THE ASHLAND Fits Epilepsy TIDINGS HOBT GARRETT, J. D. FOUNTAIN OR F A L L I N G ;S I C K N E S S. MAY 1Í, m FRIDAY Permanently Cured no humbug-by on« month’s usage of Dr. Goulard’s Cel­ ebrated Infal.iLle Fit Powdeis. ><• o»n- [For Hie T iding »]. viuce Hltf rer? h. Itr -e (i> A any par of V> i »d S’ u.* or C u d on re- teipt of ;r:ce,or by exj re-p, C. O D Address, LOST.” TO A.------- I am coming with my oreamland; With my muse so ead and broken, Fiom the vision land of Alien, With the im-ge of my lore— Th* darling oi-e w ho left me, In tnedei/oid io g ; n we w.» ked be.-tde the river, And w .tched the rlovvljr dyin* eun; Anl “O,” etii ebe, “Come bick to me, M j love, my own, my only one.” STAGE LINE General M erchan d i se, « GARETT AND FERREE’STRI-WEEKLY ¿lags» tun between the above named points three limes a week, muking the trip through iu one day car­ rying U.S.Mail uiidpassengers/ Dry-Goods, Groceries, School Books, Blank Books and Stationery, A H 4 R. BBI n S, 360 FfLTON STRfET, B kooklt . N. Y. 36vl LEAVES ASHLAND Ashland Barber Shop He preawd her w-epin^to hi* breast. But, wieile he kiee*»l her tears away, The tiny sad waves kieeed the e»nd; And as they rip, led they eeemed o say; “He will come no more; ne’er cotne «gain.” Having purchased the Barber Shop on Main street, lately kept by James K. Leube, will always be found on hand ready to I “Ab! too la e, laeeie—Yes, too late,” Said the wild winds front the wooded dell, 8w eet-ing down the pebbled ehore; And, waiilig on, they eeemed to say, “Forever g SATUR-* D.\ YS arriving at A-hlaiid same day con necis w lb our ouily stage line bn wren- Linkv.lie and Fori Klamath. Also wiih our semi weekly line horn Liukvihe to Lake City and all iuiermediaie puibis. I* UNION LIVERY Fix you up in the most approved style. ^•¿i-Give me a Call and try me. v fnJofl] WILLIAM MAYFIELD. LEAVES LINKVILLE NOTIONS SHAVE YOU, CUT YOUR HAIR, AND lop iittle low green valley, Just beuind the moun­ tains, Alone, rhe walked beside the river, And watched the dying of the day, While chADtii-g slowly, “Come back to me, And love me darling, for al way.” MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND. FBI DATS at 4 o'clock à . m : arrives at Link* ▼ill« sume days, Reluming, —AND— William Mayfield He Is worn and weary, with long waiting, For a letter once so fondly written— The atd a meet tok-n that of. would tell Of pfgti'ed vo a s, and tro.h forever, In the ye>ra ag jdc we loved so well. S ale and E xchange CONSUMPTION STABLES, Positively Cured. Comer of 4th and California Sts., GARRETT & FERREE Chitwood & Atkinson ASHLAND A>1 sufferer* from’h1s d’*e -e’l> t nr anxit ns to J acksonville , O begon . be cured should ir Dr. Kissner's Celebrated Coniumptlvs Powders, llhe.- rr the oh y ,-repdT i«m »>vwu ha "ill cure Con­ rpHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PVR-e^ sumption -bd alldieeaH:? oi the Til»oat and I. Chisel the b ve u>.D>ed 8 bl Lung, -liideed, so «troug i>« our fab u iu them, i d liohi Kubli 4 Wilfon, beg ie ve to tufuiiL^^V^ bleu to convince you tint bey are n<> numoug, we wilt tne public ttiul they . re deterndued loiueit .YL..JL . furw -rd to «very ruiferer, by m ii, |>oei paid, a free a c»iij lLUiiDce of ttie patrouiige that htiB lor lu-uy years past been Conferred ou these juetiy trial box. We iiuu i want jour money ttn’ii you are i-erfectly satisfied of their curative power . If your lif U worth raviuw, dot) t demy tn giving these P.wdere a trinl, a* t eywili »ureh cure you. We have constantly on band the very best* • Price, for Urge box, $3.00, -ent to any part <>f the United States or Cauada, by mail, OB receipt of price. SADDLE HORSES, Address, For you never answered, little maiden, The foreign nieceage of sweet affection; A»! low hungc ouds on the acene may weep; Tie weary and wai ing heart was broken, By the virion wltu its seeming— The winds can te'l you where he sleeps. The water’s quiet; tte clouds are gone; The fun ahiues fair upon the stream; In the distant End, by a willow tree, A lotto tomb g.immert in the son. No lovlt g hands to train the willow. Or the few wild flowers above his breast; No lit’ le maid, to *of ly w bisper, ‘‘Here my darlingjlies at rest.” ASHLAND AND LINKVILLE DEALER IN I MANUFACIURXR OF,AND DEALER Df Saddlery & Harness» Alone she wander«, beyrw d the blue, Ore .t and gr nd nu jeetic m iin; Fur they quarreled; F jrever parted; They will never meet again. * —M olli « O wkns . C allahans R anch , April 24, 1878. Hai'Cd Hi in Out. They were J both old pioneer sage brn»hers. and ha l been brtathing the air of Nevada for many years They met in the Bauk Exchange saloon,and after sampling Al’» bust liquor, vitbJrew to one of the club rooms for a game of po­ ker. After playing quite a while with changeable luck, both of them got big bands, and the excitement began. Thompson ohipped a t wentydollar piece to the centre. Johnson came up lively •nd raised it ~,$100 This was seen and $100 *‘better” put up. Johnson began to sweat, Md ’‘seeing” the raise, dropped an even $500 in the pot. Thompson cussed a little but bis spunk w»8 up anJ he swore he would never lay down such a hand. He came to time, and going down into his clothes, made Johnson’s every nerve tremble by raising him $1,000 “I have no more money, but I’m worth $100 000 in mining property—is that good” he ex­ actly asked. He did not own a foot in any mine in the state and Thompson kuew it, but be knew, also, that he coul 1 beat him on an improbable ‘bl nil’ game, and nodded his assent to the bet Then he said. “Old man, I have as good a right to put up my word on this game as yen have yours. I own all this State oat- ■ide of your mines, and I raise yon with the wbole state of Nevada.” Johnson grew wild with excitement, and frantically cried out. “I’ll see it with California and ra’Me yon the rest of tne United St ites I New. d -m you, put up or shut up.” I’m coming,” was the smiling re- I have a title deed in my pocket for all Europe. I ate your little bet with that and raise you with Geo. Washing­ ton himself 1” Johnson grew pale, and throwing down his cards, pushed the money to­ ward his opponent, aaying, “Pard, you’ve got me, and it’s year coin, bat if old Jim Nye wasn’t dea l, I’d lift you clear oat of your boots. Let’s take a drink.”— Elko Pont. B right H ours ano G loomy :—Ah ! This beautiful worl 11 Indeed, 1 know not what to think of it. Sometimes it is all gladness and snnshine, and heav­ en itself is not far oil; and then it sud­ denly changes, and is dark and sorrow­ ful, and the clouds shut out the day In the lives of the saddest of us, there are bright days like this, when we feel aa if we could take up the great world in oui arms. Then come the gloomv hours, when the fire will neither burn in our Learts nor ou our hearths, and all without and within is dismal, cold and dark. Believe me, every heart has it« secret porrows, which the world knows not; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad.—L ong ­ fellow . The original seal with which Presi­ dent Washington authenticated bis pri­ vate and state papers is said by a writer in the' Educational Weekly, to bo owned by Mr Bushrod D. Washington, of Watseka, Ills. It is supposed to be the seal irr pressed upon thj death war­ rant of Major Andre. A shland , O regon . meLt of goods in Lis liuo i>f trade. CARRIAGES, Ladies'. Wen*’ and Boy»’ S die«, a Speciality. And can furnish our custc mere with a tip-top turn­ out al any time. Team, Buggy and Plow Harness Horses Boarded S T OB E C. S. Sergent & Co., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes Hats ana Caps And in short, Everything required FOR THE GENERÄL TRADE a general assort - K eeps BUGGIES AND 360 F ulton 8. belt , B rooklyn , N. Y. 36yl SHOP C. K. KLUMj POPULAR STABLES1 ASH & ROBBINS, HARNESS TEAM A LUGGY COLLARS, CUBE YCOVIl'S, BRI I LES, C1NCHOS. STIRKUFS, K HIPS. LA."LIES, SPURS, COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC . On rensonnb’e term«, and the be it of cure and atten­ tion tie slowed upon them while uucer ibeir charge. Also, Horses Bought and Sold. And everything usually kept in a Intt-elnx We will guarantee Btttisf'Cion in al) our trän» actione. C akdwkll 4 M c M ahon . e-iabii- binent. Kepaii iug done with dm I- nexs and di>patcb at prices to suit the titnov. J rniBE UNDERSIGNED, 1 HANKING OUR PA- M trims for ti e lita-ral patronage ta-xu-weil upon u-duriiguur coldb t on with me Ui ion Livery Stub'-e*. wotiM t>e»peuk « continuno of the 8 me ti cur t-uciexpors. C ardwxll 4 M c M ahon No. 17: •). WHEAT Taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for Goods. Asbbnd, Jure 27th, 1876. All persons indebted to Messrs. Hel- oiau & Fountain, will please coin« for ward and settle the same with the un- derstgnid, a« the old books must be squared up immediately. J D. FOUNTAIN. As Chetp as the <£9 OLI LEà JkX LF» L2J S3 'U1 ASHLAND All kinds of approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. ¿-^Do not fail to give us a trial before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give sat­ isfaction. C. S. Sergent & Co. F A C T O R Y We are now manufacturing, and hitve on hind a good assortment of PIIŒN1X, OREGON.; (v2u21 f. ) LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP. which we offer to the trade at WATCHMAKER AND JcWELER PRICES TO SUIT ÏHE TIMES. Asulahd, Oregon. Our soap has been pronounced Something New! Something New by those who know SUPERIOR TO ANY Selling Out ! ! IMPORTED ARTICLE. SLeäuetien. PRICES OF J i W cl RY ! Give it a trial and support home industry. A new and excellent »assortment of fine gold and plated jewelry. Wanted in exchange 20,000 lbs. Grease Please call and exumiue my stock befjre pur­ chasing elsewhere. At the Factory. C^yOrc *t pains taken in repairing gold or silver wuicues and all kiixls of jewelry. RIGDGN & CO. fcir’A first-class chronometer in my establish- I menu lf2u6 f] Watches aDd clocks cleaned at troni $ 1 50 to |2 00. All other work done at the very lowest prices. Wagon Shop Sewing Machines ALL WORK WARRANTED ! ! Be sure to call, and rest assured that you shall have satisfaction. a w. SMITH. HEUNDER'IGNEI) WILL BE FOUND «.I hi* shop on Main si reel, two doo s f. om the livery stables, whei e l.e is pi ep-ired to do all kinds ot work in bis line like Io«e*t price, T The undersigned ire now prepared at the ASHLAND IRON FOUNDRY To rep«ir all threshing machines md tn put oh the LA I F.4T IMPROVED END SHAKE, which will improve a naw iu chux-'o t'>e unioen’ ofTwoHVN- drib sacks per dat . Thofe wantii g repairi g dune, will do wetl to come it once. no46if IF T. ZIMMERMAN. ALBERT SECOliD. I Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for sample of mending, and our Circular No. 197 for further instructions for buying machines upon terms stated in the Catalogue. AGENTS WANTED I WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 827 A 829 Broadway, Now York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. State and Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francises, Cal. Merchantable Preduce. Satisfaction Guaranteed. JOHN CHANDLER For Sale by all First-Class Dealers. V. 2, No. 7- xMKa. M, W. H a KGIDL\E, Agent, Ashland, Oregon. [voi2 nc49-w26] Is no: rai-Ly eanwd ia these times, tail it on ne mede in ihres mom us by any one of etttx r sex,in -»ny part oi the o «niry, wl.o is wilhcg u» wo k steadily at li e einpioym-M tht we tarnish. *66 per weea in jour owb luwa. You Leed nu ta» aw \1 lxtt A Ou., PurtUbd Maine [2-7-ly TAKE NOTICE MRS. H. A. MOORE’8 Scientific WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS Of Vehicles Made to Order. Rep .¡ring of a 11 kinds Jone with dispatch, call and ree me. noltf. JOHN RALPH. Wagon Factory THRESHING MACHINE MEN. in workmanship is equaJ to □ Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a flrst-clas3 Fiano. It BEST QUALITY received the highest awards at tho Vienna and Cen­ IN ANY QUANTITY tennial Expositions. IT SEWS OKE-FOUftTH FAST­ ER than other machines, its capacity is unlimited» are more VJ8 L SO W M AC H I il £S sold in. the TO SUIT PURCHASERS United States than the combined sales of all the others. THE WILSON MEftDBNO ATTACHMENT, for -DURING THE— doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT ETCHING, given FREE with each machined A Certificate is given COMING SEASON, AT THE with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, LOWEST RATES. free of charge, for five years. It requires no special I instructions to learn how to use it. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered free of charge anywhere in the United States. Will exchange for any kind of OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- ing go <1 wagon work, the undersigned hereby makes kn*>wn that be can be 'omid at all times at bi* shop in the S. W. corner of the public sq are Ashland Ogn; and is teuly and willing 'o ko uf two yeamnud bip hi every iupLuio given en'lre e^tbf c iou p to wbnt it prom- lpe;B. No m'tiera! or ditnmgii g *ub-t nee is need in •hie prep r>’tiori,HiMi tt ip gu mn eed to ; n-vent hair falHng otr after f>nr spplicatlons. WeU-ktai- n otsee of loug-ptxDd.i.g bddnep. b^ve be*n pucce-pfully trea­ ted i»» per testimonial«^n mv popses-ionl.' It will pn-duce u full flowing crop of iudr sll etasva of baldre««, even to up nioet pn>DoUi>ced Mate. 1: will prevent hair foot tundnu gr y. Preperatiune «fu-warted o 11 parte of the country. ONT5 BOTTLE, $5; Or, TH REE BOTTLES, 110. Address MRS. H: A. MOORE, lOOSj M. rket st, Sau Francisco, Cal. Aï 5® oaû » » t»û® dl» rv2n6-ly]