D. J. FERREE Wa9 not Mr. R. advirirg in a case ! HOBT GARRE IT, likely to c noe before him ? Did lie i APRIL 26,1878 not know that i." Mr. P., was arre»te I | FRIDAY ___________ I for obstructing the public . high way, ■ ASKLAND ÂKD L!r¿KV!LLS , . j iwji m w j . j - na. .. a—yajr:—~~— ~—j—i (as was liable to be the case) that he a*.' kindly publishes and avers to bo “the the “nearest magistrate” woiLd have to cnly compromise offered him.” I try him ? Was he not also aware that if ■ should, as Supervisor, have had Mr. P. Mr. P brought «nit against the Sup°r arrested for obstructing the public visor for trespass (as he and bis con highway, but for Mr. Roberts, who federates advised him to do, in ease the GARETT AND FERREE’S TRI WEEKLY Oluge» ¡III. between liie above liaiued tbonght it beat to have the matter of obstructions were torn d >wu,)that that point» three links a week. tbe asserted illegality of the road in­ also would coma befare him, unless a maki< g the nip vestigated, and thereby avoid involv­ change of trial was obtained? Does through in one day car­ ing the county aud Mr. P. in au ex­ he not also know that in either case the rying U.S. Mail and passengers. pensive law suit. Tbe same lawyer, costs on the one hand would have to whom Mr. H. wishes io have it believ­ be paid by the county,utit’l t|$e Super­ Ever before brought to Ashland. Tliev are now ready to furnish any EAVES ASK AND ed was the “intermeddler,” inves­ ior Court had decided the road illegal? Coffee Pots 37$ cents Article in their Line, tigated the matter, ami advised the re­ Who, let me ask, would have profiled MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND Hil­ Water Pails 63 cents. • • l'A Y S al 4 o cluck a . . m : uni» es al L i L k ■ location of the road, and drew up the I by this litigation except Ins honor? Covered Buckets 37$ cents. ville same days. Returning, necessary petition and notices which And Ins bar? Would it be Mr. Rob­ NOT AT COST, BUT AT LIVING PRICES, Milk Pans 25 cents. were posted as conspicuously as re­ erts or the “poor oid cripple” fir LEAVES LINKVILLE Dippers 25 cents. quired by law, and more than two whom their sympathy is so deep, that 3 Pint Cups for 25 cents. weeks earlier than was necessary to tLey would find him money to carry od AN e constantly keep ou Land a good assortment of constitute a legal notice. his litigutiou so long us bis property Box and Pat lor ttoves from It was not till then, that these people would secure the loan uuil who prom 8 to 25 Dollars. who were so anxious to help the ‘poor ised that it should cost him nothing to to Drugs, Chemicals, Pate t Medicines, Cardies Nuts end Toys. old cripple” aud legalize a road (?) eon carry ou tbe suit? I eluded to petition for a road likewise. I Who are Mr. Penning’s friends? Books, GARRETT & FERREE Tobacco, Aod it was asserted by tbe party who Those who have been endeavoring to Paints Stationery, Cigars, drew up Mr. P.’s second petition .“that get up a “Kilkenny cut fight” between Oils Slates, Pipes, he would d>feal Mr. Robert’s petition.” him and the proprietor of the Mergau Varnish ! ASHLAND HARNESS SHOi I Pencils, Out of the twenty-four housebidders in i ser store, that they muy reap profit Stems, Brushes the road district, fourteen signed the | thereby, or those who have been petition for the relocation of the road, trying to settle the matter without lit igation, by asking for a relocation of and one other persou residing outside tbe road which would place it beyond signed it, claiming a right, as tbe pro­ tue power oi Mr. P to secure the dam­ MANUFACTURER OF,AND DEA1 ERIN posed road would ruu through his laud. ages such locution would do him? This There were, altogether, seventeen sign­ question tbe public can best answer, they aro tbe impartial judges. ers. Many of the householders iu the us Tbe public demands the moBt direct district never saw the first petition or I and uuituble routes lor roads,without re­ A shland , O regon . ! knew of its existence until they had j gard to the petty quarrels and jealous­ been visited and induced to sign that ies of rival burgs, and will uot justify CcB 1 di Medicinal pui poses which we warrant to be genuine eeps a general assort - any attempt to jeopardize these roads AFINE LOT OF HATS! of Mr. P.. The latter petition never | by uieiit of goodu m I.is line of trade. parties who wish to make a person was presented, but the opponents of al quarrel the excuse toycompei the Give us a call. Ladies’. Men ’ and Boys’ Sad­ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. the road had the “garrulous member’ public to patronize them. dles, st sptciulily. Mr. H. may find thut be reminds the of the Linkville bar to attend the Com* CKITW00D & ATKINSßK. Team, Biigny and Plow Harness, missioner’s Court, and try and have people of the viper, as their suffrages placed him in the office he Las dis­ [v2i.22tf.] ruled out enough signers of the form­ graced, and they will elect him to slay TEAM & LI GGY CELLARS, er petition to defeat it, but was not out hereafter. CURRYCOMBS, BlilDLES, My apology for so long a letter is tbe C1NCHOS, STIRRUPS, successful. necessity of muking the witua- U HIPS. LASHES, SPURS, Mr. 11. misrepresents the action and tion understood. Those who were COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC, views of Mr. Van Riper, who, while be­ j I guilty parties in tbe dis- Mould take pleasure in announclrgt to And everything usually kept in a fust-cla-» lieving that Mr. P. feeling» there was honorable transactions which bave lheii <,|(| ciiMou'er» and the public geii«ially e»iubii Inneut. liepuiiiu.* done with ueai- injustice being done him, would be taken place will discover themselves by II.al tii»*) have on Land at iie.’S and dispatch at prices io suit the willing to accept reasonable terms of their uneasiness under the charges made, aLd may. like H. make publie timer. compromise, was desirous of conciliat­ j j their participation My object will have ing him, but, after finding him stub­ i been secured ii justice is dune by our WHEAT Taken at the Highest born and unreasonable,did bis duty as a County Court. O. A. ¡S tearns . Maiket Rates in Exchai.ge viewer, conscientiously,in locating tbe A Full Stock of for Goods. road upon its present site. Ashland, June 27th, 1876. Doltf. —AND— , The above is a correct his- tory of the case, und wbile doubtless, a great many of the “fifty- All persons indebted to Messrs. Hel­ V'i - three” remonstrators were misinformed tf -A . man & Fountain, will pltase come for and signed the remonstrance through a ward and settle tbe same with Hie un­ ILivirg perclinf-d VaeD’iie intero«’«(.f iry lxt» belief iu the misrepresentations of dersigned, as the old books must be y.niKT», iu il « A 81 id Wutiit-n M 1», 1 t.ke UTc iu ul.UUULÚl.g u< he j uu.ic .ba. the those who were using a fulsome sym­ squared up immediately. 33tf J D. FOUNTAIN. pathy for tLe “poor old cripple,” and a A We.'ISelacted stock vindictive series of lalse assertions of the persecutions he was enduring at -OF— the bands of Mr. Roberts, to cover their UKY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, real designs, some of them have since ARE NOW RUNNING AM» MAKING UÎB MRS. H. A. r.;GCRL’S got their eyes opened, and have even acknowledged thut Mr. P. misrepresen­ VEÍ.Y LEST 8r tUTiVI ¥¿GOL. CLOTHING, GROCERIES, ted tbe truth to induce them to sign it. BOOTS AND SHOES Whether the road district was chang­ BLANKETS, ed in the manner stated in my former H AIR PRODUCER HARD WARE ► ♦ —OF THE— letter is immaterial, siuco it was done FLANNELS, MRS. U. A. MOORE would announce to *he in fact, and the swift use the citizens of TOBACCO Ladies aud (¡eliderteli who d»t*ire the per.ona) adorn Linkvillo made of the advantage it gave uu-ut of i tin** *u't of II..ir, b ’i ehe h',s> pi.tinted her BEST QUALITY CASIMERES, Hair Restorer, which ti - i . oa been t>ef -re drugs them, is evidence that it was under cel-br.xted ttie public for the »puce of two yea» .-in .li- all etnee» of e--*, even to its most | ronuuuceil sh-i e. 1: vili worked incalculable mischief to the bilili —DURING THE— prevent hair Torn tun,in.» gr y. Preparations which we oiler to the trade at At the Lowest Cash Prices I whole county as it left but six tax pay iurwaried o ..¡1 pari» of Hie coiiu’ry. ers to work twenty-four miles of road, ONE BOTTLE,».,; Or, THREE BOTTLES, $10. COMING SEASON, AT THE PRICES TO SUIT .HE TIMES. They will gi ll at the very from the county line, near .Tenny creek, Address LOWEST RATES. Are it Wfd to fend in tbeir order« and a»»ured that to tbe residence of Jacob Thompson, tbe feaiue etiuil rete.ve ¡ ruinpt attention. MRS. II: A. MOORE, Our soap has been pronounced and added twenty-six tax-payers to the by those who know 1008J M-rket st , Sun Francisco, Cal. Linkville district, which bad a surplus « Will exchange for any kind of of work, in proportion to its roads be­ SUPERIOR We trust the public will givens an op [v2n(»-ly J fore. Tbe only advantage in tbe change, IU ANY porinniiy to verify uur stateiut-nls beluir is the one they hastened to profit by, Merchantable Produce. IMPORTED purchasing elsewhere. IN BECOMING SOLE PROPRIETOR OF THE 0. <*. to control and defeat the location ARTICLE. AbhLA.XD WOOLEN MILLS, of the Merganser road. That the Satisfaction Guaranteed. SATISFACTION; GUARANTEED. change was made at the suggestion of Give it a trial and support home I a»8iime the late company iideb euipaLy SOUTH OF JOHN CHANDLER. CANYONVILLE, a.e payuble io tne or iuj utdtr U^ Be sure to give us a call alluded to) without the aid or iuterfur only. ance of other parties is absurd; and no V. 2, No. 7—tf. Wanted in exchange ¡7LLVDF d* ROBERTS, one who knows Mr. Conger, will be­ (V2nl5if.) lieve thut be originated, the suggestion Ztf. not easily e.rrxl in the.«» limes, i or had any idea of tbe objects intended / / / *>ut0111 lb three niouiii» FfD ■ ■ A by auy one oi either sex,iu my part to bo attained by the move. • ■ • ui g, Circular aud Scroll-Sawing don ous ! Why did be not say that he and to order. OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- with everything necessary to the less than the AVERILL PAINT is already a confederate secured a transcript from inggo d wagon work, tbe undersigned business — not forgetting the very mixed and tinted if required. For Sale by the records of the survey and location £dF°Do not fail to give us a beieby in ke* kn .wn that he can be louud J. M. McCALL & CO., of the MergaDser.road; that he sent the trial before purchasing elsewhere, ai ii. tunes m h:» shop in ibe 6. W comer choicest of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, of the public sq ue Asbhnd Ogn; and is transcript with a fee of $5 to tbe law­ no-Otff Ash and, O'e^OU as we are determined to give sat- MEATS CF ALL KINDS, re uly .tud w ¡ling o Uo ¡1 woi k eutnis ed yer in question, asking his opinion as lo ill»* in a wo KUiuilike iiiaUi.er. W\G lie is better than ever prepar­ “ House, Sign and Ornamental Painting and lsiactioii. attention T» the legibility of tbe road ! Tbe an­ ON-. ARRl.V.lh>, BU iGI»-.», Wii EL- Graining done to order in the Mill, or in swer was to the offset that if tbe trans­ ed to accommodate his numer- »500 pounds of onion sejs want ­ BAiU.'OWS. 1LOM ’ STO KS, Ac., iu ue he louutry. Canvassing ceiling. Paper­ cript contained uli there was of tbe • C. S. Sergent & Co. 0*118 customers. *o <>', Groceries ' Hardware, Crockery, C. K. KLUM) Boots and Shoes, Clothing. Saddlery & Harness, Coal Oil, Lamps and Chimneys, also a good Assortment of W I N E S A N 1) L I ft U O R S K Glassware. THE L IVERPOO L HANEY & ROBERTS WOOLEN. SSTTLS UJP Lake Co., Or. MILLS TAKE NOTICE! Scientific t FACTORI QIÄ aad X:ew Lowest Living Profit.*? c. s. Sergent & Co., W. H. Atkinson 20,000 lbs. Grease PLANING MILL Wagon Shop Averill Mixed Paints. Furniture Factory, is T H E Wagon Factory. F Ashland, June 17ib, 1876. [ulU,c2-18