THE FRIDAY ASHLAND TIDINGS NOVEMBER 9, 187f. ROB’T GARRETT, D. J. FERREE ASHLAND AND LINKVILLE CS'lsRAl NEWS. STAGE LINE. [Condenred from Oregonian and Cdl Dispatches.] VOLUME II. ATTENTION TIIE TIDINGS Great Reduction in pri­ ces of tinware. INTERESTING TO FARMERS! THE ASHLAND I New York, Oct. 27.—The IIsays: iL-lilM is " and Farmers-, « The registration to-day is SC,000, mak­ GARETT AND FERREE'STRI-WEEKLY ing 110,000, against 1G0,000 last year. ' Has entered upon the second year Stages run between the above named Have made arrangements whereby the Chicago, Oct. 27.—Senator Morton’s points three times a week, of its existence with brighter at keeser s making the trip physician, Dr. Bliss, is in this city. He prospects than ever, and through in has hopes of tho Senator’s recovery, wants each of its one day car­ Ashland and Phoenix Mills, but considers the case a most remarka rying U.S. Mail and passengers. I ble and complicated one. LEAVES ASHLAND Philadelphia, Oct. 28th.—Edwin Coffee Pots 37: cents under the management of J a - Adams, actor, died at 11.15 this morn MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND 1 R Water Pails 63 cents. W agmik . who will have charge of ing at the residence of Dan Gardner. DAYS at 4 o'clock a . m : arrives at La Covered Buckets 37? cents. Mills for tl c Company during the ensu­ Chicago, Oct. 26.—The Times Wash­ ville same days. Returning, Milk Pans 25 cents. ing year, ending .July 1st, 1878. ington special says: Townsend of Illi­ LEAVES LINKVILLE Dippers 25 cents. nois will, on Monday, introduce a reso­ We will pay the highest market price for 3 Pint Cups for 25 cents. lution declaring the mentainanco of a TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS AND SATUR­ good in< reliantaide wheat, and are prepared DAYS arriving at zV bland same day C"n large standing army, opposed to Box and Parlor Stoves frem t-t contract flour sacked and branded at nects wth our daily stage line between the spirit of the constitution etc., VERY LEST GF NATIVE WCOL. To send in an additional name, 8 to 25 Dollars. Linkville and Fort Klamath. Also with the Mills, at si - Oil per thousand pounds, declaring economy necessary requir­ our semi weekly line from Linkville to so to make things lively these Ca-b. ing the committee on mili­ Lake City and all intermediate points. “dull times.” BLANKETS, tary affairs immediately to report re Office <ï tin* Company at the Ashland .d ! 11 s. A < 1 < i ï « - -, GARRETT & FERREE ducing the army as much as consistent FLANNELS, WAGNER, ANDERSON & with the country's peace and welfare. l'AEMEU’S CO., nnl’Jtf. Ashland. Oregon. Memphis, Oct. 29.—Gen. Bedford D. CHAPMAN. R. P. NEIL. CASEMELES, Forest, the great Confederate cavalry I oHicer.died 7:30 this evening, at the res­ THE TIDINGS MEAT MARKET DOESKINS idence of his brother, Col. Jesse Forest. A FULL LINE OF Washington, Oct. 30.—Represents five Huutcr, of Indiana, has introduc­ With a competent corps of cor- ed a bill authorizing an expedition to X <*- s. respondents, proposes to be Ashland. Oregon, the Arctic seas. The bill embraces the Howgate plan. eep constantly on hand at their NOW ON HANI) AT THE Shop, near the bridge, on M in Street,' a good New York, Oct. 30.—One hundred supply of fre-h BEEF, MUTlt»N, VEAL, etc., they otier at the lowest market price. and thirty-seven mormon converts ar­ wnicli Ashland, June 17 th, 1876. noitf. The Livliest Local Newspaper Nothing but Genuine Wool. rived yesterday, together with twelve A FINE LOT OF HATS ! f missionaries, who lead the 1500 con­ verts landed here from Europe the past ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP NG YARN, uncoiorc'l, in qualities to year. -ml In the country; and as it does large stock of Hats just re- I Chariton, Iowa, Oct. 30.—The pub­ not deal largely in politics, Kew Yoik. for lic school building was destroyed by V it is the best *M{ v + ■ ) lire last night; loss §25,000; insured for prices. £ I I ■-> & MANUFACTURER OF,AND DEALER IN 1 i §15,000. M. XV. llAIlGADINF 113IÏ Omaha, Oct. 30.—A. C. Dort a well known business man of Omaha, was this morniDg found dead in his flour A shland , O regon . iuill, twenty miles west of the city, hav­ ing been caught in the machinery and ¡5») rpi!i: eeps a general assort - crushed to death. 1 m ment of goods in Lis line of trade. f o:n tl t «• is piepa red Washington, Oct. 30.—Geo. Perry, Io ( ‘ . O In- line «-1 die Ladies7. Hens’ and Boys’ Sad­ of Cincinnati, has been chosen as Pres­ ÌO w C dles, a Speciality. THE TIDINGS ident of the national convention of let­ \VA , EUCGILS AND ALL KINDS A Full Stock of Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, ter carriers, held mainly to secure an J k’ac’e to Crdcr. < D increase of salary. TEAM & BUGGY COLLARS, A i V 1 \ 4 we ¡/i ii- oi.e wiih di-patcli. UU B R YCl )MBS, BRI I »LES, Tho President has nominated John C ItiC. CINCHOS, STIRRUPS. Welsh of Pennsylvania, envoy extraor­ Has the largest circulation, and WHIPS, LASIIES, SPURS, Address, dinary and minister plenipotentiary to is consequently the best COLLAR PADS, ETC., ETC., Great Britain. #■ r ■ ” » » • 1 r* — » tj f~ f, V B. ugi I LL. is And everything usually kept in a first-class I f 1 1 r> 1 . v « : k - Í In the Senate to-day, a resolution au­ establishment. Repairing done with neat­ thorizing the presiding oflicer to ap­ ness and dispatch at prices to suit the AN!» point a committee on the subject of as­ times. certaining and declaring the result of the election for president and vice-pres­ WHEAT Taken at the Highest Market Kates in Exchange ident of the United States was agreed for Goods. too. Ashland, Jure 27th, 1876. noitf. Tho nomination of John C. Cart­ RESTAURANT wright for collector of internal revenue was confirmed by the Senate to day. In this part of the State, Silistria Oct. 29.—Tho Russians are subscription price is only L r, constructing a battery on an island, a (j / ! V' A. few miles cast of this place. London, Oct. 30.—The headquarters of the Prince of Iioumania and Gen. H We are now manufacturing, Todleben are moved to Bogat. UNDER qGNEI) HAVING COM- have on hand a good assortment o ve stood ti e test of years, Teliche was surrounded on the 28th rpilE JL plelely overhauled bis Saw-Mill one e tier tii.ui ever. They are by one cavalry and two infantry bri- mile a hove Ashland, is now prepared to « .be bi .-t millet mis known to gade3 of tho Imperial Guard and one furnish trade«« brigado of Cossacks, and bombarded r ur 2 two honr3 by 72 guns, when the small which we oiler to the trade at Turkish garrison surrendered. Killed A WcHSclac SIRKTLY PURE WHITE LEAD aod wouude^ was insignificant. PRICES TO SUu TEE TIMES. (11 AND PURE FRENCH ZINC. Washington, Oct. 30.—The Senate Send in your name and commence — OF THE— DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS in executive session confirmed the fol­ Our soap lias been pronounced with the new volume. lowing nominations: E. W. Stough­ by those who know CLOTHING, GROCERIES ton, minister to Russia; Noyes to BEST QUALITY SUPERIOR France; Kasson to Austria; Lowell to BOOTS AND SHOES TO ANY IN ANY QUANTITY ViE EXCEPT KGNE. Spain; Thomas A. Osborn, of Kansas, IMPORTED to (’hili; James M. Comly, of Ohio, to t to ll.e coii>unier is considerably Il A R I) W A R E ARTICLE. less the AVE!.ILL PAINT is already tho Hawaiian Islands, and other lower TO SUIT PURCHASERS There is, in connection with the mix :;d limed il'required. For Sale by grade diplomatic appointments. TOBACCO Newspaper oilice, a complete J. M. McCALL CO, John Welsh, nominated minister to —DURING THE— Ashland, Oiegon. England, was president of the Board DRUGS of Finance for tho Centennial Commis­ COMING SEASON, AT TIIE Wanted in exchange Ami sion and is a prominent merchant of UNION LIVERY LOWEST RATES. Philadelphia. S ale and E xchange San Francisco, Oct.—A Virginia dis­ ¿JCOLU csorara rea; icrsr m patch yesterday afternoon says a num­ At the Factory. At the Lowest Cash Prices ! Will exchange fur any kind of ber of convicts in the penitentiary at ¡ Carson attempted to break out; siezed RIGDON & CO. Mathewson, deputy warden, and hold­ Merchantable Produce. CorLcr of 4th aLd California Sts., ing him before them to intimidate the And everything in the line of Job J acksi nvii . i . e , O kegon . guards from firing made a rush for the MILLINERY STORE Satisfaction Guaranteed. Printing can be executed at gates. Mathewson three times order­ On Main Street ^I'ni UNDl ESIGNED, HAVING PUR-j- h ci. i-e i ihe b ve sn Ashland ----- Oit^goii. ed the guards to fire. They finally Wilsi n, beg leave to infoim JOHN CHANDLER We trust tlie public will give us an op f'om t .e j i.l> ; icey >.re detein iued to men' Y1 »7 obeyed, severely wounding Mathewson We have now on linud a beau iful aetortnieut of portili.ity to veiily our statemi nts beioit ■ • .i n u i < t-of ti.e p ;trou: ge that has lor mouy and two the convicts. Then the others Hate, Bonnet*, Shade*. French Flowers, Wreathe, year? been conferred on these justly V. 2, No. 7-tf. purchasing elsewhere. 1’, Neck Tke, Liteu Suite, Ju>, LaJics’ surrendered. There were no escapes. Fiuiebing Omxle, etc., etc etc. POPULAR STABLES!. Pittsburg, Oct. 31.—A special to the EUTTRICK PATTERNS W e have constantly on band the very beet SÂTISFACTÎCN GUARAN TÍED. (■>)nnh. at/ (!az< He from East Liverpool ^-¿y-A'l orders from a distance promptly filled. BLACKSMITHING SADDLE HORSES, < >hio says: Between 4 and 5 o’clock In as neat and workmanlike man­ (^¿T'Agency for Dr. Warner’s Health Corset. Ev­ Be sure to give us a cali tnihg eohi cheap for Cash. this afternoon Ralph Wintergill cuts ner as at any office in the State. ery LvTBle buggies and liiiiv, Pressing and Colorii g, in »^e very EUBANKS 4 FORSYTH. his wifes throat with a razor, causing ceaieet maimer. *v2ulatl Jfr.v. E>rintj. ll those desiring work CARRIAGES, death in a few minutes. Then grasped in our line, will find us at the his own throat severing the wind pipe And cm furmah our cueu mer* with a tip-top torn-, •‘Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve them out at my lime. and inflicting a wound which probably with neatness and dispatch. Partien Mr at­ will result fatally. Cause, jealousy. tention paid to horse .shoeing. nolltf. CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS Herses Bearded New York, Oct. 31 —Rev. Samuel reason b'e terms, and the be»t of care and atten­ Isaac Joseph Schenchowsky, D. D., WÀTCLOKLR ÍLD JLV.EILL (>u ti >u tebivaed upon tuem w idle under their charge. Alsu, 1« not easily earn*d in these time*, Of our work, or address your or- was this afternoon consecrated mission­ but it can he made in three montbe A s L1.. l <1, Oregon. ders to ary bishop of the P. E. Church of by any one of either eex,in any part Horses Bought and Sold. of the country, who ie willing to Shanghai, with jurisdiction over the work steadily at the employment th it we turuish. » We wifi gu run’ee eatisfiction in all onr trana- #66 i er weea in your own town. You need not bi entire Chinese empire. C akdwbll & M c M ahom . awry f uni home over night. You cm give your Juft received,« Urge and seb-ct lot of Gotland aciiuus. wnole time to ti.e work, or only your spar* moments Plated jewelry ; albo, a g >od at.-ur aunt vf New York, Nov. 1.—The Sun says We have agents who are m iking over #20 per day. The “Tidings” rjpBE UNDERMGNED, THANKING OUR PA- O'Donnovan Bossa has $41,724 as a All who eng ge at one- c m in>Ke money last. At d ih »» for i ,e iifyrrul ¡«itrimage bestowed upon CLOCKS, B'J TC11ES,SPECTACLES, ; n-durii the | rreeui time mon-y Cannot be m ide -o easily «nd g our cornea on with tae Union Livery Fenian fund, whi-h is increasing at the rapLily it iiuy oiber business. I' cost* noth ng to i >t..bfs. I m -» j eak a continumce of the same try he b t-ii ess. i'erma aiid #5 on'fli f'«e. Address ( Eye ghsre» and Sewing Machine nadies const mtly i to tur tute esecra. C ard well k M c M abok . rate of £3,000 weekly. Ashland, Jackson Co., Oregon. at once, H. H ai l * tt & Co., Portland ,Maiue. [2-7-ly uu band -ad fur bale al miidmum prijei. 27:tf. No. 17", 11. WOOLEN ’ : 600 SUBSCRIBERS Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Clothing. K NO SIIODDY, PIONEER STORE- A G. K. KLUTÆ, Glassware. V V V a U • ' L* Saddlery & Harness, FAMILY PAPER LIVE R I’ 0 0 L K I f Advertising Medium SAW MILL ’DURANT F A CTO RY 20,000 lbs. Grease GIST PRICES, A Wagon Factory. f? lì