I IT THE FRIDAY ASHLAND TIDINGS NOVEMBER 21 167». GLEANINGS The Late Grand ikitise” San Francisco. in HOTELS. Jno. B.R. Hutchings Another turn in the wheel of ASHLAND HOUSE chance has revived the drooping he undersigned wishes to re - spiritsof the San Francisco specula­ mind his friends, and the traveling pub­ tors, and brought a return of the lic generally, that he is still to be found at feverish excitement which periodi­ this LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, cally visits the Golden City. By the sudden tremendous rise in Si­ where he Is ready at any time, and on ail erra Nevada, fortunes have been occasions io set be ote them ibe l est ihe market affords, in a style second tono other made in an hour, that it would house in Oiegon. take an Astor or a Rothchilds Dinners and suppers for special occ asions years to accumulate. A gentle­ gotten up in appropriate style, at short no­ tice. JASPER HOUCK. men who passed through Ashland recently it.formed us that he is P ioneer H otel . personally acquainted with ten men who were among the lucky ones, and whose combined for­ Linkville, Lake County, Oregon tunes, realized by this magic The subscriber is again in charge of ihe stroke of chance, would buy the PIONEER HOTEL, whole of Jackson county several Of the Lake country, and it determined to times over. make hi.* giieris comfortable and happy. From a period of unusal and ap­ GIVE HIM A CAI.T.-Anl r«»t assured that he will rn.ke yuu feei al heme. parently hopeless depression, the [2-20 f. GEORGE NURSE. stock market v'as transfol med in an instant to the wildest pitch of MISCELLANEOUS- of excitement. Speculators had waited for years for a market, and many of them were “dead broke.” PHŒNIX MILLS Stocks continued to decline, divi­ P. W. Olwt'll. Proprietor, dends stopped, assessments began, Ii no* maLufac u.lug a quality nd convine» yourself 12 f corated with the order of the Pea­ Nevada,the Utah,the Jastice.tbe Union cock’s Feather, and wearing the Consolidated, and some of the other Button of the Second Rank.” Nevada stocks, baa sent everything a MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN, Where are you Garter or your booming in San Francisco again, und Bath orders after this. snob wild scenes have nit occurred SADDLERY AND HARNESS, During the month of October tberejfor maDy years. Everybody is MERGANSER, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON. the Central Pacific Railroad car­ rich again. Some marvelo is stories ried 3,76*5 through passengers are told. One man who bas been very ALWAYS ON HAND, bound west, and 2,400 bound east, rich, met with reverses, und became A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF very poor during tbe past six months. making a total of 6,165 and a net Ilia house, bis furniture, his credit, gain to the coast of 3,165. During everything waa gone, and he wat, uh fpvbr , the same n onth there were 865 usual in such case*, avoided by’ every­ arrivals by sea and 1,750 depar-I body. When tue gigantic rhe in Si­ tures. The arrivals from China! erra Nevada occurred be happened to CâJ* Retiring prompdy and cheaply done. Give me numbered 537 and the departures ' think he had given hia wife 1,000 shares a c II »nt Convince yourrelves 'ha’ jou cun .ire anon* ey by tridiig wim me. (3 lu JI II. T. B. S b . 1,365. of thut stock when it wa8 only worth WM. D. CORPE Another war between Russia ?1 a share, und he never supposed it GEORGE NURSE, and Turkey is imminent. The would be worth more. Be bunted np Linkville Livery Stables. Rutsians are forming a camp of the despised stock, sold it for $300 a 60,000 men at Kischeneft to re­ share, and pocketed $300 00J. Colonel NURSE & CORPE W. F. Shaffer, of New York, who has place troops that crossed the Balk­ ans southward. Russia refuses to had hard times in San Franciaco for •^re pleated to announce that their Stables «T cvacute the Dobrudscha or Rou- the past threo years, being most of tbe i menia. The Turks are strength­ time dead broke, was put in by a ening the fortifications around friend, and is now square on hia feet LAKE COUNTY - - - OEGON again with $30,000 in the bank, it is Constantinople. repair, amply provided with feed said. Chad wick, of tbe firm of Syke* , Are in A excellent ml ih it customers will tie waied ou promptlv and in the beet style. The City of Glasgow Bank it Chadwick, who kept Willard’s Hotel Good HACKS Excellent. BUGGIES and No 1 closed its doors October 2, with here during the war, who waa terribly RIDING HOIlbES tlwaysuu ha ml. liabilities amounting to $40,000,- poor in San Franciaco, was one of the fcti?“IIorBee promptly care 1 for, amLgf-g 000. It is the most collossal fail­ lucky ones in the rise. Senator Jones, who notwithstanding I Tourists and Others Outfitted ure of the year. Every city and the reports, waa not worth $100,000 ' town in Scotland is affected by i Ot the shortest noike the disaster It is sorre consola- ‘ when ;be left here last July, is now C-j— I>o nut fail to give the I.iakville Stables a tria tion to know that the officers of again a millionaire. Senator Sharon [v3no7tfj NURSE &CORPE. the bank, high as they have stood ' has also been very fortunate lately. in the business world, have been ! ' These are tbe stories that come from Millinery Store. arrested and imprisoned. Scotch j San Franciaco, and those who have On Main Street justice is rigid, and it is not likely been there and watched tbe habit of that the guilty will escape just tLe people and tbe extraordinary fluc­ Ashland - - • . . Oregon. tuations of stocks, will not donbt tbe punishment. stories, large as they are.” Josh Billiuss’ Philosophy. W ell S aid .—The Seieufjiie Farmer in an article on agricultural education There ain’t nothing that a man says: When men trained to think, and will thrive so well on az abuse ' whose thought is trained to take ex­ pression in action,enter npon the arena that ain’t merited. I of farming life, the possibilities of uur The world all praze the philoso­ soil and location are to become devel­ phers, but toss their penneys into oped to an extent little realized. A the caps ov the monkeys. class of educated farmers means greater I never tri to settle other peo­ opportunities for tbe common farmers ple’s quarrels. I have seen people whose education bas been derived from tri to do this, and git badly whipt toilsome experience and tbe conflict of trials. It means better and more prac­ bi both partys. lectures, a higher toned agricul­ The reazon whi thare iz so little tical tural press, tbe exclusion of dead beats genuine friendships in this world from agricultural influence and a iz bekauze thare are so fu people healthier tone in agriculture generally. who deserve it. Education brings self-respect, and self- Employment iz the grate boon respect draws to itself tbe respect of ov life; «. man with nothing to do others. This is our agricultural poli­ iz not haff* so interesting a sight az tics in a nutshell. J acksonville , O begon . J LINEVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON. We have constantly on hand the very best (boUtf) Are now receiving from San Francisco an extensive »tock of goods of great variety exactly suited to Ibe trade of ’he SADDLE HORSES, J. D. FOUNTAIN BUGGIES AND LAKE COUNTRY CARRIAGES, And cm furnish our ctik'oiner« with a tip-top turn­ out ut any time. General Merchandise, * STATIONERY, GROCERIES, r JIBE UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR PA- I troue fur lac liberal piuruuuge ufuo u» ¿tiring uur atuu-ction with me Ui iou IJvery Stable««, wouM tw*»|ieak u cotitiiiau.ee vf the a.me 1« uur »ucteííeire. C akohillì M c M ahon . No. 17; ’I. ETC., ETC. Do not forget the Old Pioneer Store of the Lake Country. THATCHER A WORDEN. W. C. DALEY, CANDIES, NUTS AND TOYS, J. It. TOZER, TOBACCOS, And Notions in Great Variety. ▼2-. l»tf. H. S. EMERY. PIONEER STORE. DALEY & CO., Proprietors of the C hampion «- f Osegen, WOOD WORKERS’ FACTORY, QlQthJjagp A shland , O regon , SHOES, (O) Manufacturers of all kinds of BATS, CAPS, ETC. A Large and Fresh stock of An Elegant stock of Clothing Drv Goods at the at the PIONEER STORE. PIONEER STORE. 3-20, FURNITURE, ASHLAND DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, A Fine Assortment of Fancy f I A Rplendid Btock of Boots and Shoes at the Goods and Notions at the PIONEER STORE. PIONEER STORE. OF ALL DIMENSIONS. FACTORY ^tE'I’icTURE fbajjes order. neatly made to A d immense stock of the best brands of Tobacco and Cigars at the PIONEER STORE. We arc now manufacturing, and {-^’P laning of all kinds, sawing, have on hand a good assortment ot turning, boring, etc., etc., DONE WITH DISPATCH. LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, coNTKACT for the a 11 kinds Of Bt XI.DINOS. which we oiler to the trade at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. erection GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY PAINTS AND OILS* of Undertaking,a Specialty. “ Cheaper than the Cheapest ” is Our motto. Bring on your Produce and Exchange for Goods. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Our soap lias been pronounced by those who know SUPERIOR DALEY & CO JVol. Ill No. I tf.J IMPORTED Give it a trial and support home industry. •* I At the Factory. ^()R THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR itiggo'hl w.igon work, the un'lerRigneour knowledge tt:ou-vuide nave been |*r. ■nnnrntly cured br lie use of >heee Pow­ ders, wo wl.l iruaraert"« a permannt C' re in e»ery ui refund yon all money expended. All euderere rh»u ekly part« of eight p» gM In each part,< num bug, we will Thare iz lots ov people in this J**-u *orw-d to .very sufferer, by m.il, |ioet paid, a free HIS well known institute n will be in LEAVES ASHLAND PRESCRIPTIONS cnefully compounded, world who are like a guide-board lrw 7 Sox- wan-, your money tin’il you are perfectly and CiT Ui.ne bat getiuiue mieter used. operation during the winter. All parties j n,e|r curative power*. If your life i. wanting work done, will pleise bring it in. at the forks ov the road—they satisfied MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND FRI­ worth eav^ (l,,n't delay io going these Powders All wotk done iu the C-Ü* Price# a» k>w a» tbe timo wiil justify. a trial, aetby w jn 4urt i, ture you. DAYS at 4 o’clock a . m ; arrives at Link­ kan point out the right way for , Fries, for i.ge b.>x, $3.00,’ent to any port of the ville same days. Returning, others to persew-, but they don’t United states Canada, by mail, on receipt of price fc¿J"Srore ore door »ooih of the Pottufr.ee -op­ VERY BEST MANNER. posite ibe Aihlai d House. Aidie«», follow it tnemselfs. LEAVE LINKVILLE ZIMMEUMAN A FRAZER. KÿT Dr.. H T I nlow can always be foiod at . [no-22 tf ] i TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS AN » SAT UR- ASH & ROBBINS, he biure, nudy to atteint to profeech nal call». It iz the surprizes ov life that I) \YS arriving at A-h’and same day con 36> I 3sn F clì . n S jbbkt , B booklym , N. Y. CHD make money faster at work for us add most to our plezzure, one man V2n33tf¡ FARLOW A INLOW. nects with our daily stage line between th«a at acyttii g else. Capii»I notnr- iz surprized with a legacy from a 1 ) Í U r t ' fxwl .ce yuu n.u eug: go in. Linkville und Fort Klamath. Also with quired—we will » art jou. Twelve dul- r |1 I •5'0 R2»per d j iu de b, zTK /“J Ei' *eek in your own ’own. ,5 ootflt 1 re a day, st home, made by tbe Indus* his tri weekly line from Linkville to rich uncle, another that the old _L7 1 1 nfitit'.°'ke' •f*i |,»r iHrx Ut us. Men, wotueb, boys »nd gt'ls Noriek. Render, if you want a Lake View and all intermediate points. rd w.ma’'lPOWu lOi lllie* w»n'ed eve. y where to work fur □». II ibue net i»t wLict. i er«o< s ufel'her »ex spekled hen haz just cum oil' from yourepwc ,ffle Now is Ibe t me. Cosily outfit aod U*1* burine«». Àdrfff- In'pruv '“'can make great p«y all tbe time they M. COLWELL. terms free. AddreM Taca A Co., Au. work, for par tien 1er« urite to 11. H allftt A Co, her nest with 22 chickens. V3 1-‘f. pits, M; I ds . Pon land, M-me. [2 511y MAIN STREET, ASHLAND Ashland and Linkville T Ü (v2n21f the patronage that has tor many tears past been conferied on th.Be justly SADDLE HORSES BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. WORKS C->^Do not fuil to give us a trial before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give sat­ isfaction. SALE AND FEED STABLES ! CITY DRUG IRON goods. ASHLAND LIVERY SACRAMENTO I.ndics\ IHen0 nnd Roys* Sad­ dles, a Speciality. UP LS SD UU LSI WARRANTED as REPRESENTED. an eoly lilai, and be convinced uf thtir curative I am now permanently located in (this place, and ruspe.Tfully asks the patronag oi the citizens. MRS. M. W. HARGAOINE V2u44,—If TO ANY .V/'.s. II. D. Jone*. Oregon. W change for goods We will gunrubtee s^tieLction iu all our tmne- aClioDt. C.HDWÍLL 4l M c M a HOK. BESTPENS andGENUINEINKS A N D Which 'hey are prepared to «ell at prices th it cannot fail fo «atiify customers. sure to call and see us aud «ee fur youraelvrs. Beef Cattle, Hides and Wool taken in ex Horses Bought nnd Sold. SCHOOL-BOOKS, BOOTS Horses Boarded On reasonable term», «nd the l>e«t of cire and a'.tan- tiou teetowed upon theta <*hile uuder their ch..r*,e. Also, DRY-GOODS, nnd the Warner Health Corset. £■¿5 'A'l orders from s distance promptly tilled. CsfEvery th’hg »old cheap fur C js I i . EaUBleaching, Pressing and Coloring, in the very ceateet manner. *¥201611 Ashland jàïïmaæ. POPULAR STABLES! Jno B. R. Hilft hi Mgs. I have now on hand a beautiful aeuortment of Hate, Bonnets, Shade». French Flowers, Wreath« Piuxe», Neck Tie«, Linen Suit«, Jute. Ladies' Finiehing Gouda, etc., etc. etc. Ah a J. W. RIGGS, fJ'HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR-^ ■ chased the *b ve named st>>bi-»^^