I THE ASHLAND TIDINGS. PERSONAL NOTE S. 0. B. Watson returned this week FRIDAY ... AUGUST 30, 1878 from a business trip to Portland. Mrs. Walbridge of Y’reka, spent the LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. last week in Ashland, visiting friends. David Shook is in from Alkali and In all the worll there is no vice I.ees prone to excess, thin avarice: is prowling around the valley some It neither cares for food nor clothing; where. Nature’s content with little-that with nothing —B utlkb . Rev. Mr; Hardison called on us thia week and reported a good time at the P ioneer D ay — Sept, twelfth. camp meeting. The days of the “sere and yellow Mr. and Mrs. Jay Niles, and Miss leaf” are approaching. Smith, of Cottonwood, were visiting in Hundreds of pioneers will beat Jack­ town last week. Daniel Gaby has removed with his sonville on the 12th of next month—go family to Lake View where he will en­ and see them. gage in the practice of law. Abram Rose, brother of Aaron Rose, J. Q. Latta and C. H. Hargadine founder of Roseburg, Ogn., died at started for Like View, last Thursday, that place on the 18th inst. to open their fine stock of goods. Misses Sopha Nickell, of Jackson­ Our enterprising wagon-maker, J. S, Eubanks, has turned out another one ville, and Sopha Winckler, of Yreka, of the celebrated Sarven wheel vehic­ were visiting friends in our town this week. les. Mrs. Shepherd of Scott’s valley, has Don’t fail to oall on Klum for Win­ been visiting her parents, (Mr. aud chester rides and cartridges. Any kind Mrs. Helman) and friends in Ashland, of arms ordered and delivered on short during the past week. notice. * Mrs. Eubanks has returned from a K now all men these by presents that visit to Cottonwood, where she has B. F. Reeser proposes to sell Winches­ been spending some days among her ter Repeating Rides at ten per oent numerous friends in that vicinity. below cost. * Charles Nickell ot the Democrvitc “Soundjthe harp and ¡the timbrel;” Times, gave us a friendly call on Wed­ be glad, O ye singsters ! Chitwood A nesday. As a newspaper man, Charley Atkinson have just received a new lot ¡s a success, and a rustler of the "first water*” of choice sheet music . * Our youDg fried,Cassius B. McPher­ In the orchard of A. G. Rockfellow, son, formerly an employe of this office, in this place, may be seen at the pres­ returned to his home in Ashland last ent time, an apple tree in the brilliant Tueeday, after a summer’s sojourn in full bloom of early spring. Lake county. Tommy Rogers, who is engaged in H ip , H ip , H urah I—Nothing—only our better-half has come home, aud butchering at Fort Klamath, for tbe we thought it was the 4th of July un­ firm of Brown A Harris, of this place, tarried with his friends awhile thio til we took a second thought. week,returning to the Fort last Tuesday. Oar nearest neighbor, B. F. Reeser, On last Saturday,Mr. and Mrs. Kreu- is doing "big things”this week, in the line of ereoting extensive additions to zer, and Mrs. Bilger, were in town on their way to Soda Springs, where they his dwelling and store building. will spend a few days enjoying the Tbe weather is hot, the earth is dry, charming scenery and good cheer of the air seems full cf steam;therefore.it that place. is safe to say that we are threatened Our Sterling old friend Capt. Salt­ with a spell of warm-like weather. marsh, and his family, were in town Nobody getting married iu this dead­ some days last week visiting friends. ening, Few of the mauy pretty girls “Cap.” seems to reverse the usual of our acquaintance, feel able to sup- course of things. He bends backward port a husband, while times ure so under the weight of years. » hard. Now is the time to go to the Pioneer and bay or trade for one of those splendid Wilson Sewing Machines. I e Wheat, oats, barley or bacon taken in txJbange. * i -W;-re A / » < T roy D ye .—Those who desire to see what manner of looking man that hu­ man fiend, Troy Dye, is, can sea a fine portruit of him at the Photo Tent of Gove A Merrill. A company of Like county "young­ sters,” under command of Capt. O. C. Applegate, contemplate making » charge on the game and scenery of the remarkable Crater Lake. A California exchange says that “the law fqrbids any, except voters, irom from comi iqg within a hundred feet of the ballot box, except to vote.” A very good chance for non-voters. We acknowledged the receipt of a complimentary invitation to attend the coming agricultural fair at Yreka, and did business permit, would take great pleasure in availing ourselves of the proffered courtesy. Those having ores to assay, would do wep to read Dr. F. G.Hearn’s card, in another column to-day. The Dr. is too well known, as the pioneer dentist and assayer of the middle country, to require a recommend from us. Mr. Barnes of Yreka, who has been Canvassing our count}’ for some weeks past, for his celebrated photocrome pictures, returned last Saturday. He informed us that he had received an unexpected number of orders. First one, and then another, seems to take the lead in artistic floral contri­ butions to the T idings . But we are morally certain that the rainbow tinted bouquet presented this week, by our blooming friend, Will Hurst, can’t be beat. C all .—Owing to recent changes in the business at tbe Pioneer Store, the proprietor gives notioe that money is much needed. Persons knowing them­ selves indebted to said establishment, are requested to call and settle imme­ diately. No foolishness. A member of a party that reoently spent a short time in the fresh, pure and health giving mountain air, lately remarked that the “only measures they could contrive to successfully prevent their becoming 'perfect gormandizers’, were careful calculation and a vast deal of precaution.” We understand him to say that, notwithstanding that they laid in a good store of provisions before starting, besides having borrow ed a number of tbe best guns iu town, they had to fold their tents and quietly maroh homeward for something to eat. A Card. I desire to return my sincere and grateful thanks to the friends who so kindly gave their aid and comfort to my dear departed wife,during her long and lingering illness. J ohn B. R. H utchings . ----------------------------------- A Card. P hoenix , Aug. 20, T idings :—Please 1878. E ditor publish notice of the fourth quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, which embraces the first Sunday in September. Held at Brownsbcrough in this county. Respectfuly, A. H ardison . It takes a bold man to introduce a new and novel fashion in the way of costume; but one of our Ashland physi­ cians, not a mile from the T idings of­ fice, one day this week, showed the the power of his nerve, by making his appearanoe with two paper collars on, and only one neck. We regret to learn that Miss Mary McCabe, who has been teaching the Antioch school in Sam’s valley, for sometime, has been compelled to quit the school room on account of a severe attack of fever. We are pleased to re­ ceive information, however, that she is now convalescing and will soon be able T kebmometrical .—The following is the to resume the ferule. report of the weather for the two weeks, On last Tuesday, Mr. Hutchings, in ending August 28th, from observations ta­ company with friends, went to the ken at sun rise: August 16th, 40, clear; 17th, ¿2 cloudy; 18th, 50, clear; 19th, 52, mountains to spend a few days in re- clear; 20lh, 50 cleir; 21st, 50, cloudy: 22 d, creation, so much needed by him after 47, cloudy; 23d, 52, cloudy; 24th, 42, clear; his long and devoted attention at the 25th, 47, clear; 26th, 48, clear; 27th, 49, bedside of his beloved wife. We have been informed by his near neighbors, clear; 28th, 50, clear. H. C. H ill . that he seldom left her bedside, and Died.— Iu Ashland, Aug. 17th. 1878, did not undress during the last month Robt. II. Kerr, aged about 40 years. Mr. of her illness. Kerr came to this place three weeks ago,and was taken sick, and taken in charge by the OddFellows.beabeing a member of that order and belonged to Sutter Creek Lodge, (Cal). No. 31. His funeral took place on Wednes­ day, the ceremonies being conducted by the Odd Fellows. ---------------- ------------------ Died. — At her residence iu Ashland, on the 25th day of August, 1878, after a linger­ ing illness of eighteen mouths, Mrs. Martha Ann Hutchings, wife of John B. II. Hutch­ ings. Mrs. Hutchings was a lady of more than average intelligence, a kind and affection­ ate wife, a good neighbor, aud beloved by all who knew her. Yreka is fortunate in contaiuing two wide awake papers, the Journal and Un- i m. We had the pleasure of calling at these offices on our recent visit to that city. We formed our first acquain­ tance with Mr. Bird, of the Union, and found him a very genial gentleman. The Journal has one of the best fitted job offices in the middle coun­ try. R ich Q uartz .—Some very rich rock has been found on the Klamath river, near the mouth of Humbug, recently, which is creating quite aflutter in min­ ing circles in Yreka. We siw some specimens while there, which were cal­ culated to make a fellow wish he was a miner. The mining interests of Siski­ you county have not been so flattering for years, and the general business of the county is beginning to look up, in consequence. ---------------------------------------- We are requested to state that there will be communion service at the Pres­ byterian church, next Sunday, at 11 otclock a . m . Rev. J. B. Donaldson will deliver his farewell sermon at that time, and,on Monday, will depart from among us,for the East. During his lim­ ited stay with us, Mr. Donaldson has proved himself to be, in every respect, a man of learning, and a gentleman in every sense of the word. The com­ munity will deeply feel the loss of his services. C amp M eeting .—A large attendance was on the Wagner creek camp ground last Sunday. We have never met a more orderly meeting,of the size in any country. Even those around the cigar stands kept a profound silence during tho servicea. One.of the features of the meeting is Squire Beeson’s boarding house, where every one who wished could procure a meal fit for a king, which was a great improvement on the old fashoned‘‘bum,” or starve rule, on such occasions. Wesley Mitchell left Abhland last Monday morning, loaded to the guards with furniture, bound for the Lake country. His intention is to supply the demand for this commodity, which is not, a3 yet, very extensively manu­ factured iu that country. Ilia furni­ ture was put up by our best workmen, and will ba disposed of at reasonable Messrs. George autl Charley Nntley rates. have just returned from a business J. D. Fountain, our Scnool Superin­ tour into tbe Like country. They were tendent, has laid ou our table a copy looking out for tbe interests of the of a neat little magazine entitled The A party left here last week,consisting “boss” boot and shue e&t-iblishment of Common School Teacher, published at of Hiram Farlow, George Ford, Mi3s this place. Bid I ord, lad. It is published month- Allie Farlow, and Mr. and Mrs. E. I, T here are several bad little chock I ly at one dollar a year and contains Farlow, for the mountains for tbe pur­ boles between Ashland and B.trrou’s twenty two pages. From an examina­ pose of making shingles, killing "bar,’’ that are calculated to make stage driv­ tion of its contents, we can say that it etc. They returned od Tuesday and ers take the name of supervisors iu vain, is well worth the money, especialy to report that they made G.000 shingles, and cause inside passengers to say those who are engaged in teaching. killed lots of deer but didn’t get many. “cuss words.” These holes wont get Gove A Merrill, the happy artists of Mr. Ford went aloDg as an old hunter, better until they are fixed. the Photo Tent, have again made their but Ed. killed the deer. N ote . — “ Ed.’’ reported this item. appearance in our town, and erected F ound .—At the Presbyterian Church their tent immediately under our win­ C apt . O. C. A pplegate , editor, ora­ after the neck-tye party, a bucket con­ dow, preparatory to furnishing you tor, poet, granger and bearded cattle­ taining some rolls’ of butter. If not first-class work. You should avail man, has now turned nimrod.and sends called for, the proceeds of the butter yourself of thio opportunity of supply­ will be turned into the church build ing your friends with a splendid like­ to this office, a pair of antlers taken ing fund. For particulars, apply to ness of your “phiz,” as they positively from a deer killed by him at Swan lake, on the 21st instant. These horns Mrs. McPherson or Mrs. Gillette. will not remain longer than till Mon­ measure nine inches around, next to A ccident .—On last Sunday morning, day. the first prong, two feet three inohes while Mr. Frank Torry was driving his Mr. George A. Jackson, who ha3 been in length. These fine antlers were en­ team to the camp meeting ground, he stopping at the Soda Springs for some trusted to the care of Mr. M. Colwell, ran against some obstruction, and his weeks past,for the benefit of his health, mail contractor, who, notwithstanding wife and child were thrown out of the called on us this week, looking much their enormous proportions, delivered wagon and considerably bruised. Their improved. If these springs were loca­ them ahead of scedule time. injuries, however, have proved not to ted in some distant region, difficult of T he I ndian W ar .—It is said that be serious. access,and had a high toned clap board the war is virtually at an end; that Gen. The yellow fever is making fearful shanty erected,to add to the backwoods Howard’s vigorous campaign has only havoc in Memphis,Vicksburg, New Or1 appoaranceof the place, droves of peo­ left a little preliminary work in the leans and other southern cities. Hun­ ple would go and be cured there every shape of opening up negotiations for peace contracts with tho blood-stained dreds have already died and tens of year. assassins. Howard has gone up to pur- hundreds of people are fleeing from D ont F orget .—The seventh annual suade Joseph to be a good boy, and to the scourge. Contributions for the reunion of the Southern Oregon Pio­ warn the whites to behave themselves. I sufferers are being collected through­ neer Society, meets in the court house It is true that the Bannocks are still on out the North. grove, at Jacksonville, on Thursday, the war path, and that a few, say two An extensive bed of stone ooal has the 12ih day of Sept. A general invi­ hundred, are in the mountains around been discovered by Hiram Richardson, tation is extended to all. Let every­ Camas prairie, well armed and mount on Willow creek, nine miles this side body turn out. Those who have been ed, and bidding defiance to Col. Green’s of Y’reka. The vein is four feet thick, in the country but a short time, will command. Col. Green could whip and contains more or less shale, with learn something of the early days. these Indians if he bad men enough, the exception of one foot in thickness, Bring your dinnor baskets, and your and if they would let him. But they which is of the purest quality, samples babies, and let us have a good time. are all around him in little squads for­ of which, we have in this office. A F ine O rchard .—Among the var­ aging, raiding, and murdering, and will not stop for Col. Green to get his We were shown an elegant cabinet, ious objects of intrests in Ashland and finger on them. at the Post-office Store, this week, con­ vicinity, we desire to mention the fine Yreka Items. taining every style, size and shape of orchard of Hon. Lindsay Applegate ad­ ]Froiu the Y reka U nion .] sewing machine needles, by the gross. joining the town on the east It con­ These needles were put up at the foun­ tains one of the best selected and larg­ Very encouraging news from Ham­ burg Bar; much gold is now being tain head, and we opine that it will be est assortment of fruit trees in the val. taken out... .The survices of Mr. Fer­ hard for any one to get away with ley, and the fruit is unexcelled injflavor and size. The soil in the vicinity of guson, an experienced miner from .Fountain in the needle business. Ashland seems specially adapted to the Grass valley, has been engaged to take We fear that some of our patrons production of finely flavored fruit and charge of the Empire Co’s mill, soon. Mr. Westen has charge of the mine.... have forgotten that they are delinquent berries. The Yreka Public school will open in their subscription to the T idings . A W ide A wake F irm .—We desire to Sept. 2d.... Jim Irwin a nervous ool- If they will take into cosideration that winter is comming on, and that we call attention to the liberal advertis- ored-individual, reoently went into Dr. will have to lay in some 75 or 80 reams ment of Messrs. Jensen A Iffland in Hearn’s office, to get a tooth pulled. of paper, which requires money down, our new “ad.” column, this week. After a severe effort, he managed to and that we are making preparations to These gentlemen, although compara­ suppress his irritable nerves long enlarge the T idings , which takes more tively a new firm, have already taken enough for the Dooter to get hold of money, we do believe they would not the lead in their line of business. Dur­ the "acher” and remove it in his usual forget us, but send along the little pit­ ing the last year, they have bought forcible manner, whereupon, Jim sprang from the chair,“scuded” for the tance they owe. Come friends pay up $6,000 worth of flour, 20,000 lbs of ba­ door, and,as be left.be sang out,“much and make us happy. We are sore we con, from Rogue river producers, be­ obleege to you Doctor, but I’z too ner­ could make a more readable paper if sides large quantities of lard, eggs, vous to ask ye how much I’z got to we had what money is due the T idings . ohesse, bptter, etc. pay” T he R ailroad .—The last 20 miles of road on the C. & O. railroad,was receiv­ ed by the Government a few months ago,and next year the company is oblig­ ed to build an additional twenty miles, at least, though we hear it stated from prominent railroad men that they will build enough to last three or four years,or may put tho road clear through to the Oregon line. A proposition from the German bondholders, owning the Oregon branch, to furnish the money at a very low rate of interest, is said to be under consideration by the C. P. R. R., as the latter has been using all its surplus capital on the Southern Pacific in Arizona to head off Tom Scott, besides building a new short line via Bantas, to Sacramento, over which trains will be run the 1st of next month. The C. P. R. R. Co. claim that the road to Reading does not pay, except during harvast season, nor can it be made to pay unless finish­ ed through to Portland, and secure the Oregon travel and trade. If the C. P. R. R. Co., however, conclude to forfei their franchise, the German bondhold­ ers are ready to take it off their hands, and build the road through from Read­ ing to Roseburg. We trust that one or the other lot of capitalists will put it through as soon as possible,as every­ body appears anxious to look out for the engine while the bell rings.— Yreka Journal. flowers and plants found in first claaa nurseries, Mr Coolidge has always oa hand, all the fords! trees and sb rub­ bery,indigenous to the Western States. Among them might be mentioned alt the varieties of oak and hickory, wal­ nut, States and California walnut, hard and soft maple, elm, wild plum, coffee­ nut and hackberry. Had we the space to spare, we might fill a column with a catalogue of his exotic trees and shrub­ bery. A walk through his grounds will always pay the visitor. The next oversight we will mention, is the Pioneer Drug Store of Ashland, which was established in September, 1873, by Chitwood and Mitchell. It afterwards passed into the hands of C. B. Watson & Co. Dr. J. H. Chitwood and C. B. Watson, comprising the new firm. It again changed hands to the present owners, Chitwood & Atkinson, Mr. W. H. Atkinson beooming intor­ ested. Under the new firm, the basi^ ness has greatly increased. A large stock of books, stationery, and other varieties, having been added to theirt business. Before closing, we desire to make special mention of an institution that was established some three years since in our town, An institution in which every citizen in Ashland took an inter­ est in having established, aud contrib­ uted of their means to that end. Yet, strange to say, no other institution has ever reoeived so little patronage, even by its most ardent advocates. We re­ fer to our caliboose. Since its estab­ lishment, it has had but one tenant. It may be seen in the south east corner of the public square, in tbamoet unconth colorthe painter could devise; the very picture of desolation. WASHING. Kerliyvilie Items First-olass washing and ironing. Will take in washing or go out to wash. IK erbyville , August 24th, 1878. Enquire at John Conway’s. (12 lm) E d . T idings .—J. B. Sifers has arriv­ T he best of flour and fresh ground ed from Jackson Co., via Josephine’s graham and corn meal delivered in any “great cave.” He relates wonderful part of Ashland, at mill prices, by tho things regarding the cave. He will re­ Eagle Mill, * main with us a while, and will open no V el T ’ his flouring mill in two weeks, to make Tbe dark age past—night obliterated I flour. Just leceived by J. M. M'CALL &CU., cases " E vening L ight ” coal A company with capital, could make thirty oil, and fifty boxes of Proctor & Gam- it pay by bringing a ditch four miles bal’s “E xtra A damantine ” candles. long, from Illinois river,into this town, Also, an elegant Lamp-burner—a new and putting up a saw mill, &c. Other idea—with glass and porcelain shade enterprises would follow the comple­ combined, and requires no glass. 12it TAKE* NOTICE.^ tion of these. Let some one who wants Having dissolved partnership with to invest, come and see. the P. of H. Co., and with Olwell, we Mojor Ira B. Hossler and Col. J. W. desire all having accounts with us to Baine have arrived from Ellensburg, call and settle the same with cash , having recently gone thither to ex­ wheat or note . PieaBe attend to it nt as we must close our old books . amine into the practicability of a trail once, (3-lltf) W agner & A nderson . from here to that point. They are A RARE CHANCE. now progressing with the work on the Mrs. Martha Scbumpf desires to call Ellensburg road, and we, of this local­ the attention of the publio to the fact ity, may expect an opening’to the sea that she is desirous of selling out her entire stock of millinery goods, togeth­ port, in a short time. er with her good will of the entire bus­ U C umtux . iness. Those desiring to invest iu a good business will do well to investi­ Jacksonville Items. gate. [ n4 tf Aug. 27, 1878. settle V p -! Tbe weather is warm and cdel. Those knowing themselves indebted to We were favored last week with a refresh­ the late firm of Brown & Burlingham, are requested to «make immediate set­ ing shower of min. tlement of their accounts. The busi­ The family of J. II. Penn will departsoon ness of tbe old firm must be settled at J oseph B rown , on a visit to friends at their old home in once. 3 9 If J G eorge B urlingham . Portland. THEY ALL *1’A KE IT. Oar personal friend Joe Wetterer.and our When tbe system is run down to that genial friend, E. Jacobs, have gone up to the extent that you pass sleepless nights, Springs to Soda up. are nervons and irritable, have gloomy A team of mules was stolen from the forebodings, sour stomach, sick head­ premises of Andy Davidson, three miles ache and coated tongue, do not enroll east of town, Saturday night. yourself as high private, in tbe rear A goose was son struck the other day from rank,under General Debility, but oheer up and try White’s Prairie Flower, the effects of a stone upon the head, pro­ the Great Liver Panacea, now for sale pelled by incorrigible young America. in every oity and town on the Conti­ A young ingrate drew a revolver ou his nent. No medicine ever compounded is intended father-in-law, on Applegate, re­ half the equal for the cure of DYSPEP­ cently. The trouble originated about a SIA and LIVER COMPLAINT. It has a specific power over the liver, and piece of inhabited bacon. by curing the liver, Dyspepsia and all Arrangements are about concluded to other diseases arising from it,vanish as place Jesse Titus under tbe care and treat­ if by magic. Sample bottles are sold ment of Drs. Danforth &. Robinson. Not at the small price of 25 cents that will as a county charge in any respect. He convince you of its merits. Large size has been afflicted with a stroke of paralysis, bottles 75 cents; for sale by C hitwood and A tkinson . ---------------- >-------------------- - nearly three yeaas. DON’T FORGET IT. A girl on Applegate accuses the teacher If you are troubled with nervous­ of keeping her in, after school is dismissed, ness, are disheartened, tired of life,fear and trying to kiss her. The teacher em­ death or feel out of sorts, as tbe saying phatically and vehemently denies the charge. is, you may safely conclude that you Who is the sweet tobacco posey ? have the Dyspepsia or Liver Com­ We have two cases of typhoid fever in plaint. The liver is very apt to be­ our midst. Our surroundings are not pro­ come torpid this season of the year, rs poisons arising from 6tagnaut water or pitious for malaria, and, although the smoke decaying vegetation, are more numer­ emitted from the stacks ot our steam mills is ous, aud are, through inhalations, tak­ considered a nuisance, yet, it is really a dis­ en into tbe blood. Unless the liver is infectant, and therefore should bo patiently strong and active, and furnishes a sup­ ply of fresh and pure blood to drive tolerated as a fortunate auxiliary. out tbe impurities,the above-mentioned The Jacksonville brass band will be pres­ symptoms are sure to follow, and if ent in full uniform, and discourse music at not heeded, may end in more terrible the Pioneer Reuniou, on the 12th of Sep­ diseases and death. White’s Prairie tember prox. They will also give a social Flower proves itself the Great Liver dance in the evening, to which the publio is Panacea. Its action on tbe liver is cordially invited. Prof. Scott, from Eure­ different from any medicine over com­ pounded. Its cures are truly wonder­ ka, Cal., has been engaged as leading vio­ ful. Try it. Price, twenty-five cents linist. Supper will be provided. and seventy-five cents. For sale by K enneth . C hitwood S c A tkinson . (No5v3tf)_____________________ Our Town. Dissolution Notice. We overlooked several important places of business in their regular or­ der: First, was the Wagon Shop of John Ralph’, in connection with the black­ smith shop of Smith Bros. Mr Ralph is a good workman, and does an exten­ sive business both in new work and repairing. The third oversight was the Ashland T idings , a newspaper published week­ ly, at $2 50 per annum, in advanoe. This oversight, however, will probably not result in any great damage, as it is generally conceded that it is able to "toot it’s own horn.” One of the important industries of Ashland, is the Nursery and Floral gardens of Mr. O. Coolidge. Besides every variety of fruit trees, shrubbery, otice is hereby given that the co-partoerahin N heretofore existing between Joseph Brown aaA > O. M. Burhngham, under the flrm name of Brown A Barllngham, U, thia day, dissolved, by matuU con­ sent. The business will be continued at the old stand, by Brown & Harris, and the continued patron­ age of the public Is respectfully solicited. The new firm will be responsible for all partnership debts oe- traded by tbe late firm and all tbe notes and account» due the old firm, are payableonly to the new. J oseph B rown , G. M. B ubi ingbam . July 9, 1878. Notice. n Prubile Court for tbe County ¿7 Lake, State of Oregon. In tbe matter of tbe estate of I Notice of Ana! set W. D. Ne »land, deceased. | tlement. Notice is hereby given thit 8. P. M» m , the A4 miuistrator of tbe estate of W. D. Newland,deceased bas rendered, aDd presented for settlement, and died in this cwt bis tinal account of his administration of said estate, aDd that Monday, the 7th dar ' October, A. D. 1878 beiDg a day of a term of said coart, to-wt: Of the October Term, 1878, at the Coart Room of said court, at Lake View, county and State above namedi, have been duly appointed by tbe Judge of raid court , for tbe settlement of said account and the clora of said administration, at which time and place, ary person interested tn raid estate may appear anl file d U ex­ ceptions in writing to said account sud contest th» same. R. B. H awton , Clerk. lake View, August loth, 1878. v3ul(M>w