FARM ANO HOUSEHOLD. The fanner will Bucceed who makes up his mind that the whole secret cf success is in himself; that it ia the man •nd not the business that tells. IL will succeed if be brings to bear the ratne amount cf skill, forethought, energy, economy and judgement that my other branch of business requires. He will succeed if be sticks close to his farm, as the mechanic does to bis shop, and not expect to work three or four months and then take his ease the rest of the year. « P oultry —Fowls will continue to lay well the second year but it will not be found as profitable to feed them through their moulting season as it would be to keep them “laying their best” for one year and then kill them. Another thing: if you only keep them one year, you will have ro ”tough fowls” to haunt your dreams. This is one point to be remembered; it takes a certain amount of food to keep the animal alive, and after that all he food eaten must go either to make eggs, build the body or to produce fat. It is nonsense to talk of pullets being “too fat to lay.*' With old hens it may be possible, but I have never had this happen to any of mine, nor have I known of any one to have that a fowl so i flitted, although a friend of mine keeps a hopper of corn always before bis fowls, and from October till March, in addition to thia, gives night and morning a feed of boiled corn meal, and yet bin fowls lay extremely well. T he S carcity of Q uinces .—Witbin a few years psst the quince trees have bean attacked by a worm ju*t under the surface of the ground, somewhat similar in appearance and in its effects to the peach worm, and not having been properly attended to and the worms removed, the trees have gener­ ally died, and the fruits accordingly disappeared from all our markets. The quince can be just as successfully grown as the peaob, if a little care is taken to head off its principal enemy, the worm at the root, which requires but little time and trouble each spring and fall in removing the earth from around the f-tem of the tree, probe for the grub in his bole in the bark with a stiff wire; and filling up around the tree with wood ashes or slaked lime. The cheap gas lime, from the pas works, is a very effectual remedy for worms in peach trees, and it would no doubt answer the same purpose around the quince. New Breeds of Cattle. iFrcm the SLCramento Record Union.] New breeds of cattle are not always improvements on the old. But if the Aberdeen Polled Cattle, the HereforIs, and the Guernseys ¡are not improve ments, they are certainly winning a prominent place among the established favorite breed*. The Aberdeen Polled Cattle recently carried off the great sweepstakeB prizi of $500 at the Pari» Exposition, as the “best animal for all purposes” in the foreign country, in­ cluding Shorthorns, Herefores, Da vons, Sussex. Aberdeen», Angus and Galloways, Suffolk*, West Highland era. Jerseys, Aklerneys. Ayrshires, Cerrys, Leghorns, Dutch and others. A prize of equal value was offered for the best group in the entire show of beef producing animals, which was awarded to the fame breed. And these were won in competition wi'h nearly two tbonsand animals from all parts of cattle-breeding Europe. Th- record that this breed has been recent­ ly making not only at Paris, but gener­ ally, bids fair to place it in the front ranks. A nearly related breed, the Norfolk Polled, was described in the August and September numbers of the American Agriculturist. The Polled Suffolk, Galloway, Anges or Aberdeen and Norfolk, are all closely allied breads, possessing many points in com­ mon. Tbe Herefords is a breed little known in this country, but of late it has been winuiDg a leading position as furnishing beef animals very often superior to tbe Shorthorns, as indicated by reporta of tbe English exhibition for a year past. Guernseys aje gain jug prominence for the dairy, for siz<*, •nd for the amount and high color of their better, even standing ahead of tbe Jerseys or Alderneys. V e wel­ come these new breeds, and trust that they may be appreciated according to their merit. i I Goose Lake Valley. HOTELS [From the Si^te Lio* ITeard.j ASHLAND HOUSE. This valley is a about 75 miles long bv fift»en or twenty in average width. The 42'1 parallel of north latitude, eepsrating the Stabs of Oregon and California, crosses this valley leaving about one-third of it in the former and two thirds in the latter State. Tt has an area of about 1,400 square miles and at present an estimated population of near 1,500. and is bounded east by the Sierra Nevada mountains, which rise abruptly from the valley to a height of some six or eight tbonsand feet above the sea level. These moun­ tain« sre bold, reeky, pieoipit^i*. «nd a’most barren of timber, contrasting strongly with the dark h»-avy forest* of pine, fir. and cedar, which cover the mountains to the west from base to summit. There are, however, some very fine, though small bodies of tim­ ber in the canyoDs and gorges of this rango, while ite sides are covered with a growth of the ever present and nu­ tritious bunch grass, affording oceans of excellent Summer range for stock, and it is not unusual to see herds Led up the rugged sides until they are lost from view in the clouds that bang about the brow of these mighty piles of earth and stone. Ten year* ngo, this valley was scarcely known to the white*. Those who bad visited it, be)iev»d it tobe too cold to be of utility, except, perhaps, as a’summer range for stock. We are told that, the first white settkr of the valley who stopped wi»h anv in tent to remain, was J. P. Roes E-q., who located on the south side of Su­ gar-Loaf Mountain in the Spring of 1867. Digging a hole in the side of the hill as a protection against storms, and the Indians, who were then hoe­ tile, Mr. Roe* commenced in earnest the task of building him a home. The red men thinking him crazy allowed him to work without molesation and Mr. Ross is still a resident of the val­ ley, and proud of hit title as pioneer. In the fall of 1868, A. Snider Esq., now a resident of Oakland, Cal. .though well know in this rtgioD, erected the first house, established the first store, and built tLe first saw mill of Goose Lake valley. Mr. Snider called the place thus located “Willow Ranch.” His sagacity foresaw the importance of tLe position and a bright future for Goose Lake valley not far distant. Though his bnsineas was extensive, being engaged in merchandise at Fort Warner and elsewhere, he determined to secure this new and promising site which he left under the management of C. U. Snider Esq., Lis nephew. As the country became more thickly peo­ pled Messrs. A. & C. U Snider exten­ ded their business until now Willow Ranch contains an extensive mercban- tile establishment, a livery and feed stable, a large hotel now building, which Mr. Snider expects to complete within a few weeks. Arrangements are being made to establish a harness shop.wa-on shop and blacksmith shop also at Willow Ranch before Spring. F. M Gd.ett Las also a raloon here. But the latest and mod important fro tore of the place is Snider it Russell’s new flouring mill. This mill has been built during the past Summer, under the supervision of John M. Russell Erq. ¡ Jno. B.. B. Hutchings, HE UNDERSIGN: D WIhey i-re determined n* uient house in Oregon. Also lac» tei'ber etc , etc. Cull -'t my »eUbt'.Bhxent a cuu'inum ce of the putrunage that ha« lor m my year» past been Conferred uu these juitly Dinners and suppers for special occasions, o j Grunha Street »Ld ree fur yourself. gotten up in appropriate s'yle, »t aho’-t no­ tice. jasper iiouck . T POPULAR STABLES! Jno B II. IVivf«li»tags. (Dulltfj J. D. FOUNTAIN. BUGGIES AND —iK)» 3111® œ floa— And can furnish our cus'i-uier» with a tip-top turn­ out at any time. PIONEER HOT IL, Of the L-ike country, and is determined to make his guests comfortable und happy. General Merchandise, GIVE HIM A CALI.-Ant rertae.-ured that he will make you feel ut home. DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, Horses Boarded On reasonable term», und the be«t otcire «nd atten­ tion bestowed upon them while under their churte. Also, GEORGE NURSE. STATIONERY, Horses Bought and Sold. MISCELLANEOUS- SCHOOL-BOOKS, MILLS ETC., ETC. la now mntufictuiing a quality of flour CANDIES, NUTS AND TOYS, NEW PROCESS, He Guarantees DALEY & CO., And Notions in Great Variety. Satisfaction. BOOTS To any at>d nil who may receive flour that prove» not to be a» reprereu'ed. AND HATS, CAPS, 13'f R. T. BALDWIN Sr, Manufacturers of all kinds of ETC. FURNITURE, ASH LAND MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN, SADDLERY AND HARNESS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, MERGANSER, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON. ALWAYS ON HAND, OF OsegvQ, A Large and Fresh stock of An Elegant stock of Clothing Dry Goods at the at the PIONEER STORE. PIONEER STORE. A splendid stock of Boots anc A Fine Assortment of Fancy Shoes at the Goods and Notions at the PIONEER STORE. PIONEER STORE. ¿X» OF ALL VIMLXSIONS. FACTORY. 8ADDLKR, RiRNEM, BRIDLEF, BPURH, BTIHBÜPS, B TS, WHIPS, LASHES, CINCHOS. ^»“PiCTüiiK FiiAMEB n'*atly mace to order. KiV Repairin’ promp’ly and cheaply done. Give me a c II >-.n i convince yourrelves hat )ou -tn a ve mon. »y by tr.dii g with me. [3 10 f] R. T. B. Sa. We are now manufacturing, and {^“P laning of all kinds, sawing, have on hdnd a good assortment of turning, boring, etc., etc., GEORGE NURSE, LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, DONE WITH DISPATCH. which we offer to the trade at ^L>W ili . coNTiiACT for the ert-clion o‘ »Il kiuJ» ol B ui . iiings . Linkville Livery Stables. PIONEER^STORE. A shland , O regon , SHOES, 3-20. WM. D. CORPE ,2ni,lfi WOOD WORKERS' FACTORY, Clothing^ REFUND THE MONEY. A LARGE ASSORTMENT THATCHERS WORDEN. Proprietors of the C hamp . ok All floor warranted uenoloe and of the bjet quality. He ui] 625*'G!»e him a call »nd couvlnc* yournelf not forget the Old Pioneer Store of the Lake Coentry. W. C. DALEY, H. 8. EMERY. TOBACCOS, First Introduced by him in thio cointy. change for goods. WI’ UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR PA- Do fur tne liberij patrunag« bestowed Ut-on T us nons during our connection woh tue Ut.ton Livery J. R. TOZER, Be‘ Beef Cattle, Hides and Wool taken in ex­ StuLli-s, won Id l«.peak a of tne 1i uur tucueseurs. C akdwbll A M c M ahon . No. 17; if. SUPERIOR TO ANY lie la Which 'hey are prepared to «ell nt prices tint cannot fail to satisfy customer!. sure to call and see us and see fur j ourselves. We will gusrantee satisfaction in all our trans­ action». C abuwei .1. & M c M ahon . BEST PENS and GENUINE INKS P- W. Otwell, Proprietor, Heretofore manufactured la thia valley. uoiug an en.irely LAKE COUNTRY CARRIAGES. The subscriber is again in charge of the PHŒNIX Are now receiving from San Francisco an ex.ansive slock of goods of great vaitety exactly suited t» the trade of the SADDLE HORSES, Linkville, Lake County, Oregon LINEVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON. W» have conetintly on hind the very beet P ioneer H otel 12-20 f. §IEE8 WCTDEN STABLES, prep ir- BEST BUCKSKIN. IN GEE A 7 YA- 111ETY, NURSE & CORPE PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ■^rc pleased to nrcounce that tbeh Stables »T ^.Undertaking;, a Specialty. An immense stock of the best brands of Tobacco and Cigars at the PIONEER STOKE. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY PAINTS AND OILS. “Cheaper than the Cheapest” is Our motto. Bring on your Produce and Exchange for Goods. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LAKE COUNTY - - - OEGON A young _ I-'reuch sculptor named Are in excellent tepeir, amply pri.vided with feed And '.hit customers will tie wui ed on Vidal, who Las attained high distinct promptly aLd in the beet olyle. ion in his art. Las tieen totally blind F.xc*l!*nt BUGGIES and No 1 ever siuce the age of 21 Before this Good HACK* RIDING IIORbES nlwuje oil h.>Dd. Vidal had been a pupil in the atelier Ci/ Horsts promptly care 1 for, of Birvo, and bad leai ned the techni­ calities of sculpture, when quite sud Others denly he was struck with blindness. He persevered in the professsion he O.i the shortest n >tl » had adopted, and after months of pa IX» not full to give the Llakville Stabice atri i tied labor found that ho cor Id really [ v3 no 7lf] N URSE k CORPE make his fingers do the work of eyes. His touch has in truth, become so sen sitive that by means of feeling his model in every part he is able to repro­ duce it with an exactness often not On Mutn Street gained by those who merely see it. Hu Oregon. generally takes animals for bis subjects Aslilau d —lions, stags, panthers, Lares horses— I have Dow on hnnd a lieau Iful naFor-meut of and his skill in modeling their fqrms Hate, Bonnets, Slades. French Flower», Wreath* in various attitudes is so great that it NecX Tie», Li Leu Suita, Jut», I.vlica* gained l>im a medal at the Salon of Finiitiing Gi-ixls, etc., etc. etc. Ah j 1861. Tbo state has also purchased several of his models and brouz-s. One of the most remarkabla things related and the Warner Health Corset. about Vidal is that he can judge, not £*V‘A5I or tera from a distance promptly tilled. only of bis own work, but also that of CaJr Every th'hg »old cheap for C.oh, others, by the touch, as was proved Household Illut». fca?-Bleaching, Pressing imd Coloring, in the very during a recent visit to the Universal Leaked manner. •viulGtl Exhibition, when he showed himself a If all steel or tinware is well rnbbed Mrs. H. D. Jones. very good critic of the sculpture there with lard and then with common un- exhibited. alaked lime before being put away, it J. W. RIGGS, will never rust. This ia also tbe beat I n a T rance for T hirteen Y ears .— plan to remove rust. In Downing »treet. Brooklyn, has lain If pictures are hung by worsted cord, for 13 years Mis» Mary J. Fancher, much of the time in a trance-like con­ brush it often with the broom that ¡8 I dition, with feeble heart pulsations, kept for walla. Lambrequins, if Of sluggish and almost imperceptible res be woolen fabric, ought ulso to Oregon. piration, and the chill of death upon brnabed every few days. her flesh At times she has been I am now permanently located in this To fry green tomatoes take fine large transformed into a cheerful, vivacious, pl ice, and respectfully asks the pitronag of tomatoes and wipe them perfectly intelligent, entertaining young woman the citizens. clean; ent them in slices about half an and then she ha* relapsed again into inch thick, sprinkle with salt, pepper speeeblessness, blinduess, deafness and ALL WORK WARRANTED •nd flour, and fry them in boiling fat. entire paralysis of rensea^ She bas de Canary birds that are troubled with veloned mo6t astonishing powers, re­ T->give Entire Satisfaction. Prices to suit The Timos. mitee may be made comfortable for sembling second sight or clairvoyance, months by washing their cage thor­ reading with eats the contents of sealed oughly in tcalding vinegar and water letters, decribing article* in bidden CaR on A see Specimens. | v2n6tf Tbe mites haunt tbe bird by night and packages, and perusing books while ab-'olutely blind. Sometimes her pow­ the cage by day. ers are voluntary, at other times they To make cold water cake, take three are unconsciously exercised. So little •nd a half cops of fbur, two of raisins, nourishment has she taken that it may chopped fine, two of sugar, a cup of be said she lives without food.— New fllHE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE POUND 1 at his shop on Main tnreet, two door» butter, a enp of cold water, the yolks York S uh . fiomthe livery stable?, where he is pt ep «red ------------- ----------------------- of six eggs, well beaten, half a tea­ U» do all kinds of work in his line I the spoonfol each of cloves, cinnamon aud F rvit C ulture .—Fruit culture is lo«e«t price. soda, and a little nutmeg. making rapid progress in the Unifed WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS The foillowing will make floe gloss: States. According to the recent official To three enps of water take three statements, the laud appropriated to Of to Order. roand tablespoonful's of starch,a pinch this branch of industry ia 4,500 000 of salt and one teaspoonfuf of powder acres. Upon this there fl>>nri»h 112 Rep .¡ring of all kinds ¿one with ¿¡«patch, ed borax. Dissolve your borax in part 000,000 apple trees, 28 000,000 pear call »nd ree me. nolif. JOHN RALPH. of the water; then add starch and 6alt; trees, 112 270 000 peach trees, and The total dip your collars, enffa and bosoms into 141.2<>0.000 grape vines. the starch. Your irons must be good; value af the fruit crop throughout ‘he United States is set down at $138 246,- rub them with beeswax. 700, an amount tqual to half the value V entilation of C upboards .—Tbe cf the average wheat crop of the coun­ ventilation of cupboards is oue of those try. Towards that large sum. apples minor matters that are frequently over are held to contribn e $50 400 000; looked in tbe erection of houses, while I ears. 14.130 OoO; peaches, $46,135 125; A ‘1 sufferer« from 1 his di«e i »e th-» nr* onxfcns to tbe want of a thorough draught is apt grapes. $2 119,111; straw burr »«-a. $5 . ¡ be cured should «r> Dr. Kiaaner'e Celebrated to make itself unpleasantly apparent to 000,000; and other fruit, $10,433.225. ’ Consumptive Powders. ILe.- i'uwter the on:j , re,,iti kuuwu I li «ill enre Con­ tbe smell. The remedy of the defect sumption .nd ull diseares <>1 'he Th .out «nd Luivgs -indeed, so strong le our faiuf m them, »> <1 is, however, very simple; if possible, The oth»r night, at Detroit, the Rev. xbolu coviuce you th it 'hey »>rr n., numteig, ae will have perforations made tbsougb tbe forw rd i.> every rufferer, by m .11, poet paid, n free back wall of the olcset, and a few iu Jo.-iah Iien6en occupied a box at Whit­ i trial box. i We iMi't *an' yotirm ney un'il y u »re i erfev ly the door; when tbe wall of the closet ney’s Opera House to witness for the a*ui«fie l of tbeu curative power-. If your lif I* cannot be perforated, bore boles fre» iy first time in his life the presentation worth raving, don't delay in giving these Powders in the door on the top and bottom. To i of the play of “Uncle Tom’s Cabiu.” a tri»),astney will *m*h cure you. Price, for Urge tX'X. >3 oo, eeut to any pr.rt cf the prevent dampness, with tbe accom­ He attracted universal attentiou. as he United» or Canada,, to mail, on receipt of price panying unpleasantness and injurious is the original of “Uncle Tom ” He is Address, • effects of mildew in cupboards, a tray 90 years old, but will lecture this fall of quicklime should to kept, and and wiuter. ASH & ROBBiNS, changed from time to time rs the lime F ulton S xbket , B rooklyn , N. Y. 1 becomes slaked. This remeJy wi,l al The recent death of a pauper in the so be feued useful in safes or muni work house at Ballion, Mayor county. ■y rg'lbuoh.tss you <-»n erg.'ge in. - ' ■ JótolJiper d.y by men rooms, tbe damp air of which is Ireland, Lamed Bari ev Moran, aged 93 I either sex _L an< right woiker in their if owa often destructive to valuable deeds aud years, has rt ve-|. d the fact that be whs loCih'teO other contents - [Illastruted Carpen­ executioner < f Ro* ert Emmet, Svptem P.uticuku» »id »ample» wortu (5 fr*e. Improv your *p»re lime at ba ne*» AldraiO bTixsox her 20. 1803. ter aud builder. r-50-ly I A Co., Portland Maine. Tourists and Buttr-tck Patterns Ashland Wagon Shop Vehicles Made CONSUMPTION TO ANY Wagon Factory. IMPORTED Give it a trial and support home industry. Wanted in exchange 20,000 lbs. Grease At the Factory. ^)11 THE ENEIT J'OF THOSE HESIR iuggo <1 w igon work, the uude signed hereby makes known tint I e can be >o md at all times hi hi- shop in ibe S. \V. come, of the public sq iic Ashland Ogn.. and tetdy mid willing ill w cl uu f >r them, we will sen-1 (Lem b, ui .il, post paid, f. ee trial box. As Dr Goul .rd alto ij pnj eiOau tua. bur ever ni de ifate ., »peciil »out) und .»'<> our knowledge cuoueaiid» have been per. muncntly cured bi lie u*e of 'heee Puxv» C. S. Sergent & Co., DEALERS IN FALLING SICKNESS. ASH & RuBBi .S, eeps a general assort - K OR Primnnently Curd C. K. KLUM, produce taken in exchange for goods. ¡EdS^Do not fail to give ua a trial before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give sat­ isfaction. C. S. Sergent & Co. PIKENIX, OREGON. tv2n21 f.l J. CHANDLER. POPULAR STABLES I have constantly on hand the very best It 1» i'U J'libed on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY IIORSE BLANKETS. ----- ALSO------ W inchester R epeating R ifles (commonly called Henry Rifles) of model of 1866, 1S73, and 1876. Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. WHEAT Taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for Goods Ashland, Jure 27th, 1R76. Positively Cured. "R'FST ]Vol. Ill Nu. I tf ] ARTICLE. MRS. M. W. HARGAIINE v2n44,-tf DALEY & CO. SUPERIOR Outfitted Millinery Store Give Us a trials Our soap has been pronounced by those who know ARTIST, l eow H. M. THATCHER. S ale and E xchange ! LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, A IMhsd Sculptor [St. Tx>ui« Gljbe-I>cniocr.;t.] ASHLAND GLOVE FACTORY UNION LIVERY oottf. ASHLAND IRON WORKS. rpm> well known iuntituticn will be i» I uprrarion durb'g the winter. All purtii 8 w.ukii..g work duue. will p’eise briug it ia. All wi ik done ib ihe VERY BEST MANNER. [no 22tl] ZIMMERMAN ¿FRAZER. c*iD lu-ike Hiiniey fueler »t w*»k ff,r U» th»« »tmythi g »I»*. Ca,-i’i«) nrtr- quirfd- -we *ill » *n )<*>• Twelve d’- 1 r» m dai .1 home, uuuie b/ ue indu»- til u». Men, uoiuen, bo,» und gelt w..n ed eve ywl.we Io wi-rk lor u». Nuw 1» iue t nj*- Co* ly outfit * d term» free. Arid.eaa'£>ua A Co.,Au- gu»'.-, M*lr*. Iti» in II respect*, S vfebiob to any Weekly pub- NEW SAW MILL. SADDLE HORSES BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. II,bed ou tue PaUfic Co .»I. <>—o — F rore year, per mall................................................... oo K>r ,jx » vnit-B............................................................ 2 5 > For three nivnihe....... ................................................ i *o LtnXKAL TF.BMH TO < LUBA, And can furnish my customers with a tiptop turn-out at any time. HORSES BOARDED Five copte» for lye.r, md lc-ipyex’r ......$17 50 ’Im oi >ie* for lye .r, and 1 Copy extra.............. 30 UO TwxBTT-nvx copie» f * J year,-'n i 1 co( y ex..62 50 On reas liable terms, and given the best of Ashland and Linkville HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD STAGE LINE. And satisfaction gtixran'eed in all my trans­ actions. M COLWELL’S TRI-WEEKLY Stage-* 1 run between ihe above named points three times a week, making ttie ti ip through in one day cur­ rying U S. Mail and passengers. v2n34tf] F. F. THILLIPS. 1» now prepared to ftjrnleh tbe be»-, qotl 7 at 1UK b»r, in quantities to suit purchaser», at th» vory LOWEffr LIVING RATO. ----------0------ a - t GiVE HIM A TRIAL AND SEE IT HE CAM GIVE TOtf' Satisfaction John Chandler. THE YREKA JOURNAL —IS THE- LEAVE LINKVILLE v3 do 4-lf.. Main Street, Ashland, -12-3- MONPAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND FRI­ DAYS at 4 o clock a . m : arrives al Lipk- ville same day*. Reluming, M. COLWELL. Two mile» South-West of attention. * LEAVES ASKLAND TUESPAYS. THURSDAYS AN > 8ATUR- D \ Y8 irnving at Ashland same day con reels W'h our daily stage line between Linkville and Fort Klamath Also with his tri aeeklv line from Linkville to Lake View and ab iniermedia'e points. fb» »ub'criber baring competed hl» S»w Ml LEADING PAPER OF NORTHERN CALIFOP*1*- Samn size m the Sacramento ü»' iom . 24 by 36, «nd J5®~price *4uce