THE ASHLAND TIDINGS' The M. E. Quarterly meeting will be held at the M. E. Church in Jackson­ ville, Oct. 20th and 21st. W. Hurlburt. APPLEGATE ITEMS. TEACHERS INSTITUTE. HANDY & ROBERTS Sept. 2Gth, 1S77. O ffice of C o . S up ’ t . of P ublic ) FRIDAY OCTOBER 5, 1877. S chools , A shland , J ackson - E d . T idings :—Since my last there has WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Would take pleasure in announcing to Co., Ogn., Sept. 29, 1877. ) been no material change in the weather. Mr. Watters one of the Kansas immi­ their old customers and the public generally LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. The semi-annual Teachers Institute that they have on baud at O do death to recorb; a youDg babe, grants, an experienced jeweler, has for this county " ill convere at ’ Ashland, commenced business at the front of daughter of Mr. Carson. Thanks to cur old friend, Wm. nnrst Dr. Chitwood’s drug store. Do not Nov. 1st, 1877. One ccse of sickness; Jn«t received,.i Urge and relect lot of Gold and a child of H. for a bouquet of rare flowers from the fail to give him a trial. PROGRAMME. Piuwd jewelry ; also, u good astoruuent of i York hos been quite ill with diptbe- I residence of A. G. Rockfellow, Esq. Opening Address: P. L Fountain. CLOCK$, IFJ TCHES,SPECTACLES, We regret that that gigantic bunch ria, but is low out of danger. Arithmetic: J. W. Merritt, N. L. Shid ­ Mr. II. Horton of Lost River, spent of grapes weighing 3} a pounds, which “Sweet will be thesoDgaDd cl?orns” ler. Eye gteses and in;; Machine needles constantly a few days in town this week but on Mr. Atkinson intended for us was so is what Messrs. Knox and Basye think. un nani and fur eale al minimum pri.-es. 27:tf. Geography: J. H. Skidmore, Tuesday left for his home in Lake. Dowell. damaged in transportation that it failed They are now in the molasses making J. . RIGGS, business and are manufacturing an ex­ Reading: W. Willits, W. W. Watson, Thejfriends of Mrs. Wm. II. Atkin­ to reach its destination. E. C. Galer. tra article. son wijl be pleased to learn that she is Wm. M. Prime, B. B. Deming, 11. L. Some freight is being brought from Essay: Miss O. Culbertson. tecovaring from a long and painful at­ Powe, James Taylor and other citizens Crescent Cityj and some flour taken History: J. Q. Willits, J. D. Fountain. tack of remitting fever. of Sprague River are in Ashland with Essay: Miss Mary McCabe. down. Ashland their teams on a trading tour. They Oregon. Object Teaching: Miss Nettie Howard. We are glad to learn that Mr. G. F. Nickle A Co. from Crescent City are Miss Alice Hanlv. A, V. ell s e I c> c t . o d § t n c k. Billings, manager of the Eagle Mills, start on their return in a few days. I am row permanently located in this putting up a store of general merchan­ Orthography: H. C. Flemming, W. J pl ice, and ruspe.liuUy a.-ks the pauonag of is again around, after his severe expo Mr. Wm. Hurst who has spent tev- dise at Wilderville. Savage. ibe citizens. rience with typhoid fever. i eral months of energetic labor in the W'mer A Sons have bought the Me­ Essay: Miss A. M. Weber. ALL WORK WARRANTED Gen. Jno. E. Ross, the old frontier Grouse Creek mines, about 18 miles ll wane store at Waldo and are goiDg Grammar: Miss Maggie Sergent, Miss F. Myer. leader, passed through our place one from Ashland, on the south side of the soon to take possession. Prices to suit CLOTHING, GROCERIES Penmanship: W. T. Leeke. day last week, for Y’reka. He will at­ Siskiyou, has at last struck promising Green Bros , of Galice Creek, recent­ Poem: Mrs. E. Goodchild, diggings. tend the Siskiyou Co. fair. BOOTS ANT) SHOES ly crushed sixteen tons of ore in an aras- School Government: L. F. Willits, Mr. aid Mrs. Sami. Grubbo, M'ss Mr. W. C. Myer, the champion horse tra’ and got $490, or $30.625 to the ton, Miss Kate Thornton. HARD W A It E at a cost of about eight dollars to the man, left Ashland on Monday last to S. J. Grubbe and Mrs. L. B. Apple­ Essay: Miss Della Howell. I gate start to-day for the Yoncalla val­ attend the Stute Fair. Mr- Myer takes toa. Dan says they have about 1,000 Music in Public Schools: B. R. AVillits. TOBACCO tons more of said rich ore out. with him a number of his finest perch ­ ley on a* visit to friends aud relations. Essay: Miss Alice Alford. DRU GS erons and we confidently expect a vic­ Rev. A. Miller, one of your Jackson l’oem: Capt. O. C. Applegate. A pleasint trip to them. THE EAGLE MILL torious campaign for him. county Commissioners, held meettns Algebra: J. B. Farley, R. Gray. Situate 1 15 n.i’es Sou’ll < f JackR uville and 1J mile Mr. J. H. Russel, Miss Grace Russel on Saturday and Sunday last on Wil- Essay: Miss F. Myer. North of Athiai.d, it piepured to do general Judge P. P. Prim, Judge E B. Wat­ and Mit^ Laura Thornton lo*t Ashland liams Creek. Ih gula’meetings by ibe Lectures: Nov. 1st, Prof J. W. Mer­ I Custom and Exchange Business on Tuesd; y last for Salem, to attend son, attorneys Jones and Neil returned ^Dunkards on Williams Creek and Ap- ritt; Nov. 2d. “The Teachers true by stage on Tuesday last from Lake ­ Flour ant Feed at the — the Stu.e Fair. We wish them a pleas work,” Rev. J. B. Donaldson; Nov. i piegate. view. We have not as yet received a 3J, Capt. O. C. Applegate. aut time in the Capital City. I LOWEST CASH PRICES. At the Lowest Cash Prices ! What indeed, is the world coming report of tue proceeding of the session Ail friends of education are invited 36 lb« of flour, 2^b* «hurts and 8 lb* bran bush­ Rev. J. R. N. Bill and lady request of the C.rcuit Court just conclude! in to’, when even that modest individual, to atteud. . E. J. F arlow , el for good wheat. Wi I tack aud brand lhe tacks customers l'uruiehiug the sacks. My brother the muscle, bone and sinew of the us to return their hearty thanks to the Lake. County Supt. country is not safe in his private citadel, THE FIRST WEDDING IN ROGUE people of Ashland and vicinity for the We acknowledge a pleasant call from RIVER VALLEY. who cannot in peace and quiet cook his many favors they have received at their Will have charge of the bu-in<--«, being assisted by Rev. J. R. X. Bell, who is arranging competent millers. bumble meals but ninst have some one Lands luring their residence in Asb- J acksonville , Sept. 28, 1877. for his removal to Roseburg, where his spy iu privately. I allude to the Brcli- Et't’ryihno/ as rtpresrittcil >>r no sale, ian-d. E ditor Tun nos :—Permit me through Conference has located him for the en­ elor, and what causes my surprise is The educators having the liiatter in suing year. Mr. Bell has made many this: On last Sunday, three young la- the columns of your paper, to correct 5SU Mrs. S. A. FARNHAM. hand are arranging for an unusually friends during his residence in Ash­ dies might have been seen wending a statement made by Gen. J. E. lloss interesting session of the Jackson Co. land, who will regret his change of res­ their w..y up H—g creek towards the in his speech at the Pioneer Reunion Teachers’ Institute, to be hell at Ash­ idence, but as he remains the Presid­ cabin of J---- , a bachelor rather at Ashland, Sept. 13, iu regard to his SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. land on the first three days of Novem­ ing Elder of the District we shall see timid of the strong-minded sex. Nor being the first man married in Rogue THATCHER & WDRDEN, River Valley. Mr. Ross is mistaken ber next. him again in Ashland occasiona lly. finding him at home aud the door be­ for N. C. Dean and Anna Huston were ing locked, they hoisted a back win­ Morris B hicu Esq , of the firm of J. DEALERS IN the first. They were married by Rev. A n E xtensive B usiness .—We learn M. McC’Jll A Co. has returned from that Wagner, Anderson & Farmer’s Co. dow, crept in and took a survey of said Mr. Gilbert, Nov. 15th, 1852. No one San Francisco, where he purchased who control both the Ashland and cabin, but he has missed no property knows this better than Nirs. Ross, for one of the finest assortments of goods Phoenix mills, are doing a heavy and would not have suspected any­ she was a bridesmaid. Her name then BALD BARLEY ever bropght to this market. Call at business this season, having already th ng wrong had not a naughty nail on wa9 Hopwood. J. E. Ross was one of CLorniNG, F ANY ONE CAN INFORM US WHERE A the Ashland store aud see for yourself. ground upwards of 45,000 bushels of the window sill taken hold of a piece of the invited guests, I understand, but emuli quantity ot Ibis gtdiu can be securrd, tbey hats , cArs, fabric seldom seen »xccpt on the wash will render u favor by leading word to the T idisgm failed to make Lis appearance. Mr. wheat. Three weeks »go they bad on O ffice . B. C. iGoddard, assessor of Jackson line, apiece of tait’Dg, and held on to BOOTS and £SHOES. and Mrs. R oms were not married until hand at Ashland 225,000 tt»s of flour, county, started on a visit to Ins old a piece of it. J— says lie is going to IIARDW A R E, FANCY OP LAZARUS YOCUM. home in Missouri on Sunday last. He and though they have continual to have it pet iu a .rarue and hang it up Jan. 7 or 8, 1853. Yo urs, A P ioneer . YANK Er NOTIONS expects to return in a month, bringing turn out from 15,000 to 16 0( 0 lbs per in bis cabin as a trophy of his escape. day, they now have on hand but 20,000 with him some of his relatives, who I I will mention no names. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, PAINTS, OILS E tc Misses Clara and Emma Anderson of M ack . I lbs. This remarkable activity in t : >e propose to make their homes in our Scotts Valley, Siskiyou Co , are visit­ WANTS SUBSCRIBERS LINK VILLE, tlour trade shows that the people st’ll Messrs. McPherson and Coolidge ing their many frienes in Ashland. valley. continue to lean with great confidence have lately r* turned >rom a successful For the following standard works; Lake county, - - - Oregon. Dr NJ Shrewsbury, dentist, a grad­ on the staff of life. The Jottrr ¡1 is one of our most “Tin’ Eu’xf ('•itluriiT 11oftltc hunt away up on the backbone of the uate from ihv Ohio Dental College and ('< ’ n('itnm ! ExhilnlKm . ’ Ct’iifiwi/ of valuable exchanges yet from some un Siskiyons. i >ne who enjoys the chase Go.tpil Hoik ami Netc Testament Illustra- rm ruber of the California State Bxird E agle P oint .—When returning from arid can appreciate the wildest moun­ explained reason it often fails to reach i • IKhiS, n of Regular Dentists, will remain one Crater Lake via the Rogue River road tain scenery can find no better place to ns. Call at the Ashland Post Office. [Gtf WHvk more. Those requiring the ser­ one day last week, we spent an hour or .-pend a few dujs with gun, blanket vices of all experienced dentist should two very pleasantly in the village of and frypan. i ♦ Dissolution of Copartnership. call soon. E tgle Point on Butte Creek, Wo were We sa w some timothy the other day J hi III' PARTNERSHIP heretofore exis in^ between surprised to find a village of so much J. M. .jiittou bus disposed of Li-* de­ \V. H. Ha ha way and J. B. Rigdon, is this day from George Townsend ’ s r.incli, in promise and promiuence in the midst dissolved uy mu.ual cuuseut. gai.t painting of Rogue River tails to J. It RIGDON. An Opportunity for tlie AlHicted. of the so-called “desert.” Much of Lower Hoi Spring Valley, which lays W. IT. HATHAWAY. W. BeesAn Esq., who will leave it on STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD A«hku)l. Oregon, Aug 27th 1877. [12 if. the surface of “Big Sticky” is now suc­ in the shade any thing yet recorded in Dr. J. M. Hinkle, of the National exhibition at the post oilice for a few AND PURE FRENCH ZINC. Modoc County. It was 8 feet 10 inches Institute, with a competent days. Those who have not seen this cessfully cultivated, producing the fin­ high, and the heads were lip, inches Surgical corps of assistants .will visit Portland Which are so unite! by our process of man­ Linkville Livery Stables. excellent| representation of one of our est of wheat, a vast quantity of which in length.— J/bJw hulepemb n'. Oregon, I ooms st St. Charles Hotel, ufacture. as to produce paint which is we saw in the flouring mill of Daley GEORGE NURSE mountain wonders should avail them­ more durable, b**autiful ami will list October 22d, to Nov. 1st, 1877, inclus­ and Emery at Eagle Point. We have I R ockfeclows A djustable G ate .— ive. No other institution iu the world twice as long as any olher point known. selves of this opportunity. no doubt but that almost the whole No gate of the great number invented I has successfully treated so many cases Would inform his friends that bis Stables at L iberal . —Our new Jeweler, Mr. S. surface ol the desert will be cultivated with a view of combining cheapness of Spinal C’.irvatur >, Diseases of the WE EXCEPT NONE. L I N K V J L I, E Joints. Paralysis, Ciub Feet. Piles, in the near future. This, with the fer ­ G. Walters, has just shown us a postal Its cost to the consumer is considerably elegance and easo of operation, seems Fistula in ano. Scrohila, Nasal Catarrh - (Hi EGO y .card which was sent in pursuit of him tile bottoms of Butte Creek, will make so much of a success, as the one inven­ etc. Patients from almost every county LAKH COISTV less than the AVERILL PAINT is already t in exce’lent repair, ampiy provided with feel mixed and tinted if required. For Sale by irorn the Grasliopper State, and which that part of the country one of the fin­ ted by A. G. Rockfellow of Ashland. in the United States have applied to it And that custouiera will be waited oa Southern est agricultural sections in for relief, either at the home Institute Vinnamucca, E’ko, Surprise promptly and in the beet style, visited W J. M. McC AUL A. CO, The gate is soon to be patented, and seems Oregon. The flouring mill at Indianapolis, Indiana, or to one of A Good HACK Ex collent BUGGIES and No : 1 valley anil Canyonville before it found noaOtf Ashland, Oregon. the model is now ready for transmissal its Grand Divisions at Philadelphia, RIDING HORSES always Oil hand Mr. Wallers in the Granite City, Our crowded with business having aleadv to \\ ashiDgtoD. The novelty consists Pa., Atlanta. Ga., or San Francisco, fSU Horses promptly cured for, and benign Government did all this for ground this season about 40,000 bush- of an adjustable binge and latch, so Cal- The afflicted cannot afford to miss Tourists and Others Outfitted els of wheat and still the grain com es twMWi) not eari'y earned in the«» thnA*, warding ¡for odb cent this opportunity of being cured at that neither the swelling of the gate Ou th* shortest mti.’e / / but it cm •>« made in three mourns ---------------♦---------------------- iu, making ic necessary to run the mill home. The Doctor makes no charge- I £ hy auI one of either any part nor fence can ever interfere with its tor consultation and examination, and B Do not fail to give the Liskville Stables a ti ia ■ “ oi the Country, who is willing to We w^re favored this week by a call day and night up to its fullest capacity. GEORGE NURSE, perfect opening and closing. For a his terms for treatment are withiu the v-’ work steadily at the employment, lint we iuruieh. from Henry Brophy, the modest and Mr. Iulow’s store is located at this $66 per week in your own town. You i.eed not bi I house yard gate it is self-elosiDg. For reach of every odo . it«ay f-oni home over uigbt. You cm give your unassuming proprietor of Red Blanket point and Mr. Brown, late of Browns­ whole time to t' e work,or only your spar- moment* a farm gate it can be made with little We have agents who are making over i-’O |>er diy. prairie on tho Rogue River road to the borough, is putting up another, having All who eugtge at once cm make money last. At additional expense, so that it can be BORN the i rsseut time money cannot tie nude roetifi'y anl Lake country. His tome is away up a tine stock of goods aleady on hand. closed or opeued from a wagon rapidly at any other bitrines-s. It costs n>th:i>g to thus among the clouds near Crater Lake. The outlook is certainly favorable for try the bnsiuess. Terms aui $5 outfit free. Address saving time and tronble. Such a gate ut once, H. H ai lett & Co., Portland ,Maine. [2-7-ly Eagle Point and we confidently expect Mr. Bropjhy is regarded as the cham­ | will seem almost like a thing of life, pion bean hunter of Rogue River, hav­ in a few years to see it quite a town. I and we predict it will eventually take CHATMAN. R. P. NEIL.. ing fcaptiired seventeen in the last two A n I mmigrant T rain —When at Al­ the place of many au old ragged ar­ weeks. kali Lake, in Lake county, a few days rangement which our farmers are wont MEAT MARKET. I ago, we actually saw a live immigrant to repair up with old ropes, keg-hoops Gen. Sherman was to leave Portland (Oae Hile Weft i>pà^8tan«l of old Buckeye Mil!) I* » yesterday for San Francisco overland. train of six wagons coming slowly and withes aDd yet have to drng them ■ tf CHAPMAN ¿ KEÎL, Are now Sawing all kinds of Lumber, 1 C t t 1 1 He may then be expected to-day or to across the sage plains towards the stage around laboriously through the mud. morrow on the stage, accompanied by station. It was a picture of the long Mr. Rockfellow starts this week for Ashland, Oregon, BOXING, his son Thomas E. Sherman and Cols. ago, and although the progressive spirit Salem with the intention of exhibiting SIDING, RUSTIC, EEP CONSTANTLY ON TTAND AT TITETR Poe and Bacon, hiä aids. He is of the age has made the crossing of the his gates at the State fair. Good luck FLOORING, Shop, near tb»* U-iage, on Main Sirei-t, a good to him. great plains infinitely less difficult than making a hurried campaign hoping, to FINISHING, pupply of fresh BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., which they ofler at the lowest market price. SCANTLING OF ALL SIZES. reach Washington about the 15th inst., formerly, we could not help thinking Silas W. Kilgore, Mrs M. W. Har- Ashland, Jui.e 17th, 1876. noltf. eo as to be present at the opening of of the toils of the early pioneers, of— i gadioe and Miss L zz e Hargadine re Ibe rest ess tiamp of the leaders Congress. turned from San Francisco on Wednes­ As they k 1 thedev.ous way, day evening, having had a pleaeaut so­ Of the bour.dle.«s whh for test On Saturday last, as that old veteran journ in the Metropolis. Ttrit wi'h the close of day; of the war of 1812, Uncle Jimmy Of the p.’in of thirst—of hor^er 50 r* IO T he L ecture .-Gen. E. L. Apple-1 STOCK SALT, pr. 100 Thvt .he very be.nt strin's wore, J Loughlin, was in the act of entering the Dealers In Q • < GROUND ALUM O 00 Of the matchless patience of mothets gate delivered his lecture on the Kore- gate at the residence of Mr. Thornton Who their u'eat hardens I are. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS! 3 50 ish, Mohammed ami Al Koran, at Ash-1 LIVERPOOL (meat) » in Ashland, he was attacked by a myr­ On the arrival of the immigrants at the At J. M. McCALL & CO ’ S. lam: on Wednesday evening to a very i iad of “yellow jackets,’’ and after a appreciative audience. This lecture I fierce engagement was compelled to re­ station we found that they were from abounds in historical information, and, X£f“The highest market price paid for All orders promptly attended to. Wheat Oats. Barley, Bacon and Lard. treat. He afterwards remarked that near Topeka, Kansas, having been four is calculated to throw light on the war • ,75ft* Large stock of new goods just receiv­ the conflict was almost equal to the months en route from the grasshopper of the Cross and the Crescent. It has ed—Full announcement next week. Come CLOTHING, IIATS, CAPS, BOOT6 and SIIOE8 battle of Lundy’s Laue, in which he State to Oregon. They have since ar­ I been repeated before a number of ami and see us. rived in Rogue River valley where they I iences and we believe has always given was a participant. OATS, WHEAT, FLOUR, LARD and ; have met with a kindly welcome. great satisfaction. The music furnish- Hardware, Fancy Goods, by an Ashland choir, under the man- BACON, taken in Exchange for Many thanks to the Siskiyou Agri­ Messrs. McBride and Waters, of the a cmeut of Prof. Skidmore, reflected cultural Society for an invitation to at­ train, with their families have located no little credit on the peiformers and ' DR. SHREWSBURY, tend the regular annual fair in Yreka, in Ashland, while the others design was highly enjoyed by the audience. YANKEE N0TIQN3, to commence on October 3. The making their homes elsewhere in the P ioneer S tore —We learn that Mrs. : OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ PRACTICE people of Siskiyou take a commen­ valley we believe. When they left To­ M. W. Hargadine, while below pur Address all orders to AS taken Rooms at Ashland, where he Groceries, Crockenj, Taino, Oils, Etc., dable interest in agriculturesand their peka they only intended coming as far chased quite extensively for the Pio- will remain a lew days* On exhibi- fair will undoubted prove both pleas­ as Sidney, Nebraska, but they failed to neer Store. Look out for the new I tion in his office will be seen the members’ MARSH, VALPEY & CO., | card of the Directory of the State Board of goods dow en route for Ashland. LINKVIÈLE, ant and profitable. We regret that our find any place to satisfy them until they ---------------------------- I Regular Demists lor Cali!o: n;a. of which the Yellow Jack Mill, Brownsborough, business will not admit of our attend­ reached the rich valleys amoDg the Or- Pull jour beaus. A storui is brew­ j Dr. is a member. I jt®*Prices reasonable. P. ()., Ogn. (2—16tf) ' egon mountains. ing, ing. Lake county. Lake Co., Or. i I i J LIVEi LET LIVE ! G. F. BILLINGS. I I I D r y G O O I) S, I BOOK AGENT. Averill Mixed Paints. I STEAM SAW MILL i). K Thatcher & Worden, V — D R Y G O O 1) S, -CASH- <1 DENTISTR1 - • LUMBER. H