THE ASHLAND TIDINGS ‘’Leaves have their time to fall, the flowers to wither in the north wind's FRIDAY. I^^^TERUUARY 14, 1870 breath: But thou, thou hast all sea sons for thine own. Oh, Death.” We »LOCAL BREVITIES. aro reminded of this by the loss of Mr. Mud agaiu. Buim's dog, which yielded up the ghost last week. Farmers busy. Mr. Jos. Patterson, of Jacksonville, Larks are sidgttg. culled on U9 Wednesday morumg. He Read the new advertisements. intends going to Vallej >, Cd., in a few Rains are making the farmers cheer­ weeks, to remain till after the thresh­ ful. ing season, next lull He contemplates The woolen factory is running at bringing u pcrtable steam threshing Bight. engiuo tn this valley when be returns Mr. H. Tweed, of PLcenix, crdlcd on F irm C hange —Mr. Brown has sold ua last baturday. his interest in the Ashland Market to Remember the bill to-night. St Messrs It P and L. A. Neil, who Valentine u the patron. with Mr. Win. Harrisf will contiiiur Di 5 87 in jobbing lots. Wheat, ¿1 65 @ 1 72 per ctl. Putatoes, Early Rose, ¿1 85 per. ctl. Onions, SG 59 6 75 per..ctl. But­ ter. fresh loll, .25 @ 27)£.- firkin, IS (a* 20. Wool — S ock> light aud of iu Ivrior grade, 8 @ 16. A F amous H orse —Winchester, the horse tbit Slicriiiun rode from ‘ Win­ chester town.” was raised iu Yamhill county, iu this State, says the Junction City LiepnblieaJK, where die wm pur chased by some admirer of the General. He then sent Eist to ‘ cavalry” Sheridan, und did good cervine on the ride made mejnorabla by J. Buchanan Read. This nuble horse died recently al bis stable in New York. z; ' .¿ft4 Ilis skin Las I been elegantly mounted by ‘»Prof. Ward, of Rochf'Ster, and now adorns the rooms of the United Stat* s Military Association in ihe city of New York. ' TlIROVuH THE FLQOR. P robate C ourt —Tbo following I >il mu ess Las Jteu transacted bine« our last, report; . In tho matter of the «’stato of John L Bulger, deceased—Gao. W. Holt, administrator, wss autb'-r:z‘il to sell Lahnco of p»*r3oniil pri perty belonging to the estate In the matter of the eslate of Fredo lin Rueb—John B »It, administrator, made a final settlement, and an order I was rnado to pay the money remaining iu his bands to guardians of minor heirs Estate of Isuac Tripp—E. Whitney, administrator, filed stat» merit of condi­ tion of estate, vliicb was accepted and approved. • » Estate of Samuel Liporta—Joseph E:liott, »»Imiaie-tratiir, filed vouchers i«»r payment of all oltiims against the es Ute, und v.K3, with Lis sureties, dis charged. I E-i'ate of M. V. Vail —G. Karewski tileii final statement, aud the 4th day of March was appointed as the time for bearing the same. Estate of Evi Seabring.—E Ja'iob»,, filed an iuventory, and was authorized to sell the personal property. » '*• * y New To-day. On last Friday morning a soldier de­ serted from Fort Klamath. lie bad an Indian pony which ho bad bought at the Fort, aud succeeded by hard til­ j ;• ' ing in reaching Mr. Singer’s place TIN, about seven miles from Ashland by I Suturday morning. Ileie lie whs com­ LSLI ua LED iXi Lna e M oney O rder B usiness .—The Jack­ pelled to leave his horse, which was sonville Post Office issued during the unable to travel further, and pursue REPAIRING and jqb WORK year 1878 1 629 money orders amount­ his fl'ght on foot. He had gone but a Promptly Executed. ing $16 020. 03. Ashland cun see that short distance, however, when ha was L ineville , L ake C ounit , O feoon . and go two thousand dolfcrs better. overtaken and captured by Lieut. From Postmaster ndman wo learu A LL PERSONS KNOWING TILEM- Brown and Seagt. Peterman, who hud 2lL selves indebted to me are rfctuies’.ed to that during 1878 orders to the amount started upon his track as soon as Lis come forward aud settle. n'?ti-3tn. . ’ • F eet F rozen .—Our Like View cor­ desertion was discovered. of#?18 344. 82 were issued from this of­ They ; fice, und orders to the amount of ÌG,- respondent seuds ua u communication brought him to town, and stopped at I — rroM a’l parts of the country raj-'o-rp» , co ne ol ¡he immense sales and incrCneftg 946. 53 were paid. dated tbs lltb, which came too late for the A'Lland House to speu 1 Saturday ." Knowing from experience that he is paying his own board at the St He was immediately brought to town All Spanish ports are quarantined will» die b«st goods ut the lowest price they derthe satisfying . thought that tile can outsell a'l o her Machines, where the Grass is looking green again in tho lion to levy a tax of three mills 'Ti­ Charles Hotel in Fortlund, but Mr. and placed under the car9 of Dr. against the plague. Ashland city fathers had relieved bim i superior quality und low price is mady DuWell is here and has guuruisbeed meadows and on the 6ide bills. The Briti-h Cilnmbia fisheries last known. This splendid Machine combini made and carried. As some of the Wright. Vbe young man bears bis from guard duty for one night,at least. ali tlie improvemeiil* , is f,.r al e id of al! ’ There is a calico ball ut Jacksonville, members were called away, no further sume of the parties paying rents to misfortune in a manly way, aud re— Ou Sunday morning the Sergeant weut yrar netted $925 432. Franca is taking precautions in re- others in bciuty and durability-of i«a WArtiy- Griswould, so Dowtll is dining at busiuess wtis transact' d. and a masquerade at Yreka to-night. ceives every attention necessary to his to cull’bis man to breakfast, but the | gard to the Russian plague. ease of management, light riitmiug and cer c Griswould’s cxpeuse.— Salem Slales- comfort. EL Farlow, and Raison Rimmdge calaboose was empty —tho bird had ‘ F irst pluck oui the M<» te ’’—One man. Tb1? Duke of Connaught is to be ap- taiuty uf operation, is s* n«ibly made upon , loand principle*, with pod'ive woikiu¿ brought in two deer one day la^t wei-k. of our exchanges Calls a brother jour­ fl >wn. He had taken up .his bod and j pointed Viceroy of Ireland. ■X--- k. p»r!s ull s eel, «nd cm be safely put dhgji WEAJTIER REPORT. Riehari! Henry Dana, poet ami es a* tin* very peifection of a Serviceable Sh ’t walked. (Some wteked boys, who were N ew O fficers . I. O G.'T,—The E Flitoer is making preparations nalist an a-ss because of a typographical tie Dolili e Tlnetd Sewing Macblpo*- in ’ to start a skating rmk at Jackson­ error in bis paper, yet the censorial ed­ followiuß officers of Ashland Lodge, The following i-t tho weather report upon the scene talking the mutter over, suyi.-t, died in Boston last Sunday. every partlcnlar, that wi I outlast any’ Ma-; Russia asks England to send medical affected surprise that he Lad not taken itor makes as bud u blunder iu bis uwu No. 189, I. O. G. T., were installed of February, at.6 AU audlK m . ville. chine, und at a prh>* far dean belc’w nnf the j til alotg for kindling wood), An rnt-u there to report on the plague., ..- last^FrWay, eyeumgr. W-. C. T», J. 8. other, ft is thvroaghly wirranled. for fire • *4 Two large swans were killed ou piper, when be attempts to do the Elackplagne La* in i-1o its appear­ years Kept in order fr< e of chains, And1 date WEATHER. THEÜMT R. examination of the room discksed a Eubank«, Sr. ; \V. V. T., Irene Chit ­ Rogue river last week by J. R. Cam French, üe talks about a "morcau" ance iu one uf the Brazilian provinces. sent ti any part nf'ftm Vonn: ry for exifflisp* 6 A. M 12 m . hole in the floor, which is of pine wood; B-. W. 0. T., Rach**l Applegate; that has attracted his attention. ‘ eron. Secretary S'n rmaai Iris oilled for ro :»i-on by the customer before p.q itént of the • 1 Clear..................... 25 44 boards about an inch thick aud two »lemption another $20,090,000 of 5 20 bill. We can predict equally, a* Isrge-jk W. S»-c., II. T Chitwood; W. A Sec., z- r ■ . 44 "2 About* thirty persons ha*ve gone for­ 49 2(1 A rticles of I ncorporation F iled . Alice Barroti; W. F. S., O. R. Myer; demand fur them in thh section as in others.-. 44 feet above the ground. Tho prisoner I bonds. 3 26 ' 42 ward to seek religion at the protracted —Oregouiau-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1. Families d.-si'ing the be.M. Machine dlaflit- 4 » doubtless bad a kuife concea’cd iu bis \V. Treas . Frances Myer; W. C, C’ 4 28 After r. rest of nineteen years, the fo tired should, write direct t<> the Kaoaory. 43 meeting. 44 Improved O. R M.‘, has filed articles Nutley; W. M., Olive Alford; W. D. 5 25 41 boot, aud with this, which ¿^appeared New OrL’aus Mint resumed opera’ions And e itrrpri-Hig ptft.-o is wishing to seize 4 4 6 Deer are plenty in the foot-hills, but of incorporation in the offices of Sec­ M., J. C. Eubauks W. I. G-. Etta 24 44 tie cbmce should app y for »o desi rabié must have had a saw bla le, be made Saturday before lust. 7 ’ 28 agency. Se adre»ti-ement in an other par 46 ' they are poor, and do nut make first- retary of State aud County Clerk, Hargadine; W. O G, C. Merritt; Il Great suffering among the British an uperature large enough to admit of I 8 Cloudy ................ 44 47 troops i'i Afghanistan,is reported,uwiug • >f this p iper. Address. Standard Machine class venison. through its trustees: Livid Cronemil- H S , Florence llutcbiusoD, L. H. S., his departure, with the blunkets and to a eeurcity uf supplies. !’o , Cor Broadway and Clinton Place, 9 Riiu..................... 38..- 48 New Yo b. - -• The report that Hon. Jas. D. Fay 1er, C. W. Savage and E D. Foudray. Mrs. L F. Willits. 10 CloudV.......... ... i 34 mattress furnished by Mr. Houek. . It *44 The amendment reducing tho army 4 * 11 48 54 pital stock is $1.000. — Jacksonbille would’ remove from San Francueo to the is likely that he will avoid the public to 15,099 men was defeat» d lost week P rison WA jd I ng .—A marriage cer GRAND BALL!! ' Salem is denied. roads alter this, and although a reward in the House of Representatives. LAKE COUNTY MAILS. emouy took place in tho Napa, Cal. of $30 has been offered for his recov­ A woman is attempting tLo feat at The Like County HiraUl says: A —AT— M yrtle C reek M ines . — Quite a jail on Saturday lust. The contracting Stockton. Cal., of walking forty eight E ditor T iding ^: — ery, Lis chances for «scape are above great deal of agricultural college land □ nmbi r of miners are now at work on hour without food, drink or rest. parties were Remij > Henijose and Vic Please allow me enough ispa«e iu par. MiLLER’S HALL,. is now being purchased. tne placer diggings on Weaver and toria Gonzales, and Justice Hartwell It is stated that 30,000 tn 35,000 men your paper tc contradict a falsehood I The jail does very well for winter — We are informed that th^re is pros­ Lee creeks, tributaries of Myrtle crick. tied the knot, while Sheriff Zöllner and aro ou astiiki’ ut Liverpo 1, Etig., and Feb. 147b—St Valentio'e’f Day\- pect for coii?idcrabie building being Several of the claims aro paying well— Uuder Sheriff Bradford witnessed that noticed in a communication signed if you have a guard around it—but for the demeanor of the strikers is txcted - Bï ZlMMEBMAS & F haasb — “Tassel,"in your last week’s issue. The a summer jiil we would suggest a ingly threatening. done at Puoeni'x in the spring. that of J. L Morrows b ing considered it was well done. Toe bride and groom statements in regurd to the mail service light, airy structure, which might be Trouble is apprehended be! ween I Supper nt Houck a Hotel— Everybody Posters, bill heads, letter-heads, and among the richest. The miners all were both convicted in the County I are false from beginning lo end. I made of lattice work with plastering Chili aud B »livia, on account of the cordially invited to attend. , . all kinds of j »b printing neatly aud contemplate a profi able run during the Court last month, und sentenced to six am putting fresh stock on tha read — lath. This would bo more comfortable taxes imposed by the latter upon the Tickets........................................ ^2 50’ coming three months.— Star. promptly done at tho 1' i D ings elflje. and four months imprisonment respect­ ull grain fed—aud fresh drivers, as for the prisoners, and might bo used uitrate industries. Jprbf. Lecke returned from Roseburg A bill to nd mil female lawyers to the Best of music will bo furnished T own A ssessment . — Recorder Gil­ ively, besides being fined. Tbeir wed­ some of the drivers I had were ■¡inr- as a chicken bouse when the prisoners bar of the U S. Supreme Court has last Suuday. He has been iin well f >r lette baa assessed the town at $122,000. ding tour will probably txtend urouud stiaded to quit by enemies of mine, My should have left. passed both hotvea of Congress and Ommittrr. several days, but is not seriously ill. He says that an exemption of ?300 was tho — Jail corridor. — Ex. stock is ull looking well. I have the will undoubtedly raceive tho signature ■ - . .xr Tule Lake C'orresiwndeuce. of the President. E ugene W alrad , - C. M e «Km. Tue stock in Doug las county has suf allowed every family man. Adding to means to carry tho m.u.I fc and I urn go P rotracted M eeting .—The evening ------------ «««------------- - fered considerably from luck of pas­ the assessment the »35,000 that this ac­ Yours in haste, W. J. Z i MMEBM a N. r meetings in the Pri-sbyterian church ing to carry it. State .Vetvs E ditor T idings :— ----- - --------------------------- - ------------- ; — j>. turage and some sheep and cattle have counts for, and the estimate of the M. C olwell still continue, ard often the church is As it has been some tima since we The Indians of Eastern Oregon don't —Two ty five large sized Perfumed Chro Y ainax , Feb. 10th, 1879 other property which is always missed crowded. The last Sunday morning died. have informed you of the condition of appear to be disturbs;! on account of the in » Motto Car d, pust p.i.d, ten !en cents. Addrçst this section, perhaps a few lines might recent hangings there. A CARD. G B. Litcbfi-Id, Lichfield,III. Please state dependent contain»» the anuuuuceraent actual value of the property of the llev. J, II. Vandiver. Iu the evening, be acceptable now. The D.iytnn narrow gango railroad is what paper you saw tlds adveitisryjrer.t-iln' ASHLAND J’ISTICE. that Ben Frauk has sold out to Frank town is about $175 000 ov r all debts. lhe pulpit was occupied by a lady, steadily progressing toward Dallas, al I £iClv Our winter has Le» n an exceptionally though the work is slow ut this time of ! ■-------------- —-----»--- *-- »-- M. Swasey. Mrs. B;ake, who came from Illinois B usiness tn C alifornia . — R. G* The facts are puteut to any sensible cold and dry one- The lake und river year. —’“O ur Ni w and E verlasting PrnrunK" Gen. E. L. Applegate has purebv.sed Dun’smere.'.n'ile cirmi ar gives C ili’or- not long since, aud is now living with roan, that there is no such thing hb have bi en fioz n solid for the la-t two i« ‘lie l> si a:i»l che»pest perfume ever offered Tiie death of Rev S. TI. Marsh. M. property iu Albany, und expects to nia a population of 760 000, and places her brother, Mr. Lynch. A sermon justice in the courts in this city, if the mouths, affording splendid skating D.. for twentv year« President of the o tin* public for perfuming wearing apparat remove his family to that place in u the number iu bn-dness at 17 058. It from a 1: dy is a novelty in Ashland, I followiLg facts aro evidence in the during a [.art of the time. There has I nivenitv of the Pacific, occurred at letter paper, eie., etc. It is evo lasting,ad? g'r. s 'o lìnea, letior paper, and w'.utaytf short time. a!s< y ii n-.-iv wi-h, a most refined andplrtt chows that in 1878 there were 532 fail­ and the announcement that she was to j matter: Daring last sum n^r t vo men lieeu but a slight rainfall for nearly Forest Grove list week. »•ni o l<>r. If placed in a drawer, uc uiatfe' preach drew a large audience. Ail the A Eugene negro, known as “ C »al ” Remember that Dr. Jack«on will be ures, of which 222 occurred in San ! quarrelled on the street about money three months, but the weather indi­ walked into it saloon on Tittirsdav night «h it be the contents, it will become redo* in Ashlaud about the 1st of March, to Francisco, and 310 in other parts of the standing room at the rear of the j matters; an assault was made by one of cates r.iia at present, and the south and mot a pistol at the barkeeper, h ni ¡a than twenty minutes. Mailed i attend to that dental work that yet are S'ate. Tho liabilities w"re, in Sin church was ocirnnied, nnd quite a num­ i the parties; the affair was passed over, wind has melted the snow, except npoa aimed Peake, barely missing him. He p"t ii '!re* to any addr«r« on r^cvjptaits Francisco, $4.7(>0 581; in other parts of ber went away withonl hearing her. gave no reason for the murderous I c price. 25 cents, rddrers G. P'. Tltrfv- . | and no aire-ts were made. More re- ¡he north s d > hills. needing done. * field, Illinois, and plaise r-tale a-sault, jo.i - iw this notice in. [nl6 1’V The nort'iero mails bsing delated the State, ¿6,899.539. making a total of Tiotwi.hstanding the long cold spell, L eft A shland .— A few we« ks since i ’ centty au attemptciPassau't was made — e*’ Brown an l J. hnson, who were to I k ? Sil,G O 130. Iu 1878, the liabilities yesterday, prevented our obtaining tue S -basti in S hn»npf hml a disagi reomtnt I w*^1 deadly weapons, the thing was stock looks well, generally, and there —‘ Wr.i ;: it ’ s B ka ' i , Sc vt.r ANir DANrntw* hanged at Portland Ia»t Friday, wpre latest uews from that diraction in time ainouuted to the aggregato $11,727,- with his wife, ai.d declaring liw inten- I winked at and quietly hushed up, and is considerable beef on the range at granted a re«t»it’* of one month liv th - c Mi’u. Nir’’forces heavy Must icbe or BeariJt on the sm< oiliest l ice in from twenty mo'’ 275. for publication * G.ivorrmr. Petitions for the commu­ l' i. ty ‘lays. It never fails. No peritò tion to live with her no li nger, left | go arrests made. An 1 now I come this time. to the defi iu«o of.a 1 idy (who his al­ It may seem late to speak of the tation of their sentence, to impri-on jn y t > ti e skin. Easily applied and certai&f It is estimated that the increase tn N ew T rial —Tne Supremo Court at Ashland and went it is said, to fPort- rnent for life, h L. o T<-:nnn-tranccs i ; iff ct. Iu wifi aio remove Dandruff arrçf ways t»orne on uriblemislied character) holidays, but as it is something new the acreage of grain aa .vu this yeir in Silem has granted a new trial in the iiik I. Last wo<-k Martha, afier having against it, have been sent to the Gov prevent Baldue«. I am. ibe so’e egeht for the regiou known as ’’Siicky,” will case of J. D. Whitney who was con­ disposed »if her property and received from the dirty and scurtilnux attack of I for this section to ei joy any amusement ernor. itis-‘C'impo'iinm Ins own ex Christmas d.iy or.r neighbor, Mr. E. named Cody, living rear Miiddv Sta­ G. B. Litclifiebl, Illinois. 1 lease Fiato’waaÊ. telling her friends she was going out Mr. Leo, whose saw mill in Sooft rion county. Tne court hid 1 that the pressions may be properly called a I Whitney, gave a candy pulling, which tion, Linn comity, attempt» d suicide a paper you seen this udrei ti-em-nt in. , ‘ Valley wa3 destroyed by fire about judge, in his charge to the jury in as to h< r father's rauc i in Lingell Vai J walking revolv.-r. N»»t having made I wus great ly oi j >yed.anil on New Year’s I i short time ago. S‘ c obtained a revol week ago, has g >ne below after mu- sumin^j cettaio facis to have been ley. In-tead of doing so, however,she ver and slmt herself thromrh the body Don’t Forget It —If you are trôné went to Jacksonville, ami thence by j an-assault even,. I Lave been taken up night Mr. Wm. O-borue gave a d nee Sh«« girl breamo enamoured of a min 1 d wi li riervousnc’s, are disheartened, tire£ 'chiuery to rebuild. proven in the trial, instead of leaving stage northward. It is thought by . and fined by the city authorities. I ut his residence, w hich lasted till the whose at'entions her father hail LirVid of file, ‘ear death or feel out oi sorts, as Urf Says the Yreka Union: We learn that it to the jury to d-cid", was in error, Having been treated bv her siyi g is, yon may safely conclnde tbat-syo» those best acipiatnted with Lor that fhc would ask any sane man who has a wee sma’ hours, when tho guests de fien. E D jnaglry of C>ttoa*o‘xi hui beau and that this was sufficient grounds wife that he has sworn to protect and fa'her with great f>rneltv, she resolved hive ili* Dyspepsia or Liver Oon;plainl2 Judge IJ >ise disa means to r» j »m lr*r husband in Port- i defend, what do you think of Ashlund parted with the one opinion that it was on suicide. At last report«, it was nut Ì Th« liver is very apt to beccmo ’ torpid tbi* quite sick lately, bht is uow, we ure for a new trial 11.11. We fear the pair have embarked : as eijjoyal'le and pleasant a party as greed with the opinion of his two as­ known whether tho shot would prove -e sin of the year, a ; poisons' arising from glad to say, recover mg. it is ; justice? The affair has placed me in a they hud ever attended. It might bo fatal or not. But recovery was’not ex stign mt water or dec rying vegetation, ar> upon » dangerous tide, and that hi >r<* numerous and aie, thiough inhalation^ Lange, the forger whoesciped from sociates. doubtful if they will again er jiy such i false light before tho people. All I called the pioneer dance of Tuie Lake pec‘ed. tak’n into the bloul. Unless the fixer ii ask is fair play. J: A. L each . tbe Siskiyou county j »il aud wai re i g and active and fumishea a supply of domestic comfort 38 might have been (at least,since the days of the Modocs). Of the suicide of Charles Braillav T hrown prom a H orse .— Mr. Reese, fresh an f pu cb'oolt'i ib'iveoul tbé impûtf the Corvcllis Gazette gives a full ac ­ captured, has been found gurlry by an old resident of Cottonwood, was their portinu bad they made the Lest Another ci jivable dance was given KEAE ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. ties, the above mentioned svnip'ltns arè count. He wa« 25 or 28 year« of age the jury before whom he was tried. soon after at the home of Mrs. Ann thrown from bis liprse whi'e riding of tbeir homo hero. and came last summer from Ohio. His sure to f >!low. and if n«l bee tel, miy en«er proves itself the Greit Livré corded in the C >ULty Clerk's office E xecution of J ames C ook — James real estate transactions recorded in the bis foot catching in the stirrup ha was Wo ure wishing for a thaw so that and had sent this son to Oregon in or­ Panacea. Its «ction on the liver is d ffmenl I der tn break off some love hff*:r 8» County clerk’s offi jo . Tne people seem dragged some distance. Fiuallv his Cook, the murd-rer of Craig, was i since our last report. ■ we may begin plowing and seeding. ¡ rumor sras . He was expe- t:n? mnn°v f om any inelicine ev< r co npounded< ftF I banged at The Dallas last Frikay at I Silas J. D iy and wife to B.»tty A. cure« ari* tm'y «onde-fui. Try it» Ibices’ to keep the property passing aronnd. boot came < !Y and released him fr >m There will be more grain sown here ■ with which tn r-turn home. but. it did tw. r.'y five cents and seventy-five cen's For; o ’ clock P. M, H * slept Weil the night Janes, certain premises in Ashland Mr. Lindsay Applegate Las bonght hi« predicament. II-' munage»! ’o reach this season than ever before. Wa are not com«. During tho forenoon of th • ’ lie by C hi rwo >i> A A tkinson . - ( <’u *,tf ------------ —.—----------------- — "the dewelling house aud lot opposite a house in ’b« neigbb »rho'ul where Le before, and on the morning of the fatal precinct. Consideration, $150. determint»1 to prove what the country | fatal dav he wrote a litter home, and day ate a hearty breakfast, and con- A. D. Helman wife to John R. They ail lake It.— Wl*.i the *yi»!î«r upon r< turning from the pnatoffiie his residence ou Main street, lately oc­ wns taken earn of and Ilia wound« will do under a fair test, with all kinds gathered all his letters and papers to­ is run covn to that extent that» yon pasV versed freely with all Iboso who wen t Helman lot in Ashland. C »modera ­ cupied and owned by Martha Scbumpf. dressed. He was pritty I cd’.y bruised of grain. We know that onr sago brush gether ar.d burned thorn, leaving not a sh ci'le s nights, nre nervous and irritable^ to see him. A guard of ten men were tion, $80. bnt luckilv no bones were broken. A Good Templars lodge was organ­ line .‘o indicat“ the cause of Lis sated tongm>; do not enroll posted about the jail at 12.30. Father J. W. Huvs and wife to Magruder 17-dfcr Union. \ destruction. ITe shot bim-elf in the heotache ized at Henderson S -bool Hoove by yo ir-clfns high p> itale in Ibe rear, rank? G.indon, a Catholic priest, went to Bros., one half interest in ceitain min­ We Lear talk of quite an immigra­ head, and death was instantaneous. «inder G'tic-. 'I Debi by but chert* upf Btate Deputy Rigdon list M >ndav. tion next summer, and wo shall b? O regon P ioneer A ssociation .— look’s cell at 12:35, ar.d remained ing property. Consideration, $300.. frv Write's Prairie FloWrr,Um GYtUt Li<«^ SPECIAL NOTICE'S. The lodge was christened ‘ Lone Oak.’ hero until 1 o ’ clock, when they walked I rn tl e Continent No medicine evvj Mr. J. A. Loaoh publishes k. canl in and among other business transacted it to the scaffold. • The priest came first gruder end J. W, ltuys, mining prop­ *8 plenty of room. Look Here! T, ' L. . * *• cómpdund’’(l. V half the equal b.r ihe cur»* this issue, which we insert as local ad­ was decided to hold the reunion next an>i C >ok f. llowed next; then Sherifi ’ erty and water rights in Table Rock AJI persons indebted to B. F. Beeser ofDYSPEP.-11 and LIVLR COMPLAINT? Xew Advertisements. vertising matter, taking upon ourselves, June at the fair grounds near Salem. Crossen ar.d his Deputy. Cook walked precinct. Consideration, $10). must pav up immediately nr I will be h hi’ i specific power over the Iire«,«n4' I j by curing the liver, Dyspepsia aryl all ull*»f of course, no responsibility in the mat­ It was determined to iuvife the granges with a firm step to the gallows and up ! Hrram Farlow ami wife h»L. M. Mil­ « Nursery—Mr. O Coolidge announces nompplh'd to enforce collections, I dise IM-« arising from it, vanish >rs**if by’ must lovo money. ter. m I’.’ic. Snmpli* b ’ttlc; ifre st id at tto Sinai?* qf the state, the Oregon Pioneer Ilia the steps. He was bareheaded and ler, one-half mt-re-t in lot No. 4, in that be is ready to supply young orch­ n<35tf B F. R eeser . price of 25 cen's,’ tint! will convince yen Diphtheria has appeared in Mt. torieal Association and the Southern neatly dressed. On reaching the ecuf block No. 1, and iu the Jami west and ards, fine ornamental und slud.i trees, it- men s. Large size battles. “5 cents; fcr Temporalice Co.ivcnlion. Scott precinct, D.iuglas county. Sev­ Oregon Reunion Society to attend the fold Cook and Father Gandon sat down adjoining said lot, in Ashland. Con­ new varieties of fruit and other trees, i de by Cn.Twoos A A tkiwbòs . i eral deaths have already occurred, celebration and reunion. \ T ’ and everything else in bis lino that Win. II on a bench and '"Sheriff Cro-sen rread sideration. $1,000;’ N'>f fen ir. her»by given th it n con­ aud a number of new cases are re- Reese was chosen to deliver the annual the death warrant. After its reading, John Million and wife try-John 44. may bo called for. Mr. C. is well Produce Market, vention is called to meet nt C-ilver* i — • * ’ ported. address, and R. C. Geer, to deliver the he turnel to Cook and asked him if he Helman, lot in Ashlafid. xJoftmihjra- known, and wo need not assure our Hull nt Phoenix on tho 20 h day uf . ‘ ■* readers that they will receive satisfac­ February n»x‘; said convention t > he The troublesome mail contract be- occasional address on the immigration had any thing to say why the warrant tion, $400. We note today eggs,batter and dried Geo. Patterson to E. M. Miller, one tion in dealing with him. Now is the •‘Proposed of delegates selected by vote I ’ plums scarce, and in demand. Cook an­ tween Roseburg and Goos Bay has 1847. The following committee of ar­ should not be executed. ♦ by the members of the several lodeca been sub-let to D. J. Wright and D. rangements was appointed; John W. swered, “I have nothing to say.” Cros­ half interest in lot No. 4. in block No. time to liny your trees. R^ad his ad­ of I O of G T. in this. Jickson, Co.. I CORRECTED WEEKLY BY J. M. MC CAI T C. MeClallen, who began service last Minto, Mrs. S. Â. Clark, Mrs. Warner sen then told him,to Btep on the trap, 1, and the land west ami adjoining said vertisement in another column. to he chosen in -Hie same ratio as dole- I i a co. Slid Monday. Breyman, Mrs. Jos. Holman, J. A which he did. His ankles were then t lot. Consideration, $900. Stoves, tin, hardware—Mr. Geo. T entes to the Grand Lodge. ; . r conversion to consult in regard to th« John R. H«lman and wife to E. M. Snipped Conk then took leave of _______ The Modoo oonnty (Cal.) Independent Baker and L“wis Savage. Wheat per bushel Baldwin, of Linkvilla, puts in a new feasihditv of organizing a Temperance 60cts Crossen, Father Gandon, Sheriffs Nor- Miller, 16-100 acres in Ashland pre­ le a long time making its way here iu 50 ad. this week. Mt. Bild win has built Centrsl C »iinty Cimmittee, and such Oats A cademy S ale . — A number of the Corn meal rer lb cinct. C »naideration, $90. 03 •' deu and Shuster and Deputy Sheriff *omo instances. The number issued on up a thriving trade in Like county, other busine-s as may probably come Flour per M.... $18. 0ft, “ solid men ” of Ashland went to Jack r Wm. Stephens ud <1 wife to E. M. before sacb body. Haines. At fifteen minutes past I the January 25*.h reached us day before und means to increase it by judicious Iff.* Bran per ton ... aonvill9 last Saturday morning to at­ noose was adjusted on bia neck. Cook Miller, 61-100 acres in Ashland. Con­ Boil.» instrumental and vocal music yesterday. M'Xed feed per advertising and fair dealing. A good is secured.V 20 00 tend the Bule of the academy property, sideration, $572. side bacon per lb moving his head forward to assist the 14 •’ bay. ths Roseburg S/ar: A letter assortment of his lino of stock will be A cordial invitation is given to nil. and those who were left behind exhib Jacob Wagner and E. K. Anderson, Hams “ 4 4 16 “ Sheriff. He looked up to the sky with By orJer of the committee. n301m. from Demii8 Howe formerly of Rose found at tie store. lie also calls for a ited considerable anxiety during the Shoulders “ 4 4 12 “ to E. M. Miller, parcel of laud in Ash ­ a calm smile, and the Sheriff drew the • 4 Vurg—but now of Sacramento — an settlement from those indebted to him. Lard " 10 “ day to learn of the issue. A report land. Consideration, $25. Relifrlona Notice». flounces his intention of returning to was current in the evening that it had black cap over his face, while Cook Batter *’ • • 4 25 “ Standard Sowing Machines — The A K. Williams to Isiac Simpkins, 44 stood like a atatuo. At 17 minutes Onions “ this city at an early day. Mr. Howe is been purchased by the Catholic church, at Miller ’ s Hill, at “ 4 I past 1 the trap w»s sprimg, and be fell j certain mining properly in Pleasant double-column advertisement on the eleven o’clock in the morning, and at Potatoes but recently married. but this was found to be a mistake up­ 2d page fully sets forth tho merits of half pa*t six in the evening. Sunday Eggs per doz.. three feet without moving a muscle. creek precinct. Consideration,$400. Those who sell cigars should ba care on inquiry at the telegraph office. His neck was not broketi by the fall. Jos. Swingle to Martha Scbumpf, tLis machine The price will at once School at half na«t two in th« after- Dried apples per » It» “ peaches “ • ini to destroy the stamps on the boxes, Capt. McCall bad promised to tele­ After 12 minute» his pulse ceased to premises in Asblaud. Consideration, altraot tho attention of everyone, and no,in. C hristians at W ork . “ plums “ 44 when the contents are need up The graph if the property passed into any beat, and at 20 minutes the attending ; $5oo. M. E. CnuRcn —S“*rvic<-s every Sun- H»des, each ... the liberal terms will recommend it to dav at 11 a m and 6:3ft p m . tnnday Deer ikit.s per ft».. fgvenue law requires this in order that other bawds than the mortgage—and do phy-icia pronoiinnced life extinct. His body ws-i then eat down and given to . James Thornton to W. H. Atkinson, those wishing to purchase TL»a price . Schoo’ a* 2:30 with Bibto f«»> the government muy not be defrauded telegram came. There was but