/ i ■« » i -^ i ,■ , i a,, i ■ra Mawww H. M. THATCHER. SIKES WORDEN. was made in the Jennie Creek basin.- San Fiancisco. Feb. 11 —The rain has been very heavy here, all -lav, wi ’ h brief in- John Lucy resides ou Corral creek, I THATCHER &, WORDEN tennmissious. and still c n inu -s withstrong about two miles west of Pioueer on the I Our readers will doubtless remember the FRIDAY......... » FB3RUARY 22, B7» I south winds. H-por s liom the interior re­ several veisions of an old poem on .Man’s stage road; and perhaps three miles DEALERSIfl from his place in a southwesterly di­ port heavy and general rains. The rtorft) Mortality, which have appeared from time to W ANTED-A TELEGRAPH LINE. has been especially b-avy in the mountains time in the T iding *. First G. H. Marshall rection is the new saw mill of Ham and foot hills, w! ere both snow aud ruin TÌ moud, Willits Jt Go., now near comple­ The Modoc Independent states that a i gave us a hilfs’anzi from memory, not I have fallen. knowing when or from whence it first im­ tion. This mill is located ou Keene, I DeadwcoJ.D T. Feb. 12.— Sunday, a par- gentleman named Allen writes from pressed itself upon his mind; then If. W. Creek, a tributary of Jenuie Creek ris- i , tv of filieen or twenty ludians surprised the Millville, Shasta Co., Cal., to a gentle- I j Clayton repeated a whole stanzi which he ing in the Siskiyoa ridge, and is in the i . I Hay party in the foot hill«, about twelve mau at Alturas, that be will be up in learned from the old Uai el Spates spelling midst of as fine forests of piue, fir aud j miles ea?t of be< e, and captured the oxen the spring for the purpose of canvass­ book an-l declaimed more than a hdf ce i LiKKViLLt, L ake coitht V, O regon . cedar as can be found iu our forest belonging to fte outfit. Tue me i e-caped. ing the route through to Camp Bidwell lury ago, in a lit'le old fa-biotied seno >1 state. A few miles south of Pioneer is Now 1 ork, I- eb. 12,—The t\ ouLD s \\ <»sh- Are now receiving liom San Francisco an ex.eusive stock of goods of great varie t to ascertain what assistance will be of­ house in Perry Co., Ohio; then Mrs. W. C tbe Fall creek setilemeut, near the Jeu ingtou SDecial says a private 1-tter received exactly suited tu ihe trad«- of the fered in the way of subscription, for Myer p aced upon o ir table a well perserv­ me creek canyon, wnere stock-raisiug [ by a gentleman of this city trom Monterey the construction of a telegraph line. It ed copy ot the primitive old speller itself and farming have been made a success I foreshadows another revolution in .Mexico ut is very likely that the people of that co llaiuitig the stanza recit-d by Mr. Clay­ and where there is said to be room for an early day. section of the Lake country, realizing ton; next, Naomi Mills contributed 24 lines, a few mere settlers. We understand Washington, Feb, 14.—A bill was intro­ the important benefits, that would of which the sp- Uiug buck stanza constitu­ that u good practicable road leads from duce! by Senator Gruver, by request, an­ Which 'hev are prepared to «èli at prices that cannot fail to satisfy cu^omerB. Be arise from the construction of a ted a part, claiming Sam i il Westell, an thia seitieiueut to Pioneer aud that, tbe Ihorizmg the survey of a water route ti om sure to call and st o us and see fur yourselves. English poet who died aboil' 1630. as the telegraph line, will donate liberally author; the i an erudite ’Bute Kriker ’ Fall creekers are anxiously awaiting tbe : th-* Atlantic to the Pacific via Upper Mib- to secure the success of the en­ I f.irnishe 1 tis twice as tn my lines, en ¡Lied establishment of tbe office. Jfiigbl ! souri and C -lunibia rive s. terprise. It would be of especiul ben­ I ‘Sic Vita—Such is Lit-,’ including the 24 uiildd east ot Pioueer, Win G. Patker, ! Vienna, Feb. 14—Torpedoes have act- efit to the stock men, who look south­ of Westell alm .st w »rd f >r word, staling oue ol tbe filiteu road buuters of 1846, j u illy been shipp -d from O .e-sa lor the Rus ward for their market; ouabling them | ttiat ihey were written in April 1616 bv Keeps a public bouse aud stage station, -ia 1-, pie-nimbly for use in th- Bosphorus t-) to keep ported oil markets, to report > Bishop King. Now we can go i utter. T ie and three miles farther east, at the the departure of droves, etc. In the j PiitsbiiLg Chronicle says: ‘Taere is reason Cold SpriDgs, is Charley Adam»’ For­ Do net forget the Old Pioneer Store of the Lake Country. event of the construction of the liue to I to think that the po.*m was written by one est House; uot now ‘ ruumug” but to Camp Bidwell, it is not likely that the of tho-e private Uliri-ti in b-r ls, in th • ALL PERSONS O\\ ING THE be opened tor tbe accommodation of THATCHER A WORDEN. more western portions of the Bisiu reign of King Diarmid, abo it the yeir 5>4, travelers in the spring. Few places iu Wagner, Andersen & Farmer's would long remain without this impor­ and was sung or enante 1 at the last grant our mountains ufford finer opportuni­ national assembly of kings, chief; tins and tant means of communication, and we Mill Company ties for sporting tbun tLe Jeu mo Creek bards ever held in the f inio is hail-of Tara. ” feel well-satisfied that a great majority country, and it is fast getting to be a Are h?reby requeued to call aud Belik w'Hh either cash or note, by February Ftret, of the settlers would willingly aid such Having at last s tccee le 1 in tr icing the his­ tory of this re narkable old poem so f ir back grand summer resort for buuters,fishers 29 fj W agner , anderson ,* fb co . Morris Baum. an enterprise to a reasonable extent. Near Mr. Perves’ into the records of the long p ist that we d » aud riistioators. not think mere is the leist possibility of place are several soda or chalybeate SENATOR MITCHELL'S HILLS. PION E E R finding an earlier origin, we present our Bprings,which will doubtless some day, In the U. S. Senate, on January 22, readers with the translation of theleirnel attract considerable attention. Consider Senator Mitchell introduced the fol­ Bishop O’Donnovan from the originpl liisli lug its lumbering,pu»toral aud sportihg I I lowing: A bill providing for an ap­ manuscript, wh ch is said yet io remain iu advantages, aud tbe beultbluluess of its 1 Main Street, Ashland, OT Lake County. propriation of S3 000 for the survey of Trinity College, Dublin: climate, the Jeuuie Creek couutry will MAN’S MORTAI.IIY. Alsea River and Harbor aud for bouy- undoubtedly contain quite a Hille pop­ LINKV1LLE - - OREGON. ing the same; a bill making au appro­ Lika as the damask ro-e you see, 0>ULD AmiosHee to the people of Jackson and Lake ceuntie» ulation,before many years,aud be exten­ Or like a blossom on a tree, priation of §50,000 for the improve­ Or that they have commenced receiving their new k ail Hock/ sively visited by pleasure seekers dur like the dainty flower in May, GEO. 1. BALDWIN, Proprietor. ment of the military road from Scotts­ Or like tye murifl g to me day , and that every day will wilhtss additions to the largest slock of lug tbe summer mouths. burg, via Calapooia bridge and Can­ Or like the sun, or tike the shade, sta Y e V ews . yonville to Camp Stewart, Oregon; a Or li«e the g>urd which Jonas n»d; Even such is in m, whose liite..(l i. spilt», [Cun-leused from Sr. ire Eithaiigej] bill making"an appropriation of §131,- Drawn out aud out, aud so is d me. 50 cents. The rosi withers, the boani bliste h, 000 to re-emburse the State of Oregon, 37 Toe flo .er fades tue morn ug H .steiu, A little two-year-old child of Mr. 1’ett-n- 7 .> for moneys expended during the Mo­ «• The sun sets, tue snadow d.ee, 25 gill, living near C>rutliu-, Washington doc War, aud a bill to make an appro­ Toe gourd consumes, the m.u -hediee. ocunty, was drowned by I ill ng iino .ui un priation for the survey of the waters of Like to the grass 'hat’s newly sprung. u-el cellar on S-mday last.—¿iu esni ui. the Pacific Oceau at Cape Foulweather, Or like a tale tint’s new beguu, Gov. Chadwick Ins appointed S. G. Skid­ with a view of determining the practic­ Or like the bird man's here to-day, more and Levy Wli.te us uu htinorary com­ ability aud cost of constructing a har­ Or like the iremled dew in -VI.y, Or like au hour, or like a span, mittee to represent the elite uf Oregon ut MISS al. A. KWlNia.K. I MISA I. C. SW15GLE. bor of refuge at that point. On the Or like tue surging of a swan; Standard Gocds, Sold at the lowest market jriee, ibe Paris ex| cniiiou. Even such is man, who lives by breath, 23, he introduced a bill providing for The S tandard says Jerry Dcpiin of MIES M.A, SWGLE & SISTER au appropriation of §20,000 to dredge U here, now there, in life and deaih. Will do it, they propose to do the largest bnsi»!(ss this Fall ant* Tue grass wimere, the ule is en led, Jlnr'' Opened a dirsi- Class Um »till recently pmclu-ed "60 bead <4 the Utnpqua river between Scottsburg The bird is flown, me dew’s ascended, W inter ever done bv them in the laG L\e v« sis,' cuttie in Umatilla louuty, for which he paid and its month, aud another—a meas­ The hour is short, the span uot liiand and test the tiuth ot their askertiotiM. New Bunding. Or in »glass much like a >o k, ne-r. G-n A. L Lovejoy , die 1 at her home 000 to construct a military road from Or like me shuttle io »ve.Ver a hand, WM" F. HAVE SOW ON H\NI> A 1UAVT1FVI. A8SOHT- They will spare no pains io maintain, more lolly than ever the jtj* in Oregon city o.i the 11th inst. Ellensburg to Jacksonville. V V l» H .18, UoN ,'m, ELUWE.I.A, Pul V > .8, --.»■ 11. GEN. FRANK WHEATON. Or like the gttoiug of cue Btre.au; 1’iesi-lent Ge i. M. V. Br- w.i: Vi-ePre i-| Bl Ti'ElliCK -k SMITH PA TTEHNS. THE ASHLAND TIDINGS. ! THAT FAMOUS OLD POEM ON' MAN’S : MORTALITY. LAKE COUNTRY Beef Cattle, Hides and "Wool taken in ex- change for goods Notice. I TIN SHOP MERCHANDISE. M11.11 a e r S tore DreNKinu king; done to order. Even s act» is m m, wuu lives t»y Great J, d*nt, II >n. S 1). Hale»: Seci’t tary; S. P We have lately received a interesting Is here, now lhe.e, in lite aud de.th. Au uniert- ir.m. a duiauce hrumpiiy Hired. 'Jo< «1» Hewitt; A-sistant Secietary, Ligget. Cuec.p fui Lau. ii»2l»2a. - • L. N. Tae oubb a's oai, tue look forg »r, letter from Brevet Maj. Gen. Frank Tie asm« r, L’Bibeti. Toe euu .tie’s 11 rug, the wri.mx's b,o’, Wnaatou, now stationsd at Fort L»p- L'ae ti»uj;i. la p*s', lUsdreim is g>»-*e, The Ot egonun says John Monte th <>ne wai, aud commanding, wo brieve, the Tue Ware; s g ile, mm's life is doue. of the well known Mo ileith brothers, «lied District of the Clearwater. While com­ Like to an arrow from the bow, staple and Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Bcots THE EAGLE MiLL at Albiny oil Sun 1 iy the 10th iu«t. ile was mander of the District of ths Likes in Qr like swifi course uf wa er flow, a prominent and much resp-cted citizen, Situated 15 miles Sou b of J .vk«« iniiJe and L; mile Shoes. Hots, Caps. Milhnery and Drtss Gocds, Crockery, southeastern Oregon, the General won Or iise th»t time, twin il >ud and ebb, Nuilii of Arb.uud, is prepared lu ud wheat. VV.i s ck .mu brand ihe sucas Bought to get a proper understanding Tue race soou ruu, tue goal soon won, Mr. Pre-s. Comegys oi Lane county, who —Cde.umeiB luruithilig U.e s.icire. Jly biu.her lae luie boou de.u, mau s nfe soon duns. —A FI LL LINE OF— of the situatijn from mon who had has been searching for his brother, after beeu loa< in th i country au i who Like the lightning fruni me sky. tbiee weeks absence, found him in a demen­ Will have charge uf lire hu-i • tn-, being urciolcd b Or like a post luai qurek Uutu ule, ted condition wand-ring about ihe country. were thoroughly conversant with the curu^eiri.i miller?. Or like a quaver iu a s »ug, For some time he has ini igin-d that some causes which led to the troablo, and he Or like a j »uru-y mree da)a long, Eicrytliing as represented or no sale, one was trying to rob him uf his properly. did not feel himsolf above companion Or lute bujw wueu summer's come, — otandakd . Jm/M Mrs. S. A. FARNHAM. ship witu “men of the border’’ and Or line the pe at, or like lue plum; Eveu sum is turn, wuo Ueus up Borrow, Last week Elijah Biker of Josephine Co counseled freely with them during the Lives bui this uay,amd dies lu-murruw, —CONSISTING OF— wishing to cross D--g cieek fell a tree across ASHLAND BAKEhY darkest days that ever came to the Tue lightning's past, the post must go, the stream and while cross ng on it anoti e1 The :o.ig is short, tue joaruey so, Lake country. We earnestly believe, Casimcres, Flanrels, Tweeds, Doeskins, Blankets Stocking and Tue pe a dotu rot, me plum dotn fill, tree tell and killed h in ile was an old with many of the people of that section, Tne snow dissolves, .»ud so must all. resident of that comity and highly re- Yarn and Madc-up Clothing. that had (Jen. Wheaton beeu allowed I spected. « PIONEER. to continue the war after the sad ex­ T ie I elegham states that, on Sunday FBI BE Unierrigned ie low prepared to furnish perience of Jan. 17, in the Lava Bids, JL WlOlE «od BROWN BREAD, l'ics aid 3rd lust, liiumus Walker au employee Jennie Creek is a atreatn rising in the G.aer, ..I i. e to «e-i pncro. t*.milles supf-lltd und he would have closed it up speedily prudute Uikeu lu eXcli..i>ge. Al lue aud satisfactorily, without much loss I Cascade chain, between Rogue River ilutcbinso i Bios, ol North Powuei had I of life, and we should have beeu spared valley aud the Kiamath basin, aud bones of the fell leg broken by bis h- RESTAURANT the useless Peuce Commission drama, flowing down through immense forests, falling with him, while be was driving cat WHEAT—OATS—BARLEY—BACON—AND—LARD. I with its tragic ending, and the dreadful I tie. Meals 25 cents: Tea and Coffee loss of men which followed it. The greeu meadows and occasionally deep Come *»ne, come all! and give ns atrial A fire occurred on Sunday night 1 ist at Extra. General remembers kindly many of canons, first in a westerly and then in a The patronage of the public is solicited nn