THE ASHLAND tidings ] ••Billy." • bran new contributor for- nishes a very interesting letter this week FRIDAY AUGUST 17, 1877 which will be found on our first page. The view from the Cascade foot hills, LOCAL INTELLIGEN0É. a few miles east of Ashland, is very fine, and will well repay one for the la­ The next strike will be for Crater bor required in scaling the hills. Lake. We have received a communication Silas Kilgore talks of making another from J. D. Stephens ex-president of the bank of Woodland Cal., highly raid into the Dead Indian country. reoommending Mr. David Scott and Work is progressing favorably on the family to the people of Ashland, say­ stone work of Capt. McCall’s new build­ ing: “They were highly respected here ing. by the whole community and we part­ Acbmet Pasha, wbo surrendered ed with them with regret.” Neckopolis to the Russians, has com­ Thanks to Prof. L. L. Rowland, mitted suicide. Superintendent of Public Instruction « We killed a musician at Boone’s for the amended school laws of Oregon, 'Ranch the other day who tried to charm rules and regulations for the govern­ ment of the public schools by the us with a ten button rattle. State Board of Education, and the pro­ The thanks of the T idings office are gramme of the State Teachers Institute due to Master Frederick Wagner for to be held in Salem on the 21st inst. that splendid water melon. T he A shland A cademy .—This excel­ We understand that Gov. Chadwick lent institution will be opened on the will be aloDg in a few days enroute to 3d Monday of September next. Prof. Lake county and Crater Like. Skidmore will be aided by a corps of Our old friend Kentnor is manufac­ competent assistants, and students will turing pack-saddles. Why didn’t yon have no reason to find fault with the fa- cilitiea afforded them. Come one, think of that 20 years ago William? come all, and be on hand early. See The cattle difficulty which occasioned ad. in this issue. so mnob oratory on the side-walk, near The interesting communication on our office yesterday was amicably set­ the first page of the T idings last week tled. from Mrs. F. F. Victor was doubtless Mr. Learned, nephew of Mr. H. C. of much interest to all our readers. We Hill, has left Ashland on bis return to are proud to recognize this talented au­ the “Hub.” He goes by way of Port­ thoress among our correspondents, for land. there is an absolute certainty that all of her communications will be both inter­ Hon. Geo. C>nn of Like county, esting and instructive. made us a call Tuesday. He was on his way to Portland to be absent only a A shland W oolen M ills —We in­ short time. vite attention to the ad. of the Ashland Woolen jCo., in this issue. The mill is Before the boys organize another in good repair, the firm an enterprisiug peach orchard campaign they ha 1 bet­ one, the operatives efficient, the mater­ ! ter post themselves better about the lo­ ial used first class, and there is every cation of the water ditches. reason why the people should patron­ S. W. Kilgore, Jobnny Eubanks and ize this old substantial institution, Geo. Patterson are off on trip to the keep their money at home, and wear Butte (.'reek Suda Springs via Dead In­ goods that will not soon grow thread­ dian, on a hunting and rusticating tonr. bare. F arewell —Rev. M. A. Williams, who for 20 years has been the pastor of the U. P. Church, in Ashland has re­ signed bis place to Rev. J. B. Donald­ son a gentleman lately from the East. i “Time keeps ringing his changes” and Ashland, since Mr. Williams first took charge of the pastorate, has grown from a hamlet of perhaps a half dozen bouses to a village of seven or eight, hundred inhabitants. DnriDg all these long years his coming has been looked for on every third Sunday with almost as much confidence as the day itself, and he has won the universal respect of the people by the intelligence of his dis course, the purity of his life and the sympathy he has always manifested for them, and it will bo hard for another to fill the place of one who lias stood by us so faithfully during all the changes, twenty years have brought, But he will remain in our valley, and we hope many times in coming years, to greet him in the Granite City and have our bands shaken with the old time enthu­ siasm. -------- ---- O nly a S aurian . —It was only a poor mute amphibian—a sort of miniaturo crocodile,, minus_ the horny coat of mail—left broiling on the hot granite street by some hoodlum hand. The poor reptile was out of its element and as the gay crowds passed it heedlessly by, its parching skin and fading eye told only too plainly the depths of an agony its tongue could not speak. Who thought that a creeping tiling like this deserved any sympathy, and yet we are taught that from this primordial type of earthly lift» has been evolved during the course of countless ages, the verti cal biped, which we call man. Then all the faculties which so distinguish our noisy species from the lower ani­ mals may exist in their germinal state, even in the brain of a water dog. Who knows but that the poor mute saurian as he lies under a stone in the creek to­ day, may not long to express in some way his gratitude to the generous heart­ ed friend, who restored him yesterday to his own pure element. FORT KLAMATH ITEMS, THE Knowing that you are anxious to se­ cure items for your very valuable and interesting paper, I take the liberty to communicate. M e are having very exciting and lively times just now, anxiously expect­ ing and hoping to be sent to fight Joseph. ». ». MKIU CHÁPMAN. D. Meat Market, CHAPMAN & NEIL, Ashland, Oregon, A Qj eep const antt A 0'S hand at their The rumor that Klamath Lodge No. 191, I. O. G, T. had returned their charter, is not true, as the Lodge has lately received a large acquisition in the shape of seven new members. Let fl all good citizens of Oregon who have visited Fort Klamath rejoice that Fred­ ■ VJ A ’LJ’4 eric McDonald—the notorious—has be­ come a Good Templar. Angels rejoice while Cook lamenteth. The proprietor of the Klamath house , in consequence, we suppose, of the We take pleasure in announcing that this I uLi* and si isTANiiAi. institution is in ac­ trouble between the railroad companies tive operation, manufacturing from the aod their employes, has been compel­ ed to use bine glass dishes. He says it completely deceives the boarders as VERY BEST OF NATIVE WOOL to quantity. Of course the reputation of the Slum Gullicn bouse is invinci­ BLANKETS, ble—or invisible. Yours fraternally . F. O. R. M. WOOLEN. K Shop, Dear th* M*ln 8’reet. a good supply of fre*h BEEF, MUTTON, VEAI., etc., which they <>fler at the lowiit market price. A»hknd, June 17th, 1876. . noltf. BQQTS and SHQES, W ■' FLANNELS, August 5. A shland T idings comes regularly every Saturday. The Linkville stage—Al. Ferree con­ ductor—arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 o’clock p. M. For speckled trout and a square meal call at the Klamath house. Mr. Bend­ ing, the gentlemanly proprietor will treat you kindly. Mrs. Cardwell and family, of Jack­ sonville, afe spending a few days be­ side our babbling brooks, and among our shady groves. Mr. Ben. Haymond and wife, of Rock Point, are visiting their relatives here —Jay Beach and wife, Mrs. Maj. Jaok- son and Mrs. Lieut. Hoyle. They will remain a week or more before return­ ing to the hot rocks of Rogue river. Mrs. D. J. Ferree is stopping a few days with her husband on the Govern­ ment hay grounds. “I would no' enter on my list of friend? the nv.n, Tuoug.i graced will» polished manners uud good »en?e, (Yet ivmini? sensibility) Wbo would needlessly fet foot U'»iw a worm.” Ashland, Oregon. eorge nutt . ey has the pleasure to G announce to the Inhabitant* of Aeniand and it» eurrouudingB hie readiDe-e to tuppiy all wbo need with a good cneloru-mida boot or ehoe, made of the beet niaterld. Call aixl me him. Shop ua JLiiu Street, over creek, near bridge. Ashland, June l'lh, 1876. noltf. LAZARUS YOCUM. BOOK AGENT. WANTS SUBSCRIBERS For the following standard works: CASIMERES, DOESKINS And all other fabrics usuallv manufactured in u Fihsr C lass W oolen F actory — NO SHODDY, **The First Century." “History of the. Centennial Exhibition." “A Century of Gospel Burl- and New Testament Illustra- lions" Call at the Ashland PoBt Office. [6tf Wagon Shop Nothing but Genuine Wool. FIMIE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE FOUND 1 nt his shop on Main street, two doo s f om the livery stables, where lie is prepared to do all kinds of work in Lis line t the lowest price, WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALU KINDS A LSO SOCKS and STOCKING YARN, 7x colored or urwok»red, in qualities to suit purchasers. Of Vehicles Made to Order. Repairing pf all kinds .’one with ¿(¡patch, call and tee me. nol:f. JOHN RALl’IL J. W. RIGGS, The highest market price paid for Good Native Wool in money or goods. PIQÏQGUBIÎO ARTIST, Persons from this vicinity wbo have A young lady at my elbow says it is occasion to visit Roseburg, will find Oregon. - — -♦ ♦ ♦■ Goods at Wholesale, at the lowest Ashland - - • proper just here to say that the mayor the old reliable house of Tbos. P. Sher­ J ACK SOX VILLE 1TE3IS. I am tow permanently located in this cash rates. of Linkville is expected here again by idan just the place to get articles in the place, and respectfully ask the pationage of L ucinda . .he citizens. line of hardware, stoves, tin or copper- There is yet one vacant house in the next stage. ware. of the very best quality and at town. ALL WORK WARRANTED »vs. M.ivtield and Hnlbnrt and the lowest rates. Those ordering goods IleDry Pape has returned from the A n old saying (and not altogether an their fit mi ies, have ju-t returned from from him can have full confidence that untrue one) is, •• a penny «uved is two Patronize home Industry, and we To give Entire 8 tisfaction. Prices to suit mountains he looks smoked. The Times. Lake county. Mr. Mayfield reports I they will get the same for their money earned;” according to this two saved is will see that you are satisfied. L. J. Whito has ret imed home from four earned, and in purchasing an things tranquil in Like and haying all as though present in person to make | Soda Springs,be is not much improved. organ if you can Have $50 it is as good the rage. Address, their purchases. and see Sjtecimens. [ v2 .Gtf Photographic artists have opened as $100 earned, which would go a great way toward the purchase; you can do Mr. C*n»eron »Lil the M ismm Mirtin, Fou the S ounding S ea .—A party of j their camera in the building former­ this I»/ buying the Star Parlor Organ. ASHLAND WOOLEN. M’FG. CO. J. D. FOUNTAIN. A. D. HELMAN. 111.-8 and Pearson,'passed through Ash- pleasure seekers consisting of Dlr. Job ly occupied by Abell A Welsh. Sey advertisement in another column, (No, 10 if) 1 mil, a few days ago, en route to Mer- Tozer aud family, Miss Kate Thornton, and send for circular und price list. L. Horne and family are expected to 29:ly. ganser an lb« of flour, 2 lbs »borts and 8 lbs bran ner bush ­ both Mills for the Company during the ensu­ T heobold . Moore of Klamath Agenoy, has ordered el forgxxl wheat. Wil sack and brand the Backs ing year, ending July 1st, 1877. —cuBtumers lumiehing the sack?. My brother castings from Salem for his Link River to go up and 800 and taste of this new We will pay the hinhest market price for LAKEVIEW ITEMS. and we assure you that the good merchantable wheat, and are prepared saw mill, and that ere long the new en­ wonder, more you taste the “greater will your t-» contract flour at the lowest price pec August 8. 1877. terprise will be a buzzing reality. wonder grow.’’ Will have charge of the bnslDe?», being aeslated bj thousand pounds at the Mills. CvM.l refreshing breezes daily. competent millers. Office of the Company at the Ashland There paints have stood the test of year«, and are now better than ever. They a «* T he B ig S houlder B lade .—Thanks A N ew E nterprise .—Hon. J. C. Tol Mills. AddieJ?, County jail nearly completed—rogues . Everything as represented or no sale. composed of the beet materials known to WAGNER. ANDERSON 4 to Mr. Button and all other friends, in­ man gave us a call on Monday. He has the trade. should beware. FARMER’S CO., cluding Mr. Garrett of the Linkville lately returned from the Excelsior min­ 3X7«! Mrs. S. A. FARNHAM. Ashland. Oregon. no!2tf. One of our merchants has taken a stage line, wbo assisted in conveying to ing district, on Middle Creek, a few Pure Lingeed QU 1 our sanctum the 40 pound fragment of miles south of Canyonville, where the partner. Dr. Allen, who Las been teaching the Mrs. Jas. Ewing <(• Miss M. A. Swingle STRICTLY PURE W’HITE LEAD the gigantic shoulder blade found by us foundation has been laid for a new M. MAYER. AND PURE* FRENCH ZIKC. Have opened a flret-clasB on the Oregon Desert. mining enterprise, which promises ex­ Linkville school, has returned homo tremely well. Judge Tolman has loca­ till vacation is over. are so united by our process of man­ MILLINERY STORE Which B eef S hipments .—The fresh beef ted a ditch something over six miles in ufacture, as to produce paint which is Uncle Geo. Nnrse, from Linkville, On Main Sleet shipments from the United States to length which will carry the water of a more durable, beautiful and will last and Messrs. Hironymous and Ross of Ashland Oregon . large branch of Cow creek into an ex ­ Having located perminently in Ashland (wipe as long as any otber point known, other countries, during the month of tensive gravel district, known for per­ Cedarville, were in town daring the and engaged in Tailoring, I respectfully We have now ou band a beautiful aetortment at April alone, comprised 8,316,289 lbs., haps twenty years to be rich but always week. H? ’?, Bonnet», Shade». French Flowers, Wreathe, WE EXCEPT NONE. valued at $821,431. Thus it will be worked at a disadvantage on account of solicit the patronage of the public. I will riumes, Neck TTee, Llr