THE Ì ASHLAND TIDINGS. PERSONAL NOTfcS. C K. Klum and family have return­ ed from a visit to friends at Sterling- ville. ” Mdeh local ««w* of-intrrest ha< bean Jacksonville Items. crowded out tnis w-tek, to maae ro«>m .JULY 12, 1X78 FRIDAY for Indian war n--ws. W* have again J acksonville , O gn .. also,been compelled to crowd out some July 7«u, lo7J. E d . T idings :-I hav * b«-eu «.«iliug up L03AL intelligence Eber Emery, the old pioneer of Ash of our regular advertmm-Qts.for whi -h land, baa been in town this week visit* we will endeavor to m<«ke am»-uds uex maohitu-ry tur t«u w-rks, and there fore could not spin. 1 think the cogs week. Gove A Merrill have erected a Puo- ing friends. are io order fur a run sgiin. We forgot to note last week, the re­ tograpbiu lent iu Ashland. Gove A Merrill, uf the Snoptiom A young lady said sue hal something turn of Ab Giddings, who baa be eu Gallery, wid give a perfurmanu-» and If it’v lick y*)u «rant, try one of to tell me,tint rhe s»td n«»—Í would put taking a spin to California. musical eutenamment on n«*x< We in»*«' Walter* A Myer's new cl«M3ks. O ver and B ack .—C*pt. O. C Ap­ day. for the benefit of the two uvw it iu the T idings 1 rest very content Prof. J. M. Wood, the blind muai«- plegate made a flying visit to Yreka, Ctiarches, mow in course rtf erection. ei|, b»oaurte,*ua know, they disgorge a secret sp >'iM*ao l«lv, a a I wu m the ciao,vriH giv««n entertainment in Ash. and came back again this week. They will be assisted, in th j m*iaii?aj pHck-riug string relax-j«, it fl >wa forth load, thia week. 0. H Hargadine, of the Pioneer department, by the beat local talent. fi>i«utly. Ws have heard of some citizen« of •tore, left for Lwgell valley, last week, See their “ad.” I beard of a grand rallv of the devn Ashland who do not take the T idings . on a visit to friends and relation« there. A G ood R eport .—Mr. Rigdon hs* te«» to temp’raooe at Willow Spñug«, We are pleased to notice the genial Now come, that wont do. jast returned from a business raid, ou recently. Mr C*rr <»tH dated a* W C countenance of our old friend, Hiram If you have loat a gold pen, with a Farlow, on our atreeta again.. He has Rogue river, and rwp »rts as follow«: I s wi'h good result Mr. Linn’s cabinet rooms, uu the 5»h J. M. Sutton has receiv -d his new 4. • - «• ly recommended by prominent me*u- The 4 h ou F »>»t*a creek, a b ir- inst. T iat is oorrect; drink yoar sber ......... books Tuose 4rhd have subscribed can I bnrs of tha medical profeseioa and liaut ♦ffi «e. »hicks of locating permanently in Ath I. O G T., wide a ask», and t»ouud t»«. G?v. Chadwick considerately for Wagner A Ajderson and P. \V. Oi- land. WUL V* I wardrti ds 1re ha« been elected 47, clear; 31. 47, cloudy; 4tb, 50 first owned in this city b,- H. E C x False by natu e, fal -e through policy •iloudv—clear—rain: 5th, 52. dear; Principal of the , Umpqua Academy, 6 h, 47. dear; 7th, 54 clear; 8*h 58 aud has ever since been kept al be aud—false teetti are fashiousble. for atarmof foa» year*.- dear; 9th. 56, clear; lOib..57, cloudy; Mammoth Ware bouse. She has gone. Frida« 5rh was a painful day to some 11th 58 clou ly. Tue figures follow Myer«, the flue stock breed *r bough It ia no use fur the ladies to be un iug the dates indicate the temperature. b»r a ft w days ago to breed to <»ne of of our f «Iks. Chris. U wrich got bi*« thumb caught in the machinery abou« healthy, as long as Mrs. Junes keep- H C. H ill . bis Shetland stallions Tn-dav, she aud the engine iu M.* Linus shop, sustain ¡ those oelebrated health cornets on i that pouderons old While Pt it sawed, -and you sea lie saw a new of their machinery is »till heard in the gon and Washington la *b • iuid of A gams uf "ce saw. The Original matter ou our oat«ide land, and they »till coutinue to build new piper publmU-d in P »cl* id th Toe city mar Lal marshaled a mat* this week, consists of Scraps of S «util­ sash and doors, and manufacture July number of which h.*- j it heeu i to his booth yesterday, tor Dtp ng l^tuxo era Oregon History, sud corr^sp »u- bonnes. sued It» object ia tu fumiHU ah nn.-.l Iat« d vociieroUrtly. denoes fro u B »uanz«, Lite View sud Fort K. amai b. Time, 4tb of July; place, Ashland ed informatiuu rei «ring to the couduton 4 hly w »s a big item with usly. Nu and prosperity *>f a life i » Oregon aud ¿rove Scnne 1st—O.iief of the “Rig* meroua humorous people assembh'd S ome of tue visiouary inhabitants of Washington It 1 »iate* o«i a l»rge un tags,” mounted on a fl ry cayusv. aud rntiiu-cil. Th-« spree opeued Asblwud induite -iu â hope that oar occupied Add, and doub le«n will cul ­ S-’ene 2 I—A charge by horse an 1 rider t»y a fn** bale from the artillery,at the naw bridge will be completed »re toe both. Scene 3d —Horse stops, rider tivate it wall. A large amouxit of is tiroke of ui'iru, aud the br-xen baud winter rains set in. T inse w ho expect proceeds to dismount, bead first. Re space is given to S »'iitiern Oregon discouraged sweet strains ot music in a too mach are often disappointed. «»¡It—The chief supports right hand, which entitles it to a li’> »r*> pair* nage skibet full of liger A le*p-wru iga¿ from our people. D ina C. P»»rs«m .The last number of the .SAorc •»adly bruised, in a red bandana, sus­ aud brand new «»ration was**xp hi .id«*«! editor and proprietor, Term» $1 50 by Prut M -rritt, in a pleasing,m«ir«ici *ng the many ot bar likeness pended from his neck. per annum. M oral —A riJer should stop when ivr aud c<* upreben-ive manner ;-*n«iM ea, a well »X-Gated wo>t cut of our ------ -♦ ♦ ------ toWasmau.Capt J. JÍ.M C JI.our pres his horse does. Annie Bilger exaellcd uers If iu read ng 1*0 a. r tue Declaration ut I »dependence,wuny.i eut R¿pre «ornative iu tue L-gKUture. We clip the following item from the W. R Dunbar. G W. C T hsa ap was given cluse atluutiou by tne pstn lu consequence of the bard time* in H'as/iini/ton (lows) 1're.u: Mayor Mo- pointed and oommiaei'inet! Stite Depu ote, Dinner was di«*o i -> hh 4 with z *st some pi^trt of CkliToimia, our favoreJ C*11 has. received from his brother wumh betrayed keau. and apuretuiive State is again tha recipient of a ú urn ber John M.,- of Ashland; Ore., a beautiful riea as folhtwn; C«pt O C Applegate app*Aites. Tien came amiiseiueu», uf emigrauu. D iriug the last two cane, wine color, made of Manzinita Linkvilk; Prof. W T. L-rk .Ashland; wbion cousintml in climbing a pole weeks, «eversi trains of wagons have wood, bearing a silver band inscribed J C Eldeu E-q. W *LI«». H has also oummissiuDt-d a- C «uuty D G, W.C which was d*-ck”d with pr*zes, sack­ p««aed through A-hlaud, en route for with the donor's name, A?. ,wi(h R T's walking spring T’a., Hon J D F mutaiu <»f Ashland, racing fur pi xes. name set in silver in the bead of the diffeient parts ot Oregon. pole to cross Oar, »here prizes were for Jackson county; Hon. George stick. It is the finest walkiog stick in Our cotemporary,the Sentinel, copies the city If John M. only knew bow Conn of L kevi^w, for Ltk*4 c »unty. suspended, aud target shooting, by th*.- « letter written to the T idings , and infirm Burrell is ! and Hon. W W Fiddler of William­ young 1 »•li-’rt (»uy of winch wool I •»* » A large circular swing published l»-t week, ami credits it a> creek, for Joaiphin* co inty; A. D prize brrsel .) Burrell is the E I ¡tor of the Press. Hdman E-q L »dge Deputy of A hiand w is i-rected convenieuily at baud, and “Extract from a private letter written was well pa routs-d Turre wer* Goon F orm for a L ove L etter .— Lodge, No. 189. by ludisn Agant R »ork.” Co«ue Frank plenty of refresUmcots on the ground —dont be afraid to give the T idings .If/ Dear Darling Daisy: — It has beeD Celebration — R port of Finance Cent- oranges, ice-cream aud etc« terss. Tor two loug weary days since I bad the the small amount of credit due it. mitt e. r.ain the mgut previous ma le the d*y rapturous ecstacy of gazing into those The following from LtugeH’s valley, brilliant bine (or black as the case may July 5tb—To b II of A. V G.Bette cool and plOasant, as well as tha peo I written July 31, ia the latest startling t»e) eyes of yourn. I implore you iu pl . Tbr cunda-ion was rea**h«-d bi ........................................... $3 50 news from that county: foot racing m the evening and a gratul the name of that big stick of red cream To bill of W S**er ...$3.(10 “The whit*« have broke out. Indians candy I gave yon on the 4th, not to <1 b»*ll, when 71 iick-*U w«-re s »11 aud ev “A. D Hebnsn. $1.50 fleeing fur protection »<> Fori K «math. •a “ J D F ‘ «in am-. . .«(> 00 rrybody happy. T ie whole of the cele­ Sqnsw* au l children hid m the tuleK run too much with that red beaded •• “ J. vi M-Cd ....45 ft) bration was pl tuned au l in inag-d by veadv to defend themselves with feller with black mustache and white •• “ T idings ............... $2 00 the J tckrtouvilie brasa b»ud an*1 we eyebrows, cause he’s too big for me earn«« «ticks ” «21 00 unite iu • xteudmg th *m the cr»ar emptied to get the Macks Any Cail A Uo.............;...........................$31 85. but a I as, loo U*e ! til illLti her Thoma* Iulow. a bright little l*'l of pert«on kuowiug the names of parties, grasp and was prone Upon his l«a**k in A shland J ¡.y 8 1878. ’ • s • eight'sommers. rhshed into our offiw dates or details, would confer a favor the dustjiiirt s «me,but will recover be The Fourt b. thia week, and irqoired. * D • you prat by communicating the same to the un­ fore tjie bell rings open. Do you call ■names in the p«f>er for oats?« A the dersigned. that a l»a kuuWh ?” J. M S utton , name time prc*errting •* buoch of osts As usual at Ashland, the celebration I» nnr county too po ir to own a fl ig? Ch’m HistorioalC >vag- has an alluytor in his the affirma'ive, he coo timed, ‘Ms. F rom W arne «. —Mr Lotfiaa.who ba« About 800 people indulged in the les- »ah»ou. wb Ch attract h m .qy series. * , Baners pulled these oat* on Mr. stock near Warner valley, returned tivi’ies of ihe occasion Thr« ora'iou L««reoce «My* th • 4-.ii is t*»*» h«g. too L<»fi*4s* land, aud I want all onr names this week, aud gives the true sta'e of by C«pt. O C. AooMgate, w«s hignh ipacu 4 n. H«i had to C ihu «- 4 b too of io tor 'em. affairs from that section. The Indians enj «ved by »II. ('ne o ator did ampi- ten, <>i «as Otten 4 n or * in air and move abuut tie |ri«oa*. T U d scovered. A aurtp«*cted party ia Mr. Lofftu-i thiuks therp is no dang r means it.e 1 a4» part of tb« p*«* for ma'nTe. will aff >r-l a rar«- chance to wi uess Mr *p* tied, and a Hose watch is set on E xodus —As 'm'ght be « xoeoted. the was coniti et* d ny Prof. J Q tVillit- C jx ' k wonderful p<-if >rm*nces biui. Our opinion is that he will do excwasivelf hot weather of late, has A'lt-rsll had ,i*r 4k-*u of a isMinti til du well ro »kip out. W kN PED — A FIRST Ct 188 B *KER. made mountain excursions exceedingh dinner, apre «d for the occasion, th Cuiuiu'iuio .te * tu \V.u. Ala. fl Id t ti M essrs . G ove a M errill photogra­ desirable. F »r example, a party of ex .Rig-t*gs maiie their app-trauoe. to »lie laud Ur»i*nson. They' ten days. Anyone wiahing wood pic part of A^blainl/at mill prices, by tl.e At night a grand nd «»a giv*n and were iu extra goo 1 spirits, h *ve an ex Eagle Mill * tares at reasonable urices »horrid not g»v o tuples participa oellent outfit, and don’t care for ex some-îxty (ail to c *'l at »hair P u>tot?n». opposite PFT, •• Na io-lai G«»1 1 Meda van* »ril­ Dense«: it ia confidentially expected ted. “Mm* h*»«t.”.«»f tue \ hlanu th»» H tel. T «ev mak« all «iz a. from 'd o Dr »die» £ ibilrfson o Le b»é< fbo that they wdl exceed all former ex Huü«*». tue SitU - j V» »! Ja-ip-r, furnish l gr •!»•'« *n ’ e ' nited blates. and lhe Vim- smallest to largest. On-« Joz^n Email ed ne of hi*» ub*r<*cmriaUo «Qppcrs, uu V ed »• or Le h«ai in the w**rl«l piptpres and an «¿hu«q lot $1 00 I Ru- pediiiona of the KcakOQ in mountain <4^ aiojigoujvry otrwt, baa frac deco. aafl ail wen» WPT* - • oaeabes, bolj t’/tf dayr. ¡«port . *7 I t I I w JUST RECEIVED. GRAND W igner A lndcrson have j i«t re­ tv > mm I a lar e lot u! faruniig >ua *l>in- ery »hieb wilt be • x*U.tQg«o 4 t PanQxaiMi *>“> Concert A U .RE CHANCE —WI^L BK 141 VMM at— Mrs. M.iclia Setinmuf desires to call The Ashland Academy, the aitixtiou <-f ■ l.e public to the faci —H)N----- I oar she |K d*a*irt«UH ot KelllUg out her entire atiH'k of mdlinerv go. »4 a V»xeth er With tn r gleet will of the entire bus WndriRsdu E ya nil!?, J ut 17t'L mesa, riiu*e desiring t» invest iu s For the benefit of the Chtirces goikl busi U ns » will du w il €•» inviali uow iu course of erection. ga e. [ ..4 if W anted GOV£ a MERRILL, Forty cord* of fir wood. Bids to OF TH« PHOTOGRAPUtC TEXT, supply the same will be re«v»v«d a' t»»e A «bland Academy, until J ily 12m. •SUHsve off r»l ih»*ir servioea with R, gut reserve i to reject any or ail bide. t* ir S'iop'icuu. FRBE showing the«“ .\i*1ress, or ca«l at the Ashland Acade views ot this aud «'h r coaukriag, atatnarv sad comic. my. (uo 3 r par iculara apply lo vicea to helpmake tha C. F Wats hi , Like View Or«-gou. <0 eutertuinuient TAK-. NOTICE. All p-r*>u kuowiug themselves in —TO ALL — » x •lepieii to the A*« h la mi Woolen Mills, The use «»I ihe .in* ueerj donat­ are hereby u<»tifled to call aud st-tilr. 'd and I be I'eacbTs m using th^ir I d Q unii c -ither with ca-h or uo*e iu thirty days io m k<- l e enterteiUiUrUl a sucCcM from this da'e A dm ssi < r ------ onta, W H. A tkinson , A/ent. Ciiiltisu uit.ier '«a years, half price. A shland . April 5*fi, 1878. 43 f F ourth of J uly at thk C ity D buq bTOBB, B ly yonr handk« rchief extracts of t.iiuw* St Farlow—they have X Lubin uey nave juuid «, Piuauds, B.K B. . 4~. ___ . «U'! Kim B i K u us F«ilow* UUtìirt, the i moat de unte p« rtuiuu* iu uæ, also Centennial Cotogne. NOTICE. The undersigned contemplate task mg a cbang- iu their b isiuesa and de sire to reduce ihcir stock lor that pur p-«ae. They will, ti»er< f «re, vff r their l.rgeaud vari«-d stock uf eloiiitug at gr«-atly reduced prmes. giving this »-ail« auh«»uucem>-ur, that purchasers may avail tbeiuS Ives of this raie up p rtuuity, at the Mi**»h B >< k J M L c C all AC o . A shland , J«iu< 6 1878 < e »------------- ------ for sale TAKE NOTICE. ■< 4 - MRS. H. A. MQflRE’3 Scientific HÆÏR FRQDUCEa. ----------------»-wra a—----- ---------- H A. MO<>BE w<>ald «nooonca t«» ’ke TjiHi«-» .ixi Gerds • e«> w* a d «>Mt»s «r eiul n «ors wo’ <>f i flu- -u‘i *.fK ir. ’lit st» bi« i*Wn ad bee <»1 h»Ged H ir B«*>-:»'er, wt let kno* bean befl*re G e put»' r for inr e^i.s» uf ’»o yesreHBd lit* Ui aviwy in«t co girru en tir * >l f c loa • to what liprotu- b*. s Yo or ueo»i or dsnsgi* * ««t-t nse 1» u»ed m «.»■ia r*o r .t'on.uui 1« n* <« r..s eed io i reTeat kslr «Hillngoti i«*«r f sir HV>Hc»''a* ». Web-kuu >n o . mm ..fiQtigot n.1-tig'» Mura» n ivOB-neu ce»efu)iyw>»»- ted (.» |«r ueooiuD sis ft U j > yore»* lwu>. *' *IU i>r*-*if** oB t> ldra.1. rseu to i»s ■«•o«a i »'•»< lc «C «tste. 1 uitt rr«*v.-nt hair t ora iiniis ■ gr j. Ed* ?repar*tk»»e ti war led o 11 par r of tLe uoao«f>. ONE BOTTLk, |J, Ot,THBgl BUTTLES, IIP. F->rfy &cr»a <>f 1 »nd, including a new ami commodious dwelling house, a srn dl b*rn. with other improvements A giH»d wi li of water at the dour, and a -pri> g g hundred and twenty-tiv v>*rilb distant, with ample tlevaliou to fl »w mtn, house. So.I tra’t of «and ad j ms the towu oi Like View «»n the «1 rth A -dress or icq lire of T. J Bratlain, Like View Orexou. N’ 5lf Addrea* (<’ . MRS. H: A. MWRE. 10084 * rl»* *8 > *ui Fr-agli-aB, QtL [ v‘/u6-ly J on. a. T. inlow CITY DRUG DON’T FORGET IT. If you are troub «d wi'h nervous Den«, are disheartened, tired. O l fe fear deat'i O' feel out of sorts, a« the sanuH I-. y u may safely conclude that you have the Dv-pep-ia or Liver C m iJaiut. The liver is very apt t>» be­ come torpid tin-« seasou <»f the year, as INL8W « FARLOW poison* ari»iug from stiguaut wa’er or dt.cayiug v tie aiinn, are uu>rc lamer Druggists and Apotbmriea •>ns. and are through inhnLtion , tali e*. into th«- b issj. Uuieea the liver ia stniiirf and active, and turniKhes a «ap Fraah Drier* sf *0 Mad* kept ocutafiily .«* haw* p y <>f fre-h and pure I'lool t>i drive out tiic impunti » the «»b .v.- n«i-niione<1 - almo - hVQlptoius are sure to follow, aud if n<*t heeded, mav end in mine a rribl« PAINTS tlfHl'H- tf-4 Hud <»r 4 it » ufCirr, u y Uie^ou, >.i>l Mi»« M . ui* Luixly, uf A h «ul. G» li .su • r«ofvt4 with f s b s* w V* M.q •a c*»» .'t* t>J l s UKppy cou i*s t>ih*ugb fe>nhstu *s th. * h .f J.U- . 1878. ££~8'r>r«* oof «loor KNiti of As Fusti ft ¡» all« ui« AatkUi u M.-U» . ötTDit. H T I*u»w ms alwiy* to Ib-md aS U m b *. 4v, n«djr *.v » lj *.4 *u gretaA a*i o » sk T*33f) D c8 lUUoh NdllCA INLOW * FA1IOW hr *nn»r«Hi !•»* « fo*r eif»bg be ue»*n W. C. DALEY, W gue». A d-r-oa A F. i» a.» lig tGCxii t «1 . *42 Oriu, wil e II id «**tilr HUU» W g le» A Alide. U . a i er b- < h ot l> W uinkh A A hochuoi , P. W. O lio ut. A« hl *« d , O b ., Ju'y 12. 1878 (N 3v3w4.) I T PALEY & CO. Proprietors of the C ea MP on C’ptribtr8bip* D«Aonorr«'! h*r 'uf.te-ii« *4 ’»«wew. R. M. O..m *d O.rrv t l*d . J. F^tra*, uiid* r h fl.Bi n ai- ot U rr~ » <> > Ft, *e, I b- db ! r*’ f 0« Lg ad ^-n» I* g o ' 1 «i ifr. lu> in J k imi «ud {¿>*e CuQrie , ir b> iL y di*-U V bv n.u u.»lc n- n . Et. M.rABl'E T D J. lERHLE A bhund , Jun- 29, 1878 (u 4 •* WOJD WORKERS’ FACÎDRY, A shland , O fhoqb , FURNITURE, A in uidir.iLi :x .< Noucu, UOCE i» ■ e eby giv-f by u»* «•d*r»,fnel V« ad i« r.. rU i u--.. • • * t Ab- | ¡u Bu .uie »■ • r> e , lit Ht cr d o ‘ uf, d ! Il e **0» u vii-ij cL.iiu« Mit*' he • id ece «ed, tu e»bibi beai wihib >íe*er« ryvouchei«, «ithiii liuiubi fer li*e fl « ubiic tou uf ni? toi •, to ue aid Ad« min « *- ' u, ' he« r- ilei«e iu UbewBuc.a VuUey, L « fi .uu y, Chaguu. W- M p. M áu TB* X B h I nsui N t Manufacturers of all kinds of DOO 8. 6A|H, 81’1133, DOOR k WlkDuW FRAMES, OF ALL DIKLFSLOXS. 44-tel M L'* b Vir.w Ju e 7; (n-dwi] ¡871 Ko ÍQ©. it^PpAMiKG U. 8. LAND OF.1- VE, L*«r Virw I O..., M > 2«ui, 1878. » ^OXTPL «TNT h .-URt> - mt* Oiö*r h o j c 8 uu ¿ i • < * ter W r , f « >* o4 o> ««« i H es’atvf E*' «y, N. 23 d o Ô* 1* h, ‘■D'b- '.»*-«4 7 f-»c I« t « 1 8 A II hscl «u t. Te ■ •» 41 ft rat* . B ige 11 E • I L*»br C an v, Öen • , wi b »- u e». esi «••«• 1 i «d -B’ ): tie • id r is- ««* h*»* by «n tn n d ♦ «* e r h ’ i »« Ou.o o< • «• Ctl* ». fu dibi . i*i*U-,. «'Y a> l Orimug n » w * rge 1» «• • meni J. H. E’ AN’, Rstt'-*«r Gio • 32 4. >0FT ictubk r am »-» neatly to order. on * ot all kinds, sawing, turning, boring, etc., etc-, DOME WITH DTSPATC5!!. ’Sm.Wn.LOCNT A ct ior the aree ties wf 11 kind» ot Bt iLorrtw. BS. Undertaking, a Specialty, R. œi«««. SATISFACTION GUARANTEES, Give U« a DALEY ACO. jq no . itt? V 4 ■— — ■ •V jr k .