THE ASHLAND TIDINGS A fine assortment of autograph al­ bums at Chitwood & Atkinson’s. FRIDAY.................................. JANUARY, 4, 187». The Oregon lentinel enters upon its 24 volume in its next issue. It is a vet­ eran among Oregon Journals and de­ serves continued success. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. May 1878 prove a happy and pros­ pero^ year to all 1 Capt. D J, Ferree, of Lake county, Bpent several data in Ashland, labt Pleaae do not bother the printers 80 week, and started on his return ou much. Monday. The Captain is socially a Send to Eagle Mill for a sack of corn decided success, and can run a stage line, farm, stock ranche, and keep a meal. [no26w3] good hotel “into the bargain.” The New Years ball in Ashland was a C orrection .—We are iuformed by grand access. There were 59 numbers R. B. Hatton Esq. that the item which sold while the ball is good for about appeared in the T idings of Dec. 7th 30. stating that Mrs. Hatton had pre­ Capt. Joo. Q. Adams and Lieut. sented him with a son, is untrue. Our Duncan returned on tbe 27 ult. from authority was a prominent citizen of Pt Klamath, and the next day departed Lake who was evidently misinformed. ——————— — -I.............. • for Headquarters at Portland. W anted .—Some oue to make two or three rods of sidewalk, on Granite St. On Wednesday last, James R Neil -Esq. of Jacksonville made us a call. at or near the foot of the street, so as He is one of the most agreeable af gen­ to make a connection with the aide- Any oue furnish­ tlemen and it is always pleasant to meet walk on Main St. ing said walk, will receive, as a reward, him. the thanks pf all who^travei that way No, we are not reapensible for this: in rainy weather. A. M. S: • ------------------- ♦ ■ ■ ■ In Siberia the donkeys wear bells on M istake .—We are informed that it their neck* bnt in this country we -fre­ was a mistake about Prof. Leeke accom­ quently see them with belles on their panying Prof. Willits to Butte Creek, arms. to look after pastoral interests. One of Remember that Mr. Watters, the our moat reliable men reports that he >rôel eState agent, is always ready for saw him last week beyond the Siskiyou . Any one abroad, desiring infor­ still migrating towards the sunuy mation in regard to tbe country, will do south. Not being very well posted, we can only conjecture what kind of “in­ well to communicate with him. terests” he is looking after. P rotracted M ektikg .—Tbe .First THE POWER OF THE HUMAN EYE. 'Baptist church coutiuues 'its meetings nt tbe school house, several ministern AN ASHLAND PROFESSOR’S ADVENTURE. being present, amoag them Elder Brown; also Eider Martin of Roseburg. Ayearor twQ.igo, au Ashlaud Profess­ H M. Thatcher Esq , of Linkville, or, worn with tLie labors of the school­ -cams in from L ike last Saturday, look­ room (.concluded to »pend tbe summer ing as pleasant and pri lie picked his traction f<»r him. miuiature Saratoga, donued a pair of With tbe issue of Dec. 21, the Jack denim overalls and set out for Port Or­ eonvilie Tiws closed its seventh vol ford, or soma otu«r sea-port on the time. It enters upon its eighth with as Southern Oregon coast; where, in due good prospects if net better than at any course of, hu arrived, in­ previous time iu its history. Bro. vigorate! by the m >>i ituu air of the INtfkell is a felicitous wri-er and as a Coa-t range, uu d his muscles har lened gatherer of news items bus scarce au by staging, horse buk ri hug and tbe -equal iu the State. still mors vigorous ex runs of “footing it” over toe uiouutaiu ri Iges. Mr. C. C Webb, of Yreka, lost ab iiv Re lunud Ilia by tea ‘‘salt sea waves” 4500 Lie.i.i of sheep, while tbt-y were be jog herded last summer about Buck eveu more than his poetic faucy had L ike, oi, the border of the D-ad Iudiau paiuted it, au 1 us ne waited up autmg botanical ‘speci­ P resbyterian C hurch . — We are in mens. Wild fruits ripened there in A formed tba,«4^ Odd Fellows have sold profusion aud he would ofteu regale their lot ou M iiu street, opposite Mr. himself upon the huckleberries, ser- ’Woolen’s residence, to the I* . e-» by ter- vice-berries and saials which were so -ian church of Ashland, and we are abundant on every hand. .gratified to learn that tbe litter body Wed, one day while thus engaged tiesigns building upon it at an early on the margin of a service berry tuick- kjw—possibly next summer. et. he beard the rustling of the bushes Rev. J. R. *N. Bell, Presiding Elder ished him that this would not do, and days of semi barbarism, but shot at a he decide 1 to ascertain by a practical mark and the champion shootist took demonstration whether or not the the turkey. Welborn Beeson, of Wag- bear could withstand a gaze which ner creek was, the man who won the bad so often been effective in restoring order in the school room. So, there bird. he stood, motionless as a statue, with­ M onument .—Tbe monument just in six feet of tbe bear, with his sharp, completed for John Bilger, by Prof. penetrating eyes bent upon the large, Skidmore, is a perfect triumph of me glaring ones of bis singular compan­ chanieal skill. It is of Italian marble, ion. At last the bear's eye begao to 14 feet high, stands upon a base of na­ waver, and, with a plunge, the beast tive sandstone and is io every way a was away, tearing pell-mell through fitting monument to one who was uni­ the thickets as if half frightened to versally respected as a man and citizen. death, leaving the Professor MASTER OF THE FIELD. In this work Prof. Skidmore has prov­ This is substantially true, and is an­ en himself one of the finest workmen other evidence of tbe truth of tbe as on the coast. sertion, so often made, that there is a Waexer Cares.—Wagner Creek is strange power in the human eye which one of the richest portions of Rogue will cause tbe wildest and most coura­ River valley and has long been noted geous beast to waver and fly, if a suita­ for its melons, peaches, corn and tall ble opportunity be offered for a gaze. timothy. Only a few. years ago there Thus R. Gordon Cumming looked the king of beasts out of countenance in were but a handfull ef settlers there; the jungles of South Africa, and thus now there is quite a population, and an Ashland Professor terrified an ur­ etill they come. See hertc Born, Deo. sine mau-destroyer in an Oregon thick­ 10, to the wife of John Abbott, a et Being a very modest map and fear­ daughter; Dec. 20, to tbe wife of John ing perhaps that his reputation for ve Wimer, a son; Dec. 29, to tbe wife of racily might suffer by the narration, J. C. Darken, a daughter; Dec. 29, to it was a long time before this story leaked out. the wife of Welborn Beeson, a son. I Th« S»day School Concert. The Concert given at tbe Academy on last Monday evening, by tbe Ash­ land Sunday School, was one of tbe pleasantest of the kind we ever attend­ ed. Although the first Sunday School entertainment ever given iu Ashland, it will be difficult to surpass it by any fnture performance. At an early hour in the evening tbe large lower room of tbe Academy was filled to overflowing. Rev. Geo. Nutley, the Superintendent, made a brief but very appropriate opening address. This was followed by the song, “Joy to the World,” iu which tbe whole school joined; after which the programme proceeded as follows: Recitation of verses of Scripture by Mrs. S. A. Farnham’s class, consisting of Misses Alice McBride, Susie Hill, Nettie Wagner, Lou. Willits, Belle Drake, Eugenie Farnham, Laura Thornton and Elda McCloud. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Donaldson. Song: “Let the Lower Lights be Shining,” by the school. Recitations by Mrs. M. Jacobs’ class consisting of Misses Amanda Hamr rnond, Anna Jaquette, Clara Gunner- son, Katie Chitwood, Hattie Reeser, Ida Kentuor, Auna Patton and Ella McPherson. Song: “Hold the Fort;” sung with spirit by tbe whole school. Recitatious by Miss Frances Myer’s class, consisting of Fred. Wagner, Ed­ gar Eubanks,Sheridan Thornton,Eddie McPnerson, David Ralph, Lewis Kritz Willie Nutley, Albert Fox, Willie Fox, John Jacobs, Thomas Goodcbild, W. Farnham, U. Gunnerson, Willie Brown aud Charles Chitwood. Soug: “Precious Jewels.” This was rendered iu good style by tbe Birds Nest, a class under tbe management of Miss Fox aud Mrs. Jumes Tborntou. Here is tue ‘'muster roll” of this in­ fantile brigade: Walter Harris, Mary Harris, Birdie Jaquette, Lydia Ja­ quette, Belle Mod let-tie, Lorene Modi- sette, Chester Hardison, Minda Fox, Eddie Fox, Ella Drake, Grace Houck, Eddie Thornton, wellie Giddiugs, Ber tie Tozer, Alfred Ruckieilow, LewiB Andrews, Georgia Andrews, Frank Me- Aemar, Addle MuNemur, Morris How­ ell, Oilte McBride, Lydia McCall, Elsie McCatl, Ada Miher, Ellie Sutiou, Puceba WuoUsou, Eauuie KaipU, Miu* uie Nutley, Belie Wagner, C«areuce vVuiraJ, Ola Tboruluu, Robbie Brown, l'Uiie Reeser, Leou McPuersou, Kate MePuersou, Frau&ie \audyXe. boug: ‘ Tue Age of Welcome,” by Misses Hattie litcser and Luu. Willits, aud Messrs. William W »lilts and How­ ard McB.-me. Recitations by Miss Belle McBride’s class, consisting ot Mtsses Haltie Tol­ man, Katie Vandyke, Ida Laue Carrie Gillette, Adeia AlcBnde, lauuie Mc­ Bride, Flora WooUsou, Auua Audersou, Alta Miller, M »y Druke aud Maggie Howell. Snug: “Dare to do Right,” excel­ lently rendered by Misses Effie Gil­ lette aud Hattie luormou. Recitatious by W. W. Kentnor’s class, cuusistiug of Henry Nutley, Marshall Waguer, Lee Jacobs, Cuus. Palmer, Virgil Watters, John Ralph, Geo. McCloud aud Frank Ro.-siter. Recitations b*y Miss Weber’s class This class consists of Misses Eila Guie, Maggie Brown, Maggie Vandyke, Mary Cuapmau, Mary Jaquette, Cora KrliZ, Maggie Walters, Ellie outtun, Hattie luorulon, Mary Eubanks, Mary Jacobs aud Clara Haidisou. “Blessed Bible;” a soug, nicely ren­ dered by Misses Lou. Willits aud Hat­ tie Reeser, aud Messrs. Howard Mc­ Bride and William Willits. Recitatious by Mrs. Brown’s class, under the management of Mrs. A. V. Gillette; class consisting of Misses Mary Hardison, Esther Goodcbild, Nellie Goodcbild, Della Woodson, Effie Gillette and Emma Tolman. Song: “Ninety aud Niue,” rendered in excellent style by Misses Olla and Adda McBride. Soug: “I Love to Tell tbe Story,” rendered with spirit by the whole school. “Temperance,” a recitation by Adeia McBride, presenting alphabetically a list of tbe evils of dram-drinking. “Santa Claus,” a very thrilling and pointed reoitation by. the two little Misses Modisette. “The Dead Dull,” a pathetic funeral discourse by Miss Hattie Thornton, which, notwithstanding its solemnity, afforded a vast deal of amusement. “It's just tbe same as it used to be;” another telliug disquisition ou popular evils, by Miss Ollie McBride. The Ue-xt, aud one of the must edify­ ing features of the programme, was Che presentation to Superintendent Nutley of an elegant Bible, by Miss Nettie Wagner, on behalf of the school. Mr. Nutley,encouscieus of tbe intention of the school, was directed to take a con­ spicuous position aud keep quiet. It was evidently less difficult for one of his lingual powers to observe tbe first re­ quirement than the last, but be fiualiy assumed his required place, and Miss Wagner presented him tbe book, deliv­ ering a very appropriate address, to which he responded iu good style. Next, Mr. Nutley presented Rev. J. B. Donaldson, on behalf of one of the pupils, an elegant looking boquet, representing roses, marigolds and lilies but having a smell Btrongly suggestive of tbe turnips, beets and carrots, from which the imitation flowers had been fashioned. After bis recovery, Mr. Donaldson responded in a speech which,for brevity aud point,would have done credit to the reticent Graut him­ self. Song: “A Happy New Year,” by the whole sohool. Presentation to the scholars and to the Editor of tbe T idings , of sundry paper bags, supposed to contain nuts, candies and pop corn. Thauks; nature of contents no longer conjecture. After tbe song, “Love one Another,” the entertainment was closed wit h tbe good old Doxology, and everybody de­ parted, feeliug that tbe little and big folks of the Ashland Sunday School had acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner. Special State Deputy John B. Rig­ don organized State Line Lodge of Good Templars m Goose Lake valley on Dec. 21. L. A. Hamexsly is W. C. T. and A. E. Baise L. D. This is tbe ionrtli Lodge J. B. has organized since he set out on bis Lake Co. cam paign. Bro. Rigdon is getting so ex­ pel t in this organizing business that even the indefatigable Dunbar had bet ter look to bis laurels a little. S uicide .—We learn from the Yreka Journal that Miss Orpba G. Williams, a much respected lady, ag do general Custom and Exchange Business -Flour anl Feed at tbe— LOWEST CASH PRICES. 3C lbs of flonr, 2 ib« ► h rts nDd 8 tb« bran per txteh- el fur good wneat. Wi l s ck and brand the 8aCka -customers turmehiug ice sacks. My brother G. F. BILLINGS- Will have charge of the bueinese, being aeeieted by cunq»eteut millers. Everything as represented or no sale. JX'r.1 Mrs. S. A. FARNHAM. Notice. LETTER FROM JOSEPHINE. A fplegate , O regon , | Jan. lsf, 187b.} PIONEER LAKEVIEW COTTAGE I ALL PERSONS OWING THE Wagner, Anderson Farmers Mill Company E d . T idings :—A happy new-jear greeting to Editor, publiober, typo Are hweby requested to call aud settle with either graphical spirit ofjevil, carrier, patrons cuali or note, by February Firet, and borrowers of other people’s pa pern 29 u W agner , A nderson , & f » co . — may line new era, which bus just been ushered into existence, be oue to you all of peace, plenty, long life aud happiness. It has.been some time since I essayed to w rite a letter to you, but as this is the beginning of the year—a day on wLicii people resolve to do something and then straightway forget their TO ÏAS PAYERS OF LAKE CO. promises and gel back into their old PROMPT payment of yonr' the coanty, ou or betöre the firet day ot January, 1878, will tracks; so I may not long continue to oriuiuiy »avec >eis. ¡Ü? bee general laws of Ore­ Chapter 57, Section öl. write, but I will promise that I will gou, Lakeview Oregon, | T. J. BRATTAIN, Dec. 6, 1877. ) Sheriff of Lake Co., Or. try to write every two weeks. V2n27a4 Now letf me preach a little —text, A Pleasant and Homelike House situated —AT— Humming Bird Springs, near Klamath Lake, Eleven mile« from Linkville, on the road to Ft. Klauiatb, Lake Co., Oregon. IpASr Attention paid to tl e wants of guests Tbe subscriber also keep« a Good Stable well supplied with hay und grain. Call ana see it he can keep hotel. H.1AC1 Q_ J. Ferree> Notice. “HARD TIMES.” LF'N OTIC THE UNDEB8IGNED HAVE COMPLETED THEIB STEAM SAW MILL (Oue Mile West of the stand of old Buckeye Mill) Are now Sawing all kinds of Lumber, BOXING, SIDING, RUSTIC, FLOORING, FIN- 1SH1NG, SCANTLING OF ALL 8IZE8. FOR SALE CHEAP. Fir.Yellow and Sugar Pine ot all ditnetuioni The words of my text, brethren, are Laths, Sheathing, Shingles, Fenc A new two inch Iron Axle Wagon. heaid more oiteu, iu this our lair and no27tf. B. B. R eeser . blessed Southern Oregou, tbau any ing etc., etc., other; the merchant, the farmer, tbe SEND IN YOUR ORDERSI M. L. McCALL, miner, the mechanic aud tbe loafer, all with duletul visage and whining Surveyor and Civil Engineer, All orders promptly attended to. • ••••• C.*1 II•••••• voice, coin plain of “bard times,” but 1 ASHLAND, OREGON, OATS, WHEAT, FLOUR, LARD and will venture to say that bard times BACON, taken in Exchange for have never been felt by any in this s prepared to do anv his line on short do . ice. ’ [Uo27lf] ....LUMBER..,. purt of the country. Were tbe com­ Address m 1 order« to mon necessaries of life wantiug, then Dissolufiou of Copartnership. MAKSII, VALPEY& CO, there would be some sense in using the HE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exiting oetweeo Yellow Jacket Mill, Brownsborougb, L. b. 1*. MaieU und H. B. Vulj>ey, Jfe this day words, but they are not, for people dissolved bj mutual cuneeut; H. B. Valp»y witb- P. O., Ogn. (2—IGtf) mostly look sleek,tat aud well-dressed. drawnu! from mt tlrm. L. b. P. M >reh will c .lleci the amounts due, asrume the imlebieaneBS and Con- Then why this nauseating dose eight t uue the buaineeB of the firm. I.. S. P. MARSH. D. CHAPMAN. X. A. SEIL. thousand times a day about hard times? H. B. VALEEY. Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 13, 1877. (no 27 tf I tell you this: ¡Stop your whiDing ASHLAND and turn something up—don’t wait for something to turn up;for if you contin­ ue to complain, you will irighteu Architect and Builder, FEED AND LIVERY STABLE I those who are seeking homes in our GRANITE STREET - - - ASHLAND. midst, and already, no doubt, many MAIN STIELT. ILL do anything in bit line on short notice and have been turned away from our coun­ un the low eat terms. n7v2u try just by your everlasting whining. I want you either to stop it or emi­ DANIEL GABY, grate to the salt works. he undersigned would ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, respectfully inform their friends In conclusion I would say, read and and tbe public generally ibu they______ practice tbe Bible and subscribe for NOTARY PUBLIC bave putchised the above e-tabiisbn uln, and and having thoroughly cleared the lobeliu tbe A shland T idings , and you will hav from tbe premises, they can assure REA L ESTA TE A GENT. be happy. their patron« that stock entrusted to their ASHLAND, OREGON. care will be well and safely cared fur. No less than three balls were in full blast on Christmas night, all well rep­ Gt)OB TURNOUTS resented, an<| the fantastio “mud T. G. WATTERS, Of carriages Qand buggies supplied at splasher” kicked around tbe eircle at any time. a furious rate. As dancing is a very intellectual play, no doubt much is BALED HAY FOR BALE! Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon. the knowledge stored away for the fu­ In quantifies to suit purchaser«. They will ture. Private parties were numerous, Will attend to the buyiug and selling of also, io connection ujtb tl eir stab e. t* n at which ancient and modern turkeys UkOBSilL UBa3OE£14<3»<> TRUCK-WAGON and chickens formed the principal All business entrusted to nn* will receive At reasonable rates. D. C hapman A N eil . Slrtf part of the programme; justice in all prompt attention. cases being done to the repast. But I I will cheerfully answer all lettere of in­ dare say at none did they fare so quiry in tegard to 'bis portion of Oregou— J. W. RIGGS, Its Climate, Soil. Proc nets etc. sumptuously and have such a fine din­ Reference given it required. ner, as at your correspondent’s resi­ v2n24] T G WATTERS. dence, where many of his baohelor ARTIST, friends congregated, and there was not SARQAIN'S, BARGAIN ’ S, BARGAIN ’ S. a woman there to molest or dare to Ashland ... - Oregon. AT THE make us afraid. I am now permanently located in this Just before the Christmas festivities, phee, hi d re-pe tfully asks tl;e patronag of we adjourned our Sunday School on be citiz« ns. Missouri Flat, i< having been in ses­ ALL WORK WARRANTED sion nine months without missing a To increase tbe joy of hearts this Christmas and New Sunday, the interest being good all Yeur^ A.1 goods marked only one price. To give Entire 8 tiafact’on. Trices to suit The T'ines. the time. Can .any other Sunday COME, COME, COME, School say so much ? Next door to Poetoflice. GEO, NUTLEY. T I. O. Miller. W T LAND AGENT. Ashland Boot & Shoe Store, Only one day -school in session on [no’Btf] 90^ Call and see Sj>ecini.ns, [ v2nj‘f