low.” The missionary rennins silent, as though he understood her “no”to have ended the matter. At last, with a sigh, she whispers, ’Just as thou wilt havo it, mission­ ary.” “No,” replies the clergyman, “as »hou wilt: I’ll not persuade thee.” Then, with a deep groans come“yes.” and the matter is settled. SIKES VORDEN H. M. THATCHER. Scissoring* For circulars, etc., address JAMES 8. SMITH, no37-ly On revocable terms, »nd the b»«t of ore and «’.ten- ttori bestowed upon them i* Lile under their charge. Also, Horses Bought and Sold. 575 Market Street, We will punatee satiiGctirm in all enr trans­ C ardwell & M c M ahok . San Franciaco, Cal., action». turn out at any time. HORSES BOARDED On rcastaable terms, and given the best attention. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD HE UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR PA- And satisfaction guaranteed in all say trune for Vie liberal patronage bee-owed U|>on actions. □•during our come .von won tie Uiion Livery Stable«, would be» peak a contina no of the s ■ me It oar successors. C ardwbu . A Me Y a ion . v2n34tf] R. F. PHILLIPS. No. 17; if. T