THE TIDINGS ASHLAND FRIDAY TAKE NOTICE! I OCTOBER 12, 1877. [Written for the T idings .] TO A QUONDAM FRIEND. “Not a sigh shall escape from the heart thus beguiled, I will bear like a man what I feel like a child.—Byron. We once were friends -at least in name— Few friendships e’en are stronger, But ahbetween us coldnees came 4 And we are friends no longer 1 No matter where the blnnder lies, Or what the umbrage taken, I would not give one cent for ties That are so prone to breaking ’ S T ORE. And thus it was I came to me«t Unlooked for, dire disasters, And suffered a twofold defeat In trying to “serve two masters.” ONE BOTTLE, $5; Or, THREE BOTTLES, 110. Address F rank . “A DESERTED VILLAGE." A splendid stock of Boots and Shoes at the PIONEER STORE. MRS. II: A. MOORE, [v2n6-ly] ASHLAND 20,000 lbs. Grease •/ General Merchandise NOTIONS. Thatcher & Worden, DRY GOODS, Yankee Notions, To send in an additional name, so to make things lively these “dull times.” • —THE — D ry G oods T rude . T hey H ave J ust R eceived THE TIDINGS AN IMNENS8 STOCK OF With a competent corps of cor­ respondents, proposes to be SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS -AT THE - The Livliest Local Newspaper ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP In the country; and as it does not deal largely in politics, it is the best C. K. KLUM, Af «r tbauking onr many kind Patron« for past favor*, we wieh to call their at- t**n lot to our large stock of SraiNoan-1 S ummer G oudh , juel received irviu S. F. J Saddlery & Harness, F AMILY PAPER. M K MANUFACTURER OF,ANI) DEALER IN A shland , O regon . 0 a R We have any thing you may need in our line. eeps a general assort - ment of goods in bis line of trade. Ladies7. Mens7 and Boys’ Sad­ dles, a Speciality. THE TIDINGS Our new stock contains a large assortment of Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, TEAM A BUGGY COLLARS, CURRYCOMBS, BRIDLES, CINCIIOS, STIRRUPS. WHIPS, LASHES, SPURS, COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC., And everything usually kept in a first-class establishment. Repairing done with neat­ ness and dispatch at prices io suit tbe times. c Advertising Medium C A MILL L D ky G oods , G kocehies Has the largest circulation, and is consequently the best Ready-made Clothing, Hats, and Millinerv Goods. WHEAT Taken a the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for Goods. Aebhnd, Jure 27th, 187G. SAW In this part of the State. The subscription price is only WeaP. Send in your name and commence with the new volume. BEST QUALITY IN ANY QUANTITY TO SUIT PURCHASERS horsk shoks , shoe - shape , bote , WOOLSACKS, FAINTS, O1I.S SOAP AND CUTLER». SV) Í s B FARMING IMPLEMENT, CROCKERY A nd FRUIT CANS.; Oilcloth for Tables and and Floors. 5 y — OF THE— we keep hardware , iron , STEEL, NAILS. BOLTS GLASS, noltf. rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING COM- JL pletely overhauled his Saw Mill one mile above Ashland, is now prepared to turnifh BOOTS and SHOES, & A L arge and S election of u C hoice TUAS. We have just received a select There is, in connection with the assortment of the best brands of Newspaper office, a complete —DURING THE— COMING SEASON, AT THE LOWEST RATES. CIGARS AND PIPES. Will exchange for any kind of We will sell our goods at the Merchantable Produce. Satisfaction Guaranteed. And everything in the line of Job lowest cash price, or exchange for Printing can be executed at all kinds of JOHN CHANDLER. MARKETABLE PRODUCE. V. 2, No. 7-tf. THATCHER & WORDEN, Dealers in We see no cause to change our In as neat and workmanlike man­ ner as at any office in the State. No. 17; 11. “The dancing pair that einip'y sought renown, By holdfcg out to tire each other down.” Etiquette does not require you to shake hands with a crowded parlor. ARE PEACEFULLY REVOLUTION­ IZING Emporium of Ashland. E STABLES, --------------- ----------------------— rpilE L'NDERSIGNKD WISHES TO BE. _L mind his friends, and tho traveling pub­ lic generally, that he is still to be lound at this • LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, where he Is ready at any time, and on all occasions to set before them the best the market fiords, in a style second-to no other house in Oregon. Dinners and suppers for special occasions, gotten up in appropriate style, at short no­ tice. JASPER HOUCK. J. M. McCall & Co- 600 SUBSCRIBERS ASHLAND HOUSE. I MOTTO. Men who can’t tell a rutabaga frbm an old tin pail are now at the country fairs, and begin their orations with * ‘Fellow-farmers.” MONDAY’S WEDNESDAY’S AND IR DAYS at 4 o'clock a . m : arrives at Lin ville same days. Returning, —ARE IN— DEADLY CONFLICT GARRETT & FERREE. Sept. 19, 1877. f E ditor T idings : —If I were in pos­ session of your’gift of the “divine 'af­ An immense stock of the best flatus for a few moments I would be brands of Tobacco and Cigars at tempted, in imitation of that model the PIONEER STORE. composer of good English, Oliver Gold­ We are now manufacturing, and I smith, to set this communication to have on hand a good assortment of poetic measuro. The subject of my — ALSO — sketch, however, is deficient in one im­ LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, portant particular necessary to coin- GROCERIES, mend it to favor of the immortal Nine— HARDWARE, it hasn’t a poetical name, certainly not CUTLERY, which we olili' to the trade at as endearing a one as “Sweet Auburn.”' PAINTS PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The town of Williamsburg, in its AND growth and decadence, is a fair exam­ OILS, ETC., ETC. Our soap has been pronounced ple of a class of mushroom villages pe­ culiar to mining communities. Its ex- by those who know istance dates as far back as to 1859. “Cheaper than the Cheapest” SUPERIOR Then, under tho stimulous of a mining Is Our TO ANY excitement very common in those days, IMPORTED it grew in a few weeks to a population ARTICLE. capable of casting about three hundred votes. An event that helped to expe­ Give it a trial and support home dite the early growth of Williamsburg Bring on your Produce and Ex­ industry. was tbe digging of a large ditch by change for Goods. Maury & Davis and others at an ex­ Wanted in exchange pense of about 820,009 to supply the MRS. M. W. HARGADINE. No 44,—tf mines of the vicinity with water. The mines were at that time what were call­ A. D.' HELMAN. J. D. FOUNTAIN. ed good diggings and paid excellent At the Factory. wages after deducting expenses for wa­ ter. Such prosperity, however, has RIGDON & CO. HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, usnally proven of be of too ephemeral [v2nCtf.J a character to insure permanency to any other interest dependent thereon, DEALERS IN as those who invested in town lots, in I». CUAFMAN. L. A. NEIL. business houses, in livery stables and I I workshops aDd in expensive hotel prop­ I ASHLAND erty in the once lively town of Wil­ liamsburg, soon learned to their cost. FEED AND LIVERY STABLE ! Money for a while, though, was plenti­ Dry-Goods, Groceries, School ful, business brisk, saloon keepers and Books, Blank Books and MAIN STREET. gamblers were in “high feather,” and Stationery, the ‘“burg” every now and then enjoy­ ed tbe sensation of a “man for supper,” or breakfast as tho case might be, which rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD meant, in the parlance then prevalent, _L respectfully intorm their friends jCgfYA and the public generally th it they n* a heartless and, perhaps, unprovoked — AND — have purcli iseve named stabl-s' Kubli A Wilson, beg leave to inform long since torn down and removed to from the public that they are detenuimd to merit._______ other localities. Tbe avocation of the a contiuuanee of ttie patronage that has for in my years past been conferred on these justly f saloon keeper is gone, and with it tbe Dealers in2 bandit, loafjr and gambler. Mr. Lay- POPULAR STABLES! ton commenced last week tbe work of We have constantly on hand the very beet demolishing the old hotel building, which has for many years been occu­ SADDLE HORSES, pied by him as a store house and dwell­ BUGGIES AND CLOTHING, HATS, CATS, BOOTS and SHOES ing, preparatory to moving with his CARRIAGES, business to the main road on Applegate and nearer the locality of his future And cin furnish our customers with a tip-top turn­ Hardware, Fancy Goods, out at aty time. mining operations. Connected with this building are many interesting rem­ Horses Boarded iniscences for those who have previ­ reasonable terms, and the be«t of care and atten­ ously lived here, but not important On tion bestowed upon them while uuder Uieir curite. enough perhaps to interest tho general Also, Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., reader. Here tbe youth and beauty of Horses Bought and Sold. tha vicinage were often want to assem- We w ill guirantee satisfaction in all onr trans­ linkville , lake co ., OGN. semble in obedience to each Terpsi- actions. C ardwell A M c M ahon . chorean summons, “to chase tbe glow­ UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR TA- ing hours with flying feet,” yet anima­ npHE ■ truns fur tue liberal patronage bestowed upon BLACKSMITHING coLiiect'un with li.e Union Livery ted in most instances with a further, t ueduriugour -BY- ’ Stab'es, would bespeak a continiHi ce of tbe s uue to our eucceseore. C ardw ell & M c M ahon . reaching ambition than that of EUBANKS & FORSYTH. With Mr. Layton’s departure and Mr. Barkdell’s, who also expects to move, the burg becomes untenanted, save by “the wicked flea’ and the te­ nacious cocklebur. F. Has entered upon the second year of its existence with brighter prospects than ever, and wants each of its LEAVES ASKLAND TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATUR­ DAYS arriving at A-hland same day con r.eets with our daily stage line between Linkville and Fort Klamath. Also with our semi weekly line from Linkviile to Lake City and all intermediate points. ‘WlLLIAMSBUBG, JOSEPHINE Co.,) S GARETT AND FERREE’S TRI-WEEKLY Stages run between the above named points ihree times a week, making the vrip through in one day car­ rying U. S. Mail and passengers. LEAVES L1NKV1LLE 1008J Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Well, be it so 1 -I’ll try and bear My part with resignation, Nor yield up wholly to despair Because of our flirtation. 9 Russia and Turkey,. MRS. H. A. MOORE would announce to ’be Ladies and Gentlemen who desire tbe per.-onal adorn ment of a fine su't of Hair, that she hts patented her celebrated Heir Restorer, which ha? now been before the public for tbe space of two years and hts in every instance given entire satisfic ion ss to what it prom­ ises. No mineral or damaging substwee is used in this ¡.reparation, and it is guaranteed to prevent hair falling out after four applications. Well-known cases of loug-sUnding baldness have been succe«sfn)lv trea­ ted (as per testimonials in mv posseseion). It will produce a full flowing crop of hair on all states of baldrc««, even to its most pronounced state. It will prevent hair from turning gray. g-iU Preparations forwarded to all parts of the country. A Fine Assortment of Fancy Goods and Notions at the PIONEER STORE. THE TIDINGS STAGE LINE. HAIR PRODUCER, A.slilan.4 e® VOLUME II. War, War, War.. —WHILE— Scientific An Elegant stock of Clothing at the PIONEER STORE. I did no*, though, ad n Ire you less In loving, too, another — You each had ample power to bless, Had it not been for t’other 1 ASHLAND AND LINKVILLE MRS. H. A. MOORE’S A Large and Fresh stock of Drv Goods at the PIONEER STORE. Perhaps you deemed mv love for you Had grown a trifle colder, As love sometimes Is apt to do, While it is growing older. D. J. FERREE. ROB’T GARRETT, Wagon Factory. 4^0. A LL THOSE DESIRING WORK vz xiL in our line, will find us at the DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, “Old Michelson Stand’’ ready to serve them with neatness and dispatch. Particular at­ CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES,’ not Ilf. or the benefit of those desir . tention paid to horseshoeing. ing good wagon work, the undersigned hereby makes known that he can be found i * not ea*i'y earned in these time*, HARDWARE, FANCY GOODS, but it cm oe made in three moDtbe at. ull times ui bis shop in the S. W. corner by any one of either sex,in any part of the public square Ashland Ogn; and is ol the country, wbo is willing to ready and willing io do all work entrusted work steadily at tbe employment that we lurnish. Y ankee N otions , to me in a workmanlike manner. WAG­ J6t> per week in your own town. You need not bs away from home over night. You cm give your ONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WHEEL­ whole time to tLe work, or only your spare uiomeuts BARROWS, PLOW STOCKS, Ac., made We nave agents who are makiug over |20 per day. to order, and repaired on short rotice. All who engage at once cm make money last. At Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc. T^e best Eastern stock constantly on the ; resent time money cannot be made i*oeasily and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to hand. W. W. KENT NOR. try the busiress. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address Ashland, June 17th, If?6. noltf. at ouce, H. H ai lltt & Co., Portland .Maine. [2-7-ly Linkviile, Lake county, Oregon. F It still remains CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS Of our work, or address your or­ ders to “Quick Sales à Small Profits.” Call and examine our stock, and The “Tidings” if you do not see whàt you want, C all Ashland, Jackson Co., Oregon. for it . May 12th, 1S77. nol8tf.