THE ASHLAND TO THE OPINION OT THE RE­ probably TIDINGS ■ REPl.Y CEIVER OE 1.INKVII.EK U N. LAND B. T. REESER, do nearer the truth than the Rhode Island is said to involve the rest of Lis statements, for by the way, enormous sum of §17.000,000—making will he tell ns where abonts in that guns to shoot Russians with. JUNE 15, 1877 I FRID 1Y Goiltv Mormons in Utah are to be wonderful town of Lakeview is that lot L inkville , O gn , Jnne Sth 1877. —AXD— T he public debt of Turkey amounts E ditor T idings :—A-» the Receiver oi located that ha3 been promised him vigorously prosecuted, and the govern­ to §927,000.000, the annual interest od the U. S Liud Office at this place, has gratis, if he will cause the land office to ment promises to see that the pro-ecut- wh:ch is §65 000,000, more than half seen lit to parade bis report upon the I be removed to that village? Some of ing powers are net intimidated from the total revenue of tho Empire. The t»ubj-ct of the removal of the land of our mure curious Citizens desire to their work. The Mexican Minister has protected last annoti budget, published Mrrrh lice from Linkville to Likeveiw, in the I kuow if it is the same acre of land that in Stoves, Tin and sgaim-t chasing and billing Mexican Dealer 1876, showed a deficit of §21,000,000. co’umus of the T idings , at the request i was once before used to bribe an offi­ marauders on Mexican soil. Hardware. 1 of a number of citizens here. I respect i cial to the detriment of Linkville. Be- Granite Street, A disaterous fire occurred at Bridge­ T he terms of the payment of the , fully ask space in the columns of your I sides if hi did not have to go to Lake­ port, Conn., on the 8*h inst. 12 per­ great New Yerk thief Sweeny’s §BK),- i valuable paper to submit the following view with tue cilice, he would not be sons were killed and §250.000 worth of 030, are §150 000 down and the- rest in in answer thereto. Now w hile I admit | i compelled to make this sacrifice. Per­ property destroyed. Ashland, - Oregon* Agricultural Implements SO days. T io Idurll denounces the ' that it was not only his right, but that haps be d:d not think of that. The Oxford University honorary de Respectfully, J. W. H amakar . ee»tl?.2uut, with S veenv, and says the it was his duty, under his oath, to be gree D. C. L. has been conferred upon ring slits have been used to tha ends , candid and impartial in his statements, Marsh &, Valpey.^ ex President Grant. So U. S. will state ’ news . uf political combinations. come home “Dr. GraDt ’ ! it was not his right to misstate the I Such as Reaper®, Mowers. Horse-Rikes, A farewell reception was tendered ex A new paper is to be started at Philo­ facts in the case, or to promise the peo­ Hand-Rake*, Hay-Eoiks Barley ll kinds of planing , mould - Forks, Table and Pocket, math, Benton coauty. The London Mining Journal advocates ple residing both here and at Goose Governor Hendricks prior to his de­ iog, Circular and Scroll-Sawing do n Cutlery, Carpen­ the use of telephones in mines. Shonid Lake, that if they would sign his peti­ Senator Mitchell starts for Oregon in parture to Europe, at which there Tv as io order. ters Tools, an overflowing crowd. an accident occur the prompt notifica­ tion for reappointment to the receiver- ’ about two weeks. Cigars and T-'bbacco, The II rorld says it is generally be- tion of it and its nature to these at the ship, that he would report favorably j Daily mail now, with line of etages, Boots it Shoes, SASH, lieved Tweed will soon be liberated. surfaco might save luany lives and for their respective places, of all of from Albany to Dallas. Crockery and Glai-t-ware, much property. Fiuil Jais, Fiuil Cons, Desert City is the name of the new Sweeney and Tweed having b*en dis- which I here charge him with being > I oaed of, there are rumors touching guilty. Will lie deny telling the lead town at the “silver sua^ holes ’’ DOORS, MOULDINGS, T he Grover iuvesti . - committee ing men ot Likeview aud vicinity aud Connoly, who is iu bwitzrrlard,. and D.\0. Clark of Albany, , killed two left Washington. D C • O cgon on others in the eastern part of elk one day this week iu the mountains says he will see the city of New York the 5ch lust. The ia : .L j E s of the i iiia county that be wonld, give ou ISuntiam. BEDSTEADS, eternally damned before ho would giTe committee and nutz a • *o:ur>anying his iotliieuee for the removal of the Tho Democrat claim* that Linn coun­ it a cmt. I ty will yield this year two million Heavy rains have lately fallen in I 4 them con ’sts of Suuatir Saulsbury land effije to Likeview ? bushels of wheat. BREAKFAST, DINING, Missouri aud Kansas, greatly damag­ (Dem.),of Delaware, and neiee;Senator Will he deny t’uut he told Captain 1) ing crops. Cr. Webster, formerly State Senator Marton (Rup.) of Indiana, and wife J. Ft-rree, Beu Liwis, Mr Araut, Geo. MARBLEIZED IRON »VARE, from Coos, has been to the Black Hills, Fast trains are now running from CENTER, and and Ssri’ t r MeMdlan (Rep ) of Min­ Nurse, an 1 others in this pirtof the didu t strike it und has returned. Chicago to New York iu about 30 hours nesota; Ex Governor Bui bank and wife conaty, that he was going to 1 eport in » I Uncle Sam has totally ignored the John Savage, near Salem, has a Per with D. li Alexander, clerk, und C. N. favor of the laud office remaining at cheioa cult two year old that weighs Mexican minister’s protest, as to the EXTENSION Stagg, photographer. Liukville? aud this too subsequent to 1,300. manuer’of suppressing border raids. Picture Frames, ------------------------- ---- —■ the date of his report, and at the very ; Up to the -Ph of June 34<9 bead of The Pope received duriDg Jubilee S erator J ones , of Nevada, has drawn time he was asking these people in i cattle passed Barlow’s gate this season I §1,000,000 ih hard cash to say nothing TABLES« up an amendme t to the Federal con­ their respective places to sign bis peti- , en route for Portland over the moun­ <>f the innumerable articles of value stitution whiJ '« intends to submit to tian recammendiug his re appointment' tains. presented. Black "Walnut Molding, Faints, Oil and BUREAUS, —-------------------- ► ♦ - ------------------- t’-.j cxira session. It as Receiver. And will he deny that by ' A mill to make oil out of flixseel is the Senate Glass, Brushes, Blacking, Carriage Bulls, T he mission of Court Scbouvaloff, ^er nioniy only shall said promises he was thus enabled to | wauted iu Douglas, and parties at llose- provides t Nails, rider ia the United largely swell the number of bis peti i br..g are “estimating” the chances aud as bearer of a note from Russia to be used as i- CHAIRS, LOUNGES,. cos.ts. England seems not to ba so pacific States, &DU llu.i .1- .tea of 8Qcn moneys tioners ? Dr "Woodruff, of Douglas, shipped after all. Russia, it appears, wants to shall be at tho iut3 of §20 per capita Did ho really mean in bis statement! to Portland 26 000 pounds of bacon last PICTURE FRAMES, of the population. The population of in tbit report that the caii.»e of the de-! week, on which be cleared ten cents a avoid a conflict with Rugland, but will YANKEE NOTIuNS, FANCY COODS&C. uphold the dignity of the Empire at all the country to be ascertained annually crease of business iu this laud district, pound. hazards; she wants the same rights by a censtn. The Senator believes was in c insequence of the laud office WASH BOARDS Work has commenced on the new during the war that England has en such an amendment will bo popular, being located at this place? or did Le graigu and Oi Pilin 'inp and Tho statement in that report that the I tfar.iz -d at Astoria. Shares, §50 each. NURSE & THATCHER, Secretary Schurz ba* created a board Graining to order in the Mill, or iu Directors will by chosen this week. All of which will be sold to examine into the methods now in land office, beiug located at llii® place. | .he louutry. Lanvabsin/ ctin g, Pa] er- Fi‘zgerald, railroad station buss at force in finance and accounting divis­ has retarded the s -ltlement and d--vel- a.aging, Calsomiuing, uViii.twui-hiu , Ac. Youcaila, has been indicted and arrest ­ on sl.onest, po^ible do ice. opement of any portion of this district, ions of the Indian burtau, especially ed ou a churge of fuke returns to the The undersigned takes this opportunity Dealers in as to the aualysis of the money and when the law permits the people to go assessor. of tendering our thanks o our iu.*ny friend* and pm runs lor liberal iav<>r* riming lit« property accounts of Indian agents, ibfure the county clerks of their re- Joseph McCann, who came to Oregon last two vears, and me b tppy io a *y that at* and whether the uccounts of ageuts are specUve counties to have the necessary in very early times, t*— -- - the 11-- 3d '•1 died ‘ on have, during the list uiuer and spring, rendered ia accordance with law aud oath? administered in land matters,and iu»t , ut his home ut Peoria, Lmu DRY SOODS, CLOTHING, HATE, etecied mucliir eiy, anr. iiupioved our facilities tor lnanuf ic.n. ing in th< nbme regulations; whether any txpenditures {transmit their applications and proots ! county. hue of business. are made without proper authority, ! through the mails to this office, is Him 1 (’ »rvallis Gazette: No man in Benton Wheat, Barley, Oats, Eggs &c., MAltSH & VALI’F.Y. CAPS, BOOTS aid SHOES,’ aud whether the present system is such I ply absurd and untrue. Ills staiepieut county who opposes Yaquina railroad Ashland, June 17ih, 1«S7G. uollf. taken in exchange for goods at the as to 6how at all times the condition of iu that report that the lands suscept)-; will «ver stund a ghost ol a chance for money and property aff.iirs of each ble of settlement iu the western part of office. highest market price. HARDWARE, FANCY GOODS, L. T. Nicholls and T. F. Campbell agency. The lust quarterly reports of thia county are so nearly alre»dy taken A shland , May 12th, No. 48 tf agentB are to be carefully scrutinized up, while the ra nderful and tcide spread will bold a di»cnssion on biology, met­ aphysics and theology, at Carlton. for the purposes above m: niioned, and valleys of Silver L ike, Summer Lake, I Yamhill county, beginning 27th, and Y ankee N otions , particular examination will be made as CutWaucan aud G >O8e Like are, us it' lasting three days. HE STILL LIVES. to the cumber and compensation of were, just beginning to settle up, is as Mrs Jane Thorp, who came to Ore- employes at each agency, and wether tar »rum the truth as his other state. con in 1851 from Sangamon county, Groceries, Crockcry, Paints, Oils, Etc. Dealers In they are given or allowed to purchase inent-;asby reference to the piuts it 11, died at her residence near Grund subjisteuco or clothing in violation of will ba seen that the good lauds in lloude, P >lk county, June 1 1877, Linkville, Lake county, Oregon ARCHITECT AND 110 US EL LT LD Eft. leaving a husband and nino c'hildreu. (hose valieys are more uearly exhausted ! law. The board arc also instructed to examine a3 to the ch trader and total ; by settlement than those of the Kiam- j Last M >nday, Frank Wyman, confin- Aslilaud.. Granite Street, I el iu the j til at Albany on a charge of Ashland Soap Factory money value of special purchases .for a h Lake Basin and its neighboring val I arson, escaped. He hid shackles on, WILL DO CLOTHING, HATS, CAI'S, LOOTS and SHOEs AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AND HAVE any agency during the present fiscal and 1-ft behind him a note saying that uu h um , a guud aseuriuiei.1 ul year, aud whether such purchases have I In bis report (he Receiver has exert- he honed he would not be accused of anything in my line been properly acconmcd for. The board I ¡ed himself iu enfieavuiing to show a stealiug them, since he took them away LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, Hardware, Fancy Goods, ; much agaiust his will. aro not to be limited by these specific self sacrificing Spirit aud carry the im- ON SHORT NOTICE I •Ahicb I offer fo the trade at priée* tn euit the tinve. M-*an whiskey getting the better of iuyt-nctions but are to make such for I I pression that it wonld be a great finan­ 8 >.pL 8 b<-eu urouuun'^d by tboe-» v.'uo »: ve i M illiam Gardner, of Salem, he attempt­ 51) YANKEE NOTIONS, AND AT THE LOWEST TERMS. n i ic, l » b- ru. tri >r tuiiiy ¡mortel article. Give ther investigation as may be deemed cial sacrifice ia bun liuvmg to move ed self destruction with a butcher’s it a trial, aud MipjH.r honte mdiis'ry. I w tut ni oxcriAiige lur 20,000 tLs. of rai^h SASH, proper fur the best interests of the with '.he oilice to Lakeview. ■ knife. The point of the instrument greite, .t uiv l .ctor,. W. 11. HA1HAWAY. service. Aehianc, Julie 17m, 18*6. nuit!'. Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, This cettainly is enough to provoke ! bi eke off in hts Brest bone. A surgeon DOORS,’ I extracted it. It is hoped William will a smile from all intelligent, people in * avoid snakes in future. JUST HOW IT IS FVRN1TUBE, HE IS STILL HERE! view of his mansion in a mud hole worth Made to order. LINKVILLE, John Killingsworth and party, who i « We have carefully road all the news­ at most perhaps §500. started from Eugene two or three weeks And now witu regard to the mail fa­ since, with hear a thousand head of A. M. SPICKELMIER, Picture Framing, &c. pip rs and clotely scanned the tele- Lake county, Oregon cilities etc., of his flourishing town of sheep and several head of horses, found, grapie dispatches, looked ia the geog­ "Wheat, Oats, Lumber, or Ca»b taken iu. I wh»n reaching Crooked river, thatthev exchange lor work. Call and see me. 1 Lakeview, he states in his report that raphy for tho lorg words aud in I». CHAPMAN. L. A. NEIL. | bad but four hundred sheep, and two Ashland, June 23d, 1876. uu2lf. Carpenter and Ilcncse-Builder. nhort, made every effort to get a dear the “nearest • xpress office is at Susan­ of their horses were missing. ASHLAND lucid and comprehensive account of ville, C-iI., 125 miles distant,” but ac­ The Bidwell II. raid says: In conver- YV ILL Df) ANYTHING TN MY LINE ON th it litt'.o Tu-oo-R issian unpleasant- cording to reliable information it is as­ . Ration with one of Modoc county’s best vv pLutl i O'i», fur CioD. ne«s that is now going on. and heve certained to be 1G9 miles on a direct , fruit growers we were informed that Wi eat,oai8, barley, Log* <--------------------- ale and xchange MAIN STREET. in all probability v . ff rent aspect I running or even an established mail GENERAL NEWS ITEMS, but as it is, the fo’h»w:r ; it jisi about ' route that connect* the two pliers. It tCo..den«ed fron dispatches to the Or.giEiar.) the clearest version < i; e uffa r that ' is only GO miles by the road from L:nk- WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, i ville to an express and telegraph office, has yet iieeu armed t t, e.u.I of course I1E UNDERSIGNED WOULD Peter Cooper advises the withdrawal will ensb’e auyone to s< a at n glance 'and communication by mail between respectfully iiiiorm their friends Wfrl Corner of 4th and California Sts., Aebknd, Oregon. of silver fronj circulation and paper 1 this place and Washington C.ty, at and the public generally th it they M /l" just how it is—taking of course, into currency substituted. have piu ch'Sed the above e*t"biisbu ent, consider J ion the fact that in the la- ; also, u g.HAÌ abtor.mtiit cf from Kubli & Wileon, beg Je>.re to infoim care will be well and safety cared for. from four to five week®. “ Likeview is as far west as Ivdifat. The Czar was the pub ic ttu»t they »re de>rn.iued to men ->1 Jl~ A Philadelphian has patented a met­ a ctajUL'Uhi'Ce of the pHtiuntige ih»t hue lur -ny CLOCKS, HU TCHES,SPECTA CLES, j now (he says in his report) only 5 nr G snbseqt. r’ly told of this mistake by GOOD TURNOUTS al for coinage—a mixture of gold and years past been Cvnferred on thede justly the veteran Pa-kieviteb. That distin­ ! months old, yet it* population is nearly silver—which he claims will unite the E>e ghMes snd 8 cross . HATS, CATS, Also, Ex Judge Dibble, of New Orleans, ut Silisttia or Turtnkai when Lostslities : Lok-,Summer Lake or Grant and Baker CHAPMAN & KEIL, BOOTS and SHOES. b“gm on a larger scale. They have i counties via Silver Lake, do not puss' charged with the embezzlement of §13- Horses Bought and Sold. 000 Mate funds, has been arrested HARDWARE, FANCY OD l-*ft the defena* of L*sser Wallachia to] within 50 miles of Likeview, and the’ New Y»rk i* getting up a rifle team We will guimntee •atirfactlon iu al) onr trane- Ashland, Oregon, the Roumanians, who will of course j distance from Silver L ike to Linkville t) sbo »t with Great Britain. YANKEE NOTION’S aciiona. C abdwku . tt M c M abos . btoT’y defend he r native soil. The is known to be about the fame by the ! Senator Ferry is lying dangerously GROCERIES, CROCKERY, PAINTS, OILS, E tc I I BE UNDERSIGNED, THANKING OUR TA- mad that it ¡a from S.lver Lake to I EEP CONST ANTI. Y* ON HANI) AT THEIR sni ’ ;rv due! be ween Kalafit and Lakt-vipw. iron« fur In« lib r>»l putmaag« b«.towed u . ad ill with congesiion of the brain. 6L'>p, oeur Ute b S ’ ge, on Min Street, a good u* during our connection with tae Udon Liwry Lift K VILLE, Widdin gives proof ol their earnestness supply of fre-h BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., SUb'e®. would betpeak • continuance of the 8'ine F nally his story of how a removal or| Contracts awarded by the Turkish they ntier at the towett market price. to our EtKxxeeore. C abdwxll & M c M abos . and martial spirit. the office would effect him financially is1 government to a single corporation in Lake county, ... Oregon. which Aihland, June nth, 1876. ool’X No. 17; tf. ■■W. OFFICE, ON THE SUBJECT OF THE REMOVAL OF SAID OFFICE. . PLANING MILL Furniture Factory, A Pressed Tinware, . I - I tt CHEAP FOR CASH, Nurse & Thatcher, I. O. MILLER, DRY GOODS, 1 I I S E STABLES, T T DRY GOOD s. K T