5r s - 5*' '• * -«-•■ J ' >■- Xj » SA. -7X .■■f q - *¿¿Vi •; . t -- 5- _______ f z- A SwSs: \*d -s INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. VOL. III.—NO. 13 <£i il i n fl .1 Ashland — B Y — ADEL EG ATE d'- C? Street, (in I I rear Chitwood* Atkinson’s Drug Store.) Terms of Subscript ion : Ope copy one year.................................................. » 2.50 “ “ six months............................................ 1.50 “ •• three “ .............................................. I no lab rates six copies for...................................... 12.50 Terms, in advance. Terms of Advertising: •Jxxail Notices per line........................ ......................10« Profession il Cud«, per jear............... .................... *10 • 3 Two inched, per unartcr....................... ............... Four “ ....................... K ¡ Eignt “ “ ....................... i>ne-b»lf Column “ ..................... ................... 10 Three-fourths “ “ ....................... ................... 11 One “ “ ....................... .................... 17 ? 00 uo <’ I (H> 00 0 ) .50 LICAL ADVF3TIMKME5TH One square (leu line* or less, 1st lu-eition... Each additional insertion........................... $2.50 1.00 Job Printing, Of all description, done on short no’ice. Tx-irtl Bl inks, Circul irs, Business Girds, It 1 head«, T.eiter- beals, Post/ rs, etc., got en up in gooT s’jle at livirg prices. Agents for the Tidings. S. At. Petlengill 4 Co., ... New York- Rowe»! A- Cureeinau, ... >■.. Louie- L P. Fisher, - - - - - Sin Princier«»- D. II. S’esrot, ... l’ortland, Oregon» L. tUmuete,................................ “ “ J. A A »piegate, - -, - - - Sileni M. L. Cti înlx-’lin ..... »• M: m • 1; r i b ag. Rev J. R. N. Bell, Voue I i. Périt IT. Burt Jack- livi.le. J. R. Neil. - C. S - I’l.ouix. II >□. w ~\V. F ddUr, A; piegale, *4 Alex Witts, •V- hvrilk. J. M. 8-nith, Cen r d i* >ih'. El. R. OCo l\)i11’ Mi«« Alii* W. Coivi?, M r.div J. S M F d.lei». Mi-* » Îirrte <«itlb, Di. i-l. Ld:*i Vi ? ». A. F S i-lliiig, a* r R Wi son. » •*< » T. B 11 win, I.in'-v'i’A. W a II Ro’iert«, Pivi. Dr .1 S I»-- ni ?.iii, • Ki im i ii. J no s . s U »k, - • - • 15 »il ir ' >. C. fl. Dyir, D;d.- Mi»* M ry McC.be .... A- Im1. Cq»l. D. .1 Ferree Getier il Ajj’-nt Cor L k.» and Mo 1 >c c-miitie». .1. M Sutton, Generai Agent for Jaik-on ant Jo1, - ^t ir.e conntie -. Stages lea* c Ashland as s The O A" C. Stag** C»».’s Slave !<• >ve \Jil uid for Ja;-K«un\¡lie. R ick Poit’t and Ros-- burg every <1 iy at b a. m. M .¡1 clo-e- at 5;:*0 a. in. For Henly, Yi»*ki and Holding at li p. in. M-tii cio-e» al 5:30 p. m, . Colwt-ll’s S: ig»»« l»»ive A-ldai ii every Monday, Wedncsd iv and i mornings for Linkvilb*, and remrn oil every Tuesday. Tlmrsy and Satiüd iv. L**ave Linkvill* fir Like View, Oregon, Wednesdays ; arrive at Luke V e»v Si’ur- davs : le ive Lake \ iew M md.iys ; arrive at Linkville Thin.-days, c.u lying mail and passengers. A D. HELMAX, P. M. soci e r 1 F. < Ashland Ljdip No. 189,1. 0. G. T. lleets at the ILill of He man Ar Fountain every Friday eve.iin^ :it 8 o'clock r. m . Brothers and risieri in ^>od rtrndirg are cori’. i ly invited to at­ tend. T e Temp’-e nne'f every iir.»i ani tLiul Wed­ nesday in etch ni«»nt:i. J. 8. EUBANKS, W.C. T., K ate T hornton , St-c’y. As'iiaml Lodge Ao. A I) •> A. F. A A. M.. Holds their stated conin m icatioi * Thnrfdajr even Ings on or before the full moon. Brethren in good Btan !» f Of worldly fiuff, punished as well as successful perpe­ Gone wiih i ¡»ail. DENTISTRY AND ASSAYING. tration. Thus think, an 1 fmoke tebicco. “Old Mau” di3p:x;ring of procuring Ann '!:»■ i.’j » .-row» ♦*.>al wi|h’n, D.Ì. F. G. HEARN, a promise of immunity for old Joe,pro­ Think on thy fould»' ‘ >1 wi.h fin; cured a promise that the troops would For then the lire PK K TIPA L DENTIST. It d> e« require. await his return the next Jay , promis­ ALSO a > sayi : r of Tims think, and f.-.i.ik ; tubiCC.i. ing in turn that they would go to the An 1 Left the n(he? c;fi aw lj; and Bullion. camp of the Shastas, in the mountains, Then to thyf.lt t'.ioa mayeft f.iy, and obtain and deliver up the fugitive. /N FFICE on M'rwr pDe^t, n-i-th sVle Yrek», fttl- That to the Juft joining <’Hy Drr.^ S.ure,aud o;q o i e llu-ejiuu e The troops camped tint night at '\V.1- R »turn li.oa muf». Burlwire Store. Tune think, and f nuke tobacco. low Springs, as agreed ou with “Oi l T. er ea -. TLus think, and fmoke t:f Jcli'-'« flo v’r .’ J. o. c. w i M r.it J. WELLS el, and the other barely escaping T. us Link, uni f. .o’. c tobicco. Ä WELLS. Ehis was known to be tho country in yv Therr.milfe.ltxe’h» ; Au « by I..-motfhuli fest» d by Tipsie T-ee, and no doub's ■ «•ya W.i it virtue il were entorUi'iod of its being Lis en Sh .run' work. Tim ?;' k. -Hi. i wb tcc'». Lieut. B innyeastle’s promise to“Ol I I’> V in the uní1/.ti 1 p j e you blow; Man” to await his return on the next Your j !!<• iti outward me ns ; re fo, fill be:7’a!y tire J^y and the necessary preparation it j. Q. Your he .r. iiire. required fur a campaign in the moun­ T.us fijck, -.ni 1 n,ke t bieco. i tains, delayed him titilil noon the next The frn k»». ii’ e b:t” •. i c .n.'e, tow'r; day. The ?hat»tis not arriving up So fhoui l a )>r iyi”u beirt of yours ty that hour, the troopi started, leav­ V»Th ardent cries Ao l Urofcssioîsai Piano Tti:acr. ing their pack train under gnnrd. Each Sur eo i it the fice«. A shland , ------ O regon Th i? think, and i’rbike tobicco. man carried one blanket and ten days rations of bread and pork. In the scio PS OP SOUTHERN OREGON, mjintimo, Lieut. Hood was dispatched A N i) NORTHERN A LI FO R N : A with a small escort, to inform Sem-tes- HIS I’ORV . U. B. WzVTSON. tis, the chief of the Des Chutes, of the ATTEMPT TO OUTRA iE A WHITE WOMEN murder oa tho mountain, and obtain -Attorney and clor-at-Xaiv TOE -PURSUIT BY LIEUT. his assistance. BY .INDIAN .... and BOÏNV NYCASTLE : OF rOÎKÇ .IONES —MUR- O 1 the morning of the IS,h, Lieut, R E. I A ES T. 1 TE. I G EN T. SISKIYOU S l U'NTAINS — Dial ì ON 2 TilE Hood overtook Lis command at the t;> Spechi dt en ion ¡x'ven to all matters requir­ DpATII OF ’ Tll ’ oin ÏI-EE- GTHT AT point where the murder had been com­ ing iu Attorney at the U. S. Lu: I OR’.ce. WÏAMATH FERII , ET mitted, with thirty-eight well armed L ak *: V iew , L xke C o .,O reoon . Muy 31, 1S78. iro-5> f and wGl mounti»l Des Cnutes In lian», anxious to ail in the capture of Tipsie. J. W. R obinson M. I». !.. D INFORTII M. I). On the 12;’i day of May.IS These Indians having m tdo a long and DANFORTH A ROBINSON. rage was attempte I on a white woman rapid march, it was deemed advisable in the absence of her husband, bv nn pilYSKTANS AND SURGEONS. Indian called “Joo,” of the Shastas. to lay by that day, and let them rest and th ir horses graze. His fiendish design was prevented by Jiv. ksc.:» vil’e, Oregon. At daylight,on the 19.h,the command the heroic defense male by the woman, xi * e P. J. Oflice on California street, oppo-i set out on the trail of Tipsie, marching •p • it an’s s’.o e. Calls promptly attended which k -pt. back the villian until the to. day or i.ight. approach of soma whi'e men, when ho tint dry, a distance of twenty-five miles, over a very rough country. The tlid. Information was at onco dia­ H O T E L S Des Chutes being mounted on their patched by an Indian, to Lieut, li in­ hardy ponies, cool I ride where nycastle, who was in command at Fort American horses dare I not vonture, Jones. Lieut. Hood was immediately and the practiced eye of thorn Indians rpiIF. undersigned wishes to re - ordered to cake’a small detachment of coul.l detect retreating Indian foot­ I mind his Iriends, and'he traveling pub­ troop.s.und demand of the Shasta chief, lic generally, that he is >ull to be found at Bill, the unconditional surrender of marks,that a white man could n 4 Lav« seen. From theso signs,they discover­ this “Joe, ’ that he might bo punished. ed that six Indians had been engaged LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, Lieut. Hood, in company with A. M. where he Is re tdy at any time, and on all Roseburg, Indian Agent,met the chief, in the murder. o.Ti'ions tose; be'o e them the Best the Late in the afternoon they reached a market atibrds, in a s’yle m ■•outi louoo'dier and made known the demand. Billex- Louse in Oregon. pressed great indignation at “Jos” for point where the signs iu Heated that Dinners and suppers fbrspeci.il occisión», the Indians had recently j encamped. gotten up in apprupii.Je style, at -hort l o­ the crime he bad committed, but made The command immediately halted, and a dfterminM effort to extract a prom­ tice. JASPER HOUCK. ise that in case ho should give him up, sent out their Indian spies, who, after tliat he should not be hanged. But as being gone a short time, returned, an 1 ioneer otel Lient. Hood's orders required an un­ reported that two Indians ha l gone off Linkville, Lake County, Oregon conditional surrender, Bill was con­ to the northward, up the valley, with The subscriber is Again in charge strained after much he-itation to ngreo the mules taken from the packers, and the other four, with seven horses st il of the O ld P ioneer H otel of the to cive up the culprit in two days. Three days having passed without a on from some drovers, two nights bo­ Lake country, , atui and is determined surrender, Lieut Bonpycastle left Ft. fore, had gone in the direction cf tilo to make his guests Jones on the 16th of May, with all his cave on the Klamath river,and that one Comfortable and Happy. force, for the purpose of compelling Indian had been traced going up the Give him a call ami rest assured the surrender of Joe» On reaching valley quite recently,apparently follow­ that he will make you feel at Yreka, the command was visited by ing those with tho mules. This two cf the principal Indians of the Indian, they believed to be from some home [2-29tf. Scott’s valley band, who expressed adjacent tribe,who hal camo to visit the GEORGE Nl'RSE. them-elves very anxious that Joe camp where the troop were halted, end should be surrendered, and at the same finding it desertel, was making his LAKtVlEW COTTAGE I .1 Picsant and Homelike House situated time renewing their endeavor to obtain way home. The direction taken by tho Indians a-'surance that Joe should not bo hang­ —AT— IIuiniHin^r ISii'il Springs, near ed. B innycastle still refused, giving as induced Lient. Bonnycastle to believe Klauuttli Lake, his reason, in the usual contemptuous that the Shastas had participated in the Eleven miles from Linkville, on the road to style of tho military officers of that murder, and he determined to pursue Ft. Kl.imatb. Like Co.. Oregon. day, that ho intended to turn him over nnd chastise them.. Pursuing their .ZirAttention paid to tht wants of guests to the civil authorities, and that be did I trail until niglifall thev encamped, and The sub- 'rib *r also keeps a Good StabD not expect that they would bo punish­ at daylight next morning they took up well supplied with b iy and grain. Call ana ed according to law. Ths Lieutenant their lino of march toward the Cave. see if be can keep hotel. then informed tho chief that if he was About ten o’cloek, the Des Chutes V-'ulS'f.l D. j. Ferree. given up before he arrived at Klamath scouts discovered tho Shasta camp,and OFFICE—At the Ashland Drugstore. J. R. NEIL, TIORXEY AT-LAW, Jacksonville. Oregon. J. AV. HAMAKAK. • NOTARY PUBLIC. LINKVILLE LAKE co ., OREGON. Office in Post Offict Buil>finnr< [2 l!>tf. M. L. McOALL, Surveyor and Civil Engineer ■V •J /o //«!* ASHLAND HOUSE. P H . I I I ASHLAND, OREGON, Is prepared to do any work in his line »hoe no­ tice. LUO-M-Jj $2.00 PER ANNUM 1 r SMOKING S > TR hEA k IZE D. P R O F E S S I O N A L ---- ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY — OFFICE—On Main ASHLAND, OREGON: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1878 i returned with tho inf; rmatiou. The ¡1ERE AND THERE. troops at once pushed forward iu the rmi'E has ennr.b’.ed soni". nnJ some disgrace»!; hope of engaging them before they I. hurts nut iu itself, but a* 'tie placed. reached their stronghold. An intelligent panper has appeared Ou reachi g the brink of fx tall bluff 1 i ;t.m, who can bog in ten different opposite a similar bluff, on which the languages. Shastas were camped, tho troops were On account of the grasshopper hailed by an American, who informed plague, tho farmers of Sierra valley them that C.ipt. G jo .1.:I1 was with the Cui., cut their grain for hay. Shastas, and desired to speak with The exportation of American fruit Lieut. Bonnycastle. Capt. Good- all and three other men, who bar, increased in value from $269,000 in wero with him, crossed over to the 1872, to over $3,000,000 in 1877. troops, and informed them that the i Great Britain is importing 3,000.000 Shastas wero very anxious to remain at bushels of grain per week, and Franoe peace, and that tho Indian Joe had 2,000,000 bushels in the same time. been brought into tho en np at Willow John D. Davis has 400 acres of toma­ creek two hours after the troops left toes on his farm in Richmond, Va., the that point. Capt Goodall further in- largest held of tbo kind in the United forino.l them that Tipsie h < 1 come into States. tho Shasta camp ab nit thirty-sir. hoars California will swap her wheat this before, and informed them of I.is mur­ summer for $70,000,000. She has al­ der on the mountain, and proposed ready b^guu to sing “This wheat buy that they should join them in a war of and buy.” extermination on tho whites. The A. family of four persons was poison Shastas knowing well tho stato of feel­ ed at New Orlexus, lately, by using ing already existing among thecitizena, oxalic acid by mistake, for sugar, in and having already had some exper- cocking. iencewith the volunteers,doelined to ex­ Thoe American agricultural imple­ cept their offer, ml for the purpose of courting the good will of tho whites, ments at tho I aria Exposition are pro­ sot on Tipsie and bis men, killing nounced by French journals unrivaled him, his eou an 1 his son-in-law, the in Europe. Yellow fover in New Orleans necessi­ fourth making h's escape, and was, doubtless,the Tudiau whoso foot marks tates quarantine, and navigation on the were discovered following the two In­ lower Mississippi is about m good as suspended. dians with tho mules. When Joe was brought into Willow Westmoreland is the smallest county Springs and finding the troops gone, in Virginia, but has been the birth­ he was taken to Yreka, where ho was place of three Presidents— Washington kept two days, at tho end of vzhic’a time Madison and Monroe. two Indians made their appearance The San Francisco Alta tells us tba| bearing the scalp3 cf T:pdo and tho yield of wino will probably--be his son, and soliciting Capt Goodall’s 6,000,000 gallons— about the same as interference to prevent tho troops from for the last two years. ati.’.cki ng their band, as they had no The largest strawberry farm in the doubt that they would be led to their world is probably that of John R. eamp by the tracks of Tipsie and his men. (’apt. Goodall immediatly pro­ Young, about two miles from Norfork, cured file authorty of tho Indian agent Va. It comprises about 250 acres. Gen. Bobert Toombs says that tea and went to tho Shasta camp taking growing in Georgia is not a new thing Joe with him. —that for the last for-ty years “tea After hearing the statement of Capt. trees” have been growing in the State. Gjodall.Li *ut. Bonnycastle,sent Lieut. It is estimated that the loss to agri­ Hood to camp, an 1 he proceeded to tho Sba-txcjmp, accompanied by (J.ipt. culture from the growth of weeds in- Goodall .and his mon, chief Fem tes-tie steal of useful grasses, is not less than and two or three others. They w< re $100,090,000 per yoar in the United received by the Shastas with demon­ {States. strutions of friendship and confidence, ¡ The census returns of 1875 show that After ibn talk with the Shasta In- farmers of the great State of New York diuns the I ieut. left Joe in charge of numbered 3.51,G28, or about one-fourth ( ipt. Goodall to take him to Yreka,and of the population engaged in active taking with him th? horses the Shis'p.s operations. had taken from Tipsie, he joined his Au eastern man who has been fined command, and set out on bn return, several weeks in succession for drunk­ camping that night at the Klamath en ness.cooly proposes to the magistrate and next day moving on beyond Yre­ that he should take him by the year at ka. Cxpt. Goodall also returned to a reduced rate. ) ■ Yreka on the same day but for some Miller A Lux, stock raisers and cause had left Joo behind. dealers in California, have 80,000 head In the mean time tho citizens seeing of stock,own several hundred thousand that Joe was nA with the troops, and acres of choice land, and are rated as failing to pet uny satisfactory explana­ worth $15,000,000. tion from tho military authorties, who Governor A ance says: “North Caro­ seemed to think it beneath their dig lina, iu my judgment, presents more nity to communicate with a citizen, de­ I solid inducements to sober-minded im­ termined to take the nutter into their migrants, than any other portion of the own hands and revenge the aitrocity American Union.” committed by Joe. Foreign papers believe that Europe C.ipt. Goodall, however, was sent back, accompanied by chief Bill under can take 2 070,00' head of cattle from authority of the agent to bring in the United States every year, the limit Joe, and after arriving at the Shasta camp, persuaded all th? Indians of cattle rearing having been reaobed in camp to accompany him to Yreka as iu many parts of Europe. he was aware that the agent was desir­ The average w’ages per month paid ous of having them return rofteott’s val­ farm hands in Georgia, with rations, ley, On the morning of the 21 li, the Indians, numbering in all, including are—in North Georgia, $9; Middle women an 1 cail Iron, some sixty,started Georgia, $3 5?; South-west Georgia, out with Capt. Goodall for Yreka. On $7 41; East Georgia, $8; South-east the firrt day .they reached Klamath fer­ Georgia, $10 10; average for the Slate ry, and encamped some two hundred yards above, Bv this time, x company $8 03. of volunteer1», under the command of The Stockton Indepettdenl tellR Cant. E. M. Geiger and the Deschutes about the boss grasshopper as follows: chief with his men. arrived at the ferry, “It is nearly six inches long, and its and seeing the IudiaDs.and recognizing among them the Indian Joe, they at body is an inch and a quarter in depth, once attacked them, and a lively fight while its head is as big as a man’s ensued, wherein Chief Bill was severe thumb.” 1? wounded, an 1 two Indians killed. On the evening of the 26th, nit The loss on the side of the whites was number of stock theives made a raid one man by the name of McKxney kill e l. The Indians escaped to the chap­ on a mule train which was eamped on arral and secreted themselves enJ Centennial prairie, Dakota Tr., and suo.. kept up an occcsionil firing toward the camp of the v?iuntoers. Beforo dark ceeded in driving off ten of them. The, that evening the Indians came oppo­ predatory party was followed and the site the ferry house and opened a tire animals recovered. o it fortunately, however, they did no A German citizen of Clinton county damage. Ha l it Dot been for tbo arrogance of Pa , posted the following notice on bis­ tile military authorities who declined front gate: “Temograts dake Not is 1. to communicate with civilions because, Petter you not enm in mid dot gate* as they snppnseil,they wore blue thirts, Der Big Deg is tied Loose Youst be­ or coull they have known the course that v’is being pursued by the author­ hind der House, unt Ihavcjine mit dot ities, this unfortunate affair could Greenback Barty. Petter you Temograts nevelshave occ urred. ; Keep a Leedle Ont ! I