THE FRIDAY ASHLAND TIDINGS I ROB’T GARRETT, SIR II. M. THATCHER. THATCHER & WORDEN OCTOBER 19, 1877. GENERUNEWS. D. J. FERREE. War, War, War. VOLUME II. ASHLAND AND LINKVILLE —WHILE— DEALERS IN THE TIDINGS STAGE LINE. [Condensed from Oregonian and C»I1 Dispatches St. Louis, Oct. 8.—Henry W. Maun, cashier of the stock yards at Kansas City, shot his little daughter, of be­ Has entered upon the second year tween two and three years of age, of its existence with brighter through the heart, yesterday, and then —ARE IN— prospects than ever, and shot himself through the head. Since LINKVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON. wants each of its his wife died about six months ago, his Are now receiving from San Francisco an extensive stock of goods of great mind has been affected at times. exactly suited to the trade of the DEADLY CONFLICT New York, Oct, 9.—The Times 3P- LEAVES ASHLAND Bounces the death of Gen. John E J. M. McCall & Co- Beudix, well known in the lute Rebel­ lion. Which th^y are prepared to sell at prices that cannot fail to satisfy customers, B p London, Oct. 8 —A Constantinople tire to call and see us and see for yourselves. « ARE PEACEFULLY REVOLUTION LEAVES LINKVILLE dispatch says Achmet Eyroub Pasha, IZING. late ohief of staff, two brigadiers and several superior officers are to be tried, having refused to obey Mehemit All’s —THE— To send in an additional name, order to advauco. so to make things lively these The Porte has seized a Greek vessel “dull times.” entering the Gulf of Orta with arms D ry G oods T rude Do not forget the Old Pioneer Store of the Lake Country, GARRETT * FERREE. and amunition. Greece has demanded her restoration. THATCHER & WORDEN. Bucbarist, Get. 8.—A correspondent T hey H ave J est R eceived v2n!9tf. before Plevna telegraphsithat on Wed­ nesday the Grand Dake Nicholas, In­ rpiIE UNDERSIGN! 1) WISHES TO RE- THE TIDINGS AN BINENSE STOCK OF I inibd lii< friends, auhort no­ Oregon, HAIR PRODUCER, tice. A siila, ir cl The Livliest Local Newspaper JASPER HOUCK. cases and one death. Governeur, N. Y , Oct. 8.—Union MRS.IT A. MOORE would tinrource to 'be hall, block and buildings burned last Ladies and Gen’lea.en who desire the i>er-oiial adorn insnt of i line «uit. of Hair, that she h is pnt-ned her night. Loss, sixty thousand dollars. HARNESS SHOP celebrated II ir Restorer, which hi* low been before I ASHLAND In the country; and as it does ti e public for the sp-ice of two years and h it in every Insured for thirty thousand. instance given en’i'e r iti;f«c ion s to what it j roni- not deal largely in politics, A Large and Fresh stock of lses. No mineral or flanjagii g *ub«t l t< our large stock of Sraiao an I PIONEER STORE. Postmaster ’appoiuted: Harrison Len- ted |ni> | er testimonials in tuv posserdon). It vill S vmms . k G oods , just leceived lrorn 8. F. produce a full flowing crop of hair o’i all st. ie* of ville, Bcuna Vista, Polk Co., Oregon. bildre«-,even to its most | ronruncod s’a’e. 1 will + ♦ p-event hair f o:n turnin • gr v. Preparations Chicago, Oct. 8.—The Inter-On an n forwarded to til parte of the country. An Elegant stock of Clothing ONE BOTTLE, 45; Or,TTIRF.E BOTTLES, »10. Washington report says the Presi­ dent’s messuj-a favors the Government’s at the Address A shland , O regon . appointing a commission with twelve PIONEER STORE. MRS. II: A. MOORE, assistants and an a] propriation of eeps a general assort - <5200,000 to represent the United States ment of goods iu Lis Hue of trade. at the Paris Exposition. Our new stock contains A Fine Assortment of Fancy LadiesN Men-’ and Beys’ Sad­ THE TIDINGS The authorities think Miles’ victory Goods and Notions at tin* dles, a Speciality. c a large assortment of dearly bought though they commend PIONEER STORE. Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, his troops for bravery. Within a year the Seventh Cavalry has lost 18 officers TEAM BUGGY COLLARS, ♦ +■ D ry G oods , G roceries CURRYCOMBS, BRII-LES. and friends of that Regiment are peti­ Has the largest circulation, and CI NCI I OS. STIR RUTS. A splendid stock of Boots and I tioning for their transfer. BOOTS and SHOES, is consequently the best I Wlfll’S, LA-HES, SI’Uli’, Shoes at the Washington, Oct. 8.—The commis­ COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC., PIONEER STORE. sioner of the General Laud Office to­ A n <1 (werytliing usually kept in a first cla-s . Ready-made Clothing, liais, Y day suspended all entries made under ( e with neat the Desert Land law of July, 187G, iic-s and dispatch ut pi ices io suit tl.e J and Millinery Goods. X and will make investigation of the al­ time.-. An immense stock of the best legation that under it, valuable arable brands of Tobacco and Cigars at WHEAT Taken a the Highest lands have been entered iu violation of the HONKER STOKE. its provisions. Market Bates in Exchange We are now iiiannf'actiiriii> have on hand a good assortment of Ashlmd, June 27th, noltf. 1876. has authorized the Government to ex­ _ ALSO — pend $300,000 in constructing a facto­ In LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, Vi HORSi: SHOES, snot-snABE, ROrE, ry for breech-loading arms. The GROCERIES, V.-OOL SACK S FAINTS, < UTJS M Government has contracted for $200, HARDWARE, SOAP AN D CUI I ER Y. JLt which wn nili-r io iltp irmln ni i 000 worth of Remington arms, and has CUTLERY, ordered the Collector of Customs at PAINTS PRICES TO SUH THE TIM l S, Vera Cruz to remit monthly to the AND United States $25,000 on account of FA R MIX G III PI E jj £?,’•£, CROCK ER Y OILS, ETC., ETC. payment of tho American debt. Our soap has been pronounced [ A nd FRUIT CANS.; by those who know New York, Oct. 9 —The statement rpilE l'NDF.R'IGNi D 1IAVING COM- JL pl»-ifc!y o\o. liaiiUd Lis Siw Mill ont- of Wm. M. Tweed, submitted a short í Í Cheaper than the Cheapest” SUPERIOR mile a bove A hland, is uow prépan d to time ago to Attorney General Fairchild TO ANY luriii.-b It Our is made pnblic, and contains the names IMPORTED of twonty-one Senators who were paid and Floors. ARTICLE. for votes or silence. Omaha, Oct. 10.—Geo. Q. Crnnon, Send in your name and commence delegate to Congress from Utah, and A L arge and C hoice with the new volume. Brigham Young, Jr. passed through —(>:■ THE— S election oe TEAS. Omaha to-day en route to Washington. Bring on your Produce and Ex- Gen. Crook and several members of BEST QUALITY change for Goods. his stall left to day for the Red Cloud We ha Vi* just received a select and Spotted Tai! Agencies to superin IN ANY QUANTITY MRS. M. W. MARGARINE. tend the removal of the Sioux, Arrapa- assortment ot the best brands of There is, in connection with the No 41,-if hoe and other Indians to the new re­ Newspaper oilice, a complete TO SETT PURCHASERS serves on the upper Missouri river. J. I). FOUNTAIN. "West Point, Oct. 19.—The steamer A. D. HELMAN. —DURING HIE — Mary Powell, arrived this morning M bearing the remains of G cd . Custer, COMING SEASON, AT THE HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, D. CHAPMAN. L. A. NEIL. some two thousand people accompany­ LOWEST RATES. ing them. ASHLAND CIGARS AND PIPES Bucbarist, Oct. 9.—The Russians DEALERS in have commenced parallels before Plev­ FEED AND LIVERY STABLE ! Will exchange for any kind of na, under the superintendeaca of w e will sell our goods at the Gen. Todleben. Merchantable Produce. Constantenople, Oct. 9.—Snow and And everything in the line of Job lowest cash price, or exchange for rain continue falling, which it is all kinds of Printing can be executed at i thought will suspend all operations in Dry-Goods, Groceries, School Satisfaction Guaranteed. Bulgaria aud the Balkans. Books, Blank Books and 3I1E UNDERSIGNED WOULD - itspectluLy inform tlu ir 11¡ends It is probabla that Mohamet Ali will Stationery, JOHN CHANDLER. MARKETABLE PRODUCE. the public generally th it they and be appointed to llie chief command in have parch ise 1 the above eHabiKhn eat, V. 2, No. 7—tf. Thessaly. and having thoroughly cleared the lobelia lay from the premises, they can assure The Servian Diplomatic Agent has » their w e see no cause to change our patrons that stock entrusted to their * formally renewed to the port assurances care will be well and safely cared for. In as neat and workmanlike man­ of the pacific intention ofServia. —AND— BLACKSMITHING ner as at anv office in the State. good turnouts London, Oct. 10.—Within ten days, Of carriages and buggies supplied at 25,000 people, suffering chiefly from EUBANKS <& FORSYTH. X any time. fever, have reached Odessa hospitals. 4 LL THO-E DESIRING WORK BALED HAY FDR SALE! iL in oui 1 ue. will ii id us at the Athens, Oct. 9.—M. Trinconpens, • ‘ Oíd Miche ’son Stand’’ n ady to serve them It still remains Minister of foreign affairs, has inform­ In quantilii-s to suit purchasers. They will with neitm-ss and dispatch. Particular at­ CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS R. T. NEIL. D. CHAPMAN. also, in connection with tLeir stable, tun a tention paid to horseshoeing. ed the British ‘Minister that Greece nolltf. was obliged to regard the threatening tkuck . wagon MEAT MARKET. i Í language of the 1’ort as a motive for At reasonable rates. D. C haimax & N eil . * not ea»i y earned in these times. Of our work, or address your or­ Quick Sales & Smail Profits/ / / b it it cm Ue tuade iu three moutntj 31: if completing her military preparations ders to 4 c by any one of either sex,in any part ■ • oi the country, who is uillmg to as rapidly as possible. CHAPMAN & NEIL, work steadily at the employment thd we luruieh. $66 I er week iu your om n town You teed not bi Galatz, Oct. 10.—A special says an Call and examine our stock, and Dissolution of Copartnership. away home over uight. You cm give your Ashland, Oregon, engagement took place off the Snlina wcole time to ti e work, or on'y your spare moments The “Tidings” rriHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore esis ing between We mve agents wLo are m .kiug over |20 per day. if you do not see what you want, mouth of the Danube,on Tuesday be­ W. H. Ht haw ay .ml J. B. Riglou, is this d^y Allwboeug ge at once cm nuke money last. At eep constantly on hand at tiieir di;8;nved by m . l J c ausent. tween a Rus-ian »nd a Turkish steam­ the i resent tune money cannot b-> m ide soeasi'y -mi Shop, near the bridge, on M n Sirret, a good J. B. RIGDON. C all for it . rapi Uy at any other buriiAts. I to-ts to of fre-h BEEF, MLTluN, VEAL, tie., er. The latter exploded and sunk with which supply W. II. HATHAWAY. try the bueii ess. Terms ¡md $5 outfit free. Addre*? they oder at tne lowest market price. nolötf. all hands. Ashland, Jackson Co., Oregon. Asbhnî, Organ, Aug 27th 1877. [12X May 12th, 1877. al once, H. LI a i iatt