Weather Report The Ashland Academy closed on the 5th inst. for the summer vacation. From observations taken at G a . m .: 48, clear; FRIDAY APHID 17, 1878. April 5, 4 4 4 4 Miss Rosa Eubanks will have charge k 48, 6, PF • • 4 4 42, of the telegraph office during the ab­ G » 4 4 4 42, 8. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. sence of Mr. Klum. * 4 4« 32. 9. « 4 4 4 I 34, 10. Thanks to George E. Decker for a From labor health, from health contentment springs; « • 4 38. U< Contentment opes the source of every J >y. haudsome piece of maezinita out of The figures after the data indicate the —B mattik . which a cane is to ba fabricated for number of degrees above z-r<>. H. C. II ill . •See the ad. of Dr. Chitwood and pre­ the T idings man. pare to liquidate. At the late session of the County VX$ ash F actory .—Messrs. Stearns & THE ASHLAND From Williamsburg. TIDINGS SUMMONS. Much 30, 1878. TN Jn«tice« Court, for the Precinct of I/Mt fciver, * Couaty of Like, uud Stxte of Oregon. E ditor T idings :—We can report Pltf., Y , progre-s ou our road, in spite of the THOMAS • WILSON, vg ’ ’ I Civil action V» recover MoLey. weather and our friend “Mack,” as we JAMES CLARK, Defend’!. ) T<» Jin-.e* Clark, the ij-ore nimel D f<*nl«nt, in KENTU2K IS FOUR YEARS OLD* FIFTEEN have notices culling for a viewing and AND A HALF HANDS HIOH j when nsiu*) uf tha S'Âte uf Oregon,.you ire he eby r»- survey of the same. The petition has t»e quir-l luavur b-Gre U e uu lec-ijutd, a Jtis ice of G ROWN. between eighty an I ninety signers in t I- Pe .e-, f >r t' *• Precinct >»fore«'4'l, ou the l.Hb day | this district and as luiuv, or more, of M»>, A D. 187.8, at l<> o c oCR, in the forev» n of d d y, it the olh )e I f eai 1 Ju- i >*, >it. B HliliZi. iu from the otb-r side of the hill. So the »I isii'i Preii-ict, to iU**er ihe i » ve lumed Piai.itiff tu Will Weigh 1,000 Pounds; survey may be eous,dered as a certain ■ > civil icti.»n. The De.’enlint wifi take uj ire h.l if f ni-1 * iu»wer tue comp! lint nereiu, the I' -tin iff ty. aud the building as almost equally h- will take ju ig uent ag.iu*i him for the »um of $10Loti Heavy bmed; measures 18 inches around the knee­ sure. We also expect our iriend (<>n- huwhe I aU.l one dollars -iud »ix cent* ) cap, and canno1 bv Mirpassed for style. Court, the petition of* Abraham Miller under iuy hai-i, this tue 231 d iy of Much, Gray of Jennie Creek, who reside in “ Mack ’ ’ to travel it, (should he ever A. Given Be good to yourself, but not at some­ 1) 1878. S. N. H *ZEN, and uedon. and 38 others, asking for the establish­ the heavy forest near the stage road ou take any of the medicine he prescribes UulJ J Justice of uie Pouce. body else’s expense. ment of a new precinct, was granted I the south side of the creek, have opeu for others), as the article will be too Dr. Colv.g of Rock Point is sojourn-’ The precinct will be kuown as Chim­ ed a sash factory, and are uow prepir green tor legal use under an Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. dispensation. Yours Truly, A----- . ing in town a few days. ney Rock. ed to fill orders for window sash made In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for from the best seasoned pine. We tar­ .Greenback Meeting at Centrai Point. J.ickrou county, Kiting iu prub.te. is a THOROUGH-BRED MAMMOTH JACfc, Of ’ I Jno. B. Rigdon, has started to Lake I Thanks for a letter from our genial FINE BLACK COLOR; IMPORTED FROM ried awhile at their establishment, a In the matter of the estate of D vid Phipps,deceased. Co., with a cargo of soap. April 5th, 1878. KENTUCKEY, BY MR. W. BYBEE AND COL. friend Seth R. Hammer of Salem. That JACOB WAGNER, EXECUTOR of the U«t wl? few d *ys ago, aud found them well pre­ PAYNE. * ail > test uu-ui of ti^s ..b.»ve u tiued David Polpp*» At a meeting.held for the purpose of poem “William Brown of Oregou” See the ad. of Prof. J. H. Skidmore hiv.iig Lled. iu s lid Court, nit-find account for s-*r pared to carry on their business. Sev­ forming a Greenback Club, the follow­ 'leuieu', uud al-o, pr.iyiug f > uu order fir selling the which we long ago voted one uf the eral of the labor-saving appliauce-f in this issue. He means business. tor Uwaring the * ime; therefore, notice ie here- ing proceedings were bad: J. B. b» ime k.iven best things in the language,will appear that tue said tin .1 acc >Uut will be heard uud in use by them, and which enable Wrisley was chosen temporary chair­ deter mined iu eaid C >uri on the H. K. Hanna Esq. made a trip to in the T idings soon, Seth. them to fill orders on short uotice aud 7tl» Buy of May, 1ST«, man aud J. S. Grigsby temporary sec­ At 1(1 o’clock a . m ., at <*htch ti ne any perrons hav­ Colts took Hie first premium at Einkville this week on legal business. Vv’e learn thatCapt. Solomon Tether­ at very reasonable prices, are of their retary. The chai rman explained the ing any <>bj cd >n io »aid UuU .ccouut, and wtUeaieut, the State Fair. mu-i ibe.i and there uriKe the same. An entertaining book is ««id to be ow, the old Rocky Mountain man and own invention. object of the meeting and then intro­ Published in the A shland T idisos by order of like a toper’s nose, because it is read to early Oregon pioneer, is expected up (oo43—3m) CLAIBORN NEIL. C handler A M arshall ’ s S aw M ill . duced Isaac Cox, who delivered a lion. S J. Day, County Jndg-*. the very end. from the Willamette before loug to E. D. F ovdbay , Clerk. ------- ---------- —Although not to be regarded as u short, brilliant mid effective speech, April 5th, 1878. (Uo43.w 5. spend the sumuier at Win. G. Parker ’ s William Willis, the celebrated trap­ saw mill sharp, we certainly thiuk the 1 after which a Greenbaok Club was per, prospector and bee-hunter, was in station on the Linkville road. new mill of Chandler & Marshall, formed, consisting of 2G members, who Admioistratcr’s Notice. i elected the temporary chairman town on Thursday last. and S—I Lost, by Albert Walker on Thnrsday which we visited one day this week, a TflTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned wav decided success. It was pleasing to ' secretary permanent officers of the a qmiirei Aduiinis'r itor <•• ti e esuiie uf IeauC New and elegant goods at Mrs. II. or Friday of last week, on the road be­ Mil er, deceased, by tt.e County Coltre of J n Club. A resolution was introduced see the great water wheel move around comity, State of Oregon, un the 12tu duy of March, D. Jones’Millinery establishment near tween ths Soda Springs and the resi­ with so much calmness aud ease, and and passed, to instruct the Sec’y to 1878. dence of Daniel Wulker.a guttapercha WILL STAND AT MY STABLES, • the Pioneer store. See her ad. All persons having claims agdn«t the estate of pen-holder,silver mounted and contain­ the facility with which John Chandler present each of the threo county sa d Isuc Mi ler, deceived, are hereby not iii«*d to prerent f«em wi.h th» proper voucher», a iti tu six We learn that J. M. Sutton’s elegant, ing a gold pen. If found please leave governed the operations of such a great papers a copy of the^) proceedings for mouths from tue dite of this n »tin. Dated al Ashland, this the 221 <1 iy of ISAAC O. MILLER. wilderness of levers and pulleys, seem­ i adjourned to convene two weeks from Mirth, 1878. «old by W. Beeson to O. Coolidge. THE Eh SEING SEASON. ' (0041—wit lion. E. F. Walker was up from ed little short of marvelous. We learn next Saturday, at the Minziuita Miss Leuella McBride is now pre­ Manzanita a few’ days ago. He reports that the capacity of the mill is from ! Cauroli. ( Wednesdays and Fridays excepted; J. B. W risley , Ch’m. Administrators Notice- pared to give instruction in painting a considerable’ acreage " unsown this 5000 to 6000 feet per day Consider J. S. G rigsby , Sec’y. Commencing April Ls“, and ending July let, 1878. and drawing. Seo her ad. in this issue. season,’in his part of the valley, on ac­ ing that the demand for lumber in Ash­ MOTICI'iv hereby given th it the undersigned was Q^UBOON PIONEER ASSOCIATION’. •v ’•■pj.oin'ed Adiuiiieirator of the eet ite of E iz - count of the unusually wet winter. land lius long been greater than the ol 1 beth Miil^r.d.ce i*ed, by i:e C.un’y Court of.Tckeoii We hear it rumored thut William the O.nnty, State of Oregon, on the ¡ day of Much, Grain that ia in, however, looks well I mills could meet, we doubt not this will S alem , March 28, 1878. 1878 * Bee Hunter has become a dispense’ of All person* having cl dm* against the eatite of YOUNG PRINCE was fired by the well kuown and will no doubt make a good yield. | prove both a substantial benefit to the Pursuant to adjournment the Board •aid E iziheth Mtber, d«-ce ised, are notified liquid lightuing at some point up the of Directors of the Oregon Pioneer to present them with vie pro er v< tichers, within six hurre, White Prince, owned by Mr. W. C. Myer of j country and a very profitable enterprise The b.rth-day party of Misses Hattie valley. ----------- ------------------ uio.iih« from itie date of tin- notice, toihe under-tgn- Ashland, out of a Blackhawk mare. He ta a dark Association met in this city yesterday, ed, at mv residence iu Aetibnl, Jackson C >uu.y, to the builders Tolman and Katie Chitwood was given at 7:30 1*. M Mr. Henry Brown, the 4> egon. Dited at A-bliud, ihia »he 221 duy of Iron eray, has very tine action and a good disposition, Willits A Co. are pushing operations will weigh ubjut 14UU pouuds. ISAAC O. MILLER. Secretary, being confined to his bed by March, 1878. MAC K. on their saw mill on K*ene ^creek, ex­ ut the residence of Hon. J. C. Tolman, (no41-w4) sickness, E. M. Waite was elected Sec­ TERM»: a few miles south of Ashland, on Wed­ pecting to complete it within about a retary />ro tetn. On account of a press of matter last nesday last, and wus a decidedly pleas­ Ten dollars in U. R. Gold coin for the mmod , to be month. On motion of R C. Geer. J H. week, we were not aide to publish the Dissolution of Copartnership. paid at the end of the »eason. Pa»tarvge 50 eta. a ant affair. About a score and a half of Brown. Jos. A. Biker. E M Waite, week ¡ter be id. I will not be responsible for any ac* Thanks for an invitation to attend the the Ashland friends participated ia the letter of our Applegute correspondent Mrs J. Minto, Mrs. li. H. Bowman NOTICE is hereby given that the co-p 'rtnership cident that may hippen. “Mack” in tall. The following is the and Mrs. S. A. Clarke were elected a hori-tofor« ex’s iug betweeu N. S M ahkia LL, grand ball to be given by the Improved festivities. C harles G doix hild and J ames T hornton , uucer no42tf conclusion: Order of Rid Alan, at Linkville, on the S. C. TAYLOR, Committee of Arrangements. trie lirin name >t ibe Asld.iu 1 W ofeu Mium'uctunug Hon. 0. C. Beekmau of Jacksonville, Comp o y, is'his dav, di-»oAod b, c.di out, 13tb of May. On motion of Tlios. Monteith. E-»q., N. S. Marshall aud Cntries Goodchild wi hdr.witg The good book say-: “Be ye not’ un­ having been talked of as an available th-* programme of 1877 was adopted for fro u the C ni >Hiiy. James Tburniou Is uoa ’ sole I equally yoked with unholiness.” The Mr. Wiiliam Roberts of Alkali Lake, candidate for gubernatorial honors, 1878, excepting gate lees and band proprie or and wdi contiuue the busmess >s bereu> above text caaie forcibly to my mind music. fo-e. H-also n-Niuiet the ind> b «-dices of the Com- • has ereeled a water elevator, the rest publishes a card in the Sen’iii stating OF TUE piny, and io him ad amounts due the late firm,either when I real an urticlu m one of* the no e or account, are to be pud, exopt such as «re On motion, ii was ordered that the by Jess z *phyrs of Lake county affording I that L>e is not a candidate—-that he itied in i eri do-irride otugreem-ui between the Jacksonville papers abjtit anuexiag Committee of Arrangements contract »,aj: A sh iaad metiiDer-of the late firm; »uc'i exCep ed imouii » be- the motive power. “prefers the p isition of a private edi­ Jackson to Josephine, or vice versajbut for drum and fife music for day exer­ ing r goods uortu ul' Caiiyouville, D .ug a* county, <> eguu, zen to any ollie.) iu the gift of LLiu peo Hammond, Wiihu A-Co. are push-1 it mikes no difference waiCh way you cises, and for a suitable number of N b. MARSHALL, p.e of Oregon.” string iiis'runients for the annual ball. CHAS. GOODCHILD, ing operation« ou t’ueiv saw mill on , take it, fur it is an impositi >n oil tha J ames thorn ion . Ordered that the re-union of 1878 A shland , M arch 29, 1878. [uc>42-Gw] Keene Creek, expecting to complete it The oi the suo.v on the name au 1 fair fume of Josepniue couu commence on Friday, June 14th. at 10 I withiu a month. mountains adjacent to the head of Lost ty, to s ipo > »e for a m > n ent c isin A M , and continue until June 15th, at Proposals for Building« BOOT & SHOE STORE. River caused .i pretty sudden rise of would waut to m irry that h ) iJluui 1 1*. M. Mr*. James Ewing has disposed of tli.»t rive.r of late. A portion of the Jackson. What? take Jaiks >a a< a On motion, Col. I. R. Moores, Col. —Next doer to the Post-office— OTICE is hereby given, hit. from \nd after this he millinery t-(-t ib isltment on M*in John McCracken mid A. I’. Ankm-y, N d-it«., iinlii the iw-inie>h f r a I d po»il-fur uie erec- at rett, U* Mrs. El. D Joues, who B un THANKS TO THE PUBLIC Tule Lake, uud tue fi-diing operation-«» comings, paupers, 1 liiugry politicians, Esq., of Portland, were appointed a ) >n .uu’. i o n(.let).ui of a chureu bal-huv, will be re­ committee oi three t.o arrange with the ceived by ihe d-r-i^ued <»t i.i.« office, at tne A*111 >nd already taken charge. loafers, uud,— .veil witi i nil the g > j J (?) transportation companies fora reduc­ Mill-, iu iLe t iwu of A-tilaud, J icKSoU” O",, Oregou; For their Liberal Patronage, which be ac­ I ol thu Original Order of R d Mun Were Hii I c mrcli buihi'i g. to be erected iu tue touu of s> riousiy int>-rb rei with. cepts as testimony their appre­ aud b *d. N », uo, w.t d > u >t want o if tion of fare. Mrs. L .he’s lecture on C.t holicism, Arhl.uil ou tue Pre.- byicriaii church lot. ciation llis purpose is to Complete ;>l are uu 1 »pecihcaiiuua Cail be ieen at mother to m irry, an I if sii-j evau The grounds of the State Agricultur ­ <>U Tiles lay OVeiMiig last st the Acad­ Twiu saw log.*. one of them in mo- tlie office lift re-aid. let such a thought entsr b jr min i, sh i al Society having been tendered the rhe bui daig to be completed by or before the first emy, was voted a decided success, ora­ (ion, were pr.-Vi enied from colliding a “Grow With the Place Association for i’s re-union, it was vot­ diy of .septemoer trext. and LLe payineut therefor to never even hiute I it t > Irer b »ys, , for torical ly and otherwise. iu ide wtluiu 30 'lay* ihereaLer. ed to ucrept the offer, and the thatlks lx1 Ciepiriy fe W d ays ago •*: Ibe ue-v saw mill ot i«> whom the contract ntty tie HE IS IN FAVOR OF THbSE WHO she knew they would snatch old < J ack. of the Association were tendered the nwat led, *iil ur be p.riies, required to giVe gojjl und suliicieu» Chan. IltT a M tr •.-dull, i>y the presence WEAR GOOD BOOTS AND sou bald headed iu less thio no time, Society. bond for the fuitiiluieut ol coutraci. of Mr . 11. MclJr ide between them, ills Rig it re»e -veil to reject auy uui all bid», if reu6ous were ho to come fooling round, She On motion, tue papers throughout are thought sulbcient. knees were fast i b it .veea the logs until W. IT. ATKINSON, lias plenty of money, no debts, good the State were earnestly solicited to : he m ea removed I utieof them With hand m.42T Cti'm B’ld’g Com. l’rea’. Guurch. Materials of all kinds, auch as publish the proceedings of this meet ­ health, goo I mines, th) best of bojs spike:8. ilo es •aoed mt serious i ing or a showing of the same. aud girls, aud net one of them that FRENCH GOODS, 4.! laiies H. Hill of A-hlan.l is now 11 j ,ry- T’here being no further business, on would bear, fur a m >m-ent of her unit­ motion, adjourned. ALLIGATOR, ETC.^ teaching in the Schit-tf lm district on ing her hands with such a man as •ir. C. L. Kingsbury, W. J. HERREN. Hogue River. We predict a sae^ And any thing else the public may require, E. M. W aite , Resident. Know all men by this notice, that the undersigned. iul career for Charley in his new role rord supervisor of t:iu upper district, is i Jackson; yet she may b ive some luna- Secretary. about to comuDJuttd work on the Grejn tic children, orphans t.*km to bring always on hand , Another change ha-* occurred in the Spring Hill, oil the rotd to the Like up, who would be b»s) enough to do MUST HAVE MONEY. And all work gotten up in the aoap factory. This time Win. Howard country, and that he will ba aide to ap­ anything to get a little ru >uey, even ATTENTION, ALL! Then fore, all persone knowirg themselves indebted VERYjBEST STYLE. goes out and Cyrus Hayes iu. The old ply work enough t<> repair the road at the expense of bringing disgrace’ on Some six or seven thousand feet of lo me will pledge c hi and ee.l.e firm name, J. B. Rigdon it Co. will be pretty well to the eu-itcra iiae of the the family. Bit her own children the church lumber has been borrowed GE ). NUTLEV, no 3fi—tf retained. county. While the ground is moist scorn the ide i. uu 1 are bona I to keep by different parties; please return it at Before the first of May next. once, <>r pay fur it, us we now Lave use the rocks ami stumps can be easily re their own family mm i a 11 reci ord pure John B. R. Hutchings, at th* glove therelor. I will abo be plei-ed to receipt for any moneys du factory, is now prepared to fill orders I moved, and it is to be hoped that oper­ and clear. S > Mr. Ji5k*.ja, j i nt SAVe By order of the Building Com. On Main Street CHITWOOD k ATKINSON. ations wi 1 not ba delayed m ien longer your love letters and bother her no A. W illets , for riding, driving and working gloves, Ashland - - - - - Oregon. more. A. G. R ockfellow , lace leather, etc. See his ad. and pat­ on the Like county division of the J II. CHITWOOD. H. C. H ill . We have dow uu hand a I mmaui U u I assortment of mountain rood. Weather pleasant—hei’tii RO1.1 - ronize him. (null - tf) Hats, Bonnets, Shades. French Flowers, Wreath» times lively. M ick . NOTICE., Nock Ties, IJneu Suite, Jui», Ladies* T he N ew F urniture F actory .—Tuz- We are gratified to learn that our old Finishing Goods, etc., etc etc. From Williams Creek. frienl J. M. Sutton writes that his er, Daley & E nery uro pushing oper­ I tike this method of informing the public th it I am prepared to give les- JnoB B.R» Hutchings. health seems rapidly improving, It ations with a view to the erection of sons in drawing and in water color, KSTAil orders from a distance promptly fliJad. > April 1st, 1878. their furniture f*ctory at the earliest appears that be finds much virtue in pastel and oil painting. Samples of Agency for Dr. Warner’s Health Corset. Ev­ The Applegate stage runs semi-occa- possible moment. Tae ditch, winch is ASHLAND GLOVE FACTORY. ery urhg the Turkish bath. sold cheap for Cush. my work can be s jen at my fa'her’s. to coavey water from the tail-race of sioually, instead of semi-weekly. BiTBIeschlng, Pressing aDd Coloring, in »be very 'L euella M c B ride . I LeaLest manner. *v2nl6tf Thanks to Mrs. O. Coolidge fo’r a the Woolea Factory, is completed, the Tbe»iibscriber g're» notice that he is now prepar­ Mr. Nickerson has his writing and Jfiw. H. T>. Jones. ed to lid orders for gloves of the beautiful bouquet of rare flowers, All excavation for the penstock has b;ea arithmetic school under way. TAKE NOTICE. admirers of beautiful flowers and or­ made and the foundation timbers of A long expected matrimonial alliance All person knowing themselves in­ BEST BCCKSKIN, IN GREAT FA- RED ffiSK’ß BAW* namental shrubbery will find much to the building will be placed id position debted to the Ashland Woolen Mills, I is to come off shortly. RLETY, interest them at Mr. Coolidge’s. at once. The three gentlemen men­ are hereby notified to call and settle, . —------------- -------------------- Tne Hou. Isaac Greenback Cox fail­ either with cash or note in tliirtif days Aíro tice 'either etc .etc. Cill at my establishment Klamath Tribs No. 8« Improved At the April term of the County tioned are all expert and practical ed in his appointment to address the from this date. on Granite Street and tee for yourself. workmen and will make rapiJ progress Ordar of Red Men, Coart, the clerk was autliori/ l ! to ad­ W. H. A tkinson , Agent. Greenback Club at its last meeting. on their building. A shland , April 5tb, 1878. 43tf vertise for proposals for keeping the I The Hon. I. G. C. ought to keep his Jno B R. liuti kings. I ILL gve a Grand Bill In George ----- county poor for one year. Bids will I To S ubscribers .—Miss Mary 7\Ie promises even if he does want to repu­ W Nur»«» H-'l, >»' I.insvIUa. Oregou, U£5^,For forty dajs from this date, (DOUtf) on theev-ning of May 13tu, 1878. Tue be received up to 12 o’clock June 5th Cabe, our canvassing an.I subscription diate the promises of the Government. will b<-ll ladies’ dress goods for cash, at best uf nius c by cost and frieght. We must make room Five young gentlemen mittened in Geo. E. Strong, Agent of the Central I agent is now abroa l in the limb Sue for our spring stock KAEGEL &WEST. Military Road Ca.,and Lieut. H. DeW. will first interview oarfriMud-t at Jaek- one week, with several parties yet to J. M. M c C all & Co. TICKETS, INCLUDING SUPPER, 13.50» Moore, came in from Klamath on «qpville and Pmeuix, aud we hope oor hear from,goes to prove that the young T^'TI k 1 National Go’d Medal was award­ (J. N. T homas . Tuesday last, to remain some days on patrons will be prepared to settle ar­ Indies over this way, “kuow their ed to Bradley A Kulob-on for ibe best Pho­ We have mv pn rou'p l'y R lilrrwd from the cele­ d G eo . T. B aldwin . Com. rearages when she calls. It is impious brateti m mafactory of Fisa Bros., Rs cine, Wie. rights, and, knowing, dare maintain tographs in the United States, and the Vien­ this side of the mountains. They are ( W m D. C orpe . ant to us to be compelled to call upon them.” na Medil for the best in the world. 3 W3E0U» 31 W. T. StHte Be'], Cal. Bre k nnd Beat. uow in Jacksonville. ( do 43»D “ -3$................................................. ? 3 ' ■* ' ................................................. 429 Alo itgotuery Street, San Francisco. our subscribers for money,but thefimm .. .3 .. «. .< .« «. I Mr. Layton has his new ditch in 4« 44 <4 44 44 44 44 44 1 We caused a rattle snake to ehufib cial situation requires it, aud we ear- rnnuiug order at length, and is piping T he best of flour and fresh ground Which we wiH bo &We t> part of Ashland, at mill prices, by the THE EAGLE MILL "year-old,about twenty inches in length, canvassing agent, to auy of our local nouif J, M. M ’ CALL & CO. Eagle Mill, * Mr. Shoemake’s demented boy, Wal­ Situated 15 miles Routh of Jacksonville and 1| mile very tonguey and morose as a disap­ agents or forward to us bv mail. North uf Arhuuid, is prepared to do general FOR SALE*CHEAP. ter, fell, or sat down, in a tub of boil ------------ _ ■ — pointed office-seeker. Report of the Ashland Public School ing soap, one day last week, and was Custom and Exchange Business A new two inch Iron Axle Wagon. so badly that his recovery is a F or the S unny S outh .—Gilbert G. for the month ending April 5th, 1878. burnt - Flour nnl Feed at the— no27tf. . B. F. R eeser . little doubtful. Anderson, George Patterson, Joseph First Dept.—M. L. Alford, teacher: William Mayfield Tne Palmer boy is still an .object of LOWEST CASH PRICES. Patterson, Alonzo Pigman and Merritt Boys, 24; girls, 2*3; whole number, 50; considerable mystery. Hs is heard of Dissolution of Copartnership, S6 lb« of finer, 2 lb* »h'-rtv sod 8 lb* b-aa per ta»h. Having purchased the Barber Shop on Charlie left Ashland on Saturday last, average attendance, 33. Second Dept — frequently, as being in different places, el fur g x»d wheat. Wo| ««ck aad bnw* ihe Mcaa Main street, lilely kept by James K. —uiitomere furnishing the eacke. My brother Beys, 21; but definite information is very meagre. OTICE is hereby g’ven that ihe copartnership for Woodland, Cal., “to seek their for­ Frances Myer, Teacher: N heretofore exiet ig between the u>-<1er-ig ’ -ei, L>*nbo, will slwavs be found on A numerously signed petition in fa­ under tLe tirai i.a>- e of J. B. Rigiuu tunes.” Business is reported lively at girls, 19; whole number, 43; average band ready to Third D-*pt.—Eli* vor of a county road from Williams & Co., is this day dissolved, Dy muiu I con- Woodland, and as our young friends attendance, 35 se it. l ’ hehu*iue«i will be Cou.iuued, at Hie old »tmd of the bu»lne»», being aaaiated be are industrious and without expensive Auderson, teacher: B »ys, 15; girls, 20; creek to Sucker creek.acro-Lsthe divide, by J. B Ilizdon aud Cyrus H ye*, und-r tl>e sani­ SHAVE YOU, CUT YOUR HAIR, AND Will have cnarge competent millers. whole member. 35; average attendance, will be presented to the County Court habits, they ought to do we41 there.and ti ime. Ail debt« due fr uii ’h-u d dr u are assnruei Fix you up in the most approved style. EverijULing as represented or uo sale. we earnestly join with theirmany friends 28. Recapitulation: Boy«, 63; girls, this week. Tue roai will be of great by tue new, and dl n ties and »ecoiute due to the old tirai are payab.e to ibi new. X-^Give me a call and try me. 65; whole number enrolled, 128; aver ­ advantage to Ahis section and is quite in wishing them much success in their J B. RIGDON. kvu Mrs. S. A. FARHHANL age attendance, 96. likely to be put through. F. 41W4 W. A. MOA'ARD. V2n35il] WILLIAM MAYFIELD. “new departure.” KENTUCK » / -- Pedigree: I GEO. NUTLEY. Notice Millinery Store. Patterns I Wagons, Wagons! LIVES LEV LIVE Ashland Barber Shop G. F. BILLINGS.