Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 20, 1877, Image 1

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VOL. II.—NO. 6.
$2.50 PER ANNUM.
Grover. As far as he was concerned he friendly to him; Saw Grover about [ive;
did not know who employed him suggestiun of Glover. Don't rem»*m- : Butler, M >sier and Straight to support
never had given anybody authority to midnight with Gil fry, Wat kinds and —was employed by a note without any btr Lcaiiig the < xj rest-i-m “Grover the caucus nominee, they anpearsd to
D. P. Thompson sw’orn.—Had fre- make such a proposition as Danforth others at the Chemeketa hotel; Grover name to it—name torn off; had an idea rnouey” at the pools. Knew Wilson, be fiiendly to Mr. Nesmith and said
-qnent conversations with Mr. Straight testified that Caton made. He further stepped out from the rest to talk to who sent it; some good Republican; it ■ didn’t know a man ho considered more , but little, witness understood them to
during the senatorial contest; came to explained the reason of the delay in tbe Gilfrey; beard him a«k how Gooodman wa3 promised by several persons that i of a gentleman,
I sav they would only vote for a Demo­
me on Wednesday before the election collection of the Dowell-May judg­ was, if they could depend on him next he should have money, but could not
Mart V. Brown sworn.—Had the crat.
and said that one or two of the mem- < ment; wanted to give Mr. Dowell time day; Mr. G Ifrey said they bad got his ren. 4mlMt who they were; the promise honor to be speal^er of the .3.1 house on
S. D Haley sworn.—Member of the
Ibera were going over to Grover and he to sell land etc.
vote but it had co-t a thousand doll irs; whs made at tLe corner of First and the night Stiles said Palmer invited all house; was not favorable to Grover in
thought he should do so; that some of
Fourth day: Wm. Miller sworn.— Re G.’Over said, “that’s good, if we don’t Wa-hingt >u streets; remembered the out to take a drink. Was not invited the caucus, wanted a compromise can­
the Republicans would not vote for side in Yakima, W. T.; know D. W. carry on the fir. t ballot to-morrow all place where the promise was made but to take oyeters with Stiles, and took didate, preposed and voted for Bouuatn,
Nesmith; Mr. Straight told witness that Butler of Tygh Valley, Wasco C), I is lost.” Saw Grover in GJfrey’s could not remember who the promhe none. Have no remembrance of walk had no knowledge of any oorrnpt
he was sure money had been used to in­ Oregon; dou’t know where he is now; j room a day or two after the senatorial was made by; understood thut a j ib ing with S iles and Palmer, am not ac­ maims to secure Grover’s nomination.
duce the desertion on tho part of the wa3 in moderate circumstance's before j election; he came into tbe room from was to be put up on Grover; dropped quainted vzi’h Stiles. Heard no con­
John Gray being recalled said there
Democrats; be did not name them to he went to the Legislature; cau’t sav ! Grover’s office, which was connected the job because a proposition was made versation between Palmer and Stiles. was no conversation between him and
witness nor state what the grounds of that he had any money; had a stock with it by a door; h i bad money in his to him he didn’t like; a man named Talked with G.lfrey about pool selling Wilson about Wilson’s getting the ap­
his belief were; in conversation after ranch; he bought a steam saw mill in hand, and as he counted it Darned the Clark told witness that O. N. Denny thought it might militate against Gro­ pointment of Warden. Wilson told
adjournment he stated substantially the Tygh valley; suppose he paid about amount $750, and then passed out into said they must have testimony if it ver’s success. Heard frequent talks witness he had come to Salem to bor­
same thing; witness thinks he and Mr. $3,000; he and one of the county com­ the hull; didn’t know who was in Grov­ took every cent be (DeDny) had, drop­ about money.beiDg used, never heard row money from the school fund. Jas.
Straight agreed that Mosiar was a sus­ missioners bought, it together some er’s room at the time; could hear voices ped the job because ho did not like Mr. Mosier named. I’-lmertold wit­ Martin told witneso that at about the
picions member; witness knew nothing time last winter; was considered in em­ in conversation with Grover; in about Denny,
ness thut the office of Superintendent t me the legislature adjourned he paid
about the use of money; neither did barrassed circu .nstauces a year or so half an hour Gilfrey came out; did not
F. N. Shuitleff swern.—Sweeny of i of the Penitentiary bad been tendered Wilson $800 for a lot in Salem.
Straight say he knew money had been before going to the legislature, but for [ know whether Gilfrey was in Grovel’s Li.: own account told witness that be I I him long after tbe election, don’t re­
Wm. S. Gordon sworn —Knows Geo
used—only suspicioned it; Mr Straight a year had not known much about him; room at the time Mosier was there < r knew e. great d> al about tbe senatorial member of 'Watkmds being mentioned I I E. Clarke, is agent for him. Clarke
stated to witness that he thought mon­ he had a nice farm; the purchase under not; Goodman of Umatilla, told witness election; went with him to Dolph’s of- ! in the conversation. Knew Mr Wilson i has not been home since 1873. Clarke’s
ey bad been used on three members, the circumstances excited some ear before tbe election that ho ¿id not fice where Sweeny staff d that he was since 1869-70, as. Grand Tjler in the son has Dot been home since 1874,
but did not express any opinion as to prise—was a subject of remark.
| think Grover honest; ho bad promised employed by Dr Hawthorne to work M »sonic order. be was regarded as a Tnis is the man Clirke referred to in
who furnished the money; witness knew
Wm. J. McConnell ot North Yamhill, him in case he voted for him to give in tLe interest of Grover; Sweeny sta ■ man o.‘ integrity and femj crate habits; Sweeny's testimony.
«of no one offering money nor of any sworn.—Was acquainted with Wil.-on : • him one of the best offices at his dis- ted some one came into his room and ! do not know of Lis Laving a sum of
Eiykth day: Dr. Biylcy of C irvallis
one taking money; knew nothing of the of Tillamook; like most old Oregonians I | posal; witness asked Palmer of BeDton left money, witness thought he said money before or after seasiun of the wm.- Live iu the same county with
character of the members who changed; he was often short of money; after the I county what his constituents would $1,500 under the bedspread; said a legislature.
Smator Palmer; understood he was
regard Mr. Straight as a man above adjournment Wilson called and paid say about bis voting for Grover; Pal­ man was to get it after he voted for
T. M. Porter sworn.—Said ho was elected as a friend of Ne-mitb; Grover
witness a small sum of money he owed mer said he “didn't care a darn,” that Grove~; the man voted for Grover.
leader of the Grover party in the house understood he was elected as a friend
T. P. Goodwin of Linn Co., sworn.— him. About three weeks after th s he he had a bi tter thing; he was going to
[Witness gave, of Nesmith; Grover has never been very
E. F. Lewis sworn.—Saw the pool during the contest,
Was a member of the last legislature — paid at witnesses place to Aaron Paine, come to Sdem and t ike charge of the selling at Salem in the Chemeketa Ho­ from notes, the several ballots polled popular in Banton county; his voting
an Independent, only talked to Mr. perhaps three or four hundred dollars, I penitentiary; witness said the reason tel, supposed each man put up hi3 own i in caucus and quite a lengthy history of for Grover was not well received in
Mosier once; that was on the night on bis note to I’line; did not pay off the be voluntarily gave his testimony was money. Some one present remarked tbe whole proceeding] Grover in his in­ B?nton; witness told him the Sunday
before Grover was elected; In talking I note in full; did not know whore the because he thought Grover Lad acted “here is Grover's money ” Thought structions said if his friends could un­ after the election lie had voted for him
about the contest he said to witness; inonev came from which he paid for dishonestly in the electoral matter; public opinion; witness bought the ite on another I)- moerut to vote for with tb< uud-r-tm ling he was to vote
“why won’t Mr. Grover do?” Witne-s Paine: was n>»t familiar v’th the modes witness made an uffi lavit of the facts tno pool selling was to actuate him, he never advised or in any way for Nesmith; he said he b id not pledg­
answered that he thought Mr. Grover by which Mr. Wilson obtained money; above stated; be wrote to Mr. Millory, first pool, it was Sank Owens’ money. indicated that money should be used. ed himself to do ko. Witness told him
was a very good man, but not his up to the time of ibe L -gi-lature he U. S. Attorney, wiiat he knew and was Wiiness bought on Groverand thought Think Mosier was drinking on the he bad never asked a pledge bat
choice, then Mr. Mosier said: * There was consider! d u man of character and willing to swear to, and f >r him to the pool s -lliug was on- the night be­ night before election, he told witness thought of course from what had oc­
is a chance to make money iu this and integrity by his neighbors aud acquaint­ o >me up and take his sfiilavit; Mr. fore the election.
lie (witness) didn’t know wiiat might curred thut he would go for Nesmith.
where a man has no preference between ance-; Wilson got the support of a i Mallory told Mr. IUllv, coihc’or of
O. N. D< nny sworn.—Never sent a be accomplished with a little money. He said to witness among other things
candidates and cau get some money for number of Nesmith's friends who after oust »m3 in Portland, who was then iu ‘ word to Sw»eny cr to any other person Witness told him the party didn’t re­ “I am offered the position of superia-
Lis vote, I don’t think there is anything the senatorial < 1-ction felt di-sntisfi* d th it m ‘ti' t ’ c 11 and
'! (
witn> s; l.e I by (b o. Clark or nr.y one clre to ge- sort to such means. Ou the 4 h vote dent of the Penitentiary and expect to
wrong in taking it ” Witness answered and told witness they believed he had did so and told him if M dlory con'd I evidence against Grover, or that evi­ in j int convention Grover ran down go to Silem to take charge of the posi­
■him that some people regarded it in received money for voting for Mr. come up be would do so but asked wit­ dence must be had to convict Grover, to 42, deserted by Brawley—didn’t re­ tion. Asked witnesses advice about it.
that light. “Well,” said he, “u man Grover; none of them said they knew ness if he could not come down; wit or anything else concerning the pro­ member tbe ether. Mosier and Butler Advised him not to accept it; said he
•can get a thousand dollars for his vote it for a fact; he got elected on the m ss su’d he whs a poor man and could curing of such testimony. Statements were both in the caucus, didn’t knew didn't expect to hold a sest any longer,
and a thousand dollars is a mighty good ground that he would vote for Nesmith; not “run all over the country.” Kelly of Sweeny iu that regard arc utterly i who they voted.for. Understood Pal­ ne expected to leave there and they
thing these times. I can get a thous- a number of Republicans supported told witness to come to Portland; he and maliciously false; never sought to mer was for Nymith. Heard a threat could talk as they pleased. Talked
.and dollars for my vote and everybody him on his promise to vote for Nesmith came down and staid at the St Charles have Mr. Grover’s ights to his seat iu that parties in the bank would spend l fr< qnently with him afterwards about
says I’m a d-----d fool for not taking it.
Joseph Taylor sworn —Keeps a bil­ hotel; did not know who paid his bill; the Semite interfered with.
$30,000 to defeat Grover. Witness it. During the legislature told Witness
I don’t know what your circumstances liard saloon; Wilson came to his saloon Kelly gave him $12 to pay his hotel ex-
S'f'iith day: Tims. Smith sworn.— would scorn a proposition to use mon- lie had decided to go to Salem. SiW
are; lam poor and hard run; I was several times in one day to drink; every I p“n>es, but was taken sick and used Raided at Silem during the senatorial ! ey. M< sier told witness that tbe rea­ Goldsmith at Salem during Senatorial
burned out last spring, and a thousand time he threw down a $20 gold piece tbe money t.i buy medicine; was n< t contest; kept the Chemeketa Ilottd; no son of his dropping out on the fitst conte.-t. Understood he was a «took-
dollars would be « mighty good thing I taking silver in change; on one occa- paid a cent for making the affidavit! pool selling nt the hotel on theeveuing day of joint couveutior when his vote holder of the Lock C impany. Wanted
for me.” Said I, “who has the money?” i sion he bought a dog of witness paving witness said G Ifrey told him on the preceding the election; was stopped at would have elected Grover, was that he witness to assist him m the passage of
He said. “I know where the money is, I $25 in coin for him; witness t< 11 Wil­ night after the talk about Goodman’s the r< quest of Mr Gilfrey, who a-ktd did not like t > take tbe responsibility a bill for the purchase of the L >cks by
and you can get a thousand dollars for son he did not think lie would pay so vot* that th» y would have >t if it. cost me to have it stopped as it was against • of making an elec:ion.
the State. Told Witness the election of
your vote.” Said lie, “they want three much for the dog ami V/dsou answered .$10,COO. 'Witness thought Mr. Mallory i the wish of Mr. Grover; did not heir
John Gray, of Salem, sworn.—Was Grover did not cost him a cent. Asked
more votes and they have got three i that he had “got bis money easy;” was the proper p rson to draw up the that Grover had any money in the pool acquainted with Wi s >n since 1870, be him bow much it cost to elect Grover,
thousand dollars to pay for them.” I he took the money from a s ick which affidavit. No written affidavit was fur­ don’t know where they were selling was A No. 1 man. he told witne-s an I answered “I sav it didn’t cost me a
Witness said, “If I see any one that j witness supposed contained $700 or nished by anybody.
pools on the night preceding the elec­ I attempt bad been made to use money I dollar.” Witness heard it said that
wants the money I will send them to : $800; the day he “got stuck after tue
Sixth d< y: Z. F. Moody of the Dalles tion—thought in a saloon across the on him, he said “I am an old man and they had bought a room up stairs and
you.” This was on the evening dog” ho was in the saloon four or five sraorn. -Saw Mosier and Butier, also street; stopped pool selling at the hotel have lived here in this community a that he and J om Smith, brother-in law
before the election; witness bad times; some odc who stood near when Vic Trevitt at the Dalles about a month as soon as I knew it was against tho good while and I want to leave it in an to Grover, had brought nj'»ney up here
no personal knowledge of money being ■ he bought the dog remarked that they ago; witness asked Mosier if he was will of Mr Grover.
honorable way, and I don’t want mon^y and they are goit g up th<-re to that
used, there were various rumors about thought “the man had seen Gold- not going with Trevitt for rehearsal;
H Straight —Mr. Thompson called to be < fiend to me as it was to day.” Jews to get their pay. Ptimer told
the use of money, about the hotel and \ ' smith;” witness was once tried in this the meeting of Trevi't, Mosier and
on m“ at Oregon city and told me that He did not r« give thJ particulars to wit­ witness he had voted for Nesmith every
Butler at the Dalles may have been an Nesmith told him he did not tiiink I ness. He was a Chadwick man, Gro- ■ time in the caucus.
Gen. B
Ben. Simpson sworn:—After
Dr. Lucius Danforth sworn.—Reside i the penitentiary; slid he was not gnil accident, it was understood at that time got a cent:tolJ him nons of u.i who chan­ ver was Li - second choice. Ib-gardtd
m an.
semit' ria! election Palmer told witness
in Jacksonville; was one of the sureties
ged our votes g >t a ceut; said if any I
there was considerable complaint ba­
on the appeal bond cf B. F. Dowell,
body got money it mu-t h ive been Mo­
who was S. E. May’s security as Secre­ and told witness that it was Wilson of Was in Salem during the senatorial sier; did not think Mosier could be de­ secate, was for Nesmith, was in all the cause be votrd for Grover. Slid be
election; knew’ Thomas Jackson; did pended upon standing out with ns for caucuses up to the list night, was in voted for Grover because Nesmith
tary of State; there was a judgment se­ Tillamook.
James Brown being recalled his evi not know that any money had been Nesmith. Cheesman mado a speech in the last caucus a portion of the time. wou’dn’t go into the caucus. Told wit-
cured against Mr. May aDd Dowell and
corroborated that of Taylor re­ placed under his bedspread by Jackson our caucus urging ns to stand out for Witness pronounced all statements of uess he was getting very much disgust­
Applegate as Security for the same for
for another person. Witness dictated Nesmith, that Nesmith had been a war conversations with Stiles false and in­ ed at the position he occupied. Sorry
about $10,000; case appealed to Su­ lative to the identity of Wilson.
preme Court of the State. A proposi
J. B. Irvin of Linn, sworn:—Saw an affidavit, in the presence of Dolph Democrat, had suppressed Democratic famous. Grover made no improper he was Senator. Gave witness »o un­
tion was made to the witness like this: G ildsmith of East Portland on his way I an 1 Shurtleff which they wrote down, newspapers and would make a good proposals either directly or indirectly I derstand he intended to resign;; d he
To run a straight Republican ticket in to Safem on the train the day before the b it he had too much sense to sign it— senator for Oregon. I understood Mo­ to witness to secure bis vote. After the told witness be bad been off «red the
Jackson county so as to elect the Bed- election of Senator; Goldsmith had a intended it ns a j >ke; did not t II them sier was not. satisfied with the speech — senatorial election Mr. Chadwick told position of Superintendent of the Peni­
Rock Democratic ticket, and that if we small valise which witness supposed it was a j >ke; did not tell D Iph and I was not and if I had been sali-fi d witness that he considered him a suit­ tentiary. This was on the night of the
would go on and do that, Mr. Chad­ contained money “from tbe way it Shurtl ff what was done wit i the mon­ C>1. Nesmith understood tbe spt ech I able man for Superintendent of the caucus that nominated Grover. Wit­
wick would withhold this judgement, swung;” witness knew nothing in re ey which was hi ld->n in his bed; pirt might have withdrawn from the caucus; Penib ntiaiy, no formal tender of the ness told him it was a good idea. Yes­
that witness was security on. until they gard to the use of money, ex<v pt what of the affidavit was read in witness’ told Grover's friends not to withdraw office was made until after the adjourn­ terday he told witness he wanted to
«ould pass a relief bill for Mr. Dowell, he heard; did not know that Goldsmith presence; made no answer; witness was Grover's name as I intended to vote for ment of the legislature. The principal speak with him outside. Told witness
allowing him to pay it in State bonds, had money; the morning after Gold­ a sort of commercial detective; had at him. Mr. Cheesman and Mr. Good reason witness had for not accepting tLat Higbee, of Benton, was a bad man
which he could get for 40 or 50 cents smith went to Salem, J. M. Johns said diff-rent times said iu regard to Gro­ man expressed themselves alike, the was that the office would not pay him. and not to have anything to do with
him. Didn’t know why he shonld
on the dollar, and by that operation to witness, “all is fixed up; Barney ver’s election that it must have cost latter on the night before election; saw Voted for Grover voluntarily.
State Senator E 0 Bradshaw sworn. make such a suggestion; then he spoke
Grover about midnight preceding d iy
they would get two votes for Mr. Goldsmith came up here with the coin
Grover. The proposition was to run a last night and tbe matter is fixed up;” persons that $2,400 had been left un­ of election; did not see Stiles; must. —It was understood during the cam­ about the testimony of Stiles. Wit-
Republican ticket which would result Goldsmith was a stockholder in the der bis bedspread; told it as a joke; Ii.ive been one nr two o’clock before I paign that there would be no question Dess told him he ought to be careful in
told that he had himself received $22 • went to bed. Know of no three men raised asking anybody who they would nuking such statements. Witness said
in the election of the straight Demo­ lock and dam swindle.
Mr. McConnell on being recalled tes­ 000—only as a joke; did not make the who got money, said tf money had been vote for for senator. The person who t>> Palmer, “you told m« that you had
cratic ticket. The proposition was
made by a man named Caton, living in tified that both payments made in his statement that he had paid Dicnev for used it was on Mosier, h ive heard that informed Nesmith witness would vote b<«en < fl-red that pomtiou yourself.”
H<» answe^d, "you go swear it.”
Jacksonville—a Republican, lie rep­ store by Wilson after his return from three votes; made statements to Dolph s x men got money, never told any one for him was mistaken, tho action of Marshal Waters coming up witness
resented that the proposition came the legislature were iu gold coin—in and Shurtleff because he want ad to find that money had b «en used, did not in­ witness was of his own conviction with­ proposed to dron it and tike a drink.
out what other people knew; Dolph tend to say that Mosier got money. out ary consideration whatever; regar­ Witness said, “Now Mr Palmer I waut
from Secretary Chadwick to witness. $20 gold pieces.
and Shurtleff seemed to think they had Butler told me he would go for Grover ded the testimony of Mr. P< rter and to know of you if y.»n didn’t t*-ll me
Mr. Caton was Dot interested in the
Fifth day: W. H. N. Stiles of Ante-
yourself that you bad been (ff «red the
proposition himself but was merely the lope Station, Sacramento Co., C.ilifor- a little God; got money to work up the if he expressed himself favorable to Mr. Palmer as correct, b-lieved in abid­ position of Superintendent of tbe Pen­
bearer of the proposition.
This nia, sworn—Came to Salem about the case—at one time $2 )0; got other mou- the enterprises referred to. Objected ing by the caucus nomination, believed itentiary.” He answered that be bad.
was before our county convention. time of the State fair and remained till ey in small driblets; only knew ha got to that part of Cheesman’a speech where “to the victor belongs the spoils’' a Dull. i u-k him when he had said it.
No proposition of that kind was made after senatorial election; was secretary the money to work up the case, but he said Nesmith had suppressed Dem- good doctrine. Believed that the D m
U.S Marshal Waters sworn —Heard
ocrats had a majonty in the legislature the conversation just alluded to
by Chadwick, Grover or any other of the Tilden and Hendricks club in
ocratic newspapers—never asked Mos- and that thov were entitled to the sen­
Gen. Simpson. General asked Palmer
Democrat. The only proposition to Sdem; wa3 clerk of the legislative
ier in regard to the speech.
ator. Didn’t know why Mr. Nesmith if he had not admitted that be had b»eu
tbe witness was through Mr. Caton.
I committee to examine the books of the of $200 from the Cosmopolitan hotel; I Oscar Kilbourn sworn.—Sold pools should think witness his friend as he offerred the position ul I tided to. Pal­
put it. back; it was directed to witness;
always spoke against him.
mer said he so Btated and had so stated
Mr. Chadwick was recalled and testi­ State Building Association; preferred
at the Chemeketa hotel during the sen­
fied that tbe above witness was misin­ Chadwick for Senator, but Grover was as before; it was soon gon»; at. the time atorial contest. Did not sell at the Was acquainted with Mr. Wilson, nev­ to others. They were both excited and
walked away. Witn^As heard no more.
formed in reference to the scheme by his next choice; it was understood by he made the statement to Dolph and hotel on the night preceding tbe elec­ er heard a word against bis character. Palmer didn’t say when he had made
which Jackson county was to go for Grover’s friends that witness was Shurtleff he was employed as a deteet- tion, bid quit on order Mr. Smith, at Witness need bis inflaence to induce these statements.
The Grover Investigation.