'S&. - VSIILAND TIDINGS. Fits Epilepsy UR F rida y......................................... Truly Rural. hat .' a IV lampoon . ’Tw.i3 erenirg end the Tillage chime» M lost niu.'liMily cheme; !• <■„ •afr.’.'vw au - a warlike calf U j - u A ugu ly htud home. The blsatug beep in c.iurus blute; Tb-j -«^a .1,'jig , 'p» ee yq-j Me ; TaeTi.ur kkhpuhia u iug qu.te BuC»lie, aa a whole. FALLING SICKNESS. Pei munenti jr Cured no liunibnjr-by on. month*, uaage of Dr. Goulard*. Cel­ ebrateli lnl'al.ible Fit Powdeiw. To c>>n- viiice .-uif-rer.« lb-* u»«-*e i*»w w ill '.«»liw cl nu for »hem. v * will »ten b» ni. 11. pout paid, n fi ee trial box. Av Dr Goul rd 1» t. e o ly en'i u iou< hi*tvvr m de »hi* di-ei!‘<*'< .je«id R’”«1y ani e • u» kn..u’edwe lUouraudg b» b* u-e of hn-e Pow- ASKLAND AND LIKKVILLE DEALER IN expended. Alt ruiPrei. »6 >ui<; give 'b*-e I’owuer. an early uhi, and b* cuuviuced if ibtir curative p «W er». P <•*, for ':i»g* box, $3.00,or 4bixe?f r|r.00,*ent by mail oatypar of L'ui »d S»ai*» or C u> d.on re-- jek.l oi Lrive, ur by exi re-», t*. O I>. Addrees, Tne cr:c.i ,e inked,trn oalets owled, Bit. beit duiit h-j v’h’.k. The k;ty, She .11*w . or’on forth, Au I coyly s’o i: who e. A JOLLY DUEL.. Tae ji.llieat dueL ev«.r recorded took place in Lyou3, France, the other day. Two journeymen tailum bad a quarrel about the cut of a pair of trowsera, and it could only be sot tied by a meeting on the field of honor. Seconds were cbj'wu and u mcet.ng took place,at fi in tbo lauruiug.ia thoT.-te ¿’Or Park. The principals had tiu:r eyes bandaged and wvro pieced bick io buk, each with a pistol, loaded, nowi ver.only with blank caitriJge, though each supposed it to ba charged with ball. At tbe tignai giv n tney turned and flie»’.. One of »Le Beeouds cried out, “I aru hit !” and each oombalcnt pulled off the bandage .run his’eyei, expecting to see his ad- ”er*ury f dteu. The seconds and wit- nea*es ware roan~g with laughter, and tri • daeluta, seeing the j?ke, rushed into one another’s arms and kissed in French faah-oa. The result was a gra.,l.ige lu.v b< w«eu Liukv he mid F< ri Klaiuutii Abo «1 i. «>ur »«-un Veeah iii.e hum Ln.kvii.e c Lake City „ud ..L lu.fi'u.eui.i e puiUta. GARRETT iFERREE. STABLES, • Positively Cured. Corner of 4th aud California Sts., ASHLAND HARNESS A'l «¡iff.-rer1 from ’hi* d;«.“<*e th*t ar* anx'en» to be cured *huuM »r- Dr. Ki*»iier'« Celebrat'd J acksonville , O hkgon . Cun Minn pt i ve Powder*, lue.e Pow.-c • a[e tLe un) ..repirid-u kiuwu ’hat will cure Con- rpiIE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR-j^ sumption .nd all diveaeee of (hr Throat and ■ cn.*ei ihe ub ve u med e bl J.Ung’s -united, *o eirot’g l<* our faitn iu tfieui, ¡-i d from Kiibli & Wilevu, beg le ve >o iuf.uu. rdiO iu cLviiM-e you tint bey are no humtnig, we will Ihe public luat they . re de »ru.iued >«.mm VI ?1 forw r every i-Lfierer, by in .ii, i>ubt paid, u free a C iuiiLU i ce of trie p .u.ib ge .b>.t b; » .or ui iy trial box. years paet been c. lifer red on three ju-by we o, (. w; nt jour money un il you are perfectly sadefied of ti.eir curative power-. If your lif- is worth envinz, don't delay in giving tbeee Powders a trial, a- t ey will «nrelt cure you. We have const «inly on hand the very beat; ’’rice, fur Urge b.>x, #3.00, rent to any part of the Uulud St..tea ur Canada, by mail, on receipt of ptice. POPULAR STABLES! ASH & ROBBINS, CARRIAGES, And can.furnleh our cue’omer« with a tip-top turn­ out al »Ly lime. Herses Boarded STORE. C. S. Sergent & Co., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps FOR THE GENERAL TRADE > MANUF ACTURER OF,AND DEA' ER IN Saddlery & Harness, c ÎZ A shland , O regon . BUGGIES AND 360 F vlton S xrekt , B rooklyn , N. Y. 36) 1 c c SHOi C. K. SLUM, SADDLE HORSES, Address, On reaeonab'e terms, «nd the be«torcire »nd atten­ tion beeiowed upuu ibeiu wbile uuuer their cuarxe. Aleo, Horses Bought and Sold. We will gUiramee aitief c’i<>n In a’) our tr ne- actioue. C aul well & M c M ahon . f|TBE UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR PA- B »roti, for I r lib r.,1 |.'.u» ni g" be*’< w»d u. < n ueduriigour coirne.»un wi’h lie U.ion Livery Stable». woi> Id tte.peuk >• cou'itiiin c- of ne s m- '.< our eucieeeora. C ahlw > ll & M c M ahun Nu 17; 1. l.iuiit 8\ Mm 5 mid !’■ y s’ buf. »Sirs, a b|»t ci*»lily. T* am, Eugey and Plow Harness TEAM Ä 1 UGGV C< LI Al.S, LUKRV < Ml'.', LIGI LES, C1NCIH»ST1RRI I’«'. t\ HIP'. LA-HES, SPURS, COLLAR FAI S, ET( .. ETC . And everyhii g u-uallj kept in a fiisi chi - e-’ ib i bmiut. lepubiiu e*s and dbpalcb at pi he* • me». WHEAT Tiktn at the H.ghes Maiktt Rates ii Excbai ge fnr Goods, JuHK CBANLLXB, All persona indebted to Megers. Hel­ man A Fountain, a ill plea*v coms for ward and bettle tbe eatue with the un­ dersigned, as the ohl books must b<- equared up immediately. 33tf J D. FOUNTAIN. iv&r ¡ n rr. A*bl.n<1 Ju e 27th, 1S76. vr X. fci M JlRHALL. Chandler & Marshall NEW SAW MILL ASHLAND All kinds of approved country ba aubsoribara tuving completed Lheir Saw produce taken in exchange for LD-K^K'OWJTED Two miles South-West Main Street, Ashland, goods. u-'V’ Do not fail to give us a trial before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give sat­ isfaction. C. S. Sergent & Co. F A CTOR V. Are now prepared to furnish the be»' quail y oí S ä 1U’’ - ber, In quau hies to auit purchne a, at tbe ▼<* > We are now manufacturing, and have on hand a good assortment of LOWEST LIVING RATES. PIKENIX, OREGON.; (v2u21.f.) LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER — -♦ ♦ --------------- - Selling* Out ! ! Great Keiuetiea ia Sewing Machines. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! ! Be sure to call, and rest assured that you shall have satisfaction. G. W. SMITH. We are prepared to exchan ¿ which we offer to the trade at lumber for all kinds of produce, on easy terms. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Adbkiid, Oregon. — Befoie the discovery of the satellites of Alurs, uslr./i.omt r.- were inclined to reduce th ir ebdoxatea of thu mass of that placet. The calculations made from tbe speed and distauce of the lit­ tle moOLa, render it certain that Mari« is tmalier than had becu previously rceko ied. though the difference from Borne of tue mure recent estimates is Lot very gre«*(. la round numbers, the mass of Alars is less than a tenth of that of tbe earth. The Dew figures will probably be long in reaching the school escionomios, where me propor­ tion u usually put ataseveuth. MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND I HI­ DA \ S ;»t 4 o ciuck a . u : . rnvee ui L ilk - vilie aau.e nay*. Le uiuiug, —AND— CONSUMPTION The sucet’.sfal life of Mr. J3oob Strawa, the ’»rlac? of American farm­ Something New! Something New! ---------------- -------------------------- ers, is attributed to the close observa­ tion of the following maxims, origin­ al I hy him elf: M>*uv. yoni fescjK high and strong,so I they will k . op pigs out. If ;cu imve brush, rnaku your lots stroDg PRICES OF JEWtlRY ! aud secure, aud keep tbe hugs from tbe corn. Ba sure to get hands to bed by seven A new and excellent aassortment o’cHck: they will rise eaily by force oi of fine gold and plated jewelry. ctc u instances. ----------------- ■* ♦ -------------- - P ♦ a Han i, if he is a poor hand, all you promise; and, ii he i* a good one, KT'Piea»« c dl “ml examine my btock Del ji 6 pay tin a little more; it will encour­ cau-uig elsewhere. age him to 4•> »jtrli bi tter. {g^-GreAt pains taken in repairing gold or eiiver Aiw tys fee ! your hands as well as wai&.es ami ail kiuds of jewelry. you feed yourselves, for laboiicg up-n are the tnny aud smew of the t£j*A first-class chronometer in my ealab.irh- menu laud, and ought to be well treated. I mi sa>*.‘iti>*d ihac getting np early, g^-Watchie and clock* cleaned at irom D 50 to industry and regular habits are the best $2 00. Ail,other work done at lhe very lowest mtdi-tne prescribed for health. prices. Wh«-a ra’nv, bad weather comes, so you can't work out of doors, cut, split uod piie year wood, make your racks, and vx yt ur .euces or gates. [Fr>.m ike Nt w York Inbunt.] LEAVES ASElA.tD IVil’iam Mayfield A Great Fariujr*. Maxima. Size and Plaz« of Mar«. GARF.TT AND FERREE’STRI-U EEKLY ¿stage* tui< be‘W««-n iht* »in ve n..med poiuli- ibr* r lino a >» uj>-kif g tbe nip tbtoilHll in as iced. Ko nipp- td off <. m vithful o? the fragrant busu, i hawi-d it a moment, spit it oat, bit Limseilf uno kn k-d to see if he was doj»jiiDg, took another bite, and then, with quivering iip, and the tears l juraiag duwu bis cheeks, he lifted up 1 ia voice aud brayed a bray of undis- gutsed emotion. A peculiar brand up- oa the atHut d was recognized by the Indians, ps r u i niud by their ancestors hundreds of yeuie ago, and his deep Liuution nan, no doubt, caused by nn- trxcectidty n i liug himself once more um.d the sc ? y °8 U herein he hai whiled away ‘ he joyons, iauooent hours of hi a obiidnood. STAGE LINE General Merchandise, «ler*, we will guarantee a p*-riiiaiient c ,.e \ B» B HACKS PEH DAT. TtloMi WablUg repalli g is a rare but adonta­ nclGif IF T. ZIMMERNAK. ALBERT SECORD. z>iy Send for Illustrated Catalogue, •» ask for cample of mending, and our Circular Go. 197 for further iA&tructiona for buying machines upon terms stated in tho Catalogue. w*s?ai was®!! sew !M machine 827 A, 829 ISroadway, Kevj York; View Orleans, La.; Cor. State end f'adison Sts., Chicago, ills.; and San Francisco, Cai. Saye &;/ aH First-Class Dealers. For MRS. M. W. HŒG.lDiŒ. Agoni, V. 2, No. 51—if. .Vliland, Or< gon. Wanted in exchange 20,000 lbs. Grease At the Factory. RIGDON & CO. tv2u6 f] Wagon Shop nu ea i J e TD- ! iu il e-e »ime , / / bo li cui h- u .de u br— moni».» A 1 by .Uy oueui e be.' *rX,i>. my purl • • ui be c U" ry, w. u 1» > >h> g >o »o k rie.idil. ..ite e.uFujui'U' ih t we turi.ih. $66 , er ee* in ><‘U. u-u .own You . e«-m ..• u-e over u'gui Y. u c i gue yuut ■ w-ok tim» to! e vutk , T ui y y -ui i- u.iiu.eiis We . V- ugru e wl.oi.rr m k úg over |20 per iluy. All Wbu eng g- K» u C Cum Ke utole-y -»•. Al b- i Trrei'i i rne ui«>u y c u u b- m 'e uew.iy i.. r pi .y it Ktiy o lier bu.-i e*». I <■ -t- > w »• try beb.Biie*-. i»n< e a u $5 ou'fii f-e. Adi*»- utouu*, U. H aï lktt & üu., Pui Uua M-me. i2-*-ly [ vo’2-no49-w26] NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! take notice . <|1IIE UNDER IGxNED WILL BE FOUND X *t hi* sbop on M un > reet, two «loo b f om die livery st ible-, wlie t> i e is p. ep irwi to do all kinds of work iu bis line l ibe lo*e»i price. WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS Of Vehicles Made to Order. Repairing of all kinds 2one with dispatch, call and see me. nolif. JOHN RALPH. The MK£. K. A. MOCRi’S Scientific HÜÆXE PRODUCER. noltf. GROCERIES, NOiIOxS, FINE CLOTHING. MEN & BOYS’ SUITS, A LARGE STOCK OF CANDIES AND NUTS. A. MO iRF w..uld annonnee to ’he Tjidi-. and Gei.'lec en «ho d t rv (Me »nonni »4..ri m-ut •»(» fin— -u't <.f H ir. tb*’ si.e hiv p»t-ii ed ber F at of the public eq ue Ashl md Ogn; ami in ready and wiling >o do all wo k eutrns ed to me in a wokmmlike u'anuer. WAG­ ONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WH EL- BARROWS, PLOW STOCKS, Ac., m ile o order. and repaiied ou short « o’tce. Tbe best Eastern h < o k coast an* ly on hand. W W. KEN t NOR. CHEAP STOKE, r best goods, Li'5"' at t lie lowest prices. DRY GOODS FA.xCY GOODS, CIGARS AND MRS. H c*l brat»- re., r »un . k .*1 1» !» gu r n eoi i. r-veul heir r*lllr g a»ìer fidii*e* h»v- n *u'’c*»efully ’r - i*d ( ’ ■»■ |ier i-eumouinl* in no p-ne- I’ vii OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- i.n-'nc» » full fio»-ing cruj. of li’ir ion) • Il et-..«# •■» inggo d wagon w«rk. the nuclei signed b M> e<-, e^e-' i.m«» .r m>u ceri 1 «• i p ev nt r.Mr f ooi '»in in vr y. Preparati, n* hereby makes known that he can be 'ound all tiines.at bi* shop in the S. W. corner fu wur i*-» o 11 p-r » of 'l e comi rj. Ashland, June 17th, 1876. E 4‘ ii ài in workmanship is equnî to a Chronometer Watch, and as cìogantlv finished S3 a firaVcJass Piano, it received the highest awards at tho Vienna and Cen­ tennial Expositions. ST SLVJ3 OFJE-PGURTH FAST­ ER than other machines.- Its capacity to unlimited. There are moro W 2 L 3 O M A C id SMES sold in the United States than tha combined sales of all tho others. THE WiLSOE ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds cf rapairimT, VJ5THOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. A Certificate is given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, free of charge, for five yoarc. Et requires no special instructions to learn how to uso it. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. f^acEiines delivered free of charge anywhere in tho United States. TOBACCO, CROCKERY. STOVES ALD HARDWARE, Wagon Factory. duue, wiJ do weil to Come it once. Stj :k titi UkiL ROB T GARRErr, J. D. FOUNTAIN ONE BO1TLE, |5; Or.IBr.EE bOTTLES, $10. A