THE THE CHIEF OX HIS TRAVELS. TIDINGS. FRIDAY MARCH 15, ln expedi oil er oni bu'lde g-. Writ w«t»r-d by creek »id tion of 850 m-n. b si les Hie 150 ■ ecriiii#, t epri g — Plenty • fg'« d rail libber-Good rage fur zo i'it<> the Iudian country, silting Bull i* s uck. uow on th<- o her side. PRICE: $8 00 PER ACRE. Constantinople M irch 5.—Layard, th«- British Minister, g «ve a soiree to-night in honor <»f Gen. Grant. SIKES WORDIN H. M. THATCHER. FOR SALE! GEMER1L NEWS. jy This is A No. 1 Farm with good sheep range, and very cheap. LINKVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON. Are now receiving from Ssn Fraucifeco an extensive slock of goods of great exactly suited to ibe trade of ibe LAKE COUNTRY 69 ACRES L'mdo’i. M .rch 5—A special from L'oyd# from G ilaiz sajs the work ot einoving 0 day. Three nife« ►••nth-west < f Pu.« ix-7 acres in cul- by a m .jo it« of 424 ov -r I o 1 Rich ir>l tivitiou— 50 aeree h rd *oui limb r, piiucip..lly #011. < itize.i’s candida'e. T ey uiso c.iriied wbi e oak. F- r tale ch-ap. live of the seven aide im«-n. 6ÌFF or part cui ts inquireuf Washington, Marcn 5.—It may be stated ’ W atters & G aby , th it our Governm«*ut will extend a form il Rem Eat te Agents 34» n Ashland Oregon. recognitio 1 10 the Government of Diaz at in early date. D1.1Z will make no pledz«* 01 ASHLAND LIVERY . stipulation, but extensive correspondence nas developed an e truest desire on his part tor friendly relations and for avoiding all cause of complaint. B* Beef Cattle, Hides and Wool taken in ex­ change for goods. Do not forget the Old Pioneer Store of the Lake Country. THATCHER & WORDEN. v2n 19tf. SALE AND FEED STABLES ! Constantinople, Mtrch 6—The Por e is stated to have sanctioned the stay of Rassi m tioops at San Stef 100. as long as the British fleet remains in the rea of Mnmora. London. March 6th.—l.o d Beaconsfi-1J is said to be strongly opposed to the antiex- of Egypt. Chicago, March 7.—T ie N itional Dairy A#sociad storm Ou reas u ibi • itrms,’ and given i!.e best o tug .still he tu*ir.gti!. All tue Wife» are at eutioa. iiowu east of point. Load >n, March 8.— a Berlin dispatch states ID it Ge many has accep ed lue piop- ostliou tor a cOugreps o 1 Tamsiluy ..I vr- noon. Austria. Russia, Ttnk ■y aud lia.y Dive ai.-O accepted, Il la certain thaï the cungiess will meet, whether France and Euglaud will ac ept or cot. -------------- ». « iCoudsueedjium 81. ib ExctuiDges) A ni in named Ad-uph Browner W IS •Ifiwne i in B.-.iioii • o, last Saturday, lie was # logger and it s<»ems acciuent.y step­ ped oft a log hi 1 w is drowned b< 'oie asisi- ance reached him.—B ee . James Uro 1, ul J. ff-rs m a native o! Dun­ dee Sco laud, aged .»bom 38 years wa- found de id in a saw ■ ill where he had be-n i carpenie ’ing, on darch 1st The L'uro ier’- jury decided tnai he Came to bis death by ‘•apoplexy, or sum a natural cans*.” Standard Goods, Sold at the lowest market price, Will do it, they propose to do the largest business this Fall arid, Winter ever dune by ihem iu the last live yeais, And that they can positively make it to the advantage of every (Mie to call upon them in Ashland and lest the tiuth ol their assertions. V J 1.34 fl They will spare no pains to maintain, more fully than ever the rep­ utation of their house as the Strayed. ------- -—_ STATE NEWS- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. And can I hìti Ì s I i iny customers with a tiptop HEADQUARTERS ACKNOWLEDGED $5 00 REWARD ! » 8'r yed from the uuder-igoed, Hviig at Rock’<-1- low’s t uci.e: ou<- sm«ll r >un mare, uith Ml un, s’.od all round; ai-<> one iioa gr y hors-, e ddie marked, to ►ho^s. Tnf left with the owner or nt the T idings ouice, 1-iuiing to tbeii recovery, will be rewarded as ab .ve. 33 3 GEO. KELLEY. staple and Fancy Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Clothing, Beets Shoes. Hats, Caps. Millinery and Dress Goods, Crockery, Glass and Tinware, Shawls* Wrappers, Cloaks. An.l in fact Eveivhing Required for the Trade of All persons indebted to M^ hith . Hel­ man & Fountain, will plea^ come for A fire r«ce illy occm re I at Camp Hart oy ward uud Kettle the aaiue with the nu- which completely destroyed the qua. ter- of derNigmd. as she old books must be C.ipt. Ben me and Lieut Wiiirigtit. Lo«#, f-quuied up immediately. iboitSIdO. Taesoliiers rendered lim-lv 33tf J. D. FOUNTAIN. assistance and succeeded in saving most o the effects 1 f the officer». Tne tfouglass I xde .’E- de >T s iys a letter rece.ved from D. Y. Leve is of Canyonville brings encouraging news frum >iiddl<* ere k NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY APPLE TREE# mines. Work is progressing rapidly, and in AT THE ground sluicing gold is frequently » eu wiili Hits n ike 1 eye. The J cksoiiville I imes say#: Charley Howard returned Wedne* i .y uo.n survey­ ing a mining claim toi G0 tu<- peuiteu iary for th. criiu« of perjury h is be-m ie11 oi numerous cm Kill käsF u be bwi KcuUtue aruciee u-ed. zens .it \Va#co, and the rec imm.-uaubou of tne Judge, Ptoiecu i.ig A. on»ey aud jury, Pnce» at luw a» U>e timt» wri justify. before whom hr was tried. At a Qre in Sole n on «Vediirsday night, ^^TS ore one door .outhuf the Poel û.ce-up- three lolies—Jdrs. Breyman, Mrs.Mi uu ami * pjBkc uie AbhU* « a H.,u8e, her sister—m t ine I a .-mall Gardner h