Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, September 28, 1877, Image 1

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VOL. IL—NO. 16.
mon wealth, were vividly portrayed.
Among the historic event« referred to
Come, sweet sleep and close my eyelids,
by the Speaker, General Joseph Lane’s
I am weary of the day;
fight with Chief John and bis band, in
-B Y-
Take me on thy wings to dreamland,
Show me k/Ted ones passed away;
1853, in which, General Lane was
Show me cue I loved in childhood,
wounded and several of his men slain,
Dearer even than a brothsr—
OFFICE—On Main Street, (in rear Dr.
was narrated with many thrilling inci*
Come, sweet sleep, and close my eyelids;
Chitwood’s Drug Store.)
I would love to dream of mother.
dents connected with that memorable
year. Traditions obtained from the In­
Then wi'h mtRic worts transport ns,
Term» of Subscription:
dians themselves regarding their own
Back to I bat o!<l home o( ours;
One copy one year............... .................................... $ Î.50 i
Where in youth I learned to prize her.
genealogy were given, and constituted
“ “ six months.......... • •••••••••••«•••••• 1 • • *e*z
In my childhood's happy hours;
•• •- three “
........... .................................... 1 00
a very interesting feature in the ora­
I,«t me fe«l her kind caresses,
Ctteb rate* six conies for... .................................... 12.50
tion. me hear her speak to me -
Terms, in sdeoiçe.
Come, swe«t sleep, I h»g to slumber.
Although the speaker wm two hours
Then in dreams with mother be.
delivering hia address, the audience
Ternis of Advertising:
exhibited no impatience, but listened
Bring me naught bnt dreams of gladness.
T/w»l No:ices per Hoe............. ........................... . met*.
I'rufeMiunal Card*, per year................................ I io oo
Banish every thought of care;
with marked attention throngbout.
3 00
Two inches, per quarier.....................................
Place her by the old east window,
5 oo
At the close of the oration Capt. O.
Iu her high-back rockii g-chuir;
H 00
E'ght ••
10 00
C. Applegate was called for, and read
Ot e-hnlf Column “
Then for ages let me sluo-lter,
14 io
Three-fuunhs •• ••
Dreaming dreams that htve no end,
an original poem. It was not written
M “
17 50
I expressly for the occasion, bnt waa in
Mother was my dearest friend.
One square (ten lines or ieset 1st insertion....... $2.50
all respects appropriate. It was read
E*ch addltionil insertion.................................... 1 00
in fine elocutionary style, and elicited
[From the Dally Oregonian.]
Job Printing,
PIONEER REUNION OF SOUTHERN flattering applause from the audience.
The crowd then repaired to the tables
Of all description, done on short notice. T-egal
Blanks, Circulars, Business Cards. Billheads, I^tter-
which were spread in the grove by the
bsals, Pusters, etc., gotten up in good style at living
A shland , Sept. 14, 1877.
ladies, and all partook of a splendid
The first reunion of the Pioneer So­ dinner, after which all returned to the
ciety of Southern Oregon was held at stand to listen to the remarks of
Agents for tike Tidings-
on Thursday, the 13th instant.
Portland, Oregon.
I- Samuels,
Jacob Thompson,
The meeting was in a beautiful grove
Hon. Tbos. Smith was next called
New York.
S. M. Peltengiil & Cu.,
Rowel! A Cheesiuau,
St. I>>uis. on the creek in the suburbs of the for, and in response gave some very in­
T. P. Fisher,
Bin Francisco.
town. This grove is of alder trees, teresting reminiscences of early times
Tioa. Bovce,
J. R. Neil,
C. S Sergent,
Pnreuix. which cast a comple shade over a seated in Southern Oregon. The captain was
Cenrral Point. amphitheater large enough to accom­ one of the earliest Bettiers in the im­
Ed. R. O#en,
Rock Point.
Mis* Artie W. Colvlg,
Petit H. Burt
Yonc-illa. modate over a thousand persons, and is mediate neighborhood of Ashland, and
J. M. Sutton, General Agent for Jackson aud Jose­
one of the most attractive spot9 in bis memory of incidents connected
phine enuntle*.
Rogue river valley. At an early hour with the building up of the town and
Stage» leave Ashland as follows: in the morning the people began gath­ settlement of the county was remarka­
The O <t C. Stage C<».’s Stage leave Ashland ering iu from every direction. Jack­ bly clear, and bis manner of relating
for Jacksonville, Rock Point and Rose­
sonville was largely represented. It them very interesting. His acconnt of
burg every day at 6 a. tn. Mail do es at
wa« estimated that over eighty buggies the excitement among ths bachelor set­
5:30 a. iu. .
For llenlv, Ytrkr and Re tiling at t> p. m. and carriage«, single and double, came tlers when the first white woman came
Mui c’oe* at 5:30 p. m.
to find a home in the valley was quaint
Hrtt> n A Garrett’.«* Stages leave Ashland freighted with the beauty and chivalry,
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday as well as the gray-haired pioneerB, of aDd decidedly mirth-provoking, as was
morning* for l.inkville, and re’urn on that town and vicinity. Every locality evidenced by the bursts of laughter it
every Tn-*«lay. Thnrsd *y and Saturday.
■Leave Linkville f >r Like City, Calilornia, iD the county sent in its representatives elicited.
Wednesday* : arrive at luike City Satur­ and many were here from both Jose­
The next speaker was E K. Ander­
day» ; le *ve Lake Citv Mondays ; arrive phine and Lake. At 11 o'clock the
son, who also gave the audience an in­
at Linkville Thursdays, carrying mail and
crowd began to assemble at the grove, teresting account of his early experi­
and in a short time at least eight hun­ ence in Jackson couuty. He claimed
dred persons were seated and congre­ the honor of having assisted in build­
gated around the stand. Besides the ing the house occupied by the first
Ashland Lod^o No. 189,1. 0. G. T. orator of the day, Gen. E L. Apple­ white woman who settled in the valley,
M-ets at the nail of He man & Fountain every
gate, I noticed, seated on and near the but unfortunately for him and his
Friday evening at * o'clock r. m . Brothers ami
sisters in good standing are cordially invi’ed to at­ stand L. J. C. Duncan, president of the bachelor friends, who took such an in­
society; Wm. Hoffman, its venerable terest in the lady’s welfare, she was
C. n. HmoaniNK, Sec'y.
secretary, and U. S. Hayden, Esq., married and could repay not a single
treasurer. Aside from’the officers of one of her gallant admirers with either
Aslilnnd Lodge No, 23. the society I recognized Hon. P. P. heart or hand. Her husband's name
Prim, Lindsay Applegate, Solomon was Wilson, and she-was the daughter
a . F. A A. M..
I Tetherow, Wm. G. Parker, Rev. M. A. of Mr. Walton, of Lane county, where,
Holds their stated communications Thursday even­ Williams, Dr. L. Danforth, Col. John
it is stated, the lady now resides.
ing* on or before the full moon. Brethren in good
E. Ros«, Hon. Thomas Smith, Clinton
Gen John E. Ross was vociferously
■lauding are cordially invited to attend.
Thomas Chavaner, W. Beeson, called for and responded in bis own pe­
H. C. HILL, W. M.
C. B. W atson , Sec’y.
Wm. Kahler, E. K. Anderson, J. Wag­ culiar and happy manner. He called
ner, Wm. Bybee, John Wrisley, Isaac forth loud applause when be announc­
Miller, Peter Brit, L Calhoun, John ed that he was the fortunate man who
Ashland Lodge No. 15,
Walker, John Holton, John Coleman, led the first fair damsel to the hymen-
I. O. O. F.,
B. F. Myer, John Tupper, J M. Sut­ ial altar in Rogue river valley, but the
Hold their regular meeting every Saturday even­ ton, Jasper Houck, G. Rodgers, O.
General was rather taken aback when
ing at their hall in Ashland. Brothers io good Coolidge, L. B. Applegate, S. D. Van­
the venerable Isaac Miller rose and sta­
e landing are cirdially invited tn attend.
ted that he claimed the honor of bring­
Mathis, Royal Benedict, David Stearns, ing Mrs. Ross nee Hapwood, and her
I. O. M ills », Rec. Sec'y.
Rebekah meeting* on Tu-slsy evening, nearest J. H. Russell, Capt. J. M. McCall, father’s family through the canyon and
te full of the moon eacn month.
Samuel Grubhe, H. W. Clayton, Alex. into the beautiful valley, where the
Watt, C. K. Klum, and Capt. O. C. General wooed and won her. Mrs.
Of course there were many Ross was present, and from her fresh
others present whose residence in
£ttornnt and tf ounsrlor-at-ïaiv Southern Oregon dates back a« far as and almost youthful appearance, bids
fair to live to witness many more reun­
those I have mentioned, whose faces I ions of this society, of which she and
did not recognize. When the crowd her busband are honored member«.
had congregated L. J. C. Duncan being The General recounted some of his
introduced by Capt. O. C. Applegate, campaigns against the Indians, aDd at
O regon . stated the object of the meeting and the the request of many of the audience
A shland ,
order of the exercises. First in the gave the wild war whoop of the savage
OFFICE—At the Ashland Drug Store.
programme was music, instrumental i when engaged in battle. I had heard
and vocal, conducted by Prof. J. H. the genuine thing from savage throats
Skidmore, of Ashland academy, assisted under embarrassing circumstances be­
by the best local talent. Second, pray­ fore, and confess that the General’s im­
er by Rev. M. A. Williams, and third, itation was so life like that I instinct­
ively felt to see if my hair was secure
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Of the General’s style of oratory it when the reverberation« of the speak­
is needless to speak, as there are few in er’s yells pierced my ears.
Oregon who have not heard him. Tak­
Daring the different discourses an
en altogether, however, as a collection
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, of historical incidents and events run­ interesting fact was brought to light.
The first test of the
ning back to the year 1843, when the I
J acksonville , O regon .
speaker emigrated with his parents
Wil) practice in all the C>nrts of the State. Prom,
at en ion given to all basinets intrusted to my care.
i overland to Oregon, it was a produc­ Of Rogue river valley was in 1852, and
Ornes In the building formerly cccupied by
tion of rare merit. The cause which i the exact spot where the agricultural
Kibler A- Watson, opposite Court House.
incited the early pioneers to leave their experiment was made, was on the farm
homes in the older states and brave the now belonging to W. Beeson, on Wag­
wilderness and the desert, over an ex­ ner creek. Previous to that year it had
panse of two thousand miles, inhabited been held by many that neither the
Architect mid Builder*
ody by savages and wild beast«, were soil nor climate of Rogae river valley
GRANITE STREET - - - ASHLAND. stated, and history was successfully in­ was adapted to agriculture. In the
spring of 1852 a few peas were planted
\17 ILL do snythirg in bls line on short notice and voked to prove the correctness of the
v» on the lowest term«.
statements. The toils and trials endur­ near where Mr. Beeson now resides. In
ed by the pioneers in reeching their due course of time the peas produced
destination on this coast, and the tri­ were gathered and taken to the, then,
umph they achieved in opening the mining town of Jacksonville, where
PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. i way for future emigrants, with whose they were prepared for the table by
I aid they have built up this grand oom- Mr. Jasper Houck, now of the Ashland
I. O. Miller.
I Would Dream of Mother.
House, served at a public dinner given
on the 4th of July of that year. Thus
was demonstrated the fact that this
beautiful valley, now so noted for its
exhaustleas fertility, was suited for the
home of enlightenment and the product
of the fruits of civilization.
At a late hour in the afternoon, after
a beautiful song by the choir, entitled
*’In Oregon Still,” and the benediction
by Rev. M. A. Williams, the first reun­
ion of the Southern Oregon Pioneer
Society closed and the people separa­
ted. Not a single unpleasant incident
occurred to mar the general enjoyment
of all who attended.
In the evening a grand ball was given
at Patterson’s Hall, at which was con­
gregated an array of youth aDd beauty
seldom met with beyond the limits of
our young state. Many of riper years
forgot the cares incident to their age
and joined the happy throng, which
did not separate until the first rays of
the early dawn warned them of the
hour. Over 150 persons, young and
old, participated in the dance.
The preliminary steps for the orgar^
izaiion of the society were taken only a
few months ago. The constitution and
by-laws were drawn up by Mr. J. M.
Sutton, who has, from the first, taken
a deep interest in the success of the so­
ciety. Others have been equally earn­
est in their efforts in its behalf. Over
100 names are now on the roll, whioh
is constantly receiving additions.
The badge of the society is peculiarly
appropriate, and consists of a piece of
finely dressed deer skin, about one inch
wide and six inches long, neatly fring­
ed and having printed upon it the so­
ciety initials—P. S of S. O. This
badge is worn on the left lappel of the
coat or the left side of the breast. It
was adopted at the suggestion of Gen.
John E. Ross.
It is generally conceded thatthenext
meeting of the society will be held at
or near Jacksonville. Meantime those
who wish to become memberscan have
their names enrolled by applying to U.
S. Hayden, Esq., or to Mr. Wm. Hoff­
man at Jacksonville, All who came to
Oregon in or prior to the year 1855 are
entitled to membership by paying the
fee of one dollar when their names are
It is scarcely necessary to urge any
pioneer to Oregon to become a member
of this society. The fraternal ties
which ever characterize men who have
borne equally the burthen of an ardu
ous though self-imposed duty, should
not be sundered between those who
made the toilsome campaign to Oregon,
when to do so was to riok everything
save honor, that man holds dear. From
the time the savages were first beat
back from the Atlantic seaboard, until
the shores of the Pacific were reached,
the life of the pioneer was one of con­
stant peril, privation and toil. His has
ever been the life of a soldier. For
there are soldiers in peace aa well as in
war. And though no waving plume
beckons them on to glory and to death,
their dying scene is oft a crimson one.
They fall leading the vanguard of civil­
ization along hitherto untrodden paths,
and are buried beueath the dust of its
advancing columns. No stone marks
their last resting place. The wind sigh­
ing among the branches of the forest,
and the wolf’s long howl alone sing
their requiem, yet these have been the
meritorious men of the republic.
W. A. M.
-■— > •
The New York HorM says: An un­
published letter from Sitting Bull to
Wendell Phillips in the hands of Lord
Dufferin is on the way. S. B. says
among other things: “Me glad to hear
from yon. Sitting Ball glad to hear
from Man-not afraid-of-his Blab. Me
see copy of Sun. Sun want no more
damsoljer. Sun say Big Father Hayes
no more give Iojun no more fire-water,
gon, pistol, powder, Shoot-thing no
more. Big father be fraud. Dam
Hayes. Me no like Hayes. Me like
The Queen of Madagascar has by
royal edict emancipated all the slaves
iu her kingdom. In 1865 Madagascar
entered into treaty with the weatern
powers, agreeing not to permit the in­
troduction of any more slaves into the
oountry, and now takes the further
step of voluntarily freeing all slaves in
the kingdom.
$2.50 PER ANNUM.
tols by the officers and conductor of
tbe train tbe purpose would have been
accomplished. The orowd waa finally
forced back and the train pulled out
from the station followed by tbe yells
of tbe throng. Tbe moderation dis­
played by the eitizens, with the excep­
tion of tbe above incident, is partly at­
tributed to tbe fact that throughout the
day by common consent all tbe saloon
keepers closed np their pl woes, other­
wise serious consequences wonld have
undoubtedly ensued. Tbe coroner’s
jury found tbe murder of Sargent to bo
committed by Ab Sam, Ab Jim another
Ghinamen unknown. Sargeant having
subsequently mentioned a third assail­
ant. In tbe cue of Oder and wife tbe
jury failed to fix the responsibility.
Tbe remaining prisoners were allowed
to loavs, there being no evidence
against them.
About 8 this evening tbe buildings
of the Chinese garden, about a mile
from Rocklin, were burned. It is pos­
itively denied that whites set the fire,
and possibly Chinese abandoned and
burned them. Sargent wm an old and
respected citizen. Oder wm a Bava­
rian, his wife bM relations in Trenton,
New Jersey.
A dispatch from Rocklin, California,
dated September 15th, give* tbe fol­
lowing aocount of a horrible atrooity
perpetrated by Chinamen:
Tbe citizens of Rocklin were thrown
into a state of excitement about 3 o’­
clock this afternoon by a report that a
woman was murdered at Sargent’s
ranch, about three miles from hero. A
posse of citizens accompanied by the
deputy sheriff, drove out. Upon enter­
ing the house a ghastly sight met their
gase. A woman lay upon the floor
bathed in blood, the body not yet cold.
A gash upon the aide ahows whore the
fatal blow had been struck. In anoth­
er room was found the bloody ax whioh
had also been used to open several
trunks, a part of the contents of which
lay scattered around the room. The
husband was found dead in tbe field,
just outside the fense, with four bullet
boles in him. Sargent and the woman
had been iu Rocklin during tbe morn­
ing and returned together. Search fail­
ed to find him. There is a report to
tbe effect that Sargent has been found
in a dying condition. Two men were
seen running from the bouse toward
Folsom, about half-past 2 o’clock, by
the men who brought tbe news to Rock­
lin. Tbe parties murdered were Louis
A correspondent of an English med­
Oder and wife. Three wagon loads of ical journal furnished tbe following
armed men have just left Rocklin to recipe as a cure for consumption: Put
eoour the country.
a dozen of whole lemons in cold water
L ater —A party followed the trail of and boil until soft (not too soft), roll
tbe two men who were seen to jump tbe and squeeze until the juice is all ex­
fence. Their tracks showed they wore tracted, then sweeten the juioe enough
Chinese shoes. After crossing the ra­ to be palatable, aod then drink. Use
vine three quarters of a mile from the m many as a dozen a day. Should
house, in a dump of willows they found they cause pain or looseness of the
Sargent bleeding from wounds in the bowels, lessen tbe quantity and use
head aod body. He was conscious and five or six a day until better. By the
stated that two Chinamen bad called at time you have used five or six dosen,
tbe house shortly after noon and desir­ you will begin to gain strength and
ed to purchase a certain mining claim have an appetite. Of course as yon
of him. He accompanied them to the get better you need not nse so many.
claim, and while returning they shot Follow these directions, and we know
him five times in tbe body and bead you will never regret it, if there is any
and left him for dead. He said tbe as­ help for you. Only keep it np faith­
sassins were from Penryn, a neighbor­ fully. We know of two cases where
ing village, one being cook in Grant’s both of tbe patients were given np by
hotel, near tbe Penryn quarries. He the physicians, and were in the I m I
had received 8120 from the other Chi­ stages of consumption, yet both were
namen a few days before for a mining cured by using tbe lemons according
claim, which was in the trunk at tbe to the directions we have stated. One
bouse, and it is presumed tbe murders lady in particular wm bedridden and
were committed to obtain that money. very low; bad tried everything that
A party followed tbe tracks of tbe mur­ money could procure, but all in vain,
derers to a Chinese cabin near by where when to please a friend, she wm finally
they arrested three Chinamen, one of persuaded to use lemons. She began
whom was in bed but perspiring freely to use them in February, and in April
as though be bad been running. Sev­ she weighed 140 pounds. She is a
eral other Chinamen living in tbe vi- well woman to-day, and likely to live
oinity were arrested, and one who was as long m any of us. — Nashau Telegraph.
♦ * »--------- —
much frightened volunteered the infor­
W agon R oad .—By notion in another
mation that Ah Sam and Ah Jim had column it will be seen that a move is
murdered Sargent, but than stopped
being made toward tbe oonstruotion of
and would say do more. One of the
a new wagon road between this place
prisoners had $120 in his possession.
and Illinois Valley, Oregon. Now this
It was discovered that tbe trunk in
looks to us like a move in the right di­
which Sargent had deposited the money
rection, as this plaoe is considered to
had been cut open and tbe money ta­
be the most convenient and tbe best
ken. Sargent died this morning. Hun­
outlet for tbe produce of Southern
dreds of citizens viewed tbe bodies. Oregon, and tbe only obstruction is the
Great excitement prevailed during the want of a good wagoa road. We
night, and bad tbe evidence against the are credibly informed that a good
prisoners been deemed conclusive they
road could be built ata very reasonable
would doubtless have been lynched at expense, that would be pMsable at any
once. The cook of Grant's boarding
time of tbe year, and the people of
house could not be found, though tbe
Southern Oregon and this place must
country aDd towns for miles around
be fully aware of the necessity of such
were scoured in pursuit. This morn­
a road. Parties have lately been here
ing a meeting of citizens was held at
from Illinois Valley to see what action
Rocklin aDd all the Chinese notified to
the people of this place would take in
leave town before 6 p. m . By 4 o’clock
tbe matter, and a meeting is called for
the last squad of Chinese with their
next Wednesday evening, which we
baggage filed out of town, including
hope will be well attended, aa this io a
those employed by tbe railway com­
matter of interest to all. We under­
pany, only tbe prisoners remaining.
stand that the people of Illinois Valley
They were in no way molested. At 6
are ready and willing to do their part,
p . m . the citizens marched to tbe Chi­
and that parties in thia plaoe are will­
nese quarters and demolished all the
ing to subscribe liberally. Let us
buildings, twenty five in number, in­
make a strong effort to regain tbe trade
cluding oue store, tbe stock of which
of Southern Oregon, the loss of whioh
had been removed by the owner. A fire
is so sadly felt.— Crescent City Courier.
broke out during tbe demolition from
“Sir!” exclaimed a long suffering
a stove remaining in one bouse, but
was extinguished by tbe railroad em­ Burlington creditor, whose patience
ployees with the engine. At tbe in­ was entirely exhausted, “Sir! I have
quest held to-day the facts developed sent you no leas than seventeen bills for
led the sheriff to believe four of tbe this one lot of goods, and what have
Chinamen arrested were implicated in you done with them?” “Vetoed 'em;
the murders, and it was decided to re­ vetoed every last one of ’em,” wm the
move them to tbe county jail at Au­ calm reply, m tbe debtor lit a fifteen
and hailed a street-oar.
burn. A crowd collected when they cent cigar
------------ « • -».-----------
boarded the train and soon the mur­ | G ood Y ield .—Gen. John F. Miller
murs of tbe throng broke out into ex­ • is doing work on the old Cary farm,
clamations of “Have them oat!” “Hang two and a half miles Sontb-eMl ot Sa­
them!” A rush wm made for the door lem. He bad a large field of oats that
averaged sixty bushels per acre. Tbe
of the car, the sheriff and officers were yield of oats bas been more thau usu­
seized, and only for a free show of pis­ ally good all over this valley.—li-ow-rf.