I : . 1 1 a INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED VOL. III.—NO. 25. I h I a n d 3 i d i g q $. TO THE INTERESTS .. 'T . SOUTHERN OREGON. ASHLAND, OREGON: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER29,1878. $2.50 PER ANNUM. winter. The wiu ter proved to be a ‘’detail fifteen men to go with me, and N orthern and southern raii . A Solid South and n Solid North road . mild one, so that travel through the have them mouuteu as soon as possi 1. A APPLEOATE. Batter it were to Bit still bj the sea, ---- ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY— [From th« Chicago Time«, I d. Dem.) mountains was not interrupted, and ble.” The camp was now full of life [From ;he Or- gonl«n. ] L >viog somebody and satisfie 1; What the elections plainly show is a -■ Y- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT LA W »he result was. tbe Indians, being des­ and bustle; each tnaa thinking that the stronger tendency of the existing par­ 1 Be er it were to trot b »lues on tl.e^ ine •. A few dajs since we bad by tele o. C. APPLEGATE CO. titute of food atid clothing, returned sergeant would detail him, of course, ties to arrange themselves upon a se?71 SALEM OREGON. To-inebor }O'i down for all your days, graph an extended account of the al«o during the winter to Illinois for who was more daring and reliable OFFICE—On Main Street, (in rear division between the north and T'lait winder and winder iu al líbese wiys; proceedings of a commercial conven­ tional DR. J. H. CHITWOOD, valley. They same, not to retire to the aouth than to arrange themselves than bimselL Soop the detail was Chitwood & Atkinson's Drug Store.) L .ml Forgot ten and love denied. tion ut Caieago which pronounced in upon any question of puLlio adminis­ winter quarters, however, but oil the written out and the sergeant began Ashland • • - - Oregon* I Better sit still where born, I say, favor of aid to tbe T.-xas Pacific aud tration or governmental policy. Th« contrary, to bo iu coutiau »1 motion in celliug the names. As each name was Terms of Subscription : i GIRILE—At the Ashland Drug Store. Northern Pacific railroads. The fol i transcendent finance question is f»ut Do» copy one ................................................................... | 2.50 \V--d one sw*e t w mun and l-.ve het wall. quest of prizes t> replenish their called the lucky owner immediately ** “ •** womb................................................ 1.50 lowing are tbe resolutions iu full. aside by slumr force of party mach’rvr- Laugh with your neighbors.live in their way. texhausted commissary, and to stir up cry, fthd the par’y spirit that usseru set to work "Xamiuing Lis arms and JAMES R. NEIL. •• •• thre« •• ..................................................... I 00 They are comprehebsive enofigb to i itself with increasing force is that of Be it ever so »-imple. Thebtimbli.r the home, tbe inhabitants of Illinois valley aid equipments, which he did by the sense Club rate» rix coplM fur............................................. ll.M ^TTORNEY AT* LAW, Tn* nobler, ¡tide- d. to bear yo.tr part. mtet the requirements of all sections, the territorial division tietween the Term», In advance. surroauding conatry t> a proper of feeling, for no lights were allowed Love aud be loveu with all your heart. only we should say that if the govern former slave holding uud nojj eld4e- Terms uf Advertising: understanding of their perilous situa to be used. Horses were soon sad Drink sweet waters and dre tin in a spell. local Notices par Itu»................................ . meat is going to grant "Material aid’ — boldiug portions of the Country. The .Ktet» Jacksonville, Oregon Profe»«k>nal Caid», per ,ear..................... »In on Share yo tr delights an t 1 “solid south against a divided north." E«ht “ M ............................... . 8 01 Spring Ere m n knew madness and came to roam January, when they attacked some wait before the order came. I There is Ci-ltimn “ .............................. 10 00 great force in tbh te®ark the like also for a northern ono: t NOTARY PUBLIC. Three-fuurtha •* “ .............................. . H 00 Erom the west to the east and the whole travelers ou Elate creek, aud captured iug into taeir sad lies, and by twos, which somebody is said to have mafie One u “ Resolved. Tha- a combined prosper . 17 50 LINKVILLE LAKE CO., OREGON. world aid-; a few heid of horse«, mules aud cattle forming company, they set out in the at Washington, that “the Dorth ‘ha-j. L>OAI. IDUlTlIIMllIl ity of the agricultural, munufacttiring, Office in Post office Building. 8 peci »1 attentoln Win n they lived where tbeir fathe s lived at various points of the settlements .and darkness, guided by Weaver, for the mining and commercial iuteresta <>f tbe been slow to believe there would be <î On» square 'ten hue« or I»»»/ 1st luortiou........ 11.50 given to cuuveyancihg. V2ul9tf. and died — Hack additional iaser-iou......................................... l ea country cannot be secured without ‘solid south’ in partyiam, bat when then suddenly disappeared from the solution of thoir midnight problem. Live! and so lived fur a tLousmd years. such developments of commerce with that belief comes, you will see a solili. Job Printing, [ro BE CONTINUED J valley. C. B. WATSON. Of alt descriptloa, doD» on ahort notice. T^gal other countries as will offer a ready north." The soathern political» are We will now return to the camp of Better it were for the world I say— Blank», Circular», Bu»loes» (^rds, B.i'bead», letter­ ATTORNEY AM> COUNSELOR AT LAW and growing market for our surplus perfect idiots not to know that thia llom laice of the epidemie. Company “ E. ” Bitter, indee.i, for a man's own good — Tiie 12th of February bead», Po»V rs, etc , got.«n up in good »'y'e at Hriig product«; and to insure this it ia toe would be the northern answer to a «ad price». Th e* b >rtler ui* gre it black wdol. I. P. Flatter, . • - - - 8 in Franclrco. eunistauces mirrounded by romance. mules belonging to the O'» npiny were in every portion of the south, Bnd j v to ! L a K s V ilw , L ake C o ., O begon . I and water as are of gentral and nation­ D. H. B’naru», ... Portland, Oregon. Or nle.ik white wimer or bland swe-t M iy, restrict the represent ition of the eei*- I. , damue'», .....•• •• M.J 31, 1878. (io-50-T lazdy lying down or standing tn the Sev-rul weeks ago Dr. W F Basanchy, al importance. I t N. L. lee .... Junction City. Breaking the !:eart into bits . f . liy. by tbe Union Pacific Railroad make Re». J. R. N. Bell, .... Ri-eburg. Surveyor and Civil Engineer ity of the camp; tbe sun was shining to Medical Director Mitchel. His cre­ this, the only highway from the Atlan­ gramme. in spite of reason and in dt>- And leaving it scattered on every hind. Peril H. Burt ..... Yooc-ba. behind tbe mouutaiu9, and the length­ dentials were perfeot, and cotniug at a tic to the taeifle, a monopoly as bur fiauce of right, tn the end they aimed R. Neil. - ... Jack- nvi'ie. ASHLAND, OREGON, - J oaquin M ili . eb . J Wimer k Son, ..... Waldo. ening shadows of the trees give the time when physicians were most Deeded I densome as it is exclusive, and we Cali at. They have at least got their insane Hou. W W. F.ddier, ... Applegate, 1» prepared to do any work In bis lite on «hort n.i- desire, a “solid Boatb." If they will !><*• [ta*Kv2!f] Alex Watt»,......................................... “ usual warning to the guard to briog were readily accepted. Just as all tbe upon congress to take measures at the study the November election, they will, J. M. Smith, . . - . Ke byrille. coming session to compel these corpo ­ Scraps of Southern Oregon His­ up the horses. While they were being preliminaries had been settled satisfao Ed. R. Owen, : - • « Cen ral P itn'. DANIEL GABY, rations, which owe their ex «fence to the beiiin to perceive the northern response W n P irker, .... Rig B Ricnar-i Birrett, ... Galio Creek down great baste in search of a physician to corporate obligations. Ml«« Aftie W. Culrig, - - - Rock Poiut Indian Iloctilltir» In the early part of careering, dashing aud snorting What Kearney h is Doiie in the <*. A. Hill,............................................... Eigie P j nr. Rcsored, That tbe interests ot the the year 1850. the mouutaiu to the place »litre they attend Miss D.P. R itter, a young lady Fast. J. 8. McFadden, .... M iri-hy. government and the people alike de­ Ml«« Oirrie Htnitb, .... La-laud. Notary PubJc and Real Estate were usually picketed for the night, a who had been stricken with the fever, ' mand tbe earlv completion nf compet­ A. F Snelling, - Lake View. Kearney left Buston for the Saud [Contributed.] neighboring farmer earns riding brisk- at her residence on A lamt street. Dr. ing lin -s of railroad to tbe Pacific; aud Agent. <1 B. Wn-eon, Gw». T. B ldwio, ... LlnkvIile. COMPANY E SECOND REGIMENT O. 51. V . ly into camp, calling out cheerily to Mitchell turned to the gallant young we, therefore, earnestly desire c-mgress Lots on the evening of the 20th inst., Wm. H Itohert«. . . . PI-Tua. LAKE VIEW, LiKE COUNTY, ORE­ lu January, 1856. the work of organ GON. [no 14 it . Dr. J. 8 Deiiniauu, - . • • Kl.-moh tbe guard,p'Tiiat’s light boys, bring physician, and remarked that he could to grant material aid to the Tex »■* l’ t and a correspondent ot the New York, J do 8. 8'o.ik, - • - • Bmirza. iziug the 2 rd regiment Oregon motiul- C. H. I’y ir. ...... Duirv. them in camp if yon want to save them, immt-diaiely be placed on duty if be cific railroad, and extend the time for II raid gives him the following send' Mi»- M-ry McCabe .... A-- bnd the completion of the Northern Pacific off: ed volunteers was completed Com­ the Iudians are around again. DR. WILL JA2XSJ.1, Bill felt so disposed. Dr. Besanchy uLilies 8. Sherm in, ...... P. a-oix. Railroad. pany B of the old regiment was known C-pt. D. J Ferree Getieral Agent for Like aul * K*arney leaves ns fr»t* hi« annoy Hyde says he saw signs on the Mooney itatingly a ccepted the call, and at once DENTIST. Resolved, That direct trad* with Conn Modoc conr-tle«. as Company E in the uew arrangement. ! Trail.’* As that trail was not far from accomptnied the messenger to tbe tries lying south of us. whidti is de home on th* sand lots of San Francis­ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY As Company B it had been commanded camp, it w is evident that Company E yeung lady’s residence,where ha found sired try them and will be most profit­ co. AVe bid him good bye, with bid - Jacksonville, Oregon, cere thaDks for bis coming tast. He able to us. cannot be entered npon if came to enlighten us and he did. He XTTILL VISIT ASHLAND IN MAY by Robert Williams, the Doted Indiuu might be called upon at any moment to her prostra»« with a bad case of fever rinxBAL. v V and N-iVeinb-r; amt Ke by ville, the fight r. Iu the new orgauizitiou Wil­ turn out for a brush with the enemy, It is uuneccessary to go through tbe conducted successfully, without nnil was hoird patietttly, apd good nattirely, F vbtbtob Gtsr»»t. J imfx C. T olmam , Tertia nd •a facilities, which it is the proviDddot the cnrionsly, and wherever he spoke he fourth Mon-lay hi Ocl-jber e^cb y*-ar. D i » t » ict Jruor, M\T thkw P. lte»i>T, liams was elected Crl. of the regiment, and if they were in full force, it might details of the lingering illness,but only government «< to furnish, and we there­ V. 8 ArronNKT, Rrrva Miiumr. Ashland. Sept. 15. 1878. •« aud bis fovorite Company was officered be a aerinoa off lir, as the Indians had, to siy that the young doctor’s a'.teution fore recommend an immediate provision settled the question on which he ad­ C lih U. K. Di»x. C uvbt , R C. L imp »-> x , •• dressed the people. Ho decided it U. S. M abhhal . A bskk W. W attkkh , M id part, as follow*: Captain, Hufh bxrvTT M»> « hai .. W P. Bv*»'». was close and faithful, finally resulting by congress for an ocean mail servic* contrary to his desires, to he sure; but heretofore, shown suffi.-ient pluck to M Cot. IfcT I. R s TKNUK, J C Cl-TTIIUHT, b»-tweeu the chief porta of the United O'Neil; l't Lieut., Ben. Armstrong; M Soon States and all important commercial that, also, waft his own doings. What^ B C aul > w « ll , hold their own iu an uuexpecte 1 mau- in the young laty's recovery. DxruTix», |A H MoBt,AWf •• Archileet and Builder. 2nd Lieut., Jeff. Howell; Orderly •< ner. Dirkness soon closed around. afterwards t'ue doctor was stricken points on the C'*ast of South America ever merit may be in his cause, ue P hul A gent , G bubob A. 8 t «» l , ought to be convinced by this tim?, Sergt., -------- Siautoo; IstSergt., J. GRANITE STREET • - - ASHLAND. •TAT«. L'ue guards were posted on their aceus down. True to t'oe instincts of her in American built aud owned ships. that American voters are not to .Jbe ILL do iDjthb g n bi» I'ne 00 »hort mxi Mathews. II S A -MM J JoH" H •J'TC"««.!., womanly nature, doubly intensified by P<>rl nl. W • •u Ihe lowe.l l rill«. tomed beats. Ht-ro and there groups i persuaded by oaths.nor by irjfl«mma-< L' t 2 t U. 3. MBS ATOMS, J j|.AT1[TTK UBUVKB. 8 tie tn. In obedience to orders from Colonel A Fascinatili; Bilk. torv appeals,nor by shameless abuse of of men were gathered arouud small her self acknowledged indebtedness to I RcrsBBKMTATlTB, JuMN W hi TBAKAM, I.-ie C->. Williams, Company E broke camp G otbbnom , W. W T hat »», P.tTUubd. opponents. Kearney was fully and him for saving her life, she went to bis Dr. W. B. Royal fires discussing the probabilities of an •» B ic uv itTAT», R. P E ab ^ ab T, Ono of those bogus capitalists whoso fairly reported in the press which he near Altbouse creek, ami marched to •• T bbanvmeb . El». Hta—H, atta-k on camp or on some isolated bedside aud tiiere remained, giving C4¡T*ria» permunsu'ly V»catel in A»bHtd„£=j P bimtbb , W B C abtbr , (%>rv>i!H*. occupation is a genteel kind of Bum­ »a* so fond of villifying, and we rnnst Vannoy a Ferry ou R >gue river, where I Alun .. farm house, when suddenly all were such attention as only a woman can be­ Ever. P ub I n - t , L. J. P uwkix , Will •/ire hie uudirided attention to the ming, and who dazzle the senses of say that the press in this way revenged W illlams Lad established bis head-1 I.1BRANIAN. J. B. 8l»TBM, a I in. itself npon him. 'ftiat he wuff heard startled by the rapid puttering of a stow upon the sick, until the glad tid-! D I ar. Burr. P knitbntiabt , B F. B ubcb , P. active of Medicine. credulous people with magr.ificient , and read of by all men was his ruin. quart» rs There it arrived io due A ut . B tatb L and C om ., T. H C ask , ■ . horses feet coming up the hard road ings was announced that he bad pissed ! Has bad Fifteen Year*’ Practice in Oregon. lies, has been creating a sensation io 1 That be spoke freely and was reported • CnetABX. tiAia, but was, two di)s after, ord red : i from the direction of Deer creek. Out the crisis aud t|id fair to recover. He ( l J -». K. Ke ley, Poril nd. OFFICE At hiv re»»deuce un F .etory S'rret. ' 3-!»tf the vicinity of Junotion City, recently fullv was the ruin of bis cause. to return as far b»ck as Hiy's Rm m— SrrBBMB Ju DOMA ’ R P. B 1—, 8 »ft*.»». go the fires. All stand silently 1 ateu- passed through the tedious hours of ' Whether he returns home either wiser ’ P. P. Pn u , Jact »<» i » i 1«. The Harrisburg Nucleus says: twelve miles from headquarters — and l«k Di»t : J'ffg. _ H. H.K K H ans anna «; ; A t'y, JAMrxjR. J a M k - ä R. N kiu kil mg. Tbusa who have turned in for conv.alehdence until entire'y recovered. I or better it is not possible to tBllf Bnt DENTISTRY AND ASSAYING. He had acfnallv bought out widow 2.1 “ * F. ......... ” J. W atkok , Att .................... ’y, 8. II.H azzimd . there estatlah camp, A few days “ B. F. H abmnm . a *» y,J J W mitnkx . the night sit upright and listen to the Nothing moro was known or thought of; Carson. Lewis Dennis,and P. 8. Swear­ Im leaves tbe east, having done good »I M after it was o.dered to proceed four work here in proving to all classes of 410 “ “ C B HiLLM'arNiA ’.’».J. T. C. pi . fh . DR. F. G. Hi ARM, ripidl y approaching footfalls, All is the matt r by the few intimate friends ingen for the handsome little sain of our people that there is nothing iu Ma “ “ L. M.A mtmumu K ty,C. MT. P au »» m . utiles farther and establish a perms- I Jacaaua C ucntt . dark and still in camp. The horses of tbe yonng lady until yesterday after­ 850 per acre. The name of the dis­ Denis Kearney, nor in the mov«-mer.t PHIfTICAL DENTIST. nent camp at the foot of eight tinguished individual;ss given bv him J udo », R ila » J D ay , Juck-onriHe. staml quietly listening as though they, noon when the do tor, accompanied by self, is Sterling. He w>s verv talkative of which lie ha* made himself the bead, AI.SO ARSA YER OF dollar Monuiain, half a mile Booth of C lbm », E. B. W atmun , I too, felt that such rapid ridi ng was a E-q. Q «»gley and a few friend«, drove and free, told of 640 acres of land in the so far as he is its true expositor, which Beeairr, W m . B tm » m , M Dser creek and three miles north of deserves the sympathy of any decent or Dar utt BHMMirr H. B H ktbkmtb , sure indication that something serious up to the residence, aud in less time Mohawk valley in New York where he •< T b « a »» mii , N. F ishu , industrious American citieen * the present town of Korbyville, on the i A mi »» um , B. C. G odi . amd , Phtpiffi. i was about to be developed. No one than it takes r.s to write this paragraph had Borne 200 fine dairy cows, and wae hd- ZYFFICE <»r M'n-r »treet, north «Id» Yn-kn, JACKSONVILLE. COMMI»»IONBB». ! V tra.l,leading from Sailor Diggings to who has travel* 1 wiAi horses in a wild )*>ti>tagCity Drug S-urr,nudo, po i e Hu-e.uan'» i the two were j lined together in the making cheese 00 a large scale. Had a Politiceli Complexion wf the I r.. K. A ni > mm » un , A hii I »nd. ship load on the way around the*’Horn” Vannoy’s Ferry, on R»gue river. B cmtmtom C J. H o W am ». J Ckeaivil*. BardwMre Store. Next House. coiiutrv, can have fail* I to notice with holy bonds of wedlodk. Such a union and had contracted fifty thousand ' B cmikjl nuFT., J. D. EuritTAiw, Asbl.Lti. Camp was established, me-ses AaauiMD. what breathless anxiutv horses w’.ll consummated under snoh circumstanc pounds of thia prime ar'icle to Mr. H I The Chicago Trihune's editorial, com­ Mrs. Dr. Ella Ford Robins n. urranced with six men in a mess,orders stind i H C. H im .. and listen t. > strinze sounds with ! ' es cannot fail to abound with happi­ Failing in Pnrtl md. His actual in-> menting on its Washington dispatch, i:S.St'jr*‘ for the regulation and govern merit of so much apparent knowledge of the sit­ ness. and, being somewhat supersti­ come wa«>:47 500 These fabulous stor siys: A Democratic estimate of the DISEASES OF WOMEN iea told in such a fluent way, fairly the camp issued by Ctpi. O N -il, nol ( J- m * n T mumntun . uation of their riders, and how kindly ; tions ourself,we know of good luck. R acumi . bm ............................................... A V. G i LUBTT. crazed the brains of the farmers above formation of the Fortv sixth Hon**, that in any possible emergency, each A Speciality, M amnmal .................................................. ■ E. W alha u. th'*y will return the eareaaea of their mentioned,and one or two of them sold , made bv the friends of Speaker Randall, JvaricM »»r th « E m ack ..................... r G. W aitru ». :>n«l every mau would know bis place : N*%v Electric Lamp. C onstablm ............................................... their sheep and one had made arrange- 1 claims a plnrality of nineteen over the ..E. W alhai ». r-ff“» >(Ticc and residence at Jud.e Duncan’s. master when the dinger has passed i P a » t M abtkm ......................................... A. D.H um »». and duty; c«mp guards were arranged. ' Nearer and nearer approaches the' ments to loan his money. The nine sone Republican* and a majority of fourteen [ Scrii» er.] Mn« ».LI.AMKUU». Jacksonville, Oregon caused a flilttef Among the Junction over all. This result is reached by lo­ horses and mules under a strong detail 1 In add'tion to the various electric horseman; the labored breathing of his! the Greenback membersaccord. November 15th. 1878 if Brig. Gen. l»t Bite O. M , J. E. R ons , .T>ck«r>n.i1ie, , were turned out to grszi upon th* j horse is pliinly audible, when the! lamps described in the last number of g>rls and they all vied with each otbtt cating V. 8. Iudun A k - ui , J. B. R oork , Klam >tb Age C), it.g to previous party predilections,to­ in trying to look their Bweetest, and l>* - - . H “ offman , J-ekruiiviiL- luxuriant bunch grass growing around V-SOommiPetererv . | : W £ m -J "’ gether with a characteristically Derao- the Magazine, may be mentioned a n«w O R MYER. the lnckv one. He was perfectly J on- T. G. WATTERS. . . ., L'tikei'le. ri-ier suddenly ptitl-a up aud calls; *ratic process of assnming that in ever*' L anomlu . Jack-iM-vi) e, the foot, and nearly to the summit of iz-d bv the business m*n Even the ed ­ Dvp'y U.S.Murfha! ■ ! ” “n»!l>!" “Hid) yoiiraalf, ” was an and smsller style of lamp intended for ' I SlBl» WoMDItM. UulT'le, o >nte« t *<1 cate the seat will ba awarded itor of a certain paper d ned with the WATTERS & MYER. the mountain. fagicir Lend Office, J. H. E vamm , L ite V-ew. swered from the camo. “Is this | domestic use. Tn pl tcc of two pencils millionaire a* a genial spirit, took a cash to the Dem >c a c claimant. •• fit.»«»;» nm , . L-ke View. Recai, er •• ** G cu M gb <'«« C unn The company being now in a pleas- ' O'Neals camp?'* •’Yes.’’ "Is lie, nr plates of carbon, a pencil and a “ad.” for his cheese-“the millionaire t W m . RorrMAM.... J ck«ou»tll— IVA TC1IMA XERS, JEWELERS AND ant eamp with 8nb»int*nce — other than .... A «h L.nd- H ad C ase of D rowning .—O u the OPTICIANS. here?’’ “Yes. thitiainv name,” and wheel are used to form th* wicks or also signed for several copies of hi* ... Luiktii e- evening of Saturday, the 16*h inst , a meat for the men and grain for their I C. B. W atbun ........... .lake V ew the robust Captain walked towaristhe burners of the lamp. A fltick of car­ paper. B-fore leaving Junction, he .an voung man by the name of William 'A. V 8. Ex-imlnlna burgeuo fur Print >u iLIm n’». Dr- One door >o::th of the Post-office, Ash­ horses—for a month, the days bright 1 prnaehed the newly elected Marshal J. H. ............. ............................................................... A’tllui ■ expectant horseman, who proved to be bon of the usual shape is plased in an confidentially, who felt nice ovi r hi« Perkins fell overboard from the P»»rt- land, Oregoi, Barre)«r Mtnaral La>ixLf, B. F. M ykm ........... Aaniaixl- and warm, the nights only cool enough { 1 * nd railroad ferry and was drowned Puilip Weaver, a farmer living thre* npriaht frame or support so that it for the men to enjoy their grassy ‘ miles from canop a’fc’ wb'> told his will bans point down. The lower end success, and requested th* loan of $10 Y>ung Pr-rkins was accompaied by Stages leave Ashland as follows: as he . country at the time. some ground for a gardea. He took sink slightly nnder the weight of the Junction. the riv*r and sank tp 1 the bottom. On every Monday, Wednesday and Friday During the autumn of 1855, the bis gun along, and when he started, he carbon pencil ro-tiog on the edge of Prices u cder*»»e. [no-lM •he Sabbath lhe liw y was recovered. moruings for Linkvilk, and return on ■ —------.>y volunteers had ba ' several skirmishes called back t> his wife and told her not the wheel. The lever carries a brake Exemplary ( lunch People. every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. I T he C anada P acific . — The New Leave Linkville f. r Like View, Oregon, with the Indians at Hnugry Hill and i to be uneasy on his a<’C »tint, as then* that rests on another wheel that is J. Q. WILLITS, York Herald's < .'ttawa soccial of Nov Wednesdays ; arrive at Lake V ew Satur­ [New Y -rk Tribun-*.] other places , which had not been more j was no danger of Imlisns sround therp. j turned, by means of a ra*k and pinion TEACHEIl OF VOCAL ANU IN- 2f)th «*»»•«•: It is reported that th* Can­ days; leave Lake Vie* Mondays ; arrive There wa* one very exemplary mtn adian Government has authored Fi­ advantageous to them than to the In- at Linkville Tbursilays, carrying mail and Al-ontnn hour before sundown, we hv tlie weight of an iron rod that hob’s S TH UMEN TA L .VI SIC, peter ng attend. alized, and ss no boats could he stick and wneel, are always in contact turned to his men saving: “Bovs, we whatever th* changes in the otirrent, read M»ndtv’s newspapers b «cause • It* currency question, taking the mq*«4- W. H. ATKINSON, W. M. obtained to cross the river to mon* ranst look into this, who will volunteer 1 and a fix* land steady light is miin • hey were printed on the first day of <-x»reme h>r*l tn secure a place, for sound mnn»»; .»Rd ffc^s it only 1. O. O. F.. electric 1 «mpe. and from all that can Off°npied a prominent pn’ition as pres­ is time, a determination wts expressed to! one instance nnt r»f mane particular attention paid to Land Titles, Collecting amon g the faiored ones. ‘ Can't all be I arned, the lamp gives excellent ident of the Glasgow Yoang Men’s Hohl their regular meeting «very Saturday eren- return in force in the spring and pal ‘ Pebt* and all kinds of Gca emmnnl Claims. t ng st lheir b»l> t” Ashland. Brother» in good go. boys, some of yon m ist stay in results in practice. This sty's of lamp Christian Association, an 1 as a repre- The Rnstnn Tra< 9cnpt aay-: M “'ne an end to th* war. abmdiM *re cuniuUy tnvi^d to attend. camp Tf there jg anv fizhting to do. j is designed to be used with a small Rentalive on several occasions of St. greenbackism i* producing jfe -Jegftf-* B. DE PEAT, N. G.. Principal Odie *. Jacksonville, Or- g u . Accordingly, th* troops returned to j von wi-l Lav-* as much h?re in rmnp batter v; four B'in«*n elements being mate reanlt*. •Oor brokers flad n<^ W. W. K kniwob , Sec’y. GlHBS & S ikxrs wbl utu-ud 10 mv busin-- upper Rogue river and tn Illiuois vil as von would if .. . ....... ! yon went with me. I sufficient for a single limp of tnodera'e Enoch’s church in the general Msem* «ale 'or th* bond» of eitiefl and towns w w~r‘~ir uo Tuesday evening, nesreet- io Porti iik L [ v3uu7ti bly. ley, aod convenient places for th* “Jack," tnrning to S-rgeaDt M-thews. power. the “Dirigo", state. full of the moon esc» asotk. PROFESSIONAL. PACE IMPLORA. Ï I. O. Müler. ka Ore and Bullion SuEiWWBKEiy I /