Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1878)
INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED VOL. Ill NO. 26. ASHLAND, OREGON: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6,1878 F3S fX 5 fc I a n d Sidings. TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. PROFESSIONAL. WHAT OF THAT. I $2.50 PER ANNUM. the gulch, a crash of rifl t ehots from Weaver went to them.- but when they Rec i>li<»ik of Hi e Guveritor Gen eral of Cnuada. the 'ront and fl tuks broke the compar heard his voice with which they were Ti e-1! Well, wbat of that? ---- ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY— J. A. APPLESATt. I ative silliness of the scene an] lig ited I ' familiar, they answered with low plain [By Te'egr.iph to -he Chronicle.i Didst fancy lite wa» spent on bed» of e t-e, tWashington CorresjK'Udeiice New York HumJ On Thursday, the 26 h uit., the new - H V- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-L \W Fluttering the ro-e leave - scattered by the up for a moment the heavy darkness tive lowing, while to make their recog An observing traveler iu the South Governor General of Canada, and his O. C. APPLEGATE <£• CO. surrounding^ tho action. “Forward , nition more complete, they tried to lady, the Princess Louise, daughter uf ern States can not fail to be stiongly' breeze? SALEM OREGON. impressed with the fact that ministers OFFICE—On Main Street, (in rear Come, rouse thee ! work while it is calle 1 boys!” shouted the Captain, “let’s cross touch him with their noses as he Queen Victoria, landed at Halifax. of the gospel in that section take a DR. J. II. CHITWOOD, to-day 1 1’beir reception was characterized by most active part in the discussion of the fgulch and then we’ll give th im passed before him. Chitwood <k Atkim-un’s Drug Store.) all the “pomp and circumst nice” oi political questions — discussions in Coward, arise ! go forth upon thy way ! fits." Urging their horses forward . By this time tvo mm h re 1 taken up Ashland ■ Oregon« roya'ty, as well as the genuine welcorn«- Terms of Subscription : with difficulty, for at first they had re the dead body and carried it to the of Loyalty. Twenty five thousand peo which the people are almost perpet Lonely ! And what of that ? OFFICE — At the Ashland Drug Store. One copy one year..................................................... * ually engaged. It c«n not be claimed, coiled, they dove into the gulch and fence where it was received by others ple were gatheied on th» streets to Seme must be lonely ! ’ti-» not given to all “ M six mouth».......................................... however, that their influence in th«» di black darkness, and m ide a blind! on the opposite si le and gently placed give them gre»;tiug, and the civil, mil rection indicated is iu any way a bene- JAMES R. NEIL. *• three “ ........................................... To fed a heart responsive rise and tall, Club rates eix coplee for..................................... breakneck rush for the opposite bank, on the ground. Contrary to their us itary aud naval dignitaries appeare 1 in tioial one. On the contrary, they bare' To blend another life into its own; ^TTORXEY AT-LAW, state, while the various associations Terms, in a<l van re. Work miy be done in loneliness. Work on. each man for himself. The first fire ! ual custom, the Iudiaus had neither and so' iet'oaof ibe city turned out iu as a das« d me much to keep alive old Terms of Advertiaiug of the Indians was delivered in a vol- 1 scalped nor stripped the body, neither full parade dress, and jeined the pro political prejudices, old disputes and Dirk ! Well, what of that ? laical Notices per line....................................... .. 1 OCtfl dilL'renees growing out of the late war, Jacksonville, Oregon. l’rofeeeiuual Cauls, per year............................. 110 oo fondly dream the sun would never sei? ley, accompanied by their well known had they mntilated it in the least; the cession which proceeded tr im the laud and which should long since have been 3 Of) Two inches, per quarter..................................... iug to the provincial building, where, 5 00 Four •* “ ..................................... J. AY. HAMAKAR. Dost fear to lose thy way? Tike courage yei! yells, which, as the detail were only articles missing weie the Lut, coat io the state chamber, the oath of offi -e buried out of sight. There is no ex 8 0 > Eight “ “ ..................................... Learn them to w ilk by faith and not by all of them well out of the gulch, was j and g-ia. Two small rails were pro was administered by the Chief Magis aggeration in the ol»l southern saying, 10 00 One-half Column “ ..................................... which sets fourth that Hie parsons and 11 00 NOTARY PUBLIC. Three-fourths “ “ ..................................... returned, shot for shot and yell for cured and each man having a handker trate. sight; 1 7 50 One “ “ the women are respous.ble for mnch of I.INRVILLE LAKE CO., OREGON. Sergt. Stannia and Corporal chief, produced it; a sufficient number At the conclusion of the ceremony, the ill-feeling b ‘tween rival political Thy steps will guided be, and guided right yell. LEGAL AD VEHTlbK.M ESTS Office in Post Office Building. Speci.l attentoin G 'ddes soon j liuedthe main command, being obtained, the railsj were the Mayor of Halifax deli vered an ad organizations in the cotton States. One square (ten fines or less) 1st lu-ertion... |2 5o Hard? Well, what of that ? v2ui9;I. l.oo given to convey ancihg. Each additional ineer-ion................................... and all dismounting and leaving their tied together, enough space being left dress of welcome, to which the Govern Wh’le this is true, must not Didst fancy life ore Summer holiday. or replied as follows: be thought that Southern preachers in’ Job Printing, horse» with four men, began iu solid j between them to contain the body, With lessons none to learn and naught but "Mr. Mayor and Corporal ion of the\ their offi -ial capacity take any noiic«' Ilegal Of al! description, done on short notice. C. B. WATSON. earnest to pepper the gulch in which which was then placed upon this City of HP ¡fax: I thank you as a rep play ? Blanks, Ciicnlars, Business Cards, Billheads, letter- of political questions. They do not ATTORNEY A n D COUNSELOR AT LAW the Indians wera secreted. As for rudely constructed stretcher. When reseutative of her majesty, the Q leeu,: Iu the churches they li ive not a word heals, Poiurs, etc., gotten up in good style at livitg G<», get thee thy task ! Conquer or die ! aud prices. It must be learned. Learn il then patiently. taking aim at a ly particular object, it all wa3 ready, four men took up the and in her name for the Joyal wordx to say abont «flairs of State, but in all contained in your address, which ex REAL ESTATE AGENT. Agent« for the Tidings- was impossible, only when the savages ■ body, aud preceded by au advance presses '.veil, a sentiment uf devotion to their personal and private relations No help ? Nay, ’ tis n »t so ! 8. M. Petlengiil Ä Co., - - - New York. I £-<5**Sped il it’eudon given to all matters requlr let their hiding places be known by guard, set out for the ranch, while the her throne and person which have ever j they are ex .-opting the women “who Rowell & Gueesman, ... St. Louis. ng uu Attorney at the U. S. Lai d Dll.ce. Though human help be far, thy God is nigh. hanker after grave-yards,” the most K P. Fi»her,................................. 8‘” Francisco. Lass V iew , L ake Co., O regon . D. IL 8.earns, ... Portland, Oregon. Who leeds the ravens, bears llis children's the flisli of their guns. Each party rear was brought up by the remainder characterized the people of the provin bitter and uncompromising enmies of ces of British North America, and j the party which owed its supremacy L. Hamuel«,.......................................... “ ’* May 31, 1879. [no-53-’.f shifted his positiou, fired aud yelled j of the command. cry, J. A Applegate,............................................. ba'em which I am pt . -»traded are not more to the results of tee war. Daring fre- In a «short timo they reached the M. L. Ch.»mberlin - He’s near thee, wheresoe’er thy footsteps for twenty minutes, when the Iudians truly felt and moro universally shared Mtsa Grace Haxuu, .... C .rvdlls. M. L. McCALL, suddenly ceased firing and all was soon house. Taking the body into a small than in this city, the capital of the au q lent and extended trips through the roam. Dr N. L. Ir-e .... JuDctionCity. Southern States, it lias often been my Rev. J. R. N. Bell, . - - - R »»eburg Surveyor ami Civil Engineer And He will guide thee, light the«, b -lp quiet iu the gulch, save n >w and then room it was hurriedly prepared for bur cient colony of Nova Scotia. Your l good fortune to meet old rebel soldiers Peril H. Burt.............................................. Yoncdia. J. R. Neil, - ... Jacks- iiville. thee h me. a slight crackling of dry twigs which ial that day,for it was now nearly dawn. community has been,I may say,already ! who had gone through all the hard ASHLAND, OREGON, J Wimer & Son, ..... AV aid ». seemed to be retreating up the gulch, Four bullets were fouud to have pene long associated with the history of the! ship» of the rebellion, but who were, Hou. W W. F.ddler, - - - Applegate, Is prepared to do any work in his Hue on short n> [ of our gracious sovereign, for it nevertheless, warm in their regard and Aier AValts, . - - - • “ lice. [uu27v2.f] Scraps cf Southern Oregon His when the mea would send a few shots trated the body, from the frout; one family J. M Smith, - k-'byvllie. was here that his royal highness, the! respect fur their old enemies.and strong Ed. R. O#en, : - • Cen ral Point. tory. in the direction o! the sounds. The ! through the heart and one through the Duke of Kent passed many years of-a DANIEL GÄ3Y, W H. Porker, - ... Big Butte. in their support of the Union which F. Dimick,.................................... Oran-s P.i«s. Indians were retreating or changing left shoulder,the other two through the soldier’s life. It is to your city that th-y tried so hard to overthrow. in the eurlj part of R.ctiard Barrett, - - - Gaik» Creek AàètOiHUJil-àè-ïaW, Indian Hostilities their ji isitioa for a more advantageous ■ breast. While the body was being pre two of his grandchildren come to-day. Gen. Hooker, of Mississippi, who left Mi»« Ailie W. Colvig, - - - Rock Point. the year 1856. O. A. Hid, - ... E.g!e Pom-. _____ one. Firing ou both sidss soon ceased. ! pared for b irial, Weaver, who had You have with you, I regret for only a j an arm upon the battle field; Gem- J. 8. McFadden, .... Murphy. short time, the prince who has honored I Nieholl», of Louisiana, who bears the Mis* Carrie Smith, .... Lelawl. Notary Pubüc and Real Estate [Coatribu‘ed.1 The silence was ominous; aad a3 the called upon Mrs. Guess, came into the the profession of a seaman in every cruel mark« of a doz n northern bal A. F. Snelling,.......................................... Lake Auw. Cautiously tho detail moved out into soldier delights mire in nervous ac room and said that she bad asked him quarter of the globe in which he has lets; U »1. Waddell, of North Carolina, C. B. Wa’son, - - • • “ Agent. _ Gei. T. Bddwin, - - - I.’nkviile. already had on opportunity of serving a brave soldier who bled for the lost AVm. H. Roberts, ... Tl-vaa. LAKE VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, ORE tho darkness, which was intense, as the tivity and noise than ia suspense aud if her husband was dead, but that he Dr. J. 8 Deouisun, - KUnrith. heavy forest through which the trail silence, the order was given to mount had evaded the question, as he could her majesty. Ila has already visited cause—these men and men like them GON. [no 14 11. J no 8. Shook, .... B »n>nz.i. North America, and let us hope that wound its way made the night stili and move forward to Weaver’s ranch. not tell her; he wanted some one else when he again comes, the oecassiou are, iu spite of their Domocracy.alwftys C. H. Dyar,....................................................... D.-Fy. Miw Miry McCabe .... Ashland readv to extend the right band of fel darker. Phil. Weaver, as ho was USU- Before mounting, the roll was called to go and iuform her of the truth. No may be made then more auspicious by lowship to their “ancient enemies,” to 8. Shernien, - . - - • • P- iruix. <>»pt. W. J Ferree General Agent fur and ally called, knew the Wtiy well, as he and each man auuwered cheerily to his one could be found to perform that the presence of her royal highness, the acknowledge that some good thing may- Mod« conuties. _____________ Duchess of Edinburgh. Iu no part of come out of the North, and to express- bad lived in the vicinity for several name; nona killed or wounded. disagreeable office, so it devolved upon OFFICIAL DIRECTORY the British Empire are the perils and loyalty to the nation's flig. Jacksonville, Oregon, years; and there was not a place where Moving as rapidly as the uneven Captain O’Neil, who, as all will recol honors uf the naval profession better rCl>ERAL. TTTILL MSIT ASHLAND IN MAY au ambush could bi successful that he trail and the darkness would permit, lect who knew him, was no coward in understood than on the shores of Nova I Leather. v V an i Novemb-r; and Kerbyville, the did not give warning to Capt. O’Neil the couimtuo soon reached the ranch, the field,yet he shrank from this. But Scotia; for here, although much atten S cevetor G eneral , J amf « C. T olman , Portland 44 DlBTBlCT JCUOB, M-TTHKW P. IlEADX, fourth Mon lay in October each year. 44 who would ride forward and through, j where all was quiet, and, under the time was pressing aud he must perform tion is given to successful cultivation V. 8. A ttohnky , R vfus M alloky , Leather has a long history. If it is » 44 Ashland, Sept. 15. l-sTt«. of laud aud The miner’s art, the duu C lerk U.S. D o - t . Cot nr, R C. L ampsox , 44 accompanied by two or three men, and circumstances, lonely enough. The the sal duty. How well he performed gers of the sea are braved as in, but one too exclusive motto lint “there is noth IT. 8. M arshal , A b - ikr W. W a T teh », 44 D kecty M api - hal , AV P. Bvu>.-., thoroughly examine it before the re two neighbors were oa the lookout for it is not knowu.but that he told her the oilier maritime province of thia great ing like leather,” few manufactured 44 I. O. Miller. C ol I nt l R bvfxte , J. C C aetwriubt , 44 -, I tV. B C arkwbi . l , mainder of the men ventured to ad the volunteers, having stationed them sad truth was soon plain to all, for the country by thousands of interpid sea- j things are older. It was probably the' 44 IlKPL-Tt»», (A u Ml,R(ixN> very first bits of mannfaetnre — rude, Architect un<l Builder. 44 vance. Proceeding cautiously through selves under an old shed between the mingled subs of the bereaved wife and men. Its pathless seis are made the I yet suited to its purpose,the use of bark P ostal A oext , G eorok A S teal , state . GRANITE STREET - - - ASHLAND. the darkness for a little more than a dwelling Louse and the barn and cor E<therless children were soon heard highways of commerce by your hardy j for hirdening and preserving skins’ sailors, and its wealth is gathered by 1I.I. to mythirg n his line on ihoft notice anti mile, they neared a sm ill deep brushy ral, to more effectually keep guard and tell by all who stood around that having, no doublt been praoticed in TT O a-- _ < Jo»” n M itchell , 1 U. 3. i exatorr , j j A F ayette G ruver , oo the lowest t rni*. a7W2 f dead body on that February morning your gallnut fishermen, and the arts u: prehistoric times. Even our progeni uavigatiou are familiar to many of | gulch,where the trail descended to the over .both places, while Mrs. G less m 1856. R eererestative , J obs VV hiteaeek » , G uvernor , W. W. T hayer , your population. Although sons of tor—ihe aiioient Briton—used a strong bottom through a narrow defile, 11 inked and lit r childten were safely seated by Dr. W . B. Royal S ec <» e S tate , R. P E arhart , the sovereign have before tbi< day vis hide thong to throw his stones with, T bbarvrkb , E d . B iusch , on each side by large granite boulders, a warm fire inside of the bullet pro< f INDIAN l.NT I.:VES AND WINTER ited these shores, this is the first occa and was scanUy clad in leather—antici £¿11 is permanently locate 1 in AsWin<i„^^ WARRIORS. P bibteb , W B C abteb , thickly set between with scrubby mvn- walls of the dwelliog house. Tile FL-PT. Pl B. I n -T , I. J. PuWELL, sion on which a daughter of the reigu pating the odd desire of George Fox, WHI pire hit tniAirided attention tu the L ibrarian , J. B. S ister , ARE WE TO HAVE AN ULSTER CAMPAIGN?! ing bouse Las seen the new world. I the founder of Quakerism. Within the' zinita and chapparel, while on the luoiher rat cowering before the fire Si er. P enitentiary , B F. Rr«< »t, P» actice of Medicine. [For Jani St.u lard.] rej lice that thejpriiio.'ss lauds on this period of authentic history,leislated for" Aur. S tate L and C om ., T. 11. C asn , right and left, a little further off, pine with a child two or three years old in At the close of the late Indian war I Has bail Fifteen Years ’ Practice in Oregon. jvdiciaby . continent among ptople so loyal an 1 for and protected,and ha9 often been in I her lap, while beside her were her HQHi'nst the Bmuocks, 1’iUtts and and oak trees were standing thickly on i J ti. K. Kelley, Porti nd. OFFICE At his residence <>u Factory Street. [3-9J thoroughly worthy of the British name cluded in sumptuary regulations. It is renegade Columbia . river Indians, a! as are the inhabitants of this famous very odd to read tuat in England in SrrBFME J udo eh . ' R. p. B ise, Hu lem. the banks; in front, and across the other and older children wondering f. P. P. Pt mi, le. 1 *t Di»t : JM| Ig. II. K H anna ; A t’y,J am » s .R. N eil the gulch, the trail ran down and diag why father did not come, for lie never goodly number of the latter, with some j colony, and I speak but feebly for her the sixteenth century complaints were »4 4* of the hostile N«-z Perees, intermingled i made that skins were tanned in three 21 • J. F. W atson ; Att’y, 8. H.H azzard . 44 onally along the bank until it reached stayed away from home so late. The with the Umatilla», and for a time when I say she is much moved by the weeks (thus unconsciously shortening St 44 1 B. F. IlARi>iN<i;Att'y,J. J. W hitney . 44 kindness of your welcome. For mv sta <4 1 C li B> llenger ;A t’y,J. T. C.FLEH. the level bench, which was almost eu- grieving and lonely parent could only were lost to the authorities. A short own part,I thank you for the flittering the period of use and wont, which DR. F. G. HÍARN, 44 itn 44 ' L. M :ABTHua;Ait'y,C. W. P arish . tirely devoid of timber, with only an tell her tearful children that their time ago eleven of White Bird’s ren manner in which you have spoken of had been about one year), and that J ackson C uvntt . PRACTICAL DENTIST. occasional cluster of the ever-pressnt father would probably be at home egades were captured on the Umatilla my acceptance of this high office, and in consequence an act was passel in J vdoe , R ila » J D ay , Jacksonville. 44 reservation and Bent to the Qua l’aw I 1538 prohibiting tinners from selling C lerk , E. B. W atson , ALSO ASSAYER OF manzmita. "I think” said weaver who soon; but when they r lied her with agency, and last week Cwt, Miles 1 can only hope that I shall in some hides that were not attested to have 44 S heriff , W«. B ybee , 44 measure, be able to follow in the foot D efitti S hemef H. 8. R etbebyh , was riding on the Captain’s left, “we j th*i dreaded question, “what keeps fa- brought down five more to Vancouver 44 Ore and Bullion. T bbabvrkb , N. F isher , steps of your late governor generd I been nine months in the tan-pit. The A mmsum , B. C. G uodaud , Ph-rnix. had better stop here while I ride for ■ ther away so lata?” she broke down, who bad been captured by Umatillas. shall at all events, always entntaiu the jealousy of rival guilds, which did some J acksonville . /"k FFICE on M>n»r street, north »ide Yreka, > ad CoMMlSeiONKHS, ! l,, M aorl ' deb , ward and take a look at that gulch, for I and the fl tod of scalding tears from the These last prisoners will probably leave greatest solicitude for the welfare and thing in old days to secure the division 'I L K. A nderson , Asbl uid. 'Z* joining City Drug Sajre.aul Hn?eoi Soire.aud o^pori.e opporleHareman's for their “pasture new” on Tuesday in of labor, if nothing more, is also seen SravcYoB C J. H oward ,«unvil'e. Hardware Store. if there are any Indians around they mother was a sad token for the father charge of Major Babbitt. The Indians interests of these provinces. Let me in the history of leather. In 1439*'tao- S chool burr., J. D. F ountain , AebDud. are sure to know that we are coming, ! less little ones, and they mingled their that Captain Boyle has been sent alter | add in conclusion that the congratula- nera were prohibited from being shoe A culand . you have addressed to us, the Mrs. Dr. Ella Ford Rabins, n. und if they ambush us at all it will be hot tears with their mother’s as they are souieof the renegade Columbias who i tiona t TT. C. H ill . hearty and enthusiastic loyalty shown maker.»; while in 1565 bntchors were D irectoka . 1 f, ” C hitwood . here, for this is the worst and most leaned their childish beads upon har concluded to leave the Umatilla agency, in our reception, make the day on precluded from becoming tanners I C. k. E lum . DISEASES OF WOMEN I J ames T hornton . dangerous place to cross, day or night, aching shoulders—thus were they when all danger having passed of their being which we enter your noble harbor the und or a penalty. Some of the restric R kcobdkr ........................................ A. V. G illett . recognized or imprisoned. Capt Bavle’s hospitable and ever open pate of your tions surrounding the leather man M aresal .................. E. W alrad . on this side of Deer creek, and even the command rode up to the hou^e. A Speciality. instructions are to come upon their province, aud of tho wide dominion be ufacture aetnally remained uutil 1820, Jt-»TtcB ar the P eace ...................... T. G. W atters . where we cross the creek itself, half a Dismounting and turning their horses camp suddenly, and by surrounding yond, a day to remain long in grateful when they were completely removed C onstable ................................................. E. W albad . and residence al Judge Duncan’s. P ost M aster ............................ a . D.H elman . mile from here, we will’ have a better j into the corral, still saddled aud bri them, force a surrender of their leaders rememluance.and I assure you we eon by an act of George IV. Free trade ia M iscellaneous . Jacksonville, Oiegon chance for defense than we have here.” ’ dled, ready to be mounted at a mo who will be brought to Vancouver, aider ourselves most fortun ite in hav tinning, then introduced gave an im Brig. Gen. 1st Bri^. O. M., J. E. Roiw, Jacksonville, petus to the application and extensioni while the rest will be sent back to the November 15th. 1878. tf Ü. “Is there no other crossing near by,” ' ments notice, and leaving a sufficient neighborhood of Peudlaton, This ing cast onr lot with so generous, of the chemical discoveries which had ü. S. In-iun Agent, J. H. R oork , Klamath Ageucj' 1-, a people. ” I asked the Ciptain, “tha’ is less diffi- 1 U. B OommlMtoMT,, ' ................. J " "C ’ i --- --- and devoted ------------ * guard, the command, «-till under the band at last accouts was camped not warm-hearted been made by S»guin in 1785, and by I I.. 8. D yar , I.iLkviile, O. B. MYER. T. O. WATT ERS. I C ats as R etrievers . — A resi lent of Sir Humphrey Davy in 1803. Lep'y V.8.Marshals, » N. L anukll , Jack-oi> ville. far from Celilo on the Columbia river, cult and dangerous than this.” i guidance of Weaver, begun their (S ikes W orden , L'nKvtle, a .- u .«< iv , Sacramento county, who has a peculiar near where the John Dav empties into Register Lstxl Office, J. H. E vans , Like View, I WATTERS & MYER. “Yas," answerrd Weaver, “about | march, by file, to the field where they Receiver “ “ G eorge C onn , L.ka View • I ANOTHER MIRINE DISAN rZHÌ that stream, aud Capt. Boyle was to faculty for training animals, has edu one hundred yards above is a very i supposed that the dead body of Guess leave at a time that would permit the catel three cats tu serve the purpose I W e . H oeeman .... J .cksonville- I Tublic ’ E1>- D efeat ........... . ...Ashland- good crossiug, more open than! would be found. As they neared the landing and taking a good position be oi dogs, as retrievers. When he takes ■ Colli-tfon in tk- En^lltli Channel — VoferieB 1UD1,C ’I J. W. H amskar .. ... Linkvi'e- I C. B. W atson ..... ......... ........... lake View this and another below equally as fif-11 they hoard the oxen with which fore day light. McBean, the Umatilla up his gun and calls them from the j Steamer Sunk anti Many LIva.Lo.t, house t ley follow with a grand rudi, ' A Landon dispatch of the 26 h ulk, V. 8. Examining Surgeon for Peuri >u daini -nte. Dr- ! clear, but the horses must jump the! Guess had been plowing—still bitched I interpreter, who accompanied the sixty mewing and whining excitedly. When gives the intelligence of tbe sinking J. H. O mit wood .... ............................. —_.... „..._ L.._..„.......... ¿...A i I i I hj • Bureejor Mineral Ixndt, B. F. M yeb . Ashland- gulch, which is about four feet vide! to the plow—limning and surging 1 men of the Twenty First Infantry a bird is shot they enter upon the live- j of tho steamship Pomerania, which . under Cwt. Boyle, says that there may aud about aa deep, and in the dtrkaess : around the field in great terror. Wbeu] I enly be 30 Columbia« at this Camp aud liest kind of a race tu retrieve it, and. I l“ft New Y’ork for Hamburg Nov. 14»b. btages leave Ashland as follow s: S. WHITTIMORE, M. D the command had reached the end of there may also be 150. and that if the if it is not in sight, huut the grof.n l 1 She was strnck amidships by a Welsh they could not be forced to jump it.” llie O. A C. Stage Co.*sStage leave Aslil ind thoroughly, never omitttng to spit at ' bark aud foundered in about ten min for Jacksonville, Rock Point and Rose “That ia easy enough to du” said of the fle’.d nearest to the housa, the | surprise be not complete, the Iudians one another viciously whenever tb-’V utes. Tho collision /»ocurred at mid Phoenix Oregon. burg every day at 6 a. in. Mail at the Captain, and, turning to Sergeant Captain divided his men into two. may become frightened or excited and l come within reaching distance. No night dining a fog, eight miles from a;3Q a. in. nee their firearms, in which case a ^W*0ffic3 at S. 0. Sarge V <t CVs Sto.-e Stannis, ctRitinued, “Sergeant, take four squads, and sent one to the left with . Winter campaign will be most proba i matter which of the trio finds the bird, Folkestone. The We’s’u. birk is re For Henly, Yieka and Reading at 6 p. m. be Do« Doctor is a gì adii ate of a ffrslclass rphe Mail closes at 5:30 p. tn. the carrying to the shooter is generally ported to be No.l Lilian of Carnarvon, 7 ;e. He will promptly a tend ail men and go down to the lower cross orders to go up on the left hand side ble The receut shouting of an In done by a patriarchal Thomas, who from Rotterdam to Cardiff. Ths iron JLCo'le; M. Colwell’s Stages leave Ashland __ of tbs field ( >n the outside) to the J dian in the Klickitat valley and the ing aud cross over and come up slowly every Monday, Wednesday and Friday , protes.-ional calls, n ght or day . “[»lays roots” upon the others very screw steamer Glcngary savnd 1G2 of [ no-U* towards the trail across the gulch op middle of the fi dd, there leave all but hangiug of two more near La Grand cunningly, and scratches and bitr-s if her passengers and crew und landed [’rices it oderate. mornings for Linkville, and return on are said to have embittered all the In every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. __________________ posite to us; and you, Ray,” speaking two who were to climb the fence and dians in the Upper country, and tiidt one of the other cats gets the game first them at Dover. Tho vessel with which Leave Linkville far Lake View, Oregon, to Corporal Ray Geddes, “take four cross over to the middle of the plowed runners are cunstanly passing to and -aud does not surrender the game on the Pomerania was in colli-iion is anch J. Q. W1LLIT3, Wednesdays; arrive at Lake View Satur ¡demand. He carries the bird to his ored < IT Folkostoue with bur bows days ; leave Lake View Mondays ; arrive men end go abvoe and cross and come ground und there await further orders; fro among the tribes in consequence. TEACHER OF VOCAL AND IN- roaster, and stauds guard over it until stove and her foTwur.l compartment full at Linkville Thursdays, carrying mail and towards tho trail, aud when I while he would, with the other squad, News has been received at military i it is taken from him aud bagged.— Sa- - f water. The latest advices report 58 paiseugers. headquarters at Vancouver, that t’ . S TR I WEN TAL ML SIC, think yon are both about to cross I perform « similar service on the right Umatilla Indians are constantly hav rainento Union. persons missing Thera wpre nine A. D. HELMAN, P. M. band side. Cautiously each party tiled | ing secret “Pow-wows,” and that mis “ABSOLUTE”'*SOtf> TICKETS. boat« on the steamer, four uf which I And Professional Piano Tuner. will cross in front of us. ” I were crush' d by the collision. Five SOCIETIES. Their A shland , O regon . Tho officers thus instructed, pro up the sides of the fence to the ¡»lace chief is evidently brewing. [From tte Chieujoi Times.] were got off.but one being overcrowded^ councils heretotore have been held Bob Ingersoll does not favor an irre with passengers, was sunk. A l the le Ash and ceeded each to his objective point : where they were to cross over and openly at the agency, but now they Address him, Ashland Lodge No. 189,1. 0. G. T. deemable currency, and illustrates the (No 3 tf ) . while the remainder of the men stood meet in the middle of the field. Meets at the Hall of Helman & Fonnuin every Academy. meet in out of tbe-wav places, a d take soundness of his position, in a wav boat« pulled away from tue d-omml Friday evening at 4 o’clock r. m . Brothers and silently awaiting the order to advance. ■ Not a sound could be heard save the j every pruc mtion pg oust listeners and that the most unthinking of greenback «hip. leaving ths captain, who refused sister» in good standing are eorlially invited to at ' The detail bad belted about one linn- ' dull measured tread of the men and an surprise. The sentence of death passed dupes might understand if be would: to leave the ship until the last m »ment. tend. Tn* Temple meets every first and third Wed dred yards before reaching the gnleb. occasional rush, aud quick spasmadic upon the Colgan murderers is also “A poor man buys soup ticket». He is rii« las» b >at to )eave was nn-ler tbo- nesday in each month. chief officer, who did all in his power said to have filled many of the Indians 1 when the Captain made the foregoing snorts of the oxen, Scion the men with wailike determination: and Mr. not hungry at tho time of the purchase, i to persuade the captain to leave. Aft. r Miss R. L. A pplegate , W. C. T., A. T. W eight , 8*:'y. dispositions- Ciutiously but rapidly were heard to climb the fence; while I Corliss, and other frontiersmen, well and will not be for some hours. Dur polllug for half an hour,the survivors ing these hours the greenback gentle O-e each officer advauced to bis allotted those outside stood conversing in low acquainted with the red men and their men argue there is no u<e keeping any i were p;cked up by lha ft Aslilund Lodge No. 23 pl ice fcr crossing. When the Captain undertones regarding the midnight ad customs, unhesitatingly say that if we soup go band with which to redeem gentleman was taken from the wat « /V\ a . F. A A. M had allowed them sufficient time tv> venture. Crossiug the field to the fur do not have a winter campaign our these ticke‘s,and from 'his they further in an nnounsoioat state and restored. In-* Glengu / stated n»-ar the acene till troops most be ready to take the field cross, he gave the order to advauce. row where it w»9 supposed Gaess bad at the earliest gra*<8. WalUig, the ac- argue that il they esn be good for a few d yhreak. Wlj >n the /»„-nvnau was Holds their sUted cumn unications Thursday even hours without sonp, whv not forever ? lag i on or before the full moon. Brethren in good They had advauced about half way been plowing, the four men met, but know ¡edged chief of the Columbia reu And they would be, only the holder seen with her ma t above water. •tBDdiBg sxe cordially invited to attend. to where the trad descended to the bot still no sign of the murdered man. egades, is known to he a foe to the gets hungry. Until he ia hungry of W. H. ATKINSON, W. M. tom of the gulch when their horses The “land” on winch Guess bud be«D whites.- and is as brave, ennuing and course he do«en’t cara whetb-r auy A n entertainment was given recently J. 8. E ubanks , Sec’y. cruel, a- any chief in the whole coun sonp is on hand or not, but when he begau to give unmistakable signs that plowing, was only about flftuen rods try about the Columbia and snake presents hia ticket he wants the so ip j 1 at the old hom-atead of ths Holton’s, Ashland Lodge No.45, Indians were iu the vicinity; fur i at Sontbol (, Ma ts. Holton E£>use ie< wide, so two men went up toward the rivers. Of course, we do not state anu the idea that he can have the at £ati>, soup 1 horses, will detect the.scent of Iudiaus, positively that there will be a war this upper end of the field aud two went P ortland , OrçwiOK. when he does present the tick t. R'-Veg j 1» lieved to be the oi lest h »n e ¡n« 1. o. O. F.. Winter, or even this bpring, but tLose it its value; and so I regard bank loLg before tbtir riders will surmise America, having been bnilt in 163». down. 8 >on was heard the long ex Hold their regular meeting every Saturday even- Articular attention paid to I.and Titles. Collcrfing best acquainted with the Indiana are without gold or silver h . s of the Dotes that there are any in the vicinity. The j Bame ing at their ball iu Ashland. Bnjltiers in good pected word. ‘ Here be is !” and all confident that the warLoop will be 1 here was a large display of antique’ ¡Debts and.all kings of Got criuntaii Gain» tunduig are cordially invited to attend. , ” An-1 furniture, and hou ehol-.b goods from? Captain gave the order iu a hurried un- j i was hushed and Tuecxen seemed sounded before next July,-—aud nt all value as tickets without soup. E. DE PEAT, Ji. G., I dertone to trot; the mea urged their to know that fri«nda were near, for eveuts it is just as well for our settlers the man who has a cart lead of ticket« 2JO to 250 years old. The pirUctpints» W. W. KaurNoa, Sec’y. Principal Office, Jacksonville, Oregon. for soup drawn against a supply <>[ Rebekah meetings ou Tneelay evening, beare«t 1 f G irbs A S teak . will attend to my business horses forward in a fast trot, and when they were now »lauding q-tistly near j in the upper country to look to their which will never have au existence is wore costumes of 2 K) years sg >, anji the leading files had descended into the fence, and did Lot move wlim rifl.s and he prepared for trouble. fill! of tbs maos euen me®**. : in i Portland. [v3no7t poor indeed. altogether ths party W as a success.. W