< THE Meets at the Hall of Helman & Fountain every Friday evening at 8 o’clock p. m . Brothers and JULY 13, 1877 Bisters in good standing are cordially invited to at­ tend. H. B. VALPEY, W. C. T. J ohn E ubanks , Sec’y. FRIDAY VOLUME II. ASHLAND TIDINGS. ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY A BY J. 31. McC all & Co. Ashland Lodge No. 23, — AND— TINWARE STORE, THE TIDINGS A. F. A A. M.. Holds their stated communications Thursday even­ Has entered upon the second year DEALER of its existence with brighter prospects than ever, and Ashland Lodge No. 45, wants each of its STOVES, I, O. O. F., » One copy one year................................................ 2.50 “ “ fix months.......................................... 1.50 •• •• three “ ................ . ....................... . 1 00 Hold their regular meeting every Saturday even­ •Club rates eix copies for..................................... 12.50 ing at their hall in Ashland. Brothers in good Terms, in advance. n».in ♦ Nurse & Thatcher, Dealers in ILL make the ensueing Beason at my stables Lear Aehlind. Terms. Twen’j-five dollars the season, or thir’y dollars th»-season, with he privilege ot returning the mare next jear io one of my imported horses, it she doe-not prove wnh-foal this.eason, payable in U. 8. Goli Coin, or grain at Market pr.ee. Good pasture.ge for mares at 621 c?nts per week; no liability for accidents or escapes. In a short lime 1 wiil issue a circular with engrav­ ings of several of my horses, in ires and view of mv 8mbles; witn a history of the Percheron II >rse, and why they are preferable to other large horses; some hint« on breeding; demand aud priceB lor horses iu Euro| e and America. I have fn 1 blood Jersey Cutie for 8 de of the b?-t quality. Every family that keeps a cow should have a Jersey. Send for circular. W. C. MYER. Ashland, March 20th, 1877. no 41—tf s STEEL, NAILS, BOLTS GLASS. HORSE SHOES, SHOE-SHAPE, ROPE, I J WOOL SACKS, PAINTS, OILS 2 SOAP AN D CUTLERY. B A nd FRUIT CANS.; and Floors. 5 A L arge and u The “Tidings” UNSURPASSED BY ANY OTHER Instrument. The proprietors have ro’ed canfully. for many jears, the imptrfecion* and jeois <4 ihe reed usnunients, and direct their practical experience to the < urrectiou of such imperfections, ai d ID- i. ex­ periments have resulted iu iLe production of a quality of tone *Lkh assimilates so ciorely to the PIPE ORGAN QUALITY That i» difficult to distinguish lietween the two Tills instrument has all the And every organ is ful’y warranted. Lirge Ui 1‘uiiei, Black Wulnut Panelled Cases • that forme, in addition to a splendid instrument of music, a BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF FURNITUR C hoice S election of TEAS. LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, where he Is ready at any time, and on all occasions to set be'orc them the best the market affords, in a style second to no other house in Oregon. Dinners and suppers for special occasions, gotten up in appropriate style, at short no­ tice. JASPER HOUCK. We have just received a select assortment of the best brands of ■i CIGARS AND PIPES. HARNESS SHOP C, K. KLUM, We will sell our goods at the lowest cash price, or exchange fur all kinds of K a general assort - ment of goods in his line of trade. Male or female) in every county in the United States and Canada. ------O MARKETABLE PRODUCE. Will Be - We see no cause to change our Made to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools- Ix>dge, etc , where there is no agent for ths Star OrgaD. Illustrated catalogue and price list free Correspondence solicited. Address the manufactu­ rers. Ladies\ Mens’ and Roys’ Sad­ dles, a Speciality. Team, Bugg and Plow Harness, TEAM & BUGGY COLLARS, CURRYCOMBS, BRIDLES, CINCHOS. STIRRUPS, WHIPS, LASHES, SPURS, COLLAR PADS, ETC., ETC., And everything usually kept in a first-class establishment. Repairing done with neat­ ness and dispatch at prices to suit the times. AGENTS JI ANTED A LI BERAL DISCOUNT Saddlery & Harness, eeps Tbis'organ need, only to lie veen to I« apprt fi:, ted and is sold al extremely Xÿy LÏ» uau CÖ L5E SE » A shland , O regon . Yankee Notions, By a pki'.lful u^e of the atop«, aDd of the patent knee swell, the niuric la adapted to the banian voice, ranging from the eufteat flute-like note to a volume of aound T CITY PRICES» The papers are rehashing the old Hardware, Fancy Goods, Berry story, and they don’t conclude it in accordance with the facts. This is the correct version: A celebrated com­ edian arranged with his green grocer, CALL AND SEE SPECIMENS one Berry, to pay him quarterly; but Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., Berry once sent in his account long before the quarter was due. There­ upon the comedian, in great wratli, linkville » lake co .. OGN. Of our work, or address your or- called upon the grocer and said to him; dors to “I say here’s a pretty mull, Berry; you have sent in your bill, Berry, before it BLACKSMITHING is due, Berry. Your, father the elder —BY — Berry, would not have been such a EUBANKS & FORSYTH. goose, Berry; but you needn’t look so Z'Z hc , Berry; for I don’t care a straw, ll those desiring work Berry; but if you come again before in our line, will find us at tbe •‘Old Michelson Stand’’ ready to serve them Jane, Berry, L’ll kick your rasp, Yexxy, with neatness and dispatch. Particular at­ until it is black, Berry.” Ashland, Jackson Co., Oregon. tention paid to horse shoeing. do 11 if, SATISFACTION MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, L FARMING IMPLEMENT,CROCKERY Oilcloth for Tables and UNIVERSAL HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO RE- minu his friends, anti the traveling pub­ lic generally, that be is still to be fourni at ◄ J 1 and Millinery Goods. W CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES A s Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Pride of Perche, And everything in the line of Job Printing can be executed at ASHLAND In as neat and workmanlike man­ ner as at any office in the State. G iccii . ies  MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN DRY GOODS, is , 0 R WE KEEP HARDWARE, IRON, this Repairing of all kinds done with dispatch, ------ •< ♦ ---------------------------- call and see me. noltf. JOHN RALPH. The great sea serpent was stranded at Oban Scotland, a short time since. The boatmen headed him off, the rifle­ men fired at him, and the natives stood on the beach and gazed. Finally he ran aground in front of the hotel, and as his tail swept the beach and slung pebbles in all directions, smashing win­ dows and puncturing heads, the natives retreated inland. He was finally drag­ ged ashore and measured. His length was 101 feet and was 11 feet in circum­ ference. c ASHLAND HOUSE AV agon Shop. Get BOOTS and SHOES, Advertising Medium C surpa«res in tone and power any Reed Orgtn here­ tofore manufactured in tbit< country. It hie been tested by many competent judges, and gives s Af er thanking our many kind Patrons for past favors, we wish to cdl their at- * tm p® to our large stock of S puing ani S ummer G oods , just received lrum 8. F. FAMILY PAPER A worthy deacon went to sleep in a —DURING THE- church one afternoon lately, and not In this part of the State. The wishing to disturb him when it was subscription price is only time to gather the collection, another COMING SEASON, AT THE LOWEST RATES. passed around the box in his stead. I , Coming to where the old fellow was, ALL and get your Shingles. Will ex­ thought he would awaken him just to change fur auy kinds of Merchantable see how he looked aud how much he Produce. would give. So he nudged him with the financial end of the box, aud sud­ denly arousing himself, and mistaking ORDERS the situation, he exclaimed: “Hold on, it’s my deal.” N ew P atents .—Through Dewey & Co., Patent Agents, San Francisco, we receive the following list of U. S. pat­ ents, granted to Pacific Coast inven­ tors, viz: J Gates, Portland, Ogn., steam pump valve gear; I S Van Winkle, S. F.. tuy­ eres; W B Young, Golden City, Colo., process for separating copper and the precious metals from copper matte; A A Fisher and S H Lucas, Santa Fe, N. M., combined push-pin and watch-key; W P Lewis, Oroville, Cal., pneumatic tubes for dredging; I O Mann and G R Rankin, Lake City, Colo., metallic counters or stiffeners for boots and shoes; J Sherrill, Harrisburg, Ogn., cultivator; C Raetz, S. F., machine for cutting sugar cubes. D ry G oods TnaDE. T hey H ave J ust R eceived P ortland , O regon . ives his attention to all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose (particularly Chronic Nasal Catarrh) as specialties. In Chronic complaints and diseases cf women also attended to. A targe number of references fur­ nished. A tine stock of -----------------------* -♦ -4------------------------------ . ■ X —THE — OCULIST AND AURIST, O blue-eyed, white-browed maiden, He will keep loves tryst no more; His bark sailed safely into port, But on the heavenward shore. —F bances F ulleb V ictob . “Any children?” said the proprietor of the house, a gaunt, harsh woman, with a voice you could grate a nutmeg on, to the proposing tenant of her buil­ ding. “Yes, ma’am,” meekly replied the tenant, “but if you desire it of course I can drown them.” All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- IRON W are on hand and made to order. All orders from a distance promptly at­ tended io. Prices to suit the times. Linkville, Aug. lOib, 1876. no9lf. THE TIDINGS ORGAN SAD IRONS, ETC., ETC. G The morn rose pale and su’leD, The noon was still and dun; Across the storm of sunset Came the boom of a signal gun. ARE PEACEFULLY REVOLUTION IZING BAKE OVENS, J acksonville , O regon . JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M. D., DEADLY CONFLICT STOVE BACKS, II. KELLEY, Will practice in all the Courts of rtae State. Prom, at en iou given to all buemeee intrusted to my cure. O ffice .-In the build!*? formerly occupied by Kohler Ac Watson, opposite Court House. PARLOR —ARE IN— Job Printing, Of all description, done on short notice. I^gal Blanks, Circulars, Business Cards, Billheads, Letter­ heads, Posters, etc., gotten up in good style at living prices. Russia and Turkey, GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Prop’r standing are cordially invited to attend. H. C. HILL, W. M. C. B. W atson , Sec’y. Terms of Subscription : C o’s Aleger, —WHILE— OFFICE—On Main Street, (in rear Dr. ings on or before the full moon. Brethren in good Chitwood’s Drug Store.) War, War, War. LINKVl LLE STOVE TIDINGS Ashland Lodge No. 189,1.0. G. T. ASHLAND i í It still remains Alleger, Bowlby & Co., Quick Sales & Small Profits.” WASHINGTON, N. J. Call and examine our stock, and o WHEAT Taken at the Highest if you do not see what vou want, T. B. M c M urtrie , H. W. A lleoek , Market Rates in Exchange C all for it . E dward P lotts . C. r. B owlby , for Goods. Mav 12th, 1877 nolStf. (Sept. 27, ’ 76: 1 yr.) noltr. Aehl wd, June -7th, 1876. •* *