Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, July 13, 1877, Image 1

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VOL. II.—NO. 5.
$2.50 PER ANNUM.
A /TRIP TO CRATER LAKE IN SOI TH- I broke out in the camp and Hi waselec- sea, measured by triangulation. It is
All to fill the vacant place,
river on the west of the mountains. At
And he chose the roughest species
1 iecl Alcade. The old fellow, after some ■ seven and a half miles long by five and the foot of the mountains on the east,
Of the hardy bovine race—
yOf all the varied aud beautiful coun­ years, went up Rogue river to Flounce , a half wide, and it has been sounded to Wood river, a large river, in whose wa­
Horns like war clubs, long and massive, try which is found between Los Ange­ i rock, where, notwithstanding his short i a depth of five hundred and fifty feet ters there is never any variation, Annie
Ample room to wrinkle on—
The story of a hero of the green Sis­ Hairy, raw-boned, *uge and mighty
les and Puget Sound, none is more leg, he became a famous hunter. and no bottom. It is in the summit of river and some smaller streams at a dis­
lovely in climate, mere fertile in 6oil, Flounce rock is one of the landmarks the Cascades, as we call them in Ore­ tance of 20 or 25 miles from the lake,
kiyou, who forsakes not the “even Like the fabled mastodon.
more varied in products and more ex­ on the river. At present the country gon, or the Sierras, as they are called and at a depth of 5,000 feet below it,
tenor of his way,’’ but continues in his And be tamed these giant monsters,
quisite in scenery, than the valley of about it is filled with cattle, the moun­ in California. The ground recedes in all come out from under the mountains.
endeavor to work out the problem of Erst like bison of the plain.
Rogue river in Southern Oregon. Jack- tain sides and valleys being full of* every direction from the rim, and there They do not rise like pools or springs;
human life with a knife and axe, a Yoked them in an oaken bondage
sounding ox-whip, and a never-failing Linked them in a massive chain; [ling, son county, through which it runs, is" graa*. The rock itself is perhaps a are no higher peaks in the immediate they come out as rivers with a rapid
Taught them language strong and tbril- the southern county in the State. There thousand feet at its base above the vicinity. The depth from the rim of current, and the fish can be seen at any
Kentucky rifle.
Hitched them to a huge machine,
the almond, the fig and the magnolia, little valley which it overhangs, and the lake down to the water varies from time swimming np stream and under
Mid the green trees of the Siskiyou,
Often raised a hairy whirlwind
the pride of the South, grow and from its base to its summit is about two thousand to four thousand feet, al­ the mountain where the stream breaks
With an ox-whip long aud keen.
Where a clear stream ripples down
bloom in the open air. With the Siski- five hundred feet more. When the most perpendicular. In the middle of out. There is no doubt but that these
Over shining beds of granite—
On that mossy, rotten ride pole
yons on tbo south, dividing it from country was all under water, or rather the lake stands, covered with timber, a streams are the outlet of the lake. The
’Mid the ferns and mosses brown,
Oft he huug the antlered slain,
California, the Cascades or Sierras on when the water was subsiding there j conical mountain, fifteen hundred feet whole oountry is lava and nothing but
Oft he bent, like one demented,
’Mid the tall and yellow pine trees,
the east, and the coast range on the were peculiar marks like water lines , high a perfect sugar loaf, with its con­ lava, and the water of the lake perco­
O’er the fire, with heated brain
Where the bright MadroDas grow,
Broiling ample steaks of venison,
west, and its beautiful prairies—dotted made on the rock, which were thought I cave apex filled with snow, evidently lates through the lâva, and finds its
Stands his diDgy old log cabin
Savory food for any man—
with oak groves and teeming with grain by the discoverers to resemble the an extinct volcano settled down and way through fissures and orevioes until
With its mossy roof so low.
S^e that rusty nail up yonder
orchards and vineyards—running up flounces on a lady’s dress, hence the sunk, and now surrounded by water. it forms the rivers above mentioned.
Where the drooping boughs of fir-tree
to the foot of the mountains, it presents name of Flounce rock. Proceeding up An adventarous party descended the There is no other visible outlet to the
Form a never-fading fringe
Many a foot sore weavy traveler
a scene at once soft and grand like the river and diverging a mile or so wall which forms the sides of the lake, lake, and there can be no other source
O’er a door of cedar puncheons
“Beauty sleeeping in the lap of Terror” from the trail to the right, you come and making a raft sounded the depth as of the rivers. Is it not then probable
Tasted choicest steaks of venison,
Hanging on a leathern hinge—
The river itself was originally called to the falls of the river. Of course the far as their fishing lines would reach, that the lake is fed in the same manner
Relished Rteaks of grizzly bear;
See those strange and yellow mosses
SoppedJjis bread in rusty fry-pan,
Rouge river by the voyagers of the whole stream at this elevation (4,000 and then explored the sunken moun­ that it is discharged, and that it is sup­
Clinging to the molderiDg wall.
SorinkleU gravy in his eye.
Hudson Bay Company, then Gold riv­ feet above the sea) is nothing but a se- tain to its top. There is no beach to plied by subterranean channels, even
Broke his teeth on bread like granite, er, and at last it has been doomed to rios of rupids, hare however, wo have the lake, the the ground preserving the from thé snowy peaks whioh tower up
And those straying vines of ivy
coffee strong as lye.
That around the chimney crawl.
bear the title of Rogue river, a corrup­ a perpendicular fall of one hundred same inclination under the water as along the whole range, although they
While the hunter’s toncue was busy
tion of its first name. Somo few years and ninety-four feet. It has the usual above it. Jimmy descended the preci­ are miles, aye, some of them hundreds
Noonday ? Yes; but this is twilight
Pouring deeds of thrilling life—
concomitants of all large waterfalls, pice forty or fifty feet to disengage a of miles distant?
Of the morning fresh and grey;
Showed bis wounds from Buena Vista, ago it was rumored that at the source the roar, the spray and the rainbow, bowlder some two feet and a half in
No Indian ever treads the bank of the
of the river in the Cascades, a lake had
Windows? No, the darkness lingers
Showed the marks of claw and knife,
There is a tradition that the lake
Told of deserts’ sands and pictures,
been discovtred of such surpassing but it has what the others have not,
Through the longest, brightest day,
Told of countries far away.
magnificence that the like had ne’er its stupendous forests of fir, white pine We timed it for precisely one minute is inhabited by a monster, to obtain a
And the golden sunbeams creeping
Told he once, in land of sunshine,
been seen. On ODe of our lovely Sep­ sugar pine, hemlock and yew trees by the watch, tracing its course by the sight of which, is death to a red man.
Downward through the leaves of green, Loved a maid of Monterey.
eye and by the ear when it disappeared
The whole scene has the look of en­
tember days of last year, it was de­ standing around as silent spectators.
Cannot scatter half the shadows
The party moved on from the falls from sight and sound, and we could chantment—not a fish in the water, not
How she seemed to love the hunter
termined to start out to find the lake
Clinging round the lonely scene.
With a power she'd never known,
aud enjoy the mountains. The party j intending to camp at a place called Un­ hear no splash, nor could we see any a bird flying over it, not a motion in its
How her priceless love enriched him,
Once this dingy, brokeu structure
glassy earface. Men born and brought
consisted of Genera! John E. Boss, ion creek, tolerably near the summit. ripple in the water.
Was a bearded hero’s hall—
up in a mountain country, however
“Jimmy” Stewart and tho writer. The Before reaching the place Digbt set in.
How his days were like the sunshine
Noir the rats and squirrels burrough
Of the sun lit summer land,
[trees, General is an old Oregonian, and has The weather for two weeks prior to this purified the atmosphere, and the sight rude or unconventional they may be,
And the slimy serpents crawl
[eons How hi» walked ’neath swaying palm- been in every Indian war from the timo had been unseasonably warm aud which met our gaze when we first are more or less all poets. There is
’Neath the worn and rough-hewn punch- Pressing oft her velvet hand.
days of “Ohl John’’ aud Lis men, the long before we made our camping place caught a glimpse of the lake surpassed many a “mute inglorious Milton” who
Split from cedars straight and tail,
I O. the vain but bright illusions
heroic age of Indian warfare in 1855-6, the heavens “were hung with black” anything that any of our party had ever can feel, but can not speak poetry, and
And the lizards fly like shuttles
Tb.t a’■ i:g through life we see.
until and inclusive of the Modoc trou­ and owing to tho darkness of the night, seen, and we were all old mountain few of that class of men will ever stand
Like the app •- filled wi h allies
In and out along the wall.
bles. “Jimmy” is a Scotchman, as his increased ten fold by the storm clouds men. It was not solely grand and ter­ by Crater lake for the first time without
Growing on the still Dead S^a!
S e this hairy pitied monster
royal name would indicate. He bas and the dense forest, it was as much as rible, awe inspiring like the thander being silent, and becoming conscious
ALis, the maiden loved auoiher,
In bis filmy citadel.
Who a swiiter mustang ran,
been game-keeper, aaiior, packer, and we could do to find our way. In fact storm, but it was grandeur tempered of their own littlenjss involuntarily
And she 11-d out through the midnight an old “49 ’ miner, lie is a good shot we could not Lave found it save for the with calmuess and gentleness and se­ they will look np to Him in whose boil­
What a fate these winged insects
With a dark eyed Greaser-tuau.
with both bho’gun aud rifle, Purdy or sheet lightning which every moment rene beauty. There was not a ripple ing crucible at the appointed time,
In this airy net befell:
Thus do wary human spiders
Then lie sought the castled mountains Winchester, and in tho mountains is or two absolutely covered the heavens. or the slightest motion in the water, rocks, rivers, mountains and woods
Where his silent soul could brood—
1'aHhion cobwebs on the sly,
worth half a regiment of men. Noth­ Just as we reached our camping ground and the general could not be persuaded shall melt together.— Corr, to the Ore­
Trailed along the green Sitrra
ing can break that he cannot lash ; and whilst we were unpacking our that it was water that we first saw. He gonian.
Aud within their cunning web-work
For the deepest solitude.
nothiug can happen which is beyond things, the storm culminated and the insisted on it that the lake had snnk.
Sharp their fangs for you and I.
Hoping mid the soughing pine-trees
his resources. There is one acknowl­ sheet lightning became forked, and He was deceived by the extraordinary
Stilled would be his aching breaat—
Like the ancient eastern mummies,
[Condeteed from diapatchea to the OregjataS.)
Hunting for a mausoleum
edged weakness, however, in “Jimmy” then ensued such a scene of unparallel­ clearness of the water and his mistak­
Piled away so brown and stark,
The Pope, at Rome, was very ill on
For the bright hopes gone to rest.
character. His perception of the right ed grundeur as does not often fall to ing the water line as it then was for an
Bats are resting through the noonday
old water line such as you see left by July 1st.
And, at last, when Siskiyou’s summit, of property in dogs is not acute. He the lot of man to see. Most men have
Under loosened bits of bark—
Hayes has appointed a “nigger” min­
On his wearv wav he passed,
recognizes no ownership in a good dog to look up to see the lightning flash, high water on all our water courses.
They will flit athwart the darkness
Here he lit his gleaming camp fire,
of any species, save in himself. lie is aud wait a moment to bear the thunder No mirror ever made reflected more ister to Hayti. Good enough.
Like some strange soft flying bird.
Here he fried his meat at last—
not altogether to blame however, for but hero we could look around us and perfectly than did the lake. The stu­
The Cassair mines, in British Colum­
Made his coffee black as charcoal
While the great owl’s dismal booting
pendous banks with every rock, with bia are reported to be paying largely.
Strong enough to float a u’edge.
Will through forest depths be heard.
And he sharped his knife and broad-axe as niuety-nine dogs out of a hundred liglitniDg and look into it and see it as every obelisk aDd prism and peculiarity
Gen. Grant has been visiting among
And, at midnight, long tailed panthers On the nearest granite ledge.
if it were running down like molten of shape, every mark and cave were as the lords, and stood at the foot of the
will follow him “will ye, nill ye.”
perfect in the water as they were above
Wide distend their dripping jaws—
Having laid in seven days’ provisions metal that issues from a furnace, the it, so that it was difficult to tell where throne.
Then he dragged the prostrate fir-trees
Tn their wild sport ’round the shanty
From old Siskiyou’s castled rim,
we started up the river, traveling for crash and the flash being simultaneous. the water commenced and the bank
The reduction of interest charge on
Parr and play and spread their claws; And the cabin grew like magic.
The isolation, the gigantic t^ees, the
the public debt since Jaly 1, 1876 is
Strong and crude—’twas just like him J
While their fearful voices echo
darkness lit up by oft repeated flashes, ended. Had your name been carved $1,943,625.
Now it stands a fit memento
on the wall rock you would have seen
Through the dark old groves of pine,
full of horses and cattle aDd sheep, un­ and finally rendered more weird-like
With these telling signs about.
Government officers in charge of
it reflected in the water below. Every
And the hairs of listening hunters
Of a strong life wrecked aud broken,
til we crossed the river. Then the as­ by the flames of two trees which the
fleecy cloud and the deep blue of the public woi^s have adopted ten hours
Stiffen like the hairs of swine.
Of his life-bopes fading out.
cent began, which never terminated lightning had struck and set on fire,
sky intensified by the water into such as a day’s work.
until we reached the summit of the together with the sighing of the wind
Gone ? Why yes—to taller timber—
Get their backs up like an ox bow—
a blue as never was seen before were
The Treasury department has order­
Gone where stronger breezes blow,
range, eighty miles away. Higher and through the firs, and the roaring of the
Like a grecian bend aod higher,
the National banks to make a show­
where shades are not so fitful.
steeper becomes the trail, grander the creek over the rapids where we camp­
While each fierce and flowing eye-ball Gone
above the sky looking down into it.
ing of their business.
Gone where denser thickets grow—
scenery, and the mountains are piled ed, made it impossible to add another
Hbineth like a coal of fire.
Nearer came the din and turmoil
The point from which we looked
Mexico has sent a minister to see
up as you advance in inextricable con­ circumstance toward the completeness
Hunt the bones of old companions
Of this billowy human life,
Uncle Sam about fixing np the Texas
Nearer came the tide of progress
fusion. Sometimes the river lies be­ of the storm and its surroundings. We
’Mid the trophies of the chase—
ruffian business.
With its neverending strife.
low you thousands of feet, looking like understood afterwards that in the val­
Trophies of a hunter’s triumphs,
News from London states that war
a silver thread, and again you are down leys on both sides of the mountains to­ est place in the rim. You can get no
In this wild and lonely place.
And a hardy, frontier yeoman
preparations are continually going on
With u tribe of eight or ten.
on its bauks with scarcely room be­
Hunter ? Yes; a strong and good one— Came to start a house domestic
in England, though quietly.
tween them and the mountain for your
See that pile of antlers there—
In the same secluded glen.
animal to walk. At one point some
Terrible fighting is going on between
See those tusks of black and grey wolf, Then they heard the hunter saying—
hundreds of feet above the river, the
the contending forces in Europe, Tur­
“Thia ere’a getting wuss and wnss,”
And those claws of grizzly bear—
And perchance these grasping settlers I General remarked, this point is called
key is slowly giving up her ground,
“Gas” it was that time that saved him, May have heard the hunter cus3.
Oh ’ night.
From our standpoint, with the lake but leaves it soaked in blood.
“(Tilt’s defeat.” Upon inquiry I found
Held the grizzly by the side
And Rtorm, an 1 darkr.eM, ye are wondruus strong, at our feet, looking up the Cascades
that the place had been thus named
The President has applied his official
Yet lovely in jour strength as is the 1 ght
While the huater, with his broad-axe,
north, we could see at long intervals, boot to Collector Wilkins, of Baltimore
from an accident which happened there Of a clark eje in a woman ! ”
Hunted faithful all the day.
Clove the monster’s cranium wide.
Then he took bis gun and fry-pan
to an old horse belonging to an old pi­
Jimmy was proceeding to spread our Diamond Peak, the Three Sisters, and —another faithful Republican. “Mike
Mount Jefferson, covered with their
oneer named Hi Abbot, or the Alcade.
He was strong and bronzed and bearded,
And where Bridg 'Creek’s rythmic tLun- It Beems that odcs when returning blankets between two of the very tall­ eternal snows; and turning our faces room there, a few more Ohio gentle­
And his name was Andrew Walls,
est trees in the group. A member of
men to be seated.
Fills the woods with dismal sound,
from a hunt, the old horse with the the prarty suggested that it might not east aod south, we had away below us
And he mayhap spent his childhood
There he built another cabin
Governor Potts of Montana tele­
classic name, being loaded with the be a safe place, as the trees towered so the Modoc oountry and Klamath lake,
In the forest depths profound.
In the sweep of marble halls.
with Sprague river, Williamson’s river, graphs that about 200 Flathead Indians
Bat no halls would hold our Andrew
And till now his stealthy footsteps
ing and roiled down into the river, deer ed that if he had to be killed by light­ i Wood river, and Annie river threading have recently disappeared from the
But the ringing mountain glades,
Mark the mosses in the wood,
Bitter Root valley, nnd it is thought
and all. Ho was not drowned, how­ ning that night be was going to be dry the desert, and in the far south, grand
And the roar of trusty rifle
And he fled like one close followed
they have joined Joseph’s band.
Wakes the dreaming solitude —
ever, for as Jimmy said, “he shed his when he died, and so proceeded with i old Shasta, with bis 14,400 feet, and
To the thickest forest shades.
And anon we bear the echo
The President says the Southern
pack in the river and crawled out.” his duties as chambermaid. Our fear his living glacier, the king of northern
Gas—well Gas was a true companion, Of an ox-whip in the night,
is no longer an issne, that he
And those thrilling words are spoken — But as Irving says of Braddock “his is of getting wet, however, was unfound­ : California. Why was not Bierstadt
True as some who make more fuss—
did what he thought was right and talk
a name forever associated with defeat.” ed. We had all the beauty of tho ' there ?
Words of cheer to Buck aDd Bright.
Truer far than many a human,
This Master Abbot was one of those storm and none of its inconveniences.
As the lake is as high as the summit won’t chauge it. He expects trouble
For only a brindled dog was Gus.
Then we know the hunter cometh
on account of his order to office holders
men created for the purpose of being
The two, somehow, had come together, From the mountain to the plain, [ates one of the foreruuners of civilization. It went down into the valley and left I of the mountain pass where the road which virtually disorganizes the party
Perchance he brings to please our pal-
us aboye it, not wetting us in the least. leads over from Jacksonville to Fort
And their life trails went one way,
When Jacksonville was a mining camp
Corpses of his latest slain.
In the morning we pursued our way Klamath, and as there are no mountains that elevated him, but dares any office­
And like tried and faithful brothers,
Then he’ll go up to bis shade land
and unbaptised old Hi undertook to with the animals until noon, when we i within a great distance higher than the holder to “step on tail of his coat."
Tracked and trailed for many a day.
’Mi<l those lovely forest scenes
keep the boys awake one night by im­ took it afoot for about a mile, which lake, and the ground is descending on
Rumors are current that the Presi­
Well supplied with juicy b.icon,
Up and down the rocky canons
itating the cry of a coyote, aud moving brought us to the rim of the lake. One all sides from it, the question naturally dent’s cabinet are going to break np.
Well supplied with flour and beans.
Ere the morning dew was dried,
his leg up and down from behind a log glance repaid us a thousand fold for all arises, how is the lake fed and whence Key wishes to resign so as to relieve
Walls would follow faintest foot-prints
where he was concealed. A fellow the fatigue and trouble we bad taken. I comes this great body of water. The , the President of the charge of having a
Soon thy fading form will go.
With Gustavus by his side—
named Borry, not likiDg to be disturb­ The lake first known as Crater Like, answer may be arrived at by observing Democrat and ex-rebel in his cabinet,
And above tbv place of resting
But one morn a famished cougar
ed, took a crack a> the coyote with his I but now, with our national love of dol- i bow the lake discharges itself. The and McCrary, it is said, in view of the
Will the vines aod mosses grow.
Crouching in an alder brake
But we always will think kindly
revolver and shot ni through the leg larstore jewelry and tawdry finery, call­ plstean ou which Lake Klamath and recent expression of bis constituents is
Of the hunter’s lion heart—
"Watching for a deer or rabbit
and lamed him for life. Just about this ed by some Lake Sublimity and by the rivers emptying into it is situated bound to tender his resignation. Sher­
Of the rough old mountain hero,
Caught Gustavus by mistake.
time the American idea of law and or­ others Lake Majesty, lies at an eleva­ on the east of the mountains, is 2,000 man is under a strong pressure to leave
He whose handiwork tbou art.
der and self government, and “alhthat" tion of Beven thousand feet above the feet higher than the valley of Bogue the cabinet,
Thon he kindly took to cattle
— O, C,
in lVcst Shore,