Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 15, 1877, Image 1

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VOL. II.—NO. 1.
another member cf the vistuous frater­ ruin and degredation—saved to become
of it.”
This little incident, with plenty of nity he could not at once replace the a rich and respected merchant ? Whose
Of conrse in a country under Moham­
other things besides, was soon swept money, he had been discharged, and money saved him? Ab! Mr. Blendon,
medan rule, where the harem system is
from my memory by a sudden call to had reason to suppose he would be pro­ that yon do not know. But I will tell
T igers in Siberia? Is it possible that in operation, slavery as a domestic in­
go. abroad, even to the place where secuted.
Op»n the window this che*ry morn.
you. The twenty pound note which there are tigers in that country, which
Enter, O »uu-h'r.e, rare;
stitution, will exist; and so far as en®’
Seek out me conch <f the invalid,
“Many, many thanks,” replied the rescued the poor hut-band retted only is generally supposed to be the home !
Aud kiss ter Lrcbead fur.
hampered me then; I was a yeung poor fellow to the offer I directly made ten minutes before In the pocket book of the white bear and the Aictic fox ? j cau judge frqm recent eventir EXJpt
bachelor, and could start for the anti­ him. “You can see the fine firm in the of this very Staining whom you are Yes, they hunt tigers in Siberia, aud j dues not appear likely to prove an < x-
Come I d , thon b-eeie, from the tropk clime,
Give hope to the failing heart.
podes at two days’ notice. When I take morning; though they have allowed a about to prosecute, strargely enough sometimes tho tigers hunt the Siberi­ ception. Every oue remember'* Low
Llirh' to the eye, ant Doan to the cheek,
Fur there ihou c met Impart.
only a few weeks ago the salable por­
my wife and children—I forget the ex­ day to pass, I doubt whether they will for precisely the same sum. Yes, at ans, and with very good success.
tion of the late MufettisL’s harem (
Out on »he green this go’d“n mem,
act number—for our autumnal trip, in take the money. I believe they are that time Staining was rich, maybe, a9
Along the whole extent of the Altai timated at 300 ia number in whits
The children snout with glee.
these latter days of my life, I require bent on my ruin.”
For th-* air t-, an 1 the dileiea smile,
you are now; but with bis riches he Mountains the tiger ranges further to :
Wn.Je leaflets deck theUee.
slaves alone) were “bionght to the
weeks’ preparation. Alas the change!
I could not believe it; so early next was a kind, charitable, Christian man. the north than in any other part of the |
Ov-»r the pebble« the clear brook fills,
Away then to Brazil; away to a new j day I was at the office of Messrs. Bay- Mr. Blendon—I have a right to ask world. Very often he is found as near • hammer” in Cairo, and that, too. at the
With M>ft>.nd »i'very g'eim;
life, new scenes, new companions, I ! don, Blendon & Co., and having been you—to what charaster do you lay the pole as fifty-three degrees north very time that the Khedive announced
lie tone 1« «weet a* a a r iph’- voice,
That comes in a te.>cetiil dream.
his intention of suppressing the slave-
new hopes and fears; away to admitted into the room of the spnior claim?”
Dull la the s-nse. an-’ co’d the heart.
trade in the Red Sea. His HighDes9’ti
fortune—and the yellow fever! Here partner I stated my errand and proffer­
I have often thought since what ad- the flesh of the white bear, the sable,
And the lipa 'h <t f.41 tu *jng.
Won e rth and air, >.n an hem of joy,
occurs in my tale a grand interval of ed my twenty pounds.
mirable advantages are a clear bead and the Arctic seal, Iu the vallev of I own example in such matters cannot be
To welcome the dawn of spring.
considered as altogether satisfactory,
twenty years (my story deals in twen­
Mr. Baydon was a sleek old gentle­ and a calm temper. In the delivery of the Arnoor one may hunt the tiger and
ties! I doubt whether I should have man. There was, so to speak, wealth the foregoing I had worked myself to a the reindeer in the same forests, and when one remembers the vast numbers
Oe £tory
come back bad not a young English and ease all over him. He bent his white heat. It was only at the moment not only hunt them, but find them. A of womeu slaves that fill his harems and
contribute to his financial embarrass­
lady one night sung in my hearing an head complacently and replied:
when he first saw my.drift that my lis­ I Cossack hunter told me of one day find­
ments. I um credibly informed that
old home ballad, so well remembered
“I can appreciate your kindness to tener manifested any strong emotion. ing a tiger lying dead near a powerlul
Twenty Pounds Sterling.
for two female slaves alone, poiclia-ed
in connection with some loved ones this poor man, and I myself would pass Then he rose from bis chair, and his
deer that was so torn by the claws of at Constantinople for the chief eanuch
There Dever was such a man to bet who in this world will sing no more, the matter over at ouce, but my part­ lace Hushed, but he resumed his seat, .the tiger that he could have lived but
as Staining. He was always so sure he that the well-known craving for the na ner, Mr. Blendon,takes a diflerent view, aud by the time I bad finished be was a few hours. The tiger had evidently to the S it ton, th»* Knedive paid au lee.i
was right. Our mutual fiiend Marx­ tive land mastered me at once, and and I cannot interfere.” And he was sitting as calmly as when I entered. attacted him with the intention »f secur­ than £39,000 Of course, they weia*
well ought to have sailed for Brazil, within a very short time I was on my firm upon the point. Could I see Mr. There was a slight pause, aud then Mr. ing a venison breakfast. The deer iu the most beautiful of “houris”—in
so much (*o es to hive arouiel to ? j
but I felt confident I bad seen him in voyage to England.
B endon ? Yes, if I could call agaiu in Bien ion said:
his struggles bad thrown off his assail­ otnv of the other inrnat?a to »a » x e A
Ou the way, I had one night a fright­ two Lour’.
the street. Staining said it was non­
* You bav« acquired, sir, some knoul ant, and then struck him iu the bead
sense, and he’d bet me twenty pounds
In the cab I kept muttering to my­ edge (I will not say whether accurate or with bis fore feet. The d er can deliver which at least compile I their i-'O-
to a shilling I was wrong. lie had had me on my back, aud was clutching self, “Biendon, audRolert Blendou, uot) of au incident iu my eaily life a tremendous blow with bis foro feet, prietor to send them away. The mo.:e
hardly finished tipeakiDg when Marx at my throat. Tighter grew his gra,-p. too? Iam sure cf it. Brill, if it be | which I am uot called upou to discuss. and as his hoofs are sharp, they can usually adopted iu such cases is 1
well, who had not sailed, came up. and fainter my breath. My startling so, it is very strange. I think I should I . May 1 a*k if this knowledge is confined crush any ordinary skull that comes ir: marry the lady, after providing her v : b
a suitable dowiy, to some favoied
Staining pulled out from Lis pocket eyes scanned every feature of my mur­ know that fuce again, however time I to yourself ?”
their way. My friend put the deer oat j courtier, who considers bimaelf wi-h
book a twenty pound note aud handed derer. Slowly aud painfully—as I was may have altered it. We shall see who
“I believe it to be confined to myself of his misery, and secured the skin of I
1 i
held in this wav, for some times as it will bo master.”
it to me.
and mv iuformant, and I have no de­ the tiger as a trophy of his day’s hunt- ■ honored by the distinction.
method of disp*»singof the superfluities
“There you nr»*, old fellow. • A fool appeared—did I call to my mind the
Back to M *ssrs. Biydon, Blendon & sire that it should be otherwise.”
ing The skin of the tiger was sent to '
and his ironev,’ etc. Auother illustra- face before me. It was S’aiuing, but Co.’s office, and then into the presence
Mr. Biendon bowed. “I will not con- St. Petersburg, where it is preserved of the Viceregal harem, though prefer­
Staining reckless, desperate. I gasped ot Mr. Bleudon.
tiou of that wise adige.
coal that I shall be glad for it to be uu in the Museum of Natural llutory. able to the oid plan cf sewing them u j
* N>»t exactly fur you don’t suppose an entreaty for mercy.
Ail my anxiety for my poor friend understanding between us that this along with the antlers of the deer »bat iu sacks aud throwing them into t .3
Nile, does not, unfortunately, always •
“Give it to me; I want it. I must j faded away. I was master of tbesitua matter does uot go further.” (I made
I shall take your money ?”
made such a gallant fi^Lit.
mire the domestic happiness of the <’ 1-
“Yes, I do; aud I shall be extremely have it, instantly—inbtantJy I” was the tiou. Briefly I stated my desiie to pay a gesture of asseut.) “Well, then, on
The Siberian tiger is one of the same
boarf-e reply.
unmoved if you muke any difficulty.”
the amount of BtaiLing’a defalcation, that fooling, I will say that Mr. Stain­ species us the royal Bengal tiger, and carded favorite. Ia eno ca>o whi '
“What—what ran you mean ?”
I protested; but presently be said in
and my hope that under the extenuat­ ing shall be entirely absolved and I will attains a size equal to that of bis Ben­ came to my knowledge, i.n ofii ?er iu 1 r
i Egyptian army who » ; foceu honor
“What!” hesuriekid in a maniacal ing circumstances no publicity would even aid him if I can. Yun must, how­
irritation, ‘’Then ba my almoner, aud
galese brethren, though he wears a
.give the money in charity.” Aud he frenzy. “Wretch, my twenty pound«!” be given to the miserable wroug doing. ever, excuse me from taking the tw»n- thicker and warmer coat. The habits ’ iu the above wav, ou seeing his bn
I Lad quite forgotten about this bet
pressed the ujjje back upon me, and
Mr. Blendon heard me with some im­ i ty pounds. I am obliged to you for of the two are pretty much the same; : the fir.-t time after the wedflio ,
found her so unattractive that he re
left abruptly. There are objections to and the twenty pounds; but the dream patience, and before replying, he drew I coming. Good morning.”
the Siberian 1 iger has no home or abid­
ataudiog in the public highway with a set me thinking of what rumors I had a check to “self or bearer” (I could see
I departed, aud I must confess I felt ing-place, but wanders about the forest j fused to live with her, aud persisted )
bank note iu your baud aud a puzzled heard occasionally respecting Staining him do it) for a hundred’pounds. Hav­ the enemy had well covered his retreat, in a very Micawberish mood, waiting bis determination, although warned < t
expression iu your face, so the note was since I left England, that his money ing g:ven this a clerk to get cashed, he aud had not left me a morsel more of for something to turn np. Sometimes I the displeasure which he would incur
I in high quarters. The sequel to the
transferred to iuv pocket, and I went had w’asted, that he had fallen consid­ said to me, arranging his papers the triumph than he could help.
a tiger that has become known by pecu-
my way pondering, when I was met erably in position, and even iuto pover­ while—
However, my object was accomplish- • liar marks is seeu at places two or three story is equally instructive, and tttr>iM
full tilt by’ a clergyman whom I very
“You will excuse my answering j ed, therefore I hastened to meet Stain- hundred miles apart iu a few weeks or I » much light ou Oriental habits aud eus*
well knew.
somewhat Shortly. It cannot be. It is I ing. He was not at the appointed place months, and sometimes be cdheres toms. The husband was appointed tt.e
“Poor fellow,” I now thought, “there not the money we care about, but we and after waiting some time I went to
I “wakil” or deputy of ibe governor of r .
“Hulloa!” he cried. “Mr. Smith,
with considerable persistence to an area
town far away in the interior, and »lur­
both you and I seem to have our rniuds rosy really be something in that dream. must vindicate the law.”
his lodging. It was a shabby house, in of a half-dczen square miles.
ing the absence of his chief on a cam­
bo much occupied to-day that we can­ If bis pride will accept it, he shall have
I declare I was half pleased at the : a by street, not easy to find. The land
When married and on good terms
that money back, and very glad I shall grandiose stjle of his speech. How I lady told me Mr. Staining bad come in
paign had occasion to open the Govern­
not take care of onr bodies.”
i with his spouse, he is less migratory in
1 apologized. “No grave matter of
beautifully he was walking into my an hour ago, and was in his bedroom— his tastes then single; in this respect ment dispatches, uinoog which were
mine,” I said; “but you look sad.
not very well, she thought. She aud I he is not altogether unlike men, whom instructions to the cfLct that lie was
Nothing wrong with you or yours?”
I ventured to suggest that in a case I went up together, and knocked more lie aims to eat, if not to imitate. The himself to be put out cf the way, rith» r
“No, thanks; but I have just loft a ters disposed of, I began to think of like this there was no imperative call to than once. Then I went in. Poor valley of the Arnoor is so thinly peopled by poisoned coffee or other means. The
minor ones, and among the latter the
depressing aceno.
I such a course, aud that forbearance Staining was lying on the bed—dead. that the tiger does not come so closely | officer, aa in duty bonn 1, acknowlefl.r* «1
“A young couple, married iu hot
might rightly be shown.
My first misgivings were happily not in contact with the inhabitant* as be the receipt of the letter intended for
haste.have gradually come to grief. The
“I do not see it, 1 can’t see it,” an­ confirmed. His enfeebled frame wa3 does in the southern part of Asia. his superior, merely adding that dur­
wife and child are ill. Relatives and I
swered Mr. Blendon, crossing his legs unable to stand tho recent wear and There is an abundance of game in the ing the latter’s absence the request it
friends have receded into the remote
with an air of resignation, as much as tea”, and he was now beyond the reach forest, and consequently the tiger preys : contained coni 1 not be complied with
background. And worse than all, the
to say, “The man is a nriisauce, but I of his lollies and his troubles.— English • upon men rather as a luxury than as a i without detriment to tho public service
The brilliant artificial light of the
raust bear with him.” lie resumed — Magazine.
• necessity. If he happens when hungry but that upon his return everything
--------- ------•*- > - -------------- ----------
j should be done as directed.
In the
“Has become intemperate or baa
“You do not appear, sir, to observe
A correspondent of the London Anc? : to meet an unarmed man, he kills him, ! meanwhile I believe the geDtlt?m'‘U
gone mad.”
the immense importance of pnnishiug who writes from Jassy, tells a suuie- and satisfies his appt tite. When once
ling j -wels; but if you want to see a
“Nither one nor the other.”
delii quency of tins kiud. I would not what strange story. Discussing the ef­ he has tasted human fl jsh, he ever utter found it convenient to seek employment
“Something worse?”
take y<>ur money on any account. Dear ficiency of the Roumanian army, he displays a preference for it. The same elsewhere.— Cor. oj th' Ltaiilon
“Yes; for to be dishonest is worse
me ! If I were to let this man off, I says there was a corps of observation i-< the case with (lie Bengal tiger, who dard.
than going mad. And it is such a mere
would be ashamed of myself. He ought composed of those troops stationed at frequently obtains a reputation as a
It is said that oue reason for the
trifle that is needed, apparently, to put lamp, a drizzling rain descending upou to be in custody now, aod he will be
Giurgevo to wat>’h the Turks, and it.
favor which Oregon wo fl me*-ti in the
all straight, that I groan at my inabili­ him, and he, with folded arms, pre­ very shortly. I have just overcome
The natives along the Arnoor have a i
marketsof tho world, i? that itis almo.-t
senting a picture of mute despair. So
ty at the moment to find it.”
some foolish hesitation of my partner. would bb a good thing to exercise them, superstitious dread of the tiger.
universally of unusual evenness of
did I behold Staining. I put may hand
“What is wanted ?’*
The remains of a man who has be en
I am always firm myself.” (Not al- and accustom these untrained soldiers
Woolgrowers s.iy that woeiS
upon his shoulder. He sprang from
“Just twenty pounds.”
ways, Mr. Blendon—not when I last to the sounds of battle. Wo one night killed by one or these beasts ar&buried rdieep are kept in moderate condition
“There’s the money which you re­ me as though I were a wild beast.
saw you. Bat
But I waited a bit. A little he ordered an alarm sounded. lie has without ceremony, and the subject of and never allowed to b ecome poor, the
“I did not want to run away,” he
quire. Haste away, and do all the good
further into my net, please), “and been heard to say that he bitterly re­ his death is rarely mentioned ; it is bo- fl?ece will always be found th’is even*
said, hoarsely, “they knew that, I’ll
you can with it.”
therefore, however sorry I may be, sir, pented having taken so bold a measure, liived that he is offended the Fvil Spirit, but if the growth of tho bo !y ia cheek­
My friend looked astonished, He
I must say NO. Dishonesty is a fear for it took him a week to get the de aud the tiger was sentto k 11 him by way ed ¿¿* poverty and exposure to l ad
even hesitated.
fill thing, and it mnat bo punished. If tachment together again. Tho soldiers of punishment. These natives, the abor­ weauier, the fiber of the fl *nffo will in­
“It is very, very good of you,” he
I were myself to commit an act of this have not yet all been found, and some iginals, never hunt tho t ger, though variably become knot --', weak urfl i n-
J >
said; “but really-----
sometimes, when they find a young
kind, and”—
even. This fact may b<* of service to
are supposed to be running yet.
“Yes, it is Smith, your old compan­
—“I have the power to give it away.
whelp they rear it carefully, and wor­
Why did he stop? I bowed quietly,
the younger she- pr »iser3 in O e<c: .
Good by.” And I hurried off. Then I ion. Pray be composed. Staining,my and rising, said—
A n E xamination .—A good old color­ ship it as a superior being, until it dies
friend, what is all this? Come away,
hastened back to him.
A n * advocate went to visit L.s client,
“You are quite right, Mr. Blendon. ed man named Uncle Jim Hill set him­ of old age. The Russian settlers ou the
“Kindly, on no account mention my
Dishonesty is a terrible thing, and self up as a phrenologist, and a barber Arnoor bav? no reverence for tho tiger, who was in prison, waiting to be tried
on a charge of robbery, Tbn
while not for another moment pressing was bis first subject. He placed the aud hunt him without merer.
“No, as you wish it; but you should fide in me. Y'ou know you can trust my requ est, I know you will forgive barber on a chair, felt of his bead for a
describing his Casa
W anted —The following advertise­ prisoner, in
know that of the objects of your boun­ me. If you are iu trouble, and money my calling to remembrance, before I long time, and then remarked: “Wil-
and protesting his entire innodnticc,
ty.” And ho told me. Then we part­ can help you, you shall not want.” And leave, a curious case known to myself. liam, you is too sanguine, When you ment is by a modest special-»n of was overcome witu emotion aud w, t
ed. I had only gone a dozen yards I took his arm, and we went together. M iy I tell it yon ? Some twenty years leud money you expect it back, You “Young America”—“ Wanted,situa’iou piteously. At the end of the interview,
by a strong, active American yo?th of
And then I heard poor Staining’s con­
when there passed me a young man,
ago, a poor young contfle, not long are bilious. Y oq want to be honest but seventeen, with plenty of muscle, vim as the advocate was leaving the cell. ’*'*
■with a flushed face, and a frightened, fession, and it amounted to this: WheD married, hid fallen into poverty. The I hasn’t the necessary character; you
turned and remarked to tbs prifv • • :
anxious look in his eyes. He caught he bad wasted his money be obtained a wife and infaat were ill. The doctor isn't hopeful; you is bowed down with and health. Not afraid to kuue’.'le “Above all, don’t forget to err .
down to hard work cf any kind; is well
! situation in a merchant’s office. The
tip to my friend and spoke to him.
bad ceased to attend because lie was grief most of de time; you has an ear educated, aud has a good knowledge of that when you appear ir-fur«
“That is the man,” I said to myself, pay, poor enough, was sufficient to not paid. Comforts there were none. for music; you has de worst feet on
W hims are harder to remove t.
“whose proceedings have been dubious, keep him; but even now nothing could Even necessaries were wanting. The Kentucky Street; you is de right sort Lilin. Ambition highly developed,
and who will, I trust, be rescued by restrain him from gambling on a small husband was distracted. He would get ob a man to wheel coal down bill for and brains to back it. Penetration sorrow»-; for time, iusteivi ol wea •
¡Staining’s twenty pounds. Well, if the scale on horse-racing, As a conse­ money, he must get money. His young big wages.” William rose up, pitched sharp as the business end of the hornet, strengthens
-------------------- < >
------------- -----
wheel should turn, and this poor man quence he was soon penuiless, and wife and infant child were well nigh Uncle Jim over the stove and under the and cheek bigger than e.t’ier. Lawyer’s . C onscience is a ternblo -..ashm
sbonld ever be in a position to deliver I worse—dishonest. He had paid a bet­ striving, what was to be done? Stay, bed, aud split a panel out of tiie door office preferred. Highest aud best of to tho villuiu who yet bil .ev in a hi ¡0
a hllow creature from such trouble as tmg d bt out of a twenty pound note stay, Mr. Blendon, I jc »7Z complete my as he went out, * Toe aged phrenologist city references. Any one in search of after.
he himself is now in, by the surrender which tho day before I iret him bad story. The money was obtained, sir— was at the C.ty Hail next evening to such a bonanza will strike oil—a regu­
get advice of the police, and when he
W hen you are in datm,-.'
of twenty pounds, I wonder whether been entrusted to him. Discovery had I Mr. D ‘Dflon. you know how. I need was advised to go out of the trade, he lar sp'>nting well—by addressing
nal enemies, look oat. v
he’ll do it? Smith, you surely know ensued almost instantaneously, and not tell you th it. But in w 1’ at way was replied: ‘ Seems like I shall have to,
human nature woll enough to answer though the luckless man had explained it repaid ere mischief came, and how for l’ze getting too aged to be frown
L ittle children aro the lakes of the is from your own unta,
your own question. Not lie—not e bit that is was od I j through the failure of was the hothead saved—saved from over GQjk-stoves.”
look in.
Sbc 3?otm.