TUE ASHLAND FRIDAY TIDINGS D. J. FERREE. ROB i GARREIT, DECEMBER 7, 1877 VOLUME II ASHLAND AND LIKKVELLE THE TIDINGS GENERAL NEWS. STAGE LINE. [Condensed from Oregonian and Cill Dispatch“«.] ATTENTION Great Re duction in pri­ ces of tinware. New York Nov. 23-Tbe ZFntAZ’x Co­ lumbia (S. C.) special says: A railway Has entered upon the second year GARETT AND FERREE’STRI-WEEKLY accident occnred today near Charlotte. of its existence with brighter otages i tin between the above named The train broke through the trestle work I oint* three linns a week, prospects than ever, and making the tiip and twelve passengers were drown wants each of its through iu ed. one day car­ rying U. S. Mail and passengers. Pittsburg Nov. 23 ;d.—Spratti & Jobn- son’s plow works, i corner of Lacock LEAVES ASKLAND and Darragh street», Alleghany city. was destroyed by fire tonight. Loss MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND FRI­ $25,000. DAYS at 4 o cluck a . m : arrives al Link- vilie same day.«, lieiuruiiig, New Orleans Nov. 24. —The sugar house on Arcadia plantation, Iberville LEAVES LiNKYiLLE parish, the property of Col. Il . S. Riv era, was burned Friday lilgbt. Cost TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AN.» SATUR­ . $40,000; no insurance. DAYS arming at A-ldand same lage line between so to make things lively these Lowell, Mass. Nov. 24.—Mrs. Geo. i Luikv.lle mid Ful l Klamath Abo wi t “dull times.” H. Thompson, sister of Senator Sar­ our semi weekly line trom Linkvile to Lake City and all iutermedute points. gent of California, ha9 committed sui cide. GARRETT FERREE. New York Nov. 21.—Gen. Abraham Duryea, formely Colonel of the 7th Regiment and ex-police Commissioner, [ D. CHAPMAN. K. P. NFIL. THE TIDINGS was arrested on a charge of obtaining , money under false pretenses from a MEAT MARKET. Savings bank. Versailles (France) Nov. 25.—The With a competent corps of cor- CHAPMAN & NEIL, senate elected M. Graudperet, Bune- respondents, proposes to be partist, life senator. Ashland, Oregon, Lincoln Nov. 27.—The official wot© eep constanu . y on hand at their of the stute electionwas canvassed today SU ip, near li.«e bridge, un M ill Street, h guud showing Lake for chief justice, 15 (‘>90;! eupi ly of fresh BEEF, MUI ION, VEAL, etc., The Livliest Local Newspaper vinicu they olitr al me a.weei luaxkel price. Howe 15,639; for regents, Holmes 29, Asbtabu, Jute 17ib, 1876. no Ilf. 698; Persinger, 28.937; Grim, 6,915; Cas», 6,330; total, 45,868. SHOP In the country; and as it does Richmond Nov. 26.—The loss to ASHLAND HARNESS private propety in this city by the flood not deal largely in politics, may be safely estimated at from $300. it is the best 000 to $400,000. Other losses will I greatly augment this amount. MANUFACTURER OF,AND BEAI ERIN Washington Nov. 27.—The cabinet to-day decided to appoint ex-congress­ men John B. Hawley, of Illinois, Ass’t. Secretary of the treasury, to succeed A shland , O regon . McCormick,whose resignation takes ef­ fect the 1st of next mouth. eeps a general assort - Paris Nov. 27.—Newspapers are dis­ juebt of goods m Lis line of trade. cussing whether the army will support Ladies’, Men»’ and Boys’ Sad­ TIIE TIDINGS MacMahon or the republic, in case of dles, a Spccialily. a conflict. Manuscript placards, in­ sulting or threatening President Mac- Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, Mahon have been posted. A hundred TEAM A BUGGY COLLARS, tUKRYCOMBS, BRIL LES, persons were arrested yesterday for lias the largest circulation, and UI.\ CH OS. STIR Kl'l’S, drunkenness, seditions cries uud insults is consequently the best HIPS, LASHES, SPURS, or resisting the police. COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC., - R eads his own P aper .—The Eugene And everything usually kept in a first-cla«s establishment. Repairing do: e with neat­ Guard says: “An old subscriber who ness and dispatch at pi ices io suit the had always paid his subscription in times. advance, but whose subscription bad expired two or three weeks ago, came WHEAT Taken at the Highest rushiug into our office Wednesday, and Market Rates in Exchange assuming a very beligerent attitude, for Goods. ucitr. said: “I’m tired reading your paper.’’ Ashland, Jure 27lh, 1870. We very meekly told him that if th© In this part of the State, paper did not suit him he could dis­ subscription juice is only continue it, when be excitedly said, I “No sir! I’ve always paid for my pa­ I per before I read it, then it was mine, but the last two weeks I’ve read yours, it’s no satisfaction to me.’’ We smiled as we made out a receipt for two years //car. in advance, and pocketed our V. By rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING C<»M- rj thing u.-uallv kept in eilst < 1 A«s vaiufiy rT< !;>►, which having Let II ] uichi.st d hl ball 1 r.inciscu LAUNDRY and 10ILET SOAP, UNION LIVERY and DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, V?î J te i i which we offer to the trade at S ale OF— ASHLAND ! At the Lowest Cesh Prices ! i NO SI 101)1 >Y, PRICES TO SU:T .HE TIMES. E xchange Send in your name and commence with the new volume. Genuine Wool. 1 .owest Living Profits Onr soaji has been jironouncet by those who know LSD SOCKS and STOCKING Y 'RN, XV e trust tie pubi c will givens an op­ BEST QUALITY A <•<>1 red or une.) o; e>i, in qualilieb io pormi.hy io verily uur »tairineiits letuie SUPERIOR «lilt purchabcrs. TO ANY I purchasing t l-.-u here. IN ANY QUANTITY Corner of 4t.h and California Sts., IMPORTED V 'b4 J acksonville , O begon . ARTICLE c? a Ct 1 i Q1 CATISFAGTiCN guaranteed . There is, in connection with the Or & i 1 TO SUIT PURCHASERS f rpiiE undersigned , having pur - Newspaper oilice, a complete Give it a trial and siqiport home 1 cflvw.1 ihe ab ve Darned sta>bk» f.oui Kubli VI il-on, b.g le-ve to tnfurni industry. Tin* highest market juice paid for 2-C Be sure to give us a call —DURING THE— me pub ic mat «hey ».re de ern.it.ed lu luern i» C »uliim .ice uf tu»* patronage lic.t hats lur la^ny Good Native Wool in monev or year» past been Conferred uu these just.y Z/J.VDI’d- ROBERTS, COMING SEASON, AT THE goods. Wanted in exchange (v2u!5 f.) — OF THE— STABLES, I, * 1*1 1 * i POPULAR STABLES! LOWEST RATES. We have constantly on hind the very best; ¿JúOJJU SADDLE HORSES, BUGGIES AND 20,000 lbs. Grease cepixraiTFe i era? m CARRIAGES, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Horses Boarded On rea»onab'e term?, and the lx»it of cire and atten­ tion oesloued u^uu them wbile under their ctiarfce. Also, Horses Bought and Sold. And everything in the line of Job Printing can be executed at Cerne Everybody, A. lo be lo lile mullí.>1 advantage uf Address, rpilE UNDEIUIGN ED WILL BE FOUND JL m hi« shop Oil Main slice:, two doom fiomthe iivt iy st.ib es, wlteie Le is piepared to do all kinds ot work in hi> line _l the lowest price. CITY PRICES, '['HE UNDERSIGNED. BELIEVING IV Patronize home Industry, ami Wt* will set.* that von ait* satisfied. Wagon Shop. We will gu inwlee sati»factlr>n in al) onr trans­ action». G akdwell & M c M ahon . Millers and Farmers, ASKIAKD WICLEN M'FS. CO. Have made arrangements whereby th« (No, 10 it) WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS BLACKSMITHING rpHE UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR PA- 1L tiuu» fur lue liberal patronage besruined u,-on u. during uur* amneettun with u.e Ui.iou Livery tMab es. would t)e»peak a conlilni u ce of llie s.iue *.« uur euccessurs. C arhulu A M c M ahun . No. 17; tl. -BY— EUBANKS & FORSYTH. ASHLAND HOUSE. I 4 LL TI1O-E DESIRING WORK ¿X hi uur 1 ne. will flud us al the “Old Michelson Stund“ ready to serv. them with ne ilnrss and di«patcn. Purlieu ar at­ tention paid io horseshoeing. null If. IIE UNDERSIGNED WISHED TO RE- I miud his lriemls, and lhe traveling pub­ lic generally, that he is still to be louud at T this LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, INTEHE3TINQ TO FARMERS! [ v 2 l 6 f.J JOHN CHANDLER. V. 2, No. 7-tf. ( RIGDON & CO. Merchantable Produce. And cin furnish uur cus’tnwr* with a tip-top turn­ out al any time. Goods at Wholesale, at the lowest cash rates. At the Factory. Will exchange for any kind of 1 I where he Is re tdy at any time, and on all occasions io set be o e them ibe Lest the 1 market atlords, in a style second lonootber I Louse in Oiegon. Dinners and suppers !or special occ 'sions. gotten up in appropriate style, al short no­ tice. jasper houck . ■ri * not ea»i y e*rn*d ii it;e?e lime*. I1 b n it cm rte made m three mouibr by any oneuf eittirr »ex,iu »ny pari ui the c uniry, who ie wiling to wo k steadily at ti e eoipoynicut th t we luruisb. $66 ) er weea in your owu luwu You teed noi b- away f uni buine over uigut Yu< cm gwe yuur whole time to l..e *urk,ur only your span- mumeut« We have agent» w Lo arem k ug over $20 per daj. Allwhoeng geatoLCecm m.ke money oiel. At lhe i resent lime mon* y cmnot b* m'ule roeasiiy u.i rapi.iiy at any other burine»». I: cort* nuth.iig to try the business, l'ertii» aLd $5 ou'di free. Addie»» at once, H. ILu litt A Co., Puritani Maine. [2-7-ly $777 X I Of our work, or address your or- durs to The “Tidings” Ashland, Jackson Co.. Orecon. NOW ON HAND AT THE Wagon Factory. Will I COB both nd e Lesi Eastern sto k constantly on * MRS. M. W. HARGADINE. hand. W. W. KEN I NOR. Aebhnd S?pt 4, 1877. tlsif Ashland. June 17lb, 1876. noltf. I Phœnix Mills, I Rep.irii gof all kinds one with di-pateb. Call end .-ee me. 1‘ol f. JOHN RALPH. CALL AKO SEE SPECIMENS Ashland and A FULL LINE OF Of Vehicles Made to Order. In as neat and workmanlike man­ ner as at any office in tl.e Stati. A large stock cf Hats just re­ ceived frem New Yoik, for sale at lowest prices. We will pay tjie highest market price for good merchantable when, and are prepared I-» contract flour sacked and brunded at the Mills, at $18 00 ] er thousand pound». Cash. Onice of the Company at the Ashland Mills. Addie«», WAGNER, ANDERSON